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A Self-Learning Module in English 10

Third Quarter, Module 2

Module in Writing Informative, Persuasive and Argumentative Essay


Use a variety of informative, persuasive, and argumentative writing techniques.

Before starting the module, set aside other tasks that will disturb you in understanding the lesson.
Read the instructions below to successfully accomplish the objectives of this module. Enjoy learning
and writing!

1. Follow the instructions given in every part of this module.

2. Take down important details so you will be reminded of them.
3. Accomplish all the activities given with enthusiasm and certainty.
4. Read articles and listen to news that relate to the activities you need to perform. 5. Be
patient in writing. Practice makes perfect.

EXPECTATIONS In this module, you will use a variety of informative, persuasive, and argumentative
writing techniques.

Specifically, this will help you to:

∙ differentiate informative, persuasive, and argumentative writing;

∙ develop awareness in social issues and concerns; and,

∙ compose a clear and meaningful informative, persuasive, and argumentative essay.

Directions: Circle the letter that corresponds to your answer.
1. This element of writing shows organization of ideas and information. A.
coherence C. mechanics
B. unity D. content
2. This group of words is used to show connection and sequence of ideas and information in writing.
A. phrases C. transitional devices
B. conjunctions D. prepositions
3. This element of writing shows sequence of ideas and information. A.
coherence C. mechanics
B. unity D. content
4. Persuading the readers to believe what you have written can be done by ______. A. building
a logical and convincing argument to support your opinion
B. using transitional devices showing contrast to organize your ideas
C. supporting your argument with facts and examples
D. giving your point of view about the topic
5. In an argumentative paper, the argument must be clearly stated in the ___. A.
introduction C. conclusion
B. thesis statement D. body

Directions: Name the parts of an essay.

Image: google.com


Writing is a form of communication that allows students to express their

thoughts and feelings, to organize their knowledge /ideas
and beliefs into convincing arguments, and to convey meaning
through well-constructed text.

In this lesson you will use variety of informative, persuasive, and argumentative
writing techniques.

An informative essay is written to inform the reader. It is sometimes called an

informative article or an expository essay, the intention is to educate the reader – to inform them
on a particular subject or topic. It has no intention to present an argument, or to convince the
reader to change his/her belief or opinion. The best informative essays are not only educational,
they are also interesting and thought provoking.


The informative essay outline is written in the standard essay style. It consists of:

An introduction + thesis statement. It presents the main argument in an exciting and

interesting manner.
3 Body Paragraphs. Body paragraph is used to support the thesis created in the introduction.
The Conclusion. It will wrap up the information and present its significance in the real world.

A persuasive essay is written to persuade the reader. The writer attempts to get the
reader to agree with his point of view. He presents arguments, research, and ideas to convince
the reader.


Introductory Paragraph
-Grabs the reader’s attention by using a “hook.”
-Gives an overview of the argument.
-Closes with a thesis statement that reveals the position to be argued.

Body Paragraphs
-Each body paragraph should focus on one piece of evidence.
-Within each paragraph, provide sufficient supporting detail.
Opposing View Paragraph
-Describe and then refute the key points of the opposing view.
Concluding Paragraph
-Restate and reinforce the thesis and supporting evidence.

The argumentative essay requires the writer to investigate a topic; collect, generate,
and evaluate evidence; and establish a position on the topic in a concise manner.

This type of writing is basically a debate, typed out on paper. As you write an
argumentative essay, you must be aware of the pros and cons of the argument. The
only instance when you can put an opinion under suspicion is when you have proof.
Activity 1.1: What statement is that?
Objective: Identify whether the statement is informative, persuasive, or argumentative.
Write your answer on the space provided before each number.

___________________1. According to the survey, 3 out of 100 Filipinos suffer from

anxiety and depression.
___________________2. Stock markets worldwide are down, and millions of small to
medium-sized businesses have closed, causing unemployment to millions of people.
___________________3. Many people showed compassion and helped the needy in
this time of crisis.
___________________4. The tourism industry was greatly affected this pandemic,
since people stay at home for fear of contracting the disease.
___________________5. The country’s weak preparedness in epidemic/ pandemic was
demonstrated during COVID-19 crisis.

____________________ 6. Many Filipinos blamed the government system for delay
and poor response in the crisis.
___________________7. I believe that the healthcare system of our country must be
strengthened with or without pandemic.
___________________8. The best way to face this pandemic is to be proactive rather
than reactive.
___________________9. The virus can spread from a contaminated person to another
through physical contact, either directly through touching, or indirectly via a
contaminated surface.
___________________10. Both negative and positive values of the Filipino were
manifested during the pandemic.
Activity 1.2: Pandemic Expression of Thoughts
Objective: Compose a clear and meaningful informative, persuasive, and
argumentative essay.
1. Watch the videos on the links given.
Informative: https://youtu.be/DCdxsnRF1Fk
Understanding COVID-19 and How to Stay Safe
Persuasive: https://youtu.be/yLnrnv-SAJ8
Ex-Health Chief Underscores Need to Strengthen ‘Primitive” PH
Healthcare System
Argumentative: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cd2Awc2Qb_M
Robredo: Travel Ban Should Cover Whole China | The World

2. Compose an essay of each type based on the videos.

3. Write with a minimum of 250 words and maximum of 400 words. 4. Write your final
output on a one whole sheet of paper following the guidelines given in the Brief
Introduction and Remember part of this module.
5. Be guided by the rubric below.

Criteria 4 / Excellent 3 / Very Good 2 / Good 1 / Needs Improvement
Organization Logical, compelling Overall, the paper Progression of Arrangement of
progression of ideas.is logically develop- ideas is awkward, ideas is
Showcases the ed. Progression of yet moves the and illogical. It
central idea and ideas makes sense reader through the lacks clear
moves the reader and moves the text with confusion.direction.
through the text. reader easily
through the text.
Unity The topic is clear The topic is mostly The topic is vague The topic is not and focused.
focused and has and too broad, but well-defined and/or Relevant details some good details.
some sense of there are too many enrich the central purpose is topics.
theme. maintained.
Coherence Effective, mature, Strong transitions Transitions appear Few transitions or
graceful transitions exist throughout sporadically, but no transitions are
exist throughout the essay. not equally through-present.
the essay. out the essay.
Grammar Manipulates Uses complex Uses compound Uses simple complex
sentences sentences. sentences. sentences.
for effect/impact.
Mechanics Punctuation and There are one or There are three or There are four or
capitalization are two errors in more errors in more errors in
correct. punctuation and/ punctuation and/ punctuation and/ or
capitalization. or capitalization. or capitalization.

❖ An informative essay outline is written to inform the reader. It is sometimes
called an informative article or an expository essay, the intention is to educate
the reader – to inform them on a particular subject or topic.
❖ Writing an outline is not obligatory. Experts recommend writing this part, in any

case, to prevent oneself from facing a writer’s block in the middle of the process. ❖ A
persuasive essay is written to persuade the reader. The writer attempts to get the
reader to agree with his point of view. He presents arguments, research, and ideas
to convince the reader.
❖ In a persuasive essay, it is the writer’s job to convince the reader to accept a
particular point of view or take a specific action. Persuasive essays require good
research, awareness of the reader’s biases, and a solid understanding of both
sides of the issue. A good persuasive essay demonstrates not only why the
writer’s opinion is correct, but also why the opposing view is incorrect.

❖ An argumentative writing approach is more formal and academic. The writer
must back up his or her argument with hard evidence. Argumentative writing
must dig a little deeper and refer to scientific studies and quotes from experts.
❖ An argumentative essay is based on logic and reasons while a persuasive essay
is based on emotions and personal opinions. When it comes to preparation,
before writing an argumentative essay, the writer needs to do a thorough
research on the subject, but does not need to have the knowledge about the
audience. On the other hand, the writer can write a persuasive essay even
without doing much research, but he should have certain knowledge about the


Thinking Questions: Answer the following questions based on your learning.
1. What is the importance of following an outline in writing?

2. Why are accurate information and data important in

writing? 3. How can you attain a clear and meaningful writing?

Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct or FALSE if the statement is

wrong. 1. Argumentative essay is more formal than a persuasive one.

2. Persuasive essay is composed of opinionated statements.

3. Informative essay intends to argue regarding a certain issue.

4. Persuasive essay deals with facts, data, and hard evidence rather than pure emotion
about an issue.

5. Informative essays attempts to get a reader’s attention to agree with the

writer’s point of view.

Directions: On the blanks provided, write your reflections on the importance of
informative, persuasive, and argumentative writing in connection to the pandemic crisis

1. Giving the right and accurate information about COVID-19 is

___________________________ because it will ___________________________.

2. I must persuade my family to ________________________during this pandemic so

we ________________________________.

3. Arguments, for me, nowadays are _________________because


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