70 Series IEC 61850 Protocol Manual - RevQ - FINAL
70 Series IEC 61850 Protocol Manual - RevQ - FINAL
70 Series IEC 61850 Protocol Manual - RevQ - FINAL
June 8, 2016
ML0034 Document Revision Q
© 2016 by Bitronics, LLC
70 Series Table of Contents Introduction
Bitronics 70 Series IED IEC61850 Protocol Manual
3.2 Objective 20
This Bitronics 70 Series IEC61850 Protocol Manual is made up of the following sections
The following table provides the most recent firmware and software versions. For best results, the
Configurator version used should match with the firmware version. A complete list of firmware and software
versions is provided on the 70 Series Utilities CD.
Firmware Versions
Bios DSP Host Config- ICD file Utilities Release
Description Version Firmware Firmware urator version CD Date
M870 Family
Mx7x Product Release,
New Hardware supported
Dual Bus, Analog I/O 2.1/3.0* 1.210 2.050 2.31 2.43 03/24/06
Mx7x Updated Release 2.1/3.0* " 2.060 2.32 2.44 04/14/06
Mx7x Updated Release 2.1/3.0* 1.240 2.120 2.39 2.50 10/01/06
M87x Updated Release 2.1/3.0* 1.240 2.150 2.41 2.52 12/18/06
M87x Product Release,
Fault Location, Adjustable
Sample Rate 3.40 1.30 2.170 2.43 2.56 12/21/07
M87x Product Release; Add
Demand per phase for
Watts ,VAr, & VA.
Configurator & BiView
improvements w/ modems.
Change to Digital I/O
default watchdog contact
(Configurator setup; not
firmware dependent).
Support new version of
hardware on P3x, P4x 3.40 1.30 2.18 3.00A 2.57 10/17/08
M87x Product Release:
Added 1mHz accuracy on
M87x. Improved poll rate
from 500ms to 100ms for a
single P40 transducer
inputs module (M87x).
Fault distance configuration
is changed. Time sync with
respect to DNP master is
changed from the DNP
master jamming the time to
asking the master what time
to jam. Increased
waveform recording limit
from 999 post trigger for 3.40 1.31 2.19 3.02 2.58 09/30/2009
M87x Product Release,
IEC61850 & SNTP; Avg 3-
Ph Amps and Avg 3-Ph
Volts. MCL file v1.01. 3.40 1.30 3.01.0 3.01 1.01 3.01 1/30/2009
ML0034 June 8, 20156 ii Copyright 2016 Bitronics, LLC.
70 Series Background Information Introduction
Bitronics 70 Series IED IEC61850 Protocol Manual
Firmware Versions
Bios DSP Host Config- ICD file Utilities Release
Description Version Firmware Firmware urator version CD Date
M87x Product Release:
Added 1mHz accuracy on
M87x. Improved poll rate
from 500ms to 100ms for a
single P40 transducer
inputs module (M87x).
Fault distance configuration
is changed. Time sync with
respect to DNP master is
changed from the DNP
master jamming the time to
asking the master what time
to jam. Increased
waveform recording limit
from 999 post trigger for 3.40 1.31 3.02 3.02 1.01 3.02 09/30/2009
l di
M87x Product Release:
Added virtual I/O to DR.
Added Peak Fault Current
Measurement. Improved
password security. Added
support for control
characters for SMS. 3.40 1.31 3.04 3.04 1.01 3.04 10/15/2010
M87x Product Release:
Added support for dual
peak current input range
M872 (S16, S17), IEEE
C37.232 naming
convention, periodic
triggering, and 4 IEC 61850
buffered reports 3.40 1.32 3.05 3.05 1.02 3.05 2/28/2011
M87x Product Release:
Increased pre- and post-
trigger time on disturbance
recorders, modified base
memory to 1MB 3.40 1.32 3.07 3.07 1.02 3.07 11/11/11
M87x Product Release:
Fixed FtN1 failure mode. 3.40 1.32 3.07.3 3.07 1.02 3.07 2/1/2012
M87x Product Release:
IED responds with error if
client tries to set qchg bit 3.40 1.32 3.07.4 3.07 1.02 3.07 2/15/2012
M57x/87x Release: fixes
incorrect error code when
trying to set unsupported
RCB optional fields. 3.40 1.32 3.07.6 3.07 1.02 3.07 3/13/2012
M57x/87x Release:fixed
incorrect neg. error resp. for
test SrvN3 (set mismatching
data types) 3.40 1.32 3.07.7 3.07 1.02 3.07 3/15/2012
M57x/87x Release:support
for H12 & new MMS stack N/A 1.33 4.00.0 4.00 1.03 4.00 11/30/2012
Firmware Versions
Bios DSP Host Config- ICD file Utilities Release
Description Version Firmware Firmware urator version CD Date
M57x/87x Production
Release: Deadbands now
supported N/A 1.33 4.02.0 4.02 1.04 4.02 4/25/13
M57x/87x - TrgOps write
w/unsupported bits
(Alstom), various fixes N/A 1.33 4.07.0 4.04 1.04 4.04 10/24/13
M57x/87x – Change BCR
actVal TYPE to INT32, add
Amp & Vol to TCTR &
TVTR, change SPC SBO
type to VisString65 N/A 1.33 4.08.0 4.05 1.05 4.04 6/26/14
M57x/87x – fix deadbands
reporting value problem N/A 1.33 4.08.1 4.05 1.05 4.04 7/1/14
M57x/87x – fix IED
description strings (vendor,
etc) to match SCL (ICD) file N/A 1.33 4.08.2 4.05 1.05 4.05 7/28/14
M57x/87x – set GOOSE
stNum & sqNum to 1 after 1.33 M57x
GoEna transition to TRUE N/A 1.34 M87x 4.08.3 4.06 1.05 n/a 12/15/14
M57x/87x – change
ObjectReference length to 1.33 M57x
65 (Ed 1). It was 129 (Ed2). N/A 1.34 M87x 4.08.4 4.08 1.05 4.08 12/19/14
M87x – Add double point
status object for input bit
pairs, add IEC61850
support for P33 module. N/A 1.34 4.11.0 4.11 1.06 4.11 6/8/16
* H10/H11
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photocopied, reproduced, translated or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form without
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Please refer to the M87x and M57x User Manuals, ML0021 and ML0032 respectively, for information
regarding safety, installation, commissioning and decommissioning.
Section 1
1.1 Introduction
IEC61850 is the international standard for Ethernet-based communication in substations. It
enables integration of all protection, control, measurement and monitoring functions within a
substation, and additionally provides the means for interlocking and inter-tripping. It combines
the convenience of Ethernet with the security which is essential in substations today.
Bitronics has been involved in the Working Groups which formed the standard, building on
experience gained with UCA2.0, the predecessor of IEC61850.
The 70 Series Measurement, Recording and Network I/O IEDs, models M57x and M87x,
support the IEC61850 protocol over the Ethernet interface. M57x and M87x models are
designed to integrate with substation control systems (ie. Alstom MiCOM protection relays
integrated with PACiS substation control systems).
Standardized models for IEDs and other equipment within the substation
Standardized communication services (the methods used to access and exchange data)
High-speed data rates (currently 100 Mbits/s, rather than 10’s of kbits/s or less used by
most serial protocols)
1.2.1 Interoperability
A major benefit of IEC61850 is interoperability. IEC61850 standardizes the data model of
substation IEDs. This responds to the utilities’ desire of having easier integration for different
vendors’ products, i.e. interoperability. It means that data is accessed in the same manner in
different IEDs from either the same or different IED vendors, even though, for example, the
measurement and protection algorithms of different vendors’ IED (or device) types remain
When a device is described as IEC61850-compliant, this does not mean that it is
interchangeable, but it does mean that it is interoperable. You cannot simply replace one
product with another, however the terminology is pre-defined and anyone with prior knowledge
of IEC 61850 should be able to very quickly integrate a new device without the need for
mapping of all of the new data. IEC61850 will inevitably bring improved substation
communications and interoperability, at a lower cost to the end user.
1.2.2 Summary of 70 Series IEC61850 Features (Based on part 7-2 of the IEC61850 standard)
This table summarizes the IEC61850 features for M57x or M87x type devices.
Server Model
Section 6 3 logical devices – Measurements, Records, System (Mx71, Mx72) or
1 logical device – System (M878)
1 File Directory (of COMTRADE files)
Two Party Application Association Model – used for normal data and (non -
Section 7 GOOSE) reporting. Includes a simple method to inhibit writing for view-
only applications
Multicast Association Model – used for GOOSE messaging
Logical Device
Section 8
Mx7x Measurement IEDs
Logical Nodes
50+ Logical Nodes as defined in the Model Implementation Conformance
Statement (MICS). Exact Count is dependent upon device configuration
(for example, number of physical I/O points, which can vary based on the
Section 9 installed options )
No pre-defined datasets
32 pre-defined URCBs (Unbuffered Report Control Blocks) in System/LLN0
4 pre-defined BRCBs (Buffered Report Control Blocks) in System/LLN0
8 pre-defined GoCB (GOOSE Control Blocks) in System/LLN0
Section 10 Includes all features except access controls (however, the writability of
points depends upon association parameters)
Section 11 26 definable datasets with FCD/FCDA capability. (A dataset consists of a
named list of variables)
Section 12
NOT SUPPORTED in 70 Series
Settings Groups
Section 13
NOT SUPPORTED in 70 Series
Report Control Blocks (and Reports)
32 indexed UCRBs (Unbuffered Report Control Blocks)
Power-on configurability includes cbName (control block name) and DatSet
Dynamic configurability includes RptID (report ID), OptFlds (option fields),
Section 14 BufTm (buffer time), and TrgOps (trigger options).
4 indexed BRCB (Buffered Report Control Blocks).
LCBs (Logic Control Blocks) are UNSUPPORTED
Dynamic RCBs (Report Control Blocks) are UNSUPPORTED. (new RCBs
cannot be created after power-on once the configuration reboot occurs to
accept the 61850 configuration).
Data Attribute
stVal Mag
(GGIO) (MMXU) Logical Node
(1 to n)
Logical Device
Logical Device
(IED1) (1 to n)
Wrapper/Logical Node Instance – Identifies the major functional areas within the
IEC 61850 data model. Either 3 or 6
characters are used as a prefix to define the
functional group (wrapper) while the actual
functionality is identified by a 4 character
Logical Node name suffixed by an instance
number. For example, GGIO1 (generic
ML0034 June 8, 2016 3 Copyright 2016 Bitronics, LLC.
IEC 61850 Implementation Details Section 1
Bitronics 70 Series IED IEC61850 Protocol Manual
Finally, the user will be prompted if they would like the Mx70 IED to be
automatically restarted. The user should answer 'yes' in order for the active bank
switch to take effect during the next power cycle.
The user should also make a backup copy of their configuration. This
can be done using the "File-Save" or "File->Save As" menu options which
saves a backup copy of the MCL file to the local PC. It should be noted
that in addition to creating 'new' IEC61850 configurations using ICD
template files, the IED Configurator tool gives the user the ability to
import and export the following types of IEC61850 SCL files;
Importing -
Substation Configuration Description files (SCD)
Configured IED Description files (CID)
Individual IED Description files (IID)
Exporting -
Configured IED Description files (CID)
Individual IED Description files (IID)
IED Configuration Description files (ICD)
Substation Configuration Description files (SCD)
Extensible Markup Language files (XML)
In order to communicate with an IEC61850 device, it is necessary to set it’s Ethernet IP
address. Before configuring an Mx70 device on the TCP/IP network you will need to
determine the IP address for the device. An IP address is needed to enter a configuration
for an Mx70 device, using the 70 Series Configurator and the IEC61850 IED Configurator
software tools. The IP address can be retrieved or changed though the P1 service port
(serial port) by establishing a connection through HyperTerminal. (Refer to the relevant
Host section in either the M87x or M57x user manual if you need to acquaint yourself with
the connection to and operation over the service port P1.) It is recommended that before
establishing a TCP/IP connection that the IP address be changed from the factory default
address of to the IP address to be assigned for the IED.
A serial connection to the Mx70 device’s P1 service port can be used to obtain the IP
address from an Mx70 device. The service port operating with HyperTerminal allows the IP
address to be retrieved and changed by typing the “ip” command. You are prompted to
enter a new IP address.
During the configuration process you will enter the device’s IP address. The IP address is
entered starting with the 70 Series Configurator while in the Identity menu page. On the
Identity menu page, a radio button allows the user to select the source from which the IP
address (and SNTP addressing) will be loaded. The IP address can be obtained by either
loading it from the INI file or the MCL file. If any change is made to the IP address by way
of the “IEC61850 IED Configurator”, the IP address may not be written to the Mx70 device’s
IDENTITY INI file. As a result, it is possible that the 70 Series Configurator Identity page
may not indicate the actual IP address. It is always a good practice to determine the IP
address before the configuration process is initiated.
In order to communicate with an IEC61850 device, it is necessary to know it’s Ethernet address.
This IP address can then be configured into either:
An IEC61850 “client” (or master). For example, a computer or Human Machine Interface
An “MMS browser”, with which the full data model can be retrieved from the IED. Note that
an MMS browser, such as SISCO’s MMS Object Explorer, may be required in order to
browse and verify IEC61850 objects that have been configured for the Mx70 device.
1.3.1 Capability
The IEC61850 interface provides the following capabilities:
1. Read access to measurements
All measurands are presented using the measurement Logical Nodes, in the
‘Measurements’ Logical Device. Reported measurement values are refreshed by the IED
once per second, in line with the IEDs user interface
2. Generation of unbuffered reports on change of status/measurement
Through the 61850 client, reports are enabled when the RptEna bit is set to a value of 1
in the Unbuffered and Buffered Report Control Blocks (URCB and BRCB). When reports
are enabled, any change of state in statuses and/or measurements (which includes
‘measurements’ and such number-of-COMTRADE files, for example
“Records/WrxRDRE1$ST$FltNum$stVal”, where the fault number indicates the
COMTRADE file count; the COMTRADE file count is the next number to be assigned) are
reported to the client. Unbuffered and Buffered Report Control Blocks (URCB and BRCB)
can be configured in Mx70 devices by using the “IEC 61850 Configurator” tool, however
the client must set the RptEna to 1 in order to enable a report to be sent to the client. For
the purpose of viewing the contents of reports, an MMS browser can be used as the client
performing that purpose. If using a browser such as SISCO's MMS Object Explorer, a
Report Control Block (RCB) can be enabled by right clicking on the RCB (such as
urcb01), selecting "Monitor Reports", then clicking on the RCB (such as urcb01) and
selecting "Enable Reports.
are the records created from the 2 Disturbance recorders and the 2 Waveform recorders
in the Mx70 device. The record is extracted as an ASCII format COMTRADE file.
Setting changes are not supported in the current IEC61850 implementation. In order to keep
this process as simple as possible, such setting changes would be done using the 70 Series
Configurator and the “IEC61850 IED Configurator” (MiCOM S1 support software) over the
Ethernet link. A reboot of the device is necessary for the configuration to take effect after
changing any of the configurable parameters for an Mx70 device.
Inactive Configuration Bank (MC2 file is previous configuration file stored in E:\Config
on Mx70 device)
Any new configuration to the Mx70 device will be automatically stored into the inactive
configuration bank, therefore not immediately affecting the current configuration
When the upgrade or maintenance stage is complete, the 61850 IED Configurator tool will
prompt the user to make the configuration (to a single IED) active. A reboot of the Mx70 device
is necessary in order for the configuration to be activated, authorizing the activation of the new
configuration contained in the inactive configuration bank, by switching the active and inactive
configuration banks. This technique ensures that the system down-time is minimized while
enabling the new configuration.
GOOSE Analog Input - AnIn# (floating point), where # will be a number between
These inputs for a GOOSE message would be mapped in the IEC61850 IED Configurator. The
61850 IED Configurator tool is used to configure GOOSE publishing and GOOSE subscribing.
It is only possible to publish a GOOSE from System/LLN0.in the “IEC61850 IED Configurator”.
To subscribe to a GOOSE, use System/GosGGIO1 to configure the GOOSE form the
“IEC61850 IED Configurator” tool.
Each GOOSE signal contained in a subscribed GOOSE message can be mapped to any of the
32 GOOSE binary inputs, 32 GOOSE integer inputs, and 32 GOOSE float inputs. These virtual
inputs used by the GOOSE message allow the mapping to internal logic functions for protection
control, directly to output contacts, or to LEDs for monitoring.
Once the binary, integer, and analog points are mapped in a particular application a GOOSE
message should be usable in order to cause trigger conditions for other devices (e.g cross
triggering between Mx70 devices), where a 2nd IED is configured by programming a trigger
condition expected to be contained in the dataset received in a GOOSE message. When the
trigger occurs (such as a binary state change) a GOOSE message results, containing a dataset
that can be mapped to the 2nd IEDs GOOSE inputs (either the binary inputs, integer inputs, or
analog floating point inputs) and used to trigger that IED on the network, based on the values or
measurements contained in the dataset
The Mx70 IEDs can subscribe to all GOOSE messages but only the following data types can be
decoded and mapped to the inputs (binary, integer, and float) supported by the GOOSE.
Section 2 PICS
2.1 Introduction
This section is the Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) and presents the ACSI
conformance statements as defined in Annex A of Part 7-2 of the IEC61850 standard.
The 70 Series IEC61850 standard implementation shall conform to the Protocol Implementation
Conformance Statement below:
Client-Server roles
SCSMs supported
O – Optional
M – Mandatory
Y – Yes (supported)
N – No (not supported)
M1 Logical device c2 N c2 Y
M2 Logical node c3 N c3 Y
M3 Data c4 N c4 Y
M4 Data set c5 N c5 Y
M5 Substitution O N O N
M6 Setting group control O N O N
M7 Buffered report control O N O Y
M7-1 sequence-number Y
M7-2 report-time-stamp Y
M7-3 reason-for-inclusion Y
M7-4 data-set-name Y
M7-5 data-reference Y
M7-6 buffer-overflow Y
M7-7 entryID Y
M7-8 BufTim Y
M7-9 IntgPd Y
M7-10 GI Y
M7-11 conf-revision (revision 2 adds this row entry)
M8 Unbuffered report control O N O Y
M8-1 sequence-number Y
M8-2 report-time-stamp Y
M8-3 reason-for-inclusion Y
M8-4 data-set-name Y
M8-5 data-reference Y
M8-6 BufTim Y
M8-7 IntgPd Y
M8-8 GI Y
M8-9 conf-revision (revision 2 adds this row entry)
Logging O N O N
M9 Log control O N O N
M9-1 IntgPd N N
M10 Log O N O N
M11 Control M N M Y
M12-1 entryID (revision 2 removes this row entry) N
Time (5.5)
T1 Time resolution of internal clock 20 (1µs) nearest negative
power of 2 in
T2 Time accuracy of internal clock T0
ML0034 June 8, 2016 17 Copyright 2016 Bitronics, LLC.
PICS Section for IEC 61850 Section 2
Bitronics 70 Series IED IEC61850 Protocol Manual
Section 3 MICS
3.1 Introduction
This specification is the Model Implementation Conformance Statement (MICS) and presents the
top-level IEC61850 data model that has been implemented. The definitions of all used Logical
Nodes and their associated Common Data Classes, components and associated enumerated
values are also included for completeness.
The reader is expected to be conversant with the terminology presented within the IEC61850 part 7
series of specifications.
3.2 Objective
To provide comprehensive details of the standard data object model elements supported by each
one of the logical devices - M571, M572 (Dual Feeder), M572 (Breaker & ½), M871, M872 (Dual
Feeder), M872 (Breaker & ½.) and M878 (Network I/O). The MICS is conformant to the devices
associated ICD (Substation Configuration Language) file, according to part 6 of the IEC61850
standards. The layout of the presented tables within this document is conformant to the Part 7
series of the IEC61850 standard specifications with the following exceptions:
• The "Trigger Options" field is not presented within the data object tables.
• The "M/O" (Mandatory/Optional) field is not present in the data object tables, as the definitions
are as deployed within the models
• An additional column "X" is used to signify Bitronics custom objects or attributes
Logical Comment/Usage
Control This Domain is not used in any of the Mx70 Logical Devices
Measurements Mx70 Series Measurements Domains: Measurement Domains are used for each
Measurements Logical Devices.
M571, M572 Dual Feeder, M572 Breaker & ½
M871, M872 Dual Feeder, M872 Breaker & ½
Protection This Domain is not used in any of the Mx70 Logical Devices
Records Mx70 Series Records Domain for the Records Logical Devices:
M571, M572 Dual Feeder, M572 Breaker & ½
M871, M872 Dual Feeder, M872 Breaker & ½
System Mx70 Series System Domain for the System Logical Devices:
M571, M572 Dual Feeder, M572 Breaker & ½
M871, M872 Dual Feeder, M872 Breaker & ½
Logical Comment/Usage
Note 1 (applies for M87x tables 4-7): GGIOx - The GGIO suffix number indicated by x in the LN
instance name represents the logical slot number that has been configured through the 70 Series
Configurator. A maximum number of seven (7) times the number of logical nodes are possible with
an M87x due to the logical slot configuration for LN Instance. It is possible for the GGIO logical
slots to range from 1 though 7 for M87x. (i.e. GGIO1-GGIO7), which differs from M57x where the
number of logical slots is fixed at 1 (i.e. GGIO1).
During Configuration, Digital I/O slot numbers 0-6 map to logical slots GGIO1-GGIO7. Transducer
(Analogue) Input slot numbers 1-7 map to logical slots GGIO1-GGIO7. For Digital I/O modules,
P30 and P31, the slot numbers 0-6 must be incremented by 1 to obtain the GGIOx logical slot
number, however for Transducer Input module P40 the assigned slot number is the GGIO logical
slot number. For example if two Digital I/O modules are assigned to logical slot numbers 0 and 2
and one Transducer (Analogue) Input module is assigned logical slot 3, then GGIO1 would consist
of one Digital I/O module, while GGIO3 would consist of 1 Digital I/O and 1 Transducer input
module. However, if the two Digital I/O modules are assigned to logical slot numbers 0 and 3 and
the (Analogue) Transducer Input module is assigned logical slot 3, then GGIO1 would consist of
one Digital I/O module, GGIO3 would consist of 1 Transducer input module, and GGIO4 would
consist of 1 Digital I/O module.
For M87x models the total number of logical slots will depend upon the chassis size, the number of
slots that can be assigned for GGIO, and whether the digital and analogue are grouped together
(such as P30+P40 grouped together to represent one logical node) or kept separate.
Please note that the P32 I/O wrap-around module serves a specialized function, and therefore is
not included in the IEC61850 object model for M87x Series IEDs.
Table 1 – M571
Table 4 – M871
System I/O Options (GGIO Logical slot numbers may range from 1 -7).
Chose option No GGIO option No GGIO No generic Process I/O
based on option
logical slot
Chose option GGIOx GGIO_1 Generic Process I/O (P30)
based on
logical slot (see Note 1) GGIO for logical slot x-1: 8DI/4DO
Chose option GGIOx GGIO_2 Generic Process I/O (P31)
based on
logical slot (see Note 1) GGIO for logical slot x-1: 16DI/4DO
Chose option GGIOx GGIO_10 Generic Process I/O (P33)
based on
logical slot (see Note 1) GGIO for logical slot x-1: 8DO
Chose option GGIOx GGIO_4 Generic Process I/O (P30+P40)
based on
logical slot (see Note 1) GGIO for logical slot x-1 (P30) & logical slot x
configuration (P40): 8DI/4DO/8AI
System I/O Options (GGIO Logical slot numbers may range from 1-7).
Choose option No GGIO option No GGIO No generic Process I/O
based on option
logical slot
Choose option GGIOx GGIO_1 Generic Process I/O (P30)
based on
logical slot (see Note 1) GGIO for logical slot x-1: 8DI/4DO
Choose option GGIOx GGIO_2 Generic Process I/O (P31)
based on
logical slot (see Note 1) GGIO for logical slot x-1: 16DI/4DO
Choose option GGIOx GGIO_10 Generic Process I/O (P33)
based on
logical slot (see Note 1) GGIO for logical slot x-1: 8DO
Choose option GGIOx GGIO_4 Generic Process I/O (P30+P40)
based on
logical slot (see Note 1) GGIO for logical slot x-1 (P30) & logical slot x
configuration (P40): 8DI/4DO/8AI
LD LN Instance LN Description
LD LN Instance LN Description
LD LN Instance LN Description
System I/O Options (GGIO Logical slot numbers may range from 1 -7).
Choose option No GGIO option No GGIO No generic Process I/O
based on logical option
slot configuration
Choose option GGIOx GGIO_1 Generic Process I/O (P30)
based on logical
slot configuration (see Note 1) GGIO for logical slot x-1: 8DI/4DO
LD LN Instance LN Description
LLN0 LLN0_1 System Logical Device
Can only Publish GOOSE in System/LLN0
LPHD1 LPHD_0 Physical Device Information
GosGGIO1 GGIO_8 GOOSE Input Status
(GOOSE Subscriptions are done here)
System I/O Options (GGIO Logical slot numbers may range from 1 -7).
Choose option No GGIO option No GGIO No generic Process I/O
based on logical option
slot configuration
Choose option GGIOx GGIO_1 Generic Process I/O (P30)
based on logical
slot configuration (see Note 1) GGIO for logical slot x-1: 8DI/4DO
GGIO_0 (GGIO) Generic Process I/O – M57x with option of 4 Digital Inputs / 4 IEC 61850-7-
Digital Outputs 4:2003
GGIO_1 (GGIO) Generic Process I/O – M87x with option of 8 Digital Inputs/4 IEC 61850-7-
Digital Outputs 4:2003
GGIO_2 (GGIO) Generic Process I/O – M87x with option of 16 Digital inputs/4 IEC 61850-7-
Digital outputs 4:2003
GGIO_3 (GGIO) Generic Process I/O – M57x with option of 4 Digital Inputs/ 4 IEC 61850-7-
Digital Outputs/ 4 Analog Inputs 4:2003
GGIO_4 (GGIO) Generic Process I/O – M87x with options of 8 Digital inputs / 4 IEC 61850-7-
Digital outputs / 8 Analog inputs 4:2003
GGIO_5 (GGIO) Generic Process I/O – M87x with options of 16 Digital inputs / IEC 61850-7-
4 Digital outputs / 8 Analog inputs 4:2003
GGIO_6 (GGIO) Generic Process I/O - M57x with option of 4 Analog Inputs IEC 61850-7-
GGIO_7 (GGIO) Generic Process I/O - M87x with option of 8 Analog Inputs IEC 61850-7-
GGIO_8 (GGIO) Generic Process I/O - GOOSE Message IEC 61850-7-
GGIO_9 (GGIO) Generic Process I/O – Virtual Output signals IEC 61850-7-
GGIO_10 (GGIO) Generic Process I/O – M87x with option of 8 Digital Outputs IEC 61850-7-
GGIO_11 (GGIO) Generic Process I/O – M87x with options of 8 Digital outputs / IEC 61850-7-
8 Analog inputs 4:2003
LLN0_0 (LLN0) Common information for the logical device which applies to IEC 61850-7-
logical nodes in the Measurements and Records Domains 4:2003
LLN0_1 (LLN0) Common information for logical device, which applies to IEC 61850-7-
logical nodes in the System Domain 4:2003
LPHD_0 (LPHD) Mx70 Physical Device Information IEC 61850-7-
MADV_0 (MADV) Advanced Measurements Bitronics NS
(Custom LN definition is found in this section of the manual) Not Standard
MFLK_0 (MFLK) Flicker measurements Bitronics NS
(Custom LN definition is found in this section of the manual) Not Standard
MFLO_0 (MFLO) Fault Distance Measurement calculated for a Fault Location Bitronics NS
(Custom LN definition is found in this section of the manual) Not Standard
MHAI_0 (MHAI) Harmonic information for Volts and Amps without the IEC 61850-7-
individual harmonics 4:2003
MHAI_1 (MHAI) Harmonic information for Volts only (No Amps) without the IEC 61850-7-
individual harmonics 4:2003
MHAI_2 (MHAI) Harmonic information for Volts and Amps, etc. including the IEC 61850-7-
individual harmonics, phase related K factor and harmonic 4:2003
(Provides measurements of individual harmonic magnitudes
and angles for polyphase analogue values.)
(LN is extended to include custom measurements)
MHAI_3 (MHAI) Harmonic information for Volts only (No Amps), etc. including IEC 61850-7-
the individual harmonics and harmonic demand. 4:2003
(Provides measurements of individual harmonic magnitudes
and angles for polyphase analogue values for voltage only.)
(LN is extended to include custom measurements)
MMXN_0 (MMXN) Auxiliary voltage Measurements for M871 or Dual Feeder IEC 61850-7-
Reference voltage measurements for Mx72 4:2003
MTMP_0 (MTMP) Internal Ambient Temperature for the logical device Bitronics NS
(Custom LN definition is found in this section of the manual) Not Standard
RDRE_0 (RDRE) Disturbance Recorder function IEC 61850-7-
TCTR_0 (TCTR) Current Transformer (CT) – per Bus and phase IEC 61850-7-
TVTR_0 (TVTR) Voltage Transformer (VT) - per Bus and phase , IEC 61850-7-
Auxiliary Voltage Measurements (M871) or Reference Voltage 4:2003
Measurements for Dual Feeder (572, M872)
3.4.16 Logical Node: MADV_0 (Custom LN not contained in IEC61850 part 7-4 definitions)
Description: Advanced Measurements
LN Class: MADV (Custom LN Class not contained in IEC61850 part 7-4 definitions)
3.4.17 Logical Node: MLFK_0 (Custom LN not contained in IEC61850 part 7-4 definitions)
Description: Flicker Measurements
LN Class: MFLK (Custom LN Class not contained in IEC61850 part 7-4 definitions)
This LN shall be used for calculation of flicker including voltage fluctuations according to IEC
Standard 61000-4-15. The main use is for operative applications
Note: Delta class (DEL_0) used for multi-phase measurements for WYE or DELTA connections
since neutral is not measured for flicker
3.4.18 Logical Node: MFLO_0 (Custom LN not contained in IEC61850 part 7-4 definitions)
Description: Fault Distance Measurement indicates the Fault Location
LN Class: MFLO (Custom LN Class not contained in IEC61850 part 7-4 definitions)
This LN shall be used for calculation of fault location. The main use is for operative applications.
Fault location is determined using a single-ended impedance calculation that is based upon an
algorithm using measured values. Refer to the M87x or M57x User Manuals for more information
pertaining to fault location measurement and triggering.
3.4.39 Logical Node: MSYN_0 (Custom LN not contained in IEC61850 part 7-4 definitions)
Description: Synchonism check (this LN is customized from RSYN, but is different)
LN Class: MSYN (Custom LN Class not contained in IEC61850 part 7-4 definitions)
3.4.40 Logical Node: MTMP_0 (Custom LN not contained in IEC61850 part 7-4 definitions)
Description: Internal Ambient Temperature of Logical Device
LN Class: MTMP (Custom LN Class not contained in IEC61850 part 7-4 definitions)
To elaborate on the data “types” used in the common data classes (or CDCs), the data
attributes, as defined in the tables, reflect the revised attribute “types” in order to correspond with
the data having either an integer value of 32 bits (INT32), or an enumerated value of 8 bits
(ENUMERTED8). The attribute “types” defined for the common data classes, INC, ING and INS,
have been revised, with the values shown in parentheses to indicate the types that have been
replaced in standard IEC61850, 1st edition. It was necessary to eliminate some confusion that
existed in the data definitions. The corresponding data objects of Mod, Beh, Health, and
PhyHealth use the enumerated versions for the CDCs. All other uses of the 3 CDCs use the
INT32 version. An 8 bit enumeration is possible, because all enumerations (so far) have less
the 128 possible standardized values.
Harmonic value for Wye represents the harmonic content of phase-to-neutral and
neutral-to-ground quantities. Both magnitudes and phase angles are represented as
arrays of floating point quantities. The first index (index=0) of each array represents the
DC component and index=N represents the component at FREQ N * f , where "f" is
the fundamental frequency.
The Harmonic value for Delta represents the harmonic content of phase-to-phase
quantities. Both magnitudes and phase angles are represented as arrays of floating
point quantities. The first index (index=0) of each array represents the DC component
and index=N represents the component at FREQ N * f , where "f" is the fundamental
3.5.17 Common Data Class: INS_0 (Ed2: Dataclass would be called ENS_0)
Description: Enumerated Status (for Behavior)
CDC Class: INS
3.5.18 Common Data Class: INS_1 (Ed2: Data class would be called ENS_1)
Description: Enumerated Status (for Health)
CDC Class: INS
3.5.19 Common Data Class: INS_2 (Ed2: Dataclass would be called ENS_2)
Description: Enumerated Status (for Physical Device Health)
CDC Class: INS
Ordinal Semantic
1 on
2 blocked
3 test
4 test/blocked
5 off
Ordinal Semantic
0 No-check
1 synchrocheck
2 Interlocking-check
3 both
Ordinal Semantic
0 status-only
Ordinal Semantic
1 Direct-with-normal-security
Ordinal Semantic
0 status-only
1 direct-with-normal-security
2 sbo-with-normal-security
Ordinal Semantic
1 intermediate
2 off
3 on
4 bad
Ordinal Semantic
1 Ok
2 Warning
3 Alarm
Ordinal Semantic
0 fundamental
1 rms
2 absolute
Description: Mode
Ordinal Semantic
1 on
-24 y Yocto
-21 z Zepto
-18 a Atto
-15 f Femto
-12 p Pico
-9 n Nano
-6 µ Micro
-3 m Milli
-2 c Centi
-1 d Deci
1 da Deca
2 h Hecto
3 k Kilo
6 M Mega
9 G Giga
12 T Tera
15 P Petra
18 E Exa
21 Z Zetta
24 Y Yotta
Ordinal Semantic
Ordinal Semantic
0 operate-once
1 operate-many
Ordinal Semantic
0 pos-neg-zero
1 dir-quad-zero
1 dimensionless
2 m meter
3 kg kilogram
4 s second
5 A ampere
6 K Kelvin
7 mol mole
8 cd candela
9 deg degrees
10 rad radian
11 sr steradian
21 Gy Gray
22 q becquerel
23 ˚C degrees Celcius
24 Sv sievert
25 F farad
26 C coulomb
27 S siemens
28 H henry
29 V volt
30 ohm ohm
31 J joule
32 N newton
33 Hz hertz
34 lx lux
35 Lm lumen
36 Wb weber
37 T tesla
38 Watts watt
39 Pa pascal
41 m square meter
42 m cubic meter
43 m/s meters per second
44 m/s 2 meters per second 2
45 m 3 /s cubic meters per second
46 m/m meters per cubic meter
47 M kilogram meter
48 kg/m kilogram/cubic meter
49 m 2 /s meter square/second
50 W/m K watt/meter Kelvin
51 J/K joule/Kelvin
52 ppm parts per million
53 1/s rotations per second
54 rad/s radians per second
61 VA volt ampere
62 W Watts (deprecated)
63 VAr volt ampere reactive
64 phi degrees (phase angle)
65 cos(phi) (dimensionless – power factor)
66 Vs volt seconds
67 V volt square
68 As amp second
69 A amp square
70 A2t amp square second
71 VAh volt ampere hours
72 Wh watt hours
73 VArh volt ampere reactive hours
74 V/Hz volts per hertz
Section 4 TICS
4.1 Introduction
This Technical Issues Conformance Statement (TICS) specifies the conformance level attributed to
Mx70 Series of Intelligent Electronic Devices (Mx70 IEDs) with respect to the Technical Issues
(TISSUES) logged against the various parts of the IEC61850 standard. This document, along with
the Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing document (PIXIT), defines the basis for
conformance testing in accordance with part 10 of the IEC61850 standard specifications.
This document identifies numerous Tissues that have an impact on conformance testing of the
Mx70 IED. TISSUES have been classed into the following categories:
Tissues identified as either editorial, or related to the XML schema or a client. Tissues that
are not applicable to the IEC 61850 implementation in the Mx70 devices are grouped in
this class.
Tissues that have not completed or closed within the last year, or Tissues that have a
status other then Green. These Tissues may or may not be listed in the conformance
tables. Their numbers are included for completeness, and for tracking Tissues requiring
future consideration.
Technical issues with applicability under the IEC 61850 implementation in the Mx70
According to the UCA IUG QAP the Tissue conformance statement is required to perform a
conformance test and is referenced on the certificate
For more details on the logged Technical Issues, refer to the website:
Value Meaning
Mx.y TISSUE is included in the UCA Device
conformance test procedures version x.y and is
stated as mandatory.
O TISSUE is not yet included in the UCA Device
conformance test procedures, or it’s a
recommendation, or it’s optional in the IEC 61850
tbd To be defined. The proposal is not defined in
such detail to be implemented or tested.
- Not applicable, no change for implementation and
? Conformance is not known or unclear for the
Value Meaning
The TISSUE is implemented in the Mx70 IED.
The TISSUE has not been implemented in the.
Mx70 IED.
N/A The TISSUE is not applicable to the Mx70 IED.
? Support is not known or unclear for the TISSUE.
Note: All Tissues whose status is other than Green will indicate a conformance status of ‘?’ and a
supported status of ‘?’.
Revision History
Firmware Applicability
This manual is applicable to IEC61850 for M57x/M87x firmware version v3.00.0 and later.
The following technical issues are considered not relevant for IEC61850 implementation on Mx70
devices and so they are classified as Not Applicable (N/A):
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
attribute “Check” as a
bitstring, however SCL
does not support
bitstrings. The
philosophy is to have
a separate base type
for each kind of
bitstring usage,so
bType Check is added
to the schema, to be
used for the Check
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
level of checking on
XML schema level the
correctness of the
object refererences .
This is a change to
SCL but does not
presently have an
impact to Mx70
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
Num Subject Status Comment
4.8.5 Technical Issues
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
151 p.156-157, Name constraint for Green Issue: The instance names
19.2 control blocks etc. for the following classes
need to be constraint in
clause 19.2:
- DataSet
- all Controlblocks
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
SV is not supported by
Mx70 devices
188 p.138, SV Format Green
Ed2: SV not supported in
16.4. - N/A
Table 34 Mx70 devices
189 p. 134, SV Format Green
SV not supported in Mx70
16.4, - N/A
Table 34 devices
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
190 p.77, BRCB: EntryId and Green See Tissue 49 for definition TimeOfEntry of TimeOfEntry and
interaction with EntryID, and
uniqueness within the
see Tissue 453 for chapter
edition including the BRCB
state machine.
EntryID in GetBRCBValues:
"The value of EntryID,
returned in a
GetBRCBValues response
shall be defined as follows:
• When the BRCB state is
disabled: a GetBRCBValues
shall return the EntryID
value that represents the last
(i.e..newest) entry that has
been entered into the buffer.
• When the BRCB state is
resync: a GetBRCBValues
shall return the value of the
EntryID specified within the
last SetBRCBValues. ?
• When the BRCB state is
enabled: The value of
EntryID, returned in a
GetBRCBValues response,
shall be the EntryID of the
last set of events sent.
An EntryID value of all
zeros(0) is reserved to
indicate an empty buffer, no
reported EntryID shall have
a value of zero(0).
TimeOfEntry in
"The value, returned in a
GetBRCBValues response,
shall provide the time stamp
of the EntryID whose value
is exposed in the control
block. The value exposed for
TimeOfEntry, when the
value of EntryID is zero(0), is
a local issue."
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
191 p.78/81, BRCB: Integrity and Green see Tissue 453 for the buffering reports revised chapter, inc. the GI state machine.
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
278 p.82, EntryId not valid for a Green The state resync has been server added. The BRCB is and
remains in state resync while it
is not enabled and the client
set EntryIDs of entries that are
available in the buffer of
If no entry is found in the
buffer of entries corresponding
to the value of the EntryID set
by the Client in the
SetBRCBValues, then the
state of the BRCB goes to
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
To be consistent, it should be
defined that
DataName =Data class name
Data class name = up to 10
Data-Instance-ID = n numeric
characters, optional; n shall be
equal for all instances of the
same data
297 Sequence number Green Definition of SqNum :
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
298 Table 23 & Type of SqNum Green Attribute size for SqNum
25 remains INT16U for
Buffered Report Control
Blocks (BRCB) and INT8U
for Unbuffered Report
Control Blocks (URCB)
300 p.77 Attribute Resv in BRCB Green Creation of ResvTms- Reservation Time- as
Table 23 optional new attribute
added to Buffered Report
Control Block (BRCB). ?
New Attribute ResvTms is
optional. But this is
unchanged from the IEC
61850 standard
305 p. 80, p.85, Reporting with BufTm=0 Green If more than one member of, a data set changes at the same time then multiple
reports are sent. In general
each data change causes a
new Goose/Report..
322 & Write Configuration Green This does not apply to attribute of BRCBs BRCB.DatSet in Mx70
devices because the ICD Y
file defines it as type ‘Conf’
in the Services section.
325 p.24, TimeStamp definition Green Ed2: Correct the Attribute type from INT32 to INT32U
Table 7 in order to extend time -
reach from 2038 to 2106.
Seconds is unsigned INT32
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
334 p.142, Select a SBO object Green Ed2: Resetting the SBO
17.3.3 twice Timeout timer may lead to
security issues. the purpose of
the SBO Timeout was to
introduce an automatic un-
selection to avoid that a control
object remains unavailable for a
long time after a selection.
The proper AddCause depends
on the state of the state machine
associated to the control object.
If the second select occurs
before the operate request, then
the AddCause shall be Already-
If the second select occurs after
the operate request, then the
Addcause shall be command-
already-in-execution in both
cases regardless if same or
another client.
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
EntryID in GetBRCBValues:
"The value of EntryID,
returned in a
GetBRCBValues response
shall be defined as follows:
• When the BRCB state is
disabled: a GetBRCBValues
shall return the EntryID
value that represents the last
(i.e.newest) entry that has
been entered into the buffer.
• When the BRCB state is
resync: a GetBRCBValues
shall return the value of the
EntryID specified within the
last SetBRCBValues.
• When the BRCB state is
enabled: The value of
EntryID, returned in a
GetBRCBValues response,
shall be the EntryID of the
last set of events sent.
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
TimeOfEntry in
"The value, returned in a
GetBRCBValues response,
shall provide the time
stamp of the EntryID whose
value is exposed in the
control block. The value
exposed for TimeOfEntry,
when the value of EntryID
is zero(0), is a local issue."
370 p.146,147 Time-activated operate and Final Ed2: Add the conditions
17.4 further conditions like proposal that have to be met before
Procedure b) mode the action can be activated:
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
373 p.64, Substitution subVal and Green Ed2: To keep track which client
clause 12 subID issued the last set it is required to
set the subID anytime when a
new value is set for: subVal,
subMag, subCMag, and subQ.
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
Default of Rms is
used. in Mx70.
327 p.61, More new types of unit Green New unit types
Table A.4 “Number of
characters” and ? N/A
“Baud”are not
328 p.61, New unit for frequency functions Green New unit types
Table A.4 “Number of cycles”
? N/A
and “Baud” are not
330 7.4.8 thru CDC HMV, HWYE, HDEL Green Substitution is not
7.4.10 supported in the Mx70 ? N/A
375 p.25, Directional loop activation Green Common Data Class
7.3.6 ? N/A
information ACD is not used.
439 p.47,’ Lower limit of stepSize in ASG Green
stepSize is not used ? N/A
Table 43
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
80 5.13 TCTR and TVTR - Over Green This tissue makes Amp and
Vol conditional for Ed2 only. ? N/A
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
118 23.1 File directory Green The File list excluded the
“Directory”. KEMA recommends
always including the directory
? N/A
separator. When the last
character of FileName is the file
separator “\”, it's a directory
119 - MMS GetCapabilityList Green Ed 2 - MMS GetCapabilityList
required? service:
Services from the SCL-File shall
be given as an example in
edition 2
GetCapabilityList is not
supported because tissue is not
clear enough without an
example to implement a
technical resolution. Issue
needs to be further clarified.
122, P-Type = IP; DNS name Green DNS name is not allowed and is
Table 111 ?
removed from the table
128 18, 19 Add DstAddr to GsCB, Green Mx70 devices do not use GSCB
- N/A
SV and SVCB in the data models.
165 p.47 Improper Error Green Issue is regarding an ACCESS
14.3.1 Response for error to GetDataSetValues
GetDataSetValues requests executed for a non-
existent DataSet (e.g. VGET in
MMS), MMS ErrorResponse of
Class= ACCESS and Error
EXISTENT to be returned
168 p.32 Order of attributes in Green Within a MMS component,
7.3.2 MMS components representing IEC 61850-7-4
Para 2 DATA, the order of MMS
components is determined by
the order of the names of the
common data classes (as
defined in IEC 61850-7-3 or IEC ?
extensions of it).
For private CDCs the order of
attributes within the MMS
component shall be identical to
the order within the SCL ICD file
describing the data model.
177 p.52 Ignoring OptFlds bits Green For an Unbuffered Report for URCB Control Block (URCB), the
Table 39 Server ignores the values of bits
buffer-overflow and entryID in a ?
write request and the value is
always 0 when reading these
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
368 p.84, p.86, Mapping of analog Green Indicate that 7-2 "Value" is
20.5, 20.7, setpoints (SP) mapped to the underlying CDC of the control object. For
example, part of PDIS.PoRch
setpoint data is mapped to
PDIS.PoRch.Oper.setMag.f and
allow the setMag structured
attribute of setpoints to be used.
-Change 3 place 'Where <xxx>
is the appropriate CDC (e.g.
ctlVal or setMag)' to 'Where
<xxx> is the appropriate CDC
(e.g. ctlVal or setMag$f or
-The suggestion for Table E.8
shows mxVal for CDC APC.
This CDC has only setMag and
not mxVal. The M/O/C entry for
this line should be as 'M for APC
and ASG'.
-Tables E.9 and E.10 should be
modified like E.8 shown above
422 p.34 Order of extension data Green "Within a MMS component,
7.3.1 objects and data representing IEC 61850-7-4
attributes DATA, the order of MMS
components is determined by
the order of the names of the
common data classes (as
defined in IEC 61850-7-3 or IEC
extensions of it). For private
CDCs, or private Extensions,the
order of attributes within the
MMS component shall be
identical to the order within the
SCL ICD file describing the data
433 p.122-126 Order of attributes in Green The TISSUE 168 resolves the
Clause E.4 specialized CDCs for issue. Normative Annex E (E.3
control service mapping and E.4) of 8-1 is what is called
an IEC extension. The Annex
E.3 defines the oder of the SBO,
SBOw, Oper and Cancel ?
attributes, E.4 the order of the
service parameters of the CDCs
(ctlVal, origin, ctlNum,...) within
SBOw, Oper and Cancel
438 p.36 EntryTime base should Green EntryTime maps to MMS be GMT BINARY-TIME. Clarification was
needed that EntryTime is based
on GMT.
ML0034 June 8, 2016 161 Copyright 2016 Bitronics, LLC.
TICS Section for IEC 61850 Section 4
Bitronics 70 Series IED IEC61850 Protocol Manual
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
Num Doc. Ref. Subject Status Comment
218 Need new test case Red Ed.2: GOOSE, in 7-2, allows
both FCD and FCDA
information to be conveyed. A
? ?
test case needs to be created
that tests an implementation's
ability to receive an FCD.
336 Clause Test context Red Conformance test
5.5, last documentation shall be
paragraph supplied to the initiator and
made available (on request) to
potential customers of the
device tested. The test
certificate will indicate the
conformance test has been
performed according to IEC
61850-10 and refer to: : ? ?
-PICS - IEC 61850 Protocol
Information Conformance
- MICS - IEC 61850 Model
Implementation Conformance
statement, and
- TICS - technical issue
conformance statement.
Num Subject Status Comment
376 p.25, Negative Test case on White Mx70 devices do not support ? N/A
substitution substitution.
420 p.20, Configuration file test Red ? ?
421 p.20, Versioning of schema for White ? ?
configuration files
594 p.35, Controls to the same Red XCBR breaker commands are not
Table 28 direction supported in Mx70 devices.
? N/A
597 p.35, TimeActivatedOperate in White
Table 27 61850-7-2 is not the same
? ?
to TimeActivation of
Section 5 PIXIT
5.1 Introduction
This document specifies the Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing (PIXIT) of the
IEC61850 interface for the Mx70 family of IED measurement devices. Together with the PICS and
MICS specifications the PIXIT forms the basis for conformance testing in accordance with part 10
of the IEC61850 standard specifications.
As7 What is the maximum and minimum MMS Max MMS PDU size 16000 bytes
PDU size Min MMS PDU size 1000 bytes
NOTE – In order to reduce the impact of file
transfers during concurrent read-time data
transfers, the file transfers are always
segmented into a configuration-defined block
size (default 1000 octets) regardless of the
negotiated PDU size)
As8 What is the maximum start up time after a For M57x, and M87x with H11 CPU;
power supply interrupt Approximately 75 seconds
For M87x with H12 CPU module;
Approximately 60 seconds
<additional items>
The Mx70 IED does not support having
groups of client associations and releases
occur consecutively. In order to test the
maximum number of simultaneous client
associations (As1), it is recommended to
use a minimum of 4 seconds between
each group of client associations and
subsequent releases.
In order to use the TCP/IP addressing
settings (i.e. IP address, Subnet address,
Router mask) defined by the MiCOM
IEC61580 IED Configuration tool, the
ID Description Value/Clarification
Sr1 Which analogue value (MX) quality bits are Validity:
supported (can be set by server) Y Good,
Y Invalid,
N Reserved,
Y Questionable
N Overflow
N OutOfRange
N BadReference
N Oscillatory
N Failure
N OldData
N Inconsistent
Y Inaccurate
Source :
Y Process
N Substituted
N Test
N OperatorBlocked
Sr2 Which status value (ST) quality bits are Validity:
supported (can be set by server) Y Good,
Y Invalid,
N Reserved,
N Questionable
N Overflow
N OutOfRange
N BadReference
N Oscillatory
N Failure
N OldData
N Inconsistent
N Inaccurate
Source :
Y Process
N Substituted
N Test
N OperatorBlocked
ID Description Value/Clarification
Sr3 What is the maximum number of data values in Dependent on the negotiated size of
one GetDataValues request the MMS PDU and the total length of
all ObjectReferences to be included
within the service request. The total
length of all ObjectReferences must
be less than the maximum supported
MMS PDU size taking into account
any relevant header information.
Sr4 What is the maximum number of data values in Dependent on the negotiated size of
one SetDataValues request the MMS PDU and the total length of
all ObjectReferences to be included
within the service request. The total
length of all ObjectReferences must
be less than the maximum supported
MMS PDU size taking into account
any relevant header information.
Sr5 Which Mode / Behavior values are support On Y
Blocked N
Test N
Test/Blocked N
Off N
<additional items>
The CDC definition BCR includes a
data attribute actVal whose type is
INT32 according to Edition 1 of the
standard. (refer to tissue #1199)
ID Description Value/Clarification
The Mx70 IED contains one (1) non-
IEC61850 MMS domain named
“ZPrivateLD”. This domain is outside
of the scope of the standard and as
such, should not be included in any
conformance testing to it.
ID Description Value/Clarification
Ds1 What is the maximum number of data 250 FCDAs
elements in one data set (compare ICD
setting) The number of elements in each reported
data set is directly dependent upon the
count of data attributes contained within
the MX or ST functional constraints, as
reported by the Report Control Blocks in
each Logical Node instance.
None of the pre-defined data sets can be
Ds2 How many persistent data sets can be Dynamic data set creation is not
created by one or more clients (this supported
number includes predefined datasets)
Ds3 How many non-persistent data sets can Dynamic data set creation is not
be created by one or more clients? supported
<additional items>
Number of user definable data sets 26
(at configuration time)
ID Description Value/Clarification
Rp1 The supported trigger conditions are integrity Y
(compare PICS) data change Y
quality change N
data update N
general interrogation Y
Rp2 The supported optional fields are sequence-number Y
report-time-stamp Y
reason-for-inclusion Y
data-set-name Y
data-reference Y
buffer-overflow Y
entryID Y
conf-rev Y
segmentation Y
Rp3 Can the server send segmented reports Y
Rp4 Mechanism on second internal data Send report immediately
change notification of the same analogue
(FC=MX) data value within buffer period
(Compare IEC 61850-7-2 $
Rp5 Multi-client URCB approach (Compare Each client is assigned its own set of
IEC 61850-7-2 $14.2.1) Unbuffered Report Control Blocks
Rp7 What is the buffer size for each BRCB or 25k bytes per report control block.
how many reports can be buffered Approximately 100 single event reports.
ID Description Value/Clarification
Rp9 May the reported data set contain:
- structured data objects? N
- data attributes? Y
Rp10 What is the scan cycle for binary events? Event driven
Is this fixed, configurable Fixed
Rp11 Does the device support to pre-assign a N
RCB to a specific client in the SCL
<additional items>
Number of Report Control Blocks Unbuffered (URCB) 32
Buffered (BRCB) 4
ID Description Value/Clarification
Ct1 What control modes are supported? Y status-only
Y direct-with-normal-security
Y sbo-with-normal-security
N direct-with-enhanced-security
N sbo-with-enhanced-security
Ct2 Is the control model fixed, configurable Configurable
and/or online changeable?
Ct3 Is Time activated operated (operTm) N
Ct4 Is “operate many” supported N
Ct5 Will the DUT activate the control output N/A
when the test attribute is set in the
SelectWithValue and/or Operate request
(when N test procedure Ctl2 is applicable)
Ct6 What are the conditions for the time (T) No functionality
attribute in the SelectWithValue and/or
Operate request?
Ct7 Is pulse configuration supported? N
Ct8 What is the behavior of the DUT when the N synchrocheck
check conditions are set N interlock-check
ID Description Value/Clarification
Ct12 How to force a “test-not-ok” respond with Not supported while point is configured for
Operate request? SBOns mode. First confirm the point is
configured to use Direct Operate mode.
Then use 70 Series Configurator tool to
configure the digital output point to use
Ct13 Which origin categories are supported? All
Ct14 What happens if the orCat value is not IED does not check value of orCat so any
supported? value is allowed even out-of-range values.
Ct15 Does the IED accept a DOns: Y
SelectWithValue/Operate with the same SBOns: Y
ctlVal as the current status value? DOes: N/A
SBOes: N/A
Ct16 Does the IED accept a select/operate on DOns: N
the same control object from 2 different SBOns: N
clients at the same time? DOes: N/A
SBOes: N/A
Ct17 Does the IED accept a SBOns: Y
Select/SelectWithValue from the same SBOes: N/A
client when the control object is already
selected (tissue 334) Causes reset of select timeout
Ct18 Is for SBOes the interval validation Not supported
performed during the SelectWithValue
and/or Operate step?
Ct19 Can a control operation be block by N
Mod=Off or Blocked
Ct20 Does the IED support local/remote N
Ct21 Does the IED send an InformationReport DOns: N
with LastApplError as part of the Operate SBOns: N
Response- for control with normal
<additional items>
One object at a time can be selected; no
Control outputs used for IEC61850 control
should not be used for general purpose
configuration as defined by the 70 Series
Configurator tool. All control outputs used
for IEC61850-specific configuration should
be set to default values by the 70 Series
Configurator tool (Output Control page),
ctlModel=direct operate, sboClass=once,
sboTimeout=0, onDur=0 and offDur= 0.
ID Description Value/Clarification
Tm1 What quality bits are supported (may Y LeapSecondsKnown
be set by the IED) N ClockFailure
Y ClockNotSynchronized
Tm2 Describe the behaviour when the time The DUT maintains the time based on the
synchronization signal/messages are last valid server timestamp using its internal
lost high resolution timer.
Tm3 When is the time quality bit This time quality bit is not supported
“ClockFailure” set?
Tm4 When is the time quality bit When the DUT does not receive a valid time
“ClockNotSynchronized” set? sync message from any of the available time
sync sources.
Tm5 Is the timestamp of a binary event N/A (binary events are event driven)
adjusted to the configured scan cycle?
Tm6 Does the device support time zone and Y
daylight saving?
Tm7 Which attributes of the SNTP response Y Leap indicator not equal to 3?
packet are validated? Y Mode is equal to SERVER
N OriginateTimestamp is equal to value
sent by the SNTP client as Transmit
N RX/TX timestamp fields are checked
for reasonableness
N SNTP version 3 and/or 4
N other (describe)
Tm8 What is the SNTP request interval Variable (64 to 1024 seconds)
<additional items>
In order to use the SNTP settings defined by
the MiCOM IEC61580 IED Configuration
tool, the check-box option, “SCL(MCL)
configuration overrides local settings”,
found under the IEC61850 section of the
Identity Page of the 70 Series Configurator
tool must be selected. Otherwise, the SNTP
values selected on the SNTP page of the 70
Series Configurator tool will take affect.
The time accuracy of Mx70 IEDs is to
fourteen (14) significant bits of the
FractionOfSecond attribute. This equates to
approximately one hundred (100)
microseconds, meeting the requirements of
performance class T2 as defined in Part 5 of
the IEC61850 standard.
ID Description Value/Clarification
Mx70 IEDs can be configured with two (2)
external time synchronization servers, of
which only one (1) is ever the active time
synchronization source.
If an external source fails to respond to a
client synchronization request, or responds
with and invalid/unsupported message, the
IED will automatically switch to the unused
source, if configured.
If IRIG-B is enabled (via configuration) and a
valid signal is being received by the IED, then
SNTP server responses will be ignored as
IRIG-B is deemed to be the primary source of
time synchronization.
ID Description Value/Clarification
Ft1 What is structure of the file and Mx70 IEDs use MMS file transfer services for the
directories? transfer of disturbance records. The file structure
and directory presented to the user is shown in
the following tree structure:
Device Root/
Where are the COMTRADE files Disturbance recorder files are stored in the
stored? Comtrade directory
(for example: Comtrade/DR1_0001.zip).
Are the COMTRADE files zipped Y, <Zip includes .cfg and .dat>
and what files are included in
each zip file?
Ft2 Directory names are separated Forward slash character, “/”
from the file name by
The use of MS-DOS directory separator
characters (‘\’) will return a positive result to the
file transfer MMS service requests but with no
data elements (directory or filenames).
ID Description Value/Clarification
Ft9 Is the IETF FTP protocol also Yes, The File Transfer Protocol (FTP), as defined
implemented? by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), is
supported as well
5.16.1 Configuration
The Mx70 IEDs do not support on-line setting changes of elements over the IEC61850 interface.
Configuration of Mx70 IEDs is achieved through the use of the following software tools:
o Bitronics 70 Series Configurator software
o Alstom’s MiCOM S1 IEC61850 IED Configurator software package