(OR1) SA Exercises
(OR1) SA Exercises
(OR1) SA Exercises
Student ID: …
PRACTICE EXERCISES – Sensitivity Analysis and Duality of LP
Question 1
Consider the following problem.
Maximize Z=5 x1 + 4 x 2+3 x 3
Subject to
x 1+ x3 ≤ 15 (resource 1)
x 2+ 2 x 3 ≤25 (resource 2)
x1 ≥ 0 , x2 ≥ 0 , x3 ≥ 0
a. Construct the dual problem for this primal problem.
b. Solve the dual problem graphically. Use this solution to identify the shadow prices for the
resources in the primal problem.
Question 2
Consider the following problem.
Minimize Z=−5 x 1−15 x 2
Subject to
2 x1 −4 x 2 ≤8
−3 x 1+3 x 2 ≤24
x1 , x2 ≥ 0
a. Demonstrate graphically that this problem has an unbounded objective function.
b. Construct the dual problem.
c. Demonstrate graphically that the dual problem has no feasible solutions.
Question 3
Consider the following problem.
Student Name: …
Student ID: …
Maximize Z=2 x 1 +7 x 2−3 x 3
Subject to
x 1+ 3 x 2 +4 x3 ≤ 30
x 1+ 4 x 2−x 3 ≤10
x1 , x2 , x3 ≥ 0
By letting x 4 and x 5 be the slack variables for the respective constraints, the simplex method
yields the following final set of equations:
(0) Z+ x 2 + x 3 +2 x 5=20
(1) −x 2+ 5 x 3 + x 4 −x5 =20
(2) x 1+ 4 x 2−x 3 + x 5=10
Now you are to conduct sensitivity analysis by independently investigating each of the following
seven changes in the original model. For each change, use the sensitivity analysis procedure to
revise this set of equations (in tableau form) and convert it to proper form from Gaussian
elimination for identifying and evaluating the current basic solution. Then test this solution for
feasibility and for optimality. If either test fails, reoptimize to find a new optimal solution.
a. Change the right-hand sides to
f. Change the objective function to Z=5 x1 + x 2 +3 x3
Question 5
Consider the following problem.
Maximize Z=c 1 x 1 +c 2 x 2
Subject to
2 x1 −x2 ≤ b1
x 1−x 2 ≤ b2
x1 , x2 ≥ 0
Let x 3 and x 4 denote the slack variables for the respective functional constraints. When c 1=3 ,
c 2=−2 , b 1=30, and b 2=10, the simplex method yields the following final simplex tableau.