Astm F492 95
Astm F492 95
Astm F492 95
iTeh Standards
NOTE 2—This specification does not include products coated with PP
nor does it define the suitability of PP-lined components in chemical
Gray Iron Castings
Title of Specification
A 48
Forgings, Carbon Steel, for Piping Components A 105
1.2 The ferrous piping products shall meet the requirements Gray Iron Castings for Valves, Flanges, and Pipe Fittings A 126
of the relevant specifications listed in 1.2.1. Nominal sizes Forgings, Carbon Steel, for General-Purpose Piping A 181
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Carbon Steel Castings Suitable for Fusion Welding for High- A 216
from ⁄ through 12 in. in Class 125, 150, and 300-psi are
Temperature Service (Grade WCB)
covered. Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy for Moderate A 234
and Elevated Temperatures Steel Welding Fittings
NOTE 3—The PP sealing faces may prevent achievement of the full Gray Iron Castings for Pressure-Containing Parts for Tempera-
A 278
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
F 492
D 1600 Terminology for Abbreviated Terms Relating to Type II—0.3 to 0.8 g/10 min
Plastics2 30 % Glass Fiber Filled—3.0 to 6.0 g/10 min
D 2146 Specification for Propylene Plastic Molding and The flow rate of PP linings made from Type I and Type II
Extrusion Materials3 resins shall not exceed 1.7 g/10 min, or 1.7 times the flow rate
F 412 Terminology Relating to Plastic Piping Systems4 of the original resin, whichever is smaller. The melt flow rate
2.2 ANSI Standards: of PP linings made from 30 % glass filled materials shall not
B 16.1 Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings5 exceed 7.5 g/10 min, or 1.25 times the melt flow rate of the
B 16.5 Steel Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings5 original resin, whichever is smaller.
B 16.42 Fittings, Flanges and Valves5 4.2 Ferrous Pipe and Fittings:
2.3 Federal Standard: 4.2.1 The mechanical properties of the pipes and fittings
Fed. Std. No. 123 Marking for Shipment (Civil Agencies)6 shall conform to the requirements of the appropriate specifi-
2.4 Military Standard: cation of 1.2 except as they are influenced by accepted methods
MIL-STD-129 Marking for Shipment and Storage6 of processing in the industry, for example, Van Stone flaring,
bending, swagging, and welding. The carbon steel pipe and
3. Terminology
wrought fittings shall be welded or seamless steel, Schedule 40
3.1 Definitions—Definitions are in accordance with Termi- or Schedule 80, except that Schedule 30 pipe may be used in 8,
nology F 412, and abbreviations are in accordance with Ter- 10, and 12-in. nominal size. Schedule 20 may also be used for
minology D 1600, unless otherwise indicated. 12-in. nominal size with the agreement of the purchaser.
4.2.2 Finish—The interior surfaces of all housings shall be
4. Materials
clean and free of mold burrs, rust, scale, or other protrusions
4.1 Lining: that may adversely affect the integrity or performance of the
4.1.1 Material—The lining shall be made from PP resins lining.
conforming to the requirements of Specification D 2146, ex- 4.3 Back-Up Gaskets:
cept that (1) a maximum of 1 % by weight of colorants is
4.3.1 General—Back-up gaskets shall be used to cover the
iTeh Standards
permissible for identification, and (2) up to 30 % by weight
glass fiber filler is permissible to modify physical properties.
Organic colorants, if used, shall be identified in the manufac-
pipe end and gasket face of threaded or slip-on flanges unless
a full radius or chamfer is provided at the end of the pipe and
turer’s specification. (
4.1.2 The PP lining shall be made from virgin resin or clean
flange. Gaskets may also be required on fittings to provide
accommodation or elimination, or both, of sharp corners that
could damage the lining.
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reworked resin which is not thermally degraded.
4.1.3 Two types of PP resins are covered in this specifica- 4.3.2 Material—Plain gaskets meeting the temperature re-
quirements, or perforated metallic gaskets, may be used.
tion. Type I materials are polypropylene homopolymer resins;
Type II are propylene copolymer resins.
4.1.4 Mechanical Properties—The following table ASTM
lists F492-95
5. Requirements
tensile strength and minimum elongation at yield for 5.1 Dimensions:
each PP type when tested in accordance with the requirements 5.1.1 Housings—Housing installation dimensions are as
of Specification D 2146, except that the test specimens shall be required in the applicable material specification listed in 1.2.
obtained from extruded or molded PP liner. The minimum 5.1.2 Wall Thickness—Fitting linings shall have a minimum
values for tensile strength and elongation shall apply to both wall thickness of 3⁄32 in. (24 mm), and shall have a uniform face
the longitudinal and circumferential directions. thickness of not less than 3⁄32 in. (24 mm). Pipe linings shall
Mechanical Properties of PP have a minimum wall thickness of 0.050 in. (13 mm), and the
Minimum Tensile
PP Type Properties at Yield
flared radius and gasket faces shall have a uniform thickness
Strength, Elongation, not less than 80 % of the wall thickness. Molded faces shall not
psi (MPa) % be less than 3⁄32 in. thick.
Type I (Homopolymer) 4000 (28) 10
Type II (Copolymer) 3000 (21) 10 5.1.3 PP Face Diameter—The outside diameter of the PP
30 % Glass Fiber Filled 2500 (17) 2 covering the gasket face of the flange or the full face of the
4.1.5 Flow Rate—PP resins used to manufacture the PP lap-joint stub end shall not be less than the diameter specified
liner and molded fittings shall have the following flow rate in the following table. They shall be concentric within 1⁄16in.
when tested in accordance with Condition L of Test Method Face Diameter
Minimum PP face diameter,
D 1238. Nominal pipe size, in. in. (mm)
Type I—0.2 to 0.6 g/10 min 1 1 7⁄8 (48)
1 1⁄2 2 11⁄16 (68)
2 3 7⁄16(87)
2 1⁄2 3 15⁄16 (100)
3 3 4 5⁄8(119)
Discontinued—See 1984 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.02.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.04. 4 5 15⁄16(151)
Available from American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, 6 8 (203)
13th Floor, New York, NY 10036. 8 10 1⁄16(256)
Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, Bldg. 4 Section D, 700 10 12 1⁄4(311)
Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094, Attn: NPODS. 12 14 3⁄8 (365)