Alessi 2005
Alessi 2005
Alessi 2005
ABSTRACT: We show that when poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) is dissolved in isobutyric acid at
temperatures below about 55 °C, the polymer molecule can form helices. Small-angle neutron scattering
indicates that in pure isobutyric acid and in isobutyric acid-rich aqueous solutions the polymer chains
form stiff rods that coexist with polymer coils when the polymer molecular weight is 2.38 × 104, 2.13 ×
105, and 2.87 × 105 g/mol, but that at the lower molecular weight of 1.73 × 102, only the polymer rods
form. The addition of chiral dopants causes a net optical rotation in the solution, indicating that the rods
are actually helices. Above about 60 °C in deuterated isobutyric acid (and above about 70 °C in
hydrogenated isobutyric acid), the helices convert to coils. In water, the PEG molecules form coils which
persist over the entire temperature range studied (25-60 °C).
Table 1. Commercial PEG Samples Used, Showing the Termination Groups, Lot Numbers, Weight Average Molecular
Weight (Mw), Number Average Molecular Weight (Mn) and Polydispersity (Mw/Mn)
helices occur as a racemic mixture, but an enantiomeric Neutron Research (NCNR) in Gaithersburg, MD,18 and were
excess is induced by a chiral dopant. probed over the q range19 from 0.0029 to 0.4014 Å-1, where q
) (4π/λ) sin(θ/2), θ is the scattering angle, the wavelength λ
Experimental Methods is 8 Å, and ∆λ/λ is 0.11. Samples were loaded in either 1 or 2
mm path length quartz cells and closed with Teflon plugs. The
Materials. Commercial PEG samples were used without raw data were corrected for background and parasitic scat-
further purification. The samples are listed in Table 1, where tering, placed on an absolute scale using a calibrated secondary
Mn is the number-average molecular weight, Mw is the weight- standard, and circularly averaged to yield the scattered
average molecular weight, and Mw/Mn is the polydispersity intensity I(q). The incoherent background from the pure
index. The molecular weights were all determined by size solvents was measured, corrected by the volume fraction
exclusion chromatography in our laboratory, as described displaced by the dissolved polymer, and subtracted from the
below. reduced SANS data. The data points in the q range from ca.
The solvents used were hydrogenated isobutyric acid (IBA, 0.3 to 0.4 Å-1 were then averaged to yield the estimated
Aldrich Chemical Co., 99.9% purity), fully deuterated iso- incoherent background from polymer in the sample, which was
butyric acid (d-isobutyric acid or d-IBA, Isotec, Inc., 98% subtracted from the data as well.
deuterated), D2O (Isotec, Inc., 99.999% D), deuterated acetic SANS data can be analyzed in three ways: (1) analyzing
acid (Aldrich, 99.9% D), DCl (Sigma-Aldrich, 99% D), and the slopes of I(q) in various q ranges; (2) modeling of the data
NaOD (Sigma-Aldrich, 99.9% D). Freshly distilled, deionized using specific models for the shapes and interactions of the
H2O was obtained from a Nanopure system (Barnstead, 18 MΩ scattering particles; (3) taking the Fourier transform of I(q)
cm). The chiral dopants used in the polarimetry experiments into real space. In the analysis of the various q ranges of I(q),20
were (S)-(+)-1,2-propanediol and (R)-(-)-1,2-propanediol (Lan- the Guinier regime at low q values (qRg e 1, where Rg is the
caster Research Chemicals, 98% pure enantiomers). radius of gyration of the polymer chain) gives information
The PEG concentrations studied by small-angle neutron about Rg:
scattering and by polarimetry were 12 ( 1 mg/mL, which are
well below the estimated overlap concentrations for the above-
listed PEG polymers in coil form. For PEG polymers in rod q2Rg2
ln[I(q)] ) ln[I(0)] - (1)
forms, the overlap concentrations are lower than for the coil 3
forms17 and approach 12 mg/mL or less for molecular weights
greater than about 20 000. where I(0) is the scattering at q ) 0. The fractal regime at
Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC). For the SEC intermediate q values gives information about particle shape;
analyses, all PEG samples were diluted to ∼2 mg/mL in freshly for example, the slope in the fractal regime is -1 for a rod
distilled, deionized water. Each sample was analyzed using and -5/3 for a coil with excluded volume. The Porod regime at
an autosampler on a Waters SEC apparatus. The Waters SEC high q values gives information about the interface between
consists of a 1525 binary HPLC pump, a 2414 refractive index the particle and the solvent. The q value at which I(q) changes
detector, a 2487 dual wavelength absorbance detector, and a from the Guinier regime to the fractal regime corresponds to
717 autosampler. A series of three Ultrahydrogel columns (120, 2π/L, where L is the length of the particle. The transition from
250, and 2000) of dimension 7.8 × 300 mm were placed in the fractal regime to the Porod downturn corresponds to 2π/
series in a column heater and set to 45 °C. A mobile phase of D, where D is the diameter of the particle.21 However, the
0.01 M K2HPO4(aq) at pH ) 7.065 was used. The apparatus analysis of the q values at which I(q) changes slope “can only
was calibrated with known PEG standards (American Polymer be considered to be semi-quantitative, and ... does not usually
Standards Corp., Mentor, OH) of molecular weight 2500, provide accurate results.”22
10 225, 14 500, 30 225, 50 000, 111 000, 250 000, and 510 000 The second method of analysis is that using models,
g mol-1. Each sample was then injected for a run time of 60 especially those provided by NCNR.23 The analysis of SANS
min at a flow rate of 0.6 mL/min. An injection volume of 100 data for PEG solutions by Fourier transform (see below and
µL was used throughout. The subsequent chromatograms were Table 2, last column) indicated that under many conditions of
analyzed and converted to full molecular weight distributions molecular weight, solvent composition, and temperature the
using the Waters software package Breeze, version 3.30. PEG molecules formed a mixture of coil and rod conformations.
Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS). For the SANS The presence of a mixture made the use of models problematic.
measurements, the PEG was dissolved in d-isobutyric acid and In one case, (second sample in Table 2), the PEG formed only
D2O, the deuteration of the solvent serving to reduce the rodlike species, and in that case we applied the core-shell
incoherent background scattering and provide contrast with cylindrical model.21 This model provides estimates of the cross-
the hydrogenated polymer. sectional radius and length of the core cylinder, assuming
Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) measurements were circular cross sections and monodisperse polymer chains. The
carried out using the NG7 30-m SANS instrument at the volume fractions of the polymer and the scattering length
National Institute of Standards and Technology Center for densities of the solvents were fixed in that analysis.
Macromolecules, Vol. 38, No. 22, 2005 PEG in Isobutyric Acid and Water 9335
Table 2. Values of Radius, R (Coil or Helix), Radius of Gyration, Rg (for a Coil, Rg ≈ R), and Dmax (See Text) for Various
Molecular Weights of Linear PEG in Different Solvents at Different Temperaturesa
mol wt, Mw g/mol solvent temp /°C R/Å Rg/Å Dmax/Å helix or coil?
1.73 × 103 D2O 60 12.0 16* 62 coil
1.73 × 103 dIBA/D2O (0.39/0.61) 60 3.5 (3.3) 40 (34) helix
1.73 × 103 AcOD 43 16.5 16.1* 75 coil
1.73 × 103 AcOD 55 16.5 17.5* 80 coil
2.38 × 104 D2O 30 35.0 43* 185 coil
2.38 × 104 D2O 55 41.3 46* 215 coil
2.38 × 104 D2O 60 40 46* 190 coil
2.38 × 104 dIBA/D2O (0.46/0.54)-2 30 6.0 43, 44* coil + helix
2.38 × 104 dIBA/D2O (0.46/0.54)-2 40 6.5 49, 60* coil + helix
2.38 × 104 dIBA/D2O (0.46/0.54) 45 5.5 57.6, 51* coil + helix
2.38 × 104 dIBA/D2O (0.46/0.54) 55 6.5 50.6, 49.2* coil + helix
2.38 × 104 dIBA/D2O (0.39/0.61) 60 3.5 28, 34.5* coil + helix
2.38 × 104 dIBA 30 5.0 45, 42.4* coil + helix
2.38 × 104 dIBA 43 5.0 41, 42.3* coil + helix
2.38 × 104 dIBA 55 6.0 43.5, 38* coil + helix
2.38 × 104 dIBA 60 40.0 46* 190 coil
2.38 × 104 AcOD 25 42.3 44* 250 coil
2.38 × 104 AcOD 55 44.0 45* 226 coil
2.38 × 104 AcOD/D2O (0.39/0.61) 25 46.0 44* 200 coil
2.38 × 104 AcOD/D2O (0.39/0.61) 55 46.0 42* 200 coil
2.38 × 104 DCl (0.1M) 25 39.4 42* 150 coil
2.38 × 104 DCl (0.001M) 25 41.0 40* 147 coil
2.38 × 104 NaOD (0.001M) 25 42.5 48* 195 coil
2.38 × 104 D2O/NaCl 25 44.0 45* 195 coil
2.13 × 105 D2O 60 130.0 200* 400 coil
2.13 × 105 dIBA/D2O (0.46/0.54)-2 30 20.0 (3.3) 101* aggregated helix
2.13 × 105 dIBA/D2O (0.46/0.54) 55 50.0 (2.9) 77* aggregated helix
2.13 × 105 dIBA 30 5 101 coil + helix
2.13 × 105 dIBA 43 6 120 coil + helix
2.13 × 105 dIBA 55 5.5 102 coil + helix
2.13 × 105 dIBA 60 130.0 161 320 coil
2.87 × 105 D2O 43 87.0 90* 445 coil
2.87 × 105 D2O 60 100.0 148* 300 coil
2.87 × 105 AcOD 43 56.0 62* 450 coil
2.87 × 105 AcOD 55 59.0 63* 450 coil
2.87 × 105 dIBA/D2O (0.39/0.61) 43 16.0 aggregated helix
2.87 × 105 dIBA/D2O (0.39/0.61) 55 24.0 71 aggregated helix + coil
2.87 × 105 dIBA 60 90.0 118* 234 coil
a Parameters are obtained from the p(r) function, from Guinier plots (*), and from modeling to a core cylinder model (parentheses). The
estimated uncertainties are (0.6 Å for R and ( 5 Å for Dmax, both from p(r); (1 Å for Rg from Guinier plots; (0.1 Å for R from modeling.
Abbreviations: dIBA ) deuterated isobutyric acid; AcOD ) deuterated acetic acid. Concentrations of solvents are given in mass fractions;
“-2” means that the solvent was in two phases. The last column indicates the conformations of the PEG molecules. In mixtures of coil and
helix, the Rg from p(r) refers to the coils.
The third method of data analysis involves the Fourier helices in equal number (a racemic mixture) and thus give no
transformation of the scattering data. The Fourier transforma- optical rotation. However, it is known that chiral impurities
tion of I(q) involves the integral24 can lead to an “enantiomeric excess”.31-33 Therefore, we tested
the effect of a chiral dopant on the optical rotation of the PEG
∫ I(q)qr sin (qr) dq
1 ∞ in isobutyric acid to test for the presence of helices. The dopant
p(r) ) (2)
2π2 0 was 1,2-propanediol, in either (+) or (-) enantiomer, at a mass
fraction of 9 × 10-4.
which yields the pair distance distribution function p(r), where The Jasco P1010 polarimeter consists of a 10 cm path length
r is the distance in real space. The p(r) is a histogram of the glass cell with an interior volume of 8 mL. The P1010 uses a
distances between pairs of points within the scattering object. halogen lamp with a wavelength of 589 nm selected by a filter
The p(r) can be calculated from SANS data using the general- and has an accuracy of 0.002° with a reproducibility of 0.002°
ized indirect Fourier transform (GIFT) method of Glatter and or better for measurements less than 1°. To measure the
co-workers.25 In our analysis, p(r) data have been calculated optical rotation, R, as a function of temperature, the polarim-
using the GIFT software, PCG version The GIFT eter was configured with a VWR 1160 bath to circulate
analysis used here assumes that the particles are so dilute as temperature-controlled water through a jacketed polarimeter
to be noninteracting, and thus it is not dependent on any model cell (Jasco, 10 cm path length, 3.5 mL volume). Connecting
for the structure factor. Tygon tubing was insulated tightly with foam to minimize heat
Thus, p(r) provides additional information regarding loss between the water bath and the sample. The temperature
the dimension, shape, and flexibility of the scattering at the sample was measured with a thermistor connected to a
species.24,25,27-30 For example, spherical particles give rise to Sper Scientific digital thermometer. The temperature was
a symmetric p(r) about a central maximum. A perfectly controlled and measured to an accuracy and precision of about
cylindrical particle will have a p(r) with a very sharp peak at 0.1 °C.
low values of r, which will then decrease (linearly if a rigid We first measured the optical rotation of solvent (hydroge-
cylinder or approximately linearly with some oscillation if nated isobutyric acid or H2O) with added chiral dopant. We
nonrigid) to a point where p(r) ) 0. This p(r) ) 0 point defines then dissolved PEG (12 mg/mL) into the solvent/dopant
the longest distance in the scattering object, Dmax, which is mixture and measured the optical rotation of that mixture.
the same as the length, L, for a cylinder. We subtracted the optical rotation of the solvent + dopant from
Polarimetry. If the PEG molecules form rods that are the optical rotation of the solvent + dopant + PEG to obtain
actually helices, then they will form left- and right-handed the optical rotation of the PEG. Each measurement was carried
9336 Alessi et al. Macromolecules, Vol. 38, No. 22, 2005
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