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Key Learning Outcomes for

Chemistry Programs

Based on the mandate of the Education and Training Evaluation Commission (ETEC), issued
by Royal Decree No. 108, dated 14/2/1440 H, ETEC is mandated to “building systems for
evaluation and accreditation - including institutional and programmatic - in education and
training, including rules, standards, frameworks and indicators and its terms, procedures,
approval, and application.” And based on the authority’s keenness to build and develop high-
quality national academic programs, the authority has worked on preparing specialized
academic standards for BSc Chemistry programs.
The standards contribute to setting the minimum curriculum requirements of Chemistry
undergraduate programs to ensure their academic quality, and to assure their ability to
produce highly qualified professionals in the field of Chemistry with the knowledge and skills
required by the market and the national needs, in line with best practices and academic
requirements for this field.

The main goal of this work is to develop specialized Learning Outcomes (SLOs) that should
represent the minimal achieved by Chemistry students at graduation. It will direct programs,
course design and organization, building the curriculum map including the appropriate
teaching and learning strategies, assessment tools, evaluation strategy, and link academic
and professional aspects.

This document describes the minimum knowledge units (KUs) and learning outcomes (LOs)
in the field of Chemistry, which graduates are expected to obtain upon completion of the
program. The KU-specific learning outcomes specify the minimum of what students should
know or be able to do after successfully completing the KU.
The methodology follows the following phases:
1. Identifying International Benchmarks.
2. Identifying Program Key Learning Outcomes.
3. Identifying Curriculum General Criteria
4. Identifying the General Knowledge Units.
5. Identifying the Specialized Knowledge Units for each General Knowledge Unit.
6. Identifying the Specialized Learning Outcomes for each Specialized Knowledge Unit.
It is important for educational institutions to take into account the depth and expansion; and to
include LOs related to communication skills and values in the curricula. Educational institutions
can offer the desired elective KUs that are relevant to their programs and students can choose
from them to complete their graduation requirements. It is important to note that a KU is not
necessarily a credit course. A KU may be covered by one or more credit courses and a credit
course may cover one or more KUs partially or completely. The KUs are derived from
analyzing of nine QS high ranked and two local University international and local programs
(see Appendix A).
This document was developed by the ETEC in cooperation and coordination with different
entities in the field of Chemistry, such as three local chemistry departments representing
three local universities, Ministry of Energy, Saudi Space Agency, Ministry of Industry and
Mineral Resources, National Industrial Development and Logistics Program, Saudi
Geological Survey and Saudi Standards, Metrology, and Quality Organization.
Scope and Uses
This document covers the bachelor’s degree programs in the field of Chemistry. The document
can be used and applied to Chemistry programs offered by higher educational public and
private institutions in Saudi Arabia.

ETEC: Education and Training Evaluation Commission – Saudi Arabia.
Knowledge Units: Thematic groupings that encompass multiple related topics, where the
topics cover the required curricular content for each KU. Each KU contains a set of learning
Essential Knowledge Units (EKUs): The required topics in Math, Physics and Computer
General Knowledge Units (GKUs): Knowledge Units that introduce students to the main topics
in Chemistry. All students majoring in any field of Chemistry should complete these GKU’s.
Key Learning Outcomes (KLOs): It describes what students are expected to know and will
be able to do by the time of graduation. These relate to the knowledge, skills, and behaviors
that students acquire as they progress through the program.
Learning Outcomes (LOs): Phrases describing what a learner should know, understand, and
be able to do at the end of the program. They represent the bottom line of the learning process.
NQF: National Qualifications Framework.
Specialized Key Learning Outcomes (SLOs): The specificity needed for interpretation of the
general criteria as applicable to a given discipline.
Specialized Knowledge Units (SKUs): Knowledge Units that introduce students to
intermediate and advanced topics in a major.
Students Professional Development Domain (SPDD): Knowledge and skills domain at the
advanced level of chemistry curriculum that incorporate applied chemistry courses with
students’ projects to develop students’ work-oriented and professional skills.
Chemistry Experience Units (CEUs): It is learner-centered experience Units under SPDD
where students should demonstrate and practice values, develop responsibility, ethical and
scientific conduct, employment skills such as in leadership, management and organizational
skills, networking, engagement with literature, oral and written communication. All activities
involved under chemistry experience units are regarded as students work projects.
Applied Chemistry Units (ACUs): It is Applied Knowledge and Skills Units under SPDD that
introduce students to chemical industries, and a broad variety of alternative scientific,
business, and technical sectors associated with it. ACUs provide a range of required elective
chemistry and non-chemistry courses to develop students’ knowledge and skills in certain
areas of chemistry-related labor market.

Key Learning Outcomes

As discussed in Appendix B, the alignment of NQF domains with standardized chemistry
curriculum domains obtained from international benchmarking proposed three learning
domains applicable to chemical sciences and their employment market in the Kingdom. These
three domains are (i) Knowledge, (ii) Practical Skills, (iii) Students Professional Development.
The Practical Skills domain is composed of two subdomains (i) Laboratory Skills, (ii)
Classroom Skills. Students Professional Development domain is achieved through two major
curriculum units (i) Chemistry Experience Units, (ii) Applied Chemistry Units. The chemistry
program curriculum should be structured across the abovementioned domains, knowledge,
and skills units. Chemistry program learning outcomes should also be developed to strictly
cover those domains. Therefore, on successful completion of a bachelor’s degree in
chemistry, graduates should be able to:
KLO1 Demonstrate a critical understanding of the key and core knowledge of the main
branches of chemistry and related fields, as outlined GKUs and SKUs.
KLO2 Identify the interdisciplinary nature between chemistry branches to interpret and
evaluate the practical applications of the essential facts, concepts, principles, and
theories of chemistry.
KLO3 Predict and interpret chemical and physical changes that organic and inorganic
materials undergo using appropriate chemical information, data, and rules.
KLO4 Practice health and safety regulations while handling chemicals and performing
laboratory activities with the capability to conduct a sufficient risk assessment.
KLO5 Conduct accurate quantitative and qualitative measurements using standard chemical
instrumentation and software and report experimental results with appropriate
interpretation, calculations, and reasonable conclusions.
KLO6 Synthesize and characterize organic and inorganic materials using appropriate
procedures, instrumentations, and chemical apparatus.
KLO7 Develop a systematic and reliable experimental record via precise observations of
measurements and changes and assessment of the limit of accuracy of experimental
KLO8 Apply principles, laws and theories of chemistry and related physical and mathematical
equations to solve complex chemical problems with appropriate approximation,
precision, accuracy, and statistical validity.
KLO9 Solve chemical problems related to different applications of chemistry through critical
thinking to develop appropriate rational, explanations and answers.
KLO10 Plan, execute and report project work by employing knowledge learned, practical skills
developed previously in the program with effective use of chemical literature and
retrieval of chemical methods.
KLO11 Present chemical data and reports scientifically in written and oral communication with
proper scientific conduct and ethical responsibility.
KLO12 Lead and manage chemistry project work effectively, and demonstrate self-discipline,
decision-making capabilities and Engagement in team working to build a working
network in chemistry related fields.
KLO13 Relate the learned chemistry knowledge and skills to future career and Plan for further
professional training as a chemist.

Curriculum General Criteria
Based on benchmarking study of leading universities (Appendix A), and analyzing all
knowledge units (KUs) and skills using Chemistry programs, it is found that these KUs are
grouped in the following categories:
1. Essential knowledge units: 26 Credit hours
2. General knowledge and skills units: 53 Credit hours
3. Specialized knowledge units
4. Chemistry Experience Units 8 Credit hours
5. Applied Chemistry Units 18 Credit hours.
Each group consists of different subgroups that is essential in any typical Chemistry
curriculum. To show the importance of each of the subgroups, a range of allocated credit hours
in a typical Chemistry curriculum is shown in the next section.

knowledge Units
The following table provides an overall view of the curriculum distribution of Knowledge Units:
essential, general, specialized and others. The tables also provide general recommendation
on the acceptable range of credit hours for each knowledge unit.

Essential Knowledge Units (EKU)

Calculated based on a minimum of [26] credits for Math, Physics and Computer Programming.
This part of the knowledge units should not be used in standardized tests.
Table 1: Essential Knowledge Unit of [Chemistry]
# EKU Description
• Calculus 1 with Precalculus: Review of trigonometry and other
Precalculus topics. Limits, continuity, derivative. Differentiation of
elementary functions. Antidifferentiation. Applications.
• Calculus 2 and analytic geometry: techniques of integration, conic
sections, polar coordinates, and infinite series.
• Calculus 3 and analytic geometry including vector analysis: Euclidean
space, partial differentiation, multiple integrals, line integrals and
surface integrals, the integral theorems of vector.
1 Mathematics 14
• Applied Linear Algebra: Introductory course emphasizing techniques of
linear algebra with applications to engineering; topics include matrix
operations, determinants, linear equations, vector spaces, linear
transformations, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors, inner products and
norms, orthogonality, equilibrium, and linear dynamical systems.
• Introduction to Differential Equation: Techniques and applications of
ordinary differential equations, including Fourier series and boundary
value problems, and an introduction to partial differential equations.
• The basic laws and principles of Newtonian mechanics; oscillations,
waves, and wave optics
• The basic laws of electricity and magnetism; geometrical optics
2 Physics • Properties of electromagnetic fields, dipole and quadrupole fields and 9
their interactions, chemical binding of molecules, electromagnetic
properties of materials, Maxwell's equations, and properties of
electromagnetic waves,
Introduction to computer programming for physical sciences: Overview of
computer hardware and software. Programming in Python with emphasis on
basic program constructs: variables, assignments, expressions, decision
structures, looping, functions, lists, files, and exceptions; Introduction to 3
3 Programing
objects and classes. Programming in C with emphasis on pointers and
functions with output parameters. Simple multidisciplinary problem solving
in science, engineering, and business.
• The minimum credit hours of essential knowledge should include tutorials and
laboratories according to the nature of the knowledge unit, for example, Math requires
tutorials, Physics and Programming requires laboratory credit hours.
• Based on international best practices, the essential knowledge is extended to include
biology and some other courses based on the tracks of the program as well as the
mission of the institution and its programs.
Program core Knowledge Units
Percentages are calculated based on a minimum of credits for the Chemistry program.
Table 2: Generalized and Specialized Knowledge Units of Chemistry
# GKU Weight% SKU Weight%
1.1. Principle of Inorganic Chemistry 5.625
1 General Chemistry 15.0 1.2. Principle of Physical Chemistry 5.625
1.3. General Chemistry Laboratory 3.75
2.1. Principles of organic chemistry 7.7
2.2. Organo-physical chemistry 5.75
2 Organic Chemistry 25.0
2.3. Bioorganic chemistry 3.85
2.4. Organic Chemistry Laboratory 7.7
3.1. Physical Chemistry of Bulk Matter 11.5
3 Physical Chemistry 23.0 3.2. Physical Chemistry of Microscopic Matter 5.75
3.3. Physical Chemistry Laboratory 5.75
4.1. Bonding theories and structure 5.67
4.2. Chemistry of elements 3.99
4 Inorganic chemistry 21.0
4.3. Chemistry of inorganic materials 5.67
4.4. Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory 5.67
5.1 Qualitative and quantitative analysis 5.36
5 Analytical Chemistry 16.0 5.2 Instrumental analysis 5.36
5.3 Analytical Chemistry Laboratory 5.28
• The weight% of GKUs are calculated based on the total credit hours of GKUs, which
is 53 credit hours.
• Credit hour calculations are based on a formula in which one 50-minute lecture, or
two or three 50-minute laboratory or tutorial sessions over a 15-week teaching
semester are regarded as one credit hour.
• The total contact hours of laboratory and tutorial sessions should be between 50-
40% of the total contact hours of GKUs.
• Tutorial sessions should not be less than 10 % of the total contact hours of the total
contact hours of laboratory and tutorial sessions.

Chemistry Experience Units (CEUs)
Calculated based on a minimum of [8] credits for required and elective experience.
Chemistry Experience activities should account for a minimum of 25% of student contact
hours in the final year. CEUs are learner-centered experience Units within the advanced
level of the program that:
• allows students to independently apply their knowledge and practical skills in various
areas of learning and real-life situations.
• enables students to incorporate professional skills with chemistry knowledge and
skills in order to acquire professional and career-related skills and establish a
working network.
• prepares students for their career and identifies the appropriate future professional
CEUs include all activities that meet the abovementioned requirements such as:
1. Research Project,
2. Field Experience,
3. Literature Investigation,
4. Extended Case Study,
5. Collaborative Project,
6. Voluntary Project,
7. A year in Industry
Students in such activities should demonstrate and practice values, develop responsibility,
ethical and scientific conduct, high skills in leadership, project management, organizational
skills, engagement with literature, oral and written communication.

Applied Chemistry Units (ACUs)

Calculated based on a minimum of [18] credits for required and elective courses. ACUs
provide a wide range of applied chemical courses in certain areas of chemical industries, in
addition to some technical and non-technical courses that broaden students’ practical
knowledge and skills. These courses are used as basis for applied tracks, and they should
enable graduates to work in a wide variety of local and national industrial sectors. Examples
of such industries can be seen appendix D. To emphasize the applied nature of the courses
under Applied Chemistry Units, the applied courses should carry balanced theoretical and
laboratory credit hours. Therefore, the laboratory contact hours of the applied courses should
be not less than 50% of the total contact hours of all applied chemistry courses.

Appendix (A): International Practices analysis
The GKUs are derived from the following sources:
1. [American Chemical Society]
2. [Royal Society of Chemistry]
3. [9 Selected national and international Universities]
Table A1: International and local universities considered in the analysis of Chemistry
program requirements.
Department News University
# University
name Ranking Ranking
2023 2023
1 McGill - Canada Chemistry 126 51
2 Texas A&M - USA Chemistry 27 72
3 Illinois Urbana Champaign - USA Chemistry 9 26
4 Wisconsin-Madison - USA Chemistry 47 44
5 Minnesota Minneapolis -USA Chemistry 60 59
National University of Singapore –
6 Chemistry 8 8
7 Nanyang Technological‫ ال‬- Singapore Chemistry 3 11
8 North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chemistry 16 68
King Fahd University for Petroleum
9 Chemistry 92 114
and Minerals - KSA

Required Subjects/Topics in Top International and Local

An in-depth analysis of chemistry curriculum in the selected national and international
chemistry programs was carried out to identify the major trends and best practices in chemistry
curriculum, as can be seen in Table A2. It was apparent that all the examined chemistry
programs showed significant similarities in terms of non-chemistry subject requirements such
as math, physics, computer programming, biology, however, they differ slightly in the total
number of credit hours and in biology whether I it’s a requirement or elective requirement. It
was also clear that all analyzed chemistry curriculum showed agreement in the inclusion of
traditional chemistry branches in the curriculum, these include, general chemistry, organic,
inorganic, physical and analytical chemistry. These branches are given the name General
Knowledge Units in the current chemistry curriculum criteria. It was seen that these branches
have list of major topics which all present in chemistry curricula that have been analyzed.
These list of topics for each chemistry branch are named Specialized Knowledge Units in this
document. All analyzed chemistry programs provide elective chemistry and non-chemistry
courses, these electives, in some programs, present chemistry tracks that serve local industry.
Therefore, it is strongly recommended that chemistry programs in the Kingdom should provide
elective chemistry and non-chemistry courses to prepare students to work in the local
chemistry-related industries. According to the surveyed chemistry programs and ACS and
RSC requirements, it is a significant trend in modern chemistry curriculum that it provides
students with chemistry experience credits. This can include research project, field training,
case study, a year in industry, based on the program mission. Therefore, it is important for
chemistry curriculum in the Kingdom to also adopt this trend but with flexibility in terms of what
is required and what is elective.

Table A2: Chemistry program required Subjects/Topics in elite International and local
GKUs SKUs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Total Note

Principle of Inorganic Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 9 A
General Principle of Physical Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 9 A
Chemistry Chemistry
General Chemistry Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 9 A
Principles of organic Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 9 A
Organo-physical Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 9 A
Organic Organic preparations Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 9 A
Polymer Chemistry Y Y Y Y Y 5 C
Bioorganic chemistry Y Y Y Y Y Y 5 B
Organic Chemistry Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 9 A
Chemistry of element Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 9 A

Inorganic Material Chemistry Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 9 A

Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 9 A

Qualitative and Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 9 A
quantitative analysis
Analytical Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 9 A
Instrumental analysis
Analytical Chemistry Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 9 A
Chemical Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 9 A
Kinetic and catalysis Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 9 A
Physical Surface chemistry Y Y Y Y 4 C
Chemistry (Elective)
Theoretical chemistry Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 9 A
Physical Chemistry Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 9 A
Principle of Scientific Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 9 A
Chemistry Research project Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 9 A
Experience Seminar Y Y Y Y Y Y 6 B
Field experience 0 C
Technical Electives Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 9 A
Applied Non-Technical Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 9 A
Chemistry Electives

• Any specialized knowledge unit that was taught by 65 % or more of the universities were
considered an important SKU and recommended and Labeled "A."

• If the comparison showed that a particular SKU scored below 65% and was believed to
be important, they were further screened by applying another acceptance condition as
defined in the FE exam by QIYAS and SCE. The SKUs that satisfy this condition are
recommended and labeled by "B."
• SKUs not meeting the above conditions were be recommended, labeled by "C," and
eliminated from Specialized Learning Outcomes.
• Comparisons were made based on the course descriptions. If no syllabus is available,
consensus ware made.

Approach to setting the domains of chemistry programs.

Chemistry is an experimental science and chemistry program graduates are placed in Saudi
Arabia over a wide range of sectors with different nature and applications of chemical
sciences. Therefore, developing effective domains of unique nature for chemistry, and related
to Saudi jobs market, for chemistry programs is vital. Diagram 1. describes the approach
followed for setting the domain of chemistry programs. An overview analysis of where
chemists work and what their primary duties should be available in order to identify main
stakeholders and recognize the critical and professional skills of chemists. This is an important
step to consider while developing learning outcomes and is described in section 2.1 and 2.2.

Domains of Chemisrty
• Stakeholders RSC domains • Analysis of standards programs in Saudi
identification • Identification of
• Analysis of standards • propose domains for
• Critical & domains chemistry programs
professional skills • Identification of
domains to be related to Saudi
employement market
for chemsists.
(1) (3)
Employment needs ACS domains

Diagram 1. Approach to setting the domain of chemistry programs in Saudi Arabia

In step 2 and 3, the accreditations standards and requirements for chemistry programs set by
both RSC and ACS were critically analyzed, as can be seen Diagram 2. The results of these
two steps clearly show that the domains of RSC and ACS are almost identical, particularly
knowledge domain.

1. Alignment of knowledge and skills domains

An in-depth analysis of KSA-NQF domains was carried out along with comparison with RSC
and ACS domains. The main components of each domain were identified and results are
shown in Diagram 2. Knowledge domain is identical in KSA-NQF, ACS and RSC referring to
a broad background in chemical principles and in-depth study of chemistry or chemistry-
related areas. Skills domain is inherently present in all documents, as can be seen in Diagram
2. Practical skills developed by laboratory experience are considered a primary domain in

chemistry programs in both ACS and RSC. Laboratory experience provides practical
application of knowledge in chemical sciences. Therefore, the skills domain in chemistry
programs should reflect the experimental nature chemistry and hence, called practical skills.
However, skills in KSA-NQF, there are still two main components which are: critical evaluation
of approaches and methods in solving problems. For chemistry programs, these two skills are
still necessary. They are also required by ACS and RSC standards and by chemistry career.
They are presented in ACS and RSC standards as problem-solving, critical thinking and
analytical reasoning. These skills are critical for professional chemists, and they can be
neglected in chemistry programs because they are linked to the theoretical aspect of chemistry
which are delivered in the classroom and the time of traditional lectures do not allow practicing
these skills. To help overcome this challenge, we first classify problems in chemistry to be of
theoretical and practical nature. Therefore, we propose to subdivide the practical skills domain
into two sub-domains: laboratory-based practical and skills and classroom-based practical
skills. An explanation of these sub-domains is as follows:
Practical Skills
Laboratory-based: problems of practical Classroom-based: problems of theoretical and
nature numerical nature
• Hands-on experience in laboratory • Developed via tutorials, in-class exercises, or
• Operation of modern instrumentation homework exercises with oriented feedback.
using standard operating procedures • Apply scientific laws and relations to solve
• Plan, observe, record, analyze, report a complex problems.
scientific experiment. • Critically evaluate method of solutions to
• Practice with safety and good scientific scientific problems related to a discipline,
conduct profession, or field of work;

Diagram 2. Alignment of skills domain in KSA-NQF, RSC and ACS
• Practical application of knowledge,
• practicing routine methods,
• investigation of defined project

Practical Skills
• Supporting theoretical aspects,
• Laboratory based and designed,
• include variety of synthetic and KSA-
measurement techniques NQF
• at least 300 timetabled hours
Laboratory Experience
• 400 hrs at least laboratory work,
• develop student practical skills,
• include synthesis, measurements,
• hands-on experience with modern
• teach students to understands the
RSC ACS operation.

Overlap between SAGF Overlap between SAGF Practical skills developed within Therefore, a main domain in
and RSC in the main and ACS in the main laboratory experience is considered chemistry programs in KSA is
components of skills is components of skills is main domain in chemistry programs Practical Skills
practical skills. practical skills. in both ACS and RSC
2. Alignment of (Values, Autonomy & Responsibility: Competence) domain

Competence is the ability of a student to perform in real life, which implies interaction in various
social situations, cultural settings, and working conditions. In other words, the competences
only fully appear when students are put into a practical context related to their future work and
life. It is, therefore, work-oriented more than curriculum-oriented. KSA-NQF describes
competence in three sub-domains:
1. Autonomy and responsibility in the application of knowledge and skills.
2. Practice of knowledge and skills in real and work situations.
3. Attributes relating to the behavioral and social dimension of learning, work attitude,
and ethical considerations.
The analysis and comparison of competence domain and sub-domain in KSA-NQF with RSC
and ACS standards are presented in Table 2. From the comparison, we can realize that the
description of competence sub-domain; autonomy, responsibility, and practice, contain some
learning outcomes such as managing complex technical or professional activities, working in
a peer relationship, decision making, analyzing, and interpreting complex information and
more others. These learning outcomes match with great similarity the learning outcomes in
project work, capstone experience in ACS and RSC standards. It implies that the two sub-
domains of competence, autonomy, responsibility, and practice could be merged in one main
domain called Chemistry Experience. This will simplify the domain and facilitate the
implications within chemistry programs by adding a practical dimension of the domain.
The attributes sub-domain in KSA-NQF are concerned with building a professional
relationship, displaying confidence, potential for leadership and entrepreneurialism, being a
respectful, team-oriented, right personal attitude towards values and ethics. ACS and RSC,
however, introduced professional skills and development domain. In this domain, a significant
number of personal and professional skills are required such as time management,
communication skills, information management, information technology, ethics, and safety
skills. To make an alignment this domain with KSA-NQF, we can conclude that the domain
professional development, as described in ACS and RSC, has a broader context than
‘attributes,’ it covers all learning outcomes described in attributes domain, with even more
focus on chemistry careers related skills. Therefore, Students professional development
appears to be more relevant to chemistry programs and it will ensure to cover those
requirements which ‘attributes’ domain in KSA-NQF contains.
In conclusion, the alignment of KSA-NQF competence domain with ACS and RSC
domains to produce domains of chemical nature for chemistry programs in Saudi Arabia has
resulted in the following table 4. As can be seen from the table, competence domain in
chemistry program learning outcomes will be developed in one major domain, Student
Professional Development, which includes two different types of learning units, (i) Chemistry
Experience Units, and (i) Applied Chemistry Units. These units represent the advanced level
of the program, and they show programs administrations where to provide experiences and/or
courses for students to enable them to develop autonomy, responsibility and other
professional skills stated in KSA-NQF, ACS and RSC standards.

Table 2. Alignment of competence domain in KSA-NQF with RSC and ACS
KSA-NQF Values, Autonomy &
Practice Attributes
RSC Project work Professional Skills
ACS Research Capstone experience Students’ development skills
Students Professional Development
Chem Prog.
Chemistry Experience Units Applied Chemistry Units

Table 3. The proposed domains of chemistry programs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Program level Chemistry Domains
Foundation level Laboratory-based
Practical Skills
Values, Autonomy & Student Professional Applied Chemistry Units
Advance level
Responsibility: Competence Development Chemistry Experience Units

3. Defining Chemistry program domains

As discussed in section previously, we propose reasonable domains for chemistry programs
in Saudi Arabia. The proposed domains show a great alignment with KSA-NQF and with
evidence from benchmarking international chemical societies, namely RSC and ACS. The
proposed domains are described in detail as follows:
1. Knowledge:
• A breadth study of fundamentals of the main chemistry branches, organic, inorganic,
analytical, physical and biochemistry.
• It is also a demonstration of an in-depth understanding of fundamental chemical principles
and their modern applications.
• It is recalling, critical interpretation and application of base knowledge in chemistry.

2. Practical skills:
Practical skills in chemistry programs are an essential component to support knowledge and
theoretical aspects of chemistry curriculum. It is the application of chemistry curriculum
knowledge through practical laboratory.
a. Laboratory-Based Skills
Chemistry students should be able to:
• synthesis, measure, manipulate chemical apparatus and operate modern
• plan experiments with objectives, monitor and measure properties changes,
document observations and procedures.
• handle chemicals and hazardous materials and tools safely and conduct a risk
• interpret data and explain any limits of accuracy and precision of results, write and
present scientific reports.
• evaluate and analyze methods of experiments according to the appropriate chemical

quantitative analysis

Laboratory-Based Identification &

Curriculum- Oriented Charaterisation

Synthesis &
safey handling Charaterisation

plan, observe, record,

document, analyze,
interpret, report

Diagram 3. Main activities of practical skills in chemistry laboratory

b. Classroom-based practical skills
A significant component of practical skills of chemical science is not of laboratory nature,
it is the application of chemistry principles, rules, laws, and theories:
• to solve problems of mathematical or theoretical nature, or problems related to the
application of science in real life.
• With critical thinking and analytical reasoning skills to solve theoretical aspects of
chemical problems
These skills can be developed in the classroom, tutorials, or homework. Therefore, the
program should devote certain number of credit and contact hours to allow student to Perform
and develop these classroom-based skills.

3. Student Professional Development:

Student Professional Development domain, with Chemistry Experience Units and Applied
Chemistry Units, aims to foster strong collaboration and partnership between chemistry
programs and the employment sector, to provide work-based and work-place learning for
chemistry students, thus addressing student’s long-term employability. Values, Autonomy and
Responsibility domain in the recent NQF replaces competence in the previous KSA-NQF,
however, for the sake of simplicity, we define competence is the ability of a student to perform
in real-life experience, which implies interaction in various working conditions. In other words,
students can demonstrate their competence as chemists only and fully when they are put into
practical experiences within the program related to future work and life. It is, therefore, work-
oriented more than curriculum-oriented. In conjunction with knowledge and practical skills,
competence is also about personal attributes, values, ethical aspects, responsibilities, level of
autonomy in performing tasks and activities. Here, we describe the practical domains of
chemistry programs where competence can emerge, be developed, and be assessed.
a. Chemistry Experience Units:
It is a learner-centered course, experience, and activity within the advanced level of
the program that allows students to independently apply their knowledge and practical
skills in various areas of learning and real-life situations. Students can choose from a
list of courses or experiences what suits their future career. Any activities performed
by students under this domain should be regarded as a student Project work to lead,
perform, and present. These activities include all or some of the following, or any other
activities that meet the requirements of this domain.
1. Research Project, 5. Collaborative Project,
2. Field Experience, 6. Voluntary Project,
3. Literature Investigation, 7. A year in Industry
4. Extended Case Study, Etc

Students in such activities should demonstrate and develop responsibility, ethical and
scientific conduct, leadership, time management, organizational skills, engagement with
literature, oral and written communication.

b. Applied Chemistry Units:

Applied Chemistry Units are in conjunction with Chemistry Experience Units, where
student incorporates a wide range of applied chemical courses in certain areas of
chemical industries in addition to some technical and non-technical courses with work
experience. These applied courses aim to broaden students’ practical knowledge and
skills that are required by the chemical industry. These courses are also used as a
basis for applied chemical tracks, to enable graduates to work in a wide variety of local
and national industrial sectors.

Appendix (B): Alignment of Key Learning Outcomes
of Chemistry with KSA-NQF.

NQF Learning Areas

General Key
Learning Knowledge and Values, Autonomy,
Outcomes Skills
understanding and Responsibility

1 
2 
3 
4 
5 
6 
7 
8 
9 
10 
11 
12 
13 

NQF Learning
Knowledge and understanding Practical Skills Values, Autonomy, Responsibility
Learning Knowledge and understanding Laboratory Skills Classroom Skills Students Professional Development
Chemistry Key KLO1. Demonstrate a critical KLO-4. Practice health and safety KLO-8. Apply principles, laws KLO-10. Plan, execute and report project work
Learning understanding of the key and core regulations while handling chemicals and theories of chemistry and by employing knowledge learned, practical
Outcomes knowledge of the main branches of and performing laboratory activities related physical and skills developed previously in the program with
chemistry and related fields, as with the capability to conduct a mathematical equations to effective use of chemical literature and
outlined GKUs and SKUs. sufficient risk assessment. solve complex chemical retrieval of chemical methods.
problems with appropriate
KLO2. Identify the interdisciplinary KLO-5. Conduct accurate quantitative approximation, precision, KLO-11. Present chemical data and reports
nature between chemistry branches to and qualitative measurements using accuracy, and statistical validity. scientifically in written and oral
interpret and evaluate the practical standard chemical instrumentation communication with proper scientific conduct
applications of the essential facts, and software and report experimental KLO-9. Solve chemical and ethical responsibility.
concepts, principles, and theories of results with appropriate problems related to different
chemistry. interpretation, calculations, and applications of chemistry KLO-12. Lead and manage chemistry project
reasonable conclusions. through critical thinking to work effectively, and demonstrate self-
KLO3. Predict and interpret chemical develop appropriate rational, discipline, decision-making capabilities and
and physical changes that organic and KLO-6. Synthesize and characterize explanations and answers. Engagement in team working to build a
inorganic materials undergo using organic and inorganic materials using working network in chemistry related fields.
appropriate chemical information, appropriate procedures,
data, and rules. instrumentations, and chemical KLO -13. Relate the learned chemistry
apparatus. knowledge and skills to future career and Plan
for further professional training as a chemist.
KLO-7. Develop a systematic and
reliable experimental record via
precise observations of measurements
and changes and assessment of the
limit of accuracy of experimental data.

Appendix (C): Learning Outcomes and Topics for
Knowledge Units
Essential Knowledge Unit (EKU): Mathematics
This Essential unit aims to understand and master the essential concepts, principles, rules,
and theorems of calculus I and II, common applications of differential equations, statistics
topics and applications, applied Linear Algebra. It also enables students to practice
Description analytically various calculus concepts, principles, rules, theorems, and techniques on real-
life problems related to the field of chemistry. Students are also required to demonstrate
how to use mathematical software and tools on various calculus, statistics, and differential
The following topics must be included in this EKU:
1. Calculus I: Limits and Their Properties, Differentiation, Applications of Differentiation,
Integration, Applications of Integration, Logarithmic, Exponential, and Other
Transcendental Functions, Integration Techniques and Improper Integrals
2. Calculus II: Infinite Series, Conics, Parametric Equations, and Polar Coordinates,
Vectors and the Geometry of Space, Vector -Valued Functions, Vector Analysis,
Functions of Several Variables, Multiple Integration
3. Differential Equations: Matrices, Introduction to Differential Equations, First-Order
Differential Equations, Modeling with First-Order Differential Equations, Higher-
Topics Order Differential Equations, Modeling with Higher-Order Differential Equations.
Series Solutions of Linear Equations, Boundary-Value Problems in Rectangular
Coordinates, Boundary-Value Problems in Other Coordinate Systems, Boundary-
Value Problems in Other Coordinate Systems, Systems of Linear First-Order
Differential Equations,
4. Applied Statistics: Basic ideas; graphical summaries of data; numerical summaries
of data; summarizing bivariate data; probability; discrete probability distributions; the
normal distribution; confidence intervals; hypothesis testing; two-sample confidence
intervals; two-sample hypothesis tests; tests with qualitative data; inference in linear
models; analysis of variance; and nonparametric statistics.
By completing this EKU, students should be able to:
1. Recognize the essential concepts, principles, rules, and theorems of mathematics
related to limits and their properties, differentiation and their applications, integration
and their applications, and various types of functions.
2. Demonstrate analytically various calculus concepts, principles, rules, theorems, and
techniques related to limits and continuity, differentiation and their applications,
integration and their applications.
3. Apply mathematical concepts, principles, rules, techniques, and theorems to real-life
Specialized problems in the fields of science and chemistry.
4. Distinguish various types of mathematical functions with applications and analyze and
Learning sketch the graphs of those functions by using graphical software.
Outcome 5. Apply mathematical techniques and tools to calculate mathematical properties and
manipulate mathematical data.
6. Practice ethical principles and responsibility in self-learning, problem solving, and
continuing personal and professional development.
7. Practice mathematical software programs and tools on differential equations topics.
8. Practice mathematical software programs and tools on statistical data and analyze
and interpret statistical graphical displays.

The Table below shows maps the Specialized learning Outcomes for the SKU to the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13
1 
2  
3   
4   
5   
6     
7    
8    

Essential Knowledge Unit (EKU): Physics
This essential unit aims to introduce chemistry students to the basic laws and principles
of Newtonian mechanics; oscillations, waves, and wave optics, the basic laws of
electricity and magnetism; geometrical optics, properties of electromagnetic fields,
dipole and quadrupole fields and their interactions, chemical binding of molecules,
Description electromagnetic properties of materials, Maxwell's equations, and properties of
electromagnetic waves. It also provides students with background in Interference and
diffraction, photons and matter waves, the Bohr atom, uncertainty principle, and wave
mechanics. A calculus-based course for majors in engineering, mathematics, physics,
and chemistry.
The following topics must be included in this EKU:
1. Mechanics: Newton's Laws, work and energy, static properties and fluids,
oscillations, transverse waves, systems of particles, and rotations. A calculus-
based approach for chemistry major.
2. Electricity and Magnetism: Coulomb's Law, electric fields, Gauss' Law, electric
Topics potential, capacitance, circuits, magnetic forces and fields, Ampere's law,
induction, electromagnetic waves, polarization, and geometrical optics. A
calculus-based approach for major in chemistry.
3. Quantum Physics: Interference and diffraction, photons and matter waves, the
Bohr atom, uncertainty principle, and wave mechanics. A calculus-based course
for chemistry major.
By completing this EKU, students should be able to:

1. Recognize Newton's Laws, work and energy, static properties and fluids,
oscillations, transverse waves, systems of particles.
2. Identify the basic principles, concepts, and laws of electricity and magnetism, and
relate the fundamentals of this unit to real life applications.
3. Apply the basic principles, concepts, and laws of electricity and magnetism to a
range of different problems in electromagnetism.
4. Solve vector calculus problems in electromagnetism.
5. Apply the basic principles, concepts, and laws of electricity and magnetism to a
range of different problems in electromagnetism.
6. Demonstrate how to perform common electromagnetism laboratory techniques,
apparatus, and tools in safe and healthy manners.
Specialized 7. Apply principles of quantum mechanics to calculate observables on known wave
Learning function.
8. Analyze and interpret experimental results and develop appropriate and accurate
Outcome conclusions.
The Table below shows maps the Specialized learning Outcomes for the SKU
to the KLOs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1  
2  
3     
4    
5    
6     
7       
8   

Essential Knowledge Unit (EKU): Computer Programing

Overview of computer hardware and software. Programming in Python with emphasis
on basic program constructs: variables, assignments, expressions, decision
structures, looping, functions, lists, files and exceptions; Introduction to objects and
Description classes. Programming in C with emphasis on pointers and functions with output
parameters. Simple multidisciplinary problem solving in science, engineering and
The following topics must be included in this EKU:
1. Overview of Computer Programming using Python
2. Variables, Strings and Arithmetic Operations
3. Selection Structures
4. Repetitions and Loop Statements 1
Topics 5. Functions
6. List, Tuples and Dictionaries
7. Files and Exceptions
8. Classes and Object Orientation
9. Introduction to C language 1
10. Pointers in C language
By completing this EKU, students should be able to:
1. Write python expressions.
2. Use python’s control structures in problem solving.
3. Use the console and files for input/output.
4. Use python lists, tuples, and dictionaries in problem solving.
5. Develop python code to solve a specific problem.
6. Become familiar with programming constructs that are special to the C
The Table below shows maps the Specialized learning Outcomes for the SKU to
Learning the KLOs
Outcome KLOs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1      
2      
3      
4      
5      
6      

General Knowledge Unit (GKU 1): General Chemistry
This general unit enables student to distinguish between states of matter and their
physical and chemical properties, as well as between mixtures and pure substances,
define the atom, describe the arrangement of elements in the periodic table and their
electronic distribution, draw Lewis structures for molecules, apply the laws of significant
Description numbers to chemical arithmetic operations, name ionic and covalent compounds and
determine their chemical formulas, Weighs chemical reactions, describes the types of
chemical bonds and forces between molecules, describes and compares the basics of
thermodynamics and solves applications on it, describes the basics of kinetics of
chemical reactions and solves applications on it.

Specialized Knowledge Unit (SKU1.1): Principle of Inorganic Chemistry

This SKU 1.1 presents the essential principles and common applications of chemistry. It
introduces matter, energy, and measurement; atoms, molecules, and ions; chemical
Description reactions and reaction stoichiometry; reactions in aqueous solution; thermochemistry;
electronic structure of atoms; periodic properties of the elements; and basic concepts of
chemical bonding.
The following topics must be included in this SKU:
1. Essential Ideas of Chemistry.
2. Atoms, Molecules, and Ions.
3. Electronic Structure and Periodic Properties.
4. Periodic table and periodicity
5. Chemical Bonding and Molecular Geometry.
Topics 6. Advanced Theories of Covalent Bonding.
7. Composition of Substances and Solutions.
8. Stoichiometry of Chemical Reactions.
9. Acid-base chemistry
10. Solubility
11. Nuclear chemistry
By completing this SKU, students should be able to:
1. Distinguish chemical and physical properties of matter and their changes, empirical
formulas and molecular formulas, and molecular substances and ionic substances.
2. Describe the basics of atomic theories and models, fundamental atomic structure, the
periodicity of elements in the periodic table, and the system and the surroundings in
3. Apply dimensional analysis using appropriate units, significant figures, scientific
notation, and the mole concept in quantitative chemical calculations.
4. Calculate atomic weight of an element, formula weights, the empirical and molecular
formulas of a compound, the percent yield of a reaction, and solution concentration.
Specialized 5. Identify properties of elements in the periodic table according to periodicity patterns
6. Describe fundamentals of acid/base chemistry, including pH calculations, buffer
Learning behavior, and acid/base titrations
The table below shows maps of the Specialized learning Outcomes for the SKU to
the KLOS.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1   
2   
3      
4   
5   
6   

Specialized Knowledge Unit (SKU1.2): Principle of Physical Chemistry
This SKU 1.2 presents the essential principles and common applications of chemistry. It
introduces the elementary principles and theories of chemistry, electronic structure of
Description atoms, quantum mechanics and atomic orbitals; representations of orbitals, gases laws
and properties, Intermolecular forces, liquids, solids, solutions, kinetics, equilibria,
precipitation, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, organic chemistry,
The following topics must be included in this SKU:
1. Electronic structure of atoms, quantum mechanics and atomic orbitals
2. Gases laws and properties
3. Intermolecular forces, liquids, solids, solutions
Topics 4. Chemical kinetics
5. Chemical equilibria
6. Thermodynamics,
7. Electrochemistry,
8. Organic chemistry
By completing this SKU, students should be able to:
1. Relate the quantum numbers to the number and type of orbitals,
2. Determine electron configuration of atoms and ions.
3. Predict the trends in atomic radii, ionic radii, ionization energy, and electron affinity
using the periodic table.
4. Apply the gas laws and kinetic molecular theory to processes involving gases.
5. Interpret and sketch phase diagrams and calculate the empirical formula and
density of ionic and metallic solids.
6. Determine rate law, rate constant, order, and the concentration of reactants at a
given time for a chemical reaction; and
7. predict a rate law for a reaction having a multistep mechanism.
Specialized 8. Explain fundamental thermodynamic properties by applying thermodynamic laws
The table below shows maps of the Specialized learning Outcomes for the SKU to
Outcome the KLOS.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1   
2   
3      
4   
5   
6   
7      
8      

Specialized Knowledge Unit (SKU1.3): General Chemistry Laboratory
SKU 1.3 presents complements and consolidates the theoretical knowledge acquired
general chemistry units. In addition, this specialized practical unit offers an opportunity to
investigate chemical concepts in an experimental setting according to the chemistry
Description laboratory health and safety regulations. Areas of experimentations include molecular
geometry and bonding theories, gases, liquids, solids, solutions, chemical kinetics,
chemical equilibrium, and chemical thermodynamics.
The following topics must be included in this SKU:
1. Laboratory Safety and Work Instructions; Common Laboratory Apparatus; Basic
Laboratory Techniques
2. Molecular Geometries of Covalent Molecules: Lewis Structures and the VSEPR
3. Behavior of Gases: Molar Mass of a Vapor
4. Determination of R: The Gas Law Constant
5. Enthalpy of Vaporization and Clausius-Clapeyron Equation
6. Crystalline Solids
Topics 7. Freezing Point Depression
8. Rates of Chemical Reactions I: A Clock Reaction
9. Rates of Chemical Reactions II: Rate and Order of H2O2 Decomposition
10. Colorimetric Determination of an Equilibrium Constant in Aqueous Solution
11. Chemical Equilibrium: Le Châtelier’s Principles
12. Determination of the Dissociation Constant of a Weak Acid
13. Titration of Acids and Bases
14. Hydrolysis of Salts and pH of Buffer Solutions
15. Solubility and Thermodynamics
By completing this SKU, students should be able to:
1. Practice basic laboratory safety and work instructions in general chemistry
2. Record experimental results neatly and concisely in a laboratory notebook and in a
manner that gives proper attention to sources of experimental error.
3. Analyze and interpret experimental results, use a spreadsheet program such as
Excel, and develop appropriate and accurate conclusions.
4. Demonstrate laboratory proficiency by supporting arguments with evidence, and by
clearly communicating the results of the chemical experiments.
Specialized 5. Perform precise quantitative measurements using volumetric glassware, analytical
Learning balances, and electrochemical and spectroscopic instruments.
Outcome The table below shows maps of the Specialized learning Outcomes for the SKU to
the KLOS.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1   
2     
3   
4    
5  

General Knowledge Unit (GKU 2): Organic Chemistry
Describe the carbon element and its derivative compounds and their structures and
learn about their properties and how the carbon element bonds to itself and other
elements to form compounds, heterogeneous rings and vital organic molecules,
Description study their interactions and suggest an appropriate mechanism for them, in addition
to analyzing the organic molecules in terms of their photosynthetic activity and their
stereochemistry and using different spectrophotometric methods to deduce
structural formulas of organic molecules.

Specialized Knowledge Unit (SKU2.1): Principle of Organic Chemistry

This unit covers an Introduction to organic chemistry including definition of organic
chemistry, importance and general properties of organic compounds, chemical
bonding and hybridization, bonds polarity, classification of hydrocarbons, saturated
hydrocarbons, unsaturated hydrocarbons, their physical properties, preparation,
and reactions. Aromatic compounds, aromaticity and Huckel rule. Nomenclature of
Description aromatic compounds. Electrophilic substitution reactions of aromatic compounds
and their mechanism. Reactions of side chain. Stereochemistry. Alcohol, phenols
ethers, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and derivatives and amines. Their
physical properties, acidities, solubility, preparations, and reactions. Nucleophilic
addition to carbonyl group. Application of organic compounds in industrial and
medical fields.
The following topics must be included in this SKU:
1. Introduction to organic chemistry which includes definition of organic
chemistry, importance and general properties of organic compounds,
chemical bonding and hybridization, bonds polarity, classification of
2. Alkanes: Nomenclature (IUPAC and trivial), properties, synthesis, and
3. Alkenes: Nomenclature, properties, synthesis, and reactions including
polymerization of Olefins.
4. Stereochemistry: Introduction to stereochemistry including conformational,
Topics geometrical, and optical isomers.
5. Alkynes: Nomenclature, properties, synthesis and reactions.
6. Aromatic compounds.: Aromaticity, Hükel rule, Nomenclature, Electrophilic
aromatic substitution reactions, Side halogenations and oxidation. Orientation
in mono-substituted benzene derivatives.
7. Functional groups (Alcohols, phenols, ethers, carbonyl group derivatives and
amines), Nomenclature, properties, synthesis, and reactions including
nucleophilic addition to Carbonyl group and its mechanism.
8. Examples of multi-step synthesis.
9. Examples of organic compounds applications to various industrial and
biological processes
By completing this SKU, students should be able to:
1. Differentiate between different types of carbon atom hybridizations and
compounds and functional groups derived from them.
2. Apply IUPAC rules in writing names and drawing structures of classes of
Specialized organic compounds.
Learning 3. Identify and classify physical and chemical properties of major functional
Outcome groups.
4. Apply basic organic reactions for the preparation of hydrocarbons and
common functional groups.
5. Outline schemes including multistep reactions.
6. Interpret and draw stereochemistry of selected examples of organic reactions.

The table below shows maps the Specialized learning Outcomes for the SKU
to the KLOs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1      
2   
3    
4      
5     
6    

Specialized Knowledge Unit (SKU2.2): Organo-Physical Chemistry
This organo-physical unit includes two main topics organic reactions and mechanisms and
organic spectroscopy. The reaction and mechanism part covers the different types of
reactions, such as: Substitution and elimination reactions in saturated hydrocarbons,
Description electrophilic addition to unsaturated hydrocarbons, nucleophilic addition to carbonyl group,
pericyclic reactions, and the detailed description of mechanisms of these reactions. The
organic spectroscopy part includes IR, 1H, 13C-NMR, MS, UV-Vis the bases of these
techniques and their applications in the identifications of structures of organic reactions.
The following topics must be included in this SKU:
1. Introduction, Thermodynamic and Activation energy. Physical and chemical methods
for the identification of reaction mechanism.
2. Reaction kinetics and mechanism, isotope effect labeling and intermediates
3. Acids and bases,
4. Aliphatic nucleophilic substitution reactions
Topics 5. Addition and elimination reactions
6. Nucleophilic addition to carbonyl group
7. Pericyclic reactions
8. Radical reactions and photochemistry
9. Mechanisms involved in these reactions, such as SN1, SN2, E1, E2 etc..
10. Application of spectroscopic techniques (NMR, IR, UV-Vis, MS) for the identification
of organic reactions products.
By completing this SKU, students should be able to:
1. Categorize reaction mechanisms, kinetic and thermodynamic considerations.
2. Describe reaction intermediate, medium effect and controlled reactions.
3. Identify methods used for the investigation of reaction mechanisms, energy
considerations and stereochemical considerations.
4. Recognize and characterize types of reaction mechanism and illustrate principles of
molecular rearrangements and structure-reactivity.
5. Explain the use of isotopes in elucidating reaction mechanisms.
6. Compare and distinguish reactivity based on physical and chemical properties of the
molecular structure.
7. Apply reaction mechanisms, stereochemistry, and kinetics in the identification of
structures of organic compounds.
8. Discuss principles of spectroscopy, their types and differences between them.
9. List areas of application of different spectroscopic techniques.
10. Apply different spectral techniques in solving spectral problems and identification of
Specialized reaction products.
Learning The table below shows maps the Specialized learning Outcomes for the SKU to the
Outcome KLOs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1      
2   
3    
4      
5     
6    
7      
8    
9     
10       
      

Specialized Knowledge Unit (SKU2.3): Bioorganic Chemistry

Heterocycles, Nomenclature, Aromaticity, Five, six and seven membered heterocyclic compounds:
Synthesis, Reactions, Cycloaddition Reactions, biological activity, antibiotics, antitumor. Biologically
important Heterocycles: Uracil and Purines. Carbohydrates, Definition, Nomenclature, Classification,
absolute configuration, cyclic structures, oxidation, reduction, osazones, ascorbic acid, amino sugars.
Amino acids, Proteins, Natural amino acids: Properties, Synthesis and Reactions, Synthesis of
Peptides, Protein classification. Lipids, Classification, Waxes, Oils and Fats (Glycerides), synthesis and
Description properties of Glycerides, Glycolipid. Natural products, primary and secondary metabolites, isolation,
separation, and structural identification. Isoprenoids: Terpenes, classification, monoterpenes and
sesquiterpenes. Steroids: Triterpenoids and Sterols, Cardenolides, Biosynthesis of Terpenoids and
Steroids (Acetate Pathway). Alkaloids, Classification, Examples: Pyrrolidines, Piperidenes,
Isoquinolines, Quinolines, Indoles and Purines. Biosynthesis of Alkaloids (Amino acid Pathway).
Alkaloids, Examples: Flavonoids, Anthraquinones, Coumarins, Xanthones, and Polyketide pathway.
Biologically important natural products
The following topics must be included in this SKU:
1. Heterocyclic compounds, classifications, aromaticity
2. Five, six and seven membered heterocycles.
3. Pyrrole, furan, thiophene, imidazole, pyrazole, indole, pyridine, quinoline, isoquinoline.
4. IUPAC and trivial names.
5. Synthesis, reactions, electrophilic and nucleophilic substitutions, physical properties, and
biological activity. Uracil and purines.
6. Carbohydrates, definition, nomenclature, classification.
Topics 7. Glyceraldehyde, monosaccharides, oligosaccharides, polysaccharides.
8. Absolute configuration, A, L-configuration, chiral centers, asymmetric carbon, optical activity.
9. Fischer, Haworth projections, cyclic structures, α, β-configuration. Oxidation, reduction.
10. Amino acids, classification, nomenclature, structures.
11. Peptides, proteins, lipids, structures biological importance.
12. Natural products, primary and secondary metabolites, classification.
13. Isoprenoid, monoterpenoids, sesquiterpenoids, diterpenoids, steroids.
14. Biosynthesis.
15. Flavonoids, coumarins, alkaloids, structures names and classification.
16. Important natural products, use in industrial and medical fields.
By completing this SKU, students should be able to:
1. Classify different classes of heterocyclic compounds.
2. Write IUPAC and trivial names and draw structures of examples of heterocycles.
3. List examples of biological and industrial applications of specific examples of heterocyclic
4. Define carbohydrates and their general structures and recognize different types of carbohydrates.
5. Apply stereochemistry principles in drawing structures of carbohydrates.
6. Categorize amino acids, their stereochemistry, and structures.
7. Define proteins and peptides, their structures and biological importance.
Specialized 8. Define natural products, primary and secondary metabolites.
Learning The table below shows maps the Specialized learning Outcomes for the SKU to the KLOs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1      
2   
3    
4      
5     
6    
7     
8   

Specialized Knowledge Unit (SKU2.4): Organic Chemistry Laboratory
This unit covers all aspects related to working in organic chemistry lab from the basic
requirements such as safety of chemicals, getting familiar to different laboratory equipment and
understanding of different warning and safety signs when working in chemistry lab. It covers
topics such as Solubility, Extraction, Distillation. Identification of physical constants such as
melting and boiling points. Chromatography: Paper (PC), Column (CC), Thin layer
Chromatography (TLC). Tests for the identification of Alkane, Alkene, Aromatic, Organic halides,
Description Hydroxy-Compounds, Nitro and amine compounds, Aldehydes and Ketones, Carbohydrate,
Carboxylic acids, and their derivatives. Elemental Analysis.
Techniques of organic chemistry; preparation, properties of typical organic compounds;
separation, purification, analysis, and characterization of organic compounds.
Synthesis of significant types of organic compounds and study of their properties; laboratory
separations of mixtures of organic substances, instrumental methods of separation,
identification, and analysis. Isolation and Identification of Natural Products, using TLC and CC in
purification of organic compounds. Writing reports for unknown organic compounds.
The following topics must be included in this SKU:
1. General Rules for the Microscale Laboratory and Measurement of Physical Properties
2. Simple Distillation at the Semi-microscale Level
3. Fractional Semi-microscale Distillation
4. Determination of a Partition Coefficient for the System Benzoic Acid, Methylene Chloride,
and Water
5. Reductive Catalytic Hydrogenation of an Alkene: Octane
6. The E1 Elimination Reaction: Dehydration of 2-Butanol to Yield 1-Butene, trans-2-Butene,
and cis-2-Butene.
7. Grignard Reaction with an Aldehyde: 4-Methyl-3-heptanol
8. Diels–Alder Reaction: 4-Cyclohexene-cis-1,2-dicarboxylic Acid Anhydride
9. Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution: 2,4-Dinitrophenylthiocyanate
Topics 10. Williamson Synthesis of Ethers: Propyl p-Tolyl Ether
11. Aldol Reaction: Dibenzalacetone
12. Amide Synthesis: Acetanilide
13. Protein Purification techniques, Protein Assays
14. Determination of Molecular Weight by SDS-PAGE
15. Determination of Molecular Weight by SDS-PAGE
16. Determination of Km and Vmax for Alkaline Phosphatase
17. Product Inhibition of Alkaline Phosphatase
18. Quantitative analysis of Carbohydrates
19. DNA Extraction and Purification
20. Agarose Gel Electrophoresis
21. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
22. Quantitative analysis of lipids (HPLC)
By completing this SKU, students should be able to:
1. Perform common laboratory techniques including thin-layer chromatography, refractive
index, simple distillation, fractional distillation, solvent extraction, collection or control of
gaseous products, crystallization, and sublimation.
2. Synthesize and isolate, at the microscale level, the product(s) of simple organic reactions
without purification and characterization.
Specialized 3. Record experimental results neatly and concisely in a laboratory notebook and in a manner
that gives proper attention to sources of experimental error.
4. Illustrate the outcome and mechanism of organic reactions under investigation.
Outcome 5. Analyze and interpret experimental results and develop appropriate and accurate
6. Differentiate between the biochemical tests of the different biomolecules.
7. Practice laboratory safety and work instructions for organic chemistry laboratories.
8. Use common experimental biological chemistry techniques and instruments.

The table below shows maps the Specialized learning Outcomes for the SKU to the KLOs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1      
2      
3      
4    
5    
6    
7  
8        

General Knowledge Unit (3): Physical Chemistry
The Physical chemistry Knowledge Unit establishes and develops understanding of the
physical properties of bulk matter at macroscopic. It describes classical thermodynamic
properties of chemical systems and how chemical reactions occur. It also covers various
physical processes that chemical reactions undergo such as chemical equilibria, chemical
kinetics, and catalysis. In addition, the structures of and properties of individual atoms and
Description molecules use quantum mechanics. Therefore, the unit introduces the essential principles
and common applications of quantum chemistry and spectroscopy. The field of quantum
chemistry and spectroscopy emphasizes analyzing and describing the structures of
individual atoms and molecules as well as calculating their properties. offers an
opportunity to investigate chemical concepts in an experimental setting according to the
physical chemistry laboratory health and safety regulations. In addition, it focuses on
teaching common physical chemistry laboratory techniques and instruments.

Specialized Knowledge Unit (3.1): Physical Chemistry of Bulk Matter

Unit 3.1 introduces the essential principles and common applications of classical
thermodynamics and statistical thermodynamics. Thermodynamics provides a description
of matter and the transformation between different forms of energy on a macroscopic scale
using bulk properties such as pressure, density, volume, and temperature. On the other
Description hand, statistical thermodynamics provides a description of classical thermodynamics on a
microscopic scale (atoms and molecules) using probability theory. Ranges of physical
chemistry properties are also explored such as Chemical Equilibrium, The Properties of
Real Gases, Phase Diagrams and the Relative Stability of Solids, Liquids, and Gases,
Ideal and Real Solutions, Electrolyte Solution.
The following topics must be included in this SKU:
1. Fundamental Concepts of Thermodynamics
2. Heat, Work, Internal Energy, Enthalpy, and the First Law of Thermodynamics
3. State Functions: Internal Energy and Enthalpy
4. Thermochemistry, Entropy and the Second and Third Laws of Thermodynamics
Topics 5. Chemical Equilibrium
6. The Properties of Real Gases
7. Phase Diagrams and the Relative Stability of Solids, Liquids, and Gases
8. Ideal and Real Solutions, Electrolyte Solutions
9. Probability, The Boltzmann Distribution
10. Ensemble and Molecular Partition Functions
11. Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis
By completing this SKU, students should be able to:
1. Define laws and fundamental concepts of classical thermodynamics, statistical
thermodynamics, chemical equilibria, chemical kinetics, and catalysis, and summarize
the real-life applications related to these topics.
2. Analyze, interpret, and predict the behavior and macroscopic properties of chemical
and physical processes as well as ideal and real gases.
3. Calculate, relate, and predict equilibrium and spontaneity of chemical reactions in
addition to rate laws and reaction orders.
Specialized 4. Sketch, illustrate, and describe phase diagrams and relative stability of solids, liquids,
and gases as pure substances and as mixtures.
Learning 5. Relate macroscopic thermodynamic properties to microscopic states; and apply
Outcome probability principles to the ensembles of atoms or molecules and use the probability
outcomes to predict thermodynamic properties of the system.
6. Apply mathematical and statistical techniques to calculate physical and chemical
properties related to chemical systems.

The table below shows maps the Specialized learning Outcomes for the SKU to the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1   
2       
3      
4    
5    
6      

Specialized Knowledge Unit (3.2): Physical Chemistry of Microscopic Matter
Unit 3.2 is an introduction to theoretical chemistry. It introduces the essential principles
and common applications of quantum chemistry and spectroscopy. The field of quantum
chemistry and spectroscopy emphasizes analyzing and describing the structures of
individual atoms and molecules as well as calculating their properties.
Description This course connects physical chemistry concepts to the real world by covering three basic
types of motion for individual atoms and molecules: translation, vibration, and rotation;
consequently, the translational, vibrational, and rotational spectra can be analyzed and
interpreted. Moreover, other possible applications include scanning tunneling microscope,
atomic force microscope, tunneling in chemical reactions, quantum wells, quantum dots,
teleportation, quantum computers, computational chemistry, and others.
The following topics must be included in this SKU:
1. From Classical to Quantum Mechanics
2. The Schrödinger Equation
3. The Quantum Mechanical Postulates
4. Using Quantum Mechanics on Simple Systems
5. The Particle in the Box and the Real World
6. Commuting and Noncommuting Operators and the Surprising Consequences of
7. A Quantum Mechanical Model for the Vibration and Rotation of Molecules
Topics 8. The Vibrational and Rotational Spectroscopy of Diatomic Molecules
9. The Hydrogen Atom
10. Many-Electron Atoms
11. Quantum States for Many-Electron Atoms and Atomic Spectroscopy
12. The Chemical Bond in Diatomic Molecules
13. Computational Chemistry
14. Molecular Symmetry
15. Molecular Structure and Energy Levels for Polyatomic Molecules
16. Electronic Spectroscopy
17. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
By completing this SKU, students should be able to:
1. Identify the principles and fundamental concepts of quantum chemistry and
spectroscopy and summarize the real-life applications related to SKU.
2. Apply the Schrödinger equation to simple chemical systems that model the
translational, vibrational, and rotational motions; and analyze and interpret the
calculated energies and wave functions.
3. Calculate and predict observables of physical and chemical systems including
probability, expectation value, and eigenvalues.
4. Predict and describe the electronic structures of hydrogen-like atoms, many-electron
atoms, and molecules, and use localized and delocalized bonding models to describe
chemical bonding.
Specialized 5. Predict the structure and energy levels of small molecules via computational
6. Apply mathematical and statistical techniques to calculate physical and chemical
Outcome properties related to chemical systems.
The table below shows maps the Specialized learning Outcomes for the SKU to the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1   
2       
3      
4    
5    
6      

Specialized Knowledge Unit (3.3): Physical Chemistry of Laboratory
This specialized unit (3.3) complements and consolidates the theoretical knowledge
acquired in physical chemistry courses. It offers an opportunity to investigate chemical
concepts in an experimental setting according to the physical chemistry laboratory health
Description and safety regulations. In addition, it focuses on teaching common physical chemistry
laboratory techniques and instruments. Areas of experimentations include practices in
classical thermodynamics, statistical thermodynamics, kinetics, quantum chemistry,
spectroscopy, and computational chemistry
The following topics must be included in this SKU:
1. Introduction: Safety; Recording of Experimental Data; Literature Work; Reports;
Sample Report; Ethics
Treatment of Experimental Data:
2. Use of Computers: Word Processors; Spreadsheets; Symbolic Mathematics
Programs; Quantum Mechanical Programs; Interfacing with Experiments; Exercises
3. Joule–Thomson Effect
4. Heats of Combustion
5. Chemical Equilibrium in Solution
Topics 6. Binary Liquid–Vapor Phase Diagram
7. Freezing-Point Depression of Strong and Weak Electrolytes
8. Temperature Dependence of emf
9. Statistical Thermodynamics of Iodine Sublimation
10. Viscosity of Gases
11. Kinetics of the Decomposition of Benzenediazonium Ion
12. Vibrational–Rotational Spectra of HCl and DCl
13. Raman Spectroscopy: Vibrational Spectrum of CCl4
14. Absorption Spectrum of a Conjugated Dye
15. Absorption and Emission Spectra of I2
16. Fluorescence Lifetime and Quenching in I2 Vapor
By completing this SKU, students should be able to:
1. Practice laboratory safety and work instructions in physical chemistry laboratories.
2. Record experimental results neatly and concisely in a laboratory notebook and in a
manner that gives proper attention to sources of experimental error.
3. Apply essential principles and concepts taught in classical thermodynamics,
statistical thermodynamics, kinetics, quantum chemistry, and spectroscopy to
laboratory measurements.
4. Demonstrate how to use common experimental physical chemistry techniques and
5. Perform computational chemistry calculations and compare their results with the
Specialized collected experimental data.
6. Calculate chemical properties extracted from experimental data and apply
mathematical and statistical techniques.
Outcome The table below shows maps the Specialized learning Outcomes for the SKU to the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1     
2     
3      
4   
5   
6    

General Knowledge Unit (4): Inorganic Chemistry
It covers a wide range of topics in inorganic chemistry, including atomic structure and
bonding, symmetry and group theory, molecular orbitals, acid-base and donor-acceptor
chemistry, coordination chemistry, theories and experimental evidence of electronic
Description structure, reactions and mechanisms, physical techniques in inorganic chemistry,
organometallic chemistry, bonding, reactions, and applications to catalysis, solid state
chemistry, classification of materials, modern methods of synthesis and fabrication, as
well as characterization and applications of materials

Specialized Knowledge Unit (4.1): Bonding theories and Molecular structure

This Unit expands the discussion of different Bonding theories which can be used to
Description describe bonding in molecules. The Unit starts from simple bonding theory to more
complex bonding theories such symmetry and group theory, molecular orbitals. The unit
also covers acid-base and acceptor -donor chemistry.
The following topics must be included in this SKU:
1. Atomic Structure
2. Simple Bonding Theory
Topics 3. Symmetry and Group Theory
4. Molecular Orbitals
5. Acid-Base and Donor-Acceptor Chemistry
By completing this SKU, students should be able to:
1. Provide an overview of the fundamental concepts of inorganic chemistry.
2. Explain the atomic structure based on quantum mechanics and explain periodic
properties of the atoms.
3. Describe the structure and bonding in molecules based on bonding theories.
4. Predict the types and structure of bonding of molecules / ions using bonding theories.
5. Differentiate between acids / bases and predict the reactions between acids and
Specialized bases.
Learning The table below shows maps the Specialized learning Outcomes for the SKU to the
Outcome KLO
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1   
2       
3      
4    
5    

Specialized Knowledge Unit (4.2): Chemistry of elements
This unit introduces solid-state chemistry, physical and chemical properties of a
Description macroscopic crystal, properties of bulk materials compared to small molecules. The unit
also describes the chemical and physical properties of main groups elements, groups of
transition elements, coordination chemistry, electronic spectra in coordination compounds.
The following topics must be included in this SKU:
1. The crystalline solid state
Topics 2. Chemistry of the main group elements
3. Chemistry of Transition elements
4. Physical techniques in inorganic chemistry
By completing this SKU, students should be able to:
1. Define the fundamental principles and concepts of inorganic chemistry and
summarize the real-life applications related to this course.
2. Describe the basic principles of nonmetals, transition metals, and coordination
3. Apply the basic principles of periodic law to predict the reactivity, physical and
chemical properties, and compounds of groups 14‒18, d-block, and f-block elements
of the periodic table.
4. Examine the structures of solid states.
Specialized 5. Categorize materials based on their chemical bonding, structure, and properties.
6. Analyze characterization technique data to evaluate materials.
Outcome The table below shows maps the Specialized learning Outcomes for the SKU to the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1   
2       
3      
4    
5    
6    

Specialized Knowledge Unit (4.3): Chemistry of inorganic materials
This unit is concerned with the properties and behavior of inorganic compounds, which
Description include metals, minerals, and coordination compounds, organometallic compounds, and
their physical and chemical properties. The unit also emphasizes the applications of
inorganic materials as catalysts, pigments, coatings, surfactants, medicines, fuels.
The following topics must be included in this SKU:
1. Coordination Chemistry Structures and Isomers, Bonding, Electronic Spectra, and
Reactions and Mechanisms
Topics 2. Physical techniques in inorganic chemistry
3. Transition metal organometallic chemistry, bonding, and reactions
4. Organometallic reactions and catalysis
5. Nanomaterials
6. Materials Characterization
By completing this SKU, students should be able to:
1. Name coordination compounds and draw their structures.
2. Explain the diverse coordination numbers and isomerism in coordination
3. Discuss the bonding in organometallic compounds of transition metals.
4. Explore modern techniques for material synthesis and fabrication.
5. Categorize materials based on their chemical bonding, structure, and properties.
6. Analyze characterization technique data to evaluate materials.
The table below shows maps the Specialized learning Outcomes for the SKU to the
Outcome KLOs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1   
2       
3      
4    
5    
6    

Specialized Knowledge Unit (4.4): Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory
This unit aims to develop inorganic chemistry laboratory skills such as analyzing experimental
results and writing laboratory reports in a scientific way, practice common inorganic chemistry
laboratory techniques and fundamental inorganic concepts. In addition, it focuses on teaching
Description common inorganic chemistry laboratory techniques and glassware; synthesizing and isolating
inorganic compounds; utilizing a variety of analytical characterization techniques; and
incorporating fundamental inorganic chemistry information from textbooks, reference works,
and peer-reviewed journals.
The following topics should be included in this SKU:
1. Linkage Isomerism: An Infra-Red Study
2. Synthesis and Characterization of a Metal Hydride Complex
3. Nickel (II) Complexes of Some Schiff Base Ligands
4. Identification of Stereochemical (Geometrical) Isomers of [Mo(CO)4(L)2] by Infrared
5. Preparation of trans-PtHCl(PPh3)2 and Measurement of its 1H, 31P and 195Pt NMR
6. Transition Metal Catalysis
7. Synthesis and Reactivity of Tertiary Phosphines
8. Four Methods for Analyzing First Order Kinetics
9. Four Methods for Analysing First Order Kinetics (Continue)
10. Electronic Characterisation of a Transition Metal Complex Using Electrochemical
UV/Vis and EPR Techniques
11. Structural, Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Perovskite Ceramics
12. Preparation and Structure of the Acetyl Chloride-Antimony Pentachloride Complex
13. Ferrocene, (η5-C5H5)2Fe, and its Derivatives
Topics 14. The Use of Organolithium Reagents in the Preparation of Ferrocene Derivatives
15. Covalent and Ionic Metallocene Hexafluoroarsenate Complexes
16. Introduction and Check-In; Laboratory Safety; Laboratory Reports; Example Report
17. Preparation and Investigation of Some Coordination Compounds
18. Gravimetric Analysis of Hexaamminenickel(II) Tetrafluoroborate [Ni(NH3)6](BF4)2
19. Analysis of an Iron (III) Oxalate Complex
20. Synthesis of [NH4] [BF4] and Synthesis and Titrimetric Analysis of [Zn(NH3)4][BF4]2
21. Iron (II) and Lead (II) Formates
22. Ammonium Dichromate, Chromium (III) Oxide, Potassium Chromate and Potassium
23. Preparation of Copper(I) Iodide
24. Tetraiodotin(IV) and its Triphenylphosphine Complex
25. Preparation of Sodium Trithionate, Na2S3O6 and Potassium Trithionate, K2S3O6
26. The Preparation of Potassium Peroxodisulfate, K2S2O8
27. Polyiodides, Me4NIx
28. Interhalogen Compounds
29. Preparation of K[ICl4]
30. Molecular Orbital Calculations of Inorganic Compounds
By completing this SKU, students should be able to:
1. Demonstrate how to perform common solid-state techniques to synthesize inorganic
2. Synthesize, isolate, characterize, and explain the properties of main group,
Specialized coordination, and organometallic compounds.
3. Record experimental results neatly and concisely in a laboratory notebook and in a
manner that gives proper attention to sources of experimental error.
Outcome 4. Analyze and interpret experimental results and develop appropriate and accurate
5. Work effectively as an individual and in groups and to practice leadership when
conducting inorganic experiments and report and communicating results.

The table below shows maps the Specialized learning Outcomes for the SKU to the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1      
2      
3      
4      
5      
6      

General Knowledge Unit (5): Analytical Chemistry
It covers quantitative and qualitative analyses, validation of analytical methods, data
handling, and statistical concepts. Topics include gravimetric and volumetric analysis,
acid-base and precipitation titrations, complex formation, and redox reactions. Modern
Description instrumental techniques like electrochemical, spectroscopic, and separation methods are
explored, encompassing sample preparation, instrument handling, calibration,
optimization, and result interpretation. Emphasis is placed on comprehending the
similarities and distinctions between different techniques.

Specialized Knowledge Unit (5.1): Qualitative and quantitative analysis

This Unit presents in brief the essential principles and common applications of all
qualitative and quantitative method in analytical chemistry. It focuses on classical
analytical chemistry including volumetric analysis (e.g., acid-base titration, complexometric
titration, and precipitation titration), gravimetric analysis, and electrochemical analysis. In
Description addition, this Unit highlights other topics in analytical chemistry including sampling, sample
preparation, standard solution preparation, data analysis, and writing reports. Moreover,
errors in analytical chemistry and quality control and quality assurance are implied.
Furthermore, this Unit trains students on how to select appropriate analytical methods and
on how to evaluate analytical results.
The following topics must be included in this SKU:
1. What Is Analytical Science? Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis:
2. Basic Tools and Operations of Analytical Chemistry
3. Statistics and Data Handling in Analytical Chemistry
4. Good Laboratory Practice: Quality Assurance and Method Validation
5. Stoichiometric Calculations: The Workhorse of the Analyst
Topics 6. General Concepts of Chemical Equilibrium: Acid–Base Equilibria
7. Acid–Base Titrations
8. Complexometric Reactions and Titrations
9. Gravimetric Analysis and Precipitation Equilibria
10. Precipitation Reactions and Titrations
11. Electrochemical Cells and Electrode Potentials
12. Potentiometric Electrodes and Potentiometry
By completing this SKU, students should be able to:
1. Recognize the fundamentals of titration, gravimetric analysis, and electrochemical
2. Outline the steps commonly employed in analytical procedures, sample treatment,
and method validation.
3. Recall the concepts of topics related to chemical analysis including types of chemical
reactions, equilibrium, dissociation, buffers, and indicators.
4. Suggest appropriate methods for chemical analysis.
5. Solve analytical problems in titration methods, gravimetry, electrochemical analysis,
equilibrium, buffers, and standard potentials.
Specialized 6. Use spreadsheets for performing statistical analysis and plotting calibration and
titration curves.
7. Express analytical results using appropriate units of concentrations and statistical
Outcome forms.
8. Calculate analytical figures (e.g., weights, volumes, concentrations, constants, etc.),
and practice the use of significant figures in handling data of chemical analysis.

The table below shows maps the Specialized learning Outcomes for the SKU to the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1     
2     
3     
4      
5        
6       
7    
8     

Specialized Knowledge Unit (5.2): Instrumental Analysis

This Unit presents the principles of spectroscopic and chromatographic methods of
analyses. It offers the general theoretical background and the general concepts of
instrumentation. For spectroscopic methods, the course focuses on the techniques of
Description Flame Emission Spectrometry, Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, Atomic Absorption
Spectrometry, Induction Coupled Plasma and Fluorometry. For chromatographic methods,
the course focuses on the techniques of Gas Chromatography and High-Performance
Liquid Chromatography. The approaches of sample preparation including solvent and
solid-phase extraction are presented as well.
The following topics must be included in this SKU:
1. Spectrochemical Methods
2. Atomic Spectrometric Methods
3. Sample Preparation: Solvent and Solid-Phase Extraction
Topics 4. Chromatography: Principles and Theory
5. Gas Chromatography
6. Liquid Chromatography and Electrophoresis
7. Mass Spectrometry
8. Electrochemical Analysis
By completing this SKU, students should be able to:
1. Recognize the essential theoretical concepts of spectroscopic and chromatographic
methods of analysis.
2. Discuss the functions of devices of instruments for chemical analysis.
3. Outline the potential, limitations, and applications of instrumental analytical techniques.
4. Suggest appropriate instrumental methods for chemical analysis.
5. Solve analytical problems in spectroscopic and chromatographic methods of analysis.
6. Use spreadsheets for calculating equations and analytical figures of merits of
Specialized instrumental analysis and plotting chromatograms and curves.
Learning The table below shows maps the Specialized learning Outcomes for the SKU to the
Outcome KLO
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1     
2     
3     
4      
5        
6       

Specialized Knowledge Unit (5.3): Analytical Chemistry Laboratory
This Unit introduces experimental applications to Analytical Chemistry. Examples of
standard methods are presented to cover the analytical methods of titrations (acid-base,
complexometric, precipitation, and redox), gravimetry and potentiometry. It also introduces
Description the experimental applications taught in Instrumental Analytical Chemistry. It trains students
on various types of instrumental analysis methods including spectrophotometry, atomic
absorption spectroscopy (AAS), and atomic emission spectroscopy (AES); and on different
separation techniques, such as, thin layer chromatography (TLC), gas chromatography
(GC), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and electrophoresis.
The following topics must be included in this SKU:
1. Basic Tools and Operations of Analytical Chemistry: Laboratory Safety; The
Laboratory Notebook—Your Critical Record; Laboratory Materials and Reagent
2. Determination of Replaceable Hydrogen in Acid by Titration with Sodium Hydroxide
3. Determination of Total Alkalinity of Soda Ash
4. Determination of Aspirin Using Back Titration
5. Determination of Water Hardness with EDTA
6. Determination of Silver in an Alloy: Volhard’s Method
7. Determination of Chloride in a Soluble Chloride: Fajans’ Method
8. Analysis of Commercial Hypochlorite or Peroxide Solution by Iodometric Titration
9. Iodometric Determination of Copper
10. Determination of Antimony by Titration with Iodine
11. Gravimetric Determination of SO3 in a Soluble Sulfate
12. Gravimetric Determination of Nickel in a Nichrome Alloy
13. Determination of the pH of Hair Shampoos
14. Potentiometric Determination of Fluoride in Drinking Water Using a Fluoride Ion-
Selective Electrode
15. Spectrophotometric Determination of Iron.
16. Spectrophotometric Determination of Iron in Vitamin Tablets Using a 96 Well Plate
Topics Reader.
17. Spectrophotometric Determination of Manganese and Chromium in Mixture.
18. Ultraviolet Spectrophotometric Determination of Aspirin, Phenacetin, and Caffeine in
APC Tablets Using Solvent Extraction.
19. Infrared Determination of a Mixture of Xylene Isomers.
20. Fluorometric Determination of Riboflavin (Vitamin B2).
21. Determination of Calcium by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry.
22. Flame Emission Spectrometric Determination of Sodium.
23. Solid-Phase Extraction with Preconcentration, Elution, and Spectrophotometric
24. Thin-Layer Chromatography Separation of Amino Acids.
25. Gas Chromatographic Analysis of a Tertiary Mixture.
26. Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Fruit Juices for Vitamin C Using High-
Performance Liquid Chromatography.
27. Analysis of Analgesics Using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography.
28. Analysis of Sulfur in Coal by Ion Chromatography.
29. Anion Content of Drinking Water by Capillary Electrophoresis.
30. Capillary Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry.
31. Analysis of Chlorinated Herbicides by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography/Mass
By completing this SKU, students should be able to:
1. Explain the theoretical background related to experiments of volumetric, gravimetric,
and potentiometric analyses.
Specialized 2. Practice handling the basic and advance tools as well as operations in analytical
Learning chemistry.
Outcome 3. Prepare standard solutions and reagents for spectroscopic and chromatographic
4. Carry out experiments on volumetric, gravimetric, and potentiometric analyses.
5. Carry out experiments using spectroscopic and chromatographic techniques.

6. Write up technical reports using standardized forms.
The table below shows maps the Specialized learning Outcomes for the SKU to the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1       
2       
3     
4     
5      
6     

Appendix (F): Employment sectors for chemists
Chemistry programs provide professional chemists who can work in many government and
industrial sectors, which could be classified in terms of their products and work nature, as
shown the list below:
List of the employment sectors for chemists
• Research and development • Education & academia
• Energy, petroleum, and petrochemical industries • Military & public security
• Laboratories for standards, metrology, and quality • Military industries
• Materials (cement, fertilizer, alloys, ...) • Food industry
• Water & Environment • Paints and pigments
• Forensic chemistry • Textiles
• Health (medical, pharmaceutical, ...)

The typical work duties for chemists in government and industrial organizations are:
• Research or/and development • Teaching and training
• Leadership and management • Supervision and evaluation
• Simple to complex routine analysis (Quality Control Analysis)
• Production • Sales and marketing

When examining the abovementioned duties of chemists in their career, we can obtain the
vital transferrable skills which chemistry programs should adopt to increase the employability
of chemistry graduates. These skills are as follows:
1. Scientific & technical knowledge 2. Numeracy and problem solving
3. Information technology 4. Communications (written, oral)
5. Project management 6. Teamwork
7. Leadership 8. Laboratory skills with ethical & scientific conduct

In summary, Saudi Arabia chemistry-related industries are major contributors in the national
economy and chemists of high-quality skills are required. Therefore, modern, and professional
chemistry programs should meet this demand. Chemistry programs should also provide
students with knowledge and experiences through which they can develop critical
transferrable skills, listed above, to be competent to enter the workforce.

Appendix (G): Further Key Requirements for the
Implementation of Chemistry Program Curriculum:
Although the National Centre for Academic Accreditation and Evaluation has developed
several standards for program quality assurance, there is still a critical need to develop some
specialized key requirements for chemistry programs in the Kingdom in order to guide
universities to meet the required learning outcomes of the program. In this section, we
introduce the key requirements for the chemistry program which are not explicitly covered in
programs accreditation standards.
1. Knowledge:
1.1 The program curriculum should cover a broad understanding of essential knowledge
units and in-depth knowledge of the general key units described earlier.
1.2 If the program provides track/tracks designed to cover emerging areas of chemistry or
to meet local labor market needs in academia or industry, then tracks should not affect
the core knowledge of foundation in chemistry in the program. However, the track
should provide the threshold knowledge and laboratory skills for the track, the minimum
contact hours for the track should not be less than 70% of total contact hours of the
final year.

2. Practical Skills:
2.1 As chemistry is an experimental science, therefore, the program must provide
substantial laboratory-based contact hours and include, synthesis of molecules,
properties measurements, structures determination, hands-on experience with
modern instrumentation and data analysis and reporting.
2.2 Laboratory experience in chemistry program must fall within the range of 40-50% of
total contact hours of core chemistry courses in the program (exclusive of chemistry
experience units)
2.3 The Program must have modern, standard quality and continuously maintained
instrumentations and specialized laboratory equipment, which should include pH
meters, conductivity meters, UV/Vis spectrophotometer, FTIR, Flame photometer,
ICP, HPLC-UV. GC-FID, Potentiometers with some ISEs, Electrophoresis, NMR
2.4 The Program must provide access to computing facilities, computational chemistry
software, technical database, and chemical literature.
2.5 The Program must have a well-established system for health and safety practice which
must conform to national stated regulations for chemistry laboratories. This system
should include:
o Hazard identification database o Waste management
o Risk assessment procedures o Standard operating procedures
o Laboratory management system o Sufficient personal protective equipment
o Regular examination and inspection o Reporting and analysis of accidents
o Continuous awareness program

2.6 For a safe and effective laboratory experience, number of students in the laboratory
should not exceed 25 with an adequate number of instructors and assistants.
2.7 The Program should develop, review, approve and implement appropriate assessment
methods with explicit RUBRICS to ensure all aspects of laboratory experience are fairy
and rigorously assessed.
2.8 The Program must devote reasonable contact hours for students to develop their skills
in problem-solving, critical thinking and analytical reasoning. This can be achieved in
relevant courses via tutorials, small group discussions, and a student’s forum.

3. Chemistry Experience Units
3.1 The program must provide a platform for students to experience different form activities
where they can independently integrate their knowledge and skills across chemistry
disciplines. These activities can include:
1. Research project
2. Field experience
3. Extended case study
4. Literature investigation
5. Collaborative project
6. Voluntary Project
7. A year in industry
3.2 The chemistry experience activities should account for at least 25% of student contact
hours in the final year.
3.3 The research project should instruct students to apply their understanding of all
chemistry subdisciplines, laboratory skills, and instrumentation handling to solve
complex problems and answer research questions. Reasonable time should be offered
for a student to carry out literature studies, experimental investigation and produce a
publishable well-written thesis.
3.4 The Program must maintain control and supervision of field experience and any
activities based on external placement of program students, according to NCAAA Field
Experience Description
3.5 Field experience assessment should be properly developed with explicit RUBRICS.
3.6 The Program must ensure that the nature and content of activities within field
experience and other chemistry experience units are chemistry related.
3.7 The Program must ensure that experiences within chemistry experience units domain
expose students to a wide range of transferrable skills which are required for
professional chemists. These skills include:
o Communication skills o Teamwork skills
o Ethics o Leadership & management
o Networking o Literature & information management
o Information technology


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