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Role of Sustainable Tourism and Ecotourism Development in Ethiopia

Article · January 2020

DOI: 10.5829/idosi.jfe.2020.25.35

3 1,021

3 authors:

Dase Tesema Dida Garbole Boru

Jimma University Jimma University


Tadele Umata
Jimma University


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Journal of Forestry and Environment 2(2): 25-35, 2020
ISSN 2079-214X
© IDOSI Publications, 2020
DOI: 10.5829/idosi.jfe.2020.25.35

Role of Sustainable Tourism and Ecotourism Development in Ethiopia

Dase Tesema, 2Dida Garbole and 2Tadele Umata

Office of Forest, Environment and Climate Change Authority,
Expert at Kiltu Kara District, West Wellega Zone, West Ethiopia
Jimma University, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine,
Department of Horticultural and Plant Science, Jimma, Ethiopia

Abstract: The objective of this seminar was to review the existing documents concerning the role of sustainable
tourism and ecotourism development. Sustainable development of tourism the anticipated goals and outcomes
of tourism plans will inevitably determine their role for environmental protection, social and economic
development. In Ethiopia, tourism has economic, social, cultural, political and environmental benefits.
Sustainable tourism has the potential to enhance the conservation of natural, historical and cultural resources,
improve the livelihoods of local communities and enhance national development. Sustainable tourism,
particularly ecotourism emphasizes the preservation of natural areas in tourists’ destinations and encourages
tourists to be environmentally conscious, abide by local regulations and put up responsible behavior to prevent
damage to the natural environment. Sustainable tourism minimizes impacts on environmental resources, respects
and conserves the socio-cultural authenticity of host communities and provides long-term economic benefits
to all stakeholders, through the informed participation of all stakeholders, consensus building and monitoring
impacts, to provide a meaningful and satisfying experience to tourists. Tourism is the promotion of mutual
understanding, trust, goodwill and peaceful co-existence. Tourism could be a colossal and exciting involvement
which educates humankind on how to appreciate the magnificence of other countries and place and how to
enhance ourselves from the shifted culture of others. Tourism breaks down distinctive pride and preferences
and makes us more serviceable. Tourism and ecotourism have a part in common, as well as a few chosen
contrasts. Both travel categories work toward the combined objective of cultivating guests, delight and winning
cash for the goal. The essential distinction between conventional travel and ecotourism is the soil neighborly
center of the last-mentioned.Ecotourism is the most centered on a common region of fascination. Ecotourism
is one of the divisions regularly picked for by both open and private partners of creating nations in reacting
to issues to the maintainability of a biological system; job creation, social conservation and biodiversity

Key words: Development Ecotourism Role Sustainable Tourism

INTRODUCTION maintainability standards to its tourism exercises,

operations, foundations and ventures. Subsequently, five
Ethiopia has many remarkable natural, historical and fundamental standards of supportability came into
cultural tourist attractions. Hundreds of thousands of being: the thought of all-encompassing arranging and
international and domestic visitors travel to these sites procedure making; the importance of protecting biological
each year. Ethiopia has numerous momentous normal, prepare; to ensure both human heritages and biodiversity;
verifiable and social traveler attractions. Hundreds of to create in a way that cultivates long-term efficiency
thousands of universal and household guests travel to economic for the future era; the objective of
these locales each year. Indeed, Ethiopia is one of the accomplishing distant better; a much better; a higher; a
foremost fundamental visitor goals within the world [1]. strong; an improved adjust of value among countries
Ecotourism is a fragment of economic tourism that applies [2, 3].

Corresponding Author: Dase Tesema, Office of Forest, Environment and Climate Change Authority,
Expert at Kiltu Kara District, West Wollega Zone, West Ethiopia.
Journal of Forestry and Environment, 2(2): 25-35, 2020

Ecotourism is still in its infancy in Ethiopia, but it Objectives: To survey the existing records
holds significant potential for growth. The country’s concerning the role of feasible tourism and ecotourism
biodiversity is unique compared to neighboring countries, improvement.
some of which are famous safari destinations. Ethiopia
protected area, which incorporates national parks, game Literature Review
saves, wildlife sanctuaries and controlled hunting Tourism and Ecotourism Development of Ethiopia:
grounds, covers around 14% of the country [4, 5]. Tourism is among the largest industries around the globe
Agreeing to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism (MOCT) that can stimulate the economies of many countries.
of Ethiopia is investing with a cluster of tourism assets, Such an industry has to be economical so that countries
within the form of cultural, historical, archeological and can proceed to appreciate the benefits. One sort of
natural assets are great potential for the development of tourism that can be economical has the propensity to
sustainable ecotourism [6]. preserve biodiversity and give feasible vocations to
Sustainable development of tourism anticipated goals community individuals is ecotourism. Ecotourism can
and outcomes of tourism plans will inevitably determine perform these parts when inhabitants are enabled [9].
their role for environmental protection, social and Tourism is among the top growing industries in the world
economic development. In Ethiopia, tourism has that provide income to several countries across the globe.
economic, social, cultural, political and environmental In past periods, merchants played a considerable role
benefits. Tourism is made Sustainable tourism grasps all intheintroduction of religions to Ethiopia, which
fragments of the tourism industry with rules and criteria contributes a lot totheevolution of tourism in Ethiopia.
that look to diminish natural impacts and to make strides It was also believed that the Portuguese missionaries and
in the commitment of tourism to feasible improvement and other Europeans came to Ethiopia as earlier visitors when
natural preservation. they made explorations to the source of the Blue Nile [10].
Sustainable tourism leads to the administration of The tourism industry is as of now developing as one of
assets in such a way that financial, social, natural and the foremost important financial divisions within the
stylish needs can be satisfied. It is, in brief, a tourism world. In 2013, tourism accounted for 6 % of the world’s
movement that meets the desires of display visitors and by and large trades, 9.1 % of the business (1 in 11
has locales protection and improving openings for the occupations) and 9 % of the Net Residential Item (GDP).
long-term [1]. Feasible tourism minimizes impacts on In line with the development of worldwide tourism, the
natural assets, regards and preserves the socio social tourism industry in Ethiopia is presently developing
genuineness of having communities and gives long term quickly. There's an incredible potential for the
financial benefits to all partners. advancement of the tourism industry in Ethiopia.
Sustainable tourism particularly ecotourism Ethiopia has numerous remarkable natural, verifiable and
emphasizes the preservation of natural areas in tourists’ social tourist attractions. It is one of the foremost vital
destinations and encourages tourists to be visitor goals within the world. Worldwide traveler entries
environmentally conscious, abide by local regulations and in Ethiopia expanded from 138, 856 in 1997 to 596, 341 in
put up responsible behavior to prevent damage to the 2012. Tourism receipts (incomes) moreover expanded from
natural environment [7]. USD 43 million in 1997 to USD 1.2 billion in 2012 [1].
Ecotourism could be a sub-component of the field of Tourism and ecotourism have a lot in common, as
feasible tourism. Ecotourism seen potential as a device for well as some decided differences. Both travel categories
economic advancement is the most reason why creating work toward the combined objective of cultivating
nations are presently grasping it and counting it in their guests, satisfaction and winning cash for the goal.
financial improvement and preservation procedures. The essential contrast between conventional travel and
Ecotourism, as elective tourism, includes going by normal ecotourism is the soil- inviting center of the last
ranges in arrange to memorize, to ponder, or to carry out mentioned. Ecotourism is the most centered on a
exercises ecologically neighborly, that's, tourism based on characteristic range or fascination [18]. The tourism
the nature involvement, which empowers the financial and industry is the big industry within the world for receipts
social improvement of nearby communities. It centers from worldwide tourism consumption totaling US $474
basically on encountering and learning approximately billion in 2004. It is the assessment by the World Tourism
nature, its scene, greenery, fauna and their territories, as Organization to proceed to develop up to the year 2020
well as social artifacts [8]. [11].

Journal of Forestry and Environment, 2(2): 25-35, 2020

The concept of tourism is the exercise of people cash-in the dividends of these policy reforms. One of the
traveling to and remaining in places exterior their sure ways of doing this is to address the issue of safety
environment for not more than one continuous year for and security in the tourism industry [11].
recreation, commerce and other purposes not related with Tourism is not only a powerful social and economic
the work out of a movement compensated from inside the force but also a factor in the physical environment as well.
put visited. The definition of tourism has experienced It has the power to enhance the environment, provide
several adjustments reflecting the changing confront of funds for conservation, preserve culture and history, to
tourism improvement, the exercises locked in by visitors set sustainable use limits and to protect natural
and the effect not as it was on financial action by and attractions. It has the control to improve the environment,
large but, moreover on the environment, framework and give reserves for preservation, protect culture and history,
the common, chronicled and social legacy [11]. to set maintainable utilize limits and to ensure attractions.
The tourism industry has an increasingly important It moreover has the control to contribute towards
economic, social, cultural and environmental impact, both negative, social, financial and natural impacts, particularly
globally and on the national scale. The division could be within the have nations [13]. The suggestion of tourism
a driving drive behind the financial progression of versus ecotourism on maintainable utilize of biodiversity
numerous nations, counting creating ones, where it & preservation Visitors are pulled in by scenes which
cultivates work creation, invigorates financially harbor critical biodiversity. Tourists in coastal regions
broadening and boosts trade profit [11]. Tourism is the appreciate swimming in clean waters among the angle
advancement of understanding, trust, goodwill and quiet and coral reefs and observing whales and seabirds.
co-existence. Tourism may be exciting involvement which Others go on safaris to natural life [14]. Ecotourism could
instructs how to appreciate the excellence of other be a sub-component of the field of feasible tourism.
countries and places and how to improve ourselves from Ecotourismperceived potential as a successful instrument
the changing culture of others. Without a doubt, tourism for maintainable advancement is the most reason why
breaks down distinctive pride and biases and makes us creating nations are presently grasping it and counting it
more serviceable. in their financial and preservation procedures.
Concurring to World Travel and Tourism Ecotourism, as elective tourism, includes going to
Organization [12], tourism can contribute to improvement zones in arrange to memorize, to consider, or to carry out
which is financially, biologically and socially feasible activities ecologically neighborly, that's, tourism based on
since it: has less effect on characteristic assets and the the nature encounter, which empowers the financial and
environment than most other businesses; is based on social advancement of nearby communities. It centers
satisfaction and appreciation of nearby culture, built a essentially on encountering and learning around nature,
legacy and environment, as such that the industry its scene, vegetation, fauna and their territories, as well as
contains a coordinate inspiration to ensure these social artifacts from the region [8]. Ecotourism makes a
resources; can play a positive portion in expanding difference in community improvement by giving the
customer commitment to economic advancement interchange source of the job to the more maintainable
standards through its unparalleled shopper dispersion neighborhood community. Its point is to moderate assets,
channels; and gives a financial motivation to preserve particularly natural differences and keep up economical
situations and environments which something else to utilize of an asset can bring biological involvement to
more ecologically harming arrive employments, travelers to the environment and pick up the financial
subsequently, making a difference to conserve advantage. In any case, accomplishing the points in
bio-diversity [11]. ecotourism depends on whether they are ecologically and
The importance of tourism to economic growth, biologically economical and financially appropriate [8].
national development and poverty reduction cannot be According to Weaver [20], Ecotourism exists inside
overemphasized. This had been enunciated in recent the broader classification of tourism sorts which, at an
national and international policies, such as the Millennium introductory level, can be isolated into ‘mass tourism’ and
Development Goals (MDGs), New Partnership for African ‘alternative tourism’. Mass tourism is seen as the more
Development (NEPAD) and National Poverty Eradication conventional shape of tourism improvement where short-
Programme (NAPEP), among others. The potential for this term, free advertising standards rule and the maximization
sector is enormous for Africa, but a lot has to be done to of wage is foremost [8].

Journal of Forestry and Environment, 2(2): 25-35, 2020

Natural, Historical and Cultural Tourist Attractions of Rich biodiversity and endemism Terrestrial ecosystems:
Ethiopia: Has numerous exceptional normal, chronicled
and social traveler attractions. Hundreds of thousands of Deserts and semi-deserts, woodlands, shrublands,
universal and household guests travel to these grasslands, wetlands and forests (especially coffee
destinations each year. Ethiopia is one of the foremost forests in southwestern and southeastern Ethiopia)
important traveler goals within the world. Semien and Afro-alpine areas such as the Semien, Choke and the
Bale Mountains, Blue Nile River (known in Ethiopia as Bale Mountains
Abay River) and Blue Nile Falls (known in Ethiopia as Islands of Lakes Tana, Ziway, Langano, Shalla,
Tisisat Falls), Lake Tana and its islands and Rift Valley Abaya, Africa and others Inland water bodies:
lakes are some of the leading tourist destination areas Rivers and their waterfalls such as the Blue Nile River
mainly because of their scenic beauty and/or rich and Blue Nile Falls and Awash River and Awash Falls
biodiversity; and Axum, Gondar and Lalibela because of [1].
their historical and cultural significance. The International
Visitors’ Exit Survey conducted in 2013 by the MoCT Ethiopia has many unique resources for international
showed that the motivations that made the international tourism. It is one of the richest and most diversified
visitors visit Ethiopia are cultural attractions (42.89 %), potential destinations of international tourism.
nature and wildlife attractions (29.29 %) and historical Regarding the tourism potential of Ethiopia, Briggs [15]
attractions (27.73 %) [1]. underlined as “… the combination of wonderful scenery,
Agreeing to the Service of Culture and Tourism unusual prolific wildlife and fascinating historical sites
(MoCT) of Ethiopia, the nation is blessed with makes it Ethiopia a wonderfully rewarding and constantly
tremendous cluster tourism assets, within the frame of stimulating country”. It has a unique historical and
social, chronicled, archeological and common assets cultural heritage, magnificent scenery, a surprisingly cool
which is incredible potential for the improvement of climate, rich flora and fauna, important archaeological
maintainable ecotourism. Indeed even though normal sites and hospitable people [6].
assets in Ethiopia have an incredible commitment for the
improvement of tourism in common and ecotourism in The Role of Tourism in the Economy of Ethiopia:
specific, most of the common assets are exceedingly In Ethiopia, tourism has economic, social, cultural,
uncovered to corruption [6]. political and environmental benefits. Tourism, if it is made
sustainable, has the potential to enhance the
Major Tourist Natural Attractions of Ethiopia: Geological conservation of natural, historical and cultural resources,
sites, especially the Rift Valley areas: improve the livelihoods of local communities and enhance
national development [1].
Danakil Depression/Afar Depression (with its colorful The numbers of tourist flow can estimate regarding
sulfur and salt lakes) the economic and social affairs, the effects of tourism in
Volcanically active areas such as Ertale (Lava Lake) Ethiopia and the amount of money received from
Hotsprings, geysers and fumaroles (sites of health- international visitors. The effect of tourism also to be
related tourism) measured through the expenditures of tourists that
have an impact on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) or the
Wide altitudinal range – from 126 meters below sea over-all income and earnings from the tourism sector's
level at the Danakil Depression/Afar Depression activities such as job opportunities and services. As far
(the lowest point in Ethiopia) to 4, 620 meters above sea as recorded data indicated that the number of foreign
level at Mt. Ras Dashen /Ras Dejen (the highest peak in visitors who arrived in Ethiopia in 1963 was 19, 836 and
Ethiopia and the fourth highest in Africa). the revenues obtained from tourists in this year was
Scenic landscapes such as the Semien and Bale 11 million Ethiopian Birr [16]. However, recently the
Mountains, Blue Nile Falls, Lake Tana and its islands and numbers of tourist arrivals and the revenues can be
Rift Valley lakes. obtained from tourists is significantly increasing.
Blue Nile Gorge (known in Ethiopia as Abay Gorge), For example, in the year 2005, about 227, 398 tourist
the largest canyon in Africa. arrivals reached Ethiopia and about 1, 202, 368, 339
Favor able climate and weather (the climate varies Ethiopian Birr was generated from these tourists.
from cool and temperate in the highlands to hot and arid The contribution of tourism to Ethiopian GDP is low
in the lowlands). when compared to the other Eastern African countries.

Journal of Forestry and Environment, 2(2): 25-35, 2020

For example, in 1996 tourism contribution in Ethiopia was tourism can be divided into two strains of thought: one
about its 0.5 % GDP whereas its contribution to Kenya that is ‘tourism centrism and focuses on tourism purely as
was 5.1 % of its GDP in the same year [10]. an economic activity and the other that attaches
importance to tourism as an element of the wider
Potential of Tourism Resources in Ethiopia: Ethiopia is sustainable tourism policies. Hunter [17] also referred to
endowed with a unique cultural heritage and attractive sustainable tourism as an “adaptive paradigm,
natural resources that attract tourists. The oblique, encompassing a set of meta-principles within which
churches, castles, archaeological sites, caves are some of several different development pathways may be
the cultural resources of Ethiopia. There are also a high legitimized according to circumstance”Wyk [18].
diversity of plants and animals in Ethiopia. In addition to Swarbrooke [19] identifies six other terms that are
these, there are impressive features such as high associated with sustainable tourism that the concepts are
mountains, rivers and lakes in Ethiopia. The favorable only partially connected to sustainable tourism.
diversity of climate is the other factor that makes Ethiopia Sustainable tourism particularly ecotourism
attract tourists. Having Addis Ababa as the venue of the emphasizes the preservation of natural areas in tourists’
seat for Africa Organization Unity and United Nation destinations and encourages tourists to be
Economic, commission for Africa is also another feature environmentally conscious, abide by local regulations
of attractions for Ethiopia [10]. and put up responsible behavior to prevent damage to
Ethiopia has many unique resources for international the natural environment [9]. Eshun and Tagoe-Darko [20]
tourism. It is one of the richest and most diversified emphasize that there is significant evidence of
potential destinations of international tourism. Regarding ecotourism's potential for economic gains and
the tourism potential of Ethiopia, Briggs [15] underlined as conservation. Even though many praise sustainable
“… the combination of wonderful scenery, unusual tourism for being a solution to biodiversity conservation,
prolific wildlife and fascinating historical sites makes it others believe that it is vague and used as a buzzword
Ethiopia a wonderfully rewarding and constantly that brings about diverse practices at different places.
stimulating country”. It encompasses a special chronicled The various forms of empowerment for sustainable
and social legacy, radiant view, a shockingly cool climate, ecotourism include political, social, economic,
wealthy greenery and fauna, vital archeological psychological and environmental. Community members
destinations and affable individuals [7]. Even though need to be empowered in these aspects for ecotourism to
common assets in Ethiopia have an incredible commitment be sustainable [9].
for the advancement of tourism in common and
ecotourism in specific, most of the common assets are Sustainable Tourism: Sustainable tourism is defined by
exceedingly uncovered to debasement [7]. Ethiopians are the World Tourism Organization (WTO) as the type of
confronting quick deforestation and arrive corruption that tourism that ‘meets the needs of tourists and host
has been fueled by expanding of a population which in regions, while at the same time it protects and improves
turn come about in broad woodland clearing for agrarian opportunities for the future’. It further states that the
utilize, overgrazing, abuse of existing timberlands for genuineness of local culture should be maintained whilst
fuelwood, fodder and development materials, a setting of providing social, economic and environmental benefits to
fire to form field arrive, development of settlements, etc. destination areas. Sustainable tourism should also respect
There is a rapid decreasing percentage of the forest cover major ecological processes, biodiversity as well as life
of the country- means it was 40% in 1900, 16% in 1954, 8% support systems. Sustainable tourism came to the fore
in 1961, 4% in 1975 and 3.2% in 1980 and now it is around early [9]. The definition of sustainable tourism
estimated to be less than 3%. This alarming rate of presented here denotes that any form of tourism that
deforestation is the major cause of the disappearance of claims to be sustainable should mimic these concepts.
various indigenous wild animals and plants and it has also Sustainable tourism minimizes impacts on
brought about adverse effects on the country’s tourism environmental resources, respects and conserves the
industry, bio-diversity and economy, among others [7]. social-cultural authenticity of host communities and
provides long-term economic benefits to all
Strategy for Sustainable Development of Tourism: stakeholders, through the informed participation of all
The anticipated goals and outcomes of tourism plans will stakeholders, consensus building and monitoring impacts,
inevitably determine their role for environmental to provide a meaningful and satisfying experience to
protection, social and economic development. Sustainable tourists [21].

Journal of Forestry and Environment, 2(2): 25-35, 2020

Maintainable tourism grasps all sections of the is nonurban in character and function and reflects the
tourism industry with rules and criteria that look to history and environment of the area. Examples include
decrease natural impacts and to move forward the historic sites and agricultural interpretation. Rural tourism
commitment of tourism to economical advancement and has been touted as a method for rural development and
natural preservation. According to the World Tourism the achievement of greater development goals [24].
Organization (WTO), feasible tourism leads to the
administration of assets in such a way that financial, Archaeology Tourism: Archaeologytourism or
social, natural and tasteful needs can be satisfied. It is, in archaeological tourism refers simply to the travel to
brief, a tourism movement that meets the wants of show archaeological sites by tourists. While this term does
sightseers and has districts whereas protection and apply to the present case study, it was not selected
upgrading openings for the long term [7]. because archaeological sites also fall under the umbrella
of heritage tourism, which is a more common term in both
Types of Tourism: Sustainable tourism is but one term the tourism and cultural heritage management fields [21].
used to describe the traits of tourism activities, cultural
tourism, ecotourism, community-based tourism, pro-poor Heritage Tourism: Heritage tourism is “tourism centered
tourism and rural tourism also could be used [21]. on what we have inherited, which can mean anything
from historic buildings to artworks, to beautiful scenery”.
Cultural Tourism: Cultural tourism describes a tourism The word heritage describes the tourism offering and
experience where an outside person wishes to experience broadly means any site dealing with inheritance. A more
another culture and the experience may or may not include applied definition explains that heritage tourism is “a
historical aspects. Cultural tourism focuses on living phenomenon that focuses on the management of past,
cultures, such as the people of the Omo valley in Ethiopia. inheritance and authenticity to enhance participation and
Cultural heritage tourism and cultural tourism are not the satisfy consumer motivations by evoking nostalgic
same terms. Cultural tourism was not selected given much emotions; its underlying purpose is to stimulate monetary
of the research focuses on current cultural practices and benefits for its various constituencies such as the
not historic cultures or physical places [21]. museums, historic houses, festivals, heritage hotels and
other stakeholders” [21].
Eco-Tourism: Eco-tourism is most commonly defined as Common legacy alludes to: “Natural highlights
a nature-based activity, which promotes education and comprising of physical and natural arrangements or
preservation while benefitting the community and bunches of such arrangements, which are of extraordinary
respecting local culture [21]. The most commonly cited all-inclusive esteem from the tasteful or logical point of
definition is that of CeballosLascurain [22]: “Travelling to seeing; Topographical and physio graphical arrangements
relatively undisturbed or uncontaminated natural areas and accurately portrayed ranges which constitute the
with the specific objective of studying, admiring and environment of debilitated species of creatures and plants
enjoying the scenery and its wild plants and animals, as of exceptional widespread esteem from the point of see of
well as any existing cultural manifestations (both past and science or preservation; and Characteristic destinations or
present) found in these areas” [21]. accurately depicted characteristic ranges of extraordinary
all inclusive esteem from the point of see of science,
Community-Based Tourism: Community-based tourism preservation or characteristic beauty”. An illustration of
(CBT) refers to tourism that is located in a community that a common legacy location would be Simien National Stop
is either owned, operated, or generating benefits for the in Ethiopia, which was engraved on the World Legacy
local community and participation of community members List for its special normal scene, greenery and fauna [21].
is a part of the planning process. CBT is a term that can be
used in conjunction with others. For example, community- Sustainable Heritage Tourism: As described above,
based ecotourism would imply a community management sustainable tourism strives for financial stability,
structure of an ecotourism product [21]; or, community- environmental protection and creating benefits for the
based cultural tourism would imply again a community local community. In the context of heritage tourism, the
management structure of a current cultural occurrence. goals of sustainability can be integrated into protecting
the heritage site and creating a financially self-sustaining
Rural Tourism: Rural tourism is defined by its location. operation. Heritage tourism does not always meet the
The tourism activity takes place in a ruralarea, the activity economic, environmental, or social aspects of the three

Journal of Forestry and Environment, 2(2): 25-35, 2020

pillars of sustainability.Sustainable heritage tourism, Tourism causes three major negative impacts on
heritage conservation with the sustainability goals of tourists’ destination areas. These are negative economic
Financial stability, Social impact minimization, Sustainable impacts, cultural or social impacts and environmental
use of the site and Community benefits maximization [21]. impacts. The negative financial impacts of tourism
Sustainable tourism planning at the expense of incorporate the events of spillage, regular occupations
communities’ livelihoods is the development of the five- and consequence of qualified faculty, the negative social
star Sheraton Hotel in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, where impacts of tourism incorporates: pulverizing conventional
about 40 families were moved from the site to build the societies (wrongdoing, prostitution and so on) and the
hotel. The relocated people were offered substandard negative natural impacts of tourism incorporates:
bamboo housing in redress for their traditional wooden contamination and over-consumption of characteristic
homes and many lost their previous livelihoods growing assets (e.g. water) and devastation of territories [10].
mangoes and rice for the local markets [30].
Social-Cultural Impacts of Sustainable Tourism Emergence and Development of Ecotourism: The term
Positive Socio-Cultural Impacts: Conservation and ecotourism was designed by Hector Ceballos Lascuráin in
sustainable management of natural resource assets and 1983, He characterizes ecotourism as ‘tourism that
the revitalization of local heritage, culture and arts and includes voyaging to generally undisturbed common
crafts. Sustainable tourism also encourages civic zones with the particular objective of examining,
involvement and pride by raising local awareness of the respecting and getting a charge out of the view and its
financial value of cultural and natural sites and the wild plants and creatures, as well as any existing social
stimulation of cultural pride even amongst the youth [18]. angles (both past and show) found in these areas’ [9].
Tourism also causes three major positive impacts on Ecotourism includes going to characteristic ranges with
tourists’ destination areas. These are positive economic the goals of learning, examining, or taking part in exercises
impacts, cultural or social impacts and environmental that don't bring negative impacts to the environment;
impacts. The positive economic impacts of tourism while ensuring and enabling the neighborhood
include generating foreign exchange, diversification of the community socially and financially. The tourism is
livelihoods creating job opportunities for rural areas and considered a good strategy for sustainable development
increasing linkages; the positive cultural impacts of in developing countries. Community-based ecotourism is
tourism include: promoting modernization and cultural tourism in which the local community participates to
pride of host communities and the positive environmental control and manage nature, as a result, the community
impacts of tourism include non-consumptive use of attains the benefits of ecotourism [6].
biodiversity. Minimizing environmental impacts and Ecotourism was given more concern since the world
contributing to environmental education and Ecotourism Summit in 2002 since it is anticipated as a
conservation are also positive contributionsto tourism. device for guaranteeing feasible preservation of goal
The other positive impacts of tourism are increasing the zones, fulfilling the satisfaction of sightseers, profiting
linkages between tourism business and the local economy the goal community and contributes to destitution
and reducing seasonality in tourism to ensure the decrease [10]. Ecotourism is one of the basic segments
well-being of employments and to minimize seasonal and regularly selected for by both open and private partners
casual employment [10]. of creating nations in reacting to issues to supportability
of a biological system, job, social conservation and
Negative Sociocultural Impacts: Sustainable tourism can biodiversity preservation [25]. Ecotourism, a unique
cause change or loss of local culture and values through: subset of the tourism industry, is‚ focused on the
Co modification; Standardization; Loss of enhancement or maintenance of natural systems through
authenticity and staged authenticity; Adaptation to tourism. Ecotourism implies diverse things to diverse
tourist demands; Prioritization of economic considerations individuals. To a few, it is a common term that includes
over environmental considerations; Loss of decision- nature-based, experience, delicate experience and social
making in government-run community-based sustainable tourism. The term ecotourism was coined in 1983 by
tourism ventures; Cultural clash with tourists; Job level “Hctor Ceballos Lascurain” a Mexican naturalist and was
friction. Sustainable tourism ventures result in job at first utilized to depict nature based travel to moderately
creation in local communities but also job friction if there undisturbed ranges with an accentuation on instruction.
is nepotism in terms of job allocation [18]. Ecotourism ensures the economical utilization of natural

Journal of Forestry and Environment, 2(2): 25-35, 2020

assets, whereas producing financial openings for nearby mismatch between the current Bachelor's and Master's
individuals .Most definitions of ecotourism bubble down training in tourism and the demanded labor expertise:
to an extraordinary frame of tourism that meets three trained graduates do not meet the sector's labor
criteria: it gives for natural preservation; it incorporates requirements. Furthermore, most of those working with
significant community support; it is productive and can travel and tourism organizations had not received
be self-maintained. any formal training within this field necessitating
Although tourism has a significant contribution to industry-related training programs [26].
economic development and conservation of
environmental resources, it also became a negative impact Development of Ecotourism in Case of Ethiopia:
on tourist’s destination areas. Especially during the past The concept of ecotourism may be a modern wonder to
decades because of the interest of business profit of the and it is troublesome to clarify its significant achievement
tour operators to attract more tourists, which resulted in since the approach of ecotourism isn't broadly dispersed
high negative impacts of tourist’s destinations, the in Ethiopia. The government of Ethiopia moreover has
principle of nature-based tourism or ecotourism was not recognized the advancement and advancement of
considered. The negative impacts were seen like degraded ecotourism and given consultancy administrations for
vegetation, wildlife casualties, pollution of water and several potential engineers of ecotourism locales.
atmosphere in tourists’ destination areas. Consequently, Although, developers and policymakers do not properly
in the 1990s, the attention to environmental issues of take the idea of ecotourism, some investors started to
tourists’ destination areas was increased and ecotourism involve in the development of ecotourism in different
to be pronounced [10]. regions of Ethiopia. Bishangari Eco-Lodge located at
The economic value of tourism makes it an attractive Eastern of Langano Lake in Oromia Region and Village
sector for commerce. Ethiopia has experienced fast Ethiopia located at Afar Region (Bilen) is an example of
changes amid the final decade and can be respected as these private eco-tourism developments in Ethiopia [10].
the driving financial invigorate of the Horn of Africa. Ethiopia has various visitor attractions shifted in sort
Feasible Tourism Based on Common Asset and engaging to a wide run of intrigues. The attractions
Administration with Sexual orientation Adjust towards incorporate verifiable, social, archeological,
Ladies) incorporates five Ethiopian colleges to be specific anthropological, beautiful, climatic, restorative, greenery
Addis Ababa, Jimma, Arba Minch, MizanTepi and and fauna assets. Such an interesting combination of
Wondo Genet College of Ranger service and Normal attractions inside a single nation has no coordinate on
assets which is a portion of Hawassa University [26]. the African landmass, or once in a while anyplace else
In the field of ecotourism, the taking after is to be created: (Martin 2008). Eight of the heritage of Ethiopia has been
community based tourism concepts and hones; trade registered as world heritage sites by United Nations
information (esteem chain considering for trinket Economic and Social Council Organization (UNESCO),
generation and showcasing of ecotourism goals, open namely Simien Mountain National Park (1978), Rock-hewn
private organization improvement; ecotourism Churches of Lalibela (1978), FassilGhebbi (1979), Lower
concepts and hones: how to plan a bundle reacting to Valley of the Omo (1980), Axum (1980), Tiya (1980), the
traveler requests (adaptability, differing qualities); Lower Valley of the Awash (1980) and the fortified
biological system/living space information for tourism Historical town of HararJugol (2006) [27].
(visit architects); plant and creature recognizable proof Ecotourism is still in its infancy in Ethiopia, but it
aptitudes (visit designers/scouts/guides);ecotourism holds significant potential for growth. The country’s
policy development; guide quality (communication and biodiversity is unique compared to neighboring
knowledge, flexibility and diversity); wetlands; combining countries, some of which are famous safari destinations.
natural and cultural heritage, forests, including church Ethiopia’s secured zone, which incorporates national
forests, coffee production forests and biosphere reserves parks, diversion saves, natural life asylums and controlled
[26]. chasing grounds covers almost 14% of the nation.
The government of Ethiopia regards tourism and Indeed even though normal assets in Ethiopia have an
ecotourism as an important growth sector: it plans to awesome commitment for the improvement of tourism in
significantly increase its investments and contribute common and ecotourism in specific, most of the normal
to further development of the sector. However, during assets are profoundly uncovered to debasement [7].
recent discussions with Ethiopian travel and tour The government of Ethiopia has recognized the
operators, it became clear that stakeholders perceive a advancement and advancement of ecotourism and given

Journal of Forestry and Environment, 2(2): 25-35, 2020

+consultancy administrations for several potential includes the biophysical, social, cultural, economic and
designers of ecotourism locales.Although, developers political dimensions. The maintenance of a ‘good quality’
and policymakers do not properly take the idea of environment for tourists’ destination is one of the major
ecotourism, some investors started to involve in the aspects of the development of tourism. The quality
development of ecotourism in different regions of standard of the environmental resources that attract
Ethiopia. Bishangari Eco-Lodge located at Eastern of tourists determines the economic opportunity of tourism.
Langano Lake in Oromia Region and Village Ethiopia It is evident that the very existence of tourism is
located at Afar Region (Bilen) are examples of these unthinkable without a healthy of pleasant environment,
private eco-tourism developments in Ethiopia [28]. with well- preserved landscape and harmony between
people and nature’ [10].
Ecotourism and Sustainable Development in Ethiopia Sustainable tourism requires the educated interest of
Ecotourism: Ecotourism as a segment of sustainable all pertinent partners, as well as the solid political
tourism applies sustainability principles to its tourism authority to guarantee wide support and agreement
activities, operations, establishments and projects. building. Essential purposes of ecotourism are to protect
Consequently, five basic principles of sustainability and utilize characteristic and social assets in a
came into being: the idea of holistic planning and strategy maintainable way and to empower the financial
making;the importance of preserving essential ecological improvement of neighborhood individuals [31].
process; the need to protect both human heritages and
biodiversity;the need to develop in a manner that fosters CONCLUSION
long-term productivity sustainable for future generation;
the goal of achieving a better balance of equity among Sustainable tourism/Ecotourism applies sustainability
nations [28]. principles to its tourism activities the importance of
preserving essential ecological process; the need to
The Impacts of Tourism /Ecotourism: Generally, tourism protect both human heritages and biodiversity;the need
can have both positive and negative impacts on to develop in a manner that fosters long-term productivity
economic, cultural and environmental resources sustainable for future generation; the goal of achieving a
depending on the circumstances how it is managed. better balance of equity among nations. Sustainable
In other words, tourism causes three major impacts in tourism particularly ecotourism emphasizes the
host societies: economic, cultural, or social and preservation of natural areas in tourists’ destinations and
environmental impacts. Assessing these impacts encourages tourists to be environmentally conscious,
whether positive or negative is impossible in the Third abide by local regulations and put up responsible
World due to difficulties in measurement and a lack of behavior to prevent damage to the natural environment.
local control over the industry [29]. Okello [30] stated that Sustainable tourism grasps all portions of the tourism
in areas, where tourism impacts on country and society, industry with rules and criteria that look to diminish
there may well be conflicts with competing demands for natural impacts and to move forward the commitment of
other sectors of the economy, or with community interests tourism to feasible improvement and natural preservation.
at large. Sustainable tourism/Ecotourism has social, cultural,
political and Ecological benefits.
Tourism/Ecotourism and Local Economic Development:
The benefits of tourism are usually categorized at two Recommendation: Based on the above review, the
levels: the first is macro and the second is the national following recommendations are forwarded: Formulate
level. At the first level, tourism is expected to speed appropriate tourism policy and legislation; Ensure the
economic growth by foreign exchange earnings and an involvement of scientists, local communities, academic
increase in state revenue. At a second level, it results in institutions, tourism organizations, the private sector,
the improvement of the well-being of local people in areas NGOs and all other relevant stakeholders in tourism
through job creation, revenue distribution and balance policy, planning and development; local communities in
regional development [10]. tourism businesses. Raise awareness about the tourism
industry in the government and the general public;
The Relationship of Tourism with Environment: The Enhance the development of infrastructure, facilities and
relationship between tourism and the environment support services;

Journal of Forestry and Environment, 2(2): 25-35, 2020

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