CE 13 Reviewer
CE 13 Reviewer
CE 13 Reviewer
● is the process of decomposition and/or disintegration of rocks, soils, and their
minerals through natural, chemical, and biological processes.
● breaks down rocks that are either stationary or moving.
● The Tightly bound Crystals of any rock can be loosened and altered to new
materials when exposed to air and water during weathering.
● the displacement of solids (soil, mud, rock, and other particles) because of
wind, water, ice, gravity, or living organisms.
● Bioerosion is erosion that is the result of humans or other living organisms.
● Deforestation, overgrazing, and road or trail building are human activities that
can lead to erosion.
● picking up or physical removal of rock particles by an agent such as ocean
waves, running water and glaciers.
● movement of eroded particles by agents such as rivers, waves, glaciers, or
wind. The weathering process continues during transportation.
Effects of Weathering
d. Abrasion
i. When a rock collides with one another, grinding of rock
fragments takes place, and the rock is broken into pieces.
Abrasion cuts them into smaller particles.
ii. Gravity causes abrasion when the rocks tumble down a
mountainside and hit another rock, and break into the fragment.
iii. Moving water causes abrasion as particles in the water collide
and bump against one another. (Water Abrasion)
iv. High-speed winds which carry pieces of sand have the capacity
to break the rock when they sandblast on the surface of the
rock. (Wind Abrasion)
e. Salt Weathering or Haloclasty
i. is a type of physical weathering caused by the growth and
thermal expansion of salt crystals. The process starts when
saline water seeps into deep cracks and evaporates depositing
salt crystals.
Causes of an Earthquake:
● Sudden slip on a fault
● Tectonic plates (they get stuck at their edges due to friction.
● Stress (when this stress on the edge overcomes the friction, there is an earthquake
that releases energy in waves that travel through the earth's crust and cause the
shaking that we feel).
Seismic Waves
● Radiate from the focus of an earthquake
● This happens when a rock breaks, waves of energy are release and sent out though
the earth
● Waves of energy produced by an earthquake
● Causes the ground to tremble and shake during an earthquake.
- This is the center of the earthquake, the point of initial breakage and movement on a
fault. Rupture begins at the focus and then spreads rapidly along the fault plane. The
point on the earth’s surface directly above the focus is the epicenter.
- (the size of an earthquake) measures the energy released at the source of the
earthquake. The magnitude of an earthquake is a number that allows earthquakes to
be compared with each other in terms of their relative power.
- Magnitude is determined from measurements on seismographs.
- a ranking based on the observed effects of an earthquake in each particular place.
Therefore, each earthquake produces a range of intensity values, ranging from
highest in the epicenter area to zero at a distance from the epicenter.
- Intensity measures the strength of shaking produced by the earthquake at a certain
- Intensity is determined from effects on people, human structures, and the natural
Seismic Waves
- generated by an earthquake source are commonly classified into three main types.
- P (Primary) waves, S (Secondary) waves, Love and Rayleigh waves
- The existence of these types of seismic waves was mathematically predicted during
the 19th century, and modern comparisons show that there is a close
correspondence between such theoretical calculations and actual measurements of
the seismic waves.
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P waves are the first wave to hit the S waves arrive after P waves
earth’s surface
These waves travel in the speed range These waves are almost 1.7 times
of 1.5 - 13 km/s slower than P waves
These waves can travel through solid, These waves travel through only solids
liquid, and gas
Both Love and Rayleigh waves involve horizontal particle motion, but only the latter
type has vertical ground displacements. As Love and Rayleigh waves travel, they
disperse into long wave trains, and, at substantial distances from the source in
alluvial basins, they cause much of the shaking felt during earthquakes.
Rayleigh waves behave like rolling ocean waves. Unlike ocean waves, rayleigh
waves cause the ground to move in an elliptical path opposite to the direction of the
wave. Rayleigh waves tend to be destructive to buildings due to the amount of
ground movement produced and takes longer to pass.
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● The instrument itself can’t record the motion that it measures. A seismograph is a
recording device that produces a permanent record of earth motion detected by a
seismometer, historically recorded as wiggly lines drawn on a moving strip of paper,
but nowadays, they’re digitally recorded.
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● The record of earth vibration is called a seismogram. The seismogram can be used
to measure the strength of the earthquake.
● A simple seismograph for detecting vertical rock motion. The pen records the ground
motion on the seismogram as the spring stretches and compresses with its up and
down movement. The frame and the recording drum move with the ground. Inertia of
the weight keeps it and the needle relatively motionless.
● P and S waves start out from the focus of an earthquake at essentially the same
● Because the time interval between the first arrivals of P and S waves increases with
distance from the focus of an earthquake, this interval can be used to determine the
distance from the station to a quake.
● The increase in the P-S interval is regular with increasing distance for several
thousand kilometers and so can be graphed in a “travel time” curve, which plots the
seismic-wave arrival time against distance.
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● In practice, a station records the P and S waves from a quake, then a seismologist
matches the interval between the waves to a standard travel-time curve.
● A single station can determine only the distance to a quake, not the direction. A circle
is drawn on a globe with the center of the circle being the station and its radius, and
the distance to the quake. The scientists at the station know that the quake occurred
somewhere on that circle, but from the information recorded, they aren’t able to tell
● With information from other stations. However, they can pinpoint the location of the
quake. If three or more stations have determined the distance to a single quake, a
circle is drawn for each station. If this is done on a map, the intersection of the circles
locates the epicenter.
● Analysis of seismograms can also indicate at what depth beneath the surface the
quake occurred. Most earthquakes occur relatively close to the earth’s surface,
although a few occur much deeper. The maximum depth of the focus, the distance
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between the focus and the epicenter, for earthquakes is about 670 km. Earthquakes
are classified into 3 groups according to their depth of focus.
➔ Shallow Focus 0-70 km deep
➔ Intermediate Focus 70-350 km deep
➔ Deep Focus 350 – 670 km deep
● Shallow-focus earthquakes are most common; they account for 85% of total quake
energy released. Intermediate (12%) and deep (3%) focus quakes are rare because
most deep rocks flow in a ductile manner when stressed or deformed; they are
unable to store and suddenly release energy as brittle surface rocks do.
● One method of measuring an earthquake is to find out how much and what kind of
damage the quake has caused. This determines the intensity, which is a measure of
the earthquake’s effect on people and buildings.
● The second method of measuring an earthquake is to calculate the amount of energy
released by the quake. This method is usually done by measuring the height
(amplitude) of one of the wiggles on a seismogram. The larger the quake, the more
the ground vibrates and the larger the wiggle. After measuring a specific wave on a
seismogram and correcting for the type of seismograph and the distance from the
quake, scientists can assign a number called the magnitude. It is a measure of the
energy released during the earthquake.
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Earthquake-Related Hazards
1. Ground motion/shaking - is the trembling and shaking of land that can cause
buildings to vibrate. Windows and walls may crack from such a vibration. It can be
strong enough to topple large structures such as apartment buildings and bridges.
Most people injured or killed in an earthquake are hit by falling debris from buildings.
2. Fire - is a particularly serious problem just after an earthquake. The earthquake
causes the ground to shake and move, which can crack gas pipes and damage
power lines, electrical wiring and household appliances. This damage can ignite fires.
3. Landslides - can be triggered by the shaking of the ground.
4. Liquefaction - is a special type of ground failure caused by earthquakes. It occurs
when a water-saturated soil or sediment turns from a solid to a liquid as a result of
earthquake shaking. It may occur several minutes after an earthquake, causing
buildings to sink. Permanent displacement of the land surface may be the result of
movement along a fault. Rocks can move vertically, those on one side of a fault rising
while those on the other side drop. The trace of a fault on the earth’s surface may
appear as a low cliff called a scarp.
5. Aftershocks - are small earthquakes that follow the main shock, although they are
smaller than the main quake, they can cause considerable damage, particularly to
structures weakened by the powerful main shock. A long period of aftershocks can
be extremely unsettling to people who have lived through the main shock.
6. Foreshocks are small quakes that precede a main shock. They are usually less
common and less damaging than aftershocks but can sometimes be used to help
predict large quakes
7. Tidal waves/Tsunami - the sudden movement of the sea floor upward or downward
during a submarine earthquake can generate very large sea waves. Because the
ocean tides have nothing to do with generating these huge waves, the Japanese
term “Tsunami” is preferred by geologists. Tsunamis are also called seismic sea
waves. They usually are caused by great earthquakes (magnitude 7+) that disturb
the sea floor, but they also result from submarine landslides or volcanic explosions.
Example: 1976 Moro Gulf Tsunami
1. Before the earthquake: In this case, an oceanic plate subducts under a continental
plate. The continental plate bends as stresses between the two plates build over
2. Earthquake: Releasing its built-up stress, the continental plate lurches forward over
the oceanic crust, lifting the ocean. The displaced water appears as a huge bulge on
the sea surface.
3. After the earthquake, gravity collapses the bulge to start a succession of waves, or
tsunami. The tsunami waves move away in both directions as the mass of water
“bobs” up and down over the source of the earthquake.
4. Each wave quickly advances over the land as a sediment-filled wall of water. It stops
briefly before retreating, carrying sediments and debris back to the sea. Over time,
the intensity of the tsunami subsides.
● Groundwater contributes to the decomposition of rocks. This makes the
properties of rocks such as competence, durability, and appearance
deteriorates and renders them unsuitable for constructional purposes.
● lies beneath the ground surface, filling pores in sediments and sedimentary
rocks and fractures in other rock types
● Represents 0.6% of the hydrosphere (35x the water in all lakes and rivers
○ Resupplied by slow infiltration of precipitation
○ Generally cleaner than surface water
○ Accessed by wells
● It is stored in and moves slowly through geological formations of soil, sand
and rocks called aquifers.
● Geological role of groundwater:
○ Largest reservoir of fresh water
○ As an erosion agent
○ Helps to keep our rivers flowing
○ Acts like a cementing agent, helping sedimentary rocks form
Distribution of Groundwater
● Zone of Saturation
○ Formation
■ Water reaches a zone where all of the open spaces in sediment
and rock are completely filled with water
■ Water within the pores is called the groundwater
○ Water Table
■ the upper limit of the zone of saturation
○ Types of groundwater in zone of saturation:
■ Unconfined or free ground water
■ Confined water
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● Capillary Fringe
○ Extends upwards from the water table
○ Groundwater is held by surface tension in tiny passages between
grains of soil or sediment
○ like a straw, passageway/allows some to going up, resulting in springs,
4. Infiltration
a. process of water being absorbed into the ground; the downward entry
of water into the soil or rock surface.
b. When precipitation hits the ground it must land in a porous area.
5. Transpiration
a. Water inside of plants is transferred from the plant to the atmosphere
as water vapor through numerous individual leave openings.
b. Plants transpire to move nutrients to the upper portion of the plants and
to cool the leaves exposed to the sun.
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6. Sublimation
a. is the conversion between the solid and the gaseous phases of matter,
with no intermediate liquid stage; the process of snow and ice changing
into water vapor (gas) in the air without first melting into water.
7. Deposition
a. occurs when water vapor (gas) changes into ice (solid) without going
through the liquid phase, such as when frost forms on the ground on
clear, cold nights.
8. Percolation
a. movement of water through the soil itself. Finally, as the water
percolates into the deeper layers of the soil, it reaches ground water,
which is water below the surface. Infiltration is defined as the
downward entry of water into the soil or rock surface and percolation is
the flow of water through soil and porous or fractured rock.
- the percentage of the total volume of rock or sediment that consists of voids
or openings/pore spaces.
- described as the amount of openings present in a rock.
- defined as the “ratio of the volume of voids in a rock mass to the total volume
of the rock expressed in percentage”.
- determines how much groundwater can be stored.
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Primary Porosity
- is that which is present in the rock right from its formation.
- It describes the pore spaces between grains that are formed during
depositional processes, such as sedimentation.
Secondary Porosity
- is the pore space created by subsequent processes.
- It is formed from post-depositional processes such as dissolution,
reprecipitation, and fracturing.
- the ability of the rock to transmit water through it, i.e., permeable rocks allow
the water to pass through them.
- This property of rock is due to interconnected voids present in the rock.
- thus, dependent on the porosity character of the rock.
- an impermeable layer that hinders groundwater flow due to low porosity
and/or permeability such as shale, clay, and unfractured crystalline rocks.
- permeable body of saturated rock or sediment through which transmits
groundwater freely.
- examples are sandstones, conglomerates, well-jointed limestone, sand and
gravel, and highly fractured volcanic rock.
- a body of rock and/or sediment that holds groundwater. (groundwater is the
word used to describe precipitation that has infiltrated the soil beyond the
surface and collected in empty spaces underground)
- a common misconception about aquifers is that they are underground rivers
or lakes. While groundwater can seep into or out of aquifers due to their
porous nature, it cannot move fast enough to flow like a river. (rate of
groundwater movement through an aquifer varies on rock’s permeability)
- naturally filter groundwater by forcing it to pass through small pores and
between sediments, which helps to remove substances from the water. (this
natural filtration may not be enough to remove all contaminants)
- Forms in fractured igneous rock (granitic)
- Porosity and permeability are low
- Wells are difficult to locate, yield is low
- Often limits development
Types of Aquifers
Confined/Artesian Aquifers
- have a layer of impenetrable rock or clay above them.
- completely filled with water under pressure (hydrostatic head)
- separated from the surface by an impermeable confining layer/aquitard
- very slowly recharged
Unconfined Aquifers
- lie below a permeable layer of soil.
- has a water table, and is only partly filled with water.
- rapidly recharged by precipitation infiltrating down to the saturated zone.
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Darcy’s Law
- If permeability remains uniform, the velocity of groundwater will increase as
the slope of the water table increases.
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Hydraulic Gradient
- the water table slope, determined by dividing the vertical differences
between recharge and discharge points by the length of flow between
Hydraulic Head
- vertical difference between the recharge and discharge points.
Groundwater Contamination
- Contaminated groundwater can be extremely difficult and expensive to clean
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- Infiltrating water may bring contaminants down to the water table, including
(but not limited to):
- Pharmaceuticals
- Pesticides/herbicides
- Fertilizers
- Feed lots
- Mercury and gold mining
- Landfill pollutants
- Heavy metals
- Bacteria, viruses and parasites from sewage
- Industrial chemicals (PCBs, TCE)
- Acid mine drainage
- Radioactive waste
- Oil and gasoline
- One common source of contamination
- Extremely permeable aquifers, such as coarse gravel, have such large
openings that groundwater may travel long distances without being cleaned
- Sewage often becomes purified as it passes through a few dozen meters of
an aquifer composed of sand or permeable sandstone
Sinking a well
- can lead to groundwater pollution problems
Other sources and types of contamination include substances such as Highway salt,
Fertilizers, Pesticides, Chemical and Industrial materials.
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- a deep hole dug or drilled into the ground to obtain water from an aquifer
- for wells in unconfined aquifers, water level before pumping is the water table
- water table can be lowered by pumping, a process known as drawdown
- water may rise to a level above the top of a confined aquifer, producing an
artesian well
- a place where water flows naturally from rock or sediment onto the ground
- occur where the water table intersects the Earth’s surface. Also due to
pressure changes or elevation
- natural outflow of groundwater
- can be caused by an aquitard creating a localized zone of saturation which is
called a perched water table.
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Geothermal energy
- produced using natural steam or superheated water
- no CO2 or acid rain are produced (clean energy source)
- some toxic gases given off (e.g., sulfur compounds)
- can be used directly to heat buildings
- superheated water can be very corrosive to pipes and equipment
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Gaining streams
- receive water from the saturated zone
- gaining stream surface is local water table
Losing streams
- lose water to the saturated zone
- stream beds lie above the water table
- maximum infiltration occurs through streambed, producing permanent
“mound” in the water table beneath dry channel
Karst Topography
- landscapes that to a large extent have been shaped by the dissolving power
of groundwater
- some common features include;
- irregular terrain
- sinkhole or sinks; formed by groundwater slowly dissolving the bedrock
often accompanied by collapse
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● deals with the study of minerals.
● deals with the detailed mode of formation, composition, occurrence, types,
association properties uses etc.
● is a naturally-occuring, homogeneous, solid with a definite, but generally not fixed,
chemical composition and an ordered atomic arrangement. It is usually formed by
inorganic processes
● NATURAL - occurs naturally, not man made
● HOMOGENEOUS - cannot be broken into simpler components, same throughout
● SOLID - must maintain a set shape nearly indefinitely, liquids are not minerals
● CHEMICAL COMPOSITION - can be described by a chemical formula
○ Quartz: SiO2
○ Biotite: L(Mg, Fe)3 (AlSi3O10)(OH)2
○ Diamond: C
● ORDERLY ARRANGE OF ATOMS - a fixed atomic pattern that repeats itself over a
large region relative to the size of atoms
○ Crystal solid, or crystal lattice: organized structure
○ A glass is not a mineralL no organized structure
○ Organic: A substance composed of C bonded to H, with varying amounts of
O, N and other elements. C, alone, is not organic!
○ only a few organic substances are considered minerals, all others are
Mineral Identification
● Physical Properties - visual and chemical properties
○ Forms and Habits - form represents the common mode of occurrence of a
mineral, also called habit or structure of minerals. It is the function of the
atomic structure of minerals
■ LAMELLAR FORM - appears as thin separable layer (Mica)
■ TABULAR FORM - appears as slab of uniform thickness (Feldspar)
■ FIBROUS FORM - appears to be made of thin thread (Asbestos)
■ PISOLITIC FORM - appears to be made of small spherical grain
■ OOLITIC FORM - appears to be made of still small spherical grain
■ RHOMBIC FORM - appears to be made of rhombic shape (Calcite)
■ GRANULAR FORM - appears to be made of innumerable
equidimensional grain of coarse or medium of grain (Magnetite,
■ BLADED FORM - appears as cluster or independent lath shaped
grains (Kyanite)
■ BOTRYOIDAL FORM - appears as made up of smaller curved faces
like bunch of grapes (Hematite, Chalcedony)
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○ Lustre - the way in which a mineral reflects light and it is controlled by atomic
structure. It is the nature of the shining on the surface of minerals. Based on
quality of type of shining, grouped as metallic and non metallic.
■ METALLIC LUSTRE - type of shining appears on the surface of
metals (Gold, Pyrite, Gelena)
■ SUB METALLIC LUSTRE - amount of shining is less compared to
metallic lustre (Hematite, Chromite, Magnetite)
■ VITREOUS LUSTRE - non metallic shining like a glass sheet (Quartz,
Dolomite, Calcite)
■ PEARLY LUSTRE - non metallic shining like pearls (Talc, Muscovite
Mica, Gypsum)
■ SILKY LUSTRE - non metallic shining like a silk (Asbestos, Satinspar)
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○ Cleavage - the definite direction of the plane along which minerals tend to
break easily. It is related to crystallinity only crystalline minerals have
cleavage. It represents the plane of weakness ni atomic structure of minerals.
■ Basal-One direction - these minerals can be split into a very thin
sheet along horizontal plane
● Muscovite mica
■ Prismatic-Two direction - these minerals exhibits two mutually
perpendicular sets of cleavage
● Orthoclash
■ Cubic-Three direction - these minerals exhibits three mutually
perpendicular sets of cleavage
● Halite
■ Cubic-Three direction - these minerals exhibits three mutually
perpendicular sets of cleavage with some angles.
● Calcite
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Tenacity - how a mineral behaves toward a particular force which tends to break, bend, or
cut it.
Specific Gravity
- the ratio of the mass of a substance to the mass of a reference substance for the
same given volume.
- Specific gravity of minerals depends on their chemical composition and atomic
- Specific gravity of minerals is determined by using either Walker's steel yard or jolly's
● Leadis ~13
● Gold and platinum are 19-22.
Degree of Transparency
- The resistant offered by materials to the passage of light through them.
- Transparency depends on chemical composition.
- Ore minerals exhibits opaque.
- Degree of transparency is mainly depends on thickness.
● Transparent
○ Muscovite Mica
○ Quartz
● Translucent
○ Calcite
○ Agate
● Opaque
○ Galena
○ Calcite
Special Properties
- Some minerals exhibits peculiar characters which enable them to identify easily.
Importance of Mineral
★ The solid Earth consists of rocks. Rocks are made of minerals. Understanding
minerals helps in understanding rocks.
★ The civil engineers need to know the properties of rock precisely to enable them to
consider different rocks for various purposes such as foundation rocks, road metals,
building stone.
★ Study of minerals heavily used in manufacturing of plastics, cloths, pencil lead, glass,
chalkboard and the chalk, Salts. Minerals serve as the raw material for manufacturing
of chemicals, dimension stone, aggregate for road and concrete.
● 99.2% of the earth crust is made of these 9 elements. Oxygen and silicate together
constitute 74.4%.
● The rock forming minerals are mainly silicates.
● All precious and useful minerals such as platinum, gold, silver, etc. together
represent only 0.436%. That is why economic minerals are scarce.
● The rock forming minerals are mainly composed of silicates, oxides and carbonates.
● Since silicates are the most common rock forming minerals.