Honours Minor Degree Program Syllabus - 6
Honours Minor Degree Program Syllabus - 6
Honours Minor Degree Program Syllabus - 6
Teaching Scheme
Course Course Name (Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Code Theory Tutorial Theory Tutorial Total
3D Printing: Introduction
H3DPC601 04 - 04 - 04
Examination Scheme
Course Course Name Internal Assessment End Exam
code Sem. Duration Total
Test 1 Test 2 Avg. Exam Work
3D Printing: Introduction
H3DPC601 20 20 20 80 03 - 100
Additive Manufacturing:
Liquid based systems:
Selective laser sintering (SLS): Models and specifications, process, working principle,
applications, advantages and disadvantages, case studies.
5. Material properties 10
Colour, dimensional accuracy, stability, surface finish, machinability, environmental
resistance, operational properties.
Reverse Engineering
Introduction to Digitizing Methods, Contact type and Non-contact type, Brief
introduction to the types of medical imaging.
6. 8
Virtual reality: Definition, features of VR, Technologies used in VR, Introduction to
Augmented reality
Text/Reference Books:-
1. Rapid Prototyping, Principles and Applications by Rafiq I. Noorani, Wiley & Sons
2. Rapid Prototyping: Principles and Applications by Chua C.K, Leong K.F and Lim C.S, 2nd Edition,
World Scientific
3. Rapid Manufacturing – An Industrial revolution for the digital age by N.Hopkinson, R.J. M. Hauge,
P M, Dickens, Wiley
4. Advanced Manufacturing Technology for Medical applications: Reverse Engineering, Software
conversion and Rapid Prototyping by Ian Gibson, Wiley
5. Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing: Fundamentals of Stereolithography by Paul F. Jacobs,
McGraw Hill
6. Rapid Manufacturing by Pham D T and Dimov S S, Springer Verlog
7. “Rapid Prototyping” Chee Kai Chua, World Scientific Publishing
Internal Assessment consists of two tests out of which; one should be compulsory class test (on
minimum 02 Modules) and the other is either a class test or assignment on live problems or course
Theory Examination:
‘3D Printing’ - SEM-VII
Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
(Contact Hours)
Course Course Name
Code Theory Tutorial Theory Tutorial Total
Examination Scheme
Course Name Internal Assessment End Exam Term Total
Sem. Duration Work
Test 1 Test 2 Avg.
Exam (Hrs.)
H3DPC701 Applications of 3D Printing 20 20 20 80 03 - 100
3D Printers for Jewellery Making – How They Work & Which to Choose
Medical Applications in Additive manufacturing
2. 8
Presurgical Planning Models, Mechanical Bone Replicas, Teaching Aids and
Simulators, Customized Surgical Implants, Prosthetics and Orthotics’, Anthropology,
Applications in Aerospace Industries
Applications in Tooling
4. Methods of Rapid tooling: Direct Soft Tooling, Indirect Soft Tooling, Direct Hard 9
Tooling, Indirect Hard Tooling.
Applications in Design
6. Design for Additive Manufacturing (DFAM), Topology optimization for AM, Generative 8
Internal Assessment consists of two tests out of which; one should be compulsory class test (on
minimum 02 Modules) and the other is either a class test or assignment on live problems or course
Theory Examination:
‘3D Printing’ - SEM-VIII
Teaching Scheme (Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Course Course Name
Code Theory Tutorial Theory Tutorial Total
3D Printing in Medical
H3DPC801 04 - 04 - 04
Examination Scheme
Course Name Internal Assessment End Exam Term Total
Sem. Duration Work
Test 1 Test 2 Avg.
Exam (Hrs.)
3D Printing in Medical
H3DPC801 20 20 20 80 03 - 100
Course 1. To acquaint with the process of using biomedical data for 3D modeling.
1. Stages of the medical modelling process, The human form, Basic anatomical 8
terminology, technical terminology
Introduction to Additive manufacturing processes used for Bio-Modelling, Computer
5. numerical controlled machining, Cleaning and Sterilizing medical models 8
Text/Reference Books:-
1. Medical Modelling The Application of Advanced Design and Rapid Prototyping Techniques in
Medicine, Richard Bibb, Dominic Eggbeer and Abby Paterson, Woodhead Publishing Series in
Biomaterials: Number 91, Elsevier Ltd.
2. 3D Printing in Medicine, 1st Edition - April 1, 2017, by Deepak Kalaskar
3. An Update on Medical 3D Printing Hardcover – 1 January 2019, by Dr Raju Vaishya, Dr Abid
Haleem, Dr Lalit Maini
4. 3D Printing in Medicine: A Practical Guide for Medical Professionals Hardcover – Import, 12
October 2017, by Frank J. Rybicki, Gerald T. Grant
5. Rapid Prototyping, Principles and Applications by Rafiq I. Noorani, Wiley & Sons
6. Rapid Prototyping: Principles and Applications by Chua C.K, Leong K.F and Lim C.S, 2nd Edition,
World Scientific
7. Advanced Manufacturing Technology for Medical applications: Reverse Engineering, Software
conversion and Rapid Prototyping by Ian Gibson, Wiley
Internal Assessment consists of two tests out of which; one should be compulsory class test (on
minimum 02 Modules) and the other is either a class test or assignment on live problems or course
Theory Examination:
‘3D Printing’ - SEM-VII
Teaching Scheme (Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Course Code Course Name Practical/ Practical/
Theory Theory Total
Tutorial Tutorial
Skill Based Lab –
H3DPSBL701 04 -- 02 02
Digital Fabrication
Examination Scheme
Course code Course Name Internal Assessment End Exam
Sem. Duration Oral Total
Test 1 Test 2 Avg. Work
Exam (Hrs.)
Skill Based Lab –
H3DPSBL701 - - - - - 50 50 100
Digital Fabrication
Demonstrating modeling skills using commands like Extrude, Revolve, Sweep, Blend,
2. Loft etc. Mesh of curves, free form surfaces etc. Feature manipulation using Copy, 04
Edit, Pattern, Suppress, History operations etc.
Assembly: Constraints, Exploded views, interference check. Drafting (Layouts,
3. 04
Standard & Sectional Views, Detailing & Plotting).
4. Solid modeling of any engineering component using any 3D modeling software. 04
Modeling of a component using 3D modelling software and development of G – Code
7. 06
output using Fractal Software.
Design an object with free form surface using Autodesk Fusion 360 and development
8. 04
of G – Code output using Fractal Software.
9. Segmentation in Slicer’s Segment Editor module for the purpose of 3D printing. 04
Creation of 3D model from 2D images using any image processing software and
10. printing it. (3D Slicer open source) (Application: Any body organ like Heart, 04
Gallbladder etc. as per available Dicom files)
Development of physical 3D mechanical structure using any one of the Additive
11. 06
manufacturing processes – Material to be used Metal
Development of physical 3D mechanical structure using any one of the Additive
12. 04
manufacturing processes - Material to be used Plastic
Text/Reference Books:-
1. https://www.autodesk.in/products/fusion-360/learn-support
2. https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/inventor
3. https://www.slicer.org/wiki/Documentation/4.10/Training
Term work:
Term work shall consist of all twelve experiments.
The distribution of marks shall be as follows:
The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures the minimum passing in the term work.
Oral Examination:
Oral examination will be based on entire lab work of H3DPSBL701 - Skill Based Lab – Digital
University of Mumbai
Syllabus for
University of Mumbai
Industrial Automation
(With effect from 2022-23)
Teaching Scheme Credit
Hours / Week Examination Scheme and Marks Scheme
Seminar Internal End
Course Code and
Year Assess Sem Term
Course Title /Tutoria Oral
& Sem Theory Pract ment Exam Work Total Credits
Fundamentals of 04 -- -- 20 80 -- -- 100 04
TE Industrial
Sem Automation
V Total 04 ‐ ‐‐ 100 ‐ ‐ 100 04
Total Credits = 04
Industrial Internet
Sem. 04 -- -- 20 80 -- -- 100 04
of Thing (IIOT)
VI Total 04 ‐ ‐ 100 ‐ ‐ 100 04
Total Credits = 04
AI and ML for 04 -- -- 20 80 - - 100 04
BE Automation
Sem HIAL701:
AI and ML for - ‐ 04 ‐ ‐ 50 50 100 02
Total 04 ‐ 04 100 100 200 06
Total Credits = 06
Applied Predictive 04 -- -- 20 80 - - 100 04
VIII Total 04 ‐ ‐ 100 ‐ 100 04
Total Credits = 04
Industrial Automation : Sem. V
Course Name Teaching scheme Credit assigned
Fundamentals of Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Tut. Total
HIAC 501 Industrial
Automation 4 - - 4 - - 4
Examination scheme
Course Theory (out of 100)
Code Course Name Internal Assessment End Term Oral Total
sem work
Test1 Test2 Avg. Oral
HIAC Fundamentals of
501 Industrial
Automation 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
2 Sensors
Introduction to Industrial Measurement, overview of sensors, classification, sensor
characteristics, physical principles of sensing, sensor Materials and Technologies.
Electrical actuation: A.C and DC motors, stepper motors, mechanical switches and
solid state switches.
Mechanical Actuation: types of motion, kinematic chain, cams, gears, ratchets and 8 CO3
pawl, belt and chain drives, bearings, mechanical aspects of motor selection,
piezoelectric actuators, magneto-strictive actuators, memory metal
6 Communication protocols
Overview of sensor networks, AS interface,CAN, HART, FF, Profibus, Interbus, Mbus, 6
Wireless sensor network, networks-IEEE, Zigbee, sensor interfaces. CO6
Internal Assessment:
Internal Assessment consists of two tests out of which, one should be a compulsory class test
(on minimum 02 Modules) and the other is either a class test or assignment on live problems or
course project.
Theory Examination:
1. Question paper will consist of 6 questions, each carrying 20 Marks.
2. Total 4 questions need to be solved.
3. Question No. 1 will be compulsory and based on entire syllabus wherein sub questions of 4
or 5 marks will be asked.
4. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature.
5. In question paper weight age of each module will be proportional to number of respective
Lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Industrial Automation : Sem. VI
Course Course Teaching scheme Credit assigned
code Name
Industrial Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
HIAC601 Internet of
Thing (IIOT) 4 - - 4 - - 4
Examination scheme
1. Introduce how IoT has become a game changer in the new economy where
the customers are looking for integrated value
2. Bring the IoT perspective in thinking and building solutions
3. Introduce the tools and techniques that enable IoT solution and
Security aspects.
Introduction of Industry 4.0, Elements of industry 4.0, Introduction to IOT,
what is IIOT? IOT Vs. IIOT, History of IIOT, Components of IIOT - Sensors,
1 Interface, Networks, People &Process, Hype cycle, IOT Market, Trends& future CO1
Real-life examples, Key terms – IOT Platform, Interfaces, API, clouds, Role of
IIOT in Manufacturing Processes 6
Overview of IOT components; Various Architectures of IOT and IIOT,
Advantages & disadvantages, Industrial Internet - Reference Architecture; IIOT
2 System components: Sensors, Gateways, Routers, Modem, Cloud brokers, 8 CO2
servers and its integration, WSN,
WSN network design for IOT
Internal Assessment:
Internal Assessment consists of two tests out of which, one should be a compulsory class test (on
minimum 02 Modules) and the other is either a class test or assignment on live problems or course
Theory Examination:
1. Question paper will consist of 6 questions, each carrying 20 Marks.
2. Total 4 questions need to be solved.
3. Question No. 1 will be compulsory and based on entire syllabus wherein sub questions of 4 or 5
marks will be asked.
4. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature.
5. In question paper weight age of each module will be proportional to number of
respective Lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Text Books:
1. Daniel Minoli, Building the Internet of Things with IPv6 and MIPv6: The Evolving World of M2M
Communications, ISBN: 978-1-118-47347-4, Willy Publications 2. Bernd Scholz-Reiter, Florian
2. Michahelles, Architecting the Internet of Things, ISBN 978-3- 642-19156-5 e-ISBN 978-3-
Reference Books:
1. Hakima Chaouchi, The Internet of Things Connecting Objects to the Web, ISBN : 978-1-
84821-140-7, Willy Publications
2. Olivier Hersent, David Boswarthick, Omar Elloumi, The Internet of Things: Key Applications
and Protocols, ISBN: 978-1-119-99435-0, 2nd Edition, Willy Publications
3. Inside the Internet of Things (IoT), Deloitte University Press
4. Internet of Things- From Research and Innovation to Market Deployment; By Ovidiu & Peter;
River Publishers Series
5. Five thoughts from the Father of the Internet of Things; by ByPhil Wainewright - Kevin
6. How Protocol Conversion Addresses IIoT Challenges: White Paper By Red Lion.
Industrial Automation: Sem. VII
Subject Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credit Assigned
Code Th Pract. Tut. Th Pract. Tut. Total
Artificial Intelligence and
HIAC701 Machine Learning for 4 - - 4 - - 4
Examination scheme
Sub Theory
Subject Name Pract.
Code Internal Assessment End Term
and Oral Total
sem work
Test1 Test2 Avg. Oral
Artificial Intelligence
HIAC701 and Machine Learning 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
for Automation
1. To familiarize student with basic concepts of Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning.
2. To provide understanding of the concepts of regression, classification, clustering and
Course deep learning algorithms.
Objectives 3. To introduce the students to various applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine
learning for industrial automation
Students will be able to:
1. Introduce concepts of Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning
2. Explicate statistical tools and development of database for AI/ML.
3. Analyze the various algorithms for Regression, Classification and Clustering.
4. Evaluate metrics for ML/AI algorithms.
5. Examine the algorithms for deep learning.
6. Explain examples of ML/AI algorithms for industrial automation.
Module Contents Hrs.
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence:
1. Evolution, definition, types, application examples, benefits/advantages, 06 CO1
limitations/issues, comparison.
Review of statistical concepts:
Mean, variance, covariance, standard deviation, random variable, probability
distribution, probability distribution function, normal distribution, binomial
distribution, poisson distribution, central limit theorem, vector norms, principal
2. component analysis. 08 CO2
Data collection and preparation:
Collecting, cleaning, normalization, standardization, missing data, underfitting
and overfitting, neglecting outliers, annotation, labelling. Data Splitting: Training,
Validation, and Test Datasets. Public datasets for machine learning.
Simple Linear regression, Multiple Linear Regression, Polynomial Regression,
Logistic regression.
3. 10 CO3
k-Nearest Neighbours, Decision trees, naïve Bayes, SVM for Linearly separable
data, Kernel SVM for Non-Linearly separable data.
k-means clustering.
Evaluation Metrics:
True Positive, True Negative, False Positive, False Negative, accuracy, precision,
4. 04 CO4
recall or True Positive Rate, False Positive Rate, Receiver Operating
Characteristic, Area Under the Curve, Confusion matrix, F-score.
Deep Learning:
5. Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Recurrent 08 CO5
Neural Network (RNN)
Application in Industrial Automation: Robotics, Factory automation, Process
control, Electrical Engineering
6. 12 CO6
Challenges, Data Screening, Feature Engineering, Projected improvement,
Model Design, Limitations, Future scope, References.
Internal Assessment:
Internal Assessment consists of two tests out of which, one should be compulsory class test (on
Minimum 02 Modules) and the other is either a class test or assignment on live problems or Course
Theory Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, each carrying 20 Marks.
2. Total 4 questions need to be solved.
3. Question No. 1 will be compulsory and based on entire syllabus wherein sub questions of 4 or 5
marks will be asked.
4. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature.
5. In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective lecture
hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Text Books:
1. Harrington, Peter. Machine learning in action. Simon and Schuster, 2012.
2. Zheng, Alice, and Amanda Casari. Feature engineering for machine learning: principles and
techniques for data scientists. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.", 2018.
3. Jiang, Hui. Machine Learning Fundamentals: A Concise Introduction. Cambridge University Press,
4. Huyen, C. “Designing Machine Learning Systems: An Iterative Process for Production-Ready
Applications”, O'Reilly Media, 2022.
5. Gupta, Itisha, and Garima Nagpal. Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems. Stylus Publishing, LLC,
Reference Books:
1. Pandey, Yogendra Narayan, et al. Machine Learning in the Oil and Gas Industry. apress, Texas, 2020.
2. Bangert, Patrick, ed. Machine learning and data science in the oil and gas industry: Best practices,
tools, and case studies. Gulf Professional Publishing, 2021.
3. Das, Santosh Kumar, et al., eds. Machine learning algorithms for industrial applications. Cham:
Springer, 2021.
Industrial Automation: SEM VII
Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
(Contact Hours)
Course Code Course Name
Th Pract. Tut. Th Pract. Tut. Total
Artificial Intelligence
HIASBL701 and Machine - 4 - - 4 - 2
Learning for
Automation Lab
Examination scheme
Course 1. To familiarize student with basic concepts of Artificial Intelligence and Machine
Objectives learning.
2. To provide understanding of the concepts of regression, classification, clustering
and deep learning algorithms.
3. To introduce the students to various applications of Artificial Intelligence and
Machine learning for industrial automation
Course Students will be able to
1. Write programs based on data compression and dimensionality reduction.
2. Write programs for regression, classification and clustering.
3. Calculate evaluation metrics for various algorithms.
4. Write programs based on deep learning algorithms.
5. Demonstrate working of AI/ML in Robotics and Factory automation.
6. Validate working of AI/ML in Process control and Electrical Engineering.
Sr. Contents CO
No. Mapping
1. Write a python program to perform PCA for dimension reduction or data compression. CO1
Develop/download database of any industrial machine/system. Explain hardware
2. system used for data collection. Explain specifications/characteristics of collected CO2
Write a python program to implement linear regression with one variable, two CO2
variables for given dataset.
4. Demonstrate the working of SVM classifier for a linearly separable data set. CO2
Demonstrate the working of Kernel SVM classifier for a non-linearly separable data CO2
Demonstrate the working of the decision tree based ID3 algorithm. Use an appropriate CO2
6. data set for building the decision tree and apply this knowledge to classify a new
Calculate evaluation metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, confusion matrix, F- CO3
score, etc for regression, classification and clustering algorithms.
Calculate evaluation metrics such as Receiver Operating Characteristic, Area Under the CO3
Curve, etc for regression, classification and clustering algorithms.
Implement multilayer Perceptron (MLP) for predicting stock price. Time series CO4
Implement Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to recognize hand-written digits CO4
11. Implement Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) for speech recognition. CO4
12. Case study or mini project on application of AI/ML in Robotics. CO5
13. Case study or mini project on application of AI/ML in Factory automation. CO5
14. Case study or mini project on application of AI/ML in Process control. CO6
15. Case study or mini project on application of AI/ML in Electrical Engineering. CO6
Any other experiment based on syllabus which will help students to understand topic/concept.
Oral Examination:
Oral examination will be based on entire syllabus.
Term Work:
Term work shall consist of minimum 12 experiments.
The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:
Laboratory work (Experiments): : 20 Marks
Laboratory work (programs / journal): 20 Marks
Attendance: : 10 Marks
The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures the satisfactory performance of laboratory work and
minimum passing in the term work.
Industrial Automation: SEM VIII
Subject Name Teaching scheme Credit assigned
Applied Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
HIAC801 Predictive
Analytics 4 - - 4 - - 4
Examination scheme
Sub Subject Name Theory (out of 100) Pract.
Internal Assessment Term
Code End sem and Oral Total
Test1 Test2 Avg. work
Exam Oral
Course 1. To deliver Knowledge of core operations in Energy Vertical Solving complex issues analyzing
objective available data in Operations, Maintenance, Reliability, Safety, Procurement, Inventory etc.,
2. To introduce forecasting and predictive techniques.
Course The students will able to
Outcome 1. Identify the use of analytics and its tools
2. Interpret data and preparation of data
3. Use descriptive modeling techniques
4. Practice predictive modeling techniques such as decision tree, logistic regression and neural
5. Apply and build models using clustering, regression and classification techniques and its
corresponding algorithms
6. Discuss the case studies of Predictive Analytics and Predictive Maintenance
Scaling, Nominal Variable Transformation, Ordinal Variable Transformations, Date
and Time Variable Features, Multidimensional Features
Descriptive Modeling:
Data Preparation, Issues with Descriptive Modeling, Principal Component Analysis,
The PCA Algorithm, Applying PCA to New Data, PCA for Data Interpretation,
3 07 CO3
Additional Considerations before Using PCA, The Effect of Variable Magnitude on
PCA Models, Clustering Algorithms, The K-Means Algorithm, Data Preparation for K-
Predictive Modeling: Decision Trees, The Decision Tree Landscape, Building Decision
Trees, Logistic Regression, Interpreting Logistic Regression Models, Other Practical
Considerations for Logistic Regression, Neural Networks,
4 Building Blocks: The Neuron, Neural Network Training, The Flexibility of Neural 09 CO4
Networks, Neural Network Settings, Neural Network Pruning, Interpreting Neural
Networks, Neural Network Decision Boundaries, Other Practical Considerations for
Neural Networks
6 Case studies: Quality Prediction in a Mining Process, predicting the consumption of 09 CO6
electricity in the coming future (refer Kaggle data set)
Internal Assessment:
Internal Assessment consists of two tests out of which, one should be compulsory class test (on
Minimum 02 Modules) and the other is either a class test or assignment on live problems or Course
Theory Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, each carrying 20 Marks.
2. Total 4 questions need to be solved.
3. Question No. 1 will be compulsory and based on entire syllabus wherein sub questions of 4 or 5
marks will be asked.
4. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature.
5. In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective lecture
hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Text Books:
1. Dean Abbott, “Applied Predictive Analytics: Principles and Techniques for the Professional Data Analyst” ,
ISBN: 978-1-118-72796-6
2. P. Kaliraj, T. Devi, “Big Data Applications in Industry 4.0”, ISBN 9781032008110, Published February 10, 2022
by Auerbach Publications
3. Mahir Oner, Sultan Ceren Oner, “Data Analytics in Industry 4.0: In the Perspective of Big Data”.
Reference Books:
1. Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie Robert Tibshirani. “An Introduction to Statistical Learning with
Applications in R”
2. Joel Grus, “Data science from scratch”, Orielly publication, ISBN: 9781492041139, May 2019
3. David Roi Hardoon, Galit Shmueli, “Getting Started with Business Analytics: Insightful Decision-Making”, CRC
Press, ISBN 9781498787413
4. James R Evans, “Business Analytics”, Pearson publication, ISBN: 9780135231678