Unit 4 Bxe Note
Unit 4 Bxe Note
Unit 4 Bxe Note
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Basic Electronics Engineering (104010)
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Basic Electronics Engineering (104010)
Explain the working principle and block diagram of Digital Multimeter (DMM).
Digital Multimeter (DMM):
#What is Digital Multimeter (DMM)?
A digital multimeter is test equipment used for measurement of resistance, voltage, current and other
electrical parameters as per requirement and displaying the results in the mathematical digits form on an LCD.
It is a type of multimeter which functions digitally.
Digital multimeters are widely accepted worldwide as they have better accuracy levels and ranging from
simple 3 ½ to 4 ½ digit handheld DMM to very special system DMM.
AC Rectifier
attenuator Circuit
Rotary 2 Current to (ADC)
+ Switch 3 ACI Voltage (I-V) Analog to Digital
Input Converter Converter
Probes 5
Current to
Voltage (I-V)
attenuator Digital Display
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#Additional Information about DMM:
Digital Multimeter symbols:
Symbol Measurement function Description
~ AC voltage Measures amount of Ac voltage
DC voltage Measures amount of Dc voltage
Hz Hertz Measures Frequency
Ω ohms Measurement of resistance to the flow of electron
Diode Device used to control direction of flow of current
µF Microfarad Unit of capacitor
Capacitor Device used to store electrical charge
Continuity Audible indication of continuity for low resistance
A Ampere Measures amount of electron flow
Ground Used for grounding the device
CE European union directive It indicates the guarantee of instrument
Refers to the instruction before use and indicates that its misuse
results in equipment failure
REL Measures relative or offset reading
Measures relative or
Min/max It shows highest and lowest recorded readings
offset reading
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(ii) Selection Dial: It allows the user to set the multimeter to read different electrical parameter such as
milliamps (mA) of current, voltage, resistance, capacitance etc. You can easily turn the dial anywhere for
specific parameter measurement.
(iii) Ports: Two ports are available on the front of every multimeter except in some four ports are available for
measuring current in mA or A. We plugged two probes into these ports which are of different colour i.e. one is
of red colour and other is of black color. Ports are:
(a) COM: It stands for common and is almost connected to ground or considered as a -ve connection of a
circuit. We generally insert the black color probe into COM port.
(b) mAVΩ: This port allows the measurement of current (up to 200 mA), voltage and resistance or considered
as a +ve connection of a circuit. We generally insert the red color probe into mA-V-Ω port.
Analog multimeter Digital multimeter
Effect of electric Less suffered from electric noise More suffered from electric noise
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There are two current sources, namely upper current source and lower current source in above block
diagram. These two current sources are regulated by the frequency-controlled network.
1. Triangular Wave
Integrator takes constant current alternately from upper and lowers current sources for equal amount of time
repeatedly. So, the integrator will produce two types of output for the same time repeatedly −
The output voltage of an integrator increases linearly w.r.t. time for the period during which integrator
gets current from upper current source.
The output voltage of an integrator decreases linearly w.r.t. time for the period during which integrator
gets current from lower current source.
In this way, the integrator present in above block diagram will produce a triangular wave.
#Square Wave & Sine Wave
The output of integrator, i.e. the triangular wave is applied as an input to two other blocks in order to get the
square wave and sine wave respectively.
2. Square Wave
The triangular wave has positive slope and negative slope alternately for equal amount of time repeatedly. So,
the voltage comparator multi vibrator will produce the following two types of output for equal amount of
time repeatedly.
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One type of constant (higher) voltage at the output of voltage comparator multi vibrator for the period
during which the voltage comparator multi vibrator gets the positive slope of the triangular wave.
Another type of constant (lower) voltage at the output of voltage comparator multi vibrator for the period
during which the voltage comparator multi vibrator gets the negative slope of the triangular wave.
The voltage comparator multi vibrator will produce a square wave. If the amplitude of the square wave that is
produced at the output of voltage comparator multi vibrator is not sufficient, then it can be amplified to the
required value by using a square wave amplifier.
3. Sine Wave
The sine wave shaping circuit will produce a sine wave output from the triangular input wave. Basically, this
circuit consists of a diode resistance network. If the amplitude of the sine wave produced at the output of sine
wave shaping circuit is insufficient, then it can be amplified to the required value by using sine wave
Explain the working principle and block diagram of Digital Storage Oscilloscope.
Digital Storage Oscilloscope:
Oscilloscope is electronic equipment, which displays a voltage waveform.
Among the oscilloscopes, Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO) is special purpose oscilloscope.
The oscilloscope, which stores the waveform digitally, is known as digital storage oscilloscope.
Function: In DSO, the waveform to be stored is digitized, stored in a digital memory, and retrieved for
display on the storage oscilloscope.
Block diagram of DSO:
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Basic Electronics Engineering (104010)
Block diagram of a DSO consists of data acquisition, storage, and data display blocks. Digital storage
oscilloscopes work in various modes.
The input signal is applied to the amplifier and attenuator section.
The oscilloscope uses same type of amplifier and attenuator circuitry as used in the conventional
The attenuated signal is then applied to the vertical amplifier.
To digitize the analog signal, analog to digital (A/D) converter is used
The output of the vertical amplifier is applied to the A/D converter section.
The successive approximation type of A/D converter is most often used in the digital storage oscilloscopes.
The sampling rate and memory size are selected depending upon the duration & the waveform to be
Once the input signal is sampled, the A/D converter digitizes it.
The signal is then captured in the memory.
Once it is stored in the memory, many manipulations are possible as memory can be readout without being
The digital storage oscilloscope has three modes:
1. Roll mode – used to observe the fast carrying signals.
2. Store mode – commonly used mode. It is called refresh mode.
3. Hold or save mode .
i) It is easier to operate and has more capability.
ii) The storage time is infinite.
iii) The display flexibility is available. The number of traces that can be stored and recalled depends on the size
of the memory.
iv) The cursor measurement is possible.
v) The characters can be displayed on screen along with the waveform which can indicate waveform
information such as minimum, maximum, frequency, amplitude etc.
vi) The X-Y plots, B-H curve, P-V diagrams can be displayed.
viii) Keeping the records is possible by transmitting the data to computer system where the further processing
is possible
Explain the block diagram of Power Scope.
Power Scope:
Power scope is an instrument used for displaying power circuit waveforms, while analyzing high voltage
areas, the power scope is exactly useful tool. Some of its features are,
i. Wide range of measurement
ii. Compact design
iii. Light weight
iv. High degree of equipment and operator safety.
Block diagram of power scope is shown in figure.
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With its combination of oscilloscope and power analyzer, that enables users to measure power,
efficiency, transient responses and many parameters that cannot be measured by available instruments.
Oscilloscope is not designed to measure power.
While, for instance, a power computation out of the measurement of voltage and current, does not take in
account the phase displacement between both parameter under reactive loads, the PX8000 provides
calibrated power measurements even with this kind of load.
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Basic Electronics Engineering (104010)
AC to AC AC to Pulsating DC to Unregulated DC to
(Step-down input) Pulsating DC Unregulated DC Pure DC
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Basic Electronics Engineering (104010)
Explain the working principle of Auto Transformer. Give its advantages, disadvantages &
Auto Transformer:
An Auto Transformer is a transformer with only one winding wound on a laminated core. An auto
transformer is similar to a two winding transformer but differ in the way the primary and secondary winding
are interrelated. A part of the winding is common to both primary and secondary sides. On load condition, a
part of the load current is obtained directly from the supply and the remaining part is obtained by transformer
An Auto transformer works as a voltage regulator.
In an ordinary transformer, the primary and the In an auto transformer the primary and the secondary
secondary windings are electrically insulated windings are connected magnetically as well as
from each other but connected magnetically. as electrically. In fact, a part of the single continuous
shown in above figure winding is common to both primary and secondary.
Types of Auto Transformer:
There are two types of auto transformer based on the construction.
1. One winding Auto Transformer: There is continuous winding with the taps brought out at convenient
points determined by desired secondary voltage.
2. Two windings Auto Transformer: There are two or more distinct coils which are electrically connected
to form a continuous winding.
Construction of Auto Transformer:
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In an auto transformer, one single winding is used as primary winding as well as secondary winding.
But in two windings transformer two different windings are used for primary and secondary purpose. A circuit
diagram of auto transformer is shown in figure.
AB is Primary winding BC is Secondary winding
Number of turns N1 N2
Voltage across V1 V2
Voltage per turns V1 V2
N1 N2
V2 N2
= =k
V1 N1
Advantages of Auto transformer
1. Less costly
2. Better regulation
3. Low losses as compared to ordinary two winding transformer of the same rating.
4. For transformation ratio = 2, the size of the auto transformer would be approximately 50% of the
corresponding size of two winding transformer. For transformation ratio say 20 however the size would be
95 %. The saving in cost of the material is of course not in the same proportion. The saving of cost is
appreciable when the ratio of transformer is low, that is lower than 2. Thus auto transformer is smaller in
size and cheaper.
5. An auto transformer has higher efficiency than two winding transformer. This is because of less ohmic loss
and core loss due to reduction of transformer material.
6. Auto transformer has better voltage regulation as voltage drop in resistance and reactance of the single
winding is less.
Disadvantages of Auto transformer
1. The leakage flux between the primary and secondary windings is small and hence the impedance is low.
This results into severer short circuit currents under fault conditions.
2. The connections on primary and secondary sides have necessarily needs to be same, except when using
interconnected starring connections. This introduces complications due to changing primary and secondary
phase angle particularly in the case of delta/delta connection.
3. It is more difficult to maintain the electromagnetic balance of the winding.
4. It does not have primary and secondary winding isolation.
Applications of Auto Transformers
1. It is used as a voltage regulator.
2. Used as a step-up or step-down the supply voltage.
3. Used in power transmission and distribution system.
4. Use in the audio system and railways.
5. It is used to give a small boost to a distribution cable, to correct the voltage drop.
6. It is used as a starter to give upto 50 to 60% of full voltage to the stator of a squirrel cage induction motor
during starting.
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Basic Electronics Engineering (104010)
Explain the operation of DC Ammeter with suitable diagram. Explain the circuit of multirange
Analog Ammeter: (Ammeter – Ampere Meter)
The instrument which measures the current flowing through in the circuit is called ammeter.
How to connect?
An ammeter is connected in series with a device to measure its current.
At the heart of most analog meters is a galvanometer, an instrument that measures current flow using the
movement or deflection, of a needle.
An ammeter (from Ampere Meter) is a measuring instrument used to measure the current in a circuit.
Electric currents are measured in amperes (A).
We have to place this DC ammeter in series with the branch of an electric circuit, where the DC current is to
be measured. The voltage across the elements, which are connected in parallel, is same. So, the voltage across
shunt resistor, Rsh and the voltage across meter resistance, Rm is same, since those two elements are
connected in parallel in above circuit.
Mathematically, it can be written as
Ish Rsh = Im Rm
I m Rm
Rsh = (Equation 1)
The KCL equation at node A is,
I = Ish + Im => Ish = I − Im
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Rsh - is the shunt resistance
Rm - is the internal resistance of galvanometer
I - is the total Direct Current that is to be measured
Im - is the full scale deflection current
Multiplying factor, m.
m= (Equation 4)
Rsh = (Equation 5)
We can find the value of shunt resistance by using either Equation 2 or Equation 5 based on the available
Multirange ammeters:
Multirange ammeters are used for ranges up to 50A. When using a multirange ammeter, first use the
highest current range, then decrease the range until good upscale reading is obtained. The resistance used for
the various ranges are of very high precision values, hence the cost of the meter increases.
If we want to use the DC ammeter for measuring the DC of multiple ranges, then we have to use multiple
parallel resistors instead of single resistor and this entire combination of resistors is in parallel to basic meter.
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Place this multi range DC ammeter in series with the branch of an electric circuit, where the D.C. of required
range is to be measured. The desired range of currents is chosen by connecting the switch, s to the respective
shunt resistor.
Let, m1, m2, m3 and m4 are the multiplying factors of DC ammeter when we consider the total Direct
Currents to be measured as, I1, I2, I3 and I4 respectively.
Following are the formulae corresponding to each multiplying factor.
I1 I2 I3 I4
m1 = , m2 = , m3 = , m4 =
Im Im Im Im
Following are the formulae for shunt resistors.
Rm Rm Rm Rm
Rsh1 = , Rsh2 = , Rsh3 = , Rsh4 =
𝑚1 − 1 𝑚2 − 1 𝑚3 − 1 𝑚4 − 1
Explain the operation of DC Voltmeter with suitable diagram. Explain the circuit of multirange
Analog Voltmeter: (Voltmeter – Voltage Meter)
The instrument which measures the voltage across two terminals of a circuit is called voltmeter.
How to connect?
A voltmeter is connected in parallel with a device to measure its voltage.
We have to place this DC voltmeter across the two points of an electric circuit, where the DC voltage is to be
Apply KVL around the loop of above circuit.
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V − Im Rse − Im Rm = 0 V (Equation 1)
Im Rse = V − Im Rm
V − Im R m
Rse =
Rse = − Rm (Equation 2)
Rse - is the series multiplier resistance
V - is the full range DC voltage that is to be measured
Im - is the full scale deflection current
Rm - is the internal resistance of galvanometer
The ratio of full range DC voltage that is to be measured (V) and the DC voltage drop across the meter (Vm) is
known as multiplying factor, m. mathematically, it can be represented as
We can find the value of series multiplier resistance by using either Equation 2 or Equation 6 based on the
available data.
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We have to place this multi range DC voltmeter across the two points of an electric circuit, where the DC
voltage of required range is to be measured. We can choose the desired range of voltages by connecting the
switch s to the respective multiplier resistor.
Let, m1, m2, m3 and m4 are the multiplying factors of DC voltmeter when we consider the full range DC
voltages to be measured as, V1, V2, V3 and V4 respectively. Following are the formulae corresponding to each
multiplying factor.
V1 V2 V3 V4
m1 = , m2 = , m3 = , m4 =
Vm Vm Vm Vm
In above circuit, there are four series multiplier resistors, Rse1, Rse2, Rse3 and Rse4.
Following are the formulae corresponding to these four resistors.
Rse1 = Rm (m1 − 1)
Rse2 = Rm (m2 − 1)
Rse3 = Rm (m3 − 1)
Rse4 = Rm (m4 − 1)
Differentiate between Ammeter & Voltmeter.
#Comparison between Ammeter & Voltmeter:
Ammeter Voltmeter
Definition The instruments used for current The instruments used for voltage
measurement measurement
Connection It is connected in series with the circuit. It is connected in parallel with the circuit.
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