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Example 1

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Horizontal Methanol Condenser. A horizontal 1-2 condenser is required for the condensation of 50.

000 lb/hr
of substantially pure methanol (methyl alcohol) coming from the top of a distilling column operating at 15
psig, at which pressure it boils at 215oF. Water at 70oF will be used as the cooling medium. A dirt factor of
0,003 is required with allowable pressure drops of 2,0 psi for the vapor and 10,0 psi for the water. Assume: that
8’0” tubes are used. Tubes are to be ¾ in. OD, BWG 16 on 15/16 - in. Triangular pitch.

Kondensor 101

Fungsi : Mengkondensasi distilat (MeOH)

Jenis : 1-4 Horizontal Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger

Cold Fluid : Water

= 192777 kg/hr Pada air terjadi perubahan suhu tanpa
Laju Alir Masuk
425000 lb/hr perubahan fase
= 21.11111 ᵒC
Temperatur awal (t1)
70 ᵒF
= 48.88889 ᵒC
Temperatur akhir (t2)
120 ᵒF
Hot Fluid : MeOH
= 22679.65 kg/hr Pada methanol terjadi perubahan fasa
Laju Alir Masuk
50000 lb/hr tanpa perubahan suhu (Isothermal)
= 101.6667 ᵒC
Temperatur awal (T1)
215 ᵒF
= 101.6667 ᵒC
Temperatur akhir (T2)
215 ᵒF
= 2.13E+07 Btu/hr
Panas yang dilepas (Q)
22419937 kj/hr

1) Neraca Energi
Hot Fluid : MeOH Cold Fluid : Cooling Water
λ = 425 Btu/lb (kern fig 12) tave = 95 F
Q = 21250000 Btu/hr Cp = 1 Btu/lb.oF (kern fig 2)
Q = 21250000 Btu/hr
m = 425000 lb/hr
Aliran Counter Current

T1 = 215 ᵒF T2 = 215 ᵒF

t2 = 120 ᵒF t1 = 70 ᵒF

∆t 2 − ∆t1
ln ∆t 2 Τ∆t1
Δ T1 = 95 ᵒF
Δ T2 = 145 ᵒF
LMTD = 118.24332 ᵒF

3) Trial Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient (U D)

a) Trial UD
Untuk Alcohol Vapor - Water Design UD : 100 - 200

UD = 150 Btu/(hr.ft2.°F) (Asumsi)

UD =
A × ∆TLM
A = 1198.094 ft

Tube :
OD = 3/4 in Diperoleh jumlah Tube :
BWG = 16
A = a" Nt L
L = 8 ft
Pt = 0.94 (Tringular Pitch) Nt = 762.9231 tube
a" = 0.1963 ft

b) Dicari desain dengan jumlah tube mendekati Nt Trial, maka diambil :

Nt = 766 tube Karena dibutuhkan jumlah tube yang banyak
n = 4 pass maka penggunaan asumsi 2 tube tidak dapat
IDs = 31 in direalisasikan

c) Koreksi UD
A = 1202.926 ft
UD = 149.3975 Btu/(hr.ft .°F)

4) Desain Kondensor
Tube : Water, cold fluid Shell : MeOH, hot fluid
OD = 3/4 in Nt = 766
BWG = 16 OD tube = 3/4 in
ID = 0.620 in ID shell = 31 in
a" = 0.1963 ft2 PT = 0.94 in Triangular pitch
a't = 0.302 in2 n = 4 pass
L = 8 ft B = 1/5 IDs < B < IDs
= 96 in = 31 (maximum)
C' = 1/5 (IDs - Pt)

SHELL (MeOH) TUBE (Cooling Water)

5) Flow Area 5) Flow Area
ID × C ′ × B Nt × a′t
as = at =
144PT 144 × n
as = 1.33 ft2 at = 0.40 ft2

6) Mass Velocity 6) Mass Velocity

For Pressure Drop Only : (Eq 7.2) mሶ
Gt =
Mሶ at
Gs =
as Gt = 1,058,219.36 lb/hr.ft2
Gs = 37460.98 lb/hr.ft

Loading : Eq 12.43 Velocity

𝑀 Gtሶ
G" = v=
2/3 3600 × 𝜌
ρ = 62.50 lb/ft3
G" = 74.66 ft v = 4.70 fps

7) Menentukan Bilangan Reynold 7) Menentukan Bilangan Reynold

De Gs DGt
Res = Ret =
μ μ
De = 0.55 in (fig 28) D = 0.62 in (ID TUBE)
= 0.045833333 ft D = 0.051666667 ft
uvap = 0.012 cp (fig 15) uliq = 0.75 cp (fig 14)
= 0.03 lb/(ft.hr) = 1.82 lb/(ft.hr)
Res = 59124.02 lb/(ft.hr) (Turbulen) Ret = 30123.78 (Turbulen)

8) Menentukan Ho 8) Menentukan hi (fig 25)

hi = 790.00 Btu/(hr.ft2.°F)
hio = 653.07 Btu/(hr.ft .°F)

Tc = 215 ᵒF
tc = 95 ᵒF
ho = 200.00 (Asumsi Awal)
tw = 123.13 ᵒF

tf = 169.0668959 ᵒF
kf = 0.105283908 (Ekstrapolasi Tabel 4)
sf = 0.79 (Table 6)
uf = 0.29 cp (fig 14)
= 0.70 lb/(ft.hr)

Dari figure 12.42, diperoleh nilai ho

ho = 465.00 lb/(ft.hr)

9) Clean Overall Coefficient (Uc)

hio x ho
Uc =
hio + ho
Uc = 271.61
10 ) Dirt Factor
Uc − UD
Rd =
Uc x UD

Rd perhitungan = 0.00301 (hr)(ft2)(°F)/btu Memenuhi

Rd minimum = 0.003 (hr)(ft )(°F)/btu

SHELL (MeOH) TUBE (Cooling Water

11) Pressure Drop 11) Pressure Drop
a) Friction Factor (fig 29) a) Friction Factor (fig 26)
fs = 0.0015 ft2/in2 ft = 0.00019 ft2/in2

b) Number of Crosses b) Menentukan Pt

12L fGt2 Ln
N+1= ∆Pt =
B 5,22 × 1010 D × s𝜙𝑡
N+1 = 3.10
Mr = 32.04 ΔPt = 2.52 psi
T = 674.67 R
ρ = 0.131 lb/ft3 c) Menentukan Pr
s = 0.002 vത 2 62,5 (fig 27)
= 0.14
Ds = 2.583 ft 2g ′ 144

c) Shell Pressure Drop 4n vത 2 62,5

fGs2 Ds N + 1 ∆Pr =
∆Ps = s 2g ′ 144
2 × 5,22 × 1010 De × 𝑠
ΔPr = 2.24 psi
ΔPs = 1.673 psi
= Memenuhi d) Tube Pressure Drop
∆PT = ∆Pt + ∆Pr ; psi
ΔPT = 4.76 psi
= Memenuhi

12) Summary
465.00 h outside 653.07
UC 271.61
UD 149.3974707
Rd Calc 0.00301
Rd Req 0.003
1.673 Calc AP 4.76
2 Allow Ap 10

1) Menentukan Panas Latent MeOH
Tc-Tf = 249

2) Menentukan Specific Heat Cooling Water

tave = 95 F
3) Menentukan Viskositas Water
X = 10.2 tave = 95 F
Y = 13
4) Menentukan Viskositas MeOH (Vapor)
X = 8.5 Tave = 215 F
Y = 15.6
5) Menentukan hi pada Tube
Untuk desain yang dipilih dapat langsung digunakan nilai pada fig 28 tanpa mengalikan dengan
correction factor

tave = 95 F

6) Menentukan Termal Konduktivitas MeOH at Tf

x1 = 68
y1 = 0.124
x2 = 122
y2 = 0.114
x = 169.0669
y = 0.105284
7) Menentukan Viskositas MeOH liquid
X = 12.4 tf = 169 F
Y = 10.5
8) Menentukan Ho
kf = 0.105283908
sf = 0.79
uf = 0.29
G" = 74.66

9) Menentukan Friction Factor in Shell

Res = 59124.02
10) Menentukan Friction Factor in Tube
Ret = 30123.78
11) Menentukan Pr
Gt = 1,058,219.36

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