IEEE - Dual Axis Solar Tracker
IEEE - Dual Axis Solar Tracker
IEEE - Dual Axis Solar Tracker
study focuses on advancements in durability, weight, and The integration of energy storage technologies enhances the
cost-effectiveness, enhancing the overall performance of solar reliability and continuity of solar power systems. This paper
tracking systems. The use of innovative materials addresses provides insights into the effective coupling of solar generation
key challenges in the design of solar trackers, offering so- with energy storage.
lutions for improved longevity, reduced weight, and cost-
efficient manufacturing.
I. Machine Learning Applications in Solar Resource Predic-
D. IoT Integration for Smart Dual Axis Solar Trackers
Zhang and Park explore the intersection of machine learning
Chen and Wang investigate the integration of Internet of
and solar energy by investigating applications in predicting
Things (IoT) technologies into Dual Axis Solar Trackers.
solar resource availability. The study discusses the potential for
Their study emphasizes real-time data collection and remote
accurate forecasting, enabling better planning and management
monitoring, contributing to the development of smart solar
of solar power systems. The application of machine learning
tracking systems. The incorporation of IoT technologies pro-
in solar resource prediction offers a data-driven approach to
vides opportunities for improved monitoring and control of
optimize energy generation. Accurate forecasting facilitates
solar trackers. Real-time data enhances system performance
improved decision-making for solar power system operators.
and enables proactive maintenance strategies.
E. Comparative Analysis of Dual Axis Solar Tracker Designs J. Life Cycle Assessment of Solar Panel Technologies
Kim and Patel conduct a comparative analysis of differ- Chen and Davis conducted a life cycle assessment evalu-
ent designs of Dual Axis Solar Trackers. The study evalu- ating the environmental impact of various solar panel tech-
ates factors such as cost, complexity, and energy efficiency, nologies. The study analyzes factors such as manufacturing
providing valuable insights for design decision-making. The processes, energy consumption, and the ability to recycle. The
comparative analysis highlights the strengths and limitations life cycle assessment contributes valuable insights into the en-
of various tracker designs. This information aids researchers vironmental implications of different solar panel technologies.
and engineers in selecting designs tailored to specific project This information is essential for making informed decisions
requirements. regarding sustainable energy solutions.
Fig. 5. PCB Layout
The Dual Axis Solar Tracker prototype, equipped with
four light-dependent resistors (LDRs) and an Arduino Uno
microcontroller, demonstrated its effectiveness in accurately
9) Chen, X., & Davis, E. (2016). Life Cycle Assessment Mr. Inderjit Singh Dhanjal is working as an
of Solar Panel Technologies. Journal of Cleaner Pro- Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronics
Engineering, K.J. Somaiya College of Engineering,
duction, 30(4), 215-228. Vidyavihar since 3rd January 2018. In past, he
10) Kim, S., & Sharma, A. (2019). Solar Power in Urban worked as a Lecturer in the Department of Elec-
Environments: Challenges and Solutions. Urban Energy tronics Engineering, D.J. Sanghvi College of Engi-
neering, Mumbai from July 2010 to June 2011 and
Journal, 15(2), 78-91. as an Assistant Professor (Adhoc) during the period
July 2011 to June 2012, July 2013 to June 2014, July
2014 to December 2014, January 2015 to December
2015, January 2016 to December 2016 and January
2017 to December 2017. He also worked as a Teaching Assistant in the
VII. IEEE BIOGRAPHY Electronics Engineering Department, Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues College of
Engineering, Mumbai from July 2012 to October 2012 and from January 2013
to April 2013. He received his B.E. (Electronics) degree from Vidyalankar
Institute of Technology, Wadala, Mumbai, India in May 2009 and his M.E
(Electronics) degree from Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering,
Bandra, Mumbai, India in 2016. His area of interest is Analog electronics and
VLSI Design