Final Expanded-Solved
Final Expanded-Solved
Final Expanded-Solved
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[9 points] Problem 1. We consider the following Laplacian equation on the infinite strip
{(x, y) : x ∈ R, 0 ≤ y ≤ 1}
uxx + uyy = 0
uy (x, 0) =0 .
u(x, 1) = e−|x|
Let û(ω, y) be the Fourier transform of the function u with respect to the variable x. Write the
BVP satisfied by û, solve it then show that
2 ∞
u(x, y) = cos(ωx) dω.
π 0 (1 + ω 2 ) cosh ω
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[8 points=5+3] Problem 2. Wave equation on a metal rod. Consider the following
wave equation modeling the propagation of a wave on a metal rod
= uxxxx t > 0, x ∈ R
limt→∞ u(t, x) = 0 .
u(0, x) =e
Let û(t, ω) be the Fourier transform of the u(t, x) with respect to the variable x.
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[18 points=2+5+(3+4)+4] Problem 3. In this problem a > 0, and the function σa is
defined as follows (
1 |x| < a
σa (x) = .
0 else
2 sin2 aω
a) Show that F(σa ∗ σa ) = 2 .
π ω2
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c) Using the previous parts, evaluate the following integrals
R ∞ sin2 at
i) 0
cos at dt.
R ∞ sin4 at
ii) 0 dt.
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[55 points] Problem 4. Fourier series, uniform convergence and heat equation. In
all the parts of the problem f (x) = x sin x, and g(x) = x cos x in L2 ([−π, π]), whose graphs are
given below:
b) Say whether each sequence converges uniformly on [−π, π]. Justify your answer.
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[10 points=4+2+2+2] Part II. Convergence of Fourier series. We denote by F S[f ],
and F S[g] the Fourier series of the functions f and g.
a) Calculate the Fourier series of the indicated functions at the given point.
F S[f ](π) = · · · F S[g](π) = · · · F S[|g|](π) = · · · F S[g] − = ··· .
c) Does F S[g] converge uniformly in the interval [−π/2, π/2]? Justify your answer.
d) Does F S[g] converge uniformly in the interval (−π, π)? Justify your answer.
[17 points=4+6+3+4] Part III. Evaluation of Fourier series. Define E(x) = xeix .
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P∞ 1
ii) n=2 .
(n2 − 1)2
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[13 points=3+6+4] Part IV. Heat equation. Consider the following heat equation with
time dependent damping
= uxx − tu t > 0, 0 ≤ x ≤ π
ux (t, 0) = ux (t, π) = 0 .
u(0, x) = f (x) = x sin x
a) Writing u(t, x) = F (x)G(t), show that F and G solve the following equations
F 00 (x) = λF (x)
0 0
, G0 (t) + (t − λ)G(t) = 0.
F (0) = F (π) = · · ·
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b) Considering the appropriate cases for λ, show that a formal solution is of the form
2 2
u(t, x) = e−t /2 A0 + An cos(nx) e−n t
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c) Find A0 and An , then conclude a formal solution u.
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b) Define the energy E(t) = 0
v 2 (t, x) dx. Show that E 0 (t) ≤ 0 then deduce that E(t) = 0
for all t > 0.
c) Conclude that u1 = u2 .
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b) Find uE the equilibrium solution to the given model.
c) Show that the eigensolutions to the given IBVP are of the form uλ (t, x) = eλt v(x), such
that v solves the following Cauchy Euler equation
x2 v 00 + 2xv 0 − λv = 0
v(1) = v(e) = · · ·
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d) Studying the cases 1 + 4λ = 0, 1 + 4λ = w2 > 0, and 1 + 4λ = −w2 < 0, show that a
formal solution to the given IBVP is of the form
e−t/4 X 2
u(t, x) = √ An sin (nπ ln x) e−(nπ) t ,
x n=1
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