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Shri Ram Murti Smarak College of Engineering &

Technology Bareilly SRMS

Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Course File – Sub. Code: KCS 602 – Sub. Name: Class: B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering 6th
Web Technology Semester (2020 Batch)
Session: Odd/Even 2022-2023; Faculty – Ms. Anu Saxena /Ms. Hemlata


Semester/Session Even (2023-24) Class B.Tech IT 2nd Year

Course Code BCS 403 Course Title Object Oriented Programming
with JAVA
Hours 40 Hours/week 3
Faculty Name Ms.Anu Saxena Contact Details anu.saxena@srmscet.edu/

This course demonstrates an in-depth understanding of the tools and OOP’S with
JAVA necessary for business application design and development. The course
Course Description covers Develop the object-oriented programming concepts using Java, implement
exception handling, file handling, and multi-threading in Java, apply new java features
to build java programs, analyse java programs with Collection Framework, Test web
and RESTful Web Services with Spring Boot using Spring Framework concepts.

Course Outcome and Bloom’s Taxonomy

Students are able to:
CO1 Develop the object-oriented programming concepts using Java. K3, K4
CO2 Implement exception handling, file handling, and multi-threading in Java. K2,K4
CO3 Apply new java features to build java programs. K3
CO4 Analyse java programs with Collection Framework. K4
Test web and RESTful Web Services with Spring Boot using Spring
C05 Framework concepts.

Activity Learning Outcome and Bloom’s Taxonomy


ALO1 Workshop on JAVA: Design and Program Java Applets and evaluate Understand (K2),
its performance in real life and Analyze Future Scope of the Core Java Apply(K3)
and various IDE discuss in the workshop.
Understand (K2)
ALO2 Seminar on Gaming Development Tools
Analyze (K4)
Mini Project Based on Spring VFramework Apply (K3),
Create (K6)
Practical Exposure on JDBC and JSP and Demonstration on Java Understand (K2),
Beans. Evaluate(K5),
Create (K6)

Reviewed By

Faculty DQAC HOD (CSE)

Shri Ram Murti Smarak College of Engineering &
Technology Bareilly SRMS
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Course File – Sub. Code: KCS 602 – Sub. Name: Class: B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering 6th
Web Technology Semester (2020 Batch)
Session: Odd/Even 2022-2023; Faculty – Ms. Anu Saxena /Ms. Hemlata

CO-PO Mapping

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO1
CO1 - - 3 - - - - - - - - -
CO2 - - - - 3 - - - - - - -
CO3 2 - - - 3 2 - 3 - - - -
CO4 - 3 - 3 - - - - - - - -
CO5 - - - - 3 - 2 - - - - -
Avg. 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.6 1.8 0.4 0.4 0.6 - - - -
Less Relevant; 2 – Moderately relevant; 3 – Highly relevant

CO-PSO Mapping
CO-PSO Mapping


CO1 - 1 3
CO2 3 1 3
CO3 - - 3
CO4 1 2 3
CO5 3 - 3
Avg. 1.4 0.8 3
1- Less Relevant; 2 – Moderately relevant; 3 – Highly relevant

ALO-CO Mapping
ALO-CO Mapping


ALO1: Workshop on JAVA 3 3 3 3 -

ALO2: Seminar on Gaming Development Tools 3 3 -

ALO3: Mini Project Based Web Development 3

ALO4: Practical Exposure on JDBC and JSP and
3 3
Demonstration on Java Beans.

1- Less Relevant; 2 – Moderately relevant; 3 – Highly relevant

Reviewed By

Faculty DQAC HOD (CSE)

Shri Ram Murti Smarak College of Engineering &
Technology Bareilly SRMS
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Course File – Sub. Code: KCS 602 – Sub. Name: Class: B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering 6th
Web Technology Semester (2020 Batch)
Session: Odd/Even 2022-2023; Faculty – Ms. Anu Saxena /Ms. Hemlata

Mapping of Activity Learning Outcomes (ALO) with Program Outcome (PO) and Program Specific
Outcome (PSO)

PO’s PSO’s


1- Less Relevant; 2 – Moderately relevant; 3 – Highly relevant

Gap Analysis:
1. Design and Program Java Applets and evaluate its performance in real life and Analyze Future Scope of
the Core Java and various IDE discuss in the workshop.
2. Understand the principles of creating an effective web page and Understanding of information design
and usability as it applies to interactive web projects.
3. To analyze real world problems and finding a solution to that problem and Better implementation of
concepts in a single project and develop a responsive web site.
4. Practical Exposure on JDBC and JSP and Demonstration on Java Beans.

Object Oriented Programming with Java (BCS-403)


UNIT-1 Introduction: Why Java, History of Java, JVM, JRE, Java Environment, Java 08
Source File Structure, and Compilation. Fundamental, Programming
Structures in Java: Defining Classes in Java, Constructors, Methods, Access
Specifies, Static Members, Final Members, Comments, Data types, Variables,
Operators, Control Flow, Arrays & String. Object Oriented Programming:
Class, Object, Inheritance Super Class, Sub Class, Overriding, Overloading,
Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Abstraction, Interfaces, and Abstract Class.
Packages: Defining Package, CLASSPATH Setting for Packages, Making JAR
Reviewed By

Faculty DQAC HOD (CSE)

Shri Ram Murti Smarak College of Engineering &
Technology Bareilly SRMS
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Course File – Sub. Code: KCS 602 – Sub. Name: Class: B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering 6th
Web Technology Semester (2020 Batch)
Session: Odd/Even 2022-2023; Faculty – Ms. Anu Saxena /Ms. Hemlata

Files for Library Packages, Import and Static Import Naming Convention For
UNIT-2 Exception Handling: The Idea behind Exception, Exceptions & Errors, Types 08
of Exception, Control Flow in Exceptions, JVM Reaction to Exceptions, Use of
try, catch, finally, throw, throws in Exception Handling, In-built and User
Defined Exceptions, Checked and Un-Checked Exceptions.
Input /Output Basics: Byte Streams and Character Streams, Reading and
Writing File in Java.
Multithreading: Thread, Thread Life Cycle, Creating Threads, Thread
Priorities, Synchronizing Threads, Inter-thread Communication.
UNIT-3 Java New Features: Functional Interfaces, Lambda Expression, Method 08
References, Stream API, Default Methods, Static Method, Base64 Encode and
Decode, ForEach Method, Try-withresources, Type Annotations, Repeating
Annotations, Java Module System, Diamond Syntax with Inner Anonymous
Class, Local Variable Type Inference, Switch Expressions, Yield Keyword, Text
Blocks, Records, Sealed Classes.
UNIT-4 Java Collections Framework: Collection in Java, Collection Framework in 08
Java, Hierarchy of Collection Framework, Iterator Interface, Collection
Interface, List Interface, ArrayList, LinkedList, Vector, Stack, Queue Interface,
Set Interface, HashSet, LinkedHashSet, SortedSet Interface, TreeSet, Map
Interface, HashMap Class, LinkedHashMap Class, TreeMap Class, Hashtable
Class, Sorting, Comparable Interface, Comparator Interface, Properties Class in
UNIT-5 Spring Framework: Spring Core Basics-Spring Dependency Injection concepts, 08
Spring Inversion of Control, AOP, Bean Scopes- Singleton, Prototype, Request,
Session, Application, Web Socket, Auto wiring, Annotations, Life Cycle Call
backs, Bean Configuration styles.
Spring Boot: Spring Boot Build Systems, Spring Boot Code Structure, Spring
Controller, Request Mapping, Request Body, Path Variable, Request Parameter,
GET, POST, PUT, DELETE APIs, Build Web Applications.

Lecture Plan

Unit No. Name Content Required Hrs

Introduction Object Introduction to OOP’S concept 2

1. Oriented Programming Introduction to JAVA 2
and Basics of java Programming Structures in Java 2

Reviewed By

Faculty DQAC HOD (CSE)

Shri Ram Murti Smarak College of Engineering &
Technology Bareilly SRMS
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Course File – Sub. Code: KCS 602 – Sub. Name: Class: B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering 6th
Web Technology Semester (2020 Batch)
Session: Odd/Even 2022-2023; Faculty – Ms. Anu Saxena /Ms. Hemlata

Packages 2
2. Exception Handling, Concept of Exception Handling, In-built and User 3
Input /Output Basics, Defined Exceptions, Checked and Un-Checked
Multithreading Exceptions.
User Input /Output Basics in Java
Implementation of Multithreading , Synchronizing 3
Threads, Inter-thread Communication.
Functional Interfaces, Lambda Expression 1
Method References, Stream API, Default Methods, 2
Static Method, Base64 Encode and Decode, ForEach
Try-with resources, Type Annotations, Repeating 2
3. Java New Features
Annotations, Java Module System
Diamond Syntax with 08 Inner Anonymous Class
Local Variable Type Inference, Switch Expressions, 2
Yield Keyword, Text Blocks, Records, Sealed Classes
Collection in Java, Collection Framework in Java, 2
Hierarchy of Collection Framework
Iterator Interface, Collection Interface, List Interface 1
ArrayList, LinkedList, Vector, Stack, Queue Interface, 1
Java Collections Set Interface
4. Framework HashSet, LinkedHashSet, SortedSet Interface, TreeSet 1
Map Interface, HashMap Class, LinkedHashMap Class, 1
TreeMap Class, Hashtable Class
Sorting, Comparable Interface, Comparator Interface, 2
Properties Class in Java.
Spring Core Basics-Spring Dependency Injection 2
concepts, Spring Inversion of Control, AOP, Bean
Scopes- Singleton
Prototype, Request, Session, Application, Web Socket, 2
Auto wiring, Annotations, Life Cycle Call backs, Bean
Configuration styles
Spring Framework,
5. Spring Boot Build Systems, Spring Boot Code 1
Spring Boot Structure, Spring Boot Runners, Logger
Rest Controller, Request Mapping, Request Body, Path 1
Variable, Request Parameter
* Please see books and references number.

Books and References:

1. "Head First Java" by Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates
Reviewed By

Faculty DQAC HOD (CSE)

Shri Ram Murti Smarak College of Engineering &
Technology Bareilly SRMS
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Course File – Sub. Code: KCS 602 – Sub. Name: Class: B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering 6th
Web Technology Semester (2020 Batch)
Session: Odd/Even 2022-2023; Faculty – Ms. Anu Saxena /Ms. Hemlata

2. "Effective Java" by Joshua Bloch

3. "Java: A Beginner's Guide" by Herbert Schildt
4. "Java Concurrency in Practice" by Brian Goetz
5. "Thinking in Java" by Bruce Ecke
6. Object Oriented Programming with Java by M.T. Somashekara

Additional Resources
Online Lectures available for the course
Sr. No. Links
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GwptabrYyk (Java OOPs Concepts | Object Oriented
Programming | Edureka)

2 https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/object-oriented-programming-oops-concept-in-java/

Assignment 1
Roll No. Topics covered from CO Covered
All Students Unit I & II CO1,CO2,CO3
CSE 6th Semester
Subject: OOP’S with Java
Subject Code: BCS 403
Date of Issue: Date of Submission:
Marks: 10
• All questions are compulsory
• Answer should be written in your own hand writing.
• Late submission will be penalizes as per grading policy.
Answer the following questions:
Q. Questions Marks CO BL
1. Define the Architecture of Java. 1 1 K1

Reviewed By

Faculty DQAC HOD (CSE)

Shri Ram Murti Smarak College of Engineering &
Technology Bareilly SRMS
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Course File – Sub. Code: KCS 602 – Sub. Name: Class: B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering 6th
Web Technology Semester (2020 Batch)
Session: Odd/Even 2022-2023; Faculty – Ms. Anu Saxena /Ms. Hemlata

2. Compare object-oriented programming and object-based 1 2 K4

programming with example. List the features of object-
oriented programming.

3. Define thread. How to create a thread in java ? Write a 3 2 K3

program that executes two threads. One thread will print
the even numbers and another thread will print odd
numbers from 1 to 5.

4. Explain Java package and how is it used? Which package is 3 1 K1

imported, by default?

5. 2 1 K1
Explain Lambda Expression Syntax. Write a Java Lambda

Expression to Create a Thread.

Assignment 2
Roll No. Topics covered from CO Covered
All Students Unit I & II CO4, CO5
CSE 6th Semester

Reviewed By

Faculty DQAC HOD (CSE)

Shri Ram Murti Smarak College of Engineering &
Technology Bareilly SRMS
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Course File – Sub. Code: KCS 602 – Sub. Name: Class: B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering 6th
Web Technology Semester (2020 Batch)
Session: Odd/Even 2022-2023; Faculty – Ms. Anu Saxena /Ms. Hemlata

Subject: Web Technology

Subject Code: KCS 602
Date of Issue: Date of Submission:
Marks: 10
• All questions are compulsory
• Answer should be written in your own hand writing.
• Late submission will be penalizes as per grading policy.
Answer the following questions:
Q. No. Questions Marks CO BL
1. Compare Java and JavaScript. Explain and demonstrate 5 2 3 K4
different types of objects in JavaScript with example.
2. What is the importance of hashCode() and equals() methods? 3 5 K6
3. What is difference between GET POST put delete methods? 1 1 K1
4. Explain JDBC? Also explain the drivers used in JDBC. Write 2 5 K3
a JDBC program for insert and display the record of
employees using prepared statement.
5. Write down the steps to create Java Bean. Illustrate the role 2 4 K2
of introspection in Java Bean ?

Objective Questions:
Subject Code: BCS 403
Question No Question CO BL
Question-1 Dynamic web page 1 K1
A) is same every time whenever it displays
B) generates on demand by a program or a request from browser
C) Both (a) and (b)
D) none of the mentioned
Question-2 The elements have the following characteristics 3 K2
A) Element inherits properties defined for in a stylesheet
B) And have no real meanings as html tags unless stylesheet is
C) Elements and define content to be inline or block-level
D) And are used as alternatives for the element
Question-3 Which of the following option leads to the portability and 3 K1
security of Java?
A) Bytecode is executed by JVM
B) The applet makes the Java code secure and portable
C) Use of exception handling
D) Dynamic binding between objects
Question-4 While working on a JavaScript project, in your JavaScript 3 K2
application, which function would you use to send messages to
users requesting for text input?
Reviewed By

Faculty DQAC HOD (CSE)

Shri Ram Murti Smarak College of Engineering &
Technology Bareilly SRMS
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Course File – Sub. Code: KCS 602 – Sub. Name: Class: B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering 6th
Web Technology Semester (2020 Batch)
Session: Odd/Even 2022-2023; Faculty – Ms. Anu Saxena /Ms. Hemlata

A) Display()
B) Prompt()
C) Alert()
D) GetInput()
Question-5 The \u0021 article referred to as a 2 K1
A) Unicode escape sequence
B) Octal escape
C) Hexadecimal
D) Line feed
Question-6 Which of the following statement is not true regarding JavaScript? 3 K1
A) JavaScript is a loosely typed language.
B) JavaScript is an object based language.
C) JavaScript is event driven.
D) JavaScript embedded in an html document is compiled and
executed by the client browser.
Question-7 _____ is used to find and fix bugs in the Java programs. 3 K1
Question-8 Define the major components of the JDBC? 4 K2
A) DriverManager, Driver, Connection, Statement, and
B) DriverManager, Driver, Connection, and Statement
C) DriverManager, Statement, and ResultSet
D) DriverManager, Connection, Statement, and ResultSet
Question-9 Is JSP technology extensible? 5 K3
Question-10 If a jsp is to generate a pdf page, what attribute of page directive it 5 K2
should use?
A) ContentType
B) generatePdf
C) typePDF
D) contentPDF

Tutorial Sheets:

Reviewed By

Faculty DQAC HOD (CSE)

Shri Ram Murti Smarak College of Engineering &
Technology Bareilly SRMS
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Course File – Sub. Code: KCS 602 – Sub. Name: Class: B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering 6th
Web Technology Semester (2020 Batch)
Session: Odd/Even 2022-2023; Faculty – Ms. Anu Saxena /Ms. Hemlata

Tutorial Sheet 1 Marks CO BL

1.Discuss about the working process of JVM. 2 1 K1

2.State the use of web server logs and list the contents of a message log. 2 1 K3
3. What is the difference between overloading and overriding? 2 2 K3
4. Why do we need to use OOPs? 2 2 K6
5.Explain about user defined exceptions. 2 1 K2
Tutorial Sheet 2 Marks CO BL

1. How can you handle exceptions in Java? 2 2 K1

2. Which is used to perform all input & output operations in Java? 2 1 K2
3. What are the benefits of multi-threaded programming? 2 2 K6,K2
4.Construct a java program to explain method overloading and constructor overloading. 2 1 K6
5. What are different states in lifecycle of Thread? 2 2 K2,k6

Reviewed By

Faculty DQAC HOD (CSE)

Shri Ram Murti Smarak College of Engineering &
Technology Bareilly SRMS
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Course File – Sub. Code: KCS 602 – Sub. Name: Class: B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering 6th
Web Technology Semester (2020 Batch)
Session: Odd/Even 2022-2023; Faculty – Ms. Anu Saxena /Ms. Hemlata

Tutorial Sheet 3 Marks CO BL

1. What will be the output of the following Java program?
import java.net.*;

class networking

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception

URL obj = new URL("https://www.sanfoundry.com/javamcq");

URLConnection obj1 = obj.openConnection();

int len = obj1.getContentLength();


2 1,3 K3
2. What will be the output of the following Java program?
import java.net.*;

class networking

public static void main(String[] args) throws MalformedURLException

URL obj = new URL("https://www.sanfoundry.com/javamcq");


2 1,3 K3

Reviewed By

Faculty DQAC HOD (CSE)

Shri Ram Murti Smarak College of Engineering &
Technology Bareilly SRMS
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Course File – Sub. Code: KCS 602 – Sub. Name: Class: B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering 6th
Web Technology Semester (2020 Batch)
Session: Odd/Even 2022-2023; Faculty – Ms. Anu Saxena /Ms. Hemlata

3. What will be the output of the following Java code snippet?

import java.util.*;

class Arraylists

public static void main(String args[])

ArrayLists obj = new ArrayLists();




obj.add(1, "D");


2 1,3 K3
4. 37. What will be the output of the following Java program?

import java.util.*;

class Collection_iterators

public static void main(String args[])

2 1,3 K3

Reviewed By

Faculty DQAC HOD (CSE)

Shri Ram Murti Smarak College of Engineering &
Technology Bareilly SRMS
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Course File – Sub. Code: KCS 602 – Sub. Name: Class: B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering 6th
Web Technology Semester (2020 Batch)
Session: Odd/Even 2022-2023; Faculty – Ms. Anu Saxena /Ms. Hemlata

LinkedList list = new LinkedList();

list.add(new Integer(2));

list.add(new Integer(8));

list.add(new Integer(5));

list.add(new Integer(1));

Iterator i = list.iterator();




System.out.print(i.next() + " ");

5. What will be the output of the following Java code?

class newthread extends Thread

Thread t;


t1 = new Thread(this,"Thread_1");

t2 = new Thread(this,"Thread_2");


t2.start(); 2 1,3 K3

Reviewed By

Faculty DQAC HOD (CSE)

Shri Ram Murti Smarak College of Engineering &
Technology Bareilly SRMS
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Course File – Sub. Code: KCS 602 – Sub. Name: Class: B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering 6th
Web Technology Semester (2020 Batch)
Session: Odd/Even 2022-2023; Faculty – Ms. Anu Saxena /Ms. Hemlata

public void run()



class multithreaded_programing

public static void main(String args[])

new newthread();

Tutorial Sheet 4 Marks CO BL

1. What will be the initial value of an object reference which is defined as an instance
variable? 2 4 K2
2. What is the static block?
2 4 K2
3.Examine the types of JavaScript statements with examples. 2 3 K2
4.Explain the JavaScript array handling and array methods. 2 3 K2
5. Can we override the static methods?
2 4 K6
Tutorial Sheet 5 Marks CO BL
1.List the differences between java and JavaScript. 2 1,3 K1
2. Can we execute a program without main() method?
2 2 K2
3. What if the static modifier is removed from the signature of the main method?
2 2 K4

Reviewed By

Faculty DQAC HOD (CSE)

Shri Ram Murti Smarak College of Engineering &
Technology Bareilly SRMS
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Course File – Sub. Code: KCS 602 – Sub. Name: Class: B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering 6th
Web Technology Semester (2020 Batch)
Session: Odd/Even 2022-2023; Faculty – Ms. Anu Saxena /Ms. Hemlata

4. What is the difference between static (class) method and instance method? 2 2 K6
5. What are the advantages of passing this into a method instead of the current class object
2 2 K1
Tutorial Sheet 6 Marks CO BL
1.List the different basic protocols used in Internet. 2 1 K1
2.Illustrate in short notes on basic Internet protocols. 2 1 K2
3. Why is Inheritance used in Java?
2 1 K6
4. Which class is the superclass for all the classes?
2 3 K4
5. Why is multiple inheritance not supported in java?
2 2 K2,K6
Tutorial Sheet 7 Marks CO BL
1.Explain and write a simple JDBC program. 2 5 K1
2.Design JavaBeans component? How will you use the JSP language elements for accessing
Beans in your JSP pages? 2 4 K2,K6
3.Contrast between socket and server socket. 2 4 K4
4.Explain how is manifest file created? 2 5 K2
5.Evaluate a Java Servlet to display net salary of employee, use JDBC connectivity to get
employee details from database. 2 5 K2,K6
Tutorial Sheet 8 Marks CO BL
1.Explain and write a simple JDBC program. 2 5 K2
2.Illustrate the advantages of java beans? 2 5 K2
3.Define prepared statement. 2 5 K1
4.List out the differences between JDBC and ODBC. 2 5 K4
5.Illustrate how is JAR file created. 2 5 K2
Tutorial Sheet 9 Marks CO BL
1.Describe in detail the session handling in server side programming. 2 6 K1
2.Discuss about JSTL. 2 6 K2
3.Explain how is session tracking achieved by URL rewriting? 2 6 K2
4.Compare GET and POST request type. 2 6 K4
5.Summarize the servlet interface and its methods. 2 6 K2
Tutorial Sheet 10 Marks CO BL
1.List the application of servlets. 2 6 K1
2.Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of servlets. 2 6 K2
3.Sketch the Servlet life cycle. 2 6 K3
4.Analyze about java scriplet. 2 6 K4
5.Summarize briefly about the interaction between a web server and a servlet. 2 6 K2

Reviewed By

Faculty DQAC HOD (CSE)

Shri Ram Murti Smarak College of Engineering &
Technology Bareilly SRMS
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Course File – Sub. Code: KCS 602 – Sub. Name: Class: B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering 6th
Web Technology Semester (2020 Batch)
Session: Odd/Even 2022-2023; Faculty – Ms. Anu Saxena /Ms. Hemlata

Reviewed By

Faculty DQAC HOD (CSE)

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