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Group 4 Research Paper Stem201

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Submitted in Partial Completion of Practical Research 1 and Statistics and Probability

STI College Surigao
Narciso street, Surigao City

Abarico, Rhon Maea Dyl L. Custodio, Lady Marianne P.

Colindong, Kent Joseph M. Escobal, Kenth E.
Cruz, Myrbren Purol, Shahannie M.

Mosquite, Jessel C. LPT

Hagonos, Angelica C. LPT
APRIL 2024

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Table of Contents
Approval Form……………………………………………………………………………………….2



Table of Contents…………………………………………………………………………………….2

List of Figures and Tables……………………………………………………………………………6

Chapter One – Introduction……………………………………………………………………………...4

Background of the Study…………………………………………………………………….4

Statement of the problem……………………………………………………………………5

Significance of the Study……………………………………………………………………6

Scope & Limitations…………………………………………………………………………8

Conceptual Framework………………………………………………………………………9

Definition of Terms………………………………………………………………………….10

Chapter Two – Literature Review…………………………………………………………………….…11

Chapter Three – Research Designs……………………………………………………………………...14


Sampling Method…………………………………………………………………………..…15

Research Instrument………………………………………………………………………..…16

Data Gathering……………………………………………………………………………..…16

Data Analysis……………………………………………………………………………..…..17

Chapter Four – Discussion of Results

Relation of Findings to Research Questions………………………………………………...21

Relation of Findings to Literature…………………………………………………………...22

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Chapter Five – Conclusions and Recommendations





List of Figures and Tables

Figure 1.0 Example of a Figure in the Introduction…………………………………………………...7

Figure 2.0 Example of a Conceptual Framework……………………………………………………..8

Figure 3.0 Figure from a Literature…………………………………………………………………..11

Figure 3.1 Figure from a Literature…………………………………………………………………..11

Table 1.0 Example of a Table/Result………………………………………………………………...15

Figure 4.0 Example of a Result………………………………………………………………………16

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In this chapter, it will cover the Background of the Study along with the Statement of the Problem
and Significance of the Study, Scope and Limitations, Conceptual Framework, and the Definitions of
Terms used in the study.

Background of the Study

Performance and skills understanding are linked concepts that are essential to an individual's
professional success. Without it, everyone may encounter numerous obstacles in their lives. If any of
these are absent, students may have a variety of difficulties reaching the objectives they have set for
themselves or the desired results that have been outlined by their reputable institutions. A student whose
lack of confidence in themselves may cause issues not only for themselves but also for the institutions in
which they study and for effectively utilizing the curriculum.

High self-confidence can result in greater academic accomplishment. However, there is a complex
relationship between academic success and self-confidence, and a number of situations could influence a
person's feeling of self-confidence. To create solutions that improve academic achievement, it is essential
to comprehend these factors and how they affect students' self-confidence.

STI College Surigao Senior High School is a private high school that aims to ensure that its
students will get an excellent educational experience and prepare them for college and career
opportunities. Based-observations, a significant number of students at STI Surigao suffer from poor self-
esteem. Therefore, the researchers, will study the factors of self-confidence to improve students' academic
performance so students can feel prepared to navigate the situations that life brings.

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Statement of the Problem

Competency, knowledge, and performance are all linked concepts that are critical to an individual's
career achievement. Students with the lack of confidence may face various challenges in achieving
intended outcomes which have been set out by their respected institutions or the goals they have for
themselves. Students' lack of self-confidence may cause problems not only for them, but also for
institutions and the proper implementation of the curriculum. The majority of the current problem in the
educational system is caused by low self-confidence, which has resulted in a lot of students having
insufficient participation and unsatisfactory progress while spending a significant amount of time in class.

The purpose of this qualitative study is to investigate senior high school students' subjective
perceptions regarding self-confidence, with the general objective of learning self-confidence to help them
enhance their academic performance in the Senior High School STI College Surigao.

Significance of the Study

The significance of this study will be beneficial for the following:

Students It offers insights into self-confidence and its impact on academic performance, aiding students
in enhancing their educational outcomes. The findings transcend specific demographics, benefiting
students globally.

Teachers The study provides valuable insights into students' self-confidence and its correlation with
academic performance, enabling educators to adapt teaching methods and curriculum to foster self-
confidence. This adjustment can lead to smoother classroom dynamics and professional advancement

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Parents Understanding the relationship between parental influence and student self-confidence can
empower parents to adjust their parenting styles to support their children's self-esteem and academic
success. This support can lead to a sense of pride in their children's achievements and ensure a brighter
future for them.

Future Researchers The study serves as a valuable reference point for future researchers, offering
insights and data for further investigation into the correlation between self-confidence and academic
performance. It can guide future studies and potentially lead to the discovery of new solutions in this area
of research.

Scope and Limitations


This study will concentrate on how student’s academic performance in Senior High School at STI
College Surigao is impacted by their level of self-confidence. The research will be carried out in the 2023
- 2024 academic year. The purpose of this study is to better understand how students view their level of
confidence and how it relates to their academic achievement. The researchers' goal is to investigate and
assist students in applying this information to addressing the issues.


One of the study's limitations is that the researchers were only able to ask a restricted number of
specific questions because not all of their questions should fall within those boundaries. One of them is to
avoid from questioning about respondents' personal lives in private. To avoid going beyond the bounds of
manners, the researcher should always keep to asking solely questions about self-confidence. It ought to
be specific at all times.

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Conceptual Framework

Fg.1 Research Paradigm


I. Understanding I. The students can finally

student’s perspective on express their thoughts
self-confidence to I. Survey Sheets and opinions on self-
enhance academic confidence.
II. Data collection II. It may empower
respondents to advocate
II. Comprehend the for changes or
factors that contribute III. Data analysis improvements within
to a student's self- their educational
confidence environment based on the
IV. Thematic analysis findings of the study.

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Definition of Terms

To have a clear and better understanding of the terms used in this study, the following are defined
operationally and conceptually:

Bias: A systematic error introduced in research due to preconceived notions, personal beliefs or other
factors that can influence the interpretation, collection or analysis of data, potentially leading to inaccurate
or misleading results.

Intervention Strategies: Specific actions or measures designed to address or improve a particular

situation or problem, in this case, enhancing student’s self-confidence to improve academic performance.

Peer Pressure: The influence or pressure that individuals experience from their peers to conform to
certain behaviors, beliefs, or actions.

Social Situations: Interactions and encounters between individuals within a social context which may
involve various forms of communication, relationships, and group dynamics.

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This chapter reviews the literature on student’s perspective of self-confidence and how these relates to
academic performance. This review related literature is an essential aspect of investigation. This helps the
researcher to gather up data information about what has been done in the particular area and fill the gaps
on which it intends to study in the school year of 2023-2024 at STI College Surigao.

2.1. The concept of self-confidence

Academic self-confidence has been shown to be one of the most salient factors leading to enhanced
academic performance as student’s transition to college (Komarraju & Nadler, 2013 cited by Ballane,
George 2019). Students' feels about in their ability to perform well in school are the foundation of
academic self-confidence, which is built on self-confidence.

2.2. Self-confidence and academic achievement

According to Komarraju & Nadler 2013 cited by Ballane, George (2019) Students are likely to perform
well in school if they believe they can perform well. That is why it is essential to understand the student’s
thoughts and opinions towards self-confidence to, it might provide the authority to push for adjustments
or enhancements.

Tripathy &Srivastava 2012 as cited by Omidullah Akbari et. al (2020) believe that self-confidence is an
attitude and students with self-confidence believe on their abilities, they are goal-directed, they believe
that they will reach their goals and expectations. Self-confidence is not the same in all areas of a person’s
life. It is possible that an individual be very confident in one area of life and less confident in some other
areas of life. For this reason, the intent of this qualitative study is to comprehend students' perspectives on

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2.3. The uses of self-confidence on individual’s school life

As believe by Neel Burton M.D. (2020) Self-confidence helps students develop their social skills
and their resilience, allowing them to reach their full potential in and out of the classroom. Students with a
healthy level of self-confidence are aware of their abilities, they also accept their weaknesses and work on
them to keep improving themselves. In relation to (Jerald Moneva and Shiela Mae Tribunalo 2020)
Performance tasks should be enhanced and this have important in terms of knowing what kind of person
they will be in the nearest future.

According to Jerald Moneva and Shiela Mae Tribunalo (2020) Self-confidence refers to as
someone’s power and abilities to perform the required tasks. In order to accomplish the given tasks
students must have self-confidence. They further state that their study investigated the correlation
between student’s level of self-confidence and performance tasks and investigated if self-confidence
influence to students’ performance tasks.

Stated by Raashid Iqbal Bhat Ph.D (2022) Self-confidence has an important influence in academic
achievement, learning, and performance. Academic achievement is predicted by self-confidence. The
higher one's self-confidence, the better one's academic success. Teachers and parents both play an
important role in enhancing students' self-esteem and self-confidence in order to improve their academic
achievement, performance and learning abilities.

As believe by Mehjabeen Khan (2023) the college experience is unique to every student; some
students are successful, while others struggle. Certain factors may allow some students to succeed
academically, such as academic self-efficacy and stress coping skills. Their present study sought to
explore the factors that affect academic success. In particular, the relationships between academic self-
efficacy, stress coping skills, and academic performance in students.

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Research Methodology

In this chapter, it provides a comprehensive overview of the research design, population

characteristics, sampling method, research instrument, data gathering procedures, and data analysis
techniques employed in this study.

Research Designs
This type of research is qualitative and follows a descriptive design. Qualitative research aims to
gather and analyze non-numerical data and with the use of descriptive design. Descriptive design and
qualitative research are compatible because they both aim to explore, understand, and describe the
intricate details of a phenomenon or a situation. This compatibility allows researchers to create more
meaningful and relevant designs that resonate with their target audience.


The total of population in this study consists of 240 students of Senior High School at STI College
Surigao. To obtain the total number of respondents, the researcher used the sample size calculator to get
the total number of respondents, which results of the total of 148 respondents on the entire Senior High
School at STI College Surigao. The sampling method used in this study is Stratified Sampling, to ensure
that the sample was representative of the population and that each student had an equal chance of being

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Table 1.0

Strand/Section Total Number of Students Total Number of Respondents

G11 STEM - 201 36 22

G11 STEM - 202 39 24
G11 STEM - 203 35 22
G11 GAS - 201 20 12
G12 STEM 401 34 21
G12 STEM 402 43 27
G12 GAS 401 12 7
G12 ICT 401 17 10
G12 TO 401 4 2
Total: 240 148

Sampling Method

This study utilizes stratified sampling, which involves dividing the senior high school student
population at STI College Surigao into subgroups based on characteristics like grade level, academic
performance, gender, and program of study. This method was chosen to ensure a comprehensive
representation of the diverse student body, allowing for a nuanced understanding of the relationship
between self-confidence and academic performance across different demographics. By capturing
variations within specific student groups, such as grade level and academic track, the study aims to
provide valid and generalizable findings, contributing valuable insights to educational practices and
interventions aimed at promoting student success and wellbeing.

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Research Instrument

In this study, the researcher will use the following research instrument in order to gather accurate
data information:

1) QUESTIONNAIRES: data collection instrument that are filled out by the targeted respondents.
2) INTERVIEWS: face to face interaction with the participants.
3) FOCUS GROUPS: small group discussion with a group moderator present to keep the discussion
4) OBSERVATION: looking at what students actually do.

Data Gathering

In this study, the researcher will first use the method of Survey Questionnaire which only consist
shading the ratings 1-10 of their self-confidence to determine if who has a high and low self-confidence in
Senior High School at STI College Surigao. When the researchers could spot their target respondents,
they will use the second method approach which is the focus groups discussion, it will be conducted
within the school premises, ensuring that it takes place in a private, safe, and comfortable environment. A
suitable location, such as a designated meeting room or a quiet area within the school, will be chosen to
facilitate the focus group discussions. This will create an atmosphere where participants feel comfortable
expressing their honest opinions in response to the focus group questions.

The focus group sessions will be scheduled during appropriate times within the school schedule,
such as after school hours or during designated break times. This allows for the participation of students
without disrupting their regular academic activities. During the focus group discussions, the researchers
will ask questions and encourage participants to freely and openly share their thoughts and experiences.
The conversation will evolve naturally, allowing for a rich exchange of ideas and insights among the

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By conducting the focus group discussions within the school environment, can ensure the
convenience and accessibility of participation for the students. This will contribute to gathering diverse
perspectives and valuable information regarding self-confidence and its impact on academic performance
of Senior high School at STI College Surigao.

Data Analysis

Through thematic analysis, the researchers will analyze several prominent themes emerging from
the data, including patterns of behavior, attitudes, and perceptions related to the research topic. These
themes provide a comprehensive understanding of the dataset, allowing for better interpretations and
insights into the underlying situations.

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