Tex 32
Tex 32
Tex 32
TEX heavy breaker range
Smart equipment lets you do more in less time. And for many years to come.
Our motto is sustainable productivity. reliable machinery is by keeping it a minimum. It won’t get simpler or
By making hammers and breakers simple. smarter than that.
that minimise vibration and noise
you are able to work successfully for Designing smart with interchangeable To get the most out of your time and
many years to come. And as you gain parts saves both time, space and energy it’s important to match the
experience, your work will improve. money. It means you can cover more machine and the tool for the job at
That’s sustainability at its best. spare parts for your hammers and hand. And just like you, we take care
breakers with a smaller inventory. of business from beginning to end.
If sustainability is long term, The solid body concept means that Our tools are wear resistant and they
reliability is here and now. And for the heart of both hammers and have a shock resistant central core.
us reliability means that you can put breakers is made from a single cast. We love breaking, but only when the
100 percent of your energy to solving Few things are stronger than cast right things break.
the task at hand. One way of creating metal and it helps to keep parts at
The right choice of power source makes all the difference.
Here’s what to grab and when.
To pick the right power source you Or if you work in disaster relief and to help you make the right choice.
have to start by asking what you want have no access to external power
to accomplish. When you are 3,000 sources, a trustworthy gasoline Take a look at this guide and if you
metres below the earth’s surface, one engine can save lives. have any more questions, don’t
or two kilograms of excess weight We have a power system for every hesitate to get in touch with your
might make all the difference. occasion and we are more than happy local Atlas Copco representative.
HOW Grab and go! A stackable, smart power source that A trusted power source with less
monitors its own functions vibration than the competition thanks
to more than 110 years of refinement.
WHY You don’t need an external The best possible power to weight Easy to work with and powerful
power supply ratio of all systems and with a enough for most applications. You can
minimum of vibrations run multiple tools at the same time
WHAT A high performance petrol-driven Hydraulic oil can withstand extreme An engine creates compressed air that
2-stroke engine for drilling and pressure and that makes it to a in turn powers your tools
breaking powerful energy transmitter
WHO Rescue personnel, military, railroad Professionals on the road who need Construction workers, demolition
and telecommunication workers lots of power for one tool at a time specialists
WHERE Remote locations, disaster areas On the road, in a mine, on a Road construction and repairs, bridge
farm or in a construction site repairs, general demolition, mining
WHEN Time is short and space is limited You must handle every You have many tools on site that
challenge, fast all run on pneumatics
From bridges to underwater work – there’s a lot you can do with our machines.
Brick, soft rock and other soft materials
The harder the material, the more weight and
impact force is needed. Medium materials
include medium hard rocks, non-reinforced
concrete and asphalt.
To break hard rocks, including high silica
content boulders, and reinforced concrete you
Demolition is the process of tearing down a
structure. Materials range from soft to hard.
You need tough, reliable hammers and break-
ers with the right type of tools.
Renovation is the process of improving a
structure. Typical tasks include chipping and
scaling concrete. Renovation work in general,
and especially inside buildings, means you
need effective sound and vibration protection.
Rock splitting with hammers and breakers
7 5 is time and cost saving compared to using
explosives. Explosives requires secure storing
and causes interruptions when blasting and
Chipping means you remove cracked and weak
concrete before improving for example a road
structure with new concrete.
Pneumatics work in most conditions. You can
2 use pneumatic hammers and breakers for
chipping and scaling operations under water.
For overhead renovation work you need a light
and efficient hammer with high impact rate.
This is how your breaker takes care of dangerous
vibrations. It is also the story of our hand and arm
protection system – HAPS.
maintenance 12
Let go of the trigger while
extracting the tool from the 6
broken surface 4
Vibration-dampened HAPS-machines have prestressed spring handles.
If you push down too hard on them, you hit a stop and lose the effect of the
springs. Press the handle half-way down, and the right amount of feed force
is applied automatically. Allow the machine to “float” between the handles.
Tough materials and hard work and about our breakers all over the of HAPS (Hand Arm Protection
means you plan and prepare, just like world for decades. One lesson we System) that reduce vibration levels
an athlete before a race. We have have learned is to keep things simple. and allow up to seven times as
been preparing since 1901, when A solid body concept from a single much trigger time compared to a
the pneumatics division was formed cast reduces the need for bolts that conventional breaker. Together with
within Atlas Copco. So when you might break. The anvil block has the slim polyurethane silencer that
grab a TEX heavy demolition breaker been refined to handle and deliver reduces noise by 75 percent, we keep
we want you to have one single impact energy. the most important part in shape.
thought in mind: You.
– There are no weaknesses here. But heavy tools and massive power
To keep that promise we have means a lot of responsibility on our
gathered knowledge about your work behalf. We are especially proud
Important: Full details of measurement are available in the Safety and Operating Instruction of the product ( 1) part no 9800 0683 90, 2) part no 9800 0650 90)). They can be found on www.acprintshop.com
TEX Pneumatic heavy breakers P60 S P90 S Accessories number
Weight kg 33 43 Hand hose 20 mm x 3 m complete
Length mm 690 710 with claw coupling, wing nut and 9030 2048 00
hose clamps
Air consumption at 6 bar l/s 36 40
Claw coupling, Atlas Copco
Impact rate blows/min 1,500 1,260 9000 0306 00
Vibration level 3 axes (ISO 28927-10) m/s² 16.8 15.3 Claw coupling, Atlas Copco
9000 0306 01
Sound power level guaranteed (2000/14/EC) Lw, dB(A) 109 111 Standard with strainer
Sound pressure level (ISO 11203) Lp, r=1m 97 99 Please note: the above hand hose is equipped with Atlas Copco
standard claw couplings.
Shank size: Hex mm 28x160 28x160
Part number 8461 0227 22 8461 0228 22
Shank size: Hex mm 32x160 32x160
Part number 8461 0227 23 8461 0228 23
I mportant: Full details of measurement are available in the Safety and Operating Instruction of the product (part no 9800 0650 90).
They can be found on www.acprintshop.com
TEX heavy breaker
Solid body
The one-piece housing means that
your machine will last longer and
need less maintenance.
Air cushioned
To minimise vibration and
Silence machine wear, the piston turns
The slim polyurethane on air cushions at both ends.
silencer cuts noise by 75
percent. And it’s designed
to stay out of sight.
Full shift lubricator
We have made it easy for you to
keep the gear in shape, even in
below zero conditions. Just fill up
with Atlas Copco Air-Oil and go!
Complete kits for converting TEX PS
models into vibration-dampened
breakers (PE-model)
Asphalt is a flexible wearing course. A reinforced concrete course
is rigid and can handle heavier loads than asphalt. That means
you should use different breakers for different pavements.
Heavy load
Flexible pavement
A part of the asphalt to be removed
Pressure 2.0 MPa
– medium breakers 25-30 kg
These are linear cracks that extend across the Temperature differences in the top and bot-
entire slab. Typically, these cracks divide an tom of the slab may cause it to curl upwards
individual slab into two to four pieces. Water or downwards, which can result in cracks
can infiltrate the cracks and cause erosion of Moisture
the subbase. It causes spalling and disintegra-
Loss of support
tion if the cracks are not sealed.
Sealing can repair a single crack. More than
Cracks can be caused by:
one linear crack usually requires a full depth
Heavy traffic patch.
Heavy load
Rigid pavement
Pressure < 0.2 MPa
A concrete slab to be broken
– heavy breakers > 30 kg
A punchout is an isolated piece of slab that Steel corrosion
breaks into several pieces. That in turn may Inadequate amount of steel
cause spalling and disintegration. Water can
Too wide shrinkage cracks
infiltrate the pavement, which causes erosion
of the subbase. Too narrow shrinkage cracks
Punchouts can be caused by: A full depth patch is recommended.
Inadequate consolidation
Spalling is the cracking, breaking or chipping Freeze and thawing
of the edges near a concrete joint or crack. Inadequate consolidation during construc-
It generally indicates more advanced deterior- tion
ation beneath the surface.
Heavy traffic
Spalling can be caused by:
When spalling is further than 75 mm from the
Excessive stress due to infiltration of crack face it also indicates a possible spalling
incompressible materials in the joints and at the joint bottom. A full depth patch is recom-
subsequent expansion mended.
It’s a crack that intersects the slab joints near Corner breaks are caused by:
a corner. “Near” is typically defined as around Load repetitions combined with a loss of
two metres from the corner. The damage ex- support
tends through the entire slab and is caused by
Poor load transfer across the joint
high stresses in the area. Water can infiltrate
the crack and cause erosion of the subbase. Curling stresses due to temperature differ-
It in turn causes spalling and disintegration. ences at the top and bottom of the slab
A full depth patch is recommended.
There are two main ways of repairing a damaged pavement.
The width and depth of the damaged area decides which is in question.
Our compressors can often run several breakers
and hammers at once. This guide helps you
choose the right combination of hammers,
breakers and compressor.
TEX Pick hammers TEX Light & medium breakers TEX Heavy breakers
05 PE 09 PE 12 PE 150 PE 190 PE 230 PE 280 PE 33 PE 40 PE
kg 1
6.5 10.5 12 19 23 27 31.5 37 42
l/s 2 10 17 20 25 26 30 32 37 42
37 KD 33 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 - -
47 KD 42 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
XAS Compressors
57 DD 50 5 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
67 DD 62 6 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1
77 DD 72 7 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 1
97 DD 89 8 5 4 3 3 2 2 2 2
137 DD 120 12 7 6 4 4 4 3 3 2
1 If you have one type of hammer 3 Find the compressor you want to 5 For instance, you can run two
and breaker: use Single Guide. use in the far left column. TEX 190 PE with a XAS 77 DD and
three units with a XAS 97 DD.
2 Find the model you want to use in 4 Where the row and column meet
the top row. you will find the number of ham-
mers or breakers you can run with
a particular compressor.
Working smart with vibrating tools means planning ahead. Thanks to the
exposure points system you can make sure your talent will last a lifetime.
Total value ahv.eq m/s 2
2.5 1 3 6 13 25 38 50 63 75 100
3 2 4 9 18 36 54 72 90 108 144
3.5 2 5 12 25 49 74 98 123 147 196 EXPOSURE ACTION
4 3 6 16 32 64 96 128 160 192 256 VALUE (EAV)
4.5 4 8 20 41 81 122 162 203 243 324
If you have more than 100
5 5 10 25 50 100 150 200 250 300 400
points and less than 400
5.5 6 12 30 61 121 182 242 303 363 484 points per day, the em-
6 7 14 36 72 144 216 288 360 432 576 ployer should introduce a
6.5 8 17 42 85 169 254 338 423 507 678 programme of controls to
7 10 20 49 98 196 294 392 490 588 784 eliminate risk or reduce
7.5 11 23 56 113 225 338 450 563 675 900 exposure to as low a level as
8 13 26 64 128 256 384 512 640 768 1,024 is reasonably practicable.
8.5 14 29 72 145 289 434 578 723 867 1,156
9 16 32 81 162 324 486 648 810 972 1,296
9.5 18 36 90 181 361 542 722 903 1,083 1,444 WHEN YOU ARE ABOVE
10 20 40 100 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,600
10.5 22 44 110 221 441 662 882 1,103 1,323 1,764
11 24 48 121 242 484 726 968 1,210 1,452 1,936 If you have more than 400
11.5 26 53 132 265 529 794 1,058 1,323 1,587 2,116 points, employer should take
12 29 58 144 288 576 864 1,152 1,440 1,728 2,304
immediate action to reduce
the exposure level below the
12.5 31 63 156 313 625 938 1,250 1,563 1,875 2,500
limit value.
13 34 68 169 338 676 1,014 1,352 1,690 2,028 2,704
13.5 36 73 182 365 729 1,094 1,458 1,823 2,187 2,916
14 39 78 196 392 784 1,176 1,568 1,960 2,352 3,136
14.5 42 84 210 421 841 1,262 1,682 2,103 2,523 3,364 EXAMPLE:
15 45 90 225 450 900 1,350 1,800 2,250 2,700 3,600 TEX 33 PE vs 32 PS
15.5 48 96 240 481 961 1,442 1,922 2,403 2,883 3,844 The vibration level of the
16 51 102 256 512 1,024 1,536 2,048 2,560 3,072 4,096 TEX 33 PE is 5.7 m/s 2 . That
16.5 54 109 272 545 1,089 1,634 2,178 2,723 3,267 4,356 gives a maximum exposure
17 58 116 289 578 1,156 1,734 2,312 2,890 3,468 4,624 time of one hour. Using the
17.5 61 123 306 613 1,225 1,838 2,450 3,063 3,675 4,900 TEX 33 PE for one hour means
you accumulate 72 points.
18 65 130 324 648 1,296 1,944 2,592 3,240 3,888 5,184
18.5 68 137 342 685 1,369 2,054 2,738 3,423 4,107 5,476 The vibration level of the
19 72 144 361 722 1,444 2,166 2,888 3,610 4,332 5,776 TEX 32 PS is 13.7 m/s 2 . That
19.5 76 152 380 761 1,521 2,282 3,042 3,803 4,563 6,084 gives a maximum exposure
20 80 160 400 800 1,600 2,400 3,200 4,000 4,800 6,400
time of 12 min. Using the
TEX 32 PS for 12 min means
0.1 h 0.2 h 0.5 h 1h 2h 3h 4h 5h 6h 8h
you accumulate 78 points.
6 min 12 min 30 min 60 min 120 min 180 min 240 min 300 min 360 min 480 min
EXPOSURE DURATION If you use more machines
(hours/minutes) during the day, add those
points to get a total.
Using a HAPS enabled
makes for a safer work envi-
STEP 1: STEP 3: STEP 5: ronment, better profitability
Find the vibration level (m/ Find the value in the table If you are exposed to more and projects finished on time.
s 2 ) for the tool or process that lines up with the mag- than one tool or process dur-
(or the nearest value) in the nitude (m/s 2) and exposure ing the day repeat steps 1-3
exposure duration scale at duration. for each one. Add the points,
the far left of the table. and compare the total with
STEP 4: the exposure action value
STEP 2: Compare the points value (100) and the exposure limit
Find the exposure duration with the exposure action value (above 400).
time (or the nearest value) (100 points) and limit values
on the grey scale at the far (above 400 points).
bottom of the table.
Source: CEN/TR 15350:2006 ‘‘Mechanical vibration – Guidelines for the assessment of exposure to hand-transmitted
vibration using available information, including that provided by manufacturers of machinery”
32PS, 33PE, 39PS, 40PE, 280PE, P60S, P90S 32PS, 33PE, 39PS, 40PE, 280PE, P60S, P90S
Shank Working Total Tip Part Shank Working Total Tip Part
H 28 x 160 mm length length width number H 32 x 160 mm length length width number
380 546 - 3083 3271 00 380 546 - 3083 3205 00
Moil point 450 616 - 3083 3272 00 Moil point 450 616 - 3083 3206 00
1,000 1,166 - 3083 3273 00 1,000 1,166 - 3083 3207 00
390 556 36 3083 3274 00 380 546 36 3083 3208 00
Narrow chisel 450 616 36 3083 3275 00 Narrow chisel 450 616 36 3083 3209 00
1,000 1,166 36 3083 3276 00 1,000 1,166 36 3083 3210 00
Wide chisel 380 546 75 3083 3277 00 Wide chisel 380 546 75 3083 3211 00
Asphalt cutter 300 466 115 3083 3278 00 Asphalt cutter 300 466 115 3083 3212 00
Digging chisel 380 546 75 3083 3279 00 Digging chisel 380 546 75 3083 3213 00
Digging spade 380 546 125 3083 3280 00 Digging spade 380 546 125 3083 3214 00
Clay spade 380 546 140 3083 3281 00 Clay spade 380 546 140 3083 3215 00
Wedge chisel 400 566 40 3083 3282 00 Wedge chisel 400 566 40 3083 3216 00
Shaft for tamping pad 230 396 - 3083 3283 01 Shaft for tamping pad 235 401 - 3083 3218 01
Tamping pad, round - - ø180 3083 3301 00 Tamping pad, round - - ø180 3083 3301 00
Tamping pad, square - - ø150 3083 3302 00 Tamping pad, square - - ø150 3083 3302 00
Driver pad, round - - ø200 3083 3197 00 Driver pad, round - - ø200 3083 3197 00
Moil point Narrow chisel Wide chisel Asphalt cutter Digging chisel Digging spade Clay spade
Wedge chisel Shaft for Tamping pad, Tamping pad, Driver pad, Bush hammer Shaft for bush
tamping pad round square round hammer
3390 0681 01 – Copyright Construction Tools GmbH, Essen, Germany. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice. 08.2015
TEX 230 PE
This original TEX 230 PE is a medium sized pneumatic
breaker, ideal for service jobs and general demolition.
The solid body housing design contains fewer parts
– and that means greater reliability. The scale model
is delivered with a ”rock” base with Atlas Copco logo.
Scale model: 1:10.3
Size: 10 x 4.7 x 1.7 cm
Weight: 90 grams
Material: Zink alloy
Item no: PS001554
Price: 14.50 EUR/pcs
Note: This product is a collectors model, not a toy.