Lesson Plan - TASKA (Evaluation 1) Numbers 1-10
Lesson Plan - TASKA (Evaluation 1) Numbers 1-10
Lesson Plan - TASKA (Evaluation 1) Numbers 1-10
Number of 3 Children
Theme Numbers
a) The teacher greets the children warmly and create a Materials: Number Flash Cards.
Beginning positive learning environment.
b) The teacher will display number flash cards to
c) Then the teacher will begin a discussion about the
numbers and ask the children if they know the numbers.
Reflection The teacher began the classroom by explaining numbers carefully to the children. The children
in the classroom were so excited that they could hardly contain their enthusiasm for the day's
lesson and eagerly participated in activities. However, the activity challenged them a bit, as
they had to count and place the small picture in the correct number trays. Despite the
challenge, the children persevered and eventually mastered the task with the teacher's patient
guidance. By the end of the lesson, they had a better understanding of numbers and had
learned some new vocabulary words, showing great improvement in their skills.