Philo Q1
Philo Q1
Philo Q1
CONTENT STANDARDS The learner understands the meaning and process of doing philosophy.
PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The learner reflects on a concrete experience in a philosophical way.
LESSON OBJECTIVES 1. The students will introduce 1. Recognize the contents of 1. Recognize the grading
themselves in the class. the Most Essential Learning system for the core subject:
2. The teacher will introduce Competencies (MELCs) and Introduction to the
himself to the class. Curriculum Guide (CG) that Philosophy of Human
3. Internalize the do’s and will be used for the whole Person.
don’ts implemented during semester. 2. Identify the requirements
classes for the whole 2. Identify the topics to be needed for the subject for
semester discussed for the whole the whole semester.
semester. 3. Understand the importance
of Learners Individual
Record that will be used as
track record of students for
whole semester.
Most Essential Learning DepEd Oder 08, s. 2015
Curriculum Guide (CG)
a. Reviewing Previous Lesson
or Presenting the New
b. Establishing purpose for the
c. Presenting
example/instances of the
new lesson
d. Discussing new concepts The students will introduce The teacher will discuss the The teacher will discuss the grading
themselves in the class. information written in the MELCs, system for the SHS Core Subject:
the content standards, performance Intro to Philosophy of Human
The teacher will then introduce standards and learning competencies Person
himself to the students. to be achieved by the students.
The teacher will discuss the do’s The teacher will introduce the topics Written Works 25%
don’ts to be implemented in the to be discussed in for the whole Performance Task 50%
class for the whole semester. semester: Quarterly Assessment 25%
Q1: The Meaning and Method of
Doing Philosophy The teacher will discuss the needed
Q2: Freedom, Intersubjectivity, requirements to be used for the
Society and Impeding Death whole semester and the
implementation of Learners
Individual Record for tracking the
outputs and performances of the
e. Developing Mastery
f. Finding practical
applications of concepts and
skills in daily living
g. Generalizing and
abstractions about the
h. Evaluating learning
i. Additional activities for
application or remediation
a. Number of learners who earned
80% of the evaluation
b. Number of learners who
require additional activities for
remediation who scored below
c. Did the remedial lesson work?
d. Number of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
e. Number of learners who
continue to require remediation
f. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
g. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
CONTENT STANDARDS The learner understands the meaning and process of doing philosophy.
PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The learner reflects on a concrete experience in a philosophical way.
1. Distinguish a holistic perspective from a partial point of view. (PPT11/12-Ia-1.1)
LEARNING COMPETENCIES 2. Realize the value of doing philosophy in obtaining a broad perspective on life. (PPT11/12-Ib-1.2)
3. Do a philosophical reflection on a concrete situation from a holistic perspective. (PPT11/12-Ib-1.3)
LESSON OBJECTIVES 1. Define the word Philosophy 1. Identify the importance of 1. Discover the concept of 1. Acquire 80% from the quiz given.
based on its etymology and philosophy. philosophical reflection. 2. Assess learning from previous
technicality. 2. Acknowledge the essentials of 2. Differentiate holistic perspective classes.
2. Recognize the divisions of philosophizing. from a partial point of view. 3. Appreciate the lesson and
philosophy. 3. Value the importance of 3. Make a reflection as an important importance of the given assessment.
3. Appreciate the concept of philosophy in daily life. aspect of philosophy.
a. Reviewing Previous Lesson The teacher will ask the students on The teacher will question the The teacher will question the The teacher will question the
or Presenting the New the following questions: students on what they can still students on what they can still students on what they can still
Lesson a. Why there is a night and a remember on the previous remember on the previous remember on the previous
day? discussion. discussion. discussion.
b. Why can’t we see the air?
c. Why is it we cannot hold the
water for so long?
b. Establishing purpose for the The teacher will then create an idea The teacher will ask the students on The teacher will show an image to The teacher will let the students
lesson where students will lead them to a what they have research from the the students and ask a question: prepare for 10 minutes before the
new lesson. internet. a. If one of the senses quiz.
malfunctioned, do you think
you will appreciate the entire
“YOU” as a person? Why or
why not?
c. Presenting The teacher will then present the The teacher will then present the The teacher will then present the The teacher will prepare the room
example/instances of the topic to be discussed: topic to be discussed: topic to be discussed: for the quiz.
d. Discussing new concepts PHILOSOPHY IMPORTANCE OF PHILOSOPHY REFLECTION Attached Questionnaire
a. ETYMOLOGY It requires a person to be willing to (Assessment 1)
Philosophy comes from two According to Zunjic (2011) studying examine one’s thoughts, feelings
Greek words “philo” which or doing philosophy could be and actions and learn more about
means love or friendship and beneficial in many aspects such as: one’s life and experiences. One can
“sophia” which means a. Philosophy enlarges our reflect on almost any subject. For
wisdom; therefore, philosophy understanding of the world. It instance, the moment you go to bed,
is love of wisdom. expands our intellectual horizons you can already reflect upon the
and freedom of thought. things that you plan to do for the
b. TECHNICAL next day. Reflection helps you sort
It is defined as the science of b. Philosophy raises public your priorities in life.
beings in their ultimate awareness and helps in forming
reasons, causes, and engaged and responsible citizens. PHILOSOPHICAL REFLECTION
principles acquired by the aid
of human reasons alone. c. Philosophy can increase our Refers to the careful examination of
sensitivity for universalistic moral life situation. This involves the
values and stimulate our readiness weighing of alternatives and using
Philosophy is a science. to stand up for the principles of specific standards to evaluate one’s
Philosophy is a science of justice and fairness. action. An individual reflects
beings. philosophically when he builds on
Philosophy searches for the d. Philosophy can give one self- previous actions, events and or
ultimate reasons, causes, and knowledge, foresight, and a sense of decisions.
principles of beings. direction in life.
Philosophy uses the power or According to the words of Socrates,
natural light of reason. Why there is a need to the great Greek philosopher,” the
philosophize? unexamined life is not worth
DIVISIONS OF PHILOSOPHY living.” One of the major things that
1. PRACTICAL DIVISIONS a. Men have the tendency to wonder distinguishes man from other
a. Logic (Plato). For example: we asked animals is his ability to think, use
b. Ethics questions about our existence. his creativity and his critical
c. Axiology thinking.
d. Aesthetics b. Men also have the tendency to
e. Semantics doubt (Rene de Cartes).
For example: Men have to test and PARTIAL THINKING
verify information before accepting A way of thinking that focuses on
2. SPECULATIVE DIVISIONS it. the specific aspects of the situation.
a. Epistemology The partial view is an important
b. Theodicy c. Men do philosophize because of component of analytical thinking, to
c. Cosmology his/her experience (Karl Jaspers). certain areas or aspects of the
d. Psychology Our daily experience challenged our problem to understand it.
e. Metaphysics ideas and way of thinking.
For example: Giving money to a HOLISTIC THINKING
beggar and finding out that he uses Refers to a perspective that
it for gambling. considers large-scale patterns in
systems. This is often described as
d. Men’s love for wisdom looking at the “big picture” when
(Socrates). Men’s desire for truth or describing and analyzing a situation
seeking knowledge is not to claim or a problem. A holistic perspective
ownership of it but to get to the requires an individual to have an
bottom of things. open mindset and an ability to get a
general sense or impression
regarding a situation.
e. Developing Mastery The teacher will ask the following The teacher will ask the following The teacher will ask the following
questions to the student: questions to the student: questions to the student:
1. What is the etymology of the 1. Why is it important to study 1. What is Philosophical Reflection?
word philosophy? philosophy? 2. What is the difference between
2. What is the technical 2. Why there is a need to Holistic Perspective and Partial
definition of philosophy? philosophize? Point of View?
3. What are the divisions of
f. Finding practical POST IT CHIKA – MINUTE SHARE IT
applications of concepts and
skills in daily living The teacher will give an activity The teacher will let the students The teacher will show an image to
where students will identify what share something from their the students and will let them give
divisions and sub-divisions of seatmates, from there they will their ideas, perspective, or thoughts
philosophy is the phrase or image formulate questions and ask it back about it. The teacher will list down
given to them. to their seatmates. The question will all the ideas on the board and
not be answered directly by the students will identify if it is a
students, but they will try to answer holistic perspective or a partial point
it on their mind. of view.
g. Generalizing and The teacher will ask the student on The teacher will ask the student on The teacher will ask the student on
abstractions about the the questions: the questions: the questions:
lesson 1. What have you learned in 1. What have you learned in 1. What have you learned in
today’s lesson? today’s lesson? today’s lesson?
2. What are the things that we 2. What are the things that we 2. What are the things that we
discussed today? discussed today? discussed today?
b. Evaluating learning
c. Additional activities for The teacher will instruct learners to The teacher will instruct learners to The teacher will instruct the learners
application or remediation scan on the internet the: scan on the internet the: to study the previous lesson for the
1. What is the essence of 1. What is philosophical reflection? upcoming assessment.
studying philosophy?
a. Number of learners who
earned 80% of the evaluation
b. Number of learners who
require additional activities for
remediation who scored below
c. Did the remedial lesson work?
d. Number of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
e. Number of learners who
continue to require remediation
f. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
g. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
CHECK ME. Identify the CHECK ME. Identify the CHECK ME. Identify the PICTURE ANALYSIS. The
following statements if it asserts an following statements if it asserts an following statements if it asserts an student will be asked on their
OPINION or TRUTH. OPINION or TRUTH. OPINION or TRUTH. impression regarding the picture.
a. 1 kg of cotton is equivalent to a. The spelling of chair is C-H-A-I- a. The minimum fare from Claveria
1 kg of nails. R. to Cagayan de Oro City is P100.00.
b. Blue is the best color. b. Everyone must visit Boracay. b. Fare is increasing because the
c. People use their legs to walk. c. Misamis Oriental is part of driver wants to have a higher
d. Analea loves to dance. Region X. income. Student’s impressions will be jot
e. Malagana NHS offers Junior d. Money can buy everything. c. Christian arrived in school at 9:10 down on the board.
High School and Senior High e. Claveria is the coolest place in the in the morning.
School Program Philippines. d. Christian arrived in school late
because he felt lazy to wake up
a. Presenting The teacher will then present the The teacher will then present the The teacher will then present the The teacher will then present the
example/instances of the topic to be discussed: OPINION VS activity to be conducted by the topic to be discussed: activity to be conducted by the
new lesson TRUTH students. DISTINGUISHING OPINION students.
b. Discussing new concepts OPINION VS TRUTH During the 40-minute session, the DISTINGUISHING OPINION From the activity we have a while
students will be given an activity AND TRUTH LEADS TO ago, let us identify which of the
What is opinion? sheet where students will answer. WISDOM following impressions or statements
- is a belief, impression, or given are opinion and truth.
judgment about something by not Students will read each statement Now you can have an idea how
necessarily based on fact. and with the use of the information philosophizing recognizes truth, let After, the remaining time will be
- it prevails personal view of a learned from the previous us apply it in a various situation in used for making the activity, activity
person. discussion they will identify if the your life. Everything you have sheets will be given to the students.
statement asserts TRUTH or an encountered could either be an
What is truth? OPINION. opinion or truth. But what
- it is something that has been distinguishes one from the other? Activity Sheet
proven by facts or sincerity. Activity Sheet: Let us look at the following Activity Sheet 2. Think and Tell!
- in science, truth is based on facts Activity Sheet 1. Identifying statements and observe the (OPINION and TRUTH)
as something that is observable OPINION and TRUTH difference between truth and
- in philosophy, truth is considered opinion.
as a kind of quality and value
Every day in your life, you have The minimum Fare is
encountered a lot of information that fare from increasing
you have heard from your parents, Claveria to because the
friends, members of the community Cagayan de driver wants to
or even in social media like Oro City is have a higher
Facebook or news from the P100.00. income.
television and radio. Some Christian Christian
information may be helpful to you, arrived in arrived in
but some may mislead you or may school at 9:10 school late
even be utterly false. These kinds of in the morning. because he felt
information can either give positive lazy to wake up
or negative impact on your life. For early.
instance, you have a neighbor who
wants to lose weight until she saw Analyzing closely the statements, it
an advertisement from the television is observable that statements in the
that there is an affordable and first column are truth because they
effective “slimming pill”. Your contain ideas or information which
neighbor is convinced by the are easily verifiable, while
advertisement and took an order statements in the second column are
then tried and hoping to be opinions since they need further
physically fit. But then she noticed facts which will provide conclusion
that there has no effect to her, and and beliefs in the given situation.
having a feeling of fear if it can Conclusion is a statement based on
harm other internal organ in her a certain fact. Beliefs are statements
body. that express convictions that are not
easily and clearly explained by
facts. For example, if your mother
states that “God created everything
that is present in this entire world”,
proving that this statement is
considered as truth, you need other
person’s views and experiences.
Explanations are statements
claiming to be true and provides
reasons to make the statements true.
c. Developing Mastery The teacher will ask the following The teacher will ask the following The teacher will ask the following The teacher will ask the following
questions to the student: questions to the student: questions to the student: questions to the student:
1. What is truth? 1. Why is it important to recognize 1. How can we recognize truth from 1. Why is it important to recognize
2. What is opinion? opinion from truth? an opinion? opinion from truth?
3. What is the difference
between truth and opinion?
applications of concepts and
skills in daily living The teacher will give an activity The teacher will let the students The teacher will show an image to The teacher will let the students
where students will identify if the share to the class on the learning the students and will let them give share to the class on the learning
scenario/statement is an OPINION they have learned in recognizing their ideas, perspective, or thoughts they have learned in recognizing
or TRUTH. OPINION and TRUTH. about it. The teacher will list down OPINION and TRUTH.
all the ideas on the board and
students will identify if it is a
holistic perspective or a partial point
of view.
e. Generalizing and The teacher will ask the student on The teacher will ask the student on The teacher will ask the student on The teacher will ask the student on
abstractions about the the questions: the questions: the questions: the questions:
lesson 1. What have you learned in 1. What have you learned in 1. What have you learned in 1. What have you learned in
today’s lesson? today’s lesson? today’s lesson? today’s lesson?
2. What are the things that we 2. What are the things that we
discussed today? discussed today?
b. Evaluating learning
c. Additional activities for The teacher will instruct learners to The teacher will instruct learners to The teacher will instruct the learners The teacher will instruct the learners
application or remediation discover more about opinion and read about the methods of to study the previous lesson for to study the previous lesson for
truth on the internet. philosophy leads to wisdom and mastery. mastery.
a. Number of learners who earned
80% of the evaluation
b. Number of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
c. Did the remedial lesson work?
d. Number of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
e. Number of learners who continue
to require remediation
f. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
g. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other
LOG Teacher I
TEACHING DATES February 26 – March 1, 2024 GRADE LEVEL 11
TIME 9:10 – 9:50 (EFFICIENT) SUBJECT AREA Intro to the Philosophy of Human Person
QUARTER / WEEK 1st Quarter / Week 4
CHECK ME. Identify the CHECK ME. Identify the CHECK ME. Identify the
following statements if it asserts an following statements if it asserts a following statements if what type of
opinion which is TRUE and/or FALLACY OR BIAS IDEA. fallacy or bias is being asserted.
a. The municipality of Claveria a. Pink is for baby girls and blue is
a. Philosophy comes from the celebrated its Fiesta every February for baby boys.
two Greek words “philo” 10 and 11 because the parochial b. If peace agreement will not be
which means love and church recognizes its patron Our implemented the moro will proclaim
“sophia” which means Lady of Lourdes. war among people in Mindanao.
wisdom. c. The parent went to school
b. Studying philosophy will help b. The accident happened in because of their children’s poor
everyone to be smarter in the Baliwagan few years ago was due to grades.
fields of Mathematics. drivers reckless driving making a lot
people died.
f. Presenting The teacher will then present the The teacher will then present the The teacher will then present the
example/instances of the topic to be discussed: topic to be discussed: TYPES OF activity to be conducted by the
new lesson ARGUMENTS FALLACY AND BIAS students.
g. Discussing new concepts Arguments are series of statements Types of Fallacy Activity Sheet 3: REFLECTION Assessment 2
that provide explanations to (Attached) (Attached)
convince the listener or a reader that
the opinion is truthful.
Types of Arguments
1. Fallacy or Fake argument (maling
pangangatuwiran) – are group of
statements that appear to be
arguments to support the
There is no hope in the Philippine
government, because it is tropical
h. Developing Mastery The teacher will ask the following The teacher will ask the following The teacher will ask the following
questions to the student: questions to the student: questions to the student:
1. What is an argument? 1. Why is it important to recognize 1. How can we recognize truth from
2. How we able to know if the fallacy and bias ideas? an opinion?
statement is false?
applications of concepts and
skills in daily living The teacher will write a statement The teacher will show an image to The teacher will show an image to
on the board, and will the students the students and will let them give the students and will let them give
identify if it is a FACT or their ideas, perspective, or thoughts their ideas, perspective, or thoughts
FALLACY. about it. about it. The teacher will list down
all the ideas on the board and
1. The San Nicolas Parish of students will identify if it is a
Malagana celebrates its fiesta last holistic perspective or a partial point
Sunday, September 10, 2023. of view.
j. Generalizing and The teacher will ask the student on The teacher will ask the student on The teacher will ask the student on
abstractions about the the questions: the questions: the questions:
lesson 1. What have you learned in 1. What have you learned in 1. What have you learned in
today’s lesson? today’s lesson? today’s lesson?
2. What are the things that we 2. What are the things that we
discussed today? discussed today?
k. Evaluating learning
l. Additional activities for The teacher will instruct learners to The teacher will instruct learners to The teacher will instruct the learners The teacher will instruct the learners
application or remediation discover more about fallacies. discover more about fallacies. to study the previous lesson for to study the previous lesson for
mastery. mastery.
a. Number of learners who earned
80% of the evaluation
b. Number of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
c. Did the remedial lesson work?
d. Number of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
e. Number of learners who continue
to require remediation
f. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
g. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other
CONTENT STANDARDS The learner understands the human person as an embodied spirit.
PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Th learner distinguishes his/her own limitations and the possibilities for his/her transcendence.
1. Recognize own limitations and possibilities. (PPT11/12-If-3.1)
2. Evaluate own limitations and the possibilities for their transcendence. (PPT11/12-Ig-3.2)
3. Recognize how the human body imposes limits and possibilities for transcendence. (PPT11/12-Ih-3.3)
4. Distinguish the limitations and possibilities for transcendence. (PPT11/12-Ii-3.4
LESSON OBJECTIVES 1. Recognize the meaning of man, 1. Distinguish the traits that makes 1. Extricate important ideas that 1. Recognize the difference between
human, human being, person, us human. makes human person as different spirit and soul, from incarnation and
personhood and human nature. 2. Share impressions on the traits from other creatures. materialization of spirit.
2. Interpret the meaning of the song and an instance that makes us 2. Master the previous lesson by 2. Figure out the meaning of the
“Who Am I?” human. attaining at least 80% of the quiz song to be interpreted.
3. Appreciate the meaning of being 3. Reflect on the situations where given. 3. Appreciate the belongingness of a
a human. the traits of human differ from the 3. Value the importance of the person to his/her limitations and
other creatures. attained scores for future possibilities.
Intro to Philosophy of Human Person Module 3
Signed off_Introduction to Philosophy12_q1_m3_The Human Person as An Embodied Subject_v3.pdf
a. Reviewing Previous Lesson The teacher will question the The teacher will question the The teacher will question the The teacher will question the
or Presenting the New students on what they can still students on what they can still students on what they can still students on what they can still
Lesson remember on the previous remember on the previous remember on the previous remember on the previous
discussion. discussion. discussion. discussion.
lesson The teacher will play the song The learners will be asked on the The teacher will let the student
“Who Am I?” then will let the following questions: listen to the song “Heal the World”
learners share their thought about 1. What make you different from then will let the learners share their
what they’ve apprehend on the other creatures in the world? reaction on the music played and
message of the song. realize the action and emotions
develop while listening.
c. Presenting The teacher will then present the The teacher will then present the The teacher will then present the The teacher will then present the
example/instances of the topic to be discussed: IDEA topic to be discussed: HUMAN activity to be conducted by the topic to be discussed:
d. Discussing new concepts Philosophers were initially What is a Human Person? Assessment 3 Philosophers believe that what
concerned with defining the A human person can be fully (Attached) makes a human person is not just all
essential characteristic that makes a understood by defining it using the about its traits and characteristics. It
person human. This essential following traits: is also not all about its physicality
characteristic is what distinguishes 1. Self-awareness - refers to the such as being tall, dark, or having a
us from plants, animals, and other person’s clear perception of oneself, black hair. But philosophers also
living things. Many agree that this which includes her thoughts, point out another unseen aspect of
essential characteristic is nothing emotions, identity, and actions. It is being a human person, which is the
else but our being rational beings. also driven by rationality or human spirit. The union of the body and
Our rationality makes us superior to thought. It is an awareness not just spirit is what a human person is
all others because it is the highest of his or her surroundings but also according to philosophers. Spirit
form of activity and no other being of his or her own existence, which refers to an intangible element of
has it. To fully understand the lead to the notion of “self” – a a human person enables one to
concept of a human person we need person who perceive and experience exercise thoughts, possess
to understand some terms in relation reality. awareness, interiority, and the
to the discussion of the human capacity to reach out to the outside
person. 2. Self-determination - is the world and other persons.
capacity of persons to make choices
MAN – commonly used to refer to and decisions based on their own
the entire human race. preferences, monitor, and regulate The Human Person is an Embodied
their actions. As a human person we Spirit.
HUMAN – refers to man as species act, and we are aware of our actions.
– Homo sapiens sapiens The idea of the human person as an
Self-determination is associated “embodied spirit” does not
HUMAN BEING – used to with freewill, consequence and necessarily refer to the incarnation
distinguish man from other animals. morality. or materialization of spirit as an
immaterial entity. The
PERSON – refers to a human being Freewill – enable us to act willfully, embodiment of the spirit in the
granted recognition of rights, control our actions, and recognize context of Christian philosophy
protection, responsibilities, andourselves as the source of action. specifically refers to the inseparable
dignity. Consequence – is the result or effect union of body and soul. Thus, when
of an action or condition. we say, “embodied spirit” we mean
PERSONHOOD – refers to the state Morality – refers to the goodness or that the body is not separate from
of being a person. badness of an act. the soul, just as the soul is not
separate from the body. So, when
HUMAN NATURE – refers to the 3. Externality - our capacity to reach we speak that the human person is
characteristics that distinguish out and interact with others and the an embodied spirit, we specifically
humans from all other creatures. world. Meaning, our interaction mean that the human person is the
with others and the world is point of convergence between the
externality. We believe that no man material and spiritual entities, that
is an island and that we need to is, between the body and soul. We
reach out to other to give meaning cannot say, therefore, of the human
to our existence – we do not live in person without the union of body
isolation, we exist with others. As and soul. The human body also
we grow, the people around us stands as the mediator between the
influence our traits and characters. material and the spiritual world.
Being an embodied spirit, the
4. Dignity - this is our innate right to person can encounter the world of
be valued and respected. As a objects in a manner that transcends
human person we have an innate the physical. For example, of this is
worth or value. Each person is prayer where the human body
worth the other regardless of what becomes an object of the world to
status you have in life. We do not reach the spiritual world (God) since
equate our value to any material in saying a prayer, the body is
thing that we have. Outside forces required.
or characteristics such as, beauty,
intelligence or skills do not define
our dignity.
- A person’s incapability and
criminal act will not make him or
her less of a person he/she is
expected to be.
- Since a person has dignity, he/she
deserves to be treated fairly. The
recognition of the dignity of human
person is the basis for the
recognition of human rights.
e. Developing Mastery The teacher will ask the following The teacher will ask the following The teacher will ask the following
questions to the student: questions to the student: questions to the student:
1. What distinguishes man from 1. What makes human as human 1. How spirit works? Does it make
other creatures? person? sense of becoming human?
applications of concepts and
skills in daily living The learners will elucidate their The learner will be given an activity The learner will be given an activity
thoughts on a sheet of paper on the sheet where graphic organizer is sheet where graphic organizer is
question “What makes us human?” printed. The students will provide printed. The students will provide
They will write at least 5 reasons important information needed in the important information needed in the
with example and explanation on activity. activity.
the idea that they will give.
g. Generalizing and The teacher will ask the question: The teacher will ask the question: The teacher will ask the question:
abstractions about the 1. What have you learned today? 1. What have you learned today? 1. What have you learned today?
h. Evaluating learning
i. Additional activities for The teacher will instruct learners to The teacher will instruct the learners The teacher will instruct learners to The teacher will instruct the learners
application or remediation discover more about human person to study the previous lesson for discover more about the idea as to study the previous lesson for
and discovering the traits that makes mastery. human as an embodied spirit. mastery.
us human.
a. Number of learners who earned
80% of the evaluation
b. Number of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
c. Did the remedial lesson work?
d. Number of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
e. Number of learners who continue
to require remediation
f. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
g. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other
CONTENT STANDARDS The learner understands the human person as an embodied spirit.
PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The learner distinguishes his/her own limitations and the possibilities for his/her transcendence.
1. Recognize his/her own limitations and possibilities. (PPT11/12-If-3.1)
2. Evaluate his/her own limitations and the possibilities for their transcendence. (PPT11/12-Ig-3.2)
3. Recognize how the human body imposes limits and possibilities for transcendence. (PPT11/12-Ih-3.3)
4. Distinguish the limitations and possibilities for transcendence. (PPT11/12-Ii-3.4
LESSON OBJECTIVES 1. Recognize the difference between 1. Distinguish the existence of soul 1. Analyze the idea of limitations 1. Embody the learnings regarding
spirit and soul, from incarnation and and/or spirit through engaging in the and transcendence. the human limitations and
materialization of spirit. calm and serene environment. 2. Put in writing the recognized transcendence.
2. Figure out the meaning of the 2. Write thoughts about what limitations of oneself. 2. Master the previous lesson by
song to be interpreted. they’ve recognized with their 3. Value the limitation recognized attaining at least 80% of the quiz
3. Appreciate the belongingness of a senses. and distinguish the transcendence given.
person to his/her limitations and 3. Realize the existence of soul on the recognized limitations. 3. Value the importance of the
possibilities. and/or spirit make them a human attained scores for future
person. assessments.
Intro to Philosophy of Human Person Module 3
LEARNING RESOURCES Signed off_Introduction to Philosophy12_q1_m3_The Human Person as An Embodied Subject_v3.pdf
a. Reviewing Previous Lesson The teacher will question the The teacher will question the The teacher will question the The teacher will question the
or Presenting the New students on what they can still students on what they can still students on what they can still students on what they can still
Lesson remember on the previous remember on the previous remember on the previous remember on the previous
discussion. discussion. discussion. discussions.
lesson The teacher will let the student The teacher will let the student The student will write the
listen to the song “Heal the World” locate a place where they can limitations they have recognized on
then will let the learners share their ponder and think of a better thing themselves through the activity
reaction on the music played and they can do as a student, as member sheet will be given by the teacher.
realize the action and emotions of the community and as a human
develop while listening. person.
c. Presenting The teacher will then present the The teacher will the present the The teacher will the present the
example/instances of the topic to be discussed: activity to the student: activity to the student:
d. Discussing new concepts Philosophers believe that what The students will be given a 20 Limitation - is “something that Assessment 4
makes a human person is not just all minute to ponder, reflect and write controls how much of something is (Attached)
about its traits and characteristics. It thoughts of why they exist, how possible or allowed”.
is also not all about its physicality spirit relates to existence and how
such as being tall, dark, or having they can use this knowledge as a Three Categories of Limitations
black hair. But philosophers also student, as part of the community 1. Facticity - refers to the things in
point out another unseen aspect of and as a human person. our lives that are already given (Ex.
being a human person, which is the We are born in a particular time and
spirit. The union of the body and place, and we did not choose them).
spirit is what a human person is It also refers to all the details that
according to philosophers. Spirit surround us in the present. These
refers to an intangible element of include our environment, language,
a human person enables one to past decisions, past and present
exercise thoughts, possess relationships, and even our future
awareness, interiority, and the death.
capacity to reach out to the outside 2. Spatial-Temporal Being - this
world and other persons. means that we will not live forever.
a) A 5-year-old child cannot put on
The Human Person is an Embodied lipstick because she is still a child
Spirit. (they are not yet).
b) A senior citizen cannot bear a
The idea of the human person as an child because she is no longer
“embodied spirit” does not capable of reproduction.
necessarily refer to the incarnation
or materialization of spirit as an
immaterial entity. The 3. The Body as Intermediary - we
embodiment of the spirit in the have established that we are our
context of Christian philosophy bodies, but also more than our
specifically refers to the inseparable bodies.
union of body and soul. Thus, when
we say, “embodied spirit” we mean Example:
that the body is not separate from “I can always imagine myself living
the soul, just as the soul is not as a rock star; but I will never really
separate from the body. So, when know how it is to be a rock star
we say that the human person is an unless I become one myself.”
embodied spirit, we specifically
mean that the human person is the Transcendence - the ability to
point of convergence between the explore and surpass limits, thus,
material and spiritual entities, that these means overcoming oneself or
is, between the body and soul. We being in control even if the body
cannot say, therefore, of the human reminds us of certain tendencies.
person without the union of body Although these tendencies are felt,
and soul. The human body also the person can govern them and
stands as the mediator between the ensure that they are exercised within
material and the spiritual world. the bounds of reason.
Being an embodied spirit, the
person can encounter the world of Example:
objects in a manner that transcends 1. Facticity
the physical. For example, of this is Nick Vujicic was born with no arms
prayer where the human body and legs. But this limitation he had
becomes an object of the world to did not hinder him from becoming a
reach the spiritual world (God) since successful person. He was known
in saying a prayer, the body is all over the world for being a
required. motivational speaker and he even
built his own family.
e. Developing Mastery The teacher will ask the following The teacher will ask the following The teacher will ask the following
questions to the student: questions to the students: questions to the students:
1. How spirit works? Does it 1. How does it feel like asking 1. As a human person, how can we
make sense of becoming yourself about your existence? transcend from our limitations?
human? 2. Is there any hindrance? Do you
write something?
f. Finding practical FILL ME UP! SHARE IT! REVITALIZED ME!
applications of concepts and
skills in daily living The learner will be given an activity Selected learners will share what From the listed limitations, the
sheet where graphic organizer is they have written on their papers students will recognize
printed. The students will provide with the class, where each idea is corresponding actions on how to
important information needed in the taken positively by the class and surpass such limitations.
activity. with guidance of the teacher.
g. Generalizing and The teacher will ask the question: The teacher will ask the question: The teacher will ask the question:
abstractions about the 1. What have you learned today? 1. What have you learned today? 1. What have you learned today?
h. Evaluating learning
i. Additional activities for The teacher will instruct learners to The teacher will instruct the learners The teacher will instruct learners to The teacher will instruct the learners
application or remediation discover more about human person to study the previous lesson for discover more about the idea as to study the previous lesson for
and discovering the traits that makes mastery. human as an embodied spirit. mastery.
us human.
a. Number of learners who earned
80% of the evaluation
b. Number of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
c. Did the remedial lesson work?
d. Number of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
e. Number of learners who continue
to require remediation
f. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
g. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other
LOG Teacher I
TEACHING DATES March 18 – 22, 2024 GRADE LEVEL 11
TIME 9:10 – 9:50 (EFFICIENT) SUBJECT AREA Intro to the Philosophy of Human Person
QUARTER / WEEK 1st Quarter / Week 7
CONTENT STANDARDS The learner understands the interplay between humans and their environments.
PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Th learner is able to demonstrate the virtues of prudence and frugality towards his/her environment.
1. Notice things that are not in their proper place and organize them in an aesthetic way (PPT11/12-Ii-4.1)
LEARNING COMPETENCIES 2. Show that care for the environment contributes to health, well-being, and sustainable development (PPT11/12-Ii-4.2)
3. Demonstrate the virtues of prudence and frugality towards environment (PPT11/12-Ii-4.3)
LESSON OBJECTIVES 1. Recognize how things around 1. Internalize the thoughts/opinions 1. Cite actions of people relative to his/her environment that includes
them are placed and organized. written on the previous activity his/her wrongdoings.
2. Cite some ideas on how to change given. 2. Criticize the wrongdoings of every person in his/her surroundings and
the recognition around them in an 2. Apply the thoughts/opinions share some thoughts on how to address such.
aesthetic way. written on the previous activity. 3. Assess one’s perception of his/her doing in the environment and
3. Appreciate how important things 3. Appraise the work done on demonstrate good virtues such as prudence ad frugality towards
are in proper, order and in aesthetic making the environment in proper environment.
organization. and in aesthetic order.
Intro to Philosophy of Human Person Module 4
Signed off_Introduction to Philosophy12_q1_m4_The Human Person in the Environment_v3.pdf
a. Reviewing Previous Lesson The teacher will question the The teacher will question the The teacher will question the The teacher will question the
or Presenting the New students on what they can still students on what they can still students on what they can still students on what they can still
Lesson remember on the previous remember on the previous remember on the previous remember on the previous
discussion. discussion. discussion. discussions.
lesson The teacher will let the students IMPLEMENT. The students will be asked with The students will be asked on their
share their thoughts on how things The teacher will let the students these questions: thoughts on the following hashtags:
were arranged and placed around read their previous work in class. 1. Do you believe that Earth is our #EnvironmentSustainability
them. only home? Why or why not? #EarthMyHomeMyFuture
2. Why do we need to care for the
c. Presenting The teacher will then present the The teacher will the present the The teacher will the present the activity to the student:
example/instances of the topic to be discussed: activity to the student: ENVIRONMENTALISM AND SUSTAINABILITY
d. Discussing new concepts Humankind is part of the world, The students will be given 20 From the previous lesson, we One of the major concepts that goes
where everything that we do will minutes to apply what they have already learned that our along with environmentalism is
result in serious consequences. It is written on the activity sheets anthropocentric (nakasentro sa tao) sustainability or sustainable
important for us to examine our previously given to them. understanding of the environment development. This concept teaches
relationship not only with people has led to its destruction. Because us to make wise decisions
but also with the Earth – the the environment was merely seen as concerning the use of Earth’s
relationship that exists between a thing to be used to satisfy human resources today so that there is still
humanity and the environment. needs, it resulted in environmental enough left for tomorrow. This
abuse and the decline of principle in other words, calls us to
There are three major perspectives environmental health. And now, we think for others, including those
that we can use in understanding are reaping its negative effects—the who are yet to be born in the future,
humanity’s relationship with the global devastation brought about by as we use and consume the
environment, that includes: Climate Change. resources of the planet in our
Anthropocentrism - this view generation. To put it simply,
believes that humans are the most It is in this setting that sustainability is like eating your
important species on the planet and environmentalism comes into view. meal, being satisfied with it to a
that they are free to transform nature Environmentalism is comprised of certain extent, but you must
and use its resources. many related ideas and advocacies consciously leave some food on the
Biocentrism - the belief that humans that address the various table which is good enough to meet
are not the only significant species environmental issues and concerns. the needs of those who have yet to
on the planet, and that all organisms One important perspective from arrive and eat.
have inherent value and should be environmentalism is environmental
protected. ethics. This ethics for the Sustainability is founded on three
Ecocentrism - this view believes environment examines how we as important principles, namely,
that humankind is part of a greater human people relate with the Earth environmental integrity, economic
biological system or community and and all within it. It also frames a efficiency, and equity. The values of
that we have a significant role as critical understanding on how our prudence and frugality are also
stewards or guardians of nature. human activities create an impact on associated with living sustainably.
the environment.
The influence of humanity on the • Environmental integrity –
environment can be best understood Aside from what has been already refers to maintaining the state of the
if we consider the individual person, stated above, environmental ethics environment during human
you, as a dynamic source of change also contributes the following: activities. Here, human activities are
within your environment. Once a. It serves as a basis for well thought-out and managed in
again, look around your reflecting on how our actions show such a way that their impact to the
neighborhood and reflect on the our regard for nature. ecosystems becomes minimal.
state of its surroundings. Do you b. It guides us in upholding the • Economic efficiency –
consider your place clean and welfare of the environment. refers to the wise use of resources,
orderly? If not, how should you c. It also encourages that is, using the resources in their
respond then to this situation? governments, institutions, entirety, if possible, to avoid
corporations, and other related unnecessary waste.
We can apply the principle of organizations to commit to • Equity – demands that we
environmental aesthetics responsible action for the use our natural resources in such a
(kagandahan ng kapaligiran) to environment. manner that these are conserved so
create a clean and orderly d. It demands environmental that the next generation will be able
environment. This philosophical justice, a concept that calls for a fair to use them.
view insists that by maintaining distribution of environmental • Prudence – the ability to
order in the environment we can benefits, as well as the burden of discipline and govern one’s actions
bring out the natural beauty of the meeting the effects of climate and and behavior.
surroundings and in the process other environmental changes. • Frugality – the quality of
contribute to the well-being of the being economical on the use of
people and other organisms living in one’s resources.
it. Our appreciation of the beauty of
nature can help us become more
concerned for the environment and
move us to treat nature with great
e. Developing Mastery The teacher will ask the following The teacher will ask the following The teacher will ask the following The teacher will ask the following
questions to the student: questions to the students: questions to the students: questions to the students:
1. How important is the 1. How does it feel like placing 1. As a student, how can you apply 1. How can we show care and love
environment? Why do we things in order? the environmental ethics? for our environment?
need the environment in 2. Is there any hindrance? Do you
order? like the output?
applications of concepts and
skills in daily living The learner will be given an activity Selected learners will share what The learners will be given an ample The learners will draw their thought
sheet where graphic organizer is they have done in the class, where time to select important task to do to on this concept:
printed. The students will provide each idea is taken positively by the implement environmental ethics. “Our micro efforts may lead to
important information needed in the class and with guidance of the macro effect to our environment.”
activity. teacher.
g. Generalizing and The teacher will ask the question: The teacher will ask the question: The teacher will ask the question: The teacher will ask the question:
abstractions about the 1. What have you learned today? 1. What have you learned today? 1. What have you learned today? 1. What have you learned today?
h. Evaluating learning
i. Additional activities for The teacher will instruct learners to The teacher will instruct the learners The teacher will instruct learners to The teacher will instruct the learners
application or remediation discover more about human person to study the previous lesson for discover more about the idea to study the previous lesson for
and discovering the traits that makes mastery. environmentalism and sustainability. mastery.
us human.
a. Number of learners who earned
80% of the evaluation
b. Number of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
c. Did the remedial lesson work?
d. Number of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
e. Number of learners who continue
to require remediation
f. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
g. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other