HOW TO USE THIS FORM Installation/Facility INC1 AREA
1. Crew performing task reviews ALL generic JSA considerations. Associated Work Permit Type 2. Review previous JSA updates for useful information which will help this task. 3. Create new JSA update with generic form and ALL considerations for this task. Associate Work Permit Number 4. Carry out tasks as per plan. If any conditions change - STOP AND RE-ASSESS 5. File JSA update for future reference.
Work Description RECONSRTUCTION OF BUND WALL JHA Reference Number IRV/JHA/001
Job Description of Potential Control Recovery Potential Hazards L S R L S R Result Step Job Steps Impact Measures Measures -Driver is driving only in the minimum speed limit. - Put speed limit sign at Mobilization and - person will slip, 1 2 2 1 -Physical injury site area 1 1 1 ACCEPTABLE demobilization trip and fall. -ensure that a driver is having knowledge to the hazard. -failure of lifting -All lifting operation shall be Unloading of - people will 1 2 2 planned in prior to the -physical injury - Apply STOP work materials at the suffer limb operation 2 policy 1 1 1 ACCEPTABLE site using heavy fractures. . -Property damage. equipment. 1 2 2 -Use appropriate PPE. - Hit by falling items 1 3 3 - PPE plus face shield, - Personal injury - Apply STOP work 1 1 1 - firewatcher c/w fire Use of hand and - Eye injury; (face) 1 2 2 policy extinguisher. 3 power tools – Lacerations and hand - Burn 1 1 1 ACCEPTABLE - Wear appropriate hand General injuries - Finger get 2 1 2 - Apply first aid protection caught in pinch measure 1 1 1 area 1 2 2
- Absence of worker, - All pouring operation shall - Apply STOP work
Concrete - personal injury, 4 major damage 2 2 2 be planned in prior to the policy 1 1 1 ACCEPTABLE Pouring Property injury equipment/ property operation
- Apply STOP work
- pinch point, hand - Use appropriate PPE 1 1 1 Form, install and - personal injury, policy 5 injury, cut from sharp 1 2 2 - Always keep fingers away ACCEPTABLE fixing finger cut - Apply first aid surface between wood and concrete 1 1 1 measure JSA WORKSHEET
HOW TO USE THIS FORM Installation/Facility INC1 AREA
1. Crew performing task reviews ALL generic JSA considerations. Associated Work Permit Type 2. Review previous JSA updates for useful information which will help this task. 3. Create new JSA update with generic form and ALL considerations for this task. Associate Work Permit Number 4. Carry out tasks as per plan. If any conditions change - STOP AND RE-ASSESS 5. File JSA update for future reference.
Work Description RECONSRTUCTION OF BUND WALL JHA Reference Number IRV/JHA/001
Job Description of Potential Potential Control Recovery
L S R L S R Result Step Job Steps Hazards Impact Measures Measures Apply STOP work Handling - Accident 1 2 2 Check for dent, faulty 1 1 1 6 Faulty equipment policy ACCEPTABLE machineries -machine broken 1 2 2 Check for safety devices 1 1 1 Apply first aid measure - Asphyxiation 2 - Dust 1 2 -Regular PPE including dust 1 1 1 - Slip, trip and mask Apply STOP work 2 - Obstruction fall 1 2 - Buddy system policy 1 1 Housekeeping 1 - Barricade work area 7 2 ACCEPTABLE - Manual handling - Back ache 1 2 Apply first aid measure 1 1 1 2 - Sharp edge - Minor injury 1 2 1 1 1 (hand) JSA WORKSHEET
HOW TO USE THIS FORM Installation/Facility INC1 AREA
1. Crew performing task reviews ALL generic JSA considerations. Associated Work Permit Type 2. Review previous JSA updates for useful information which will help this task. 3. Create new JSA update with generic form and ALL considerations for this task. Associate Work Permit Number 4. Carry out tasks as per plan. If any conditions change - STOP AND RE-ASSESS 5. File JSA update for future reference.
Work Description RECONSRTUCTION OF BUND WALL JHA Reference Number IRV/JHA/001
S CATEGORY DEFINITION CATEGORY DEFINITIONS E H 3 6 9 6-9 UNACCEPTABLE No V LOW 1 Remote LOW 1 No Injury No Damage E M 2 4 6 3-4 TOLERABLE Pollution MEDI Minor R 2 Possible MEDIUM 2 First Aid Minor Damage I L 1 2 3 1-2 ACCEPTABLE UM Pollution Major T HIGH 3 Probable HIGH 3 Lost Time Injury Major Damage Y L M H Pollution IS THERE A SAFER WAY TO COMPLETE THE JOB? ARE THERE ALTERNATIVES WITH LESS RISK? LIKELIHOOD
JHA Number Date This JHA Created: 05/08/2022
TASK SAFETY MANAGEMENT OUTLINE 001 Date JHA Last Revised: 01/11/2022
Type of Equipment Manufacturer Tag No Precise Work Site
Name Discipline Position Performed Job Before? Name Discipline Position