Science Reviewer 3rd Quarter For Grade 10 Biology
Science Reviewer 3rd Quarter For Grade 10 Biology
Science Reviewer 3rd Quarter For Grade 10 Biology
Hypothalamus – Centers
controlling emo琀椀ons, auto-
nomic func琀椀ons, and horm-
one produc琀椀on.
2. Midbrain
Mesencephalon (Midbrain)
- Processing of Visual and
Lobes of the Brain
Auditory data.
- Genera琀椀on of re昀氀exive
soma-琀椀c motor responses.
3. Hindbrain
Metencephalon (Cerebellum)
- Coordinates complex soma琀椀c
motor pa琀琀erns
- Adjust output of other
soma琀椀c motor centers in the brain and
spinal cord.
- Relays sensory informa琀椀on B. SPINAL CORD
to cerebellum and thalamus
- Subconscious Soma琀椀c and
Visceral motor centers.
Myelencephalon (Medulla
- Relays sensory informa琀椀on
to thalamus
- Autonomic centers for
regula琀椀on of visceral func-琀椀ons such as
cardiovascular, respiratory, etc.
- Receive s琀椀mulus and carries impulses
toward the cell body
Cell Body
- Contains nucleus & most of cytoplasm
- Basic func琀椀onal cell of nervous system - Fiber which carries impulses away from
- Messages take the form of electrical the cell body
signals, and are known as IMPULSES.
- A Neuron carries impulses in only ONE - Ends in a series of small swellings called
direc琀椀on. axon terminals
- Transmits impulses (up to 250 mph)
Excitatory: depolarize
postsynap琀椀c cell
Inhibitory: hyperpolarize
postsynap琀椀c cell
Role of postsynap琀椀c neuron: integrate
and process informa琀椀on
Myelin sheath
– Dense lipid layer which insulates the DISORDERS OF THE NERVOUS
– Makes the axon look gray SYSTEM TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY
- A nondegenera琀椀ve, noncongenital
Node of Ranvier damage to the brain from an external
– Gaps or nodes in the myelin sheath mechanical force.
- CAUSES Falls (28%)
Impulses travel from dendrite to cell body to Motor vehicle-tra昀케c crashes (20%)
axon Struck by/against (19%)
Assaults (11%)
2. Cerebral Contusions
- Is a bruise or bleeding on the brain that
Acetylcholine: neuromuscular junc琀椀ons, can be caused by an impact
glands, brain and spinal cord
3. Di昀昀use Axonal Injury
Norepinepherine: a昀昀ects brain regions
concerned with emo琀椀ons, dreaming - Tearing of nerve 琀椀ssue or blood vessels
when the brain is jostled in the skull, can result
4. Coup-contrecoup Injury
Synap琀椀c transmission:
- Impact not only injures the site of
Release of neurotransmi琀琀er: graded impact, but causes the brain to impact with the
poten琀椀al achieved skull
E昀昀ects of neurotransmi琀琀er:
- Masses of abnormal cells in the brain or - Certain nerve cells (neurons) in the
spinal cord that have grown out of control brain gradually break down or die.
- benign (non-cancerous) tumors and - Symptoms are due to a loss of neurons
malignant tumors (cancerous) that produce a chemical messenger in your
brain called dopamine.
5. Peripheral Neuropathy
2. Mul琀椀ples Sclerosis
- a result of damage to the peripheral
nerves, o昀琀en causes weakness, numbness and - Immune system malfunc琀椀on destroys
pain, usually in your hands and feet the fa琀琀y substance that coats and protects
nerve 昀椀bers in the brain and spinal cord
6. Guillain-Barré Syndrome (myelin).
- a result of damage to the peripheral 3. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) or Lou
nerves, o昀琀en causes weakness, numbness and Gehrig's disease
pain, usually in your hands and feet
- Progressive nervous system disease that
a昀昀ects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord,
causing loss of muscle control.
4. Hun琀椀ngton Chorea
Follicle-S琀椀mula琀椀ng Hormone
(FSH) - S琀椀mulates follicle (ov-aries) and
sperm (testes) deve-lopment
Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
- Triggers ovula琀椀on
- Ruptured follicle become
- S琀椀mulates testosterone produ-
Growth Hormone
General metabolic hormone
skeletal muscles and long bones
Amino acids into protein
Fat broken down for energy
Science Reviewer 3 Quarter
Contains the structures running from the ACCESSORY GLANDS OF THE MALE R.S
tes琀椀cles to the pelvic cavity
Contents: 8. Seminal Vesicle
a. Vas Deferens Lie on the posterior wall of the bladder and
b. Nerves secrete 60% of the volume of semen
c. Blood Vessels Seminal Fluids:
a. Fructose: provides energy for the
Amenorrhea – absence of
Dysmenorrhea – pain associated with
Abnormal uterine bleeding – excessive
Mons Pubis
amount or dura琀椀on of menstrual bleeding
- Triangular-shaped pad of fa琀琀y
琀椀ssue over the pubis bone,
covered with pubic hair Endometriosis
Labia Majora
Growth of endometrial 琀椀ssue outside
- 2 large folds of adipose 琀椀ssue on
of the uterus
the side of the vaginal opening
Tissue responds to hormonal changes
Labia Minora
by prolifera琀椀ng then breaking down and
- 2 smaller folds of adipose 琀椀ssue on bleeding
the inside of the labia majora
- Area between labia with openings Cancer
for the vagina, urethra, and 2 excretory ducts for
Bartholin’s glands (provide lubricant) Breast Cancer – 2 leading cause of
Clitoris cancer death in the US
- Sensi琀椀ve fold of 琀椀ssue par琀椀ally Ovarian Cancer – most common cause
covered by hood of gynecological death excluding breast cancer
Cervical Cancer – starts as cervical
dysplasia (change in shape, growth, and no. of
Yeast Infec琀椀on 28 1
27 2
24 5
Causes vulvovaginal candidiasis or
vagini琀椀s 23 6
20 9
- yellow discharge with odor 19 10
17 12
16 13
15 14
The follicular phase roughly lasts about LH and FSH levels fall back to low and
13 or 14 days. The phase ends when the level steady levels.
of luteinizing hormone (LH) surges drama琀椀cally Estrogen levels fall a li琀琀le a昀琀er the LH/FSH
surge, but rise due to con琀椀nued secre琀椀on of
estrogen and progesterone by the corpus luteum.
2. Ovulatory Phase If the egg is not fer琀椀lized, the corpus luteum
shrinks and begins to degenerate a昀琀er 14 days (the
Begins with the luteinizing hormone corpus luteum is designed to die a昀琀er 14 days).
surge (LH surge). The level of FSH increases to a
lesser extent. If the egg is fer琀椀lized the cells, around the
developing embryo begin to produce a
LH s琀椀mulates enzymes in the dominant
hormone called human chorionic
follicle and along with the increased pressure
gonadotropin (hCG).
causes the follicle to rupture and release the
egg (ovula琀椀on). This hormone rescues the corpus luteum
and allows it to con琀椀nue secre琀椀ng progesterone
The egg travels into the fallopian tube,
and estrogen, un琀椀l the growing fetus can produce
ready for fer琀椀liza琀椀on. The egg can survive for
its’ own hormones.
12 to 24 hours a昀琀er ovula琀椀on.
Pregnancy tests are based on detec琀椀ng an
The LH surge can be used as a
increase in the human chorionic gonadotropin
measurement to determine when a woman is
fer琀椀le. Around 12 to 24 hours a昀琀er the egg is
released, the LH surge can be detected by
measuring the level of this hormone in urine. LESSON 9: SPERMATOGENESIS
The ovulatory phase usually lasts 16 to
32 hours and ends when the egg is released.
3. Luteal Phase
This phase begins a昀琀er ovula琀椀on.
It lasts about 14 days and ends just
before a menstrual period, unless of course
fer琀椀liza琀椀on occurs.
The egg travels along the fallopian tube
by wave like mo琀椀ons caused by the 昀椀nger-like - Follicle-s琀椀mula琀椀ng hormone (FSH)
projec琀椀ons in the walls of the fallopian tube. s琀椀mulates spermatogenesis
The remainder of the ruptured follicle in - Inters琀椀琀椀al Cell S琀椀mula琀椀ng Hormone (ICSH)
the ovary closes a昀琀er releasing the egg and (aka LH) s琀椀mulates the produc琀椀on of testosterone
forms a structure called a corpus luteum. - Testosterone s琀椀mulates the development of
The corpus luteum secretes large male secondary sex characteris琀椀cs &
quan琀椀琀椀es of progesterone and estrogen and spermatogenesis
prepares the uterus for fer琀椀liza琀椀on.
Progesterone also causes increase in
body temperature during the luteal phase and
remain elevated un琀椀l a menstrual period
The egg pulls one sperm to its surface, S琀椀mulated 昀椀rst by hCG and later by
the “zona pellucida” where sperm then the placenta, estrogen helps the uterus
secretes an enzyme allowing it to penetrate grow, regulates the produc琀椀on of other
and enter. key hormones, and triggers the
Within 24-30 hours, nuclei of sperm and development of baby’s organs
egg fuse to form the one-celled Among its many other purposes,
“zygote progesterone encourages breast 琀椀ssue
Cell division begins growth and later helps so昀琀en ligaments
a. Morula stage (small collec琀椀on of and car琀椀lage to prepare you for labor.
b. Blastocyst stage (over 100 cells; First trimester (Months 1-3) (Ini琀椀al
昀氀uid center development and rapid growth):
o At the end of the 昀椀rst month,
the embryo has a heartbeat,
a two-lobed brain, and a
Blastocyst arrives in the uterus which is spinal cord.
recep琀椀ve to implanta琀椀on for only 4-5 days. o By the end of the second
Corpus luteum will not deteriorate month, the embryo is
8-11 days a昀琀er ovula琀椀on the blastocyst recognizable as a human and is
a琀琀aches itself to the endometrium; then the called a fetus
conceptus is referred to as an embryo. Second trimester (Months 4-6) (Fetus
Con琀椀nues to form):
Embryo’s outer layer = trophoblast,
grows rapidly, forming 4 protec琀椀ve layers o By the end of the fourth month,
(membranes) around the embryo. 昀椀ngernails, toenails, eyebrows,
Trophoblast membranes – and eyelashes have developed.
a. One produces blood cells Teeth begin to form, lips
nd appear, and head hair may
b. A2 develops into the umbilical
cord begin to grow.
rd o Movement of the fetus can be
c. A 3 , the amnion; protec琀椀ve
昀氀uid-昀椀lled sac felt by the mother. The fetus
th can bend its arms and make a
d. A 4 , the chorion, develops into
昀椀st. During the 昀椀昀琀h month, the
the placenta, which will serve as an interface with
the mother
heartbeat can be detected by a
The chorion secretes the hormone
human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) Third trimester (Months 7-9) (Growth):
o By the seventh month = lanugo
HCG takes the place of LH and maintains
the corpus luteum appears on the baby
o By the eighth months fetus
The human chorionic gonadotropin
growth slows down and moves
steps in to increase the produc琀椀on of estrogen
into a head-down posi琀椀on.
and progesterone. It also suppresses your
immune system to support your growing baby. o By the ninth month the fetus is
full term. Skin is smooth and
A昀琀er about 3-4 months of pregnancy,
waxy looking. Languo drops o昀昀.
corpus luteum degenerates
Placenta now produces its estrogen and
progesterone and maintains endometrium