Research 1
Research 1
Research 1
(Quantitative Research)
Rationale of the Study
being. Chronic tardiness among students can have far-reaching consequences, affecting
not only their academic performance but also their social integration and long-term
contributing factors.
analysis, we aim to delve into the intricate interplay of individual, familial, school-
At the individual level, factors such as intrinsic motivation, time management skills, and
characteristics can provide insights into how students perceive and prioritize punctuality
within their daily lives. Moreover, familial dynamics, including parental involvement,
punctuality habits. Exploring the role of family support structures and the availability of
resources may shed light on the broader social and economic contexts that shape
Within the school environment, factors such as school start times, classroom climate,
examining these institutional factors, we can identify potential areas for intervention
infrastructure, community norms, and cultural attitudes toward punctuality, can provide
and contextual factors is crucial for developing effective strategies to address student
tardiness comprehensively.
aimed at reducing chronic tardiness and fostering a more positive and conducive
educational outcomes.
The general problem of the study aims to identify and analyze the various factors
The researchers anticipate that the study will produce information that will be useful
performance, so with the findings of the study will assist the administrator in
Subject Coordinators. Since monitoring is crucial to lessen the tardiness, this study
will also serve as a good manual for creating an realiable source to enhance the fact
tardiness decreases.
Teachers. Their discussions will be throughly and not be interrupted by the tardiness
of students.
The Leaners. Students in High School would be eqquiped on how to improve their
skills in dealing with tough scene to their lives, and what are the factors that can cause
Future Researchers. The study result will help them to address the students concerns
on how to deal tardiness, so that they can't get low performance rate, future
researchers can use this study to their guide and reference for their own similar study.
Scope of Delimitation
The scope of this study is to find the cause and effects of tardiness to student
academic performance. The study is delimited only for Grade 10 students of Quisol
Integrated School.
Definition of Terms
Chapter 2
Review of Related Literature
This chapter presents the findings derived from the conducted study which is Factors
Influencing Students Tardiness. The findings of the study were summarize according to
This study explores the various factors contributing to student tardiness in high school
settings, including school start times, student motivation, and family dynamics. The
findings suggest that later school start times and improved communication between
students and identifies strategies for addressing this issue. Factors suchas
relation to student punctuality. The punctuality in a middle school setting. The study
communication with the school, attendance monitoring, and support for academic
engagement. This longitudinal study investigates the role of peer influence in student
tardiness over time. It examines how peer relationships, social norms, and group
Chapter 3
The purpose of this study is to find th exact reason of tardiness in Quisol Integrrated
School from district 7, investigate their alignment with what research shows about
Research Design
This research is using quantitative design measured