Chapter Three
Chapter Three
Chapter Three
❖ The numerical value of the absolute temperature of any system can be obtained
by comparing it with the temperature Tt of water at its triple point.
❖ A determined numerical value can be expressed in terms of degrees Kelvin or
simply degrees K , commonly abbreviated as “ °K.”
❖ Some devices (gas thermometer device) to measure the value of β or kT at the
triple point of water where T = Tt, the value of k is immediately determined.
❖ Since the quantity β-1 = kT represents an energy which can be measured in
ergs, the constant k can then be expressed in units of ergs/degree.
❖ Let us illustrate how to measure absolute temperatures with a constant-volume
ideal gas thermometer.
❖ Using equation of state, the gas pressure measured on the thermometer is
directly proportional to the absolute temperature of the gas.
❖ The thermometer permits ready measurements of absolute temperature ratios in
terms of pressure ratios.
❖ Suppose that the thermometer is brought into thermal contact with some
system A; after it has reached equilibrium, its mean pressure will have some
definite value pA.
❖ Similarly, the thermometer is brought into thermal contact with some other
system B; after it has reached equilibrium, its mean pressure will have some
definite value pB.
❖ Using equation of state, the absolute temperatures TA and TB of A and B are
related by
❖ In particular cases the system B consists of water at its triple point and that the
thermometer in equilibrium with this system indicates a mean pressure pt.
❖ Then, the absolute temperature of A has the specific value
❖ In the limiting case where E E0, i.e., where the energy of the system
approaches its lowest possible ground state value.
❖ The number Ω (E) of states accessible to the system in any small energy
interval between E and E + δE then approaches a value Ω0 which is very
❖ A system has only one quantum state (or at most a relatively small number of
such states) corresponding to its lowest possible energy.
❖ Even if the number of states of the system in the energy interval δE near E0
were as large as f, InΩ0 would only be of the order of Inf; it would still be
utterly negligible compared to its value at higher energies which is of the
order of f .
❖ The entropy S = k InΩ of the system near its ground state energy E0 is thus
vanishingly small compared to its value at larger energies.
❖ Hence we are led to the following conclusion: As the energy of a system is
decreased toward its lowest possible value, the entropy of the system
tends to become negligibly small; or in symbols,
❖ The number of states increases very rapidly as the energy of the system is
increased above its ground state; one finds approximately
which connects the increase in the mean energy E of any system to the
macroscopic work W done on it and the heat Q absorbed by it.
❖ This relation provides the basis for the macroscopic measurement of all
the quantities appearing in it.
❖ The macroscopic work done on a system is given by the increase in mean
energy of the system when the latter is thermally insulated (adiabatically
isolated) and some external parameter is changed.
❖ In practice, a measurement on a single system is sufficient for the deter
mination of a mean energy change and the corresponding work.
❖ The following examples illustrate some common procedures used for
measuring work.
1. Mechanical work
2. Electrical work
Mechanical work
A system consisting of a container filled
with water, a thermometer, and a paddle
wheel. Work can be done on this system by
the falling weight.
Electrical work
➔ A system A consisting of a container
filled with water, a thermometer, and
an electrical resistor.
➔ Work can be done on this system by
the battery.
❖ A process which is quasistatic, i.e., which is carried out sufficiently slowly so
that the system under consideration is at all times arbitrarily close to
❖ Let us thus consider the important case of a fluid (i.e., of a substance which is
either a gas or a liquid) and derive an expression for the work done on this
fluid in a quasi-static process.
❖ Since the fluid is always essentially in equilibrium, the non uniformities of
density and other complications present in rapidly changing situations are
absent; instead, the fluid is always characterized by a well-defined mean
pressure p uniform throughout the fluid.
❖ Example : A fluid contained in a cylinder closed by a movable piston of area A .
The distance of the piston from the left wall is denoted by s.
➔ the mean force exerted by the fluid on the piston is
pA to the right;
➔ the mean force exerted by the piston on the fluid is
pA to the left.
❖ Suppose that the piston is moved very slowly to
the right by an amount ds (so that the volume of
the fluid is changed by an amount dv = A ds).
where the minus sign occurs since the displacement ds and the force pA
acting on the gas have opposite directions.
❖ If the volume of the fluid is changed quasi-statically from some initial
volume Vi to some final volume Vf, its pressure p at any stage of this
process will be some function of its volume and temperature.
❖ The total work W done on the fluid in the
process is then simply obtained by adding
all the infinitesimal works :
➔ The work done on the fluid is positive if Vf < Dependence of the mean pressure p
Vi and negative if Vf > Vi. its magnitude is on the volume V of a particular
equal to the shaded area contained below the The shaded area under the curve
represents the work done on the
curve. system when its volume is changed
quasi-statically from Vi to Vf.
Internal energy
● Let us now turn our attention to the determination of the internal energy E
of a macroscopic system (i.e., the total energy of all its particles in the
frame of reference where the center of mass of the system is at rest).
● The value of E of the system in a given macrostate has significance only
when measured with respect to its value in some standard macrostate of
this system.
● Only differences in mean energy are relevant physically and such energy
differences can always be measured by the performance of work if the
system is kept adiabatically isolated.
● The measurement of heat (commonly called calorimetry) is ultimately
reducible to the measurement of work.
● The heat Q absorbed by a system can be measured in two slightly
different ways: either by measuring it directly in terms of work, or by
comparing it with the known change of internal energy of some other
system which gives off the heat Q.
Heat Capacity
❖ Consider a macroscopic system whose macrostate can be specified by its
absolute temperature T and by some other set of macroscopic parameters
denoted collectively by y
❖ Suppose that, starting with the system at a temperature T, an infinitesimal
amount of heat dQ is added to the system while all its other parameters y are
kept fixed.
❖ The temperature of the system will change by an infinitesimal amount dT which
depends on the nature of the system under consideration and which usually
depends also on the parameters T and y specifying the initial macrostate of this
❖ The ratio
is called the heat capacity of the system and it is an easily measured property of
a system.
❖ Note that it depends ordinarily not only on the nature of the system, but also on
the parameters T and y specifying the macrostate of this system; i.e., in general,
Cy = Cv(T,y).
❖ The amount of heat dQ which must be added to a homogeneous system to
produce a given temperature change dT is expected to be proportional to the
total number of particles in this system.
❖ Hence it is convenient to define a related quantity, the specific heat, which
depends only on the nature of the substance under consideration, but not
on the amount present.
❖ This can be achieved by dividing the heat capacity Cy of v moles (or m
grams) of the substance by the corresponding number of moles (or of
❖ The heat capacity per mole or specific heat per mole is thus defined as
❖ The specific heat per gram is defined as
❖ The cgs units of the molar specific heat are ergs degree-1 mole-1.
❖ When all the external parameters of the system (such as its volume V) are
kept constant in the process of adding heat, no work is done on the system
so that dQ = dE ; i.e., the absorbed heat serves then merely to increase the
internal energy of the system.
❖ Denoting the external parameters collectively by the symbol x,
❖ The last expression is a derivative since dE is a genuine differential
quantity; we have written it as a partial derivative to indicate that all
the external parameters x are supposed to be kept constant.
❖ Note that the heat capacity must always be positive, i.e.,
❖ To indicate a typical order of magnitude, the specific heat of water at
room temperature is experimentally found to be 4.18 joules degree-1
gram-1 .
❖ The mean energy per mole of monatomic gas
where Na is Avogadro’s number and R = Nak is the gas constant.
❖ For a monatomic ideal gas, the molar specific heat Cv at constant
volume is given by
❖ The entropy S of a system determine by appropriate measurements of heat
and absolute temperature.
❖ The system is in equilibrium at the absolute temperature T and that an
infinitesimal amount of heat dQ is added to the system by bringing it into
contact with a heat reservoir at a temperature infinitesimally different
from T (so that the equilibrium is disturbed by a negligible amount and the
temperature T of the system remains well-defined).
❖ Then the resulting entropy change of the system is equal to
❖ Now, to compare the entropy of the system in two different macrostates
where the values of the external parameters of the system are the same.
❖ Assume that the absolute temperature is Ta in one macrostate and Tb in the
❖ The system then has a well-defined entropy Sa = S(Ta) in the first
macrostate and a well-defined entropy Sb= S(Tb) in the second macrostate.
❖ It should be possible to calculate the entropy difference Sb-Sa by imagining
that the system is brought from the initial temperature Ta to the final tem
perature Tb in many successive infinitesimal steps.
❖ This can be done by placing the system in successive contacts with a series
of heat reservoirs of infinitesimally different temperatures.
❖ At all these stages the system would then be arbitrarily close to
equilibrium and thus would always have a well-defined temperature T.
❖ The entropy differences is given by
❖ This relation extremely interesting since it provides an explicit connection
between two very different types of information about the system under
❖ On the one hand, involves the heat capacity which can be obtained from
purely macroscopic measurements of heat and temperature.
❖ On the other hand, it involves the entropy S = k InΩ which is a
quantity obtainable from a microscopic knowledge of the quantum
states of the system; i.e., either it can be calculated from first
principles, or it can be obtained by using spectroscopic data to
deduce the energy levels of the system.
❖ If the heat capacity Cx is independent of temperature in the
temperature range between Ta and Tb, entropy differences becomes