Medivac Drill 10-04-2020
Medivac Drill 10-04-2020
Medivac Drill 10-04-2020
Type of drill : MEDEVAC DRILL : Assembly Point
Date of drill : 04-10-2020 Time drill : 09.00 – 10.00
1. Objective
- To find out capabilities of each person involved and emergency comunication system.
- To find out the exact time needed to transfer IP from project site to HDED Clinic.
- To familiarise first aid team and clinic staff to treat the IP and handle the medivac.
- To find the areas need to be improved as per drill observation.
2. Scenario
The welder doing activities welding tube, after a few minutes doing the activities the welder feels
thirsty and weak, but unfortunately the water in the area is empty, then workers from his team
struggle to fetch water to restore the welder's condition. But before the team of welders came to
bring water, the welder fainted.
3. Response
Sequences Plan Actual
1. Incident occurred, team of IP report to his supervisor 2
2. IP’s supervisor inform to safety supervisor Incharge 1
3. Safety supervisor reports to KOIN ERT commander that
Incident happen on Boiler EL 51M area.
4. KOIN ERT commander take control on radio line and report
to HDEC ERT commander and ask for ambulance to pick 1
up IP on Boiler area
5. KOIN ERT commander call first aider and evacuated team
to headed for IP location and brought first aid bag and 2
6. First aider and evacuate team arrived to IP location, first
aider observation IP condition, after observation first aider
give some treatment to IP, after give treatment while waiting 8
IP in a stable condition. IP transfer to scratcher by evacuate
7. First aider give information to ERT Commander that IP
ready to evacuated. IP evacuated trought access direct and 2
go down to the ground using construction hoist
8. Ambulance and paramedic mobilized to scene of incident
near from construction hoist
9. IP already reach ground area and transfer to ambulance, IP
transfer to ambulance and bring to Hyundai clinic
Total Time Required
4. Observer COMPANY
5. Area for improvement
Deficiencies Identified Action Required Action by Target Date
6. Attachment
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