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Transient Stabilty Analysis User Manual

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User Manual


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Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1
2. HOW TO SOLVE TRANSIENT STABILITY ......................................................... 2
EXAMPLE: TRANSIENT STABILITY STUDIES ............................................................................. 2
3. INPUT FILE FORMAT ............................................................................................ 20
STREAM 1: SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................... 20
STREAM 2: SYSTEM SIZE SPECIFICATION ................................................................................ 21
STREAM 3: PROGRAM CONTROL INPUTS ................................................................................. 23
STREAM 3: LINE 2: V-I-Z-S BUS DATA................................................................................... 24
STREAM 3: LINE 3 - MODEL SELECTION PARAMETERS............................................................ 24
STREAM 3: LINE 4 - VARIABLE TIME STEP DATA.................................................................... 26
STREAM 3.1 NEW STREAM: ZONE WISE MULTIPLICATION FACTOR ........................................ 26
STREAM 4: DISTURBANCE DATA............................................................................................. 26
STREAM 5: GENERATOR BUS NUMBERS.................................................................................. 28
STREAM 6: BUS DATA ............................................................................................................. 28
STREAM 7: TRANSFORMER DATA ........................................................................................... 29
STREAM 8: TRANSMISSION LINE DATA ................................................................................... 34
STREAM 9: SERIES REACTOR AND CAPACITOR DATA ............................................................. 36
STREAM 10: CIRCUIT BREAKER DATA .................................................................................... 38
STREAM 11: SHUNT CONNECTION (ADMITTANCE) DATA........................................................ 38
STREAM 12: SHUNT CONNECTION (IMPEDANCE) DATA .......................................................... 39
STREAM 13: FILTER DATA ...................................................................................................... 41
STREAM 14: LOAD DATA ........................................................................................................ 43
STREAM 15: LOAD CHARACTERISTIC DATA ........................................................................... 45
STREAM 16: ISLAND DATA ..................................................................................................... 46
STREAM 17: MACHINE DATA .................................................................................................. 46
STREAM 18: VOLTAGE REGULATOR DATA ............................................................................. 51
STREAM 19: GOVERNOR DATA ............................................................................................... 55
STREAM 20: WIND TURBINE GENERATOR DATA .................................................................... 60
STREAM 21: STATIC VAR COMPENSATOR DETAILS ................................................................ 80
STREAM 22: HVDC CONVERTERS DATA ................................................................................ 81
STREAM 23: DC LINK DATA ................................................................................................... 84
STREAM 24: FREE PROGRAMMABLE BLOCK (FPB) DATA....................................................... 85
STREAM 25: FREQUENCY RELAY DATA .................................................................................. 86
STREAM 26: VOLTAGE RELAY DATA ...................................................................................... 87

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STREAM 27: OVER CURRENT RELAY DATA ............................................................................ 88

STREAM 28: DISTANCE RELAY DATA ..................................................................................... 89
STREAM 29: CYCLIC LOAD DATA ........................................................................................... 93
STREAM 30: WIND TURBINE GENERATOR CURVE DATA ........................................................ 94
4. INPUT/OUTPUT FILES .............................................................................................. 99
Error Messages................................................................................................................. 101
5. CASE STUDY.............................................................................................................. 103

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1. Introduction
POWERTRS is designed to perform the transient stability analysis for the given power system.
The transient behavior of a power system, resulting from major disturbances such as a fault
followed by switching operations, sudden rejection of load or generation, etc., is referred to as
Transient Stability. Transient stability solution is obtained in time domain. Transient stability
simulation studies are carried out to study these phenomena and the results enable to plan and
coordinate the protection and control schemes efficiently. Critical clearing times of circuit
breakers can be computed and protection zones of distance relays during transient swings can
be adjusted. Proper restoration/islanding schemes can be suitably designed. Compared to load
flow and short circuit studies, transient stability studies are more complex since they involve the
electromechanical dynamics of rotating machines and their associated controls viz., excitation
and governor systems. The period of investigation varies from fraction of a second when first
swing stability is being determined, to over several seconds when multiple swing stability is to
be examined.

The program requires the base case load flow solution to establish the initial conditions. The
program uses fast decoupled load flow method for the network solution, and implicit trapezoidal
rule of integration method for the solution of differential equation representing the dynamics of
machines, controllers, etc.

The program input data is through an ASCII file, the format of which is described in chapter 3. In
chapter 5, case studies are given, wherein the data file preparation for typical transient stability
studies are discussed along with the analysis of the results.

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Example: Transient Stability Studies
Figure shows a single line diagram of a 5-bus system with three generating units, four lines and
two transformers and two loads. Per-unit transmission line series impedances and shunt
susceptances are given on 100 MVA base, generator's transient impedance and transformer
leakage reactances are given in the accompanying table.
1 4 3

G1 G3
100+ j44

2 5

50 + j16
Values given are on 100 MVA Base. Frequency = 60 Hz.
If a 3 - phase fault occurs on line 4 - 5 near bus 4 and the fault is cleared by simultaneously
opening the circuit breaker at the ends of the line 4-5 at 0.225 seconds (fault clearing time), plot
the swing curve and comment on stability of machine 1 and machine 2

Transmission Line Details

Bus - code Impedance Line charging
p-q Zpq Y'pq/2
3-4 0.007 + j0.04 j0.041
3 -5(1) 0.008 + j0.047 j0.049
3 -5 (2) 0.008 + j0.047 j0.049
4-5 0.018 + j0.110 j0.113

Transformer Details:

T1 = 20/230 kV 400 MVA with Leakage reactance = 0.022

p.u T2 = 18/230 kV 250 MVA with Leakage reactance =
0.040 p.u

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Generator Details:
G1 = 400 MVA, 20 kV, X’d = 0.067 pu, H = 11.2 MJ / MVA
G2 = 250 MVA, 18 kV, X'd = 0.10 pu, H = 8.0 MJ / MVA
G3 = 1000 MVA, 230 kV, X'd = 0.00001 p.u, H = 1000 MJ / MVA (Infinite Bus Modeling)
Generation and Load Details
Bus Generation Load Specified
Code 'p' MW Mvar MW Mvar Voltage
1 350 71.2 0 0 1.03
2 185 29.8 0 0 1.02
3 800 0 0 0 1.0
4 0 0 100 44 Unknown
5 0 0 50 16 Unknown

Interpretation according to MiP-PSCT:

• Observe transmission line details. You will find lines connected to nodes 3 and 5 have
common parameters.
• No of transmission line libraries = 3
• No of generator libraries = 3 (Three different generators)
• No. of transformer libraries = 2 (two different transformers)
Procedure to enter the data for performing studies, using MiP-
PSCT. Following are the two methods.
1. Drawing single line diagram and entering corresponding data in database manager
2. Drawing single line diagram and entering the data simultaneously.

Method 2 follows:
MiP-PSCT - Database Configuration
Open power system network editor. Select menu option Database → Configure. Configure
Database dialog is popped up as shown below. Click Browse button.

Click here to specify the

name of the database.

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Open dialog box is popped up as shown below, where you are going to browse the desired
directory and specify the name of the database to be associated with the single line diagram.
Click Open button after entering the desired database name. Configure Database dialog will
appear with path chosen.

Select the folder and give database

name in File name window with .Mdb
extension. And now click on Open.

Click OK This button is to clear the

Database Name field

Click OK button on the Configure Database dialog. The dialog shown below appears.

Uncheck the Power System Libraries and Standard Relay Libraries. For this example these
standard libraries are not needed, because all the data is given on pu for power system libraries
(like transformer, line\cable, generator), and relay libraries are required only for relay co-
ordination studies. If Libraries are selected, standard libraries will be loaded into the database.
Click Electrical Information tab. Since the impedances are given on 100 MVA base check the

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pu status as shown. Enter the Base MVA and Base frequency as shown above. Click on
Breaker Ratings button to give breaker ratings. Click OK button to create the database to return
to Network Editor.
Bus Base Voltage Configuration
In the network editor, configure the base voltages for the single line diagram. Select menu
option Configure→Base voltage. The dialog shown below appears. If necessary change the
Base-voltages, color, Bus width and click OK.

Procedure to Draw First Element - Bus

Click on Bus icon provided on power system tool bar. Draw a bus and a dialog appears
prompting to give the Bus ID and Bus Name. Click OK. Database manager with corresponding
Bus Data form will appear. Modify the area number, zone number and contingency weightage
data if it is other than the default values. If this data is not furnished, keep the default values.
Usually the minimum and maximum voltage ratings are ± 5% of the rated voltage. If these
ratings are different, modify these fields. Otherwise keep the default values.

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Bus description field can be effectively used if the bus name is more than 8 characters. If bus
name is more than 8 characters, then a short name is given in the bus name field and the bus
description field can be used to abbreviate the bus name. For example let us say the bus name
is Northeast, then bus name can be given as NE and the bus description field can be North
East. After entering data click Save , which invokes Network Editor. Follow the same
procedure for remaining buses. Following table gives the data for other buses.

Bus Data
Bus Number 1 2 3 4 5
Bus Name Bus-1 Bus-2 Bus-3 Bus-4 Bus-5
Nominal voltage 20 18 230 230 230
Area number 1 1 1 1 1
Zone number 1 1 1 1 1
Contingency weightage 1 1 1 1 1

Procedure to Draw Transmission Line

Click on Transmission Line icon provided on power
system tool bar. To draw the line click in between two
buses and to connect to the from bus double clicking
LMB (Left Mouse Button) on the From Bus and join it to
another bus by double clicking the mouse button on the
To Bus. Element ID dialog will appear.

Enter Element ID number and click OK. Database manager with corresponding Line\Cable
Data form will be open. Enter the details of that line as shown below.

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Enter Structure Ref No. as 4000 and click on Transmission Line Library >> button. Line &
Cable Library form will appear. Enter transmission line library data in the form as shown below
for Line3-4.

Enter other line libraries and element data details as per the following tables:
Transmission Line Libraries
Structure Ref. No. 4000 4001 4002
Structure Ref. Name Line-3-4 Line-3-5 Line-4-5
Positive Sequence Resistance 0.007 0.008 0.018
Positive Sequence Reactance 0.040 0.047 0.110
Positive Sequence Susceptance 0.041 0.049 0.113
Thermal Rating 100 100 100

Transmission Line Element Data Details

Line Number 1 2 3 4
Line Name Line3-4 Line3-5 Line4-5 Line3-5
De-Rated MVA 100 100 100 100
No. Of Circuits 1 1 1 1
From Bus No. 4 3 4 3
To Bus No. 3 5 5 5
Line Length 1 1 1 1
From Breaker Rating 5000 5000 5000 5000
To Breaker Rating 5000 5000 5000 5000
Structure Reference No. 4000 4001 4002 4001

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Procedure to Draw Transformer

Click on Two Winding Transformer icon provided on power

system tool bar. To draw the transformer click in between two
buses and to connect to the from bus double clicking LMB (Left
Mouse Button) on the From Bus and join it to another bus by
double clicking the mouse button on the To Bus. The Element
ID dialog will appear. Click OK.

Two Winding Transformer Data form will be open. Enter the Manufacturer Ref. Number as
30. Enter transformer data in the form as shown below. Click on Transformer Library >>

Enter transformer library details as shown below. Click

Save  button and close the screen. Transformer
element data form will appear. Click Save  button,
which invokes Network Editor. In the similar way enter
other transformer details.

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Transformer Library Detail

Manufacturer ref. No. 30 31
Manufacturer Name 2T30 2T31
MVA Rating 400 250
Primary Voltage 230 230
Secondary Voltage 20 18
Minimum Tap 1 1
Maximum Tap 9 9
Minimum Tap Voltage 218.5 ( 230 * 0.95) 218.5 ( 230 * 0.95)
Maximum Tap Voltage 241.5 ( 230 * 1.05) 241.5 ( 230 * 1.05)
Positive Sequence Impedance 0.022 0.040
R/X Ratio 9999 (R is Negligible) 9999 ( R is Negligible)

Transformer Element Detail

Transformer Number 1 2
Transformer Name 2T1 2T2
From Bus Number 4 5
To Bus Number 1 2
Control Bus Number 1 2
Number of Units in Parallel 1 1
Manufacturer ref. Number 2T30 2T31
De Rated MVA 400 250
From Breaker Rating 5000 5000
To Breaker Rating 350 350
Nominal Tap Position 5 5

Procedure to Draw Generator

Click on Generator icon provided on power system tool bar. Draw the generator by clicking
LMB (Left Mouse Button) on the Bus1. The Element ID dialog will appear. Click OK.

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Generator Data form will be opened. Enter the Manufacturer Reference No as 30. Enter
generator data in the form as shown below.

Click on Generator Library >> button. Enter generator library details as shown below.

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Enter other generator library and element details as per the following table.
Generator Library Details
Reference Number 30 31 32
Manufacturer Name BHEL-1 BHEL-2 BHEL-3
MVA Rating 400 250 1000
MW Rating 350 185 800
kV Rating 20 18 230
Ra 0 0 0
Xd 0 0 0
Xq 0 0 0
Xn 0 0 0
Xo 0 0 0
Xp 0 0 0
X’d 0.067 0.10 0.00001
X’q 0 0 0
Xd 0 0 0
Xq 0 0 0
Inertia MJ/MVA 11.2 8.0 1000

Generator Element Details

Name GEN-1 GEN-2 GEN-3
Bus Number 1 2 3
Manufacturer Ref. Number 30 31 32
Number of Generators in Parallel 1 1 1
Capability Curve Number 0 0 0
De-Rated MVA 400 250 1000
Specified Voltage 20.6 18.36 230
Scheduled Power 350 185 800
Reactive Power Minimum 71.2 29.8 0
Reactive Power Maximum 71.2 29.8 600
Breaker Rating 350 350 10000
Type of Modeling Infinite Infinite Infinite

Procedure To Draw Load

Click on Load icon provided on power system

tool bar. Draw the load by clicking LMB (Left
Mouse Button) on the Bus4. The Element ID
dialog will appear. Click OK.

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Load Data form will be opened. Enter the load details as shown below.

Connect other load (50 + j16) to bus 5.

To solve load flow studies choose menu option Solve → Load Flow Analysis or click LFA
button on the toolbar, which is on the right side of the screen. Load flow analysis screen

1. Click here to
open load flow
study information

2. Click here
to execute

3. Click here
to view report

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The results of load flow are shown below:

--------- --------- -------- --------- --------
1 1 3.500 4 1.263
2 4 0.087 4 0.016
3 4 0.002 4 0.000
4 4 0.000 4 0.000
5 4 0.000 1 0.000
6 1 0.000 1 0.000
Number of p iterations : 3 and Number of q iterations : 5


---- -------- ------ ------ -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.0300 8.90 350.000 71.200 0.000 0.000 0.000
2 Bus2 1.0200 6.39 185.000 29.800 0.000 0.000 0.000
3 Bus3 1.0000 0.00 -380.503 -26.497 0.000 0.000 0.000 <
4 Bus4 1.0175 4.68 0.000 0.000 100.000 44.000 0.000
5 Bus5 1.0109 2.27 0.000 0.000 50.000 16.000 0.000


---- -- ---- -------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------
1 1 4 Bus4 1 Bus1 -349.988 -44.745 0.0026 26.4537
2 1 5 Bus5 2 Bus2 -184.999 -16.301 0.0013 13.4999
3 1 4 Bus4 3 Bus3 210.573 11.960 3.0157 8.8876
4 1 4 Bus4 5 Bus5 39.418 -11.215 0.2702 -21.5963
5 1 3 Bus3 5 Bus5 -86.473 -11.712 0.6019 -6.3713
6 1 3 Bus3 5 Bus5 -86.473 -11.712 0.6019 -6.3713

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This will become the initial condition for transient stability analysis

Note: You have to get the same results to conduct transient stability study.

Executing transient stability study:

Click on Solve →Transient stability analysis.

1.Click here to open


2.Click here
to execute

4.Click here to enter

into graph utility

3.Click here
to view report

On Transient Stability Studies screen click on Study Info….button.

1. Select swing bus

2. Click here to select disturbance type

3. Click here to enter disturbance information

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Enter all the details as shown:

To simulate 3 phase to ground fault, select the Disturbances as Three Phase To Ground Fault
from the disturbance list and click on Disturbance Info button to enter the fault data.

Click here to
select bus no

value should
not be zero

Fault is on bus 4 so select bus 4 from the Bus number list box.
Click OK to return to previous form.
To account the effect of opening of breaker, in the disturbance list select Change in
transmission Line Parameters and click on Disturbance Info button.
In this, select line between bus 4 and bus 5. Give disturbance starting time as 0.225 secs and
make positive sequence resistance as zero and reactance very high accounting for opening of
the line (let us say 9999).

Click here
to select

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Finally you will return to the previous dialog. Here list of disturbances applied on the network are
listed as shown below. Click OK button to return to Solve dialog.

On the Solve dialog box, click Execute button to execute transient stability study.

Results Observation:
The results can be observed by clicking Report button. The results can be best analyzed using
graph. For this click on Graph button.

1. Click here to
2. Click here for results

3. Click here for graph

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Part of Report is shown below:

Time = 0.00000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/PU
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1.03 8.9 20.8 60 350 71.2 350 1.1
2 Bus2 1.02 6.39 16.2 60 185 29.8 185 1.06
3 Bus3 1 0 -0.00218 60 -381 -26.2 -381 1
Maximum rotor angle difference : 20.84351 b/w buses : 3 and 1
3 phase fault 0.00000 4 Bus4
Time = 0.00100 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 0.275 20.1 20.8 60 5.93 339 350 1.1
2 Bus2 0.908 6.55 16.2 60 162 129 185 1.06
3 Bus3 1 -0.00455 -0.0022 60 414 3.02e+003 -381 1
Maximum rotor angle difference : 20.84437 b/w buses : 1 and 3
------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----
Click Graph button on Solve dialog box , Graph Utility screen will open as shown below.
Click here for column selection

Double click here

Window 1

Window 2

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Graph editor will open the corresponding plot file of the study. Window 1 is used for displaying
the graphs and window 2 holds the plot variables like time in seconds, swing curve of machines,
machine internal angle, machine voltage, machine current etc. User has to choose plot variables
in the 2nd window.

1. Double click here

2. Double click here

4. Click here to 5. Click here or click RMB for 3. To select machine 2 swing
plot selecting proper range. Select X curve scroll the window
axis (0 to 1) and Y axis (0 to 50)

Final output is shown below

Comment: As seen from the graph

 Machine 1 turns out to be unstable and machine 2 is stable.

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Exercise: For different clearing times conduct studies and observe the swing curves

Hint: Take clearing time = 0.05sec and execute transient stability.

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This chapter gives the input file format, which helps, in creating an input file or manipulating the
input file created by integrated mode.
Input data to POWERTRS is through an ASCII file. If POWERTRS is run in the MiP-PSCT
integrated environment, input file is automatically generated using the centralized database,
whenever execution of POWERTRS is selected. The Input file format is “1Grid0T.dat0”, where
1 represents Case Number, Grid – Database Name, 0 – Contingency Number, T – Study Code
- Transient Stability, dat – File type – Input, 0 – Schedule Number. Results are written to file
“1Grid0T.out0”. Graphs files generated by the POWERTRS are 1Grid0TM.bin, 1Grid0TL.bin &
1Grid0TF.bin(if any FPB is present in the network). 1Grid0TM.bin, which contains plot
information regarding machines at the selected V-I-Z-S buses present in the network.
1Grid0TL.bin, which contains plot information regarding lines and other elements present in the
network. 1Grid0TF.bin, which contains plot information regarding free programmable blocks
present in the network.
If the input file is prepared by the user according to the format provided in this chapter, there is
no restriction on the file name, it is user-defined name. The output files are generated with user-
defined filename plus default extensions. About file extensions it has been explained in the table
The input data is read in free format. Input data is divided into different heads called streams for
explanation purposes. `int' is used to indicate that the data type is an integer. `float' is used to
reference the floating point (real) variable. Character streams (string) are indicated by `char'

Stream 1: System Description

This consists of 3 lines of data for the description of the power system for which the study is
done. Each line data is of char type, and maximum number of alphanumeric characters
(including blanks) in a line should not exceed 80. Any useful information, which has to appear in
the report file ("TRSOUT") can be given in this stream.
The comment lines can be given in the data file by entering ‘%’ sign in the first column.
Comment line is not written in the output file. These lines are simply read and skipped.
However, if the comment line has to appear in the output file also, then one more ‘%’ sign
should appear in the second column. In the two statements appearing below, the first line does
not appear in the output file, while the second line appears in the output file.
% This comment line does not appear in the output file.
%% This comment line appears in the output file.

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Stream 2: System Size Specification

This consists of a line of data, which specifies the system size. Data types/specifications are
separated by blanks. Since the data is read in free format, data appearing in a line can be given
in successive lines also. Table 3.1 gives the data appearing under different columns of this
Table 3.1 : System Size Definition
Col No. Description Type Min Max
1. Maximum Bus Number Int 1 99999999
2. Actual number of buses Int 1 99999
3. Number of 2 winding transformers Int 0 5000
4. Number of 3 winding transformers Int 0 1000
5. Number of transmission lines Int 0 5000
6. Number of series reactors (inductors) Int 0 5000
7. Number of series capacitors Int 0 5000
8. Number of bus couplers Int 0 5000
9. Number of shunt reactors (inductors) Int 0 5000
10. Number of shunt capacitors Int 0 5000
11. Number of shunt impedances Int 0 5000
12. Number of generators Int 1 5000
13. Number of motors Int 0 5000
14. Number of loads Int 0 5000
15. Number of load characteristics Int 0 5000
16. Number of under frequency relays int 0 1000
17. Number of voltage relays int 0 1000
18. Number of over current relays int 0 1000
19. Number of Distance relays int 0 20
20. Number of filters int 0 20
21. Number of cyclic loads int 0 5
22. Number of voltage regulators int 0 1000
23. Number of governors int 0 1000
24. Number of static var compensators int 0 100
25. Number of HVDC converters int 0 20
26. Number of DC links int 0 10
27. Number of free programmable blocks int 0 100
28. Number of Wind Turbines Int 0 5000
29. Number of Curves in wind turbine Int 0 5000
30. Number of Detailed curves in wind turbine Int 0 100

Explanations for the entries in table 3.1 are as follows -

• In POWERTRS bus numbers need not be assigned continuously and there can be cases
wherein some buses are deleted. Maximum bus number in column 1 is the largest bus
number used.

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• Actual number of buses refers to total buses that are physically present in the system.
• Two winding transformers, three winding transformers, lines, series reactors (inductor),
series capacitors and bus couplers are together referred as series elements (branches).
Maximum number of series elements should not exceed 2500. Each three winding
transformer results in three series elements, since equivalent Star connection data is
considered. Sum of total number of two winding transformers and 3 times the number of 3
winding transformers should not exceed 1000. Even though the terminology bus coupler is
used in column 8 of table 3.1, it can refer to switches, isolators and disconnecting switches,
and are modeled as low impedance paths.
• Shunt reactors (inductor), shunt capacitors and shunt impedances are together referred as
shunt elements. Maximum number of shunt elements should not exceed 1000. In
POWERTRS transformer positive and zero sequence impedances are modeled depending
on the winding connection. Zero sequence modeling will have connection to ground from
primary or secondary of the transformer, if the transformer winding is delta connected on
one side and star-grounded on the other side. Numbers of shunt impedances are equal to
the sum of number of actual shunt connections (whose data are given in impedance form)
that exist in the system and the shunt impedances that result due to the modeling of the
• In POWERTRS loads can be modeled as constant power load or constant current load or
constant impedance load or a combination of all the three, along with frequency correction.
Different loads can refer to the same load characteristic. Number of load characteristics is
equal to the different characteristics referenced in the load data.
• POWERTRS computes the frequency at each time interval at the selected buses other than
the generator bus. Also, if the frequency goes below the specified limit, it is possible to trip
the series element or shunt element. In case of loads, loads can be tripped partly or
completely. Under frequency relays monitor the bus frequency and are set to open the
desired breaker. Hence in POWERTRS different series and shunt elements can refer to
same relay characteristics. Number of frequency relays is equal to different relays
referenced in the series element data and shunt element data (including generator and
• POWERTRS computes the bus voltage magnitude at each time interval at all the buses.
Also, if the voltage goes below the specified limit, it is possible to trip the series element or
shunt element. In case of loads, loads can be tripped partly or completely. Under voltage
relays monitor the bus voltage and are set to open the desired breaker. Hence in
POWERTRS different series and shunt elements can refer to it under voltage relay
characteristics. Number of voltage relays is equal to different relays referenced in the series
element data and shunt element data (including generator and load).
• Over current relays are used in the power system to safeguard the equipments from
overloading and from severe disturbances arising from faults. In POWERTRS 3 seconds
and 1.3 seconds over current relays are modeled. Number of over current relays for which
the data is provided is entered in column 18.

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• Distance relays are modeled in POWERTRS using various characteristics. Number of

distance relays for which the data is provided is given in column 19.
• An unique feature of specifying the user defined filter is provided in POWERTRS. Total
number of filters in the system is given in column 20 and should not exceed 20.
• Rolling mill loads are cyclic in nature. Number of cyclic loads in the system is given in
column 21.
• POWERTRS supports standard IEEE representations for voltage regulators and prime
movers and speed governors. In addition, free programmable blocks are supported to
model any other
type of controllers. Total number of free programmable blocks in the system is given in
column 27. For more information on free programmable block representation refer the
manual – PowerFPB.
• Change in wind speed disturbance is only for WT3 type model.
• Change in Wind Turbine Generator generation disturbance is only for WT1, WT2 and WT4
type models.
• Wind Turbine Generator starting disturbance is applicable only for WT1 & WT2.

Stream 3: Program Control Inputs

Different control inputs are read by POWERTRS to control the program flow, results printing and
model selection. These inputs are specified under this stream. Data appearing in different
columns of line 1 of this stream are given in table 3.2
Table 3.2 : Program Control Inputs - Line 1
Col No. Description Type Min Max
1. Number of zones int 0 351
2. Number of disturbances int 0 100
3. Number of nodes for V-I-Z-S output int 0 20
4. Number of iterations in load flow analysis int 5 200
5. Number of time steps for print int 1 10000
6. Index for Load type during post disturbances int 0 1
7. Index for load flow print int 0 1
8. Index for Voltage impedance print int 0 1
9. Index for data details print int 0 1
10. Reference bus for relative swing computation int 0 99999999

Explanations to entries given in table 3.2 are as follows -

• In power system, the equipments are owned by different utilities, and in a same utility,
equipments belong to different zones. Hence each bus is associated with a number called
zone. All the equipment (shunt elements) connected to the bus are attributed to the zone of
the bus. In case of series elements, the line belongs to the zone of the from bus (sending
bus). Number of zones in the given power system data are given in column 1.

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• It is possible to specify a number of disturbances at different time intervals. Total numbers
of disturbances are given in column 2.
• For series elements connected between specified numbers of buses, it is possible to get
the voltage, current, impedance and power at the desired time interval. Total number of
such buses is given in column 3. If the graph of generator variables is to be plotted, then
corresponding generator buses should be included in this list.
• Maximum numbers of iterations refer to the iteration number after which the fast-decoupled
power flow iteration used in POWERTRS is terminated. This number is usually in the range
• Time step for transient stability study is usually in the range 0.01 to 0.025 seconds. While
conducting the study for larger duration, it is not necessary to print or plot the values at
each time interval. Hence facility is given in terms of print interval time step to control the
printing. If the simulation time step is 0.02 seconds, and the print interval time step is 10,
then at every 0.1 seconds the printing of results is done.

• Load type during post disturbance is interpreted as -

0: Impedance type of load.
1: As per the load model specified in the load characteristic.
• Index for load flow print is interpreted as - 0 or 1 where
0: No printing of load flow results.
1: Printing of load flow results
• Index for voltage impedance print is interpreted as -
0: No print of voltage at bus, current in a line, and impedance seen by the distance
1: Print of above quantities.
• Index for data details print is interpreted as -
0: No printing of data
1: Data read is printed
If the swing bus is zero absolute swing of each generator is given. If the bus is other than zero,
swing relative to this bus angle is given.
Stream 3: Line 2: V-I-Z-S Bus Data
This line data is to be provided, only if the number of V-I-Z-S print buses are greater than 0. Bus
numbers corresponding to V-I-Z-S print are given in this line. Hence total number of columns of
data is equal to the number of V-I-Z-S buses. All the fields are of integer type, separated by one
or more blanks.

Stream 3: Line 3 - Model Selection Parameters

In this line, 9 fields are given to select the model for transformer resistance, circuit breaker
impedance etc. Table 3.3 gives the values that appear in different columns of this line.

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Table 3.3 : Model selection parameters
Col No. Description Type Min Max
1. Base MVA float 0.0 1.0e6
2. Base Frequency float 0.1 100.00
3. Transformer R/X ratio float 0.0 1.0
4. Circuit breaker resistance in pu float 0.0 1.0e2
5. Circuit breaker reactance in pu float 0.0001 1.0e2
6. Initial real power tolerance in pu float 1.0e-4 0.1
7. Initial reactive power tolerance in pu float 1.0e-4 0.1
8. Post disturbance real power tolerance in pu float 1.0e-4 0.1
9. Post disturbance reactive power tolerance in pu float 1.0e-4 0.1

Explanations to entries in table 3.3 are as follows -

• Load and generation data are accepted in actual values i.e., MW for real power and Mvar
for reactive power etc. Series and shunt elements' parameters given in the data file are in
pu system. Base MVA is the power base considered to compute the pu quantities.
• Transformer R/X ratio (ratio of resistance to reactance) is usually 0.05. In certain cases, the
resistance value is unknown and hence R/X ratio is used to compute the resistance value,
when the reactance value is given. If the transformer resistance is 0.0, then the resistance
is computed as the product of R/X ratio and the transformer reactance. R/X ratio should be
given as zero to neglect the transformer resistance in the computation. Entry in column 2 of
table 3.3 corresponds to transformer R/X ratio.
• Two techniques are used to model the circuit breaker or switches in closed position. One
technique is to merge buses connected between the circuit breakers and treat the buses as
single bus for all computation purposes. Other technique is to consider the circuit breaker
as a low impedance path. Later is used in the modeling of circuit breakers in POWERTRS.
In this model the resistance value of circuit breaker is zero and reactance value is 0.0001
p.u. But if the impedances of other elements are relatively large, then the circuit breaker
impedance can also be of higher value. Resistance and reactance values of circuit breaker
in p.u are given in columns 3 and 4 of table 3.3, respectively. In some applications
(especially for distribution systems), higher values are to be used for these two quantities.
Since POWERTRS requires the solved base case load flow, circuit breaker resistance and
reactance used while solving the load flow should be given here also.
• Real and reactive power tolerances are in p.u on the given base. These values are used to
check the convergence of fast-decoupled load flow. During each iteration, maximum real
and reactive power mismatch at all buses are computed. When maximum real power
mismatch is less than the real power tolerance and the maximum reactive power mismatch
is less than the reactive power tolerance, convergence is achieved. On hundred MVA base
0.001 p.u is generally an acceptable value for tolerance, which results in 0.1 MW real power
error. If all the load values are relatively large, then tolerance value can be as high as 0.1
p.u on 100 MVA base. Tolerance values for pre-disturbance and post disturbance is given
separately. The values can be same for both the cases.

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Stream 3: Line 4 - Variable Time Step Data

POWERTRS has the facility to consider different time steps for different intervals of study time.
Table 3.4 gives the values that appear in different columns of this line.

Table 3.4 : Variable Time Step Data

Col No. Description Type Min Max
1. End time for interval 1 in seconds float 0.025 1.0e3
2. Time step for interval 1 in seconds float 0.001 0.1
3. End time for interval 2 in seconds float 0.025 1.0e3
4. Time step for interval 2 in seconds float 0.001 0.1
5. End time for interval 3 in seconds float 0.025 1.0e3
6. Time step for interval 3 in seconds float 0.001 0.1
7. Maximum simulation time in seconds float 0.025 1.0e3
8. Time step for interval 4 in seconds float 0.001 0.1

Explanations to entries given in table 3.4 are as follows –

Starting time is always at t = 0.0 seconds.
End of each time interval is measured from the starting time i.e., t = 0.0 seconds.
It is assumed that the end of each time intervals is in the increasing order.
Maximum simulation time is the duration for which POWERTRS should run.
Normal value for maximum simulation time is 3 seconds, and the time step is 0.025 seconds.
Stream 3.1 New Stream: Zone wise Multiplication Factor
In this stream, for each zone, (a) Zone number, (b) Print option, (c) real power multiplication
factor and (d) reactive power multiplication factor are read. Zone zero corresponds to global

Stream 4: Disturbance Data

In this stream, disturbance data is given. Numbers of lines in this stream are equal to the
number of disturbances as specified earlier. Each line consists of 12 fields. Fields are separated
by a blank. Exact value that appears under each column depends on the disturbance type.
Table 3.5 gives the values that appear under different columns.

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Table 3.5 - System Specification – Line 6 : Multiplication factors

Col Description Type Min Max
1. Circuit breaker resistance in pu float 0.0 1.0
2. Circuit breaker reactance in pu float 1.0e-5 1.0
3. Transformer R/X ratio float 0.0 1.0
4. Transformer zero sequence impedance multiplication factor float 0.5 1.0
5. Number of transmission voltage levels int 1 20
6. Transmission line voltage in kV float 0.001 1.0e4
7. Transmission line zero sequence resistance multiplication factor float 0.0 10.0
8. Transmission line zero sequence reactance multiplication factor float 1.0 10.0
9. Transmission line zero sequence admittance multiplication factor float 0.5 1.0
10. Generator negative sequence resistance multiplication factor float 0.0 2.0
11. Generator negative sequence reactance multiplication factor float 0.5 2.0
12. Generator zero sequence resistance multiplication factor float 0.0 2.0
13. Generator zero sequence reactance multiplication factor float 0.5 2.0
14. Load negative sequence impedance multiplication factor float 0.1 2.0
15. Load zero sequence impedance multiplication factor float 0.1 2.0
16. Series reactor zero sequence impedance multiplication factor float 0.5 2.0
17. Shunt reactor zero sequence impedance multiplication factor float 0.5 2.0

Explanations to entries given in table 3.5 are as follows -

• Disturbance number is the serial number of the disturbance. It should be given in the
increasing order, with no numbers missing in between.
• Disturbance type in column 2 is interpreted as –
1. Change in transformer/line parameters
2. Change in shunt impedance load
3. Change in real and reactive power of loads
4. 3 Phase fault creation at a bus
5. 3 Phase fault removal at a bus
6. Change in number of generator sets at a bus
7. Complete generation outage at a bus
8. Simulation of single line to ground fault
9. Clearing of single line to ground fault
10. Reclosing of line with SLG fault cleared
11. Loss of excitation at a generator
12. Change in Shunt Impedance
13. Change in Load Model
14. Motor Start
21. Wind Turbine Generator Starting
• Disturbance time is the time at which the disturbance is applied. The time is measured from
the start of the simulation time i.e., 0.0 seconds. If no disturbance is to be considered, then
this time should be larger than the maximum simulation time.

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• Disturbance buses are interpreted depending on type of disturbance. For disturbance type
1, 9 and 10 the disturbance buses are from and to bus numbers of the series elements. For
all other disturbances, both the numbers should be same and they refer to the bus number
at which the disturbance is considered.
• New value fields are interpreted depending on the type of disturbance. The interpretation is
− For change in transformer/line parameters, the positive sequence resistance,
reactance and susceptance (B/2) in p.u are given in new value 1 fields respectively. In
case of transformer, this field is the new transformer tap. Zero sequence resistance,
reactance and susceptance (B/2) in p.u are given in new value 2 fields respectively.
The values are for the new configuration. Hence to consider the opening of a line,
resistance of the line is given as 0.0 p.u, reactance as 999.9 p.u and susceptance as
0.0 p.u for both positive and zero sequence values.
− For change in shunt impedance load, positive sequence resistance and reactance
values in p.u are given in new value 1, field 1 and 2 respectively. Zero sequence
values are given in new value 2 fields.
− For change in PQ load, new real power load in MW, new reactive power load in M VAr
and new compensating MVAr at the bus are given in new value 1 fields. New value 2
fields are ignored.
− For three phase fault, the fault impedance resistance and reactance in p.u are given in
new value 1, fields 1 and 2 respectively. Other fields are ignored.
− For three phase fault removal, the fault impedance resistance and reactance in p.u that
are to be removed are given in new value 1, fields 1 and 2 respectively. Other fields
are ignored. Normally this value is same as the one given in case of application of 3 -
phase fault.
− For change in number of generator sets at a bus, the old and new real generator
ratings in MW are given in new value 1 field 1 and 2 respectively. Other fields are
ignored. Since the ratio of old value to new value is of interest, old number of units and
new number of units can also be given in new value 1 field 1 and 2 respectively.
− For complete generation outage at a bus, the new value fields are ignored.
− For fault types 8 to 9, new value fields are ignored.

• If the disturbance type is 9, then the SLG fault clearing type is interpreted as -
− 0: Clearing of SLG fault applied at a bus.
− 1: Single pole opening on from bus side.

• Disturbance type 10 is applicable, only if disturbance 9 is considered with clearing type as

• For a line outage disturbance the line impedance will be changed. Till the line impedance is
999 the line is not physically open. Means if the network gets islanded with that line outage
then to see that effect the line impedance should be given a value more than 999.
• Disturbance Wind turbine generator starting, is applicable only for WT1 and WT2 type wind

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Stream 5: Generator Bus Numbers

In this stream all the bus numbers of synchronous and asynchronous machines connected to
the system are given. The fields are of integer type and generator/motor bus numbers are
separated by one or more blanks.
Stream 6: Bus Data

In this stream of data, bus details are given. Total number of lines of data is equal to actual
number of buses as given under system size specification stream. The data in columns of each
line are given in table 3.6.
Table 3.7 - Bus
Col No. Description Type Min Max
1. Bus number int 1 9999
2. Bus status int 0 1
3. Zone number int 1 20
4. Bus voltage in kV float 0.001 1.0e5
5. Bus name char 1 8
6. Voltage magnitude in pu float 0.5 2.0
7. Voltage angle in degrees float -360.0 360.0
8. Real power generation at bus in MW float -1.0e6 1.0e6
9. Reactive power generation at bus in Mvar float -1.0e6 1.0e6
10. Real power load at bus in MW float -1.0e6 1.0e6
11. Reactive power load at bus in Mvar float -1.0e6 1.0e6
12. Reactive compensation provided at bus in Mvar float -1.0e6 1.0e6

Explanations to entries given in table 3.6 are as follows –

• Bus number refers to the number by which the buses are identified. Bus numbers need not
be continuous and buses belonging to different zones can be referenced by having different
starting numbers (i.e., buses in zone 1 can have the bus numbers from 1 to 200, buses in
zone2 can have the numbers from 201 to 300 and so on. When input file is created through
MiP-PSCT's integrated environment, the buses are numbered automatically and the
numbers are transparent to the user.
• Island number is the island to which the bus belongs. This number is obtained from the load
flow study. If there are no islands in the system, then this field is unity.
• As explained earlier, zone field refers to the zone number to which the bus belongs.
• Bus voltage entry given in column 4 of table 3.6 is in kilovolts and it is also the base voltage
for the bus.
• Buses are more commonly referred by names rather than numbers. Bus name is a string of
maximum 9 characters. Any alphanumeric characters can constitute the bus name. Bus
name should be unique.
• Base case load flow solution's bus voltage magnitude in p.u, voltage angle in degrees,
power generation at the bus (MW and MVAr), load at the bus (MW, MVAr and

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• Compensation in MVAr) are obtained from the initial load flow run on the system under

Stream 7: Transformer Data

In this stream of data, transformer details are given. Figure 3.1 shows the modeling of the
transformer with off nominal turn’s ratio. Figure 3.2 shows the modeling of phase shifting
transformer. Three winding transformers are modeled using equivalent star connection between
the windings. Figure 3.3 shows the modeling of three-winding transformer. Total number of lines
of data in this stream are equal to sum of number of 2-winding transformers and three times the
number of three winding transformers. The data that appear in different columns of each line
are given in table 3.7.

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p a q
p a:1 q

(1/a) ((1/a) Y-pq

Two winding transformewr ith

off-nominal turns ratio Equivalent circuit

Figure 3.1 - Two winding transformer representation

q Zp
p p
o Zr

Three winding transformer Equivalent circuit

Figure 3.2 - Three winding transformer representation

(as + jbs ) : 1
(as + Jbs ) : 1 Ypq

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p q p

Phase shifting transformer Equivalent circuit

3.3 Phase shifting Transformer Representation

Table 3.7: Transformer Data

Col.No. Description Type Min Max
1. Connection status int 0 3
2. Numbers in parallel int 1 10
3. From bus number int 1 99999999
4. To bus number int 1 99999999
5. Positive sequence resistance in pu. float 0.0 1.0e2
6. Positive sequence reactance in pu. float 1.0e-4 1.0e2
7. Zero sequence resistance in pu. float 0.0 1.0e2
8. Zero sequence reactance in pu. float 0.0 1.0e2
9. Nominal tap setting in pu. float 0.5 1.5
10. Phase shift float 0.0 360.0
11. From side frequency relay number int 0 20
12. From side voltage relay number int 0 20
13. To side frequency relay number int 0 20
14. To side voltage relay number int 0 20
15. Transformer phase shift float 0.0 360.0
16. Primary winding configuration Char
17. Secondary winding configuration Char

Explanations to entries given in table 3.7 are as follows -

• Connection status is interpreted as

− 0: Transformer is open on either ends.
− 1: Transformer is open on from end.
− 2: Transformer is open on to end.
− 3: Transformer is closed on either ends.
Values 0 and 3 are of significant. If the status value is 3, then only the transformer is
modeled in the analysis. Numbers in parallel is used for information purpose only.
• From bus number and To bus number are the buses on either side to which the transformer
is connected. The numbers must be present in the bus data stream.
• Transformer impedance values are in p.u on a common base for the equivalent circuit. i.e.,
if there are n transformers in parallel, then impedance value per transformer on its own
rating is divided by n and then converted to a common base. If the resistance value is zero,
effective resistance is computed by multiplying the transformer reactance by the r/x ratio.

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• Nominal tap setting is the tap setting at which the study is to be carried out. It is assumed
that the transformer tap is provided on the from bus side. Hence, since the transformer taps
are usually provided on the high voltage winding, it is always preferred to specify the from
bus side as the high voltage bus number. In case of three-winding transformer, tap is
specified from the HT winding to additional node arising because of the equivalent star
connection representation. For branches from other two windings, the nominal tap is unity.
At unity tap setting, one p.u voltage applied at the from bus produces one p.u voltage at the
to bus on no load. In case of phase shifting transformers, the phase shift is represented in
polar form. The phase shift magnitude is entered in the nominal tap position, while phase
shift angle is provided in the phase shift position. Phase shift angle is in degrees.

The 10 field is phase shift of phase shift transformer.
• The 15th field is phase shift due to the winding configuration.
• Zero sequence transformer connection exists in the branch information only if the transformer
winding is grounded on either side. Otherwise transformer zero sequence reactance should be
of high value (usually 999.99 PU). If the transformer is grounded through any impedance, times
the ground impedance value should be added to the zero sequence impedance. Figures 3.4 and
3.5 shows the transformer positive and zero sequence network connections.

Ztp Ztz
p q p q p p` q` q

Delta / Delta Connection Positive / negative Zero sequence equivalent

sequence equivalent

Ztp Ztz
p p q p p` q` q

Delta / Star Connection Positive / negative zero sequence equivalent

Sequence equivalent

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Ztp Ztz + 3Zg

p q p q p p` q` q

Delta / Star-ground Positive / negative zero sequence equivalent

Connection sequence equivalent

q p p` q` q
p q p

Star / Star Connection Posit ive / negative Zero sequence equivalent

sequence equivalent

Ztp Ztz+3Zg
p q p q p p` q` q

Star / Star-ground Positive / negative zero sequence equivalent

Connection Sequence equivalent

Ztp q Ztz +3Zpg+3Zqg

p q p p p` q` q

Star-ground / Star-ground Positive / negative zero sequence equivalent

Connection sequence equivalent

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Figure 3.4 - Positive, negative and zero sequence representation of two winding
transformer for different connection.

Zpq Zqz
q q` q
Zpp Zpz
q p p p`
p Zzp Zrz
r r` r

Zpq Zqz
q q` q
q Zpp Zpz+3Zpg
p p p`
p Zzp Zrz
r r` r

Zpq Zqz+3Zqg q`
q q
q p Zpp p p` Zpz+3Zpg
p Zzp

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r r` r

Figure 3.5 positive, negative and zero sequence representation of three-phase


Frequency and voltage dependent tripping of transformer is possible in POWERTRS. Relay

number to be referred for the transformer from and to side to isolate the transformer is given in
columns 11 to 14.

Stream 8: Transmission Line Data

In this stream of data, transmission line details are given. Lines/Cables are modeled using
equivalent circuit as shown in figure 3.6.

Rlp Xlp q Rlz Xlz

p q p p q

Blp/2 Blz/2
Blp/2 Blz/2

Three phase Positive and Negative Zero sequence

overhead line sequence Πequivalent Π equivalent

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Figure 3.6 - Three phase over head line modeling

Total number of lines of data in this stream is equal to number of transmission lines as given in
specification stream. The data that appears in different columns of each line are given in table

Table 3.8 : Transmission Line Data

Col No. Description Type Min Max
1. Connection status int 0 3
2. Numbers of circuits int 1 10
3. From bus number int 1 9999
4. To bus number int 1 9999
5. Positive sequence resistance in p.u. float -1.0e3 1.0e3
6. Positive sequence reactance in p.u. float -1.0e3 1.0e3
7. Positive sequence susceptance (B/2) in p.u. float 0.0 1.0e3
8. Zero sequence resistance in p.u. float -1.0e3 1.0e3
9. Zero sequence reactance in p.u. float -1.0e3 1.0e3
10. Zero sequence susceptance (B/2) in p.u. float 0.0 1.0e3
11. From side frequency relay number int 0 20
12. From side voltage relay number int 0 20
13. To side frequency relay number int 0 20
14. To side voltage relay number int 0 20

Explanations to entries given in table 3.8 are as follows -

• Connection status is interpreted as
− 0: Line is open on either ends.
− 1: Line is open on from end.
− 2: Line is open on to end.
− 3: Line is closed on either ends.

Values 0 and 3 are of significant. If the status value is 3, then only the line is modeled in
the analysis.
• Number of circuits in parallel is used to modify the line impedance in the case of single pole
• From bus number and to bus number are the buses on either side to which the line is
connected. The numbers must be present in the bus data stream.
• Line impedance values are in p.u on a common base for the equivalent circuit. i.e., if there
are n lines in parallel, then impedance value per line is divided by n and then converted to a
common base.
• Frequency and voltage dependent tripping of line is possible in POWERTRS. Relay number
to be referred for the line from and to side to isolate the line is given in columns 11 to 14.

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Stream 9: Series Reactor and Capacitor Data

In this stream, data for series reactor and capacitor are given. Series reactor and capacitor are
modeled as series element consisting of resistance (usually zero or negligible value) in series
with inductive or capacitive reactance. Figure 3.7 and 3.8 show the modeling of series inductor
and capacitor respectively.

p q p R X q

Series reactor Equivalent circuit

Figure 3.7: Series reactor (inductor) representation

Rc X
p q

Series capacitor Equivalent circuit

Figure 3.8: Series capacitor representation

Total number of lines of data in this stream is equal to the sum of number of series reactors and
capacitors as given in specification stream. The data that appears in different columns of each
line are given in table 3.9.
Table 3.9: Series Reactor/Capacitor Data
Col No. Description Type Min Max
1. Connection status int 0 3
2. From bus number int 1 9999
3. To bus number int 1 9999
4. Positive sequence resistance in p.u. float 0.0 1.0e3
5. Positive sequence reactance in p.u. float 1.0e-4 1.0e3
6. Zero sequence resistance in p.u. float 0.0 1.0e3
7. Zero sequence reactance in p.u. float 0.0 1.0e3
8. From side frequency relay number int 0 20
9. From side voltage relay number int 0 20
10. To side frequency relay number int 0 20
11. To side voltage relay number int 0 20

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Explanations to entries given in table 3.9 are as follows -

• Connection status is interpreted as
− 0: Series reactor/capacitor is open on either ends.
− 1: Series reactor/capacitor is open on from end.
− 2: Series reactor/capacitor is open on to end.
− 3: Series reactor/capacitor is closed on either ends.
Values 0 and 3 are of significant. If the status value is 3, then only the reactor/capacitor is
modeled in the analysis.
• From bus number and to bus number are the buses on either side to which the
reactor/capacitor is connected. The numbers must be present in the bus data stream.
Reactor/capacitor impedance values are in p.u on a common base.
• Resistance value of the reactor/capacitor is usually zero or of negligible value.
• Frequency and voltage dependent tripping of series reactor/capacitor is possible in
POWERTRS. Relay number to be referred for the reactor/capacitor from and to side to
isolate the reactor/capacitor is given in columns 8 to 11.
Stream 10: Circuit Breaker Data
In this stream, data for circuit breakers and isolating switches are given. Switches are modeled
as series element consisting of resistance (usually zero or of negligible value) and reactance
(small non zero value) whose values are given in system specifications. Figure 3.9 shows the
circuit breaker in closed position.
Rcbr Xcbr
p q p q

Circuit breaker (isolator) Equivalent circuit

Figure 3.9 - Circuit breaker representation in closed position

Total number of lines of data in this stream is equal to the number of circuit breakers. The data
that appears in different columns of each line are given in table 3.10.

Table 3.10: Circuit Breaker Data

Col No. Description Type Min Max
1. Connection status int 0 3
2. From bus number int 1 9999
3. To bus number int 1 9999
4. Frequency relay number int 0 20
5. Voltage relay number int 0 20

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Explanations to entries given in table 3.10 are as follows -

• Connection status is interpreted as
− 0: Circuit breaker is opened.
− 3: Circuit breaker is closed.
• Frequency and voltage dependent tripping of circuit breaker is possible in POWERTRS.
Relay number to be referred to isolate the breaker is given in columns 4 and 5.
Stream 11: Shunt Connection (Admittance) Data
In this stream, data for shunt reactors and capacitors in admittance form is given. Admittance
value in pu consists of conductance and susceptance. For shunt inductive reactor, susceptance
is negative and for shunt capacitor, susceptance value is positive. Conductance value is zero or
of negligible value. Total number of lines of data in this stream is equal to the sum of shunt
reactors and capacitors, whose values are given in admittance form. The data that appears in
different columns of each line are given in table 3.11.

Table 3.11 : Shunt Reactor/Capacitor (Admittance form) Data

Col No. Description Type Min Max
1. From bus number int 1 9999
2. Positive sequence conductance in p.u. float -1.0e-4 1.0e4
3. Positive sequence susceptance in p.u. float -1.0e4 1.0e4
4. Zero sequence conductance in p.u. float -1.0e-4 1.0e4
5. Zero sequence susceptance in p.u. float -1.0e4 1.0e4
6. Frequency relay number int 0 20
7. Voltage relay number int 0 20

Explanations to entries given in table 3.11 are as follows -

• `From bus number’ is the bus number to which the shunt inductor/capacitor is connected.
• Usually the reactor/capacitor value will be specified in Mvar at the rated voltage. If the rated
voltage is the base voltage at the bus, then the magnitude of susceptance value in p.u is
equal to the specified Mvar value in p.u. The sign is positive for capacitive reactor and
negative for inductive reactor. Thus the susceptance value of 63 Mvar inductor at 420 kV is
-0.57143 p.u on 100 MVA base at 400 kV. Similarly, susceptance value of 50 MVAR
capacitor at 420 kV is 0.45351 p.u on 100 MVA base at 400 kV.
• Frequency and voltage dependent tripping of reactor/capacitor is possible in POWERTRS.
Relay number to be referred to isolate the breaker is given in columns 6 and 7.

Stream 12: Shunt Connection (Impedance) Data

In this stream, data for shunt reactors and capacitors in impedance form is given. Impedance
value in p.u consists of resistance and reactance. For shunt inductive reactor, reactance is
positive and for shunt capacitor, reactance value is negative. Resistance is zero or of negligible
value. In some particular system studies, shunt element data is readily available in impedance

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form. Also, in some studies loads are represented in impedance form. When a network is
reduced, all the loads can be lumped at a bus as impedance load. In these cases this stream of
data is used. Because of the transformer winding connection, if there results any ground
connection for zero sequence network, then that information is also given in this stream. Since
corresponding positive sequence network has no ground connection, a high value is given for
positive sequence reactance (usually 999.99 p.u.).
Total number of lines of data in this stream is equal to the shunt impedance number as given in
specification stream. The data that appears in different columns of each line are given in table
Table 3.12 : Shunt Impedance Data
Col No. Description Type Min Max
1. From bus number int 1 9999
2. Positive sequence resistance in p.u. float 0.00 1.0e3
3. Positive sequence reactance in p.u. float -1.0e3 1.0e4
4. Zero sequence resistance in p.u. float 0.00 1.0e3
5. Zero sequence reactance in p.u. float -1.0e3 1.0e4

Explanations to entries given in table 3.12 are as follows -

• From bus number’ is the bus number to which the shunt impedance is connected.
• If the load power at the nominal voltage (base voltage) is known, then the impedance value
in p.u is computed as the reciprocal of the conjugate of the complex power in p.u. Thus the
p.u resistance and reactance values of 80 MW and 60 Mvar load are 0.8 and 0.6
respectively on 100 MVA base.
• If the transformer is delta connected on primary and star grounded on secondary, then zero
sequence shunt connection exists from the transformer secondary bus to ground. Also if the
transformer is star grounded on primary and delta connected on secondary, then zero
sequence shunt connection exists from the transformer primary to ground. In either case
positive sequence reactance value is high i.e., approximately 999.0 p.u.

Stream 13: Filter Data

In this stream of data, filter details are given. For each filter, the bus numbers to which the filter
is connected and the number of branch elements (Resistor, Inductor, and Capacitor) that
constitute the filter are given followed by the actual filter data. Hence total number of lines of
data in this stream is equal to sum of number of filters as given in the specification stream and
sum of number of filter branches of each filter. The data that appears in different columns of
each line for a filer branch are given in table 3.13.

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Table 3.13: Filter Data

Col No. Description Type Min Max
1. Filter branch number int 0 20
2. From node int 0 9999
3. To node int 0 9999
4. Filter element type int 1 3
5. Element value float 0.0 1.0e4

Explanation to entries in the table 3.13 is as follows -

• Branch number is the serial number of the filter branch. Total number of branches per filter
should be less than 20.
• Filter nodes are numbered in order considering the reference node (ground) as 0 and the
bus to which the filter is connected as 1. From and to filter nodes refer to the node numbers
of the filter, between which the basic filter element is connected.
• Filter element type is interpreted as -
1. Resistor, element value unit is in Ohm.
2. Inductor, element value unit is in Henry.
3. Capacitor, element value unit is in Farad.

In the transient stability study, the equivalent shunt admittance in p.u, from the filter bus to the
ground is computed at the specified system frequency, bus voltage and base MVA. If a filter at
bus say 8, consists of resistor, inductor and capacitor connected as shown in figure 3.10, then
the data appearing for the filter is as follows -

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Figure 3.10: Example of a Filter Data

Bus = 8 Filter Branch Elements = 15

Branch From Node To Node Branch Active Value
Element Type
1 1 2 3 000.417e-6
2 2 3 2 000.974
3 3 0 1 037.000
4 1 4 3 000.417e-6
5 4 5 2 000.497
6 5 0 1 026.600
7 1 6 3 000.417e-6
8 6 7 2 000.201
9 7 0 1 016.900
10 1 8 3 000.417e-6
11 8 9 2 000.145
12 9 0 1 014.400
13 1 10 3 000.417e-6
14 10 0 2 0.085
15 10 0 1 452.00
Only values need to be entered

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Stream 14: Load Data

In this stream of data, load details are given. Total number of lines of data in this stream is equal
to number of loads as given in specification stream. The data that appears in different columns
of each line are given in table 3.14.
Table 3.14: Load Data
Col No. Description Type Min Max
1. Load bus number Int 1 9999
2. Real power load in MW Float -1.0e6 1.0e6
3. Reactive power load in Mvar Float -1.0e6 1.0e6
4. Compensating Mvar Float -1.0e6 1.0e6
5. Load characteristic number int 0 20
6. Load frequency relay number int 0 20
7. Load voltage relay number int 0 20
Explanations to entries given in table 3.14 are as follows -
• Load bus number is the bus number to which the load is connected. This number should be
provided in the bus data stream.
• Real power and reactive power load values are the scheduled values at the scheduled
frequency and nominal voltage. Nominal voltage is equal to the base voltage at the bus.
Scheduled frequency is read under system specification stream. This is normally either 50
Hz or 60 Hz.
• Loads are modeled as constant power load or constant current load or constant impedance
load or as a combination of all, including the frequency dependency. Modeling of the load is
determined by the load characteristic number. If the load characteristic number is zero, then
the loads are modeled as constant power type. At any bus i, the expressions for loads are
given by
For Load char. Number Less than or Equal to 50

P =P
i i
(1+cp i ∆ f) (cp i +cp iV i +cp i V iV i )
L LO f p i z

Q =Q
i i
(1+cq i ∆ f )(cq i +cq iV i +cq i V iV i )
L LO f p i z

For Const. P Load - Cp = 1, Ci = 0, Cz = 0

For Const. I Load - Cp = 0, Ci = 1, Cz = 0
For Const. Z Load - Cp = 0, Ci = 0, Cz = 1
For Load char. Number greater than 50

i i i i cpi
PL = PLO (1 + cp f * ∆ f ) (cp p (Vi )
i )
i i i i cqi
Q L = QLO ( 1 + cq f * ∆ f ) ( cq p (Vi ) i )

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For Const. P Load - Cp = 1, Ci = 0, Cz = Not Used

For Const. I Load - Cp = 1, Ci = 1, Cz = Not Used
For Const. Z Load - Cp = 1, Ci = 2, Cz = Not Used
Pi : Actual real power at the bus i in pu.
f = f- fo
Pi : Scheduled real power at the bus i in pu.
cpi : Coeff. of frequency dependence for P at bus I
cp : Constant power fraction for P at bus i.
cp : Constant current fraction for P at bus i.
cpi : Constant impedance fraction for P at bus i.
V : Magnitude of the voltage at bus i in pu.
i i i
NOTE : ∑ ( cp p + cpi + cpz ) = 1.0
Qi : Actual reactive power at the bus i in pu.
Qi : Scheduled reactive power at the bus i in pu.
cqi : Coeff. of frequency dependence for Q at bus i.
cq : Constant power fraction for Q at bus i.
cq : Constant current fraction for Q at bus i.
cqi : Constant impedance fraction for Q at bus i.
∑ ( cq i + cq i + cq i ) = 1. 0
p i z

e Po
frequency fo
Variation of P with Frequency

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Const. Z Const. I

1.0 Const. P

P in Pu

V in Pu
Variation of Real Power with Voltage

cpf = 2.5, cpp = 0.5, cpi = 0.3, cpz = 0.2, implies real power changes by 5% for 1 Hz. change in
frequency, 50% of the load is constant power type, 30% of the load is constant current type and
20% of load is constant impedance type. If the voltage at a bus goes below the specified value,
then the load model for that bus is switched from the given model to constant impedance model
as explained in the "system specification stream".
• Compensating Mvar is the fixed compensation provided at the bus. It is assumed that
irrespective of the bus voltage, compensating Mvar remains constant. If at a bus fixed
capacitor or inductor is present, it is advisable to provide the compensation data as shunt
impedance/admittance at the bus.
• Load characteristic number is the number given in the load characteristi c data to be
referred for the modeling of the load at the bus. Load characteristic is detailed under "load
characteristic stream".
• Frequency and voltage dependent tripping of loads is possible in POWERTRS. Relay
number to be referred to isolate the breaker is given in columns 4 and 5.

Stream 15: Load Characteristic Data

In this stream of data, load characteristic details are given. Total number of lines of data in this
stream is equal to number of load characteristics as given in specification stream. The data that
appears in different columns of each line are given in table 3.15.

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Table 3.15: Load Characteristic Data

Col.No. Description Type Min Max
1. Load characteristic number int 1 9999
2. Real power - constant power factor float 0.0 1.0
3. Real power - constant current factor float 1.0 10.0
4. Real power - constant impedance factor float 0.0 1.0
5. Reactive power - constant power factor float 0.0 1.0
6. Reactive power - constant current factor float 0.0 1.0
7. Reactive power - constant impedance factor float 0.0 1.0
8. Real power - frequency factor float 0 20
9. Reactive power - frequency factor float 0 20

Explanations to entries given in table 3.15 are as follows -

• Loads are modeled as explained in load data. The Load characteristic number given here
should match the one given under load data.
• Frequency factor of 0.05 implies the load changes by 5 percent for 1 p.u. change in

Stream 16: Island Data

When base case load flow is done taking the generator and load regulation characteristics, the
solution obtained may not be at the nominal system frequency for flat tie line power control.
Hence POWERTRS accepts frequency of each island as additional input. This stream consists
of two lines of data. In first line the total number of islands in the solved base case system is
given. In the subsequent line, the frequency of each island is given. Fields are of float type and
are separated by one or more blanks.

Stream 17: Machine Data

In this stream of data, Machine details are given. Total number of lines of data in this stream is
equal to the sum of number of synchronous and asynchronous machines as given under system
specification field. For each synchronous machine (generator) 22 fields are read. Order of data
input for each generator is given in table 3.16.

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Table 3.16 : Generator Parameter Data

Sl No. Description Type Min Max
1. Generator bus number int 1 9999
2. Type of modeling int 1 3
3. Number of units int 1 20
4. Machine MVA rating Float 0.0 1.0e6
5. Inertia constant (H) Float 1.0e-3 1.0e4
6. Steady state resistance in p.u (ra ) Float 0.0 1.0e2
7. Direct axis transient reactance in p.u (xd' ) Float 1.0e-4 1.0e2
8. Quadrature axis transient reactance in pu (xq' ) Float 1.0e-4 1.0e2
9. Steady state negative sequence reactance in p.u (xn ) Float 1.0e-4 1.0e2
10. Steady state zero sequence resistance in p.u (R0 ) Float 1.0e-4 1.0e2
11. Steady state zero sequence reactance in p.u (x0 ) Float 1.0e-4 1.0e2
12. Damping factor (df) Float 0.0 1.0e2
13. Steady state direct axis reactance in p.u (xd ) Float 1.0e-4 1.0e2
14. Steady state quadrature axis reactance in p.u (xq ) Float 1.0e-4 1.0e2
15. Potier reactance in p.u (xp ) Float 1.0e-4 1.0e2
16. Sub-transient direct axis reactance in p.u (xd") Float 1.0e-4 1.0e2
17. Sub-transient quadrature axis reactance in p.u (xq" ) Float 1.0e-4 1.0e3
18. Transient direct axis open circuit time constant in Float 1.0e-4 1.0e3
seconds (tdo' )
Transient quadrature axis open circuit Float 1.0e-4 1.0e3
19. time constant in seconds (tqo' )
20. Sub-transient direct axis open circuit time constant in float 1.0e-4 1.0e3
seconds (td0" )
21. Sub-transient quadrature axis open circuit time constant float 1.0e-4 1.0e3
in seconds (tq0" )
22. Frequency relay number int 0 20
23. Voltage relay number int 0 20
Explanation for the entries in the table 3.16 is as follows -
• Generator bus number is the bus number to which the generator is connected. This number
should match with the bus number present in the `Generator Bus Data' stream.
• Type of modeling is interpreted as -
1. Simple representation of voltage behind transient direct axis reactance.
2. Representation with transient reactance and time constants.
3. Representation with transient and sub-transient reactances and time constants.
• The machine data used for modeling depends on the type of model. But irrespective of the
model, all the data values should be given as input. But the values not considered in the
model are ignored.
• All the machine parameters are given in p.u on the machine rating for individual machines.
Machine rating in MVA and number of units are used to convert the parameters to a
common base.
• Since the machine parameters are per machine, number of units is read to convert the
machine parameters to a common base.

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• If the machine parameters are already available in common base for the equivalent system
(considering number of machines in parallel), then machine rating is given as common base
MVA and number of units in parallel as 1.
• Frequency and voltage dependent tripping of generator is possible in POWERTRS. Under
frequency and under voltage relay numbers to be referred to isolate the generator is given
in columns 21 and 22 respectively.
For asynchronous motors (induction motors), 14 fields are read for each motor. Figure 3.11
gives the modeling of Induction motor.

I1 R1 X1 X2 I2

Xm R2

Figure 3.11 - Equivalent Circuit Diagram of Induction Motor

Table 3.17 gives the fields read for each induction motor.
Table 3.17 : Induction Motor Parameter Data
Sl No. Description Type Min Max
1. Motor bus number int 1 9999
2. Type of modeling int 4 6
3. Number of units int 0 999
4. Motor MVA rating float 1.0e-3 1.0e6
5. Inertia constant (H- MJ/ MVA) in seconds float 1.0e-3 1.0e4
6. Stator resistance in pu. (r1) float 0.0 1.0e2
7. Stator reactance in pu (x1) float 1.0e-4 1.0e2
8. Rotor resistance in pu (r2) at Slip = 1 float 1.0e-4 1.0e2
9. Rotor reactance in pu (x2) at Slip = 1 float 1.0e-4 1.0e2
10. Rotor resistance in pu (r2) at Slip = 0 float 1.0e-4 1.0e2
11. Rotor reactance in pu (x2) at Slip = 0 float 1.0e-4 1.0e2
12. Magnetizing reactance in pu (xm) float 1.0e-4 1.0e3
13. Initial motor slip (s) in pu float 0.0 1.0
14. C1 float 0.0 1.0
15. C2 float 0.0 1.0
16. C3 float 0.0 1.0
17. Motor rated power in MW float 1.0e-4 1.0e2
18. Mode int 0 2
19. Slip set (tap-cutoff-slip for sync. Motor) float 0.10000 1.0
20. Time Cut-off float 0.0 1.0e2
21. Auto tap float 0.0 1.000

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22. Resistance-Start float 1.0e-4 1.0e2

23. Resistance-end float 1.0e-4 1.0e2
24. Frequency relay number int 0 20
25. Voltage relay number int 0 20

Explanations for the entries in the table 3.17 are as follows -

• Motor bus number is the bus number to which the motor is connected.
• Model type is usually 4 for induction motor. Type 1 to 3 is reserved for generators. Model
type 10 refers to Characteristic modeling of motor.

For Model type 4 –

• Motor parameters should be given in pu on a common base, selected for the study.
• During Motor starting on load the torque of the motor is given by,

T = Tc ( C1 + C2N + C3N2 )
Tc : No-load torque,
C1 : Constant independent of Speed,
C2 : Constant proportional to speed and
C3 : Constant proportional to square of the speed.
Sum of these constants is 1(C1+ C2+ C3 =1.0).
If the sum of these constants is greater than 1.0, then the load modeling is considered
from speed vs torque characteristics.

• If the initial slip is 1.0, motor is at stand still and the study is equivalent to starting of the
motor. If the motor is already running, then corresponding slip value should be given.
• Mode is interpreted as
0 – Auto-transformer /DOL start
1 – Resistance start, the starting resistance and the ending resistance should be given
2 – Star delta start
• Slip set is the steady state slip of the motor in pu.
• Time cut-off in seconds
• The auto tap implies the auto transformer tap setting during starting in pu.
• Frequency and voltage dependent tripping of motor is possible in POWERTRS. Under
frequency and under voltage relay numbers to be referred to isolate the motor are given in
columns 24 and 25 respectively.
In case of synchronous motor starting-
• Synchronous motor is considered as a generator of model type 3 with negative MW power.
In initial stages of starting the motor is considered as induction motor and at the slip equal
to tap-cutoff-slip the modeling is considered as synchronous motor.
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• The input data is same as generator input data with the model type 6 in case of auto-
transformer starting otherwise detailed model of generator (type 3) is to be considered. In
addition to this data additional motor specific data has to be given. The sample form at is as

Motor bus no : 15 Bus name : BUS15

Model type : 6 units : 1
MVA : 3.75 H : 7.73000
Ra : 0.00372 xd' : 0.01013
xq' : 0.02743 xn : 0.16087
x0 : 2.24962 df : 1.00000
xd : 1.00000 xq : 0.00000
xp : 0.00000 xd" : 0.00000
xq" : 0.10000 tdo' : 1.00000
tqo' : 0.00000 tdo" : 0.00000
tqo" : 1.00000 Frequency Relay No : 5
Voltage Relay No : 0 c1 : 1.00000
c2 : 0.00000 c3 : 0.00000
p : 1.00000 slip : 0.00000
tap-cutoff-slip : 0.06000 auto-tap : 0.02400
Vfld : 0.00000 rf-ext : 0.0000
Here Vfld and rf-ext are not used at present.
If the sum of the constants C1+C2+C3 is greater than 1.0, then the load modeling is considered
from speed vs torque characteristics. The motor data from column 1 to 25 is read. This is
followed by number of characteristic points. For each point the Table 3.17 – a gives the fields

Table 3.17-a : Induction Motor Load Characteristic data

Sl No. Description Type Min Max
1. Speed in pu float .1 1
2. Power in pu float 0.0 6

For Model Type 10 -

Column number 1 to 4 are read. This is followed by number of characteristic data. Table 3.17-b
gives the fields read for each characteristic data. Number of lines of data is equal to number of
characteristic data.

Table 3.17-b : Induction Motor Characteristic data

Sl No. Description Type Min Max
3. Time in seconds float 1 9999
4. Real power in pu float 0 6
5. Reactive power in pu float 0 6

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Stream 18: Voltage Regulator Data

In this stream, voltage regulator details are given. Figures 3.11 to 3.16 give different IEEE types
of regulators that are modeled in POWERTRS. Voltage regulators given under this stream
should not include the regulators realized using the free programmable blocks.
Se= f(Efd)
Vr max
+ 1 Ef
V 1
Σ + Σ
Ka + Σ
1+ sTrec - (1 + sTa ) (Ke + sTe )
- Vrmin Efdmin

sK f
1+ sT f

Figure 3.11 - Excitation System Type 1

Typical Parameters
Parameter Value Parameter Value
Trec 0.01 -- 0.10 Ta 0.025 -- 0.2
Ts Tc 0.5 -- 1.0 Tf 0.5 -- 1.0
Ka 25 -- 200 Ke -0.5 -- 1.0
kf 0.01 -- 0.1
Se= f(Efd)
Vr max
VT + Ka 1
Σ + Σ + Σ
1+ sTrec - (1 + sTa ) (Ke + sTe )
- - Vrmin Efdmin

sK f
(1 + sT f 1 )(1+ sT f 2 )

Figure 3.12- Excitation System Type - 2

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Typical Parameters
Parameter Value Parameter Value
Trec 0.01 --- 0.05 Ta 0.01 --- 0.05
Te 0.5 --- 1.0 Tf1 ≅ 1.0
Tf2 ≅ 0.1 Ka 50--200-400-600
Ke ≅ 1.0 Kf 0.01 - 0.05

Vr max

+ Ka (1+ s) Efd
1+ sTrec - (1+ sTa ) (1+10s)

Figure 3.13- Excitation System Type - 3


VT + (1+ sT f 1 ) Efd
+ Σ
1+ sTrec - (1+ sTa ) (1+ sT f 2 )
+ s Efdmin

Figure 3.14 - Excitation System Type - 4

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Vr max

+ K a (1+ sTe )(1+ sT f 1 ) 1
1+ sTrec - (1+ sTa )(1+ sT f 2 ) (1 + sTs )
Vrmin Efdmin
+ sT y 1 input
Σ Kx1
(1+ sT y ) (1+ sTx ) ∆ω
(1+ sTz )

Figure 3.15 - Excitation System Type - 5

Typical Parameters
Parameter Value Parameter Value
Trec 0.01 -- 0.025 Ts 0.025
Te ≅ 1.0 Tf1 ≅ 0.06
Ta 40.0 Tf2 ≅ 0.024
ka≅ 200.0

input 1 (1+ sTy +
∆ω sTx ) (1+ sTy)
Kx1 Σ

P + Lm2
(1+ sTy )

Figure 3.16- Power System Stabilizer Type - 1

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For each regulator 18 fields are read. Data appearing under different fields for each regulator is
given in table 3.18.
Table 3.18 : Voltage Regulator Details
Sl No. Description Type Min Max
1. Bus number int 1 9999
2. Type of AVR int 0 10
3. PSS status int 0 10
4. Gain of amplifier (Ka ) float 0.0 100.0
5. Time constant of amplifier (Ta ) float 0.0 10.0
6. Gain of exciter (Ke ) float -100.0 100.0
7. Exciter time constant (Te ) float 0.0 10.0
8. (Vk f) float 0.0 10.0
9. (T f1 ) float 0.0 10.0
10. (Tf2 ) float 0.0 100.0
11. Input filter time constant (Trec ) float 0.0 10.0
12. (Vts ) float 0.0 100.0
13. Saturation function value (Vse1 ) at 0.75 times float 0.0 10.0
14. Saturation function value (V se2 ) at Efdmax, float 0.0 10.0
15. Maximum regulator output (Vrmax ) float 0.0 10.0
16. Minimum regulator output (Vrmin ) float -10.0 0.0
17. Maximum excitor output (Efdmax ) float 0.0 10.0
18. Minimum excitor output (Efdmin ) float -10.0 0.0

Explanations for the entries in table 3.18 are as follows -

• Figures 3.11 to 3.16 can be referred to know the significance of each value.
• Bus number refers to the generator bus number to which the regulator is associated.
• Type field is interpreted as 1 for IEEE type 1, ..., 5 for IEEE type 5.
• Even though in some block schematics, values indicated are not present, 18 fields should
be given for each regulator. Gain value is given as 0.0 and time constant as 99.9 whenever
the block or constant is not referred in the figure.
• PSS (power system stabilizer) status is interpreted as -
− 0 : PSS is not present.
− 1 : PSS is present.
If the PSS is present, then 7 additional fields are read for each PSS. Referring to the PSS figure
3.16, the float fields read in order are Kx1,, Kx2,, Tx,, Ty,, Tz, lm1, and lm2.. All the fields are
separated by one or more blanks.

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Stream 19: Governor Data

In this stream of data, governor details are given. Figures 3.17 and 3.18 give modeling of
governor for steam and hydro turbines respectively.
Speed Governor Systems:
The prime source of electrical energy supplied by utilities is the kinetic energy of water and the
thermal energy derived from fossil fuels and nuclear fission. The prime movers convert these
sources of energy into mechanical energy that is in turn converted to electrical energy by
synchronous generators. The prime movers governing systems provide a means of controlling
power and frequency -a function commonly referred to as load - frequency control or automatic -
generation control (AGC).
During increase or decrease of load, the governor system provides a means for controlling
power and frequency.

Figure 3.17: Speed Governing System

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ω ref Omax Pmax

(1 + sT2 )
+ Σ
+ Σ ω 0σ (1 + sT1 )
- -
Cmin Pmin

Figure 3.18 (a) : Block schematic of Steam Governor System

Typical Parameters

Parameter Value Parameter Value

σ 0.04 - 0.05 Pmax 1.00
T1 0.10 Pmin 0.00
T2 0.03 Omax 0.10
T3 0.40 Cmin -1.00

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+ + +
+ + +

K1+K2 K3+K4 K5+K6 K7+K8

Ps 1 1 1
(1+ sThp ) (1+ sTip ) (1+ sTlp )
(1+ sTrh )

Figure 3.18 (b) : Turbine System Model for Steam Turbines (Type - 1) Governor

Typical Parameters

Parameter Value Parameter Value Parameter Value

Thp 0.26 k1 0.2760 k1 + k2 VHP
Trh 10.0 k3 0.324 k3 + k4 HP
Tlp 0.5 k5 0.4 k5 + k6 IP
Tip 99.9 k7 0.0 k7 + k8 LP

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Omax Pmax
ω ref
1 1
+ Σ
+ Σ
(1 + sT1 ) T2
- -
Cmin Pmin
+ sT3 Transient Droop
Σ δ Compensator
(1 + sT3 )

Figure 3.19 (a) : Hydro Speed Governing System (Type - 2)

Ps Pm

Figure 3.19 (b): Block Schematic of Hydro Turbine

Typical Parameters

Parameter Value Parameter Value

δ 0.36 Pmax 1.10
σ 0.04 Pmin 0.00
T1 0.05 Pup 0.10
T2 0.20 Pdown -1.00
T3 5.00 Tw 1.00

For steam turbine unit, 19 fields are read. Data appearing under different columns are given in
table 3.19.

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Table 3.19 : Steam turbine - governor Data

Sl No. Description Type Min Max
1. Bus number int 0 9999
2. Governor type int 0 10
3. Number of units int 1 10
4. Governor droop float 0.0 1.0
5. Maximum power output of governor in pu float 0.0 10.0
6. Minimum power output of governor in pu float 0.0 10.0

Table 3.19 : Steam turbine - governor Data (Continued)

Sl No. Description Type Min Max

7. Power up in pu float 0.0 10.0

8. Power down in pu float -10.0 10.0
9. Gain constants of turbine (K1 + K2 ) float 0.0 10.0
10. Gain constants of turbine (K3 + K4 ) float 0.0 10.0
11. Gain constants of turbine (K5 +K6 ) float 0.0 10.0
12. Gain constants of turbine (K7 +K8 ) float 0.0 10.0
13. Governor time constants T1 float 0.0 1.0e3
14. Governor time constants T2 float 0.0 1.0e3
15. Governor time constants T3 float 0.0 1.0e3
16. High pressure turbine time constant Thp float 0.0 1.0e3
17. Reheat time constant Trh float 0.0 1.0e3
18. Intermediate pressure turbine time constant Tip float 0.0 1.0e3
19. Low pressure turbine time constant Tlp float 0.0 1.0e3
Explanations for the entries in table 3.19 are as follows -
• Bus number is the generator bus to which the governor is connected.
• Governor type field should be 1 for steam turbine governor model.
• Number of units refers to number of generating units in parallel.
• Governor droop should be given as 0.04 if the droop is 4 percent. The droop is for per
machine on its rating.
• Maximum and minimum power outputs of turbine are in p.u on machine rating.
• Rate of opening and closing of valve is per machine and the unit is p.u per second.
• Sum of gain constants K1 to K8 should be unity.

For hydro turbine unit, 13 fields are read. Data appearing under different columns are given in
table 3.20.
Table 3.20 : Hydro turbine - governor Data
Sl No. Description Type Min Max
1. Bus number int 0 9999
2. Governor type int 0 10

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4. Governor droop float 0.0 1.0

5. Transient droop float 0.0 1.0
6. Maximum power output of governor in pu float 0.0 10.0
7. Minimum power output of governor in pu float 0.0 10.0
8. Rate of valve opening in pu power/sec float 0.0 10.0
9. Rate of valve closing in pu power/sec float -10.0 10.0
10. Governor time constants T1 float 1.0e-4 1.0e3
11. Governor time constants T2 float 1.0e-4 1.0e3
12. Governor time constants T3 float 1.0e-4 1.0e3
13. Water time constant Tw float 1.0e-4 1.0e3

Explanations for the entries in table 3.20 are as follows –

• Bus number is the generator bus to which the governor is connected.
• Governor type field should be 2 for hydro turbine governor model.
• Number of units refers to number of generating units in parallel.
• Governor droop should be given as 0.04 if the droop is 4 percent. The droop is for per
machine on its rating. Hydro governor systems have both permanent droop setting and
transient droop setting.
• Maximum and minimum power outputs of turbine are in p.u on machine rating.
• Rate of opening and closing of valve is per machine and the unit is p.u per second.

Stream 20: Wind Turbine Generator Data

In this stream of data, wind generator details are given. There are basically four IEEE standard
models. They are as shown below.
Wind Turbine Description
WT1 Squirrel cage induction generator
type wind turbine
WT2 Variable rotor resistance induction
generator type wind turbine (WT2)
WT3 Doubly fed induction generator
type wind turbine (WT3) generally
called as DFIG type model
WT4 Full converter type wind turbine

WT1 Model: The mechanical power output of the wind turbine will come from pseudo governor
model. The mechanical power output is given as input to the squirrel cage induction machine
model. The electrical machine model will compute the real, reactive power generation, operating
slip and other steady state operating parameters. Control flow block diagram is given below.

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Figure 3.17: WT1 type Wind Turbine

Figure 3.17: One mass model drive train system

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Figure 3.17: Two mass model drive train system

Figure 3.17: Pseudo Governor Model

WT2 Model: The mechanical power output of the wind turbine will come from pseudo governor
model. The same is given as input to the induction machine model with rotor resistance
controllable. The electrical machine model will compute the real, reactive power generation,
operating slip and other steady state operating parameters. Control flow block diagram is given

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Figure 3.17: WT2 type Wind Turbine

Figure 3.17: External Rotor Resistance Control model

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WT3 Model: The mechanical power output of the wind turbine is calculated based on the power
curve (Mechanical power to wind speed). Pitch regulation will be given by pitch control model.
Power electronic converter block set & machine behavior will be replicated through converter
control model and generator/converter model. Control flow block diagram is given below.

Figure 3.17: WT3 type Wind Turbine

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Figure 3.17: DFIG/Full Converter Generator Model

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Figure 3.17: DFIG Reactive Power Control Model

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Figure 3.17: Active Power Control Model

Figure 3.17: Aerodynamic Control Model

Figure 3.17: Pitch Control Model

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WT4 Model: The mechanical power output of the wind turbine is calculated based on the power
curve (Mechanical power to wind speed). Power electronic converter block set & machine
behavior will be replicated through converter control model and generator/converter model.
Control flow block diagram is given below.

Figure 3.17: WT4 type Wind Turbine

Figure 3.17: Turbine Model

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Figure 3.17: Converter Control Model

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The data entry format for each model is different. The data that appears in different columns of
each line for each model are given in Table 3.12, Table 3.13, Table 3.14, and Table 3.15
Table 3.12 – Wind Generator Data for WT1
Col No. Description Type Min Max
1 Status Int 0 3
2 WT Generator bus number Int 1 9999
3 WT Generator model number Int 1 4
4 No. of Turbines in the wind farm Int 1 9999
5 MVA rating Double 0.0 1.0e6
6 Drive Train model Int 1 2
Shunt impedance of reactive power Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
7 injection
8 No. of poles (only even numbers) Int 2 9999
9 Gearbox ratio Double 0.001 1.0e6
10 Turbine diameter in m Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
11 Stator resistance (Rs) Double 0 1.0e6
12 Stator reactance (Xs) Double 0 1.0e6
13 Rotor resistance (Rr) Double 0 1.0e6
14 Rotor reactance (Xr) Double 0 1.0e6
15 Magnetizing reactance (Xm) Double 0 1.0e6
16 Turbine shaft inertia (Hw) Double 0 1.0e6
17 Generator shaft inertia (Hg) Double 0 1.0e6
18 Shaft stiffness constant (K) Double 0 1.0e6
19 Turbine damping constant (Dw) Double 0 1.0e6
20 Machine damping constant (Dg) Double 0 1.0e6
21 Shaft damping constant (Ds) Double 0 1.0e6
22 Wind Speed (m/s) Double 0 50
23 Air Density (kg/m ) Double 0 3
24 Pitch Angle Double 0 180
25 Shaft Angle Double 0 180
26 Operating slip Double 0 2
27 Operating real power Double 0 1.0e6
28 Tpe Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
29 Kw Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
30 Kdroop Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
31 Kp Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
32 Ki Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
33 Pimax Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
34 Pimin Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
35 T1 Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
36 T2 Double -1.0e6 1.0e6

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Table 3.13 – Wind Generator Data for WT2

Col No. Description Type Min Max
1 Status Int 0 3
2 WT Generator bus number Int 1 9999
3 WT Generator model number Int 1 4
4 No. of Turbines in the wind farm Int 1 9999
5 MVA rating Double 0.0 1.0e6
6 Drive Train model Int 1 2
Shunt impedance of reactive power Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
7 injection
8 No. of poles (only even numbers) Int 2 9999
9 Gearbox ratio Double 0.001 1.0e6
10 Turbine diameter in m Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
11 Optimum real power to operating slip curve Int 1 9999
12 Stator resistance (Rs) Double 0 1.0e6
13 Stator reactance (Xs) Double 0 1.0e6
14 Rotor resistance (Rr) Double 0 1.0e6
15 Rotor reactance (Xr) Double 0 1.0e6
16 Magnetizing reactance (Xm) Double 0 1.0e6
17 Turbine shaft inertia (Hw) Double 0 1.0e6
18 Generator shaft inertia (Hg) Double 0 1.0e6
19 Shaft stiffness constant (K) Double 0 1.0e6
20 Turbine damping constant (Dw) Double 0 1.0e6
21 Machine damping constant (Dg) Double 0 1.0e6
22 Shaft damping constant (Ds) Double 0 1.0e6
23 Wind Speed (m/s) Double 0 50
24 Air Density (kg/m ) Double 0 3
25 Pitch Angle Double 0 180
26 Shaft Angle Double 0 180
27 Operating slip Double 0 2
28 Operating real power Double 0 1.0e6
29 Tpe Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
30 Kw Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
31 Kdroop Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
32 Kp Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
33 Ki Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
34 Pimax Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
35 Pimin Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
36 T1 Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
37 T2 Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
38 Kp Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
39 Tp Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
40 Kw Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
41 Tw Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
42 Kpp Double -1.0e6 1.0e6

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43 Kip Double -1.0e6 1.0e6

44 Rmin Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
45 Rmax Double -1.0e6 1.0e6

Table 3.14 – Wind Generator Data for WT3

Col No. Description Type Min Max
1 Status Int 0 3
2 WT Generator bus number Int 1 9999
3 WT Generator model number Int 1 4
4 No. of Turbines in the wind farm Int 1 9999
5 MVA rating Double 0.0 1.0e6
6 Drive Train model Int 1 2
Shunt impedance of reactive power Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
7 injection
8 No. of poles (only even numbers) Int 2 9999
9 Gearbox ratio Double 0.001 1.0e6
10 Turbine diameter in m Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
11 Power curve Int 1 9999
Operating mechanical power Vs operating Int 1 9999
12 slip
13 Power curve type Int 1 9999
14 Stator resistance (Rs) Double 0 1.0e6
15 Stator reactance (Xs) Double 0 1.0e6
16 Rotor resistance (Rr) Double 0 1.0e6
17 Rotor reactance (Xr) Double 0 1.0e6
18 Magnetizing reactance (Xm) Double 0 1.0e6
19 Turbine shaft inertia (Hw) Double 0 1.0e6
20 Generator shaft inertia (Hg) Double 0 1.0e6
21 Shaft stiffness constant (K) Double 0 1.0e6
22 Turbine damping constant (Dw) Double 0 1.0e6
23 Machine damping constant (Dg) Double 0 1.0e6
24 Shaft damping constant (Ds) Double 0 1.0e6
25 Wind Speed (m/s) Double 0 50
26 Air Density (kg/m ) Double 0 3
27 Pitch Angle Double 0 180
28 Shaft Angle Double 0 180
29 Operating slip Double 0 2
30 Operating real power Double 0 1.0e6
31 Operating reactive power Double 0 1.0e6
32 varflg – VAR control flag Int 0 1
33 pfaflg – Power factor control flag Int 0 1
34 vltflg – Voltage control flag Int 0 1
35 apcflg – Active power control flag Int 0 1
36 wfflg – Turbine control flag Int 0 1
37 fcflg – Frequency control flag Int 0 1

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38 Voltage control bus Int 1 9999

39 Real power reference Double 0 1.0e6
40 Reactive power reference Double 0 1.0e6
41 kptrq Double 0 1.0e6
42 kitrq Double 0 1.0e6
43 Pwrat Double 0 1.0e6
44 Pwmin Double 0 1.0e6
45 Pwmax Double 0 1.0e6
46 tp Double 0 1.0e6
47 tpc Double 0 1.0e6
48 kpp Double 0 1.0e6
49 kip Double 0 1.0e6
50 kpc Double 0 1.0e6
51 kic Double 0 1.0e6
52 Pimax Double 0 1.0e6
53 Pimin Double 0 1.0e6
54 Pirat Double 0 1.0e6
55 tr Double 0 1.0e6
56 Fn Double 0 1.0e6
57 kiv Double 0 1.0e6
58 tv Double 0 1.0e6
59 kpv Double 0 1.0e6
60 Qmin Double 0 1.0e6
61 Qmax Double 0 1.0e6
62 tc Double 0 1.0e6
63 tpwr Double 0 1.0e6
64 kqi Double 0 1.0e6
65 Vmin Double 0 1.0e6
66 Vmax Double 0 1.0e6
67 kqv Double 0 1.0e6
68 ipmax Double 0 1.0e6
69 zerox Double 0 1.0e6
70 brkpt Double 0 1.0e6
71 Xdd Double 0 1.0e6
72 XiQmax Double 0 1.0e6
73 XiQmin Double 0 1.0e6
74 Vl1 Double 0 1.0e6
75 Vh1 Double 0 1.0e6
76 Tl1 Double 0 1.0e6
77 Tl2 Double 0 1.0e6
78 Th1 Double 0 1.0e6
79 Th2 Double 0 1.0e6
80 Ql1 Double 0 1.0e6
81 Ql2 Double 0 1.0e6
82 Ql3 Double 0 1.0e6
83 Qh1 Double 0 1.0e6

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84 Qh2 Double 0 1.0e6

85 Qh3 Double 0 1.0e6
86 dvtrp1 Double 0 1.0e6
87 dvtrp2 Double 0 1.0e6
88 dvtrp3 Double 0 1.0e6
89 dvtrp4 Double 0 1.0e6
90 dvtrp5 Double 0 1.0e6
91 dvtrp6 Double 0 1.0e6
92 dttrp1 Double 0 1.0e6
93 dttrp2 Double 0 1.0e6
94 dttrp3 Double 0 1.0e6
95 dttrp4 Double 0 1.0e6
96 dttrp5 Double 0 1.0e6
97 dttrp6 Double 0 1.0e6
98 Ipp Double 0 1.0e6
99 rrpwr Double 0 1.0e6
100 Xc Double 0 1.0e6
101 kqd Double 0 1.0e6
102 tlpqd Double 0 1.0e6
103 Xqd Double 0 1.0e6
104 vermn Double 0 1.0e6
105 vermx Double 0 1.0e6
106 vfrz Double 0 1.0e6
107 tw Double 0 1.0e6
108 tpav Double 0 1.0e6
109 Pa Double 0 1.0e6
110 Pbc Double 0 1.0e6
111 Pd Double 0 1.0e6
112 fa Double 0 1.0e6
113 fb Double 0 1.0e6
114 fc Double 0 1.0e6
115 fd Double 0 1.0e6
116 Pmax Double 0 1.0e6
117 Pmin Double 0 1.0e6
118 kwi Double 0 1.0e6
119 dbwi Double 0 1.0e6
120 tlpwi Double 0 1.0e6
121 twowi Double 0 1.0e6
122 urlwi Double 0 1.0e6
123 drlwi Double 0 1.0e6
124 pmxwi Double 0 1.0e6
125 pmnwi Double 0 1.0e6

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Table 3.15 – Wind Generator Data for WT4
Col No. Description Type Min Max
1 Status Int 0 3
2 WT Generator bus number Int 1 9999
3 WT Generator model number Int 1 4
4 No. of Turbines in the wind farm Int 1 9999
5 MVA rating Double 0.0 1.0e6
6 Drive Train model Int 1 2
Shunt impedance of reactive power Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
7 injection
8 No. of poles (only even numbers) Int 2 9999
9 Gearbox ratio Double 0.001 1.0e6
10 Turbine diameter in m Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
11 Power curve Int 1 9999
Operating mechanical power Vs operating Int 1 9999
12 slip
13 Power curve type Int 1 9999
14 Stator resistance (Rs) Double 0 1.0e6
15 Stator reactance (Xs) Double 0 1.0e6
16 Rotor resistance (Rr) Double 0 1.0e6
17 Rotor reactance (Xr) Double 0 1.0e6
18 Magnetizing reactance (Xm) Double 0 1.0e6
19 Turbine shaft inertia (Hw) Double 0 1.0e6
20 Generator shaft inertia (Hg) Double 0 1.0e6
21 Shaft stiffness constant (K) Double 0 1.0e6
22 Turbine damping constant (Dw) Double 0 1.0e6
23 Machine damping constant (Dg) Double 0 1.0e6
24 Shaft damping constant (Ds) Double 0 1.0e6
25 Wind Speed (m/s) Double 0 50
26 Air Density (kg/m ) Double 0 3
27 Pitch Angle Double 0 180
28 Shaft Angle Double 0 180
29 Operating slip Double 0 2
30 Operating real power Double 0 1.0e6
31 Operating reactive power Double 0 1.0e6
32 varflg – VAR control flag Int 0 1
33 pfaflg – Power factor control flag Int 0 1
34 vltflg – Voltage control flag Int 0 1
35 apcflg – Active power control flag Int 0 1
36 wfflg – Turbine control flag Int 0 1
37 fcflg – Frequency control flag Int 0 1
38 Voltage control bus Int 1 9999
39 Real power reference Double 0 1.0e6
40 Reactive power reference Double 0 1.0e6
41 kptrq Double 0 1.0e6
42 kitrq Double 0 1.0e6
43 Pwrat Double 0 1.0e6
44 Pwmin Double 0 1.0e6
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45 Pwmax Double 0 1.0e6

46 tp Double 0 1.0e6
47 tpc Double 0 1.0e6
48 kpp Double 0 1.0e6
49 kip Double 0 1.0e6
50 kpc Double 0 1.0e6
51 kic Double 0 1.0e6
52 Pimax Double 0 1.0e6
53 Pimin Double 0 1.0e6
54 Pirat Double 0 1.0e6
55 tr Double 0 1.0e6
56 Fn Double 0 1.0e6
57 kiv Double 0 1.0e6
58 tv Double 0 1.0e6
59 kpv Double 0 1.0e6
60 Qmin Double 0 1.0e6
61 Qmax Double 0 1.0e6
62 tc Double 0 1.0e6
63 tpwr Double 0 1.0e6
64 kqi Double 0 1.0e6
65 Vmin Double 0 1.0e6
66 Vmax Double 0 1.0e6
67 kqv Double 0 1.0e6
68 ipmax Double 0 1.0e6
69 zerox Double 0 1.0e6
70 brkpt Double 0 1.0e6
71 dvtrp1 Double 0 1.0e6
72 dvtrp2 Double 0 1.0e6
73 dvtrp3 Double 0 1.0e6
74 dvtrp4 Double 0 1.0e6
75 dvtrp5 Double 0 1.0e6
76 dvtrp6 Double 0 1.0e6
77 dttrp1 Double 0 1.0e6
78 dttrp2 Double 0 1.0e6
79 dttrp3 Double 0 1.0e6
80 dttrp4 Double 0 1.0e6
81 dttrp5 Double 0 1.0e6
82 dttrp6 Double 0 1.0e6
83 Ipp Double 0 1.0e6
84 rrpwr Double 0 1.0e6
85 Xc Double 0 1.0e6
86 kqd Double 0 1.0e6
87 tlpqd Double 0 1.0e6
88 Xqd Double 0 1.0e6
89 vermn Double 0 1.0e6
90 vermx Double 0 1.0e6

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91 vfrz Double 0 1.0e6

92 tw Double 0 1.0e6
93 tpav Double 0 1.0e6
94 Pa Double 0 1.0e6
95 Pbc Double 0 1.0e6
96 Pd Double 0 1.0e6
97 fa Double 0 1.0e6
98 fb Double 0 1.0e6
99 fc Double 0 1.0e6
100 fd Double 0 1.0e6
101 Pmax Double 0 1.0e6
102 Pmin Double 0 1.0e6
103 kwi Double 0 1.0e6
104 dbwi Double 0 1.0e6
105 tlpwi Double 0 1.0e6
106 twowi Double 0 1.0e6
107 urlwi Double 0 1.0e6
108 drlwi Double 0 1.0e6
109 pmxwi Double 0 1.0e6
110 pmnwi Double 0 1.0e6
111 Iphl Double 0 1.0e6
112 Iqhl Double 0 1.0e6
113 kbdr Double 0 1.0e6
114 ebst Double 0 1.0e6
115 spdw1 Double 0 1.0e6

Explanations to entries given in table 3.12 are as follows -

• Generator bus number refers to the bus number at which the generator is connected.
The bus number should exist in the bus data stream.
• MVA rating will be specifying rating of one individual turbine. Number of units specifies
the number of similar wind turbine available in the farm.
• Real power specified will be significant only in the case of WT4 model. Because thi s
model can generate the power as specified by the operator, with in the limit of available
power generation.
• The wind farm/turbine tends to maintain the specified operating power factor within the
reactive power limits. Negative operating power factor indicates lagging power factor
and positive power factor indicates leading power factor.
• The reactive power compensation for WT1, WT2 will be through switchable capacitors
at its terminal. So the compensation will be in terms of steps of capacitor bank.
• The No. of steps field is for WT1, WT2 models only. This field specifies No. of reactive
power steps.
• The reactive power compensation for WT3, WT4 will be continuous control.
• In case of wind farm the reactive power limits are specified for the entire wind farm.

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• System operating frequency should be less than the product of synchronous speed
(rips), number of poles, gear box ratio/120. If this validation is not checked the program
will give error.
• A general power curve can be represented as below.

𝑃𝑃𝑚𝑚= . 𝐶𝐶𝑝𝑝(𝜆𝜆, �). �. �. 𝑅𝑅2𝑉𝑉𝑤𝑤 3
𝜆𝜆 =
𝜔𝜔𝑅𝑅 =
Where, Pm is the total power absorbed by the aerodynamic system
ρ is air density (kg/m3)
R is radius of the turbine blade (m)
Vm is wind speed (m/s)
λ is tip speed ratio, i.e. ratio between speed of tip of the blade to the wind
β is the pitch angle
Cp is coefficient of power
ωR is mechanical angular velocity of the turbine rotor (rad/s)
n is rotational speed of wind turbine (RPM)
• Power curve can be represented in four ways. They are
1. Power curve is represented in formula 1
2. Power curve is represented in formula 2
3. Power curve is represented in power curve data
4. Power curve is represented in detailed power curve data

First three types of power curve representations will be in curve data library. Fourth
type of representation will be in detailed curve data library.

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The generalized formula 1 is as below: �

𝐶𝐶 = 𝐶𝐶 { + 𝐶𝐶2𝜆𝜆�+ 𝐶𝐶3�� + +𝐶𝐶5}𝑒𝑒
(�𝜆𝜆𝑖𝑖 +

𝑝𝑝 0
𝜆𝜆� 𝐶𝐶4��
𝜆𝜆�= 𝑎𝑎1
− 3
𝜆𝜆 + 𝑎𝑎0� � + 1
Where Cp is the coefficient of power
λ is tip speed ratio
β is pitch angle
All other coefficients in the equation are constant values and to be entered by the
The generalized formula 2 is as below:
4 4

𝑃𝑃𝑤𝑤 = ∑ ∑(�����𝜆𝜆�)
�=0 �=0

Where Pw is mechanical power generation

αij coefficients for i = 0 to 4 and j = 0 to 4 need to be given in the input data
β is the pitch angle
λ is the tip speed ratio
• Variable number 20 specifies the format of power curve.

Value of Respective power curve format

variable 20
1 Formula 1
2 Formula 2
3 Power curve
4 Detailed power curve
• Variable number 21, 22 and 23 specify the three curves reference numbers to curve
libraries. First is Power curve(wind speed(m/s) vs mechanical power generation(p.u.)),
second is operating mechanical power(p.u.) vs operating rotor speed(p.u.) and third is
operating wind speed(m/s) vs operating rotor speed(p.u.).
• When the variable 20 is 1-3 the power curve represented is of curve library. When the
variable 20 is 4 the power curve represented is of detailed curve library.

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Stream 21: Static Var Compensator Details

In this section Static var compensator details are given. Figure 3.20 gives the static VAR
compensator model.
Voltage (pu)
Isys initail
initial K1 Susceptance (pu)
voltage (pu) B0
Vs + + Bmax +
KC(1+sT2) R1 +sT4) R2 (Kf) B3 B4 Isys
- + (1+sT1) +sT3) (1+sT5) Bstep
Bmin Injected
controlling Current (pu)

Figure 3.20: Composite Static Var Compensation System (SVS) Model

Number of lines of data is equal to number of static var compensators as given under system
specification stream. Data that appear under different columns for each SVS is given in table

Explanations for the entries in table 3.21 are as follows –

• Bus number refers to the bus number to which the SVC is connected. This number should
exist in the bus data stream.
• If the current stabilizer loop is open, then K i value should be given as 0.0
• Initial control angled α0 in radians is computed from the expression -
B0 = Bam (1 - 2α0 /Π- sin (2α/Π) (3.5)
• Minimum capacitance value is assumed as zero. For 50 Mvar capacitor bank control, Bmax
value is 0.5 pu on a 100 MVA base.
Table 3.21: SVC Details
Col No. Description Type Min Max
1. Bus number int 0 9999
2. Current stabilizer gain Ki float 0.0 10.0
3. Kc as per figure 3.20 float 1.0 10.0
4. Kf as per figure 3.20 float 1.0 100.0
5. Time constant T1 float 1.0e-3 100.0

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6. Time constant T2 float 1.0e-3 100.0

7. Time constant T3 float 1.0e-3 100.0
8. Time constant T4 float 1.0e-3 100.0
9. Time constant T5 float 1.0e-3 100.0
10. Initial control angle in radians float 1.0e-3 100.0
11. Maximum capacitance value Bmax in pu float 0.0 100.0
12. Initial value of capacitance B0 in pu float 0.0 100.0

• It is assumed that there is no other fixed compensation (Q-Mvar), specified along with the
load data at the SVS bus.
• If the initial capacitance value is other than zero, then corresponding compensating Mvar
should be provided at that bus in the load flow analysis data to establish the proper initial

Stream 22: HVDC Converters Data

In this stream of data, HVDC converter details are given. The schematic diagram of a 12 pulse
converter station and its equivalent representation are given in figures 3.21 and 3.22

No. of bridges in series = 2

No. of poles = 2
Bus 1 :a

Converter Transformer

Figure 3.21: Schematic of 12 Pulse Bipolar Converter Station

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Vac ϕ
Idc equivalent



α − firing angle
Idc η

Figure 3.22: Equivalent representation

Total number of lines of data in this stream is equal to number of HVDC converters as given in
specification stream. The data that appears in different columns of each line is given in table
3.22. Explanations to entries given in table 3.22 are as follows –

• Converter number is the serial number of the converter, which is also the dc bus number.
• AC bus number is the bus number to which the converter is connected. This number should
exist in the "bus data stream".

Table 3.22 - HVDC Converter Data

Col No. Description Type Min Max
1. Converter number int 1 20
2. AC bus number int 1 9999
3. Converter transformer X in pu float 1.0e-5 1.0e2
4. Control tag int 1 3
5. Voltage order in kV float -1.0e05 1.0e05
6. Current order in Amps float -1.0e05 1.0e05
7. Power order in MW float -1.0e05 1.0e05
8. Current margin in Amps float -1.0e03 1.0e03
9. Number of bridges in series int 1 10
10. Number of poles int 1 2
11. Converter transformer secondary kV float 0.1 1.0e4
12. Converter transformer MVA rating float 0.1 1.0e4
13. Minimum control angle in degrees float 0.0 180.0
14. Operating voltage in kV float -1.0e05 1.0e05
15. Operating power in MW float -1.0e05 1.0e05
16. Operating reactive power in Mvar float -1.0e05 1.0e05
17. Control angle in degrees float 0.0 180.0
18. Transformer tap in pu float 0.5 1.5
19. Smoothening reactance in pu float 0.0 1.0e05
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• Converter transformer reactance is in p.u on transformer MVA rating. Commutation

resistance Rc is related to the transformer reactance Xc by the expression -
3Xc (3.6)
Rc =
• Control tag is interpreted as -
1. Constant voltage control
2. Constant current control
3. Constant power control.
In a two terminal or multi terminal converter group, at least one converter in the group
should have control tag as 1.
• Depending on the control tag, voltage order or current order or power order is selected for
the converter.
• Current margin is maintained between the rectifier and the inverter in order to avoid the
mode changes.
• Number of bridges is interpreted as -
1. Six pulse converter
2. Twelve pulse converter.
• Number of poles is interpreted as -
3. Monopolar
4. Bipolar.

Minimum control angle in degrees is the minimum firing angle (αmin) for converter and minimum
extinction angle (αmin = 180.0 - α-µ) for the inverter. µ Is the overlap angle. Minimum firing angle
ranges from 5 degrees to 7 degrees. Minimum extinction angle ranges from 15 degrees to 20

Prior to transient stability study, load flow analysis is performed to establish the initial conditions.
Columns 14 to 18 are obtained from the initial load flow study. During transient stability study
converter transformer tap is held constant at the value given in column 18.

• In ac system, the base quantities are -

Pac base = 3 phase power
Vac base = line to line rms value.
Ia c base= Pa c base 3 Va c base
• In dc system, the base quantities are -
Pdc base = Pac base
Vdc base = Kb Vac base.
I dc base=(3 2 π )I acbase

Kb =(3 2 π )nb

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nb number of series connected bridges in a hvdc terminal.

• The dc voltage and power at the converter are given by -

Vdc = a Vac Cosα - Rc Idc (3.7)
Pdc = VdcIdc (3.8)

a : transformer tap setting
α : firing angle.
Neglecting the losses in the converter and its transformer, the equation for power factor
angle (φ-η) is given by Vdc = a Vac cos(φ-η) (3.9)

Expression for reactive power flowing from the AC bus into the converter terminal is given by

Qdc = Pdc tan (φ-η) (3.10)

φ : AC voltage angle. η : AC current angle.

Stream 23: DC Link Data

In this stream of data, DC link details are given. Total number of lines of data in this stream is
equal to number of DC links as given in specification stream. The data that appears in different
columns of each line is given in table 3.23.

Table 3.23 - DC Link Data

Col No. Description Type Min Max
1. From convertor number int 1 20
2. To convertor number int 1 20
3. DC link resistance in ohms float 1.0e-5 1.0e2
4. DC link inductance in henry float 1.0e-5 1.0e2
5. DC link shunt capacitance in farads float 1.0e-08 1.0
Explanations to entries given in table 3.23 are as follows -
• From convertor number is the convertor number to which one end of dc link is connected.
This number should exist in the convertor data stream.
• To convertor number is the convertor number to which the other end of dc link is connected.
This number should exist in the convertor data stream.
• DC link resistance is in ohms for one pole. For bipolar operation, equivalent resistance is
computed internally.
• DC link inductance is in henry for one pole. For bipolar operation, equivalent inductance is
computed internally.

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• DC link capacitance is in farads for one pole. For bipolar operation, equivalent capacitance
is computed internally.

Stream 24: Free Programmable Block (FPB) Data
In this stream, data needed for the free programmable blocks are given. Number of data sets
corresponds to number of FPBs as specified under system specification stream. For more
details, chapter on Free programmable Block should be referred. For each FPB unit, following
data are read.
• FPB bus, i.e., the bus to which the FPB is connected. In case of HVDC this is the convertor
ac bus number. In case of ULTC this is transformer number
• FPB type which is interpreted as -
1. Automatic voltage regulator
2. Turbine governing system
3. Static var system
4. HVDC system
5. Under Load Tap Changer
6. Controller for load
In case of AVR and turbine governing system, FPB bus should be a generating bus. Also there
should not be any standard AVR or turbine-governor control blocks associated with that
generator, if the FPB type is for AVR or for turbine governing system respectively.
Total number of state variables (i.e., number of FPB nodes) in the FPB unit.
• Total number of basic free programmable blocks in the FPB unit.
• Total number of tables referred by the FPB.
• Initial value for nodes.
• Maximum number of iteration.
• Convergence tolerance
• Node data
• Block data
In POWERTRS, while establishing the initial condition and also while solving the system
dynamic equations, node type field are used to establish the relation between the FPB state
variable and the generator state variable. Node type field is explained in the chapter on Free
Programmable Blocks.

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Stream 25: Frequency Relay Data

In this stream of data, frequency relay characteristic details are given. Total number of lines of
data in this stream is equal to number of relay characteristics as given in specification stream.
The data that appears in different columns of each line are given in table 3.24.

Table 3.24: Frequency Relay Characteristic Data

Col No. Description Type Min Max
1. Frequency relay characteristic number int 1 20
2. Relay type int 0 2
3. Frequency setting 1 in Hz. float 0.0 1.0
4. Time setting 1 in seconds. float 0.0 5.0
5. Load shedding factor 1 float 0.0 1.0
6. Frequency setting 2 in Hz. float 0.0 1.0
7. Time setting 2 in seconds. float 0.0 5.0
8. Load shedding factor 2 float 0.0 1.0
9. Frequency setting 3 in Hz. float 0.0 1.0
10. Time setting 3 in seconds. float 0.0 5.0
11. Load shedding factor 3 float 0.0 1.0

Explanations to entries given in table 3.24 are as follows -

• The frequency relay number given here should match the one given under series element
and shunt element data.
• Relay type is interpreted as -
0: Under frequency relay.
1: Over frequency relay.
2: df/dt relay.
• In case of relay associated with a load, it is possible to shed the load partly or completely,
depending on the load shedding factor. For elements other than loads, load shedding factor
is not applicable.
• The relays are modeled to have 3 frequency settings. If the frequency (or df/dt) goes below
the setting 3 (df/dt setting in case of rate of change of frequency relay), a timer is started. If
the frequency deviation persists till the time setting 3, then the series or shunt element is
disconnected from the system. In case of loads, load is curtailed by the amount given by
factor 3. Thus if the specified load is 100 MW, frequency setting 3 is 47 Hz., time setting is
2 seconds, and the load shedding factor is 0.5, then if the bus frequency goes below 47 Hz,
and persists for duration greater than 2 seconds, the actual load considered for the
remaining duration is 50 MW. Same explanation holds for other two settings also.
• It is assumed that frequency setting 3 is less than frequency setting 2 and frequency setting
2 is less than frequency setting 1 for under frequency relay. In case of over frequency relay,
frequency setting 3 is greater than frequency setting 2 and frequency setting 2 is greater
than frequency setting 1.

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• Load shedding factor is the amount of load to be shed from the specified value. At the end
of each transient stability time step, the bus frequency at desired buses is computed.
Frequency relay logic is introduced to determine the starting of the timer. A proper co-
ordination of relays are required in terms of frequency settings and time delay to avoid the
shedding (tripping) of loads (other series elements or shunt elements) at all the places

Stream 26: Voltage Relay Data

In this stream of data, voltage relay characteristic details are given. Total number of lines of data
in this stream is equal to number of voltage characteristics as given in specification stream. The
data that appears in different columns of each line are given in table 3.25.
Table 3.25: Voltage Relay Characteristic Data
Col No. Description Type Min Max
1. Voltage relay characteristic number int 1 20
2. Relay type int 0 1
3. Voltage setting 1 in pu. float 0.0 1.0
4. Time setting 1 in seconds. float 0.0 5.0
5. Load shedding factor 1 float 0.0 1.0
6. Voltage setting 2 in pu. float 0.0 1.0
7. Time setting 2 in seconds. float 0.0 5.0
8. Load shedding factor 2 float 0.0 1.0
9. Voltage setting 3 in pu. float 0.0 1.0
10. Time setting 3 in seconds. float 0.0 5.0
11. Load shedding factor 3 float 0.0 1.0

Explanations to entries given in table 3.25 are as follows -

• The voltage relay number given here should match the one given under series element and
shunt element data.
• Relay type is interpreted as -
0: Under voltage relay.
1: Over voltage relay.
• In case of relay associated with a load, it is possible to shed the load partly or completely,
depending on the load shedding factor.
• For elements other than loads, load shedding factor is not applicable.
• The relays are modeled to have 3 voltage settings. If the bus voltage goes below the setting
3, a timer is started. If the voltage deviation persists till the time setting 3, then the series or
shunt element is disconnected from the system. In case of loads, load is curtailed by the
amount given by factor 3. Thus if the specified load is 100 MW, under voltage setting 3 is
0.75 pu, time setting is 5 seconds, and the load shedding factor is 0.5, then if the bus
voltage goes below 0.75 pu, and persists for duration greater than 5 seconds, the actual
load considered for the remaining duration is 50 MW. Same explanation holds for other two
settings also.

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• It is assumed that voltage setting 3 is less than voltage setting 2 and voltage setting 2 is
less than voltage setting 1 for under voltage relays. For over voltage relays, it is assumed
that voltage setting 3 is greater than voltage setting 2 and voltage setting 2 is greater than
voltage setting 1.
• Load shedding factor is the amount of load to be shed from the specified value. At the end
of each transient stability time step, the bus frequency at desired buses is computed.
Frequency relay logic is introduced to determine the starting of the timer. A proper co-
ordination of relays are required in terms of frequency settings and time delay to avoid the
shedding (tripping) of loads (other series elements or shunt elements) at all the places

Stream 27: Over Current Relay Data

In this stream of data, over current relay characteristics data are given. Total number of lines of
data under this stream is equal to number of relays specified under system size specification
field. Data that appears under different columns of each line are given in table 3.26.

Table 3.26: Over current relay details

Col No. Description Type Min Max
1. Element number int 1 1000
2. Relay location int 1 2
3. Relay type int 1 10
4. Time dial setting (TDS or TMS) float 0.05 10.0
5. Relay plug setting float 1.0 1.0e5
6. Relay instantaneous setting float 1.0 1.0e5
Explanations for the entries in table 3.26 are as follows -

• Element number refers to the series/shunt element number for which the relay is provided.
Element number is assigned by counting the series elements in the system first and then
the shunt elements as specified in the data. In series elements, transformers are counted
first (2 winding transformers first and then 3 winding transformers, each 3 winding
transformer results in 3 series elements), then the lines, followed by series reactors,
capacitors, and bus couplers in the order the data is presented. For shunt elements,
machines (generators and motors) are counted first, followed by shunt reactors and
capacitors in admittance form and shunt reactors and capacitors in impedance form.
• Relay location is always 1 for shunt elements. For series elements, relay location is
interpreted as -
− 1: Relay is on the from bus side.
− 2: Relay is on the to bus side.
But in the model, for series elements, tripping of any one side results in the isolation of
other end also.

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Relay type is interpreted as -

− 1 : 3 seconds relay i.e., relay operates in 3 seconds for 10 times the plug setting
multiplier at unity time dial setting. The curve at unity TDS is implemented by t =
3.0/log (M) where t is the operating time in seconds, and M is the multiple of plug
− 2 : 1.3 seconds relay i.e., relay operates in 1.3 seconds for 10 times the plug setting
multiplier at unity time dial setting.
− The curve at unity TDS is implemented by t = 1.3/log (M) where t is the operating time
in seconds, and M is the multiple of plug setting.
− 3 - 10: User defined relay characteristics.
Operating time at any other time dial setting is given by multiplying the above
operating time by the time dial setting.

• Time dial setting (TDS) is sometimes referred to as time multiplier setting (TMS). The usual
range is 0.05 - 1.0. But some manufacturers give the TDS value from 1 to 10 also. Relay
TDS setting actually done after co-ordination is entered in column 4.
• Plug setting is given in amperes referred to CT primary side. If the relay CT is 300/5 amps,
and the relay plug setting is 150% (plug setting for phase fault relay is in the range 50% to
200%) then the value to be given in column 5 is 450 amperes.
• Over current relays are provided with instantaneous elements to isolate the faulted line for
close in faults. The instantaneous setting in amps, referred to CT primary side is given in
column 6.
• Whenever the current sensed by the relay exceeds the plug setting, a timer is started. If the
timer count exceeds the actual relay operation time, the trip signal is given.

Stream 28: Distance Relay Data

In this stream, distance relay characteristics data are given. Total number of lines of data
in this stream is equal to the number of distance relays as given under system size
specification stream. Data fields that appear under different columns are given in table

Table 3.27: Distance relay data

Col No. Description Type Min Max
1. Line number Int 1 1000
2. Relay location Int 1 2

For each relay the following data are considered as per table 3.28.

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Table 3.28: Distance relay data

Col No. Description Type Min Max
1. Relay number Int 1 1000
2. Relay name char 1 10
3. Relay type Int 0 8
4. Relay parameters for each zone (Zone1 - - -
Zone2, Zone3, PS1, PS2 and starter setting
as per table 3.29)
5. Power swing set time. Float 0 1000
6. Blocking time. Float 0 1000
Table 3.29: Distance relay parameter for each zone
Relay Relay type Data required Type Min Max
0 Mho 1.Impedence Float 0 10 00
2. Theta Float 0 360
3.Displacement Float 0 1000
4.TimeSetting Float 0 1000

1 Ohm 1.Impedence Float 0 1000

2. Theta Float 0 360
3.Phi Float 0 360
4.TimeSetting Float 0 1000

2 Quadrilateral 1.RF Float 0 1000

2.RB Float 0 1000
3.XT Float 0 1000
4.XB Float 0 1000
5.Theta Float 0 1000
6.Phi Float 0 1000
7.TimeSetting Float 0 1000

3 Quadra Mho 1.Impedence Float 0 1000

2. Theta Float 0 360
3.TimeSetting Float 0 1000

4 Elliptical 1.Impedence Float 0 1000

2. Theta Float 0 360
3.Displacement Float 0 1000
4.TimeSetting Float 0 1000

5 Lentical 1.Impedence Float 0 1000

2. Theta Float 0 360
3.Displacement Float 0 1000
4.TimeSetting Float 0 1000

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6 Circular 1.Impedence Float 0 1000

2.TimeSetting Float 0 1000

7 Oval 1.Impedence Float 0 1000

2. Theta Float 0 360
3.TimeSetting Float 0 1000

Note: Relay Type number 8 corresponds to that no relays settings are present for that zone.

Explanations for the entries in table 3.27 to 3.29 are as follows –

• Distance relays are provided for transmission lines. Line number refers to the transmission
line number to which the relay should refer to. Since transmission line data follows the
transformer data, number of transformer elements is subtracted from series element
number to find the transmission line number.
• Relay location field is interpreted as -
1: Relay is provided on from bus side of the line.
2: Relay is provided on to bus side of the line.
Even if anyone relay operates, the line is completely isolated from the system.
• Impedance, Displacement, RF, RB, XT, and XB referred in relay parameters are in ohms
referred to primary (HT) side of instruments transformers (CT and PT).
• Theta and Phi referred in relay parameters are in angle in degrees.
• Power swing set time and blocking time referred in relay settings are time in sacs.
• At each simulation time step, the impedance seen by the distance relay is computed. If the
impedance falls within zone 1 characteristic, line is tripped instantaneously (after a preset
time interval corresponding to circuit breaker time delay). If the impedance falls within zone
2 or zone 3, respective timers are started. If the fault persists, the line is tripped after the
zone 2 or zone 3-time delay.
Different set of characteristics are provided for phase and earth loop.

The ideal characteristic plots are as shown

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Stream 29: Cyclic Load Data

1. Cyclic load bus number (int field): This is the bus number to which the cyclic load is
2. Number of data points for cyclic load (int field): Total number of data points per cyclic load
should not exceed 50.
3. Time period of cyclic load: Time period is in seconds, after which the load pattern repeats.
4. For each data points following fields are read in order
(a) Serial number of the data point.
(b) Time in seconds for the sample from zero instant of time.
(c) Real power load in MW.
(d) Reactive power load in Mvar.

Load points need not be given in equal time intervals. Between two data points, the stra ight line
relation is used to compute the load at inter-mediate points. Consider a cyclic load at bus say
15, which repeats after 10 seconds. The load remains constant at 10 MW in the interval 0.0-4.0
seconds. It remains constant at 20 MW in the interval 4.0-7.0 seconds. It is again 16 MW in the
interval 7.0-10.0 seconds. Reactive power demand is 50% of real power demand. The cyclic
variation of real power load is given in figure 3.23. For this case, the data is prepared as follows

MW 20


2 6 10

Figure 3.23 - Typical Cyclic Load Curve

15 6 10.0
1 0.00 10.0 5.0
2 4.00 10.0 5.0
3 4.00 20.0 10.0
4 7.00 20.0 10.0
5 7.00 16.0 8.0
6 0.00 16.0 8.0

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Stream 30: Wind Turbine Generator Curve Data

In this stream of data, wind turbine related curves details are given. For each curve, the data
given are -
1. Curve number.
2. Curve type.
3. Number of curve points.
4. Real power in pu, corresponding minimum and maximum reactive powers in pu on its
own rating for each data point.
Curve number is the generator capability curve number referred by the generator under
"generator data stream". Minimum number of curve points required is two. Maximum number of
curve points should not exceed ten. For a generator MVA rating 265, figure 3.8 shows a sample
generator capability curve for minimum and maximum reactive power limits as shown in the
table 3.17.

In this stream, Wind Turbine related curves library is printed. Basically there are five types of
curves. They are
1. Power curve represented in formula 1 format.
2. Power curve represented in formula 2 format.
3. Power curve represented in curve data format.
4. Operating mechanical power(p.u.) vs operating rotor speed(p.u.)
5. Operating wind speed(m/s) vs operating rotor speed(p.u.)

Curve type 1-3 will represent for power curve. Curve type 4 represent for operating mechanical
power vs operating rotor speed and curve type 5 for operating wind speed vs operating rotor
speed. The format for the curve type 3-5 is same but for curve type 1 and 2 are different.
Various streams present for each type of curve are listed in tables for each curve type

Data streams for curve type 1

Table 3.12 – Curve data for curve type 1
Col No. Description Type Min Max
1 C0 Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
2 C1 Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
3 C2 Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
4 C3 Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
5 C4 Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
6 C5 Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
7 a Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
8 b Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
9 c Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
10 d Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
11 a0 Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
12 a1 Double -1.0e6 1.0e6

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The generalized formula for curve type 1 is as below: �

𝐶𝐶 = 𝐶𝐶 { + 𝐶𝐶2𝜆𝜆�+ 𝐶𝐶3�� + 𝐶𝐶4�� +𝐶𝐶5}𝑒𝑒
(�𝜆𝜆𝑖𝑖 + )
𝑝𝑝 0
𝜆𝜆� 1
𝜆𝜆�= 𝑎𝑎1
− 3
𝜆𝜆 + 𝑎𝑎0� � + 1
Where Cp is the coefficient of power
λ is tip speed ratio
β is pitch angle
All other coefficients in the equation are constant values and to be entered by the user.

Data streams for curve type 2

Table 3.12 – Curve data for curve type 2
Col No. Description Type Min Max
1 α00 Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
2 α01 Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
3 α02 Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
4 α03 Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
5 α04 Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
6 α10 Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
7 α11 Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
8 α12 Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
9 α13 Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
10 α14 Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
11 α20 Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
12 α21 Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
13 α22 Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
14 α23 Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
15 α24 Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
16 α30 Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
17 α31 Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
18 α32 Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
19 α33 Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
20 α34 Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
21 α40 Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
22 α41 Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
23 α42 Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
24 α43 Double -1.0e6 1.0e6
25 α44 Double -1.0e6 1.0e6

The generalized formula for curve type 2 is as below:

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4 4

𝑃𝑃𝑤𝑤 = ∑ ∑(�����𝜆𝜆�)
�=0 �=0
Where Pw is mechanical power generation
αij coefficients for i = 0 to 4 and j = 0 to 4 need to be given in the input data
β is the pitch angle
λ is the tip speed ratio

Data streams for curve type 3

Table 3.12 – Curve data for curve type 3
Col No. Wind Speed (m/s) Mechanical Power Generation
1 4 0
2 6 0.2
3 8 0.4
4 10 0.6
5 12 0.92
6 14 0.99
7 15 1.0
8 20 1.0
9 21 0.0
The maximum allowed number of points is 20. A typical power curve diagram is shown below.

Curve Data Type 3

Wind speed (m/s) VS Mech. power (p.u.)

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Data streams for curve type 4

Table 3.12 – Curve data for curve type 4
Col No. Operating Mechanical Power Generation Operating Rotor Speed (p.u.)
1 0.0678 0.53
2 0.1678 0.7
3 0.2775 0.848
4 0.4 0.9
5 0.5421 1.06
6 0.7 1.1
7 0.9367 1.272
8 1.0238 1.3
The maximum allowed number of points is 20. A typical operating mechanical power generation
Vs Operating rotor speed curve diagram is shown below.

Curve Data Type 4

Mech. power (p.u.) Vs Rotor speed (p.u. )

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Data streams for curve type 5

Table 3.12 – Curve data for curve type 5

Col No. Operating Wind Speed (m/s) Mechanical Power Generation
1 1 0
2 2 0
3 3 0
4 4 0.026403
5 5 0.072607
6 6 0.128383
7 7 0.206931
8 8 0.311551
9 9 0.445875
10 10 0.613201
11 11 0.79538
12 12 0.948185
13 13 1.00066
14 14 1.00066
15 15 1
16 18 1
17 20 1
18 22 1
19 25 1

The maximum allowed number of points is 20. A typical operating mechanical power generation
Vs Operating wind speed curve diagram is shown below.

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Table 4.1 gives extensions of different input and output files used by POWERTRS.

Table 4.1: Input and Output Files of POWERTRS

Sl. File Extension Mode Description
1. ".datX" Input Program input file
2. ".outX" Output Program output (general report) file
3. "TM.BIN" Machine Binary file Output Binary files having the information for plotting
"TL.BIN" Line, Other Shunt using MiP-PSCT graph module - MIGRAPH
Elements Binary file “TF.BIN”
FPB Binary file and “TW.TXT”
for Wind Turbine graph.

".outX" file contains -

• Input data to the program, in the order the data is read.
• Computed values for machines, like terminal voltage, internal angle, frequency, mechanical
power, electrical power etc.
• Flows, impedances in selected lines.
• Tripping information
• Negative and zero sequence flows for SLG fault.
• SVC output.
".BIN" files refer to graphic output files, whose format is compatible to MiP-PSCT's graphic
utility. All the variables of the machines and the lines connected to the machine buses
selected for plotting are written to two different binary files. For machines the binary plot file is
“TM.BIN” and for lines it is “TL.BIN” where M of and L of TRSPLOT are distinct for machines
and lines respectively. The variables written to the plot files are listed in table 4.2 and 4.3 for
machines and lines respectively.

Table 4.2 : Machine variables written to the binary

(“TM.BIN”) files
Sl.No. Description
1. Time in Seconds
2. Machine terminal voltage in pu
3. Machine terminal angle in degrees
4. Machine internal angle for swing curve in degrees
5. Machine frequency in Hz.
6. Machine electrical power in MW
7. Machine reactive power in Mvar
8. Machine Mechanical power in MW

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9 Machine field voltage in pu

10 Machine current magnitude in A
11 Machine Apparent Power in MVA
12 Motor slip in p.u *
13 Motor electrical torque in pu *
14 Motor mechanical torque in pu *
* Plotted only for motors

In case of line flow plots, the variables written to the binary file (TRSPLOTL.BIN) are given in
table 4.3.

Table 4.3: Machine variables written to the binary

(“TL.BIN”) files
Sl.No. Description
1. Time in s
2. Bus voltage in pu
3. Bus frequency in Hz
4. Current in A
5. Real power in MW
6. Reactive power in MVAr
7. Resistance in pu
8. Reactance in pu

In case of line flow plots, the variables written to the binary file (TRSPLOTL.BIN) are given in
table 4.4.

Table 4.4: Wind Turbine Generator variables written to

the (“TW.TXT”) files
Sl.No. Description
1. Time in Seconds
2. WTG terminal voltage in pu
3. WTG terminal angle in degrees
4. WTG wind speed in m/s
5. WTG turbine shaft speed in pu
6. WTG generator shaft speed in pu
7. WTG electrical power in MW
8. WTG reactive power in Mvar
9. WTG mechanical power in MW
10. WTG current magnitude in A
11. Time in Seconds

For viewing the results by graph, graph module - Migraph has to be invoked. While importing the
file, anyone of the binary file can be selected at a time. The variables list will be displayed in the
screen which user can select according to the requirement.

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Error Messages
If the program while execution traces any error, an error message is written to the report file and
further execution of the program is terminated. The error messages, which are traced by the
program, are printed in the following format -

Error Number Error Message Error Description

Error number is a number by which the error is identified. The nature of error is given in the error
message. An error description specific to user/application is also given. The errors identified by
the program are -

• [Error No. 0] Parameter passing error: If there is an error in passing parameters to the
program, then an error is reported. In the description, the missing parameter is named.

• [Error No. 1] Input file opening error: If the input data file name specified by the user is not
found or if an error occurs while the input file is opened, this message is generated. If there
is more than one input file for the program then, the description specifies missing input file.

• [Error No. 2] Output file opening error: If an error occurs while opening the output file, this
message is generated.

• [Error No. 3] Too less parameters to read: If the data provided is insufficient then, this error
is displayed. The input data 'stream' for which data is insufficient is also described in the
error message.

• [Error No. 4] Memory allocation error : If memory is not allocated for a variable for which
dynamic memory allocation is done, this error message is given. The variable for which
memory allocation is not successfully done is mentioned in the error description.

• [Error No. 5] Invalid character : If an invalid character data is present in the input data file
then this message is generated. The data item for which invalid character is entered is also
mentioned in the error message.

• [Error No. 6] Invalid number : If an invalid integer data is present in the input data file then
this message is displayed. The data item for which invalid integer data is given is also
mentioned in the error message.

• [Error No. 7] Invalid value : If the data given exceeds the limits mentioned for each item
mentioned under different streams, an error message is given along with a description of
the data item.

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• [Error No. 8] Division by zero : During a mathematical operation, if division by zero occurs,
then this error is generated. The variable, which may have caused this condition, is
mentioned in the error description.

• [Error No. 9] Diverging error : This message is generated if no convergence is observed

after a specified number of iterations.

• [Error No. 10] Error in data, Results not okay : If an erroneous input data is present which
doesn't come under any of the above mentioned categories as a result of which wrong
results are obtained, then this message is generated.

These errors are displayed in the output file mentioned by the user. Some of the common error
messages and their probable reason for occurrence are -

ERROR [1] : Input file opening error - Input file not opened for reading. is written to the report
file. If the program expects data to be read from input file, but has not provided data and end of
file is reached, then this error message.

ERROR [3] : Too less parameters to read - Insufficient data provided for Stream is written to the
report file. If the from/to bus of a transformer specified by the user doesn't exist in the bus data
stream, then an error message

ERROR [6] : Invalid number - Invalid bus id specified is written to the report file.

Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 106


5. Case Study
In this section, a sample IEEE power system network (Reference : J. Duncan Glover, “A
Personal Computer Software package for Power Engineering Education, IEEE Transactions on
Power System, Vol. 3, No. 4, November 1988, PP. 1864 - 1871) is considered to explain the
execution and analysis of results of POWERTRS. The single line diagram of the sample network
considered is given in figure 5.1. Tables 5.1 gives input data file and Table 5.2 gives output
results file respectively.

A three phase fault is applied at the generating bus 1 at time t = 0.10 seconds, and removed
after 0.1second duration. A graphical representation of the swing curve for generator 1 is given
in figure 5.2.

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Load Flow Results



-------- -------- ------ ------ -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.0000 0.00 388.983 295.503 0.000 0.000 0.000
2 Bus2 0.9227 -19.53 0.000 0.000 800.000 280.000 0.000
3 Bus3 1.0500 -0.29 520.000 55.566 80.000 40.000 0.000
4 Bus4 1.0462 -2.57 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
5 Bus5 1.0505 -4.49 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000


1 1 5 Bus5 1 Bus1 -385.403 -247.777 3.5794 47.7255
2 1 4 Bus4 3 Bus3 -438.684 2.011 1.3183 17.5768


---- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
3 1 5 Bus5 4 Bus4 -143.670 9.088 0.4436 -43.4296
4 1 4 Bus4 2 Bus2 294.554 50.506 8.8542 -68.9760
5 1 5 Bus5 2 Bus2 529.045 238.689 14.7779 78.1802

Table 5.1: Transient Stability Study Input file - 1Glove0t.dat0



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%% First Power System Network


% (1)Maximum Bus Id (2) No of Buses (3) No of 2WdgTr

5 5 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

% (1) No of Zones (2) No of Disturb (3) No of VIZS Out (4) No of LF iter
% (5) No of Time Steps

1 2 5 10 10

% (6) Load Type during Post. Dist. (7) LF Print opt (8) VI print opt
% (9) Data Print opt (10) Swing Ref Bus
0 1 1 1 0


1 2 3 4 5


% (1) Base MVA (2)Base Frequency (3) R/X Ratio (4) CB R (5) CB X

4.0000e+002 50.0000 0.0500 0.0000e+000 1.0000e-004

% (5) Init P Tol (6) Init Q Tol (7) Post P Tol (8) Post Q Tol

1.0000e-004 1.0000e-004 1.0000e-004 1.0000e-004


% End Time TimeStep

5.0000e-001 2.0000e-003 1.0000e+000 2.0000e-002

2.0000e+000 2.0000e-002 3.0000e+000 2.0000e-002

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%Zonal Multiplication Factors

% 1.Zone Numbers 2.PLoad 3.QLoad 4.PGen 5.QGen 6.ShRea 7.ShCap 8
0 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
1 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000

% SlNo DistType DistTime FromBus ToBus
% New1F1 New1F2 New1F3 PoleRecType
% New2F1 New2F2 New2F3

1 4 0.1000 1 1 0.000000e+000 1.000000e-005 0.000000e+000

0.000000e+000 0.000000e+000 0.000000e+000
2 5 0.2000 1 1 0.000000e+000 1.000000e-005 0.000000e+000
0.000000e+000 0.000000e+000 0.000000e+000


1 3

% BusId Islnd No Zone No Base Volt BusName
% VMag VAng PGen QGen PLd QLd QComp

1 1 1 15.000 Bus1
1.000000000000e+000 0.000000000000e+000 3.889830e+002 2.955030e+002
0.000000e+000 0.000000e+000 0.00
2 1 1 345.000 Bus2
9.227341992785e-001 -1.952998891308e+001 0.000000e+000 0.000000e+000
8.000000e+002 2.800000e+002 0.00
3 1 1 15.000 Bus3
1.050000000000e+000 -2.854108260466e-001 5.200000e+002 5.556600e+001
8.000000e+001 4.000000e+001 0.00
4 1 1 345.000 Bus4
1.046210697168e+000 -2.574152239005e+000 0.000000e+000 0.000000e+000
0.000000e+000 0.000000e+000 0.00
5 1 1 345.000 Bus5
1.050491445376e+000 -4.486125141903e+000 0.000000e+000 0.000000e+000
0.000000e+000 0.000000e+000 0.00


% Status Units FromBus ToBus +veR +veX ZeroR ZeroX
% NomTap PhShift FromFreq ToFreq FromVoltRel ToVoltRel

3 1 5 1 5.999949e-003 7.999932e-002 5.999949e-003 7.999932e-002

1.120000e+000 0.000000e+000 0 0 0 0
0.00000e+000 G D

3 1 4 3 2.999077e-003 3.998769e-002 2.999077e-003 3.998769e-002

Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 110


1.000000e+000 0.000000e+000 0 0 0 0
0.00000e+000 G D

% Transmission Line Data

% Status Units FromBus ToBus +veR +veX +ve B/2 ZeroR ZeroX ZeroB/2
% FromFreq ToFreq FromVoltRel ToVoltRel

3 1 5 4 9.000000e-003 1.000000e-001 5.500000e-002 0.000000e+000

0.000000e+000 0.000000e+000
0 0 0 0
3 1 4 2 3.600000e-002 4.000000e-001 2.150000e-001 0.000000e+000
0.000000e+000 0.000000e+000
0 0 0 0
3 1 5 2 1.800000e-002 2.000000e-001 1.100000e-001 0.000000e+000
0.000000e+000 0.000000e+000
0 0 0 0

% FromBus MWLoad MVARLoad CompMVAR LoadCharNo FreqRelId VoltRelId

2 8.000000e+002 2.800000e+002 0.000000e+000 0 0 0

3 8.000000e+001 4.000004e+001 0.000000e+000 0 0 0

% Island Information

%FromBus ModelType Units MVA H +veR xd` xq` Xn
% Ro Xo DampFact Xd Xq Xp Xd'' xq''
% Tdo' Tqo' Tdo'' Tqo'' FreqRel VoltRel

1 1 1 4.000000e+002 5.000000e+001 0.000000e+000 8.000000e-003 1.200000e-

002 4.000000e-002
0.000000e+000 4.000000e-002 1.500000e+000 4.000000e-001 4.000000e-002
2.000000e-002 4.000000e-003 4.000000e-002
1.000000e-003 2.000000e-003 0.000000e+000 1.000000e-004 0 0
3 1 1 4.000000e+002 5.000000e+001 0.000000e+000 8.000000e-003 1.200000e-
002 4.000000e-002
0.000000e+000 4.000000e-002 1.500000e+000 4.000000e-001 4.000000e-002
8.000000e-002 4.000000e-003 4.000000e-002
1.000000e-003 1.000000e-003 0.000000e+000 1.000000e-004 0 0

% Wind Turbine Data


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Table 5.2: Transient Stability Study Outut file - 1Glove0t.out0

Date and Time : Wed Apr 30 10:59:48 2014
%% First Power System Network
No. of Zones : 1
No. of Disturbances : 2
No. of Nodes for V-I-Z-S output : 5
No. of Iterations in Load Flow Analysis : 10
No. of Time Steps for Print : 10
Index for Load type during post-disturbance : 0
Index for Load Flow Print : 1
Index for Voltage Impedance Print : 1
Index for Data details Print : 1
Reference swing bus : 0
Power Research
Voltage and Development
- Current Consultants
- Impedance PrintPvt.Bus
Ltd. Numbers : Page 112
1 2 3 4 5

Base MVA : 400.0000
Rated system frequency : 50.0000
Transformer R/X : 0.0500
Circuit breaker resistance : 0.0000
Circuit breaker reactance : 0.0001
Tolerance - Real Power (pu) - initial : 0.0001
Tolerance - Reactive Power (pu) - initial : 0.0001
Tolerance - Real Power (pu) - post-distb : 0.0001
Tolerance - Reactive Power (pu) - post-distb : 0.0001
Variable Time Step (Seconds)
From Time To Time Time Step
---------- ---------- ----------
0.00000* 0.50000 0.00200
0.50000* 1.00000 0.02000
1.00000* 2.00000 0.02000
2.00000* 3.00000* 0.02000
Zonal Wise Demand Multiplication Factors :
Zone Number P-DM Q-DM P-GM Q-GM SR_M SC-M C-DM
----------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
0 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
1 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
Disturbance Description
Dist. Type Description
---------- -------------------------------------------------------
1. Change in transformer/line parameters
2. Change in shunt impedance load
3. Change in load P and Q values
4. Fault creation at a bus
5. Fault clearing at a bus
6. Change in number of generator sets a a bus
7. Complete generation outage at a bus
8. Simulation of single line to ground falut
9. Clearing of single-line-to-ground fault and single pole opening
10. SLG fault clearing or recloser of the line
11. Loss of excitation at a generator
12. Change in load model data
13. Starting of the motor
14. Stopping of the motor
15. Change in motor torque T0
16. Series faults
17. Clearing of series faults
18. Change in generation
19. Asymmetrical faults like LL and LLG
20. Clearing asymmetrical faults like LL and LLG
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 113

Dist. Dist. Time From To New Z.re New Z.im New B/2 Rec.
No. Type Sec. No. No. New P.MW New MVAR New Comp Type
----- ----- -------- ---- ---- -------- -------- -------- ----
1 4 0.1000 1 1 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
2 5 0.2000 1 1 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
Generator Bus Numbers : 1 3
Bus No. Island Zone Rated-Kv Name Vmag-pu Vang-Deg Pgen-MW Qgen-MR
------- ------ ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 1 1 15.000 Bus1 1.00000 0.000 388.983 295.503
0.000 0.000 0.000
2 1 1 345.000 Bus2 0.92273 -19.530 0.000 0.000
800.000 280.000 0.000
3 1 1 15.000 Bus3 1.05000 -0.285 520.000 55.566
80.000 40.000 0.000
4 1 1 345.000 Bus4 1.04621 -2.574 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
5 1 1 345.000 Bus5 1.05049 -4.486 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
----- ---- ---- ---- -------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 3 1 5 Bus5 1 Bus1 0.00600 0.08000 0.00600 0.08000
1.120 0.00000 0- 0 0- 0
0 G D
2 3 1 4 Bus4 3 Bus3 0.00300 0.03999 0.00300 0.03999
1.000 0.00000 0- 0 0- 0
0 G D

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----- ---- ---- ---- -------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 3 1 5 Bus5 4 Bus4 0.00900 0.10000 0.05500
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0- 0 0- 0
2 3 1 4 Bus4 2 Bus2 0.03600 0.40000 0.21500
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0- 0 0- 0
3 3 1 5 Bus5 2 Bus2 0.01800 0.20000 0.11000
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0- 0 0- 0
---- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 2 Bus2 800.000 280.000 0.000 0 0- 0
2 3 Bus3 80.000 40.000 0.000 0 0- 0
Total islands in the system : 1
Frequency : 50.00
Machine Data on its own MVA rating
Notation used in the generator data print
H : Inertia constant in seconds.
Ra : Generator resistance in pu.
xd' : Direct axis transient reactance in pu.
xq' : Quadrature axis transient reactance in pu.
xn : Negative sequence reactance in pu.
R0 : Zero sequence resistance in pu.
x0 : Zero sequence reactance in pu.
df : Damping factor in pu.
xd : Direct axis reactance in pu.
xq : Quadrature axis reactance in pu.
xp : Potier reactance in pu.
xd" : Direct axis sub-transient reactance in pu.
xq" : Quadrature axis sub-transient reactance in pu.
tdo': Direct axis transient open circuit time constant in seconds.
tqo': Quadrature axis transient open circuit time constant in seconds.
tdo": Direct axis sub-transient time constant in seconds.
tqo": Quadrature axis sub-transient time constant in seconds.

Notation used in the motor data print

H : Inertia constant in seconds.
r1 : Stator resistance in pu.
x1 : Stator reactance in pu.
r2 : Rotor resistance in pu.
x2 : Rotor reactance in pu.
xm : Magnetizing reactance in pu.
Slip: Initial motor slip in pu.

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pm : Motor rated power in in pu.

Generator bus no. : 1 Bus name : Bus1 Model type : 1 Units : 1
MVA : 400.000 H : 50.00000, Ra : 0.00000 xd' : 0.00800 xq' :
xn : 0.04000 Ro : 0.00000, x0 : 0.04000 df : 1.50000
xd : 0.40000 xq : 0.04000 xp : 0.02000 xd" : 0.00400 xq" :
tdo' : 0.00100 tqo' : 0.00200 tdo" : 0.00000 tqo" : 0.00010
Frequency Relay No : 0 Voltage Relay NO : 0

Generator bus no. : 3 Bus name : Bus3 Model type : 1 Units : 1

MVA : 400.000 H : 50.00000, Ra : 0.00000 xd' : 0.00800 xq' :
xn : 0.04000 Ro : 0.00000, x0 : 0.04000 df : 1.50000
xd : 0.40000 xq : 0.04000 xp : 0.08000 xd" : 0.00400 xq" :
tdo' : 0.00100 tqo' : 0.00100 tdo" : 0.00000 tqo" : 0.00010
Frequency Relay No : 0 Voltage Relay NO : 0

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
Iter # Pmax Pmax-bus Qmax Qmax-bus Vmax Vmax-bus
------ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 0.00008 2 0.00002 2 0.00000 0
Results of load flow study
No. Name Island Zone Rated KV Vact-KV V-mag Ang-Deg Pgen Qgen
Pload Qload Q-comp
---- -------- ------ ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1 1 15.000 15.000 1.00000 0.000 388.983 295.503
0.000 0.000 0.000
2 Bus2 1 1 345.000 318.343 0.92273 -19.530 0.000 0.000
800.000 280.000 0.000
3 Bus3 1 1 15.000 15.750 1.05000 -0.285 520.000 55.566
80.000 40.000 0.000
4 Bus4 1 1 345.000 360.943 1.04621 -2.574 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
5 Bus5 1 1 345.000 362.420 1.05049 -4.486 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000

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Line flow and line losses
From From To To Ckts Forward Forward MWLoss MVARLoss
Node Name Node Name No. FlowMW FlowMVAR MW
---- -------- ---- -------- ---- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 5 Bus5 1 388.98 295.50 3.579 47.726

2 Bus2 4 Bus4 1 -285.70 -119.48 8.854 -68.976

2 Bus2 5 Bus5 1 -514.27 -160.51 14.778 78.180

3 Bus3 4 Bus4 1 440.00 15.57 1.318 17.577

4 Bus4 3 Bus3 1 -438.68 2.01 1.318 17.577

4 Bus4 5 Bus5 1 144.11 -52.52 0.444 -43.430
4 Bus4 2 Bus2 1 294.55 50.51 8.854 -68.976

5 Bus5 1 Bus1 1 -385.40 -247.78 3.579 47.726

5 Bus5 4 Bus4 1 -143.67 9.09 0.444 -43.430
5 Bus5 2 Bus2 1 529.04 238.69 14.778 78.180

Total power generation : 908.98 MW 351.07 MVAR
Total reactive compensation : 0.00 MVAR
Total capacitivei copensation : 0.00 MVAR
Total inductive compensation : 0.00 MVAR
Total power losses : 28.97 MW 31.08 MVAR
Over all P mismatch : 0.010 MW
Percentage P losses : 3.188
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
Notation used for generator graph files
Vbname.grp : Voltage Magnitude
Abname.grp : Voltage Angle
Dbname.grp : Swing curve
Fbname.grp : Frequency plot
Pbname.grp : Electrical Power P - MW
Qbname.grp : Electrical Power Q - MVAR
Mbname.grp : Mechanical Power - MW
Ebname.grp : Field Voltage - kV
Sbname.grp : Motor Slip - PU
Ibname.grp : Current Magnitude - Amps
Tbname.grp : Apparent power - MVA
wherein bname is the bus name.
Notation used for line flow graph files
LPxFV.grp : Voltage Magnitude From Bus
LPxTV.grp : Voltage Magnitude To Bus
LPxFI.grp : Forward flow current magnitude
LPxFF.grp : Frequency in Hz. From Bus
LPxFP.grp : Forward real power flow

Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 117


LPxFR.grp : Forward reactive power flow

LPxFZ.grp : Forward impedance loci (r-x plot)
wherein x is the line number in the plot list as follows
1 Bus1 5 Bus5 x : 1
2 Bus2 4 Bus4 x : 2
5 Bus5 x : 3
3 Bus3 4 Bus4 x : 4
4 Bus4 3 Bus3 x : 5
5 Bus5 x : 6
2 Bus2 x : 7
5 Bus5 1 Bus1 x : 8
4 Bus4 x : 9
2 Bus2 x : 10
Time = 0.00000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/PU
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 0 0.443 50 389 296 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 -0.285 0.255 50 520 55.6 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 0.18861 b/w buses : 1 and 3
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
Time = 0.02000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 0 0.443 50 389 296 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 -0.285 0.255 50 520 55.6 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 0.18861 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.000

Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 118


Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 0.00 5 Bus5 1.05 -4.5 1.9e+004 -37
0.65 0.5 3.9e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -19.53 4 Bus4 1.05 -2.6 5.6e+002 1.4e+002
-1 -0.42 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -4.5 9.8e+002 1.4e+002
-0.6 -0.19 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 -0.29 4 Bus4 1.05 -2.6 1.6e+004 -2.3
1 0.035 4.4e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 -2.57 3 Bus3 1.05 -0.29 7e+002 1.8e+002
-1 0.0046 -4.4e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 -4.5 2.5e+002 17
2.7 -0.98 1.4e+002 -53
2 Bus2 0.923 -20 4.8e+002 -12
1.4 0.25 2.9e+002 51
5 Bus5 1.050 -4.49 1 Bus1 1 0 7.3e+002 1.4e+002
-0.81 -0.52 -3.9e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 -2.6 2.3e+002 1.8e+002
-3.1 0.19 -1.4e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -20 9.2e+002 -29
0.69 0.31 5.3e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024

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kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
Time = 0.04000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 0 0.443 50 389 296 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 -0.285 0.255 50 520 55.6 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 0.18861 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.000
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 0.00 5 Bus5 1.05 -4.5 1.9e+004 -37
0.65 0.5 3.9e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -19.53 4 Bus4 1.05 -2.6 5.6e+002 1.4e+002
-1 -0.42 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -4.5 9.8e+002 1.4e+002
-0.6 -0.19 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 -0.29 4 Bus4 1.05 -2.6 1.6e+004 -2.3
1 0.035 4.4e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 -2.57 3 Bus3 1.05 -0.29 7e+002 1.8e+002
-1 0.0046 -4.4e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 -4.5 2.5e+002 17
2.7 -0.98 1.4e+002 -53
2 Bus2 0.923 -20 4.8e+002 -12
1.4 0.25 2.9e+002 51
5 Bus5 1.050 -4.49 1 Bus1 1 0 7.3e+002 1.4e+002
-0.81 -0.52 -3.9e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 -2.6 2.3e+002 1.8e+002
-3.1 0.19 -1.4e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -20 9.2e+002 -29
0.69 0.31 5.3e+002 2.4e+002

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kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
Time = 0.06000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 0 0.443 50 389 296 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 -0.285 0.255 50 520 55.6 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 0.18861 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.000
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 0.00 5 Bus5 1.05 -4.5 1.9e+004 -37
0.65 0.5 3.9e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -19.53 4 Bus4 1.05 -2.6 5.6e+002 1.4e+002
-1 -0.42 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -4.5 9.8e+002 1.4e+002
-0.6 -0.19 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 -0.29 4 Bus4 1.05 -2.6 1.6e+004 -2.3
1 0.035 4.4e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 -2.57 3 Bus3 1.05 -0.29 7e+002 1.8e+002
-1 0.0046 -4.4e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 -4.5 2.5e+002 17
2.7 -0.98 1.4e+002 -53
2 Bus2 0.923 -20 4.8e+002 -12
1.4 0.25 2.9e+002 51

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5 Bus5 1.050 -4.49 1 Bus1 1 0 7.3e+002 1.4e+002
-0.81 -0.52 -3.9e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 -2.6 2.3e+002 1.8e+002
-3.1 0.19 -1.4e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -20 9.2e+002 -29
0.69 0.31 5.3e+002 2.4e+002

Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 122


kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
Time = 0.08000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 0 0.443 50 389 296 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 -0.285 0.255 50 520 55.6 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 0.18861 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.000
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 0.00 5 Bus5 1.05 -4.5 1.9e+004 -37
0.65 0.5 3.9e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -19.53 4 Bus4 1.05 -2.6 5.6e+002 1.4e+002
-1 -0.42 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -4.5 9.8e+002 1.4e+002
-0.6 -0.19 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 -0.29 4 Bus4 1.05 -2.6 1.6e+004 -2.3
1 0.035 4.4e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 -2.57 3 Bus3 1.05 -0.29 7e+002 1.8e+002
-1 0.0046 -4.4e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 -4.5 2.5e+002 17
2.7 -0.98 1.4e+002 -53
2 Bus2 0.923 -20 4.8e+002 -12
1.4 0.25 2.9e+002 51
5 Bus5 1.050 -4.49 1 Bus1 1 0 7.3e+002 1.4e+002
-0.81 -0.52 -3.9e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 -2.6 2.3e+002 1.8e+002
-3.1 0.19 -1.4e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -20 9.2e+002 -29
0.69 0.31 5.3e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
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kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 1 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000024
Time = 0.10000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 0 0.443 50 389 296 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 -0.285 0.255 50 520 55.6 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 0.18861 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.000
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 0.00 5 Bus5 1.05 -4.5 1.9e+004 -37
0.65 0.5 3.9e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -19.53 4 Bus4 1.05 -2.6 5.6e+002 1.4e+002
-1 -0.42 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -4.5 9.8e+002 1.4e+002
-0.6 -0.19 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 -0.29 4 Bus4 1.05 -2.6 1.6e+004 -2.3
1 0.035 4.4e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 -2.57 3 Bus3 1.05 -0.29 7e+002 1.8e+002
-1 0.0046 -4.4e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 -4.5 2.5e+002 17
2.7 -0.98 1.4e+002 -53
2 Bus2 0.923 -20 4.8e+002 -12
1.4 0.25 2.9e+002 51
5 Bus5 1.050 -4.49 1 Bus1 1 0 7.3e+002 1.4e+002
-0.81 -0.52 -3.9e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 -2.6 2.3e+002 1.8e+002
-3.1 0.19 -1.4e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -20 9.2e+002 -29
0.69 0.31 5.3e+002 2.4e+002

Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 124


3 phase fault 0.10000 1 Bus1

kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.002596 dqmax 0.000095
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001096 dqmax 0.000096
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001084 dqmax 0.000097
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001074 dqmax 0.000097
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001066 dqmax 0.000097
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001060 dqmax 0.000097
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001056 dqmax 0.000097
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001055 dqmax 0.000097
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001055 dqmax 0.000003
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001057 dqmax 0.000004
Time = 0.12000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 0.0013 0.0469 0.475 50 0.482 65.5 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.01 -0.235 0.259 50 459 1.9e+003 520
Maximum rotor angle difference : 0.21526 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.005
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 0.001 0.05 5 Bus5 0.43 -5.6 7.4e+004 89
6.6e-006 -0.00027 0.06 -2.5
2 Bus2 0.495 -19.47 4 Bus4 0.828 -1.9 7e+002 1.1e+002
-0.31 -0.36 -1.4e+002 -
5 Bus5 0.43 -5.6 4.1e+002 -
-0.64 0.5 -94 74
3 Bus3 1.014 -0.23 4 Bus4 0.828 -1.9 7.2e+004 -79
0.044 0.21 3.8e+002 1.9e+003
4 Bus4 0.828 -1.91 3 Bus3 1.01 -0.23 3.1e+003 1e+002
-0.041 -0.17 -3.6e+002 -
5 Bus5 0.43 -5.6 2.6e+003 -83
0.034 0.21 2.1e+002 1.3e+003
2 Bus2 0.495 -19 5.4e+002 -58
0.57 0.85 1.5e+002 2.2e+002
5 Bus5 0.430 -5.61 1 Bus1 0.0013 0.047 2.9e+003 -91
0.0075 0.1 55 7.3e+002
4 Bus4 0.828 -1.9 2.7e+003 97
-0.024 -0.1 -1.5e+002 -
2 Bus2 0.495 -19 4.4e+002 26
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 125

0.55 -0.34 97 -60

kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001061 dqmax 0.000004
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001068 dqmax 0.000004
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001076 dqmax 0.000004
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001086 dqmax 0.000004
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001097 dqmax 0.000004
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001111 dqmax 0.000004
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001126 dqmax 0.000004
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001144 dqmax 0.000004
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001163 dqmax 0.000004
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001183 dqmax 0.000005
Time = 0.14000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 0.0013 0.0959 0.576 50 0.534 65.5 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.01 -0.22 0.275 50 459 1.9e+003 520
Maximum rotor angle difference : 0.30068 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.011
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 0.001 0.10 5 Bus5 0.43 -5.6 7.4e+004 89
6.8e-006 -0.00027 0.062 -2.5
2 Bus2 0.495 -19.46 4 Bus4 0.828 -1.9 7e+002 1.1e+002
-0.31 -0.36 -1.4e+002 -
5 Bus5 0.43 -5.6 4.1e+002 -
-0.64 0.5 -94 74
3 Bus3 1.014 -0.22 4 Bus4 0.828 -1.9 7.2e+004 -79
0.044 0.21 3.8e+002 1.9e+003
4 Bus4 0.828 -1.89 3 Bus3 1.01 -0.22 3.1e+003 1e+002
-0.041 -0.17 -3.6e+002 -
5 Bus5 0.43 -5.6 2.6e+003 -83
0.034 0.21 2.1e+002 1.3e+003
2 Bus2 0.495 -19 5.4e+002 -58
0.57 0.85 1.5e+002 2.2e+002
5 Bus5 0.430 -5.59 1 Bus1 0.0013 0.096 2.9e+003 -91
0.0075 0.1 55 7.3e+002
4 Bus4 0.828 -1.9 2.7e+003 97
-0.024 -0.1 -1.5e+002 -
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 126
2 Bus2 0.495 -19 4.4e+002 26

0.55 -0.34 97 -60

kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001206 dqmax 0.000005
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001230 dqmax 0.000005
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001256 dqmax 0.000005
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001283 dqmax 0.000005
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001312 dqmax 0.000005
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001343 dqmax 0.000005
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001375 dqmax 0.000006
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001409 dqmax 0.000006
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001445 dqmax 0.000006
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001482 dqmax 0.000006
Time = 0.16000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 0.0013 0.155 0.747 50 0.655 65.5 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.01 -0.194 0.302 50 459 1.9e+003 520
Maximum rotor angle difference : 0.44496 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.017
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 0.001 0.15 5 Bus5 0.43 -5.6 7.4e+004 89
6.9e-006 -0.00027 0.063 -2.5
2 Bus2 0.495 -19.43 4 Bus4 0.828 -1.9 7e+002 1.1e+002
-0.31 -0.36 -1.4e+002 -
5 Bus5 0.43 -5.6 4.1e+002 -
-0.64 0.5 -94 74
3 Bus3 1.014 -0.19 4 Bus4 0.828 -1.9 7.2e+004 -79
0.044 0.21 3.8e+002 1.9e+003
4 Bus4 0.828 -1.87 3 Bus3 1.01 -0.19 3.1e+003 1e+002
-0.041 -0.17 -3.6e+002 -
5 Bus5 0.43 -5.6 2.6e+003 -83
0.034 0.21 2.1e+002 1.3e+003
2 Bus2 0.495 -19 5.4e+002 -58
0.57 0.85 1.5e+002 2.2e+002
5 Bus5 0.430 -5.56 1 Bus1 0.0013 0.15 2.9e+003 -91
0.0075 0.1 55 7.3e+002
4 Bus4 0.828 -1.9 2.7e+003 97
-0.024 -0.1 -1.5e+002 -
2 Bus2 0.495 -19 4.4e+002 26
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 127

0.55 -0.34 97 -60

kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001520 dqmax 0.000006
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001560 dqmax 0.000007
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001601 dqmax 0.000007
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001644 dqmax 0.000007
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001688 dqmax 0.000007
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001734 dqmax 0.000008
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001781 dqmax 0.000008
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001830 dqmax 0.000008
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001880 dqmax 0.000009
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001931 dqmax 0.000009
Time = 0.18000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 0.0013 0.231 0.988 50 0.836 65.5 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.01 -0.157 0.34 50 459 1.9e+003 520
Maximum rotor angle difference : 0.64808 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.022
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 0.001 0.23 5 Bus5 0.43 -5.5 7.4e+004 89
7.1e-006 -0.00027 0.065 -2.5
2 Bus2 0.495 -19.39 4 Bus4 0.828 -1.8 7e+002 1.1e+002
-0.31 -0.36 -1.4e+002 -
5 Bus5 0.43 -5.5 4.1e+002 -
-0.64 0.5 -94 74
3 Bus3 1.014 -0.16 4 Bus4 0.828 -1.8 7.2e+004 -78
0.044 0.21 3.8e+002 1.9e+003
4 Bus4 0.828 -1.83 3 Bus3 1.01 -0.16 3.1e+003 1e+002
-0.041 -0.17 -3.6e+002 -
5 Bus5 0.43 -5.5 2.6e+003 -83
0.034 0.21 2.1e+002 1.3e+003
2 Bus2 0.495 -19 5.4e+002 -58
0.57 0.85 1.5e+002 2.2e+002
5 Bus5 0.430 -5.53 1 Bus1 0.0013 0.23 2.9e+003 -91
0.0075 0.1 55 7.3e+002
4 Bus4 0.828 -1.8 2.7e+003 97
-0.024 -0.1 -1.5e+002 -
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 128
2 Bus2 0.495 -19 4.4e+002 26

0.55 -0.34 97 -60

kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.001983 dqmax 0.000010
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.002037 dqmax 0.000011
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.002092 dqmax 0.000011
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.002148 dqmax 0.000012
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.002206 dqmax 0.000013
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.002265 dqmax 0.000014
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.002325 dqmax 0.000015
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.002386 dqmax 0.000016
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.002449 dqmax 0.000017
kp 1 kq 0 Iterations 10 dpmax 0.002512 dqmax 0.000018
Time = 0.20000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 0.0013 0.33 1.3 50 1.07 65.5 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.01 -0.109 0.389 50 459 1.9e+003 520
Maximum rotor angle difference : 0.90999 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 0.001 0.33 5 Bus5 0.43 -5.5 7.4e+004 89
7.3e-006 -0.00027 0.067 -2.5
2 Bus2 0.495 -19.35 4 Bus4 0.828 -1.8 7e+002 1.1e+002
-0.31 -0.36 -1.4e+002 -
5 Bus5 0.43 -5.5 4.1e+002 -
-0.64 0.5 -94 74
3 Bus3 1.014 -0.11 4 Bus4 0.828 -1.8 7.2e+004 -78
0.044 0.21 3.8e+002 1.9e+003
4 Bus4 0.828 -1.78 3 Bus3 1.01 -0.11 3.1e+003 1e+002
-0.041 -0.17 -3.6e+002 -
5 Bus5 0.43 -5.5 2.6e+003 -83
0.034 0.21 2.1e+002 1.3e+003
2 Bus2 0.495 -19 5.4e+002 -58
0.57 0.85 1.5e+002 2.2e+002
5 Bus5 0.430 -5.48 1 Bus1 0.0013 0.33 2.9e+003 -91
0.0075 0.1 55 7.3e+002
4 Bus4 0.828 -1.8 2.7e+003 97
-0.024 -0.1 -1.5e+002 -
2 Bus2 0.495 -19 4.4e+002 26
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 129

0.55 -0.34 97 -60

Fault removal 0.20000 1 Bus1
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 7 dpmax 0.000014 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000037 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000037 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000037 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000038 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000038 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000038 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000038 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000039 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000039 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 0.22000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 1.13 1.65 50 421 296 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 -0.0666 0.446 50 488 55.4 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 1.19982 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 1.13 5 Bus5 1.05 -3.7 2e+004 -34
0.64 0.45 4.2e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -18.90 4 Bus4 1.05 -2.2 5.6e+002 1.4e+002
-1 -0.44 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -3.7 9.8e+002 1.4e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 -0.07 4 Bus4 1.05 -2.2 1.5e+004 -2.2
1.1 0.041 4.1e+002 15
4 Bus4 1.046 -2.19 3 Bus3 1.05 -0.067 6.5e+002 1.8e+002
-1.1 -0.00078 -4.1e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -3.7 2e+002 21
3.2 -1.4 1.2e+002 -50
2 Bus2 0.923 -19 4.7e+002 -12
1.5 0.25 2.9e+002 50
5 Bus5 1.050 -3.74 1 Bus1 1 1.1 7.7e+002 1.5e+002
-0.79 -0.46 -4.2e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 -2.2 1.9e+002 1.8e+002

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-3.8 0.15 -1.2e+002

2 Bus2
0.923 -19 9.3e+002 -28
0.69 0.31 5.3e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000039 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000040 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000040 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000041 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000041 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000041 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000042 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000042 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000043 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000043 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 0.24000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 1.46 1.99 50 430 297 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 0.00485 0.509 50 479 55.5 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 1.47838 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 1.46 5 Bus5 1.05 -3.5 2e+004 -33
0.63 0.44 4.3e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -18.72 4 Bus4 1.05 -2.1 5.6e+002 1.4e+002
-1 -0.44 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -3.5 9.8e+002 1.4e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 0.00 4 Bus4 1.05 -2.1 1.5e+004 -2.2
1.1 0.043 4e+002 15
4 Bus4 1.046 -2.07 3 Bus3 1.05 0.0048 6.4e+002 1.8e+002
-1.1 -0.0028 -4e+002 -1
5 Bus5 1.05 -3.5 1.9e+002 22
3.4 -1.5 1.1e+002 -49
2 Bus2 0.923 -19 4.7e+002 -12
1.5 0.25 2.9e+002 50
5 Bus5 1.050 -3.52 1 Bus1 1 1.5 7.8e+002 1.5e+002
-0.78 -0.45 -4.3e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 -2.1 1.7e+002 1.8e+002

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-4.1 0.12 -1.1e+002

2 Bus2
0.923 -19 9.3e+002 -28
0.69 0.31 5.3e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000043 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000044 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000044 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000045 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000045 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000046 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000046 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000047 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000047 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000048 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 0.26000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 1.79 2.32 50 438 297 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 0.0829 0.579 50 471 55.6 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 1.74227 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 1.79 5 Bus5 1.05 -3.3 2e+004 -32
0.63 0.42 4.4e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -18.53 4 Bus4 1.05 -1.9 5.5e+002 1.4e+002
-1 -0.45 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -3.3 9.9e+002 1.4e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 0.08 4 Bus4 1.05 -1.9 1.4e+004 -2.2
1.1 0.045 3.9e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 -1.95 3 Bus3 1.05 0.083 6.2e+002 1.8e+002
-1.1 -0.0049 -3.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -3.3 1.8e+002 23
3.5 -1.7 1e+002 -48
2 Bus2 0.923 -19 4.7e+002 -12
1.5 0.25 2.9e+002 50
5 Bus5 1.050 -3.30 1 Bus1 1 1.8 7.9e+002 1.5e+002
-0.78 -0.43 -4.3e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 -1.9 1.6e+002 1.8e+002
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-4.4 0.082 -1e+002 1.9

2 Bus2
0.923 -19 9.3e+002 -27
0.69 0.31 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000048 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000049 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000049 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000050 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000050 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000051 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000052 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000052 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000053 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000053 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 0.28000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 2.11 2.65 50 446 298 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 0.169 0.658 50 463 55.7 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 1.98843 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 2.11 5 Bus5 1.05 -3.1 2.1e+004 -32
0.62 0.41 4.5e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -18.34 4 Bus4 1.05 -1.8 5.5e+002 1.4e+002
-1 -0.45 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -3.1 9.9e+002 1.4e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 0.17 4 Bus4 1.05 -1.8 1.4e+004 -2.2
1.1 0.047 3.8e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 -1.82 3 Bus3 1.05 0.17 6.1e+002 1.8e+002
-1.1 -0.0072 -3.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -3.1 1.7e+002 25
3.7 -1.8 94 -47
2 Bus2 0.923 -18 4.7e+002 -12
1.5 0.25 2.9e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 -3.08 1 Bus1 1 2.1 8e+002 1.5e+002
-0.77 -0.42 -4.4e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 -1.8 1.5e+002 1.8e+002
-4.7 0.038 -94 0.76
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2 Bus2
0.923 -18 9.4e+002 -27
0.69 0.31 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000054 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000055 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000055 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000056 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000057 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000057 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000058 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000059 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000059 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000060 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 0.30000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 2.41 2.96 50 453 298 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 0.265 0.747 50 456 55.8 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.21399 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 2.41 5 Bus5 1.05 -2.9 2.1e+004 -31
0.62 0.4 4.5e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -18.15 4 Bus4 1.05 -1.7 5.5e+002 1.4e+002
-1 -0.45 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -2.9 9.9e+002 1.5e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 0.26 4 Bus4 1.05 -1.7 1.4e+004 -2.2
1.2 0.049 3.8e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 -1.69 3 Bus3 1.05 0.26 6e+002 1.8e+002
-1.2 -0.0095 -3.7e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -2.9 1.6e+002 26
3.9 -2 88 -46
2 Bus2 0.923 -18 4.6e+002 -11
1.5 0.26 2.9e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 -2.86 1 Bus1 1 2.4 8.1e+002 1.5e+002
-0.77 -0.41 -4.5e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 -1.7 1.4e+002 1.8e+002
-5 -0.017 -88 -0.29
2 Bus2 0.923 -18 9.4e+002 -27
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0.69 0.31 5.4e+002 2.4e+002

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000061 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000061 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000062 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000063 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000064 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000064 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000065 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000066 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000067 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000067 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 0.32000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 2.71 3.26 50 460 298 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 0.371 0.848 50 449 56 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.41634 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 2.71 5 Bus5 1.05 -2.6 2.1e+004 -30
0.61 0.4 4.6e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -17.96 4 Bus4 1.05 -1.5 5.5e+002 1.4e+002
-1 -0.46 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -2.6 9.9e+002 1.5e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 0.37 4 Bus4 1.05 -1.5 1.4e+004 -2.1
1.2 0.052 3.7e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 -1.55 3 Bus3 1.05 0.37 5.9e+002 1.8e+002
-1.2 -0.012 -3.7e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -2.6 1.5e+002 27
4.1 -2.2 82 -45
2 Bus2 0.923 -18 4.6e+002 -11
1.5 0.26 2.9e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 -2.65 1 Bus1 1 2.7 8.2e+002 1.5e+002
-0.76 -0.4 -4.6e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 -1.5 1.3e+002 1.8e+002
-5.4 -0.08 -82 -1.2
2 Bus2 0.923 -18 9.4e+002 -27
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
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kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000068 dqmax 0.000000

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000069 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000070 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000070 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000071 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000072 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000073 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000074 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000074 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000075 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 0.34000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 3 3.55 50 466 299 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 0.489 0.961 50 443 56.1 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.59312 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 3.00 5 Bus5 1.05 -2.4 2.1e+004 -30
0.61 0.39 4.7e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -17.77 4 Bus4 1.05 -1.4 5.5e+002 1.4e+002
-1 -0.46 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -2.4 9.9e+002 1.5e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 0.49 4 Bus4 1.05 -1.4 1.3e+004 -2.1
1.2 0.054 3.6e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 -1.40 3 Bus3 1.05 0.49 5.8e+002 1.8e+002
-1.2 -0.014 -3.6e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -2.4 1.4e+002 29
4.2 -2.5 77 -45
2 Bus2 0.923 -18 4.6e+002 -11
1.5 0.26 2.8e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 -2.43 1 Bus1 1 3 8.3e+002 1.5e+002
-0.76 -0.39 -4.6e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 -1.4 1.2e+002 1.8e+002
-5.7 -0.15 -77 -2.1
2 Bus2 0.923 -18 9.4e+002 -26
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000076 dqmax 0.000000
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kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000077 dqmax 0.000000

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000078 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000079 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000080 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000080 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000081 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000082 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000083 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 0.36000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 3.27 3.83 50 471 299 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 0.62 1.09 50 438 56.3 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.74226 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 3.27 5 Bus5 1.05 -2.2 2.1e+004 -29
0.61 0.38 4.7e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -17.57 4 Bus4 1.05 -1.2 5.5e+002 1.4e+002
-1 -0.46 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -2.2 9.9e+002 1.5e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 0.62 4 Bus4 1.05 -1.2 1.3e+004 -2
1.2 0.056 3.6e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 -1.24 3 Bus3 1.05 0.62 5.7e+002 1.8e+002
-1.2 -0.016 -3.6e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -2.2 1.4e+002 30
4.4 -2.7 73 -44
2 Bus2 0.923 -18 4.6e+002 -11
1.5 0.26 2.8e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 -2.22 1 Bus1 1 3.3 8.3e+002 1.5e+002
-0.75 -0.38 -4.7e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 -1.2 1.2e+002 1.8e+002
-6 -0.23 -73 -2.8
2 Bus2 0.923 -18 9.4e+002 -26
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000085 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000086 dqmax 0.000000
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kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000087 dqmax 0.000000

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000087 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000089 dqmax 0.000002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000089 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000090 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000092 dqmax 0.000001
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000092 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000093 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 0.38000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 3.53 4.09 50 474 299 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 0.764 1.23 50 434 56.4 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.86201 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 3.53 5 Bus5 1.05 -2 2.2e+004 -29
0.6 0.38 4.7e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 -17.38 4 Bus4 1.05 -1.1 5.5e+002 1.4e+002
-1 -0.46 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -2 9.9e+002 1.5e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 0.76 4 Bus4 1.05 -1.1 1.3e+004 -1.9
1.2 0.057 3.5e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 -1.08 3 Bus3 1.05 0.76 5.7e+002 1.8e+002
-1.2 -0.017 -3.5e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -2 1.3e+002 31
4.5 -2.8 70 -44
2 Bus2 0.922 -17 4.6e+002 -11
1.5 0.26 2.8e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 -2.01 1 Bus1 1 3.5 8.4e+002 1.5e+002
-0.75 -0.38 -4.7e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 -1.1 1.1e+002 1.8e+002
-6.3 -0.3 -70 -3.3
2 Bus2 0.922 -17 9.4e+002 -26
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000094 dqmax 0.000001
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000095 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000096 dqmax 0.000000

Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 138


kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000097 dqmax 0.000000

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000098 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000099 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000100 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 0.40000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 3.77 4.34 50 477 299 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 0.923 1.39 50 431 56.5 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.95098 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 3.77 5 Bus5 1.05 -1.8 2.2e+004 -28
0.6 0.38 4.8e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 -17.18 4 Bus4 1.05 -0.9 5.5e+002 1.4e+002
-1 -0.46 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -1.8 9.9e+002 1.5e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 0.92 4 Bus4 1.05 -0.9 1.3e+004 -1.8
1.3 0.059 3.5e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 -0.90 3 Bus3 1.05 0.92 5.6e+002 1.8e+002
-1.2 -0.019 -3.5e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -1.8 1.3e+002 32
4.6 -3 67 -43
2 Bus2 0.922 -17 4.6e+002 -11
1.5 0.26 2.8e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 -1.80 1 Bus1 1 3.8 8.4e+002 1.5e+002
-0.75 -0.37 -4.7e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 -0.9 1.1e+002 1.8e+002
-6.6 -0.36 -67 -3.7
2 Bus2 0.922 -17 9.4e+002 -26
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
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kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 0.42000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 4 4.57 50 479 300 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 1.1 1.56 50 429 56.6 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 3.00809 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 4.00 5 Bus5 1.05 -1.6 2.2e+004 -28
0.6 0.37 4.8e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 -16.98 4 Bus4 1.05 -0.72 5.5e+002 1.4e+002
-1 -0.46 -2.7e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -1.6 9.9e+002 1.5e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 1.10 4 Bus4 1.05 -0.72 1.3e+004 -1.6
1.3 0.06 3.5e+002 17
4 Bus4 1.046 -0.72 3 Bus3 1.05 1.1 5.6e+002 1.8e+002
-1.3 -0.02 -3.5e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -1.6 1.3e+002 33
4.7 -3.1 65 -43
2 Bus2 0.922 -17 4.6e+002 -10
1.5 0.26 2.8e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 -1.59 1 Bus1 1 4 8.4e+002 1.5e+002
-0.75 -0.37 -4.7e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 -0.72 1e+002 1.7e+002
-6.7 -0.41 -65 -4
2 Bus2 0.922 -17 9.4e+002 -26
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000

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kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 0.44000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 4.21 4.78 50 480 300 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 1.28 1.75 50 429 56.6 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 3.03267 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 4.21 5 Bus5 1.05 -1.4 2.2e+004 -28
0.6 0.37 4.8e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 -16.78 4 Bus4 1.05 -0.53 5.5e+002 1.4e+002
-1 -0.46 -2.7e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -1.4 9.9e+002 1.5e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 1.28 4 Bus4 1.05 -0.53 1.3e+004 -1.4
1.3 0.06 3.5e+002 17
4 Bus4 1.046 -0.53 3 Bus3 1.05 1.3 5.6e+002 1.8e+002
-1.3 -0.02 -3.5e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -1.4 1.2e+002 33
4.7 -3.1 65 -43
2 Bus2 0.922 -17 4.6e+002 -10
1.5 0.26 2.8e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 -1.39 1 Bus1 1 4.2 8.5e+002 1.5e+002
-0.74 -0.37 -4.8e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 -0.53 1e+002 1.7e+002
-6.8 -0.44 -65 -4.1
2 Bus2 0.922 -17 9.4e+002 -25
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
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kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 0.46000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 4.41 4.98 50 480 300 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 1.49 1.96 50 429 56.6 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 3.02440 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 4.41 5 Bus5 1.05 -1.2 2.2e+004 -28
0.6 0.37 4.8e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 -16.58 4 Bus4 1.05 -0.32 5.5e+002 1.4e+002
-1 -0.46 -2.7e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -1.2 9.9e+002 1.5e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 1.49 4 Bus4 1.05 -0.32 1.3e+004 -1.2
1.3 0.06 3.5e+002 17
4 Bus4 1.046 -0.32 3 Bus3 1.05 1.5 5.6e+002 1.8e+002
-1.3 -0.02 -3.5e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -1.2 1.2e+002 33
4.7 -3.1 65 -43
2 Bus2 0.922 -17 4.6e+002 -10
1.5 0.26 2.8e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 -1.19 1 Bus1 1 4.4 8.5e+002 1.5e+002
-0.74 -0.37 -4.8e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 -0.32 1e+002 1.8e+002
-6.8 -0.43 -65 -4.1
2 Bus2 0.922 -17 9.4e+002 -25
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000

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kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 0.48000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 4.6 5.16 50 479 299 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 1.71 2.18 50 430 56.5 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.98335 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 4.60 5 Bus5 1.05 -0.99 2.2e+004 -27
0.6 0.38 4.8e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 -16.38 4 Bus4 1.05 -0.11 5.5e+002 1.4e+002
-1 -0.46 -2.7e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -0.99 9.9e+002 1.5e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 1.71 4 Bus4 1.05 -0.11 1.3e+004 -1
1.3 0.059 3.5e+002 17
4 Bus4 1.046 -0.11 3 Bus3 1.05 1.7 5.6e+002 1.8e+002
-1.3 -0.019 -3.5e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -0.99 1.3e+002 33
4.6 -3.1 66 -43
2 Bus2 0.922 -16 4.6e+002 -9.9
1.5 0.26 2.8e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 -0.99 1 Bus1 1 4.6 8.4e+002 1.5e+002
-0.75 -0.37 -4.7e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 -0.11 1e+002 1.8e+002
-6.7 -0.4 -66 -4
2 Bus2 0.922 -16 9.4e+002 -25
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
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kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 0.50000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 4.77 5.33 50 477 299 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 1.94 2.42 50 432 56.5 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.90997 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 4.77 5 Bus5 1.05 -0.79 2.2e+004 -27
0.6 0.38 4.8e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 -16.17 4 Bus4 1.05 0.11 5.5e+002 1.4e+002
-1 -0.46 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -0.79 9.9e+002 1.5e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 1.94 4 Bus4 1.05 0.11 1.3e+004 -0.74
1.2 0.058 3.5e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 0.11 3 Bus3 1.05 1.9 5.6e+002 1.8e+002
-1.2 -0.018 -3.5e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -0.79 1.3e+002 33
4.6 -2.9 68 -44
2 Bus2 0.922 -16 4.6e+002 -9.6
1.5 0.26 2.8e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 -0.79 1 Bus1 1 4.8 8.4e+002 1.5e+002
-0.75 -0.37 -4.7e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 0.11 1.1e+002 1.8e+002
-6.5 -0.35 -68 -3.6
2 Bus2 0.922 -16 9.4e+002 -25
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000

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kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000

Time = 0.52000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 4.92 5.47 50 473 299 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 2.19 2.67 50 435 56.4 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.80507 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 4.92 5 Bus5 1.05 -0.6 2.2e+004 -27
0.6 0.38 4.7e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 -15.97 4 Bus4 1.05 0.34 5.5e+002 1.4e+002
-1 -0.46 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -0.6 9.9e+002 1.5e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 2.19 4 Bus4 1.05 0.34 1.3e+004 -0.45
1.2 0.057 3.6e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 0.34 3 Bus3 1.05 2.2 5.7e+002 1.8e+002
-1.2 -0.017 -3.5e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -0.6 1.3e+002 32
4.5 -2.8 71 -44
2 Bus2 0.922 -16 4.6e+002 -9.4
1.5 0.26 2.8e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 -0.60 1 Bus1 1 4.9 8.4e+002 1.5e+002
-0.75 -0.38 -4.7e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 0.34 1.1e+002 1.8e+002
-6.2 -0.28 -71 -3.2
2 Bus2 0.922 -16 9.4e+002 -25
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
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Time = 0.54000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 5.06 5.61 50 469 299 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 2.45 2.94 50 440 56.2 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.66984 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 5.06 5 Bus5 1.05 -0.41 2.1e+004 -27
0.61 0.39 4.7e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -15.76 4 Bus4 1.05 0.58 5.5e+002 1.4e+002
-1 -0.46 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -0.41 9.9e+002 1.5e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 2.45 4 Bus4 1.05 0.58 1.3e+004 -0.13
1.2 0.055 3.6e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 0.58 3 Bus3 1.05 2.5 5.7e+002 1.8e+002
-1.2 -0.015 -3.6e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -0.41 1.4e+002 31
4.3 -2.6 74 -44
2 Bus2 0.923 -16 4.6e+002 -9.2
1.5 0.26 2.8e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 -0.41 1 Bus1 1 5.1 8.3e+002 1.5e+002
-0.75 -0.38 -4.6e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 0.58 1.2e+002 1.8e+002
-5.9 -0.2 -74 -2.6
2 Bus2 0.923 -16 9.4e+002 -24
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000

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Time = 0.56000 Seconds

Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 5.19 5.73 50 464 299 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 2.73 3.22 50 445 56.1 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.50581 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 5.19 5 Bus5 1.05 -0.22 2.1e+004 -28
0.61 0.39 4.6e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -15.55 4 Bus4 1.05 0.83 5.5e+002 1.4e+002
-1 -0.46 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -0.22 9.9e+002 1.5e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 2.73 4 Bus4 1.05 0.83 1.3e+004 0.2
1.2 0.053 3.6e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 0.83 3 Bus3 1.05 2.7 5.8e+002 -
-1.2 -0.013 -3.6e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -0.22 1.5e+002 31
4.2 -2.4 79 -45
2 Bus2 0.923 -16 4.6e+002 -8.9
1.5 0.26 2.9e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 -0.22 1 Bus1 1 5.2 8.2e+002 1.5e+002
-0.76 -0.39 -4.6e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 0.83 1.3e+002 1.8e+002
-5.6 -0.13 -79 -1.8
2 Bus2 0.923 -16 9.4e+002 -24
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
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Time = 0.58000 Seconds

Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 5.3 5.83 50 458 298 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 3.02 3.52 50 451 55.9 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.31486 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 5.30 5 Bus5 1.05 -0.03 2.1e+004 -28
0.61 0.4 4.6e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -15.34 4 Bus4 1.05 1.1 5.5e+002 1.4e+002
-1 -0.45 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -0.03 9.9e+002 1.5e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 3.02 4 Bus4 1.05 1.1 1.4e+004 0.56
1.2 0.051 3.7e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 1.09 3 Bus3 1.05 3 5.9e+002 -
-1.2 -0.011 -3.7e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 -0.03 1.5e+002 30
4 -2.2 84 -46
2 Bus2 0.923 -15 4.6e+002 -8.7
1.5 0.26 2.9e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 -0.03 1 Bus1 1 5.3 8.2e+002 1.5e+002
-0.76 -0.4 -4.5e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 1.1 1.3e+002 1.8e+002
-5.3 -0.06 -84 -0.95
2 Bus2 0.923 -15 9.4e+002 -24
0.68 0.31 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000

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Time = 0.60000 Seconds

Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 5.4 5.93 50 451 298 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 3.32 3.83 50 458 55.8 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.09916 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 5.40 5 Bus5 1.05 0.16 2.1e+004 -28
0.62 0.41 4.5e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -15.12 4 Bus4 1.05 1.4 5.5e+002 1.4e+002
-1 -0.45 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 0.16 9.9e+002 1.5e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 3.32 4 Bus4 1.05 1.4 1.4e+004 0.92
1.2 0.049 3.8e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 1.36 3 Bus3 1.05 3.3 6e+002 -
-1.2 -0.0088 -3.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 0.16 1.6e+002 29
3.8 -2 90 -46
2 Bus2 0.923 -15 4.7e+002 -8.4
1.5 0.25 2.9e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 0.16 1 Bus1 1 5.4 8.1e+002 1.5e+002
-0.77 -0.41 -4.5e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 1.4 1.4e+002 -
-4.9 0.0016 -90 0.03
2 Bus2 0.923 -15 9.4e+002 -24
0.69 0.31 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
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Time = 0.62000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 5.5 6.01 50 443 297 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 3.63 4.15 50 465 55.7 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 1.86120 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 5.50 5 Bus5 1.05 0.34 2.1e+004 -28
0.62 0.42 4.4e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -14.91 4 Bus4 1.05 1.6 5.5e+002 1.4e+002
-1 -0.45 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 0.34 9.9e+002 1.5e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 3.63 4 Bus4 1.05 1.6 1.4e+004 1.3
1.1 0.046 3.9e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 1.63 3 Bus3 1.05 3.6 6.1e+002 -
-1.1 -0.0065 -3.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 0.34 1.7e+002 28
3.7 -1.8 97 -47
2 Bus2 0.923 -15 4.7e+002 -8.1
1.5 0.25 2.9e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 0.34 1 Bus1 1 5.5 8e+002 1.5e+002
-0.77 -0.42 -4.4e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 1.6 1.5e+002 -
-4.6 0.053 -96 1.1
2 Bus2 0.923 -15 9.3e+002 -24
0.69 0.31 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
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kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000

Time = 0.64000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 5.58 6.08 50 435 297 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 3.95 4.48 50 474 55.6 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 1.60369 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 5.58 5 Bus5 1.05 0.52 2e+004 -29
0.63 0.43 4.4e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -14.70 4 Bus4 1.05 1.9 5.5e+002 1.4e+002
-1 -0.44 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 0.52 9.9e+002 1.5e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 3.95 4 Bus4 1.05 1.9 1.4e+004 1.7
1.1 0.044 3.9e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 1.91 3 Bus3 1.05 4 6.3e+002 -
-1.1 -0.0043 -3.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 0.52 1.8e+002 27
3.5 -1.6 1e+002 -48
2 Bus2 0.923 -15 4.7e+002 -7.8
1.5 0.25 2.9e+002 50
5 Bus5 1.050 0.52 1 Bus1 1 5.6 7.9e+002 1.5e+002
-0.78 -0.44 -4.3e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 1.9 1.7e+002 -
-4.3 0.095 -1e+002 2.3
2 Bus2 0.923 -15 9.3e+002 -24
0.69 0.31 5.3e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
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kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 0.66000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 5.65 6.14 50 427 297 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 4.28 4.82 50 482 55.5 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 1.32961 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 5.65 5 Bus5 1.05 0.71 2e+004 -29
0.63 0.44 4.3e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -14.48 4 Bus4 1.05 2.2 5.6e+002 1.4e+002
-1 -0.44 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 0.71 9.8e+002 1.5e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 4.28 4 Bus4 1.05 2.2 1.5e+004 2.1
1.1 0.042 4e+002 15
4 Bus4 1.046 2.19 3 Bus3 1.05 4.3 6.4e+002 -
-1.1 -0.0022 -4e+002 -0.79
5 Bus5 1.05 0.71 1.9e+002 26
3.3 -1.4 1.1e+002 -49
2 Bus2 0.923 -14 4.7e+002 -7.5
1.5 0.25 2.9e+002 50
5 Bus5 1.050 0.71 1 Bus1 1 5.7 7.8e+002 1.5e+002
-0.79 -0.45 -4.2e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 2.2 1.8e+002 -
-4 0.13 -1.1e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -14 9.3e+002 -23
0.69 0.31 5.3e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000

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kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 0.68000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 5.72 6.2 50 417 296 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 4.61 5.16 50 492 55.4 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 1.04209 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 5.72 5 Bus5 1.05 0.89 2e+004 -30
0.64 0.45 4.2e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -14.27 4 Bus4 1.05 2.5 5.6e+002 1.4e+002
-1 -0.44 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 0.89 9.8e+002 1.5e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 4.61 4 Bus4 1.05 2.5 1.5e+004 2.5
1.1 0.04 4.1e+002 15
4 Bus4 1.046 2.47 3 Bus3 1.05 4.6 6.6e+002 -
-1.1 -0.00019 -4.1e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 0.89 2.1e+002 25
3.1 -1.3 1.2e+002 -50
2 Bus2 0.923 -14 4.7e+002 -7.3
1.5 0.25 2.9e+002 50
5 Bus5 1.050 0.89 1 Bus1 1 5.7 7.6e+002 1.5e+002
-0.79 -0.47 -4.1e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 2.5 1.9e+002 -
-3.7 0.15 -1.2e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -14 9.3e+002 -23
0.69 0.31 5.3e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
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kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 0.70000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 5.78 6.25 50 408 296 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 4.95 5.51 50 501 55.4 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 0.74446 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 5.78 5 Bus5 1.05 1.1 1.9e+004 -30
0.64 0.47 4.1e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -14.05 4 Bus4 1.05 2.8 5.6e+002 1.4e+002
-1 -0.43 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 1.1 9.8e+002 1.5e+002
-0.6 -0.19 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 4.95 4 Bus4 1.05 2.8 1.5e+004 2.9
1 0.038 4.2e+002 15
4 Bus4 1.046 2.76 3 Bus3 1.05 5 6.7e+002 -
-1 0.0016 -4.2e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 1.1 2.2e+002 24
3 -1.2 1.3e+002 -51
2 Bus2 0.923 -14 4.7e+002 -7
1.5 0.25 2.9e+002 50
5 Bus5 1.050 1.07 1 Bus1 1 5.8 7.5e+002 1.5e+002
-0.8 -0.48 -4e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 2.8 2e+002 -
-3.5 0.17 -1.3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -14 9.3e+002 -23
0.69 0.31 5.3e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
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kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 0.72000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 5.84 6.3 50 398 296 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 5.3 5.86 50 511 55.5 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 0.44015 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 5.84 5 Bus5 1.05 1.2 1.9e+004 -31
0.65 0.48 4e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -13.83 4 Bus4 1.05 3.1 5.6e+002 1.4e+002
-1 -0.43 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 1.2 9.8e+002 1.5e+002
-0.6 -0.19 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 5.30 4 Bus4 1.05 3.1 1.6e+004 3.2
1 0.037 4.3e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 3.06 3 Bus3 1.05 5.3 6.9e+002 -
-1 0.0032 -4.3e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 1.2 2.3e+002 24
2.8 -1.1 1.4e+002 -52
2 Bus2 0.923 -14 4.8e+002 -6.7
1.4 0.25 2.9e+002 50
5 Bus5 1.050 1.25 1 Bus1 1 5.8 7.4e+002 1.5e+002
-0.8 -0.5 -3.9e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 3.1 2.2e+002 -
-3.2 0.18 -1.4e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -14 9.3e+002 -23
0.69 0.31 5.3e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
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kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 0.74000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 5.9 6.35 50 388 296 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 5.64 6.22 50 521 55.6 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 0.13267 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 5.90 5 Bus5 1.05 1.4 1.9e+004 -31
0.65 0.5 3.9e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -13.61 4 Bus4 1.05 3.3 5.6e+002 1.4e+002
-1 -0.42 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 1.4 9.8e+002 1.5e+002
-0.6 -0.19 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 5.64 4 Bus4 1.05 3.3 1.6e+004 3.6
1 0.035 4.4e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 3.35 3 Bus3 1.05 5.6 7e+002 -
-1 0.0046 -4.4e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 1.4 2.5e+002 23
2.7 -0.97 1.4e+002 -53
2 Bus2 0.923 -14 4.8e+002 -6.4
1.4 0.25 2.9e+002 51
5 Bus5 1.050 1.43 1 Bus1 1 5.9 7.3e+002 1.5e+002
-0.81 -0.52 -3.8e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 3.3 2.3e+002 -
-3 0.19 -1.4e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -14 9.2e+002 -23

Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 156


0.69 0.31 5.3e+002 2.4e+002

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 0.76000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 5.96 6.4 50 378 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 5.98 6.57 50 531 55.7 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 0.17444 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 5.96 5 Bus5 1.05 1.6 1.8e+004 -32
0.66 0.51 3.8e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -13.40 4 Bus4 1.05 3.6 5.6e+002 1.4e+002
-1 -0.42 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 1.6 9.8e+002 1.5e+002
-0.6 -0.19 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 5.98 4 Bus4 1.05 3.6 1.7e+004 4
0.98 0.034 4.5e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 3.64 3 Bus3 1.05 6 7.2e+002 -
-0.97 0.0058 -4.5e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 1.6 2.6e+002 23
2.5 -0.89 1.5e+002 -53
2 Bus2 0.923 -13 4.8e+002 -6.1
1.4 0.25 3e+002 51
5 Bus5 1.051 1.61 1 Bus1 1 6 7.2e+002 1.5e+002
-0.82 -0.54 -3.7e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 3.6 2.4e+002 -
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-2.9 0.2 -1.5e+002

2 Bus2
0.923 -13 9.2e+002 -23
0.69 0.31 5.3e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 0.78000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 6.02 6.45 50 369 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 6.33 6.92 50 540 55.9 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 0.47760 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 6.02 5 Bus5 1.05 1.8 1.8e+004 -33
0.66 0.53 3.7e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -13.18 4 Bus4 1.05 3.9 5.6e+002 1.4e+002
-1 -0.42 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 1.8 9.7e+002 1.5e+002
-0.61 -0.19 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 6.33 4 Bus4 1.05 3.9 1.7e+004 4.3
0.96 0.033 4.6e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 3.93 3 Bus3 1.05 6.3 7.3e+002 -
-0.95 0.0069 -4.6e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 1.8 2.7e+002 22
2.4 -0.81 1.6e+002 -54
2 Bus2 0.923 -13 4.8e+002 -5.8
1.4 0.25 3e+002 51
5 Bus5 1.051 1.79 1 Bus1 1 6 7.1e+002 1.5e+002
-0.82 -0.56 -3.7e+002 -
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 158

4 Bus4 1.05 3.9 2.6e+002 -

-2.7 0.2 -1.6e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -13 9.2e+002 -23
0.7 0.32 5.3e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 0.80000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 6.08 6.5 50 359 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 6.67 7.27 50 550 56.2 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 0.77333 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 6.08 5 Bus5 1.05 2 1.8e+004 -33
0.66 0.55 3.6e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -12.96 4 Bus4 1.05 4.2 5.7e+002 1.4e+002
-1 -0.41 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 2 9.7e+002 1.5e+002
-0.61 -0.19 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 6.67 4 Bus4 1.05 4.2 1.7e+004 4.7
0.94 0.032 4.7e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 4.22 3 Bus3 1.05 6.7 7.5e+002 -
-0.93 0.0077 -4.7e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 2 2.9e+002 22
2.3 -0.75 1.7e+002 -55
2 Bus2 0.923 -13 4.8e+002 -5.5
1.4 0.24 3e+002 51
5 Research
Bus5and Development
1.051 Consultants
1.97 1Pvt. Ltd.Bus1 1 Page 159
6.1 6.9e+002 1.5e+002

-0.83 -0.59 -3.6e+002 -

4 Bus4 1.05 4.2 2.7e+002 -
-2.6 0.21 -1.7e+002
2 Bus2
0.923 -13 9.2e+002 -22
0.7 0.32 5.3e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 0.82000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 6.15 6.56 50 350 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 7 7.62 50 559 56.4 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 1.05819 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 6.15 5 Bus5 1.05 2.1 1.8e+004 -34
0.67 0.56 3.5e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -12.75 4 Bus4 1.05 4.5 5.7e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.41 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 2.1 9.7e+002 1.5e+002
-0.61 -0.19 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 7.00 4 Bus4 1.05 4.5 1.8e+004 5
0.92 0.032 4.8e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 4.51 3 Bus3 1.05 7 7.6e+002 -


Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 160


1.4 0.24 3e+002 51

5 Bus5 1.051 2.15 1 Bus1 1 6.2 6.8e+002 1.5e+002
-0.83 -0.61 -3.5e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 4.5 2.8e+002 -
-2.5 0.21 -1.8e+002
2 Bus2
0.923 -13 9.2e+002 -22
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 0.84000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 6.23 6.62 50 341 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 7.33 7.95 50 568 56.7 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 1.32887 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 6.23 5 Bus5 1.05 2.3 1.7e+004 -35
0.67 0.58 3.4e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -12.53 4 Bus4 1.05 4.8 5.7e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.4 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 2.3 9.7e+002 1.5e+002
-0.61 -0.19 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 7.33 4 Bus4 1.05 4.8 1.8e+004 5.4
0.9 0.031 4.9e+002 17
4 Bus4 1.046 4.79 3 Bus3 1.05 7.3 7.8e+002 -
-0.9 0.009 -4.9e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 2.3 3.1e+002 22
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 161

2.2 -0.65 1.9e+002 -56

2 Bus2 0.923 -13 4.9e+002 -5
1.4 0.24 3e+002 52
5 Bus5 1.051 2.33 1 Bus1 1 6.2 6.7e+002 1.5e+002
-0.83 -0.63 -3.4e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 4.8 3e+002 -
-2.4 0.21 -1.9e+002
2 Bus2
0.923 -13 9.2e+002 -22
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 0.86000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 6.31 6.7 50 333 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 7.65 8.28 50 576 57 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 1.58225 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 6.31 5 Bus5 1.05 2.5 1.7e+004 -35
0.67 0.6 3.3e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -12.32 4 Bus4 1.05 5.1 5.7e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.4 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 2.5 9.7e+002 1.5e+002
-0.61 -0.2 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 7.65 4 Bus4 1.05 5.1 1.8e+004 5.7
0.89 0.031 5e+002 17
4 Bus4 1.046 5.07 3 Bus3 1.05 7.6 7.9e+002 -

Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 162


-0.88 0.0094 -4.9e+002

5 Bus5 1.05 2.5 3.2e+002 22
2.1 -0.62 1.9e+002 -57
2 Bus2 0.923 -12 4.9e+002 -4.7
1.4 0.24 3e+002 52
5 Bus5 1.051 2.51 1 Bus1 1 6.3 6.6e+002 1.4e+002
-0.84 -0.65 -3.3e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 5.1 3.1e+002 -
-2.3 0.21 -1.9e+002
2 Bus2
0.923 -12 9.1e+002 -22
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 0.88000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 6.4 6.78 50 325 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 7.96 8.6 50 584 57.4 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 1.81537 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 6.40 5 Bus5 1.05 2.7 1.7e+004 -36
0.67 0.61 3.3e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -12.11 4 Bus4 1.05 5.3 5.7e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.4 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 2.7 9.7e+002 1.5e+002
-0.61 -0.2 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 7.96 4 Bus4 1.05 5.3 1.8e+004 6
0.87 0.03 5e+002 17
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 163

4 Bus4 1.046 5.34 3 Bus3 1.05 8 8e+002 -

-0.87 0.0098 -5e+002 5.6
5 Bus5 1.05 2.7 3.3e+002 21
2 -0.58 2e+002 -58
2 Bus2 0.923 -12 4.9e+002 -4.4
1.4 0.24 3e+002 52
5 Bus5 1.051 2.69 1 Bus1 1 6.4 6.6e+002 1.4e+002
-0.84 -0.67 -3.2e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 5.3 3.2e+002 -
-2.2 0.21 -2e+002 19
2 Bus2 0.923 -12 9.1e+002 -22
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 0.90000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 6.5 6.88 50 318 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 8.26 8.9 50 590 57.7 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.02552 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 6.50 5 Bus5 1.05 2.9 1.7e+004 -36
0.68 0.63 3.2e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -11.90 4 Bus4 1.05 5.6 5.7e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.4 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 2.9 9.6e+002 1.5e+002
-0.61 -0.2 -5.1e+002 -
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 164
3 Bus3 1.050 8.26 4 Bus4 1.05 5.6 1.9e+004 6.3
0.86 0.03 5.1e+002 18

4 Bus4 1.046 5.60 3 Bus3 1.05 8.3 8.1e+002 -

-0.86 0.01 -5.1e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 2.9 3.4e+002 21
2 -0.56 2.1e+002 -58
2 Bus2 0.923 -12 4.9e+002 -4.2
1.4 0.24 3e+002 52
5 Bus5 1.051 2.88 1 Bus1 1 6.5 6.5e+002 1.4e+002
-0.84 -0.69 -3.2e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 5.6 3.3e+002 -
-2.1 0.21 -2e+002 20
2 Bus2 0.923 -12 9.1e+002 -22
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 0.92000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 6.62 6.98 50 312 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 8.55 9.19 50 596 58 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.21026 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 6.62 5 Bus5 1.05 3.1 1.7e+004 -37
0.68 0.64 3.1e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -11.69 4 Bus4 1.05 5.9 5.7e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.39 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 3.1 9.6e+002 1.5e+002
-0.61 -0.2 -5.1e+002 -
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 165
3 Bus3 1.050 8.55 4 Bus4 1.05 5.9 1.9e+004 6.5

0.85 0.03 5.2e+002 18

4 Bus4 1.046 5.86 3 Bus3 1.05 8.5 8.2e+002 -
-0.85 0.01 -5.1e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 3.1 3.5e+002 21
1.9 -0.53 2.1e+002 -58
2 Bus2 0.923 -12 4.9e+002 -3.9
1.4 0.24 3e+002 52
5 Bus5 1.051 3.07 1 Bus1 1 6.6 6.4e+002 1.4e+002
-0.84 -0.7 -3.1e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 5.9 3.4e+002 -
-2.1 0.2 -2.1e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -12 9.1e+002 -22
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 0.94000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 6.74 7.1 50 307 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 8.82 9.47 50 602 58.2 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.36742 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 6.74 5 Bus5 1.05 3.3 1.6e+004 -37
0.68 0.65 3.1e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -11.48 4 Bus4 1.05 6.1 5.7e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.39 -3e+002 -
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 166

-0.61 -0.2 -5e+002 -

3 Bus3 1.050 8.82 4 Bus4 1.05 6.1 1.9e+004 6.8
0.84 0.03 5.2e+002 18
4 Bus4 1.046 6.10 3 Bus3 1.05 8.8 8.3e+002 -
-0.84 0.01 -5.2e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 3.3 3.6e+002 21
1.9 -0.52 2.2e+002 -59
2 Bus2 0.923 -11 4.9e+002 -3.7
1.4 0.24 3e+002 52
5 Bus5 1.051 3.26 1 Bus1 1 6.7 6.4e+002 1.4e+002
-0.84 -0.72 -3e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 6.1 3.4e+002 -
-2 0.2 -2.1e+002
2 Bus2
0.923 -11 9.1e+002 -21
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 0.96000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 6.88 7.24 50 303 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 9.08 9.74 50 606 58.5 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.49518 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 6.88 5 Bus5 1.05 3.4 1.6e+004 -37
0.68 0.66 3e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 -11.27 4 Bus4 1.05 6.3 5.8e+002 1.5e+002

Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 167


-1 -0.39 -3e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 3.4 9.6e+002 1.5e+002
-0.61 -0.2 -5e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 9.08 4 Bus4 1.05 6.3 1.9e+004 7.1
0.84 0.029 5.3e+002 18
4 Bus4 1.046 6.34 3 Bus3 1.05 9.1 8.4e+002 -
-0.83 0.011 -5.2e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 3.4 3.6e+002 21
1.9 -0.5 2.2e+002 -59
2 Bus2 0.922 -11 5e+002 -3.4
1.4 0.24 3.1e+002 52
5 Bus5 1.051 3.45 1 Bus1 1 6.9 6.3e+002 1.4e+002
-0.84 -0.73 -3e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 6.3 3.5e+002 -
-2 0.2 -2.2e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 -11 9.1e+002 -21
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 0.98000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 7.04 7.39 50 300 296 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 9.33 9.98 50 609 58.6 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.59202 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Research
Bus1and Development
1.000 Consultants
7.04 5Pvt. Ltd.Bus5 1.05 3.6 1.6e+004 Page -38

0.68 0.67 3e+002 3e+002

2 Bus2 0.922 -11.06 4 Bus4 1.05 6.6 5.8e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.39 -3e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 3.6 9.6e+002 1.5e+002
-0.61 -0.2 -5e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 9.33 4 Bus4 1.05 6.6 1.9e+004 7.3
0.83 0.029 5.3e+002 19
4 Bus4 1.046 6.57 3 Bus3 1.05 9.3 8.4e+002 -
-0.83 0.011 -5.3e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 3.6 3.7e+002 22
1.8 -0.49 2.2e+002 -59
2 Bus2 0.922 -11 5e+002 -3.2
1.4 0.24 3.1e+002 53
5 Bus5 1.051 3.64 1 Bus1 1 7 6.3e+002 1.4e+002
-0.84 -0.74 -3e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 6.6 3.5e+002 -
-2 0.2 -2.2e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 -11 9.1e+002 -21
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.00000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 7.2 7.56 50 298 296 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 9.56 10.2 50 611 58.8 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.65680 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Zl-real Zl-im P Q Page 169

---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 7.20 5 Bus5 1.05 3.8 1.6e+004 -38
0.68 0.67 3e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 -10.86 4 Bus4 1.05 6.8 5.8e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.39 -3e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 3.8 9.6e+002 1.5e+002
-0.61 -0.2 -5e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 9.56 4 Bus4 1.05 6.8 1.9e+004 7.5
0.83 0.029 5.3e+002 19
4 Bus4 1.046 6.79 3 Bus3 1.05 9.6 8.5e+002 -
-0.83 0.011 -5.3e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 3.8 3.7e+002 22
1.8 -0.49 2.2e+002 -59
2 Bus2 0.922 -11 5e+002 -3
1.4 0.24 3.1e+002 53
5 Bus5 1.051 3.84 1 Bus1 1 7.2 6.3e+002 1.4e+002
-0.84 -0.74 -3e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 6.8 3.6e+002 -
-2 0.2 -2.2e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 -11 9.1e+002 -21
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.02000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 7.39 7.74 50 297 296 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 9.78 10.4 50 612 58.8 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.68875 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 170
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines

From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle

Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 7.39 5 Bus5 1.05 4 1.6e+004 -38
0.68 0.67 3e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 -10.66 4 Bus4 1.05 7 5.8e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.39 -3e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 4 9.6e+002 1.5e+002
-0.61 -0.2 -5e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 9.78 4 Bus4 1.05 7 2e+004 7.8
0.83 0.029 5.3e+002 19
4 Bus4 1.046 7.01 3 Bus3 1.05 9.8 8.5e+002 -
-0.82 0.011 -5.3e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 4 3.7e+002 22
1.8 -0.48 2.2e+002 -60
2 Bus2 0.922 -11 5e+002 -2.8
1.4 0.24 3.1e+002 53
5 Bus5 1.051 4.03 1 Bus1 1 7.4 6.3e+002 1.4e+002
-0.84 -0.75 -2.9e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 7 3.6e+002 -
-2 0.2 -2.2e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 -11 9.1e+002 -21
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.04000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 7.59 7.95 50 296 296 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 9.98 10.6 50 612 58.8 520 1.05
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 171
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.68747 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028

Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 7.59 5 Bus5 1.05 4.2 1.6e+004 -37
0.68 0.67 3e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 -10.46 4 Bus4 1.05 7.2 5.8e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.39 -3e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 4.2 9.6e+002 1.5e+002
-0.61 -0.2 -5e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 9.98 4 Bus4 1.05 7.2 2e+004 7.9
0.83 0.029 5.3e+002 19
4 Bus4 1.046 7.21 3 Bus3 1.05 10 8.5e+002 -
-0.82 0.011 -5.3e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 4.2 3.7e+002 22
1.8 -0.48 2.2e+002 -60
2 Bus2 0.922 -10 5e+002 -2.6
1.4 0.24 3.1e+002 53
5 Bus5 1.051 4.23 1 Bus1 1 7.6 6.3e+002 1.4e+002
-0.84 -0.75 -2.9e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 7.2 3.6e+002 -
-2 0.2 -2.2e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 -10 9.1e+002 -20
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.06000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 7.8 8.16 50 297 296 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 10.2 10.8 50 611 58.8 520 1.05
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 172

Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.65295 b/w buses : 1 and 3

Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 7.80 5 Bus5 1.05 4.4 1.6e+004 -37
0.68 0.67 3e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 -10.26 4 Bus4 1.05 7.4 5.8e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.39 -3e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 4.4 9.6e+002 1.5e+002
-0.61 -0.2 -5e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 10.16 4 Bus4 1.05 7.4 1.9e+004 8.1
0.83 0.029 5.3e+002 19
4 Bus4 1.046 7.40 3 Bus3 1.05 10 8.5e+002 -
-0.83 0.011 -5.3e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 4.4 3.7e+002 22
1.8 -0.49 2.2e+002 -59
2 Bus2 0.922 -10 5e+002 -2.4
1.4 0.24 3.1e+002 53
5 Bus5 1.051 4.44 1 Bus1 1 7.8 6.3e+002 1.4e+002
-0.84 -0.74 -2.9e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 7.4 3.6e+002 -
-2 0.2 -2.2e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 -10 9.1e+002 -20
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.08000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 173
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 8.03 8.4 50 300 296 389 1.01

3 Bus3 1.05 10.3 11 50 609 58.7 520 1.05

Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.58555 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 8.03 5 Bus5 1.05 4.6 1.6e+004 -37
0.68 0.67 3e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 -10.06 4 Bus4 1.05 7.6 5.8e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.39 -3e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 4.6 9.6e+002 1.5e+002
-0.61 -0.2 -5e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 10.33 4 Bus4 1.05 7.6 1.9e+004 8.3
0.83 0.029 5.3e+002 19
4 Bus4 1.046 7.58 3 Bus3 1.05 10 8.4e+002 -
-0.83 0.011 -5.3e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 4.6 3.7e+002 23
1.8 -0.49 2.2e+002 -59
2 Bus2 0.922 -10 5e+002 -2.2
1.4 0.24 3.1e+002 53
5 Bus5 1.051 4.64 1 Bus1 1 8 6.3e+002 1.4e+002
-0.84 -0.74 -3e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 7.6 3.5e+002 -
-2 0.2 -2.2e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 -10 9.1e+002 -20
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000100 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000099 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000098 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000097 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000096 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000095 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000094 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000093 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000092 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000091 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.10000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 174

--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 8.28 8.65 50 303 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 10.5 11.1 50 606 58.5 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.48602 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 8.28 5 Bus5 1.05 4.8 1.6e+004 -36
0.68 0.66 3e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 -9.87 4 Bus4 1.05 7.7 5.8e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.39 -3e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 4.8 9.6e+002 1.5e+002
-0.61 -0.2 -5e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 10.49 4 Bus4 1.05 7.7 1.9e+004 8.5
0.84 0.029 5.3e+002 19
4 Bus4 1.046 7.75 3 Bus3 1.05 10 8.4e+002 -
-0.83 0.011 -5.2e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 4.8 3.6e+002 23
1.9 -0.5 2.2e+002 -59
2 Bus2 0.922 -9.9 5e+002 -2
1.4 0.24 3.1e+002 52
5 Bus5 1.051 4.85 1 Bus1 1 8.3 6.3e+002 1.4e+002
-0.84 -0.73 -3e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 7.7 3.5e+002 -
-2 0.2 -2.2e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 -9.9 9.1e+002 -20
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000090 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000089 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000088 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000088 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000087 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000086 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000085 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000083 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000082 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.12000 Seconds
Power Research and
Intermediate Development
results Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
for Machines Page 175

GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 8.53 8.91 50 307 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 10.6 11.3 50 602 58.3 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.35549 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 8.53 5 Bus5 1.05 5.1 1.6e+004 -35
0.68 0.65 3.1e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -9.68 4 Bus4 1.05 7.9 5.7e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.39 -3e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 5.1 9.6e+002 1.5e+002
-0.61 -0.2 -5e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 10.63 4 Bus4 1.05 7.9 1.9e+004 8.6
0.84 0.03 5.2e+002 18
4 Bus4 1.046 7.91 3 Bus3 1.05 11 8.3e+002 -
-0.84 0.01 -5.2e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 5.1 3.6e+002 23
1.9 -0.52 2.2e+002 -59
2 Bus2 0.923 -9.7 4.9e+002 -1.8
1.4 0.24 3e+002 52
5 Bus5 1.051 5.06 1 Bus1 1 8.5 6.4e+002 1.4e+002
-0.84 -0.72 -3e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 7.9 3.4e+002 -
-2 0.2 -2.1e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -9.7 9.1e+002 -20
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000081 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000080 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000079 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000078 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000077 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000077 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000076 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000075 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000074 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000073 dqmax 0.000000
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 176

Time = 1.14000 Seconds

Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 8.81 9.19 50 312 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 10.8 11.4 50 597 58 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.19543 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 8.81 5 Bus5 1.05 5.3 1.7e+004 -35
0.68 0.64 3.1e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -9.48 4 Bus4 1.05 8.1 5.7e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.39 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 5.3 9.6e+002 1.5e+002
-0.61 -0.2 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 10.75 4 Bus4 1.05 8.1 1.9e+004 8.8
0.85 0.03 5.2e+002 18
4 Bus4 1.046 8.06 3 Bus3 1.05 11 8.2e+002 -
-0.85 0.01 -5.2e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 5.3 3.5e+002 24
1.9 -0.53 2.1e+002 -59
2 Bus2 0.923 -9.5 4.9e+002 -1.7
1.4 0.24 3e+002 52
5 Bus5 1.051 5.27 1 Bus1 1 8.8 6.4e+002 1.5e+002
-0.84 -0.7 -3.1e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 8.1 3.4e+002 -
-2.1 0.2 -2.1e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -9.5 9.1e+002 -19
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000072 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000071 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000071 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000070 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000069 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000068 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000067 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000066 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000066 dqmax 0.000000
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 177

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000065 dqmax 0.000000

Time = 1.16000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 9.09 9.48 50 318 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 10.9 11.5 50 591 57.7 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.00767 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 9.09 5 Bus5 1.05 5.5 1.7e+004 -34
0.68 0.63 3.2e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -9.29 4 Bus4 1.05 8.2 5.7e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.39 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 5.5 9.6e+002 1.5e+002
-0.61 -0.2 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 10.87 4 Bus4 1.05 8.2 1.9e+004 8.9
0.86 0.03 5.1e+002 18
4 Bus4 1.046 8.21 3 Bus3 1.05 11 8.2e+002 -
-0.86 0.01 -5.1e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 5.5 3.4e+002 24
2 -0.55 2.1e+002 -58
2 Bus2 0.923 -9.3 4.9e+002 -1.5
1.4 0.24 3e+002 52
5 Bus5 1.051 5.48 1 Bus1 1 9.1 6.5e+002 1.5e+002
-0.84 -0.69 -3.1e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 8.2 3.3e+002 -
-2.1 0.21 -2.1e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -9.3 9.1e+002 -19
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000064 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000063 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000063 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000062 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000061 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000060 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000060 dqmax 0.000000
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 178

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000059 dqmax 0.000000

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000058 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000057 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.18000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 9.39 9.79 50 325 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 11 11.6 50 584 57.4 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 1.79436 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 9.39 5 Bus5 1.05 5.7 1.7e+004 -33
0.67 0.61 3.2e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -9.11 4 Bus4 1.05 8.3 5.7e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.4 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 5.7 9.7e+002 1.5e+002
-0.61 -0.2 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 10.97 4 Bus4 1.05 8.3 1.9e+004 9
0.87 0.03 5e+002 17
4 Bus4 1.046 8.34 3 Bus3 1.05 11 8e+002 -
-0.87 0.0099 -5e+002 5.7
5 Bus5 1.05 5.7 3.3e+002 24
2 -0.58 2e+002 -58
2 Bus2 0.923 -9.1 4.9e+002 -1.4
1.4 0.24 3e+002 52
5 Bus5 1.051 5.69 1 Bus1 1 9.4 6.6e+002 1.5e+002
-0.84 -0.67 -3.2e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 8.3 3.2e+002 -
-2.2 0.21 -2e+002 19
2 Bus2 0.923 -9.1 9.1e+002 -19
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000057 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000056 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000055 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000055 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000054 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000053 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000052 dqmax 0.000000
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kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000052 dqmax 0.000000

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000051 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000051 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.20000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 9.7 10.1 50 332 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 11.1 11.7 50 577 57.1 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 1.55793 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 9.70 5 Bus5 1.05 5.9 1.7e+004 -32
0.67 0.6 3.3e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -8.92 4 Bus4 1.05 8.5 5.7e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.4 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 5.9 9.7e+002 1.5e+002
-0.61 -0.2 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 11.06 4 Bus4 1.05 8.5 1.8e+004 9.1
0.89 0.03 5e+002 17
4 Bus4 1.046 8.47 3 Bus3 1.05 11 7.9e+002 -
-0.88 0.0095 -5e+002 5.3
5 Bus5 1.05 5.9 3.2e+002 25
2.1 -0.61 1.9e+002 -57
2 Bus2 0.923 -8.9 4.9e+002 -1.3
1.4 0.24 3e+002 52
5 Bus5 1.051 5.91 1 Bus1 1 9.7 6.6e+002 1.5e+002
-0.84 -0.65 -3.3e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 8.5 3.1e+002 -
-2.3 0.21 -1.9e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -8.9 9.1e+002 -19
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000050 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000049 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000049 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000048 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000047 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000047 dqmax 0.000000

Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 180


kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000046 dqmax 0.000000

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000046 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000045 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000045 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.22000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 10 10.4 50 340 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 11.1 11.7 50 569 56.7 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 1.30111 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 10.02 5 Bus5 1.05 6.1 1.7e+004 -31
0.67 0.58 3.4e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -8.73 4 Bus4 1.05 8.6 5.7e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.4 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 6.1 9.7e+002 1.5e+002
-0.61 -0.19 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 11.14 4 Bus4 1.05 8.6 1.8e+004 9.2
0.9 0.031 4.9e+002 17
4 Bus4 1.046 8.60 3 Bus3 1.05 11 7.8e+002 -
-0.9 0.0091 -4.9e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 6.1 3.1e+002 25
2.1 -0.65 1.9e+002 -57
2 Bus2 0.923 -8.7 4.9e+002 -1.1
1.4 0.24 3e+002 52
5 Bus5 1.051 6.13 1 Bus1 1 10 6.7e+002 1.5e+002
-0.83 -0.63 -3.4e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 8.6 3e+002 -
-2.4 0.21 -1.9e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -8.7 9.2e+002 -18
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000044 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000044 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000043 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000042 dqmax 0.000000
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 181

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000042 dqmax 0.000000

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000041 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000041 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000040 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000040 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000040 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.24000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 10.3 10.8 50 349 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 11.2 11.8 50 560 56.4 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 1.02684 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 10.34 5 Bus5 1.05 6.3 1.8e+004 -30
0.67 0.57 3.5e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -8.55 4 Bus4 1.05 8.7 5.7e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.41 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 6.3 9.7e+002 1.5e+002
-0.61 -0.19 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 11.21 4 Bus4 1.05 8.7 1.8e+004 9.2
0.92 0.031 4.8e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 8.72 3 Bus3 1.05 11 7.7e+002 -
-0.91 0.0085 -4.8e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 6.3 3e+002 26
2.2 -0.7 1.8e+002 -56
2 Bus2 0.923 -8.5 4.9e+002 -1
1.4 0.24 3e+002 51
5 Bus5 1.051 6.35 1 Bus1 1 10 6.8e+002 1.5e+002
-0.83 -0.61 -3.5e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 8.7 2.8e+002 -
-2.5 0.21 -1.8e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -8.5 9.2e+002 -18
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000039 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000039 dqmax 0.000000
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 182

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000038 dqmax 0.000000

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000038 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000037 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000037 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000037 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000036 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000036 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000036 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.26000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 10.7 11.1 50 358 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 11.3 11.9 50 551 56.2 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 0.73828 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 10.67 5 Bus5 1.05 6.6 1.8e+004 -29
0.67 0.55 3.6e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -8.36 4 Bus4 1.05 8.8 5.7e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.41 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 6.6 9.7e+002 1.5e+002
-0.61 -0.19 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 11.28 4 Bus4 1.05 8.8 1.7e+004 9.3
0.94 0.032 4.7e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 8.83 3 Bus3 1.05 11 7.5e+002 -
-0.93 0.0078 -4.7e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 6.6 2.9e+002 27
2.3 -0.75 1.7e+002 -55
2 Bus2 0.923 -8.4 4.8e+002 -0.91
1.4 0.24 3e+002 51
5 Bus5 1.051 6.56 1 Bus1 1 11 6.9e+002 1.5e+002
-0.83 -0.59 -3.5e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 8.8 2.7e+002 -
-2.6 0.21 -1.7e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -8.4 9.2e+002 -18
0.7 0.32 5.3e+002 2.4e+002
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 183

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000035 dqmax 0.000000

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000035 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000034 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000034 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000034 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000034 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000033 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000033 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000033 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000032 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.28000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 11 11.5 50 368 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 11.3 11.9 50 541 55.9 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 0.43876 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 11.01 5 Bus5 1.05 6.8 1.8e+004 -28
0.66 0.53 3.7e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -8.18 4 Bus4 1.05 8.9 5.7e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.42 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 6.8 9.7e+002 1.5e+002
-0.61 -0.19 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 11.34 4 Bus4 1.05 8.9 1.7e+004 9.4
0.96 0.033 4.6e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 8.94 3 Bus3 1.05 11 7.4e+002 -
-0.95 0.007 -4.6e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 6.8 2.7e+002 27
2.4 -0.81 1.6e+002 -54
2 Bus2 0.923 -8.2 4.8e+002 -0.79
1.4 0.25 3e+002 51
5 Bus5 1.051 6.78 1 Bus1 1 11 7e+002 1.5e+002
-0.82 -0.57 -3.6e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 8.9 2.6e+002 -
-2.7 0.2 -1.6e+002
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 184

2 Bus2
0.923 -8.2 9.2e+002 -18
0.7 0.32 5.3e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000032 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000032 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000032 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000032 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000031 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000031 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000031 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000031 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000031 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000031 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.30000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 11.4 11.8 50 378 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 11.4 12 50 531 55.7 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 0.13172 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 11.35 5 Bus5 1.05 7 1.8e+004 -27
0.66 0.51 3.8e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -8.00 4 Bus4 1.05 9 5.6e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.42 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 7 9.8e+002 1.5e+002
-0.6 -0.19 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 11.39 4 Bus4 1.05 9 1.7e+004 9.4
0.98 0.034 4.5e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 9.05 3 Bus3 1.05 11 7.2e+002 -
-0.97 0.006 -4.5e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 7 2.6e+002 28
2.5 -0.88 1.5e+002 -54
2 Bus2 0.923 -8 4.8e+002 -0.69
1.4 0.25 3e+002 51
5 Bus5 1.051 7.01 1 Bus1 1 11 7.2e+002 1.5e+002
-0.82 -0.54 -3.7e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 9 2.5e+002 -
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 185

-2.9 0.2 -1.5e+002

2 Bus2
0.923 -8 9.2e+002 -17
0.69 0.31 5.3e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000030 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000030 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000030 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000030 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000030 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000030 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000030 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000030 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000030 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000030 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.32000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 11.7 12.2 50 388 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 11.4 12 50 521 55.6 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 0.17928 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 11.70 5 Bus5 1.05 7.2 1.9e+004 -26
0.65 0.5 3.9e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -7.81 4 Bus4 1.05 9.2 5.6e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.42 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 7.2 9.8e+002 1.5e+002
-0.6 -0.19 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 11.45 4 Bus4 1.05 9.2 1.6e+004 9.4
1 0.035 4.4e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 9.15 3 Bus3 1.05 11 7e+002 -
-1 0.0047 -4.4e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 7.2 2.5e+002 29
2.7 -0.97 1.5e+002 -53
2 Bus2 0.923 -7.8 4.8e+002 -0.58
1.4 0.25 2.9e+002 51
5 Bus5 1.050 7.23 1 Bus1 1 12 7.3e+002 1.5e+002
-0.81 -0.52 -3.8e+002 -
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 186

4 Bus4 1.05 9.2 2.3e+002 -

-3 0.19 -1.4e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -7.8 9.2e+002 -17
0.69 0.31 5.3e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000030 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000030 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000030 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000030 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000030 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000030 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000030 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000030 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000030 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000030 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.34000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 12 12.5 50 398 296 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 11.5 12 50 511 55.5 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 0.49066 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 12.04 5 Bus5 1.05 7.4 1.9e+004 -25
0.65 0.48 4e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -7.63 4 Bus4 1.05 9.3 5.6e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.43 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 7.4 9.8e+002 1.6e+002
-0.6 -0.19 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 11.50 4 Bus4 1.05 9.3 1.6e+004 9.4
1 0.037 4.3e+002 15
4 Bus4 1.046 9.26 3 Bus3 1.05 12 6.9e+002 -
-1 0.0033 -4.3e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 7.4 2.3e+002 30
2.8 -1.1 1.4e+002 -52
2 Bus2 0.923 -7.6 4.8e+002 -0.47
1.4 0.25 2.9e+002 50
5 Research
Bus5and Development
1.050 Consultants
7.45 1Pvt. Ltd.Bus1 1 Page 187
12 7.4e+002 1.6e+002

-0.8 -0.5 -3.9e+002 -

4 Bus4 1.05 9.3 2.2e+002 -
-3.2 0.19 -1.4e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -7.6 9.3e+002 -17
0.69 0.31 5.3e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000030 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000030 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000030 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000030 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000030 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000031 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000031 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000031 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000031 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000031 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.36000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 12.4 12.9 50 408 296 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 11.6 12.1 50 501 55.4 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 0.79882 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 12.38 5 Bus5 1.05 7.7 1.9e+004 -24
0.64 0.47 4.1e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -7.45 4 Bus4 1.05 9.4 5.6e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.43 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 7.7 9.8e+002 1.6e+002
-0.6 -0.19 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 11.56 4 Bus4 1.05 9.4 1.5e+004 9.5
1 0.038 4.2e+002 15
4 Bus4 1.046 9.37 3 Bus3 1.05 12 6.7e+002 -
-1 0.0017 -4.2e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 7.7 2.2e+002 31
3 -1.2 1.3e+002 -51
Power Research and Development Consultants2Pvt. Ltd.Bus2 0.923 -7.4 4.7e+002 Page 188

1.5 0.25 2.9e+002 50

5 Bus5 1.050 7.67 1 Bus1 1 12 7.5e+002 1.6e+002
-0.8 -0.48 -4e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 9.4 2e+002 -
-3.5 0.17 -1.3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -7.4 9.3e+002 -17
0.69 0.31 5.3e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000031 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000032 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000032 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000032 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000032 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000033 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000033 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000033 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000033 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000034 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.38000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 12.7 13.2 50 417 296 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 11.6 12.1 50 492 55.4 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 1.10018 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 12.72 5 Bus5 1.05 7.9 2e+004 -23
0.64 0.45 4.2e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -7.26 4 Bus4 1.05 9.5 5.6e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.44 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 7.9 9.8e+002 1.6e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 11.62 4 Bus4 1.05 9.5 1.5e+004 9.5
1.1 0.04 4.1e+002 15
4 Bus4 1.046 9.48 3 Bus3 1.05 12 6.6e+002 -
-1.1 -0.00011 -4.1e+002 -
Power Research and Development Consultants5Pvt. Ltd.Bus5 1.05 7.9 2.1e+002 Page 189

3.1 -1.3 1.2e+002 -50

2 Bus2 0.923 -7.3 4.7e+002 -0.26
1.5 0.25 2.9e+002 50
5 Bus5 1.050 7.89 1 Bus1 1 13 7.6e+002 1.6e+002
-0.79 -0.47 -4.1e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 9.5 1.9e+002 -
-3.7 0.15 -1.2e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -7.3 9.3e+002 -16
0.69 0.31 5.3e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000034 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000034 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000035 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000035 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000035 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000036 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000036 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000036 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000037 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000037 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.40000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 13.1 13.6 50 427 297 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 11.7 12.2 50 482 55.5 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 1.39127 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 13.06 5 Bus5 1.05 8.1 2e+004 -22
0.63 0.44 4.3e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -7.08 4 Bus4 1.05 9.6 5.6e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.44 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 8.1 9.8e+002 1.6e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 11.68 4 Bus4 1.05 9.6 1.5e+004 9.5
1.1 0.042 4e+002 15
4 Bus4 1.046 9.59 3 Bus3 1.05 12 6.4e+002 -
-1.1 -0.0021 -4e+002 -0.78
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5 Bus5 1.05 8.1 1.9e+002 33

3.3 -1.5 1.1e+002 -49
2 Bus2 0.923 -7.1 4.7e+002 -0.15
1.5 0.25 2.9e+002 50
5 Bus5 1.050 8.11 1 Bus1 1 13 7.8e+002 1.6e+002
-0.79 -0.45 -4.2e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 9.6 1.8e+002 -
-4 0.13 -1.1e+002
2 Bus2
0.923 -7.1 9.3e+002 -16
0.69 0.31 5.3e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000038 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000038 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000038 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000039 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000039 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000040 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000040 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000041 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000041 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000042 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.42000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 13.4 13.9 50 436 297 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 11.7 12.2 50 473 55.6 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 1.66870 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 13.38 5 Bus5 1.05 8.3 2e+004 -21
0.63 0.43 4.4e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -6.90 4 Bus4 1.05 9.7 5.5e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.44 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 8.3 9.9e+002 1.6e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 11.75 4 Bus4 1.05 9.7 1.4e+004 9.5
1.1 0.044 3.9e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 9.70 3 Bus3 1.05 12 6.3e+002 -
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 191

-1.1 -0.0043 -3.9e+002 -

5 Bus5 1.05 8.3 1.8e+002 35
3.5 -1.6 1e+002 -48
2 Bus2 0.923 -6.9 4.7e+002 -0.036
1.5 0.25 2.9e+002 50
5 Bus5 1.050 8.33 1 Bus1 1 13 7.9e+002 1.6e+002
-0.78 -0.44 -4.3e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 9.7 1.6e+002 -
-4.3 0.094 -1e+002 2.3
2 Bus2
0.923 -6.9 9.3e+002 -16
0.69 0.31 5.3e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000042 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000043 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000043 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000044 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000044 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000045 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000045 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000046 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000046 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000047 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.44000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 13.7 14.2 50 444 297 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 11.8 12.3 50 465 55.7 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 1.92926 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 13.70 5 Bus5 1.05 8.5 2.1e+004 -20
0.62 0.42 4.4e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -6.71 4 Bus4 1.05 9.8 5.5e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.45 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 8.5 9.9e+002 1.6e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 11.82 4 Bus4 1.05 9.8 1.4e+004 9.5
1.1 0.047 3.8e+002 16

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4 Bus4 1.046 9.82 3 Bus3 1.05 12 6.1e+002 -

-1.1 -0.0066 -3.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 8.5 1.7e+002 36
3.7 -1.8 96 -47
2 Bus2 0.923 -6.7 4.7e+002 0.082
1.5 0.25 2.9e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 8.54 1 Bus1 1 14 8e+002 1.6e+002
-0.77 -0.42 -4.4e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 9.8 1.5e+002 -
-4.6 0.05 -96 1
2 Bus2
0.923 -6.7 9.4e+002 -16
0.69 0.31 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000048 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000048 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000049 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000050 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000050 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000051 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000051 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000052 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000053 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000053 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.46000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 14 14.6 50 452 298 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 11.9 12.4 50 457 55.8 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.16992 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 14.02 5 Bus5 1.05 8.8 2.1e+004 -19
0.62 0.41 4.5e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -6.53 4 Bus4 1.05 9.9 5.5e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.45 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 8.8 9.9e+002 1.6e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 11.91 4 Bus4 1.05 9.9 1.4e+004 9.5
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 193

1.2 0.049 3.8e+002 16

4 Bus4 1.046 9.95 3 Bus3 1.05 12 6e+002 -
-1.2 -0.009 -3.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 8.8 1.6e+002 37
3.9 -2 89 -46
2 Bus2 0.923 -6.5 4.7e+002 0.2
1.5 0.25 2.9e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 8.76 1 Bus1 1 14 8.1e+002 1.6e+002
-0.77 -0.41 -4.5e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 9.9 1.4e+002 -
-4.9 -0.0044 -89 -0.079
2 Bus2 0.923 -6.5 9.4e+002 -15
0.69 0.31 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000054 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000055 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000055 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000056 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000057 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000058 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000058 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000059 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000060 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000061 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.48000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 14.3 14.9 50 459 298 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 12 12.5 50 450 56 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.38789 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 14.32 5 Bus5 1.05 9 2.1e+004 -19
0.61 0.4 4.6e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -6.34 4 Bus4 1.05 10 5.5e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.46 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 9 9.9e+002 1.6e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
1.6e+002 Page 194

3 Bus3 1.050 12.01 4 Bus4 1.05 10 1.4e+004 9.5

1.2 0.051 3.7e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 10.08 3 Bus3 1.05 12 5.9e+002 -
-1.2 -0.011 -3.7e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 9 1.5e+002 39
4 -2.2 83 -46
2 Bus2 0.923 -6.3 4.6e+002 0.33
1.5 0.26 2.9e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 8.97 1 Bus1 1 14 8.2e+002 1.6e+002
-0.76 -0.4 -4.5e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 10 1.3e+002 -
-5.3 -0.07 -83 -1.1
2 Bus2
0.923 -6.3 9.4e+002 -15
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000061 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000062 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000063 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000064 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000064 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000065 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000066 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000067 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000068 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000069 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.50000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 14.6 15.2 50 465 299 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 12.1 12.6 50 444 56.1 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.58063 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 14.61 5 Bus5 1.05 9.2 2.1e+004 -18
0.61 0.39 4.7e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -6.15 4 Bus4 1.05 10 5.5e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.46 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 9.2 9.9e+002 1.6e+002

Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 195


-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -

3 Bus3 1.050 12.11 4 Bus4 1.05 10 1.3e+004 9.6
1.2 0.054 3.6e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 10.22 3 Bus3 1.05 12 5.8e+002 -
-1.2 -0.014 -3.6e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 9.2 1.4e+002 40
4.2 -2.4 78 -45
2 Bus2 0.923 -6.1 4.6e+002 0.47
1.5 0.26 2.9e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 9.19 1 Bus1 1 15 8.3e+002 1.6e+002
-0.76 -0.39 -4.6e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 10 1.2e+002 -
-5.7 -0.15 -78 -2
2 Bus2
0.923 -6.1 9.4e+002 -15
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000069 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000070 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000071 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000072 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000073 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000074 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000074 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000075 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000076 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000077 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.52000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 14.9 15.4 50 471 299 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 12.2 12.7 50 438 56.3 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.74589 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 14.88 5 Bus5 1.05 9.4 2.1e+004 -18
0.61 0.38 4.7e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -5.96 4 Bus4 1.05 10 5.5e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.46 -2.8e+002 -
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 196

5 Bus5 1.05 9.4 9.9e+002 1.6e+002

-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 12.23 4 Bus4 1.05 10 1.3e+004 9.6
1.2 0.056 3.6e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 10.37 3 Bus3 1.05 12 5.7e+002 -
-1.2 -0.016 -3.6e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 9.4 1.4e+002 42
4.4 -2.7 73 -44
2 Bus2 0.923 -6 4.6e+002 0.62
1.5 0.26 2.8e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 9.40 1 Bus1 1 15 8.3e+002 1.6e+002
-0.75 -0.38 -4.7e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 10 1.2e+002 -
-6 -0.23 -73 -2.8
2 Bus2 0.923 -6 9.4e+002 -15
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000078 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000079 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000080 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000081 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000082 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000083 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000083 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000085 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000086 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.54000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 15.1 15.7 50 475 299 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 12.4 12.8 50 434 56.4 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.88173 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 15.15 5 Bus5 1.05 9.6 2.2e+004 -17
0.6 0.38 4.8e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 -5.77 4 Bus4 1.05 11 5.5e+002 1.5e+002
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 197

-1 -0.46 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 9.6 9.9e+002 1.6e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 12.37 4 Bus4 1.05 11 1.3e+004 9.7
1.2 0.058 3.5e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 10.53 3 Bus3 1.05 12 5.6e+002 -
-1.2 -0.018 -3.5e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 9.6 1.3e+002 43
4.5 -2.9 69 -44
2 Bus2 0.922 -5.8 4.6e+002 0.77
1.5 0.26 2.8e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 9.60 1 Bus1 1 15 8.4e+002 1.6e+002
-0.75 -0.38 -4.7e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 11 1.1e+002 -
-6.4 -0.31 -69 -3.4
2 Bus2 0.922 -5.8 9.4e+002 -14
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000088 dqmax 0.000002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000088 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000089 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000090 dqmax 0.000001
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000091 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000092 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000093 dqmax 0.000001
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000094 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000095 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000096 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.56000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 15.4 16 50 478 299 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 12.5 13 50 430 56.5 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.98657 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 15.39 5 Bus5 1.05 9.8 2.2e+004 -17
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. 0.6 0.38 4.8e+002 Page 198

2 Bus2 0.922 -5.58 4 Bus4 1.05 11 5.5e+002 1.5e+002

-1 -0.46 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 9.8 9.9e+002 1.6e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 12.52 4 Bus4 1.05 11 1.3e+004 9.8
1.3 0.059 3.5e+002 17
4 Bus4 1.046 10.70 3 Bus3 1.05 13 5.6e+002 -
-1.3 -0.019 -3.5e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 9.8 1.3e+002 44
4.6 -3 66 -43
2 Bus2 0.922 -5.6 4.6e+002 0.93
1.5 0.26 2.8e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 9.81 1 Bus1 1 15 8.4e+002 1.6e+002
-0.75 -0.37 -4.7e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 11 1.1e+002 -
-6.6 -0.39 -66 -3.9
2 Bus2
0.922 -5.6 9.4e+002 -14
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000097 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000098 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000099 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000100 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.58000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 15.6 16.2 50 481 300 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 12.7 13.1 50 428 56.6 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 3.05917 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 15.63 5 Bus5 1.05 10 2.2e+004 -16
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 199

0.6 0.37 4.8e+002 3e+002

2 Bus2 0.922 -5.38 4 Bus4 1.05 11 5.5e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.47 -2.7e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 10 9.9e+002 1.6e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 12.68 4 Bus4 1.05 11 1.3e+004 9.9
1.3 0.06 3.5e+002 17
4 Bus4 1.046 10.87 3 Bus3 1.05 13 5.6e+002 -
-1.3 -0.02 -3.5e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 10 1.2e+002 45
4.7 -3.2 64 -43
2 Bus2 0.922 -5.4 4.6e+002 1.1
1.5 0.26 2.8e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 10.01 1 Bus1 1 16 8.5e+002 1.6e+002
-0.74 -0.37 -4.8e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 11 1e+002 -
-6.9 -0.45 -64 -4.2
2 Bus2
0.922 -5.4 9.4e+002 -14
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.60000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 15.8 16.4 50 482 300 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 12.9 13.3 50 426 56.6 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 3.09866 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 200

1 Bus1 1.000 15.85 5 Bus5 1.05 10 2.2e+004 -16

0.6 0.37 4.8e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 -5.18 4 Bus4 1.05 11 5.5e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.47 -2.7e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 10 9.9e+002 1.6e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 12.86 4 Bus4 1.05 11 1.3e+004 10
1.3 0.061 3.5e+002 17
4 Bus4 1.046 11.06 3 Bus3 1.05 13 5.5e+002 -
-1.3 -0.021 -3.5e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 10 1.2e+002 45
4.8 -3.2 63 -43
2 Bus2 0.922 -5.2 4.6e+002 1.3
1.5 0.26 2.8e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 10.22 1 Bus1 1 16 8.5e+002 1.6e+002
-0.74 -0.37 -4.8e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 11 1e+002 -
-7 -0.49 -63 -4.4
2 Bus2
0.922 -5.2 9.4e+002 -14
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.62000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 16 16.6 50 483 300 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 13.1 13.5 50 426 56.7 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 3.10455 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 201

---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 16.05 5 Bus5 1.05 10 2.2e+004 -16
0.6 0.37 4.8e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 -4.99 4 Bus4 1.05 11 5.5e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.47 -2.7e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 10 9.9e+002 1.6e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 13.05 4 Bus4 1.05 11 1.3e+004 10
1.3 0.061 3.5e+002 17
4 Bus4 1.046 11.25 3 Bus3 1.05 13 5.5e+002 -
-1.3 -0.021 -3.5e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 10 1.2e+002 46
4.8 -3.3 63 -43
2 Bus2 0.922 -5 4.6e+002 1.5
1.5 0.26 2.8e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 10.41 1 Bus1 1 16 8.5e+002 1.6e+002
-0.74 -0.37 -4.8e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 11 1e+002 -
-7 -0.5 -63 -4.5
2 Bus2 0.922 -5 9.4e+002 -14
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.64000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 16.2 16.8 50 482 300 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 13.3 13.7 50 427 56.6 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 3.07674 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 202

Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 16.24 5 Bus5 1.05 11 2.2e+004 -16
0.6 0.37 4.8e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 -4.79 4 Bus4 1.05 11 5.5e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.47 -2.7e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 11 9.9e+002 1.6e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 13.26 4 Bus4 1.05 11 1.3e+004 11
1.3 0.061 3.5e+002 17
4 Bus4 1.046 11.46 3 Bus3 1.05 13 5.5e+002 -
-1.3 -0.021 -3.5e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 11 1.2e+002 46
4.7 -3.2 63 -43
2 Bus2 0.922 -4.8 4.6e+002 1.7
1.5 0.26 2.8e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 10.61 1 Bus1 1 16 8.5e+002 1.6e+002
-0.74 -0.37 -4.8e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 11 1e+002 -
-6.9 -0.48 -63 -4.4
2 Bus2 0.922 -4.8 9.4e+002 -13
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.66000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 16.4 17 50 480 300 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 13.5 14 50 429 56.6 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 3.01554 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 203

From Name Voltage Angle To Name

Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 16.41 5 Bus5 1.05 11 2.2e+004 -16
0.6 0.37 4.8e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 -4.59 4 Bus4 1.05 12 5.5e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.46 -2.7e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 11 9.9e+002 1.6e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 13.49 4 Bus4 1.05 12 1.3e+004 11
1.3 0.06 3.5e+002 17
4 Bus4 1.046 11.67 3 Bus3 1.05 13 5.6e+002 -
-1.3 -0.02 -3.5e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 11 1.2e+002 45
4.7 -3.1 65 -43
2 Bus2 0.922 -4.6 4.6e+002 1.9
1.5 0.26 2.8e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 10.81 1 Bus1 1 16 8.5e+002 1.6e+002
-0.74 -0.37 -4.8e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 12 1e+002 -
-6.8 -0.43 -65 -4.1
2 Bus2 0.922 -4.6 9.4e+002 -13
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.68000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 16.6 17.1 50 477 299 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 13.7 14.2 50 432 56.5 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.92160 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 204

Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 16.56 5 Bus5 1.05 11 2.2e+004 -16
0.6 0.38 4.8e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 -4.38 4 Bus4 1.05 12 5.5e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.46 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 11 9.9e+002 1.6e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 13.73 4 Bus4 1.05 12 1.3e+004 11
1.3 0.059 3.5e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 11.90 3 Bus3 1.05 14 5.6e+002 -
-1.2 -0.019 -3.5e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 11 1.3e+002 45
4.6 -3 67 -44
2 Bus2 0.922 -4.4 4.6e+002 2.1
1.5 0.26 2.8e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 11.00 1 Bus1 1 17 8.4e+002 1.6e+002
-0.75 -0.37 -4.7e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 12 1.1e+002 -
-6.5 -0.36 -67 -3.7
2 Bus2 0.922 -4.4 9.4e+002 -13
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.70000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 16.7 17.3 50 473 299 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 14 14.5 50 436 56.4 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.79600 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 205

Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 16.71 5 Bus5 1.05 11 2.2e+004 -16
0.6 0.38 4.7e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 -4.18 4 Bus4 1.05 12 5.5e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.46 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 11 9.9e+002 1.6e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 13.98 4 Bus4 1.05 12 1.3e+004 11
1.2 0.057 3.6e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 12.13 3 Bus3 1.05 14 5.7e+002 -
-1.2 -0.017 -3.5e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 11 1.3e+002 44
4.5 -2.8 71 -44
2 Bus2 0.922 -4.2 4.6e+002 2.4
1.5 0.26 2.8e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 11.19 1 Bus1 1 17 8.4e+002 1.6e+002
-0.75 -0.38 -4.7e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 12 1.1e+002 -
-6.2 -0.28 -71 -3.1
2 Bus2 0.922 -4.2 9.4e+002 -13
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.72000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 16.8 17.4 50 468 299 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 14.3 14.7 50 441 56.2 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.64016 b/w buses : 1 and 3

Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 206


Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028

Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 16.83 5 Bus5 1.05 11 2.1e+004 -16
0.61 0.39 4.7e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -3.97 4 Bus4 1.05 12 5.5e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.46 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 11 9.9e+002 1.6e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 14.25 4 Bus4 1.05 12 1.3e+004 12
1.2 0.055 3.6e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 12.38 3 Bus3 1.05 14 5.8e+002 -
-1.2 -0.015 -3.6e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 11 1.4e+002 43
4.3 -2.6 75 -45
2 Bus2 0.923 -4 4.6e+002 2.6
1.5 0.26 2.8e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 11.38 1 Bus1 1 17 8.3e+002 1.6e+002
-0.75 -0.39 -4.6e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 12 1.2e+002 -
-5.9 -0.19 -75 -2.4
2 Bus2 0.923 -4 9.4e+002 -13
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.74000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 16.9 17.5 50 462 298 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 14.5 15 50 446 56.1 520 1.05
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 207

Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.45585 b/w buses : 1 and 3

Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 16.95 5 Bus5 1.05 12 2.1e+004 -16
0.61 0.39 4.6e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -3.76 4 Bus4 1.05 13 5.5e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.46 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 12 9.9e+002 1.6e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 14.54 4 Bus4 1.05 13 1.3e+004 12
1.2 0.053 3.7e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 12.63 3 Bus3 1.05 15 5.8e+002 -
-1.2 -0.013 -3.7e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 12 1.5e+002 42
4.1 -2.3 80 -45
2 Bus2 0.923 -3.8 4.6e+002 2.9
1.5 0.26 2.9e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 11.56 1 Bus1 1 17 8.2e+002 1.6e+002
-0.76 -0.39 -4.6e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 13 1.3e+002 -
-5.5 -0.11 -80 -1.6
2 Bus2 0.923 -3.8 9.4e+002 -12
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.76000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 17 17.6 50 456 298 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 14.8 15.3 50 453 55.9 520 1.05
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 208

Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.24517 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 17.05 5 Bus5 1.05 12 2.1e+004 -16
0.61 0.4 4.6e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -3.55 4 Bus4 1.05 13 5.5e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.45 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 12 9.9e+002 1.6e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 14.83 4 Bus4 1.05 13 1.4e+004 12
1.2 0.05 3.7e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 12.89 3 Bus3 1.05 15 6e+002 -
-1.2 -0.01 -3.7e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 12 1.6e+002 41
4 -2.1 86 -46
2 Bus2 0.923 -3.6 4.6e+002 3.1
1.5 0.26 2.9e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 11.74 1 Bus1 1 17 8.1e+002 1.6e+002
-0.76 -0.4 -4.5e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 13 1.4e+002 -
-5.1 -0.038 -86 -0.64
2 Bus2 0.923 -3.6 9.4e+002 -12
0.68 0.31 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.78000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 17.1 17.7 50 448 298 389 1.01
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 209

3 Bus3 1.05 15.1 15.6 50 461 55.8 520 1.05

Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.01054 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 17.14 5 Bus5 1.05 12 2.1e+004 -16
0.62 0.41 4.5e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -3.34 4 Bus4 1.05 13 5.5e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.45 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 12 9.9e+002 1.6e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 15.14 4 Bus4 1.05 13 1.4e+004 13
1.2 0.048 3.8e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 13.16 3 Bus3 1.05 15 6.1e+002 -
-1.2 -0.0079 -3.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 12 1.7e+002 40
3.8 -1.9 92 -47
2 Bus2 0.923 -3.3 4.7e+002 3.4
1.5 0.25 2.9e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 11.93 1 Bus1 1 17 8e+002 1.6e+002
-0.77 -0.42 -4.4e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 13 1.5e+002 -
-4.8 0.022 -92 0.43
2 Bus2 0.923 -3.3 9.4e+002 -12
0.69 0.31 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.80000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 210

1 Bus1 1 17.2 17.7 50 440 297 389 1.01

3 Bus3 1.05 15.5 16 50 469 55.6 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 1.75464 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 17.22 5 Bus5 1.05 12 2e+004 -17
0.62 0.42 4.4e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -3.13 4 Bus4 1.05 13 5.5e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.45 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 12 9.9e+002 1.6e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 15.45 4 Bus4 1.05 13 1.4e+004 13
1.1 0.046 3.9e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 13.43 3 Bus3 1.05 15 6.2e+002 -
-1.1 -0.0056 -3.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 12 1.8e+002 39
3.6 -1.7 1e+002 -48
2 Bus2 0.923 -3.1 4.7e+002 3.7
1.5 0.25 2.9e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 12.11 1 Bus1 1 17 7.9e+002 1.6e+002
-0.78 -0.43 -4.4e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 13 1.6e+002 -
-4.4 0.072 -99 1.6
2 Bus2 0.923 -3.1 9.3e+002 -12
0.69 0.31 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.82000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 211

--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 17.3 17.8 50 431 297 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 15.8 16.3 50 478 55.5 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 1.48042 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.028
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 17.29 5 Bus5 1.05 12 2e+004 -17
0.63 0.43 4.3e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -2.92 4 Bus4 1.05 14 5.5e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.44 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 12 9.8e+002 1.6e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 15.78 4 Bus4 1.05 14 1.5e+004 14
1.1 0.043 4e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 13.71 3 Bus3 1.05 16 6.3e+002 -
-1.1 -0.0033 -4e+002 -1.2
5 Bus5 1.05 12 1.9e+002 38
3.4 -1.5 1.1e+002 -48
2 Bus2 0.923 -2.9 4.7e+002 4
1.5 0.25 2.9e+002 50
5 Bus5 1.050 12.29 1 Bus1 1 17 7.8e+002 1.6e+002
-0.78 -0.44 -4.3e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 14 1.7e+002 -
-4.1 0.11 -1.1e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -2.9 9.3e+002 -12
0.69 0.31 5.3e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.84000 Seconds
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 212
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip

pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.

--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 17.4 17.8 50 422 297 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 16.1 16.7 50 487 55.5 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 1.19103 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 17.36 5 Bus5 1.05 12 2e+004 -18
0.63 0.45 4.2e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -2.71 4 Bus4 1.05 14 5.6e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.44 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 12 9.8e+002 1.6e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 16.11 4 Bus4 1.05 14 1.5e+004 14
1.1 0.041 4.1e+002 15
4 Bus4 1.046 14.00 3 Bus3 1.05 16 6.5e+002 -
-1.1 -0.0012 -4.1e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 12 2e+002 37
3.2 -1.4 1.2e+002 -49
2 Bus2 0.923 -2.7 4.7e+002 4.3
1.5 0.25 2.9e+002 50
5 Bus5 1.050 12.46 1 Bus1 1 17 7.7e+002 1.6e+002
-0.79 -0.46 -4.2e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 14 1.8e+002 -
-3.8 0.14 -1.1e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -2.7 9.3e+002 -12
0.69 0.31 5.3e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.86000 Seconds
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 213

Intermediate results for Machines

GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 17.4 17.9 50 412 296 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 16.4 17 50 496 55.4 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 0.88980 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 17.42 5 Bus5 1.05 13 2e+004 -18
0.64 0.46 4.1e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -2.49 4 Bus4 1.05 14 5.6e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.43 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 13 9.8e+002 1.6e+002
-0.6 -0.19 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 16.45 4 Bus4 1.05 14 1.5e+004 14
1.1 0.039 4.2e+002 15
4 Bus4 1.046 14.28 3 Bus3 1.05 16 6.6e+002 -
-1.1 0.00076 -4.2e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 13 2.1e+002 36
3 -1.2 1.2e+002 -50
2 Bus2 0.923 -2.5 4.7e+002 4.6
1.5 0.25 2.9e+002 50
5 Bus5 1.050 12.64 1 Bus1 1 17 7.6e+002 1.6e+002
-0.8 -0.48 -4.1e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 14 2e+002 -
-3.6 0.16 -1.2e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -2.5 9.3e+002 -12
0.69 0.31 5.3e+002 2.4e+ 002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 214

Time = 1.88000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 17.5 17.9 50 403 296 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 16.8 17.4 50 506 55.5 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 0.58020 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 17.47 5 Bus5 1.05 13 1.9e+004 -19
0.65 0.47 4e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -2.28 4 Bus4 1.05 15 5.6e+002 1.5e+002
-1 -0.43 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 13 9.8e+002 1.6e+002
-0.6 -0.19 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 16.79 4 Bus4 1.05 15 1.6e+004 15
1 0.037 4.3e+002 15
4 Bus4 1.046 14.57 3 Bus3 1.05 17 6.8e+002 -
-1 0.0025 -4.3e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 13 2.3e+002 36
2.9 -1.1 1.3e+002 -51
2 Bus2 0.923 -2.3 4.8e+002 4.8
1.5 0.25 2.9e+002 50
5 Bus5 1.050 12.82 1 Bus1 1 17 7.5e+002 1.6e+002
-0.8 -0.49 -4e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 15 2.1e+002 -
-3.3 0.18 -1.3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -2.3 9.3e+002 -11
0.69 0.31 5.3e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 215

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.90000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 17.5 18 50 392 296 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 17.1 17.7 50 516 55.5 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 0.26581 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 17.52 5 Bus5 1.05 13 1.9e+004 -19
0.65 0.49 3.9e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -2.06 4 Bus4 1.05 15 5.6e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.43 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 13 9.8e+002 1.6e+002
-0.6 -0.19 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 17.14 4 Bus4 1.05 15 1.6e+004 15
1 0.036 4.4e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 14.87 3 Bus3 1.05 17 7e+002 -
-1 0.004 -4.4e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 13 2.4e+002 35
2.7 -1 1.4e+002 -52
2 Bus2 0.923 -2.1 4.8e+002 5.1
1.4 0.25 2.9e+002 50
5 Bus5 1.050 12.99 1 Bus1 1 18 7.3e+002 1.6e+002
-0.81 -0.51 -3.9e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 15 2.2e+002 -
-3.1 0.19 -1.4e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -2.1 9.3e+002 -11
0.69 0.31 5.3e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 216

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.92000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 17.6 18 50 382 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 17.5 18.1 50 527 55.7 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 0.04974 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 17.57 5 Bus5 1.05 13 1.9e+004 -20
0.66 0.51 3.8e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -1.85 4 Bus4 1.05 15 5.6e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.42 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 13 9.8e+002 1.6e+002
-0.6 -0.19 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 17.48 4 Bus4 1.05 15 1.6e+004 15
0.99 0.035 4.5e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 15.16 3 Bus3 1.05 17 7.1e+002 -
-0.98 0.0054 -4.5e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 13 2.5e+002 35
2.6 -0.92 1.5e+002 -53
2 Bus2 0.923 -1.8 4.8e+002 5.4
1.4 0.25 3e+002 51
5 Bus5 1.051 13.17 1 Bus1 1 18 7.2e+002 1.6e+002
-0.81 -0.53 -3.8e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 15 2.4e+002 -
-2.9 0.2 -1.5e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -1.8 9.2e+002 -11
0.69 0.31 5.3e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 217

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.94000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 17.6 18.1 50 372 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 17.8 18.4 50 537 55.8 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 0.36281 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 17.63 5 Bus5 1.05 13 1.8e+004 -21
0.66 0.52 3.7e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -1.64 4 Bus4 1.05 15 5.6e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.42 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 13 9.7e+002 1.6e+002
-0.6 -0.19 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 17.83 4 Bus4 1.05 15 1.7e+004 16
0.96 0.034 4.6e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 15.45 3 Bus3 1.05 18 7.3e+002 -
-0.96 0.0065 -4.6e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 13 2.7e+002 34
2.5 -0.84 1.6e+002 -54
2 Bus2 0.923 -1.6 4.8e+002 5.7
1.4 0.25 3e+002 51
5 Bus5 1.051 13.35 1 Bus1 1 18 7.1e+002 1.6e+002
-0.82 -0.56 -3.7e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 15 2.5e+002 -
-2.8 0.2 -1.6e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -1.6 9.2e+002 -11
0.7 0.31 5.3e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000

Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 218


kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.96000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 17.7 18.1 50 362 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 18.2 18.8 50 547 56.1 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 0.66977 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 17.68 5 Bus5 1.05 14 1.8e+004 -21
0.66 0.54 3.6e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -1.42 4 Bus4 1.05 16 5.7e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.41 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 14 9.7e+002 1.6e+002
-0.61 -0.19 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 18.17 4 Bus4 1.05 16 1.7e+004 16
0.94 0.033 4.7e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 15.74 3 Bus3 1.05 18 7.4e+002 -
-0.94 0.0074 -4.7e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 14 2.8e+002 34
2.4 -0.77 1.7e+002 -55
2 Bus2 0.923 -1.4 4.8e+002 6
1.4 0.24 3e+002 51
5 Bus5 1.051 13.52 1 Bus1 1 18 7e+002 1.6e+002
-0.82 -0.58 -3.6e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 16 2.7e+002 -
-2.6 0.21 -1.7e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -1.4 9.2e+002 -11
0.7 0.32 5.3e+002 2.4e+002
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 219

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 1.98000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 17.7 18.1 50 353 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 18.5 19.1 50 556 56.3 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 0.96707 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 17.74 5 Bus5 1.05 14 1.8e+004 -22
0.67 0.56 3.5e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -1.21 4 Bus4 1.05 16 5.7e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.41 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 14 9.7e+002 1.6e+002
-0.61 -0.19 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 18.50 4 Bus4 1.05 16 1.7e+004 17
0.92 0.032 4.8e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 16.03 3 Bus3 1.05 19 7.6e+002 -
-0.92 0.0082 -4.7e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 14 2.9e+002 34
2.3 -0.72 1.8e+002 -56
2 Bus2 0.923 -1.2 4.9e+002 6.3
1.4 0.24 3e+002 51
5 Bus5 1.051 13.70 1 Bus1 1 18 6.9e+002 1.6e+002
-0.83 -0.6 -3.5e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 16 2.8e+002 -
-2.5 0.21 -1.7e+002
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 220

2 Bus2 0.923 -1.2 9.2e+002 -11

0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.00000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 17.8 18.2 50 344 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 18.8 19.5 50 565 56.6 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 1.25127 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 17.81 5 Bus5 1.05 14 1.7e+004 -23
0.67 0.58 3.4e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -1.00 4 Bus4 1.05 16 5.7e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.41 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 14 9.7e+002 1.6e+002
-0.61 -0.19 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 18.83 4 Bus4 1.05 16 1.8e+004 17
0.91 0.031 4.9e+002 17
4 Bus4 1.046 16.31 3 Bus3 1.05 19 7.7e+002 -
-0.9 0.0088 -4.8e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 14 3.1e+002 33
2.2 -0.67 1.8e+002 -56
2 Bus2 0.923 -1 4.9e+002 6.6
1.4 0.24 3e+002 52
5 Bus5 1.051 13.88 1 Bus1 1 18 6.8e+002 1.6e+002
-0.83 -0.62 -3.4e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 16 2.9e+002 -
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
1.6e+002 Page 221

-2.4 0.21 -1.8e+002

2 Bus2
0.923 -1 9.2e+002 -11
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.02000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 17.9 18.3 50 335 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 19.2 19.8 50 574 57 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 1.51906 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 17.88 5 Bus5 1.05 14 1.7e+004 -24
0.67 0.59 3.3e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -0.78 4 Bus4 1.05 17 5.7e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.4 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 14 9.7e+002 1.6e+002
-0.61 -0.2 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 19.16 4 Bus4 1.05 17 1.8e+004 17
0.89 0.031 4.9e+002 17
4 Bus4 1.046 16.59 3 Bus3 1.05 19 7.9e+002 -
-0.89 0.0093 -4.9e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 14 3.2e+002 33
2.1 -0.63 1.9e+002 -57
2 Bus2 0.923 -0.78 4.9e+002 6.8
1.4 0.24 3e+002 52
5 Bus5 1.051 14.06 1 Bus1 1 18 6.7e+002 1.6e+002
-0.84 -0.64 -3.3e+002 -
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 222

4 Bus4 1.05 17 3e+002 -

-2.3 0.21 -1.9e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -0.78 9.1e+002 -10
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.04000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 18 18.3 50 327 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 19.5 20.1 50 582 57.3 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 1.76734 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 17.96 5 Bus5 1.05 14 1.7e+004 -24
0.67 0.61 3.3e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -0.57 4 Bus4 1.05 17 5.7e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.4 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 14 9.7e+002 1.6e+002
-0.61 -0.2 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 19.47 4 Bus4 1.05 17 1.8e+004 17
0.88 0.03 5e+002 17
4 Bus4 1.046 16.86 3 Bus3 1.05 19 8e+002 -
-0.87 0.0097 -5e+002 5.6
5 Bus5 1.05 14 3.3e+002 33
2 -0.59 2e+002 -57
2 Bus2 0.923 -0.57 4.9e+002 7.1
1.4 0.24 3e+002 52
5 Bus5 1.051 14.24 1 Bus1 1 18 6.6e+002 1.6e+002
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 223

-0.84 -0.66 -3.2e+002 -

4 Bus4 1.05 17 3.2e+002 -
-2.2 0.21 -2e+002 18
2 Bus2 0.923 -0.57 9.1e+002 -10
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.06000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 18.1 18.4 50 320 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 19.8 20.4 50 589 57.6 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 1.99322 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 18.05 5 Bus5 1.05 14 1.7e+004 -25
0.68 0.62 3.2e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -0.36 4 Bus4 1.05 17 5.7e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.4 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 14 9.6e+002 1.6e+002
-0.61 -0.2 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 19.78 4 Bus4 1.05 17 1.9e+004 18
0.86 0.03 5.1e+002 18
4 Bus4 1.046 17.12 3 Bus3 1.05 20 8.1e+002 -
-0.86 0.01 -5.1e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 14 3.4e+002 33
2 -0.56 2e+002 -58
2 Bus2 0.923 -0.36 4.9e+002 7.4
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. 1.4 0.24 3e+002 Page 224

5 Bus5 1.051 14.42 1 Bus1 1 18 6.5e+002 1.6e+002

-0.84 -0.68 -3.2e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 17 3.3e+002 -
-2.1 0.21 -2e+002 19
2 Bus2 0.923 -0.36 9.1e+002 -10
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.08000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 18.2 18.5 50 313 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 20.1 20.7 50 596 57.9 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.19407 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 18.16 5 Bus5 1.05 15 1.7e+004 -25
0.68 0.64 3.1e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 -0.16 4 Bus4 1.05 17 5.7e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.39 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 15 9.6e+002 1.6e+002
-0.61 -0.2 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 20.07 4 Bus4 1.05 17 1.9e+004 18
0.85 0.03 5.2e+002 18
4 Bus4 1.046 17.38 3 Bus3 1.05 20 8.2e+002 -
-0.85 0.01 -5.1e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 15 3.5e+002 33
1.9 -0.54 2.1e+002 -58
Power Research and Development Consultants2Pvt. Ltd.Bus2 0.923 -0.16 4.9e+002 Page 7.6

1.4 0.24 3e+002 52

5 Bus5 1.051 14.60 1 Bus1 1 18 6.4e+002 1.5e+002
-0.84 -0.7 -3.1e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 17 3.3e+002 -
-2.1 0.2 -2.1e+002
2 Bus2
0.923 -0.16 9.1e+002 -10
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.10000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 18.3 18.6 50 307 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 20.3 21 50 602 58.2 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.36756 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 18.27 5 Bus5 1.05 15 1.6e+004 -26
0.68 0.65 3.1e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 0.05 4 Bus4 1.05 18 5.7e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.39 -3e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 15 9.6e+002 1.6e+002
-0.61 -0.2 -5e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 20.35 4 Bus4 1.05 18 1.9e+004 18
0.84 0.03 5.2e+002 18
4 Bus4 1.046 17.63 3 Bus3 1.05 20 8.3e+002 -
-0.84 0.01 -5.2e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 15 3.6e+002 33
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 226

1.9 -0.52 2.2e+002 -59

2 Bus2 0.923 0.051 4.9e+002 7.9
1.4 0.24 3e+002 52
5 Bus5 1.051 14.79 1 Bus1 1 18 6.4e+002 1.5e+002
-0.84 -0.72 -3e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 18 3.4e+002 -
-2 0.2 -2.1e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 0.051 9.1e+002 -9.8
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.12000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 18.4 18.8 50 303 296 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 20.6 21.3 50 606 58.5 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.51164 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 18.40 5 Bus5 1.05 15 1.6e+004 -26
0.68 0.66 3e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 0.26 4 Bus4 1.05 18 5.8e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.39 -3e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 15 9.6e+002 1.6e+002
-0.61 -0.2 -5e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 20.61 4 Bus4 1.05 18 1.9e+004 19
0.84 0.029 5.3e+002 19
4 Bus4 1.046 17.87 3 Bus3 1.05 21 8.4e+002 -
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 227

-0.83 0.011 -5.2e+002

5 Bus5 1.05 15 3.6e+002 33
1.9 -0.5 2.2e+002 -59
2 Bus2 0.922 0.26 5e+002 8.1
1.4 0.24 3.1e+002 52
5 Bus5 1.051 14.97 1 Bus1 1 18 6.3e+002 1.5e+002
-0.84 -0.73 -3e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 18 3.5e+002 -
-2 0.2 -2.2e+002
2 Bus2
0.922 0.26 9.1e+002 -9.7
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.14000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 18.5 18.9 50 299 296 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 20.9 21.5 50 610 58.7 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.62463 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 18.54 5 Bus5 1.05 15 1.6e+004 -26
0.68 0.67 3e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 0.46 4 Bus4 1.05 18 5.8e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.39 -3e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 15 9.6e+002 1.6e+002
-0.61 -0.2 -5e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 20.87 4 Bus4 1.05 18 1.9e+004 19
0.83 0.029 5.3e+002 19
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 228

4 Bus4 1.046 18.11 3 Bus3 1.05 21 8.5e+002 -

-0.83 0.011 -5.3e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 15 3.7e+002 33
1.8 -0.49 2.2e+002 -59
2 Bus2 0.922 0.46 5e+002 8.3
1.4 0.24 3.1e+002 53
5 Bus5 1.051 15.16 1 Bus1 1 19 6.3e+002 1.5e+002
-0.84 -0.74 -3e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 18 3.5e+002 -
-2 0.2 -2.2e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 0.46 9.1e+002 -9.5
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.16000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 18.7 19.1 50 296 296 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 21.1 21.8 50 613 58.9 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.70520 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 18.70 5 Bus5 1.05 15 1.6e+004 -26
0.68 0.68 3e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 0.66 4 Bus4 1.05 18 5.8e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.39 -3e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 15 9.6e+002 1.6e+002
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 229
-0.61 -0.2 -5e+002 -

3 Bus3 1.050 21.10 4 Bus4 1.05 18 2e+004 19

0.83 0.029 5.3e+002 19
4 Bus4 1.046 18.33 3 Bus3 1.05 21 8.5e+002 -
-0.82 0.011 -5.3e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 15 3.7e+002 33
1.8 -0.48 2.2e+002 -60
2 Bus2 0.922 0.66 5e+002 8.6
1.4 0.24 3.1e+002 53
5 Bus5 1.051 15.35 1 Bus1 1 19 6.3e+002 1.5e+002
-0.84 -0.75 -2.9e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 18 3.6e+002 -
-2 0.2 -2.2e+002
2 Bus2
0.922 0.66 9.1e+002 -9.3
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.18000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 18.9 19.2 50 295 296 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 21.3 22 50 614 59 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.75240 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 18.88 5 Bus5 1.05 16 1.6e+004 -26
0.68 0.68 2.9e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 0.86 4 Bus4 1.05 19 5.8e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.39 -3e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 16 9.6e+002 1.6e+002
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 230

-0.61 -0.2 -5e+002 -

3 Bus3 1.050 21.32 4 Bus4 1.05 19 2e+004 19
0.82 0.029 5.3e+002 19
4 Bus4 1.046 18.54 3 Bus3 1.05 21 8.5e+002 -
-0.82 0.011 -5.3e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 16 3.7e+002 33
1.8 -0.48 2.3e+002 -60
2 Bus2 0.922 0.86 5e+002 8.8
1.4 0.24 3.1e+002 53
5 Bus5 1.051 15.55 1 Bus1 1 19 6.2e+002 1.5e+002
-0.84 -0.75 -2.9e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 19 3.6e+002 -
-1.9 0.2 -2.3e+002
2 Bus2
0.922 0.86 9.1e+002 -9.1
0.71 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.20000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 19.1 19.4 50 294 296 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 21.5 22.2 50 615 59 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.76564 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 19.06 5 Bus5 1.05 16 1.6e+004 -26
0.68 0.68 2.9e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 1.06 4 Bus4 1.05 19 5.8e+002 1.6e+002

Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 231


-1 -0.39 -3e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 16 9.6e+002 1.6e+002
-0.61 -0.2 -5e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 21.53 4 Bus4 1.05 19 2e+004 19
0.82 0.029 5.3e+002 19
4 Bus4 1.046 18.74 3 Bus3 1.05 22 8 .5e+002 -
-0.82 0.011 -5.3e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 16 3.8e+002 33
1.8 -0.47 2.3e+002 -60
2 Bus2 0.922 1.1 5e+002 9
1.4 0.24 3.1e+002 53
5 Bus5 1.051 15.74 1 Bus1 1 19 6.2e+002 1.5e+002
-0.84 -0.75 -2.9e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 19 3.6e+002 -
-1.9 0.2 -2.3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 1.1 9.1e+002 -8.9
0.71 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.22000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 19.3 19.6 50 295 296 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 21.7 22.4 50 614 59 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.74474 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Research
Bus1and Development
1.000 Consultants5Pvt. Ltd.Bus5
19.27 1.05 16 1.6e+004 Page -26

0.68 0.68 2.9e+002 3e+002

2 Bus2 0.922 1.26 4 Bus4 1.05 19 5.8e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.39 -3e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 16 9.6e+002 1.6e+002
-0.61 -0.2 -5e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 21.72 4 Bus4 1.05 19 2e+004 20
0.82 0.029 5.3e+002 19
4 Bus4 1.046 18.93 3 Bus3 1.05 22 8.5e+002 -
-0.82 0.011 -5.3e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 16 3.7e+002 34
1.8 -0.48 2.3e+002 -60
2 Bus2 0.922 1.3 5e+002 9.2
1.4 0.24 3.1e+002 53
5 Bus5 1.051 15.94 1 Bus1 1 19 6.2e+002 1.5e+002
-0.84 -0.75 -2.9e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 19 3.6e+002 -
-1.9 0.2 -2.3e+002
2 Bus2
0.922 1.3 9.1e+002 -8.7
0.71 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.24000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 19.5 19.9 50 296 296 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 21.9 22.5 50 613 58.9 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.68993 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 233

---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 19.49 5 Bus5 1.05 16 1.6e+004 -25
0.68 0.68 3e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 1.45 4 Bus4 1.05 19 5.8e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.39 -3e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 16 9.6e+002 1.6e+002
1.7e+002 -0.61 -0.2 -5e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 21.89 4 Bus4 1.05 19 2e+004 20
0.83 0.029 5.3e+002 19
4 Bus4 1.046 19.12 3 Bus3 1.05 22 8.5e+002 -
-0.82 0.011 -5.3e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 16 3.7e+002 34
1.8 -0.48 2.2e+002 -60
2 Bus2 0.922 1.4 5e+002 9.3
1.4 0.24 3.1e+002 53
5 Bus5 1.051 16.14 1 Bus1 1 19 6.3e+002 1.5e+002
-0.84 -0.75 -2.9e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 19 3.6e+002 -
-2 0.2 -2.2e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 1.4 9.1e+002 -8.5
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000100 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000099 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000098 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000097 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000096 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000095 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000094 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000093 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.26000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 19.7 20.1 50 299 296 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 22 22.7 50 610 58.7 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.60179 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 234
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines

From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle

Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 19.73 5 Bus5 1.05 16 1.6e+004 -25
0.68 0.67 3e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 1.64 4 Bus4 1.05 19 5.8e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.39 -3e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 16 9.6e+002 1.6e+002
-0.61 -0.2 -5e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 22.05 4 Bus4 1.05 19 1.9e+004 20
0.83 0.029 5.3e+002 19
4 Bus4 1.046 19.29 3 Bus3 1.05 22 8.5e+002 -
-0.83 0.011 -5.3e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 16 3.7e+002 34
1.8 -0.49 2.2e+002 -59
2 Bus2 0.922 1.6 5e+002 9.5
1.4 0.24 3.1e+002 53
5 Bus5 1.051 16.34 1 Bus1 1 20 6.3e+002 1.6e+002
-0.84 -0.74 -3e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 19 3.5e+002 -
-2 0.2 -2.2e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 1.6 9.1e+002 -8.3
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000092 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000091 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000090 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000089 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000088 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000087 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000086 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000085 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000083 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.28000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 20 20.3 50 303 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 22.2 22.8 50 606 58.5 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.48132 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Power Research
Island 1 and Development
Common systemConsultants
frequency Pvt. Ltd.
50.027 Page 235

Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 19.98 5 Bus5 1.05 17 1.6e+004 -24
0.68 0.66 3e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 1.83 4 Bus4 1.05 19 5.8e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.39 -3e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 17 9.6e+002 1.6e+002
-0.61 -0.2 -5e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 22.19 4 Bus4 1.05 19 1.9e+004 20
0.84 0.029 5.3e+002 18
4 Bus4 1.046 19.45 3 Bus3 1.05 22 8.4e+002 -
-0.83 0.011 -5.2e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 17 3.6e+002 35
1.9 -0.5 2.2e+002 -59
2 Bus2 0.922 1.8 5e+002 9.7
1.4 0.24 3.1e+002 52
5 Bus5 1.051 16.55 1 Bus1 1 20 6.3e+002 1.6e+002
-0.84 -0.73 -3e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 19 3.5e+002 -
-2 0.2 -2.2e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 1.8 9.1e+002 -8.1
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000082 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000081 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000080 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000079 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000078 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000077 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000077 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000076 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000075 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000074 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.30000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 20.2 20.6 50 307 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 22.3 23 50 601 58.2 520 1.05
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 236

Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.32988 b/w buses : 1 and 3

Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 20.24 5 Bus5 1.05 17 1.6e+004 -24
0.68 0.65 3.1e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 2.02 4 Bus4 1.05 20 5.7e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.39 -3e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 17 9.6e+002 1.6e+002
-0.61 -0.2 -5e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 22.32 4 Bus4 1.05 20 1.9e+004 20
0.84 0.03 5.2e+002 18
4 Bus4 1.046 19.60 3 Bus3 1.05 22 8.3e+002 -
-0.84 0.01 -5.2e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 17 3.6e+002 35
1.9 -0.52 2.2e+002 -59
2 Bus2 0.923 2 4.9e+002 9.8
1.4 0.24 3e+002 52
5 Bus5 1.051 16.76 1 Bus1 1 20 6.4e+002 1.6e+002
-0.84 -0.71 -3e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 20 3.4e+002 -
-2 0.2 -2.1e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 2 9.1e+002 -7.9
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000073 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000072 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000071 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000070 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000069 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000068 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000068 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000067 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000066 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000065 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.32000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Research
Bus1and Development
1 Consultants
20.5 Pvt.
20.9Ltd. 50 313 295 389 Page1.01

3 Bus3 1.05 22.4 23.1 50 596 57.9 520 1.05

Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.14919 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 20.52 5 Bus5 1.05 17 1.7e+004 -23
0.68 0.64 3.1e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 2.21 4 Bus4 1.05 20 5.7e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.39 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 17 9.6e+002 1.6e+002
-0.61 -0.2 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 22.43 4 Bus4 1.05 20 1.9e+004 20
0.85 0.03 5.2e+002 18
4 Bus4 1.046 19.75 3 Bus3 1.05 22 8.2e+002 -
-0.85 0.01 -5.1e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 17 3.5e+002 35
1.9 -0.54 2.1e+002 -58
2 Bus2 0.923 2.2 4.9e+002 10
1.4 0.24 3e+002 52
5 Bus5 1.051 16.97 1 Bus1 1 21 6.4e+002 1.6e+002
-0.84 -0.7 -3.1e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 20 3.3e+002 -
-2.1 0.2 -2.1e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 2.2 9.1e+002 -7.6
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000064 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000063 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000063 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000062 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000061 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000060 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000059 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000059 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000058 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000057 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.34000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
Power Research and
puDevelopment Consultants
Degree DegreePvt. Ltd.Hzs. MW MVAR MW Page 238

--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 20.8 21.2 50 320 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 22.5 23.2 50 589 57.6 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 1.94131 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 20.81 5 Bus5 1.05 17 1.7e+004 -22
0.68 0.62 3.2e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 2.40 4 Bus4 1.05 20 5.7e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.4 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 17 9.6e+002 1.6e+002
-0.61 -0.2 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 22.53 4 Bus4 1.05 20 1.9e+004 21
0.87 0.03 5.1e+002 18
4 Bus4 1.046 19.88 3 Bus3 1.05 23 8.1e+002 -
-0.86 0.01 -5.1e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 17 3.4e+002 36
2 -0.56 2e+002 -58
2 Bus2 0.923 2.4 4.9e+002 10
1.4 0.24 3e+002 52
5 Bus5 1.051 17.18 1 Bus1 1 21 6.5e+002 1.6e+002
-0.84 -0.68 -3.2e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 20 3.3e+002 -
-2.2 0.21 -2e+002 19
2 Bus2 0.923 2.4 9.1e+002 -7.4
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000056 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000055 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000055 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000054 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000053 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000052 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000052 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000051 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000050 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000050 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.36000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 239

pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.

--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 21.1 21.5 50 327 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 22.6 23.2 50 582 57.3 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 1.70864 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 21.12 5 Bus5 1.05 17 1.7e+004 -21
0.67 0.61 3.3e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 2.58 4 Bus4 1.05 20 5.7e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.4 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 17 9.7e+002 1.6e+002
-0.61 -0.2 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 22.62 4 Bus4 1.05 20 1.8e+004 21
0.88 0.03 5e+002 17
4 Bus4 1.046 20.01 3 Bus3 1.05 23 8e+002 -
-0.87 0.0098 -5e+002 5.6
5 Bus5 1.05 17 3.3e+002 36
2 -0.59 2e+002 -57
2 Bus2 0.923 2.6 4.9e+002 10
1.4 0.24 3e+002 52
5 Bus5 1.051 17.39 1 Bus1 1 21 6.6e+002 1.6e+002
-0.84 -0.66 -3.2e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 20 3.2e+002 -
-2.2 0.21 -2e+002 18
2 Bus2 0.923 2.6 9.1e+002 -7.1
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000049 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000048 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000048 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000047 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000046 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000046 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000045 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000044 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000044 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000043 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.38000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 240

pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.

--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 21.4 21.8 50 335 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 22.7 23.3 50 574 56.9 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 1.45382 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 21.43 5 Bus5 1.05 18 1.7e+004 -20
0.67 0.59 3.4e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 2.76 4 Bus4 1.05 20 5.7e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.4 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 18 9.7e+002 1.6e+002
-0.61 -0.2 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 22.70 4 Bus4 1.05 20 1.8e+004 21
0.89 0.031 4.9e+002 17
4 Bus4 1.046 20.13 3 Bus3 1.05 23 7.9e+002 -
-0.89 0.0094 -4.9e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 18 3.2e+002 37
2.1 -0.63 1.9e+002 -57
2 Bus2 0.923 2.8 4.9e+002 10
1.4 0.24 3e+002 52
5 Bus5 1.051 17.60 1 Bus1 1 21 6.7e+002 1.6e+002
-0.84 -0.64 -3.3e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 20 3e+002 -
-2.3 0.21 -1.9e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 2.8 9.1e+002 -6.9
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000043 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000042 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000041 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000041 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000040 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000040 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000039 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000039 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000038 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000038 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.40000 Seconds
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 241

Intermediate results for Machines

GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 21.8 22.2 50 344 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 22.8 23.4 50 565 56.6 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 1.17980 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 21.75 5 Bus5 1.05 18 1.7e+004 -19
0.67 0.57 3.4e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 2.95 4 Bus4 1.05 20 5.7e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.41 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 18 9.7e+002 1.7e+002
-0.61 -0.19 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 22.77 4 Bus4 1.05 20 1.8e+004 21
0.91 0.031 4.8e+002 17
4 Bus4 1.046 20.25 3 Bus3 1.05 23 7.7e+002 -
-0.91 0.0089 -4.8e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 18 3.1e+002 37
2.2 -0.67 1.8e+002 -56
2 Bus2 0.923 2.9 4.9e+002 11
1.4 0.24 3e+002 52
5 Bus5 1.051 17.82 1 Bus1 1 22 6.8e+002 1.6e+002
-0.83 -0.62 -3.4e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 20 2.9e+002 -
-2.4 0.21 -1.8e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 2.9 9.2e+002 -6.6
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+ 002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000037 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000037 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000036 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000036 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000035 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000035 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000034 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000034 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000033 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000033 dqmax 0.000000
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 242

Time = 2.42000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 22.1 22.5 50 353 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 22.8 23.4 50 556 56.3 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 0.88972 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 22.09 5 Bus5 1.05 18 1.8e+004 -18
0.67 0.56 3.5e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 3.13 4 Bus4 1.05 20 5.7e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.41 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 18 9.7e+002 1.7e+002
-0.61 -0.19 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 22.83 4 Bus4 1.05 20 1.7e+004 21
0.93 0.032 4.8e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 20.36 3 Bus3 1.05 23 7.6e+002 -
-0.92 0.0082 -4.7e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 18 2.9e+002 38
2.3 -0.72 1.8e+002 -56
2 Bus2 0.923 3.1 4.9e+002 11
1.4 0.24 3e+002 51
5 Bus5 1.051 18.04 1 Bus1 1 22 6.9e+002 1.6e+002
-0.83 -0.6 -3.5e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 20 2.8e+002 -
-2.5 0.21 -1.7e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 3.1 9.2e+002 -6.4
0.7 0.32 5.2e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000033 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000032 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000032 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000031 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000031 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000031 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000030 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000030 dqmax 0.000000
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 243

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000030 dqmax 0.000000

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000029 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.44000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 22.4 22.9 50 363 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 22.9 23.5 50 546 56 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 0.58692 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 22.42 5 Bus5 1.05 18 1.8e+004 -17
0.66 0.54 3.6e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 3.31 4 Bus4 1.05 20 5.7e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.41 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 18 9.7e+002 1.7e+002
-0.61 -0.19 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 22.89 4 Bus4 1.05 20 1.7e+004 21
0.95 0.033 4.7e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 20.46 3 Bus3 1.05 23 7.4e+002 -
-0.94 0.0074 -4.6e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 18 2.8e+002 39
2.4 -0.78 1.7e+002 -55
2 Bus2 0.923 3.3 4.8e+002 11
1.4 0.24 3e+002 51
5 Bus5 1.051 18.25 1 Bus1 1 22 7e+002 1.6e+002
-0.82 -0.58 -3.6e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 20 2.7e+002 -
-2.6 0.21 -1.7e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 3.3 9.2e+002 -6.1
0.7 0.32 5.3e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000029 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000029 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000029 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000028 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000028 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000028 dqmax 0.000000

Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 244


kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000028 dqmax 0.000000

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000027 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000027 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000027 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.46000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 22.8 23.2 50 373 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 22.9 23.5 50 536 55.8 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 0.27489 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 22.76 5 Bus5 1.05 18 1.8e+004 -16
0.66 0.52 3.7e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 3.49 4 Bus4 1.05 21 5.6e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.42 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 18 9.7e+002 1.7e+002
-0.6 -0.19 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 22.94 4 Bus4 1.05 21 1.7e+004 21
0.97 0.034 4.6e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 20.57 3 Bus3 1.05 23 7.3e+002 -
-0.96 0.0065 -4.5e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 18 2.7e+002 39
2.5 -0.85 1.6e+002 -54
2 Bus2 0.923 3.5 4.8e+002 11
1.4 0.25 3e+002 51
5 Bus5 1.051 18.47 1 Bus1 1 23 7.1e+002 1.6e+002
-0.82 -0.55 -3.7e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 21 2.5e+002 -
-2.8 0.2 -1.6e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 3.5 9.2e+002 -5.9
0.7 0.31 5.3e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000027 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000027 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000026 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000026 dqmax 0.000000
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 245

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000026 dqmax 0.000000

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000026 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000026 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000026 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000026 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000026 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.48000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 23.1 23.6 50 383 295 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 23 23.5 50 526 55.6 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 0.04276 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 23.11 5 Bus5 1.05 19 1.9e+004 -15
0.65 0.5 3.8e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 3.67 4 Bus4 1.05 21 5.6e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.42 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 19 9.8e+002 1.7e+002
-0.6 -0.19 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 22.99 4 Bus4 1.05 21 1.6e+004 21
0.99 0.035 4.5e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 20.67 3 Bus3 1.05 23 7.1e+002 -
-0.99 0.0053 -4.4e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 19 2.5e+002 40
2.6 -0.93 1.5e+002 -53
2 Bus2 0.923 3.7 4.8e+002 11
1.4 0.25 3e+002 51
5 Bus5 1.051 18.69 1 Bus1 1 23 7.2e+002 1.7e+002
-0.81 -0.53 -3.8e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 21 2.4e+002 -
-3 0.2 -1.5e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 3.7 9.2e+002 -5.6
0.69 0.31 5.3e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000026 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000026 dqmax 0.000000

Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 246


kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000025 dqmax 0.000000

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000025 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000025 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000025 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000025 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000025 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000025 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000025 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.50000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 23.4 23.9 50 394 296 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 23 23.6 50 515 55.5 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 0.36237 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 23.45 5 Bus5 1.05 19 1.9e+004 -13
0.65 0.49 3.9e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 3.85 4 Bus4 1.05 21 5.6e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.43 -2.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 19 9.8e+002 1.7e+002
-0.6 -0.19 -5.1e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 23.03 4 Bus4 1.05 21 1.6e+004 21
1 0.036 4.4e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 20.77 3 Bus3 1.05 23 6.9e+002 -
-1 0.0039 -4.3e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 19 2.4e+002 41
2.7 -1 1.4e+002 -52
2 Bus2 0.923 3.8 4.8e+002 11
1.4 0.25 2.9e+002 50
5 Bus5 1.050 18.91 1 Bus1 1 23 7.4e+002 1.7e+002
-0.81 -0.51 -3.9e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 21 2.2e+002 -
-3.1 0.19 -1.4e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 3.8 9.3e+002 -5.4
0.69 0.31 5.3e+002 2.4e+002
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 247

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000025 dqmax 0.000000

kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000025 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000026 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000026 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000026 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000026 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000026 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000026 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000026 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000026 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.52000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 23.8 24.3 50 404 296 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 23.1 23.6 50 505 55.4 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 0.68025 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 23.79 5 Bus5 1.05 19 1.9e+004 -12
0.64 0.47 4e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 4.03 4 Bus4 1.05 21 5.6e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.43 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 19 9.8e+002 1.7e+002
-0.6 -0.19 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 23.08 4 Bus4 1.05 21 1.6e+004 21
1 0.038 4.3e+002 15
4 Bus4 1.046 20.87 3 Bus3 1.05 23 6.8e+002 -
-1 0.0024 -4.2e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 19 2.3e+002 42
2.9 -1.1 1.3e+002 -51
2 Bus2 0.923 4 4.8e+002 11
1.5 0.25 2.9e+002 50
5 Bus5 1.050 19.13 1 Bus1 1 24 7.5e+002 1.7e+002
-0.8 -0.49 -4e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 21 2.1e+002 -
-3.4 0.18 -1.3e+002
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 248

2 Bus2
0.923 4 9.3e+002 -5.1
0.69 0.31 5.3e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000026 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000027 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000027 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000027 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000027 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000027 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000028 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000028 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000028 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000028 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.54000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 24.1 24.6 50 414 296 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 23.1 23.6 50 495 55.4 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 0.99272 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 24.13 5 Bus5 1.05 19 2e+004 -11
0.64 0.46 4.1e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 4.21 4 Bus4 1.05 21 5.6e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.44 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 19 9.8e+002 1.7e+002
-0.6 -0.19 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 23.13 4 Bus4 1.05 21 1.5e+004 21
1.1 0.039 4.2e+002 15
4 Bus4 1.046 20.97 3 Bus3 1.05 23 6.6e+002 -
-1.1 0.00057 -4.1e+002
5 Bus5 1.05 19 2.1e+002 43
3.1 -1.3 1.2e+002 -50
2 Bus2 0.923 4.2 4.7e+002 11
1.5 0.25 2.9e+002 50
5 Bus5 1.050 19.34 1 Bus1 1 24 7.6e+002 1.7e+002
-0.79 -0.47 -4.1e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 21 1.9e+002 -
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 249

-3.6 0.16 -1.2e+002

2 Bus2
0.923 4.2 9.3e+002 -4.8
0.69 0.31 5.3e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000029 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000029 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000029 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000029 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000030 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000030 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000030 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000031 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000031 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000031 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.56000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 24.5 25 50 424 297 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 23.2 23.7 50 485 55.5 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 1.29616 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 24.47 5 Bus5 1.05 20 2e+004 -11
0.63 0.44 4.2e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 4.39 4 Bus4 1.05 21 5.6e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.44 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 20 9.8e+002 1.7e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 23.18 4 Bus4 1.05 21 1.5e+004 21
1.1 0.041 4.1e+002 15
4 Bus4 1.046 21.08 3 Bus3 1.05 23 6.5e+002 -
-1.1 -0.0014 -4e+002 -0.53
5 Bus5 1.05 20 2e+002 44
3.2 -1.4 1.1e+002 -49
2 Bus2 0.923 4.4 4.7e+002 11
1.5 0.25 2.9e+002 50
5 Bus5 1.050 19.56 1 Bus1 1 24 7.7e+002 1.7e+002
-0.79 -0.46 -4.2e+002 -

Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 250


4 Bus4 1.05 21 1.8e+002 -

-3.9 0.14 -1.1e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 4.4 9.3e+002 -4.6
0.69 0.31 5.3e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000032 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000032 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000033 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000033 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000033 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000034 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000034 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000035 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000035 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000036 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.58000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 24.8 25.3 50 433 297 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 23.2 23.7 50 476 55.5 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 1.58706 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 24.80 5 Bus5 1.05 20 2e+004 -9.6
0.63 0.43 4.3e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 4.57 4 Bus4 1.05 21 5.5e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.44 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 20 9.8e+002 1.7e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 23.24 4 Bus4 1.05 21 1.5e+004 21
1.1 0.044 4e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 21.19 3 Bus3 1.05 23 6.3e+002 -
-1.1 -0.0036 -3.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 20 1.9e+002 46
3.4 -1.6 1.1e+002 -48
2 Bus2 0.923 4.6 4.7e+002 11
1.5 0.25 2.9e+002 50
5 Research
Bus5and Development
1.050 Consultants1Pvt. Ltd.Bus1
19.78 1 Page 251
25 7.8e+002 1.7e+002

-0.78 -0.44 -4.3e+002 -

4 Bus4 1.05 21 1.7e+002 -
-4.2 0.1 -1.1e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 4.6 9.3e+002 -4.3
0.69 0.31 5.3e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000036 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000037 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000037 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000038 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000038 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000039 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000039 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000040 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000040 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000041 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.60000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 25.1 25.7 50 442 297 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 23.3 23.8 50 467 55.6 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 1.86203 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 25.13 5 Bus5 1.05 20 2.1e+004 -8.8
0.62 0.42 4.4e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 4.75 4 Bus4 1.05 21 5.5e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.45 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 20 9.9e+002 1.7e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 23.31 4 Bus4 1.05 21 1.4e+004 21
1.1 0.046 3.9e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 21.30 3 Bus3 1.05 23 6.2e+002 -
-1.1 -0.006 -3.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 20 1.7e+002 47
3.6 -1.7 98 -47
Power Research and Development Consultants2Pvt. Ltd.Bus2 0.923 4.7 4.7e+002 Page 25212

1.5 0.25 2.9e+002 49

5 Bus5 1.050 19.99 1 Bus1 1 25 8e+002 1.7e+002
-0.77 -0.43 -4.4e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 21 1.6e+002 -
-4.5 0.063 -98 1.4
2 Bus2
0.923 4.7 9.3e+002 -4.1
0.69 0.31 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000041 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000042 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000042 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000043 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000044 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000044 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000045 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000046 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000046 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000047 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.62000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 25.4 26 50 450 298 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 23.4 23.9 50 459 55.8 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.11791 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 25.44 5 Bus5 1.05 20 2.1e+004 -8
0.62 0.41 4.5e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 4.93 4 Bus4 1.05 21 5.5e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.45 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 20 9.9e+002 1.7e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 23.39 4 Bus4 1.05 21 1.4e+004 21
1.2 0.048 3.8e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 21.42 3 Bus3 1.05 23 6e+002 -
-1.2 -0.0084 -3.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 20 1.6e+002 49
3.8 -2 91 -47
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 253

2 Bus2 0.923 4.9 4.7e+002 12

1.5 0.25 2.9e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 20.21 1 Bus1 1 25 8.1e+002 1.7e+002
-0.77 -0.41 -4.5e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 21 1.4e+002 -
-4.9 0.009 -91 0.17
2 Bus2
0.923 4.9 9.4e+002 -3.8
0.69 0.31 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000048 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000048 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000049 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000050 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000050 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000051 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000052 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000052 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000053 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000054 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.64000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 25.7 26.3 50 458 298 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 23.5 23.9 50 451 55.9 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.35169 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 25.75 5 Bus5 1.05 20 2.1e+004 -7.3
0.61 0.4 4.6e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 5.11 4 Bus4 1.05 22 5.5e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.45 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 20 9.9e+002 1.7e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 23.47 4 Bus4 1.05 22 1.4e+004 21
1.2 0.051 3.7e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 21.54 3 Bus3 1.05 23 5.9e+002 -
-1.2 -0.011 -3.7e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 20 1.5e+002 50

Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 254


4 -2.2 84 -46
2 Bus2 0.923 5.1 4.6e+002 12
1.5 0.26 2.9e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 20.42 1 Bus1 1 26 8.2e+002 1.7e+002
-0.76 -0.4 -4.5e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 22 1.3e+002 -
-5.2 -0.057 -84 -0.92
2 Bus2
0.923 5.1 9.4e+002 -3.6
0.68 0.31 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000055 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000055 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000056 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000057 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000058 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000058 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000059 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000060 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000061 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000062 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.66000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 26 26.6 50 464 299 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 23.6 24 50 444 56.1 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.56068 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 26.04 5 Bus5 1.05 21 2.1e+004 -6.7
0.61 0.39 4.6e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 5.30 4 Bus4 1.05 22 5.5e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.46 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 21 9.9e+002 1.7e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 23.57 4 Bus4 1.05 22 1.3e+004 21
1.2 0.053 3.6e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 21.68 3 Bus3 1.05 24 5.8e+002 -
-1.2 -0.013 -3.6e+002 -
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 255

5 Bus5 1.05 21 1.4e+002 52

4.2 -2.4 78 -45
2 Bus2 0.923 5.3 4.6e+002 12
1.5 0.26 2.9e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 20.63 1 Bus1 1 26 8.3e+002 1.7e+002
-0.76 -0.39 -4.6e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 22 1.2e+002 -
-5.6 -0.14 -78 -1.9
2 Bus2
0.923 5.3 9.4e+002 -3.4
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000063 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000063 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000064 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000065 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000066 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000067 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000068 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000068 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000069 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000070 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.68000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 26.3 26.9 50 470 299 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 23.7 24.1 50 438 56.3 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.74244 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 26.32 5 Bus5 1.05 21 2.1e+004 -6.1
0.61 0.38 4.7e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 5.48 4 Bus4 1.05 22 5.5e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.46 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 21 9.9e+002 1.7e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 23.68 4 Bus4 1.05 22 1.3e+004 21
1.2 0.056 3.6e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 21.82 3 Bus3 1.05 24 5.7e+002 -

Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 256

-1.2 -0.016 -3.6e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 21 1.4e+002 53
4.4 -2.7 73 -44
2 Bus2 0.923 5.5 4.6e+002 12
1.5 0.26 2.8e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 20.84 1 Bus1 1 26 8.3e+002 1.7e+002
-0.75 -0.38 -4.7e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 22 1.2e+002 -
-6 -0.23 -73 -2.7
2 Bus2
0.923 5.5 9.4e+002 -3.1
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000071 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000072 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000073 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000074 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000075 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000076 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000077 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000077 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000078 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000079 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.70000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 26.6 27.2 50 475 299 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 23.8 24.3 50 433 56.4 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.89483 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 26.59 5 Bus5 1.05 21 2.2e+004 -5.6
0.6 0.38 4.8e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 5.67 4 Bus4 1.05 22 5.5e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.46 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 21 9.9e+002 1.7e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 23.80 4 Bus4 1.05 22 1.3e+004 21
1.2 0.058 3.5e+002 16

Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 257


4 Bus4 1.046 21.97 3 Bus3 1.05 24 5.6e+002 -

-1.2 -0.018 -3.5e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 21 1.3e+002 54
4.5 -2.9 69 -44
2 Bus2 0.922 5.7 4.6e+002 12
1.5 0.26 2.8e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 21.05 1 Bus1 1 27 8.4e+002 1.7e+002
-0.75 -0.38 -4.7e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 22 1.1e+002 -
-6.4 -0.32 -69 -3.4
2 Bus2
0.922 5.7 9.4e+002 -2.9
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000080 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000081 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000082 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000083 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000084 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000085 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000086 dqmax 0.000002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000087 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000088 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000089 dqmax 0.000001
Time = 2.72000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 26.8 27.4 50 479 300 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 23.9 24.4 50 429 56.6 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 3.01609 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 26.85 5 Bus5 1.05 21 2.2e+004 -5.2
0.6 0.37 4.8e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 5.86 4 Bus4 1.05 22 5.5e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.46 -2.7e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 21 9.9e+002 1.7e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 23.94 4 Bus4 1.05 22 1.3e+004 21
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 258

1.3 0.06 3.5e+002 17

4 Bus4 1.046 22.12 3 Bus3 1.05 24 5.6e+002 -
-1.3 -0.02 -3.5e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 21 1.3e+002 56
4.7 -3.1 65 -43
2 Bus2 0.922 5.9 4.6e+002 12
1.5 0.26 2.8e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 21.25 1 Bus1 1 27 8.4e+002 1.7e+002
-0.75 -0.37 -4.7e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 22 1e+002 -
-6.7 -0.41 -65 -4
2 Bus2
0.922 5.9 9.4e+002 -2.7
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000090 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000091 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000092 dqmax 0.000001
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000093 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000094 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000095 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000096 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000097 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000098 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000099 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.74000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 27.1 27.7 50 482 300 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 24.1 24.6 50 426 56.7 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 3.10477 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 27.08 5 Bus5 1.05 21 2.2e+004 -4.8
0.6 0.37 4.8e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 6.05 4 Bus4 1.05 22 5.5e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.47 -2.7e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 21 9.9e+002 1.7e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 259

3 Bus3 1.050 24.09 4 Bus4 1.05 22 1.3e+004 21

1.3 0.061 3.5e+002 17
4 Bus4 1.046 22.29 3 Bus3 1.05 24 5.5e+002 -
-1.3 -0.021 -3.5e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 21 1.2e+002 57
4.8 -3.2 63 -43
2 Bus2 0.922 6.1 4.6e+002 13
1.5 0.26 2.8e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 21.45 1 Bus1 1 27 8.5e+002 1.8e+002
-0.74 -0.37 -4.8e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 22 1e+002 -
-7 -0.49 -63 -4.4
2 Bus2
0.922 6.1 9.4e+002 -2.5
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 3 dpmax 0.000100 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000005 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.76000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 27.3 27.9 50 484 300 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 24.3 24.7 50 425 56.7 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 3.15983 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 27.31 5 Bus5 1.05 22 2.2e+004 -4.5
0.6 0.37 4.8e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 6.24 4 Bus4 1.05 22 5.5e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.47 -2.7e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 22 9.9e+002 1.7e+002

Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 260


-0.6 -0.18 -5.3e+002 -

3 Bus3 1.050 24.26 4 Bus4 1.05 22 1.3e+004 21
1.3 0.062 3.4e+002 17
4 Bus4 1.046 22.47 3 Bus3 1.05 24 5.5e+002 -
-1.3 -0.022 -3.4e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 22 1.2e+002 57
4.8 -3.4 61 -43
2 Bus2 0.922 6.2 4.6e+002 13
1.5 0.26 2.8e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 21.65 1 Bus1 1 27 8.5e+002 1.8e+002
-0.74 -0.36 -4.8e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 22 98 -
-7.2 -0.55 -61 -4.7
2 Bus2
0.922 6.2 9.4e+002 -2.3
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.78000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 27.5 28.1 50 485 300 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 24.4 24.9 50 424 56.8 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 3.18061 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 27.51 5 Bus5 1.05 22 2.2e+004 -4.2
0.6 0.37 4.8e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 6.44 4 Bus4 1.05 23 5.5e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.47 -2.7e+002 -
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 261

5 Bus5 1.05 22 9.9e+002 1.7e+002

-0.6 -0.18 -5.3e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 24.45 4 Bus4 1.05 23 1.3e+004 22
1.3 0.062 3.4e+002 17
4 Bus4 1.046 22.66 3 Bus3 1.05 24 5.5e+002 -
-1.3 -0.022 -3.4e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 22 1.2e+002 58
4.8 -3.4 61 -43
2 Bus2 0.922 6.4 4.6e+002 13
1.5 0.26 2.8e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 21.85 1 Bus1 1 28 8.5e+002 1.8e+002
-0.74 -0.36 -4.8e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 23 97 -
-7.2 -0.58 -60 -4.8
2 Bus2 0.922 6.4 9.4e+002 -2.1
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000006 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.80000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 27.7 28.3 50 485 300 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 24.6 25.1 50 424 56.8 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 3.16682 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 27.70 5 Bus5 1.05 22 2.2e+004 -4
0.6 0.37 4.8e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 6.63 4 Bus4 1.05 23 5.5e+002 1.6e+002
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 262

-1 -0.47 -2.7e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 22 9.9e+002 1.7e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.3e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 24.65 4 Bus4 1.05 23 1.3e+004 22
1.3 0.062 3.4e+002 17
4 Bus4 1.046 22.86 3 Bus3 1.05 25 5.5e+002 -
-1.3 -0.022 -3.4e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 22 1.2e+002 58
4.8 -3.4 61 -43
2 Bus2 0.922 6.6 4.6e+002 13
1.5 0.26 2.8e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 22.04 1 Bus1 1 28 8.5e+002 1.8e+002
-0.74 -0.36 -4.8e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 23 97 -
-7.2 -0.57 -61 -4.8
2 Bus2
0.922 6.6 9.4e+002 -1.9
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.82000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 27.9 28.4 50 483 300 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 24.9 25.3 50 426 56.7 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 3.11860 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 27.88 5 Bus5 1.05 22 2.2e+004 -3.9
0.6 0.37 4.8e+002 3e+002
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 263

2 Bus2 0.922 6.83 4 Bus4 1.05 23 5.5e+002 1.6e+002

-1 -0.47 -2.7e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 22 9.9e+002 1.7e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 24.86 4 Bus4 1.05 23 1.3e+004 22
1.3 0.062 3.5e+002 17
4 Bus4 1.046 23.07 3 Bus3 1.05 25 5.5e+002 -
-1.3 -0.022 -3.4e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 22 1.2e+002 58
4.8 -3.3 62 -43
2 Bus2 0.922 6.8 4.6e+002 13
1.5 0.26 2.8e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 22.24 1 Bus1 1 28 8.5e+002 1.8e+002
-0.74 -0.36 -4.8e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 23 99 -
-7.1 -0.52 -62 -4.6
2 Bus2 0.922 6.8 9.4e+002 -1.7
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000007 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.84000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 28 28.6 50 481 300 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 25.1 25.6 50 428 56.6 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 3.03648 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Research
Bus1and Development
1.000 Consultants5Pvt. Ltd.Bus5
28.04 1.05 22 2.2e+004 Page-3.9

0.6 0.37 4.8e+002 3e+002

2 Bus2 0.922 7.03 4 Bus4 1.05 23 5.5e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.47 -2.7e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 22 9.9e+002 1.7e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 25.09 4 Bus4 1.05 23 1.3e+004 22
1.3 0.06 3.5e+002 17
4 Bus4 1.046 23.29 3 Bus3 1.05 25 5.6e+002 -
-1.3 -0.02 -3.5e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 22 1.2e+002 57
4.7 -3.2 64 -43
2 Bus2 0.922 7 4.6e+002 14
1.5 0.26 2.8e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 22.43 1 Bus1 1 28 8.5e+002 1.8e+002
-0.74 -0.37 -4.8e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 23 1e+002 -
-6.8 -0.45 -64 -4.2
2 Bus2
0.922 7 9.4e+002 -1.5
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.86000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 28.2 28.7 50 477 299 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 25.3 25.8 50 432 56.5 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.92138 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 265
1 Bus1 1.000 28.18 5 Bus5 1.05 23 2.2e+004 -3.9
0.6 0.38 4.8e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 7.23 4 Bus4 1.05 24 5.5e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.46 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 23 9.9e+002 1.7e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 25.34 4 Bus4 1.05 24 1.3e+004 23
1.3 0.059 3.5e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 23.51 3 Bus3 1.05 25 5.6e+002 -
-1.2 -0.019 -3.5e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 23 1.3e+002 56
4.6 -3 67 -44
2 Bus2 0.922 7.2 4.6e+002 14
1.5 0.26 2.8e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 22.61 1 Bus1 1 28 8.4e+002 1.8e+002
-0.75 -0.37 -4.7e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 24 1.1e+002 -
-6.5 -0.36 -67 -3.7
2 Bus2
0.922 7.2 9.4e+002 -1.3
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000008 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.88000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 28.3 28.9 50 472 299 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 25.6 26.1 50 436 56.3 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.77459 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q

Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 266


---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 28.31 5 Bus5 1.05 23 2.2e+004 -4
0.6 0.38 4.7e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.922 7.44 4 Bus4 1.05 24 5.5e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.46 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 23 9.9e+002 1.7e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 25.60 4 Bus4 1.05 24 1.3e+004 23
1.2 0.057 3.6e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 23.75 3 Bus3 1.05 26 5.7e+002 -
-1.2 -0.017 -3.6e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 23 1.3e+002 55
4.4 -2.7 71 -44
2 Bus2 0.922 7.4 4.6e+002 14
1.5 0.26 2.8e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 22.80 1 Bus1 1 28 8.4e+002 1.8e+002
-0.75 -0.38 -4.7e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 24 1.1e+002 -
-6.2 -0.26 -71 -3
2 Bus2 0.922 7.4 9.4e+002 -1.2
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.90000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 28.4 29 50 467 299 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 25.9 26.4 50 442 56.2 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.59779 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 267

Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 28.42 5 Bus5 1.05 23 2.1e+004 -4.2
0.61 0.39 4.7e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 7.64 4 Bus4 1.05 24 5.5e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.46 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 23 9.9e+002 1.7e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 25.88 4 Bus4 1.05 24 1.3e+004 23
1.2 0.054 3.6e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 24.00 3 Bus3 1.05 26 5.8e+002 -
-1.2 -0.014 -3.6e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 23 1.4e+002 54
4.3 -2.5 76 -45
2 Bus2 0.923 7.6 4.6e+002 14
1.5 0.26 2.8e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 22.98 1 Bus1 1 28 8.3e+002 1.8e+002
-0.75 -0.39 -4.6e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 24 1.2e+002 -
-5.8 -0.17 -76 -2.2
2 Bus2 0.923 7.6 9.4e+002 -1
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.92000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 28.5 29.1 50 460 298 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 26.2 26.7 50 448 56 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.39299 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 268

From Name Voltage Angle To Name

Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 28.53 5 Bus5 1.05 23 2.1e+004 -4.4
0.61 0.4 4.6e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 7.85 4 Bus4 1.05 24 5.5e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.46 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 23 9.9e+002 1.7e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 26.17 4 Bus4 1.05 24 1.4e+004 24
1.2 0.052 3.7e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 24.26 3 Bus3 1.05 26 5.9e+002 -
-1.2 -0.012 -3.7e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 23 1.5e+002 53
4.1 -2.3 82 -45
2 Bus2 0.923 7.8 4.6e+002 15
1.5 0.26 2.9e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 23.16 1 Bus1 1 29 8.2e+002 1.8e+002
-0.76 -0.4 -4.6e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 24 1.3e+002 -
-5.4 -0.087 -82 -1.3
2 Bus2 0.923 7.8 9.4e+002 -0.84
0.68 0.3 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000009 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.94000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 28.6 29.1 50 453 298 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 26.5 27 50 456 55.8 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 2.16253 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 269

Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 28.62 5 Bus5 1.05 23 2.1e+004 -4.7
0.62 0.41 4.5e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 8.05 4 Bus4 1.05 25 5.5e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.45 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 23 9.9e+002 1.7e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 26.47 4 Bus4 1.05 25 1.4e+004 24
1.2 0.049 3.8e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 24.52 3 Bus3 1.05 26 6e+002 -
-1.2 -0.0095 -3.7e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 23 1.6e+002 52
3.9 -2 88 -46
2 Bus2 0.923 8.1 4.6e+002 15
1.5 0.26 2.9e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 23.34 1 Bus1 1 29 8.1e+002 1.8e+002
-0.77 -0.41 -4.5e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 25 1.4e+002 -
-5 -0.015 -88 -0.27
2 Bus2 0.923 8.1 9.4e+002 -0.69
0.69 0.31 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.96000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 28.7 29.2 50 445 298 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 26.8 27.3 50 464 55.7 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 1.90906 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 270

Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 28.69 5 Bus5 1.05 24 2.1e+004 -5.1
0.62 0.42 4.5e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 8.26 4 Bus4 1.05 25 5.5e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.45 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 24 9.9e+002 1.7e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 26.78 4 Bus4 1.05 25 1.4e+004 24
1.1 0.047 3.8e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 24.79 3 Bus3 1.05 27 6.1e+002 -
-1.1 -0.007 -3.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 24 1.7e+002 51
3.7 -1.8 95 -47
2 Bus2 0.923 8.3 4.7e+002 15
1.5 0.25 2.9e+002 49
5 Bus5 1.050 23.52 1 Bus1 1 29 8e+002 1.7e+002
-0.77 -0.42 -4.4e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 25 1.5e+002 -
-4.6 0.043 -95 0.89
2 Bus2 0.923 8.3 9.4e+002 -0.54
0.69 0.31 5.4e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 2.98000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 28.8 29.3 50 436 297 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 27.1 27.6 50 473 55.6 520 1.05
Maximum rotor angle difference : 1.63548 b/w buses : 1 and 3
Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 271
Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 28.76 5 Bus5 1.05 24 2e+004 -5.5
0.63 0.43 4.4e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 8.47 4 Bus4 1.05 25 5.5e+002 1.6e+002
-1 -0.44 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 24 9.9e+002 1.7e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 27.11 4 Bus4 1.05 25 1.4e+004 25
1.1 0.045 3.9e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 25.07 3 Bus3 1.05 27 6.3e+002 -
-1.1 -0.0046 -3.9e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 24 1.8e+002 50
3.5 -1.6 1e+002 -48
2 Bus2 0.923 8.5 4.7e+002 15
1.5 0.25 2.9e+002 50
5 Bus5 1.050 23.70 1 Bus1 1 29 7.9e+002 1.7e+002
-0.78 -0.43 -4.3e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 25 1.6e+002 -
-4.3 0.09 -1e+002 2.2
2 Bus2 0.923 8.5 9.3e+002 -0.4
0.69 0.31 5.3e+002 2.4e+002
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000010 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
kp 0 kq 0 Iterations 4 dpmax 0.000011 dqmax 0.000000
Time = 3.00000 Seconds
Intermediate results for Machines
GNo Name Voltage Angle Delta Freq Pgen Qgen Pmech Efd/Slip
pu Degree Degree Hzs. MW MVAR MW pu/P.U.
--- -------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
1 Bus1 1 28.8 29.3 50 427 297 389 1.01
3 Bus3 1.05 27.4 28 50 482 55.5 520 1.05

Power Research and Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Page 272


Maximum rotor angle difference : 1.34494 b/w buses : 1 and 3

Island 1 Common system frequency 50.027
Voltage (pu), Current (AMPS), impedance (PU) and power (MW-MVAR) for lines
From Name Voltage Angle To Name Voltage Angle Current Angle
Zl-real Zl-im P Q
---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Bus1 1.000 28.83 5 Bus5 1.05 24 2e+004 -6
0.63 0.44 4.3e+002 3e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 8.68 4 Bus4 1.05 25 5.6e+002 1.7e+002
-1 -0.44 -2.8e+002 -
5 Bus5 1.05 24 9.8e+002 1.7e+002
-0.6 -0.18 -5.2e+002 -
3 Bus3 1.050 27.44 4 Bus4 1.05 25 1.5e+004 25
1.1 0.042 4e+002 16
4 Bus4 1.046 25.35 3 Bus3 1.05 27 6.4e+002 -
-1.1 -0.0023 -4e+002 -0.84
5 Bus5 1.05 24 1.9e+002 49
3.3 -1.5 1.1e+002 -49
2 Bus2 0.923 8.7 4.7e+002 16
1.5 0.25 2.9e+002 50
5 Bus5 1.050 23.87 1 Bus1 1 29 7.8e+002 1.7e+002
-0.78 -0.45 -4.2e+002 -
4 Bus4 1.05 25 1.8e+002 -
-4 0.13 -1.1e+002
2 Bus2 0.923 8.7 9.3e+002 -0.26
0.69 0.31 5.3e+002 2.4e+002
Date and Time : Wed Apr 30 10:59:49 2014

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Transient Stability Sample output - Swing – Curve

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