Gujarat Technological University
Gujarat Technological University
Gujarat Technological University
Q.1 (a) List various graphics standard used for graphics data exchange in 03
(b) Compare conventional design with Computer Aided Design. 04
(c) What is meant by a scan conversion? Explain Bresenham’s line 07
drawing algorithm.
(c) Consider the bar as shown in figure 1 below. find: a) Nodal 07
Displacement, using global stiffness matrix. b) Elemental Stresses.
c) Support Reaction.
Figure 1
Q.4 (a) Discuss applications of optimization in engineering. 03
(b) Explain Plain Stresses and Plain Strains in FEA. 04
(c) For the Loading as shown in figure 2, with the penalty approach 07
determine the displacements and support reaction. Assume
modulus of elasticity as 80 X 103 N/mm2.
Figure 2
Q.5 (a) Explain Penalty approach to solve FEA problem. 03
(b) Discuss the properties of global stiffness matrix. 04
(c) Explain Johnson’s method of optimum design with an example 07
Q.5 (a) What do you understand by geometry and topology in solid 03
(b) What do you mean by thermal effects of temperature? How is it 04
included in calculation for 1-D elements?
(c) What are different representation schemes for solid models? 07
Compare CSG and B-rep techniques of solid modeling