Beginer Vocabulary
Beginer Vocabulary
Beginer Vocabulary
The following mnemonics were generated by many people. Whenever you catch errors or have ideas for better
mnemonics, please use the feedback page at Thanks!
Unless otherwise marked, nouns that end in ָ֫ ִ֫ ית, ֶ֫ ת, ַ֫ ת,ה, or ּ֫ו תare feminine.
Words marked [M] are masculine nouns that look like they have a feminine ending.
Unless otherwise marked, singular nouns that have no ending or end in ֶ֫ הare masculine.
Words marked [F] are feminine nouns that do not end in ָ֫ הin the singular.
Words marked [M/F] are sometimes feminine and sometimes masculine.
Chapter 3 – Syllabification and Pronunciation
Mnemonic Meaning Word
man, mankind,
ʾādām ʾādām was a man
Adam ָא ָד ם
land, earth,
ʾereṣ Grow carrots in the ʾereṣ (ground).
ground [F] ֶ֫א ֶר ץ
ʾĕlōhîm God, gods ֱאֹלִה ים
ʾābi-melek means ‘my father [is/was] king’.
ʾāb father, ancestor ָא ב
ʾāb-ba, father
ʾēl bêt-ʾēl is the ‘house of God’ God, god ֵא ל
bēn bēn-yāmîn is the ‘son of my right (hand)’ son ֵּב ן
[its construct form (ch10) bêt is used in many city
bayit names: house, household ַּ֫ב ִי ת
bêt-ʾēl= house of God, bêt-leḥem = house of bread]
word, matter,
thing ָּד ָב ר
yôm yôm Qippur = Day of Atonement day יֹום
yiśrāʾēl Israel ִי ְׂש ָר ֵא ל
[See §36.5 in the textbook. Pronounce it
Jerusalem ְי רּוָׁש ַ֫ל ִם
yərûšālayi ְי רּוָׁש ַ֫ל ִי
m ם
Yahweh, LORD
yhwh [Traditional pronunciation ֲאֹד ָניădōnāy. See §36.5.]
[M] ְי הָוה
miṣrayim [note that Ra is the Egyptian sun god] Egypt ִמ ְצ ַ֫ר ִי ם
mōšê [Nouns that end in ֶ֫ הare masculine] Moses ֹמ ֶׁש ה
melek ʾābi-melek means ‘my father [is/was] king’. king, ruler ֶ֫מ ֶל ְך
sûs The capital city sûs-a might have had lots of horses. horse סּוס
ʿebed-nego (Abendigo) means ‘servant of the shining
ʿebed slave, servant ֶ֫ע ֶב ד
Mnemonic Meaning Word
ʿim with ʿim [him] with, together with ִע ם
pê o-pê-n your mouth mouth, opening ֶּפ ה
śādê [Nouns that end in ֶ֫ הare masculine] field, pasture land ָׂש ֶד ה
taḥat It’s taḥat [too hot] under here. under, below, instead of ַּ֫ת ַח ת
Mnemonic Meaning Word
šîr šîr [Cher] is singing a song. song [ch27: to sing] ִׁש יר
Independent personal pronouns and demonstratives from chapter 8 are listed on the next page.
Students in my classes are responsible for them as vocabulary items.
Parsing Meaning Word
ʾănî 1cs I ֲאִנ י
ʾānōkî 1cs I ָא ֹנִכ י
ʾattâ 2ms you (ms)1 ַא ָּת ה
ʾatt 2fs you (fs) ַא ְּת
hûʾ 3ms he, it, that הּוא
hîʾ 3fs she, it, that ִה יא
ʾănaḥnû 1cp we ֲאַ֫נְח נּו
ʾattem 2mp you (mp) ַא ֶּת ם
ʾattēnâ 2fp you (fp)2 ַא ֵּ֫ת ָנה
hēm 3mp they (m), those (m) ֵה ם
hēmmâ 3mp they (m), those (m)2 ֵ֫ה ָּמ ה
they (f), those (f)
hēn 3fp
[ch9: behold! if] ֵה ן
hēnnâ 3fp they (f), those (f)2 ֵ֫ה ָּנה
zê ms this (m)3 ֶזה
zōʾt fs this (f) ֹזאת
ʾēllê cp these4 ֵ֫א ֶּל ה
Note that ַא ָּת הis MS, despite the ָ֫ הending.
The ָ הat the end of ֵ֫ה ָּמ ה,ַא ֵּ֫ת ָנה, and ֵ֫ה ָּנהis unaccented, so it is not the FS ending. So do not think that they are FS.
The MS ending ֶ֫ הcan help you remember that ֶזהis MS.
The ֶ הat the end of ֵ֫א ֶּל הis unaccented, so it is not the MS ending. So do not think that ֵ֫א ֶּל הis MS.
Mnemonic Meaning Word
[This is plural, but it means ‘face’ not ‘faces’.]
[The lexical form (singular) ָּפ ֶנהnever occurs.]
face, front ָּפ ִנ ים
In Genesis 32:30 Jacob called the place pənê -el
pənê because he saw the face [ ]ְּפ ֵניof God []ֵא ל face of, front of ְּפ ֵני
[construct of ]ָּפ ִנ ים
a flock of sheep and goats in my ṣōʾn [zone] flock(s),
flock of sheep and goats ֹצאן
a flock on (i)ṣōʾn [its own]
reḡel the reḡel [regal] foot of a king. foot [F] ֶ֫ר ֶגל
[construct of ]ֹּכל
[This form was listed in chapter 6, but it is
kol- all of, each of, every one of ָּכ ל־
repeated here because this is when we know
what ‘construct form’ means]
ʾăbî [construct of ]ָא ב father of ֲאִב י
ʾăḥî [construct of ]ָא ח brother of ֲאִח י
ʾēšet [construct of ]ִא ָּׁש ה wife of ֵ֫א ֶׁש ת
Mnemonic Meaning Word
peace, welfare, wholeness,
deliverance ָׁש לֹום
šām There was a šām [sham] there, then, at that time. there, then, at that time ָׁש ם
tāmîd tāmîd [Tammy] is continually here continually ָּת ִמ יד
Because of the ֶ תending, we expect ְנ ֹ֫ח ֶׁש תto be feminine. The Westminster morphology database says that it is feminine. The one
time that ְנ ֹ֫ח ֶׁש תseems to be the subject of a verb (Ezek 24:11), the verb is feminine. BDB, however, says that ְנ ֹ֫ח ֶׁש תis masculine,
perhaps because whenever ְנ ֹ֫ח ֶׁש תis modified by an attributive participle, the participle is always masculine.
ִמ ְק ָּד
miqdāš = ֹ֫ק ֶד ׁשholiness, something that is holy. = ָק דֹוׁשholy sanctuary
flying creatures,
ʿôp̄ ʿôp̄(ful) [awful] insects and flying creatures
birds, insects עֹוף
ʿûp̄ fly ʿûp̄ [up] [1G, biconsonantal] to fly עּוף
[Distinguish from ַע זstrong, ֹע זstrength,
and = ָא זthen, since]
ʿēz goat, goat’s hair ֵע ז
An [ ַע זstrong] [ ֵע זgoat] has [ ֹע זstrength] so it can ָע ַזר
(Hithpael) to pray,
pālal [geminate]
make intercession ָּפ ַל ל
qîr Do you qîr [care] about the wall? wall ִק יר
šôp̄ār trumpet, ram’s horn ׁשֹוָפ ר
Mnemonic Meaning Word
ְּת ִפ ָּל
təp̄illâ təp̄illâ(in) are phylacteries for prayer. prayer