PM R 2023 Mazwi Effects of Mobility Dose On Discharge Disposition
PM R 2023 Mazwi Effects of Mobility Dose On Discharge Disposition
PM R 2023 Mazwi Effects of Mobility Dose On Discharge Disposition
DOI: 10.1002/pmrj.13039
Correspondence Abstract
Nicole Mazwi, MD, University of Washington,
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine,
Background: Mobilization in the intensive care unit (ICU) has the potential to
325 9 Avenue, Box 359612, Seattle, improve patient outcomes following acute stroke. The optimal duration and
WA 98104, USA. intensity of mobilization for patients with hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke in the
ICU remain unclear.
Objective: To assess the effect of mobilization dose in the ICU on adverse dis-
Funding information
MGH ECOR, Grant/Award Number: 230898 charge disposition in patients after stroke.
Design: This is an international, prospective, observational cohort study of
critically ill stroke patients (November 2017–September 2019). Duration and
intensity of mobilization was quantified daily by the mobilization quantification
score (MQS).
Setting: Patients requiring ICU-level care were enrolled within 48 hours of
admission at four separate academic medical centers (two in Europe, two in
the United States).
Participants: Participants included individuals (>18 years old) admitted to an
ICU within 48 hours of ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke onset who were func-
tionally independent at baseline.
Interventions: Not applicable.
Nicole Mazwi and India Lissak are co-first authors with equal contribution.
PM&R. 2023;1–10. © 2023 American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 1
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Statistical analysis
Mobility data
A multivariate logistic regression model was used as
The health care team documented the type and dura- the primary model to assess whether mobilization dose
tion of daily mobilization for each patient. The defini- affects discharge disposition independent of other
tions of mobilization therapy are provided in Table 1. known confounders: Barthel Index,16 clinical stroke
At all centers, mobilization was prioritized as soon severity score (calculated as a percent max of the
as patients were deemed hemodynamically stable National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale/Functional
(no significant orthostatic blood pressure or pulse vari- Outcome in Patients With Primary Intracerebral Hemor-
ability when mobilized). Mobility was either physical rhage scores), Acute Physiology and Chronic Health
therapy (PT) or nursing led. PT-directed mobilization Evaluation II (APACHE II),25 and Charleson Comorbid-
was documented separately by physical therapists in ity Index (CCI). The clinical stroke severity score17,18
the medical record. Nursing-directed mobility was col- was used to compare stroke severity.
lected daily either from documentation in the medical To evaluate the performance of the primary model
record or by an interview with the nurse conducted analyzing the effect of high versus low mean mobiliza-
by the research team. The data were then used to tion on adverse discharge disposition, we conducted a
calculate the MQS, a measure adopted from the Hosmer–Lemeshow test as well as calculated the sen-
existing ICU mobility scale20,21 to incorporate both sitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and nega-
time spent mobilized as well as mobilization level tive predictive value of the model. To further explore
(Table 1). A description and supplemental calcula- the relationship between mobilization dose (as a contin-
tions for the MQS are found in the Data S1. uous variable) and outcomes, we used the Youden
Index to investigate the optimal mean mobilization
dose. We also examined the dose–response relation-
Outcomes ship between mean MQS and adverse discharge dispo-
sition using a generalized linear model. Mean MQS
The primary outcome was adverse discharge disposi- was assessed over the duration of hospitalization to
tion, defined as discharge to a long-term care facility, account for LOS.
skilled nursing facility, hospice at the patient’s home,
hospice in a health care facility, or in-hospital mortality.
We additionally collected data on secondary outcomes RESULTS
including ICU and hospital LOS, transfer and ambulation
subdomains of the mini-modified Functional Indepen- Patients admitted to an ICU across four institutions
dence Measure at ICU and hospital discharge,22,23 as were screened from November 2017 to September
well as the Glasgow Outcome Scale—Extended24 and 2019. Of these, 273 patients were eligible for inclusion,
mortality assessed at 90 days following stroke onset and 163 consented to participate (Figure 1). One patient
(see Data S1). was excluded from the analysis due to insufficient data
Data indicative of harm that could possibly be linked collection. The median value of the composite mean
to mobilization were also collected from nursing and phy- daily MQS across the study cohort was 7.3. Patients
sician notes. These adverse events were ascertained with a mean MQS < 7.3 were characterized as having a
from the medical record and included worsened neuro- low MQS (n = 81), and patients with mean MQS ≥ 7.3
logical deficits, falls, angina, myocardial infarction, deep were considered to have a high MQS (n = 81). A greater
vein thrombosis, dizziness, and pulmonary embolism. percentage of patients with ischemic stroke (69%) had
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ICU mobility Calculation (level of
SOMS scale Mobilization level Mobilization description Unit definition activity x units)
FIGURE 1 CONSORT diagram. CONSORT, Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials; ICU, intensive care unit; LOS, length of stay.
F I G U R E 2 Violin plots of mean mobilization quantification score (MQS) during hospitalization for patients with and without adverse
discharge disposition. Data points are jittered for improved visualization.
For the outcome adverse discharge disposition, the mobilization (mean duration ≤41 minutes per day). This
sensitivity/specificity of high MQS was 71% and 76% relationship was maintained when controlling for
respectively, the positive predictive value was 79%, APACHE II, CCI, and stroke severity (aOR: 0.11, 95%
the negative predictive value was 68%, and the area CI: 0.05–0.25; p < .01). Patients who achieved a level
under the receiver operating curve was 0.74 (95% CI: of ≥ 5 or greater on the modified ICU mobility scale
0.66–0.81). The Hosmer—Lemeshow test yielded a (active stand or step-shuffle to the chair at minimum) at
chi-square of 4.42 (p = .82), indicating that the model did any point during their ICU admission had lower odds of
not demonstrate lack of goodness of fit. Youden Index adverse discharge disposition compared to patients
yielded an optimal mean MQS threshold of 5.9 during criti- whose maximum mobilization level was < 5 during the
cal illness as the optimal minimum dose for patients to course of their ICU stay (OR: 0.14, 95% CI: 0.07–0.29;
avoid adverse discharge disposition. A generalized linear p < .01). This finding remained robust when controlling
model confirmed that there was a dose–response relation- for APACHE II, CCI, and stroke severity (aOR: 0.18,
ship between mean MQS and discharge disposition 95% CI: 0.08–0.40; p < .01).
(accuracy 0.72; 95% CI: 0.64–0.79; p < .01; Figure 3).
The association between MQS and adverse discharge
disposition was unchanged when using the optimal mean Adverse event rates
MQS threshold of 5.9, as determined by the Youden
Index analysis (aOR: 0.11; 95% CI: 0.05–0.25; p < .01). Among patients included in our cohort, two (1.2%) had
In an analysis examining the effect of mean duration falls (one with low mean MQS versus one with high
of mobilization on adverse discharge disposition, high mean MQS), three (1.9%) experienced angina (one
mean duration of mobilization (mean duration with low mean MQS versus two with high mean MQS),
>41 minutes per day) was associated with lower odds three (1.9%) had a myocardial infarct (three with low
of adverse discharge disposition (OR: 0.11, 95% CI: mean MQS versus none with high mean MQS), four
0.05–0.23; p < .01) compared to low mean duration of (2.5%) had deep venous thrombosis (three with low
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F I G U R E 3 Dose response relationship between mean mobilization quantification score (MQS) during hospitalization and probability of
adverse discharge disposition.
mean MQS versus one with high mean MQS), and nine Mobilization represents a promising therapy to reduce
(5.6%) experienced pulmonary embolism (six with low ICU-acquired muscle weakness.26,27 ICU-acquired mus-
mean MQS vs. three with high mean MQS). cle weakness has been shown to increase mortality and
prolong illness.6,28–30 However, studies have found
heterogeneous results when assessing the impact of
DISCUSSION mobilization on outcomes. The AVERT study9 raised the
concern for possible harm in patients who were mobilized
In this international, multicenter observational trial, we very early (within 24 hours); however, a post hoc analysis
found that mobilization dose in the ICU in patients after revealed that patients who were mobilized in shorter,
stroke varies when adjusting for stroke severity, comor- more frequent sessions had more favorable outcomes.10
bidities, and other predictors of receiving a high dose of There was no mobilization-induced harm detected in
mobilization therapy. High mobilization dose was asso- our study sample of ICU patients with stroke, as
ciated with a lower risk of losing the ability to live inde- assessed by reported adverse events. Given the poten-
pendently after hospital discharge. This relationship tial harm identified in overmobilizing patients in the non
was maintained when adjusting for stroke severity, ICU-setting, identifying an optimal mobilization dose is
comorbidities and study center. Benefits were seen in critical.9 The authors of the AVERT trial noted that the
both short-term (ICU LOS, hospital LOS, and discharge harmful effects of early mobilization after stroke seen in
destination) and long-term outcomes (90-day functional their study may have been due to changes in blood
status and mortality). Importantly, we assessed the opti- pressure, inhibition of penumbral tissue reperfusion, or
mal dose of mobilization and found that a mean MQS of increased rebleeding in the case of patients with hemor-
5.9, which is equal to walking in place for approximately rhagic stroke. Ensuring patients are hemodynamically
5 minutes daily, or sitting stationary in a chair for stable (no significant orthostatic blood pressure or pulse
1.5 hours daily, was the optimal minimum dose for variability when mobilized) prior to the initiation of mobili-
patients to avoid adverse discharge disposition. zation may help to prevent these complications.
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