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Voice Controlled Car Using Aurduino and Bluetooth Module

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International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)

ISSN: 2249-8958 (Online), Volume-9 Issue-2, December, 2019

Voice Controlled Car using Aurduino and

Bluetooth Module
Telugu Maddileti, Manideep Jammigumpula, H.Jagadish Kumar, K.V Sai Sashank

Abstract: This project builds a voice controlled car that can other’s personality, mood and most importantly it helps
be controlled by voice commands which reacts in accordance to people to communicate. Sounds propagate using mechanical
the corresponding voice command. However noise and distance waves for traveling around gases, liquids and solids.
handling require future development. Simple voice commands like Mechanical waves transfer their energy from one medium to
left, right, forward, back, stop are used to run the car. These another medium while using vibration. Microphone is a
commands are given to Bluetooth module via an android hardware device which can convert analog input to a digital
application. The Bluetooth module and control unit are combined
output. Digital data can be understood, modify and store by
to store and test the voice commands. When an instruction for the
automobile (car) is identified, a command message is sent to computers. Computers can recognize speech by using some
Arduino UNO, the Microcontroller of the car by the Bluetooth complex algorithms and good dictionaries for these
device. This command is analyzed by the microcontroller and algorithms. Some systems use the Hidden Markov Model
followed up. In the vehicle, Image processing can be utilized to (HMM) and the Mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC)
become aware of the shade and the obstacles. This work has been techniques as well as the techniques of frequency spectral
limited to the ZigBee system in the short-range (100mts range), decomposition to use these two algorithms.
and is linked to the car over long distance via long-range modules.
B. Arduino Communication
Keywords: Arduino UNO, Bluetooth module, Image
processing, zigbee system, speech recognition. To communicate with Arduino we first need to install its free
software from the internet and install. The software is very
I. INTRODUCTION easy to use and installing it creates just one .uno files on the
microprocessors these files confuse the user because there are
This project is related to a voice controlled car, which many different files generating.
makes this project speech an important part of identifying After installing Arduino it is ready to usage including
commands and delivering them to the car via a wireless dictionaries using dictionaries is very easy on the Arduino
system. Identification of speech is also called as "automatic and Arduino does not requires any configuration setting
speech recognition (ASR)".This undertaking has numerous when programming. User can use USB cable to connect
elements like, interaction between laptop and Arduino and after that user can dump his code to Arduino far
microprocessor, input and understanding of speech, Wireless more easily and quickly than micro-controller.
numerical data distribution microprocessor to
microprocessor, the control of several motors using C. Bluetooth Communication
microprocessors. Bluetooth is one of the popular devices to communicate in
short range it is used on computers, cell phones, head phones
A. Voice and Speech
and many other devices.
Voice is a sound which is produced by living beings. Voice Bluetooth devices use 2.4 to 2.5 GHz frequency to
uses airflow that comes from lungs. Air makes pressure over communicate with each other. Bluetooth standardized as
vocal folds which vibrate. Normally speech produces a
IEEE 802.15.1 but then it changed that 802.15.1 Bluetooth’s
whisper in our throat by using neck, chest, and abdomen this
range is 2400–2483.5 MHz approximately. Bluetooth
whisper becomes our speech. Our speech is unique for every
person and also it helps other people to understand each devices generally use frequency-hopping spread spectrum
communication technique to communicate with each other.

Revised Manuscript Received on December 30, 2019.

* Correspondence Author
Telugu Maddileti, Assistant Professor, ECM Department, Sreenidhi
Institute of Science and Technology, Ghatekesar, Telangana-501301.
Manideep .Jammigumpula, ECM Department, Sreenidhi Institute of
Science and Technology, Ghatekesar, Telangana-501301 E-mail:
H. Jagadish Kumar,, ECM Department, Sreenidhi Institute of Science
and Technology, Ghatekesar, Telangana-501301 E-mail:
K.V. Sai Sashank, ECM Department, Sreenidhi Institute of Science and
Technology, Ghatekesar, Telangana-501301 E-mail: Figure 1: Block diagram of voice controlled car.

© The Authors. Published by Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and

Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Retrieval Number: B3673129219/2019©BEIESP Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.B3673.129219 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: www.ijeat.org
1062 & Sciences Publication
Voice Controlled Car using Aurduino and Bluetooth Module

II. EXISTING SYSTEM Left Bot turns left and carries on

The current systems are robots like line follower robot, riding
edge averting robot, DTMF robot, gesture controlled robot. Stop Bot stops moving
These type of robots are not efficient since they require more The voice commands to the robotic device are dispatched via
power to run, cost is also very high. In the existing system Bluetooth with the aid of an Android device. These
they don’t use voice commands, making it not possible for commands are received on the robotic device by using
physically handicapped people to drive. Bluetooth module set up on it. The motor driver circuit is
The voice commands are interpreted via an offline server used to manipulate the velocity of the car. The complete
in real time. The commands are at once transmitted to the circuitry is powered by the usage of a 12V rechargeable
server directly by the means of a wired network. The car is battery hooked up on the system.
built primarily on a platform based on a Testing
microcontroller.Some of the fields that can likewise be Upon successfully pairing the device, open the app on the
equally enhanced are the effect of the mouth-microphone smart phone and press on the Bluetooth textual and
range on the robotic, the overall performance (scope) of the emblematic pushbutton. The number of associated gadgets
robot and the effect of noise on the translation of speech to will now be shown. Select HC-05 from the listing to join the
textual content. smart phone with HC-05 Bluetooth module on the receiver
In the existing system BitVoicer Server is used, it's a side. After successful connection, ‘connected’ will be
database for speech processing and automation synthesis. It displayed on the primary screen of Voice control app. Press
was designed to make voice operation possible with simple the pushbutton with microphone image and a prompt will
gadgets having low processing power. Microcontrollers show up asking for voice commands.
usually do not have enough storage and computing ability to ▪ When it appears, voice instructions are detected via the
perform sophisticated speech treatment and synthesis. By app, which converts them into textual content and sends it to
doing the tough work BitVoicer Server removes the the receiver aspect wirelessly by using Bluetooth. On the
consequences of these limitations so that the microcontroller receiving side, Arduino tests the text. If it is a matching
can assign its key functionality to most of its origin sources. string, it controls the moves of the robot in accordance to the
In this proposed device we perform a variety of research on
control style variants for robots. It shows that it’s feasible to
study to successfully manipulate actual world objects with
solely voice (human voice) as a control mechanism. The
reason of this lookup is to provide simple robotic hardware
architecture so that this shape can focal point on Bluetooth
connection infrastructure. It is also beneficial for academic
robotics due to the fact human beings can construct their
personal robots with low cost.
When the app is operating in the system, a microphone on the
mobile is used to identify user voice commands. Commands
are interpreted and the program utilizes Google's
speech-recognition software to translate voice to text within
the app. The text will then be sent with the aid of Bluetooth to
the receiver part.
The microcontroller Arduino UNO R3 has 32kB of ISP
flash memory, 2kB of RAM and 1kB of EEPROM. The panel
incorporates serial communication connectivity with UART,
SPI and I2C. The MCU will operate at 16MHz clock speed.
The digital Arduino I / O pins 3, 4, 5 and 6 are programmed Figure 3.1.1: Flowchart of Voice controlled car
as output pins in this design. For serial communication with
the Bluetooth unit, pins 0 and 1 of Arduino are used. Text IV. RESULTS
obtained with the aid of Bluetooth is forwarded to Arduino
UNO microcontroller panel by the usage of UART serial • Voice controlled car is working and all the functions are
conversation protocol. Table 3.1 displays the voice followed by the bot.
commands used to monitor the robots and their functions. • Unlike DTMF robot, the car is connected to the mobile
Table 3.1:Voice command functions phone wirelessly making it comfortable to the user to
Voice Function control the car.
Command • The line follower robot moves only in a particular path,
Forward Bot moves forward in case there is an obstacle in its path it won’t move
Backward Bot moves backward unless the obstacle is
Right Bot turns right and carries on removed.

Retrieval Number: B3673129219/2019©BEIESP Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.B3673.129219 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: www.ijeat.org 1063 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249-8958 (Online), Volume-9 Issue-2, December, 2019

• Various languages can be given as a voice input using

Google’s speech recognition technology rather than
using an offline BitVoicer server.

The result will be shown in following figures.

Figure 4.1:Voice controlled car (Top view)

Figure 4.4: Status Connected

This experiment was limited to a brief zigbee device
(range 100 meters),and is linked to the car over long
distance via long-range modules. Sleep and wake-up
Figure 4.2:Voice controlled car (side view) routines may be enforced for energy enhancement. In the
vehicle, Image processing can be utilized to become aware
The following figures shows the Bluetooth connectivity to of the shade and the obstacles. For additional proper service
the Bluetooth module. servo motors can be deployed.
A robot may include an automated targeting system to
monitor the aim.

In this project the voice control was designed for a hoe
assistant robot. The order of speech signals is automatically
transmitted via a wired network to the server. The car is built
primarily on a platform based on a microcontroller.
Evaluation of the output of the original tests is carried out
with promising implications.
Possible developments to feasible technologies in
households, schools, vehicle networks and businesses are
also addressed.
Several areas that may additionally be discussed are the
impact of noise on speech to textual content translation. The
accent of the speaker no longer affects the robotic activity
because speech commands are interpreted using a
cloud-based server that works independently of the speaker
The use of renewable energy sources for robotic operation
Figure 4.3: Status Disconnected would not only increase the value of robotic energy, but
would also be environmentally friendly. Solar cells can be a
suitable power source to use.
The design of the robotic assistant is ideal for applications
ranging from chemical manufacturing to comfortable home
Accuracy of detecting a voice command correctly is found
to be 75%.

Retrieval Number: B3673129219/2019©BEIESP Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.B3673.129219 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: www.ijeat.org
1064 & Sciences Publication
Voice Controlled Car using Aurduino and Bluetooth Module

1. https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/Yug_Ajmera/
2. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BwsV1jJYW9dndjZKaTBwakJ
3. https://www.instructables.com/id/
4. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325722323_IJSRST173866_
5. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8093565
6. https://www.viralsciencecreativity.com/post/
7. https://nevonprojects.com/
8. https://www.hackster.io/Yug_Ajmera/


Mr.Telugu Maddileti is currently working as Assistant

Professor in the department of Electronics and Computer
at SNIST and Research Scholar at JNTUA,
Ananthapuramu. He has a total of 14 years experience in
academics. He completed B.Tech degree (Electronics
hoto and communication Engineering) in the year 2005 and
M.Tech in 2009 from JNT University, Hyderabad. He is enthusiastic to
work in the field of VLSI and Image Processing. His area of interest includes
Low power VLSI domain, optimization of analog and mixed signal circuits
in addition to digital system design using CAD tools. He has presented more
than 15 International/National Technical Papers in journals & conferences.

Manideep Jammigumpula pursuing his B.Tech

degree from JNTU, Hyderabad. His areas of interest
includes communications, image processing and IOT
based designs and applications. He has Presented 4
International/National Technical Papers in journals &

H.Jagadish Kumar pursuing his B.Tech degree from

JNTU, Hyderabad. His areas of interest includes
communications, image processing and IOT based
designs and applications. He has Presented 4
International/National Technical Papers in journals &

K.V.Sai Sashank pursuing his B.Tech degree from

JNTU, Hyderabad. His areas of interest includes
communications, image processing and IOT based
designs and applications. He has Presented 4
International/National Technical Papers in journals
& conferences.

Retrieval Number: B3673129219/2019©BEIESP Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.B3673.129219 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: www.ijeat.org 1065 & Sciences Publication

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