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Produksi Nov 2022 , 1703 BOPD, -586 BOPD dibawah target dan -25 BOPD lebih rendah dari September
2022 hal ini impact dispatching dari CGS01 ke CGS03. Secara Theoritical oil cukup stabil (-42 bopd dari
bulan lalu).

II. Steam
Actual latent heat in November 2022 is lower than target by 367 MMBTU (actual is 1,919 MMBTU vs
target is 2,286 MMBTU) because of several reasons such as 12 OFF Injectors (236 mmbtu) and 6
injectors support steam cut 20 MBSPD due lack of fuel gas November 2022 and OLW activities at NDC
for 12 days (161 mmbtu).

Currently there are 12 injectors in OFF condition, 10 Injectors due leakage at corridor line, 1 injector due
valve annulus is plugged, and 1 injector due leakage at surface casing.
60 injector in ON status, 58 well in compliance A, 1 well in compliance C, 1 well in compliance E.

total alloc oil production Nov 2022 1703 BOPD, which is -586 BOPD below the target and slightly
decrese -25 BOPD then Oct 2022. The decrease contributed by
- Water cut increase after proving 6SEB on Nov 18, 2022.
- additional LPO 14 BOPD compared with oct

II. Steam
Actual latent heat in November 2022 is lower than target by 367 MMBTU (actual is 1,919 MMBTU vs
target is 2,286 MMBTU) because of several reasons such as 12 OFF Injectors (236 mmbtu) and 6
injectors support steam cut 20 MBSPD due lack of fuel gas November 2022 and OLW activities at NDC
for 12 days (161 mmbtu).

Currently there are 12 injectors in OFF condition, 10 Injectors due leakage at corridor line, 1 injector due
valve annulus is plugged, and 1 injector due leakage at surface casing.
60 injector in ON status, 58 well in compliance A, 1 well in compliance C, 1 well in compliance E.

III. Workover
Nov 2022, Executed 36 proactive jobs followings,
17 waiting after job test.
2 job NWW16 with total gain 3.4 BOPD
3 job NWW15 with total gain 1.2 BOPD
14 job Solvent bullhead with total gain 1.4 BOPD
IV. Surveillance
- Well test compliance is 71%

V. Focus item
- Monitoring daily production, review jika ada sumur yang turun dan memfollow up dengan
- Memonitor ekesekusi pekerjaan dan LPO.
- Prioritiasi proactive job weekly/campaing

RM Team Key Messages:
- 2022 YTD alloc oil production is 3,244 bopd (445 bopd above target 2,799 YTD).
- 2022 PDR, PHR and RMR were done on 20th May 2022
- Cyclic and chemical job is considered prospective to increase oil gain. Cyclic will be focuss on A09SE &
I. Production
- Alloc Oil production in Nov22 is 2,919 BOPD which 76 BOPD higher than target.
- Additional LPO +55 BOPD compared to previous month.
- Executed 47 proactive jobs followings:
14 Short cyclic job (Avg oil gain 7 bopd/job)
3 Regular cyclic
17 solvent bullhead job (Avg oil gain 3 bopd/job)
6 Acid bullhead (Avg oil gain 2.2 bopd/job)
7 RS Low prod job (Avg oil gain 4 bopd/job)
- Lookback Proactive Job: 15 Success, 6 fail, 26 w/o Test after job

II. Steam
- Actual latent heat in November 2022 has increased sighnificantly than October 2022. However it is still
lower than target by 299 MMBTU (actual is 4,851 MMBTU vs target is 5,150 MMBTU) because of
several reasons such as OFF Injectors (200 mmbtu) and 4 under-compliant injectors/Category C (100
- Currently there are 10 injectors OFF due to broken steam line

III. Surveillance:
- Well test compliance in Nov22 is 65%.
- AWT A09SCC has been repaired on Nov 26, 2022(flexible joint leak)
IV. Well Review & Woppkat
- Submitted 76 wells review on Nov-22, consist of 25 individual well review, 15 Slider review and 25 Low
- 215 opportunities were scheduled for execution.
V. Focuss Items
- Focuss to followed up slider wells in A9SC & 9SE
- Follow up and monitoring execution welldown for reducing LPO.
- Continue to more execute program Acid CTU in Hz wells, chemical acid and solvent, and cyclic jobs.
- Need to support for execution of backlog proactive jobs (Cyclic and chemical) of area-9.

- Actual latent heat in December 2022 is higher than in November 2022 by 300 mmbtu due to most
injectors in A09 perform active in almost one full month.
- It is stil below target by 249 mmbtu (actual 5,151 mmbtu vs target 5,400 mmbtu) mainly due to 10
injectors are still OFF due to surface problem, such as steam line leak and broken valve.
- 4 injectors that are under-compliant of latent heat are expected to improve after choke resizing
execution by CST completed end of this week

A7 Nov
II. Steam
- Actual LH Oct is 93% of target. The reason
1) still effect of 4 injector steam cut since Oct 11. Net difference LH from initial target 88 MMBTU.
Already reverse back injection since nov 29, 2022 but need update test data
- Identified 8 wells in compliance C (decrease 6 from last month) and 4 wells in compliance E (increse 3
from last month)
- Identified 6 Active Injector in OFF status
a. 3 of them due S/D steam corridor U2 7SC cause 4"upstream to GV pry 5U28A leak since 24 dec
2021. 3 injectors affect 2 pattern. Prod performance from the 2 pattern make the DR prod trend
increase from -5% to 5%. Already include in well repaired plan coordinated by kak Illa. But waiting based
on priority list.
b. 1 injetor (4U21E-U) Wing valve dan swab valve broken since 9/27/2021. Already proposed change to
new wing valve. since Dec 2021 Still on execution phase. From prod performance, increase decline rate
from 1% to 2%. Currently on Hot Tap execution.
c. 1 injector (4U27A-L) 2" line Choke bean Leak since aug, 2021. No issue with prod performance. Still
has support from upper string injector. Increase prod trend due increase proactive execution and
decrease LPO. But high opportunity from SOCO, already planned for Re-POI in RMR. Already include in
well repaired plan coordinated by kak Illa. But waiting based on priority list.
d. 1 injector (4U27A-U) shut in to support WO program DURI0188020220113RLN12, indicated fault
- Identified 10 well injector with no LH data.
A7 Dec
II. Steam
- Actual LH Dec is 93% of target. The reason
1) Uncertainty LH from 10 injector string witout LH test data
2) Identified 7 Active Injector in OFF status
a. 3 of them due S/D steam corridor U2 7SC cause 4"upstream to GV pry 5U28A leak since 24 dec
2021. 3 injectors affect 2 pattern. Prod performance from the 2 pattern make the DR prod trend
increase from -5% to 5%. Already include in well repaired plan coordinated by kak Illa. But waiting based
on priority list.
b. 1 injector (4U21E-U) Wing valve dan swab valve broken since 9/27/2021. Keep OFF, due small
pattern can support heat from three other injector from the same large pattern. Opportunity left at
southern pattern. So, pursue remaining opportunity through southern injector.
c. 2 injector OFF (5V34A-U & L) to support sleeve casing job. Leak between conductor and surface
casing. Already planned by LSC to repaired.
d. 1 injector OFF (7U40A-U) due wellhead separated into 2 pieces (broken off). New Re-POI Well since
Oct 26, 2022. Steam theo 271 but steam allo 399. Target steam 250 bspd. Injector OFF since Jan 1,
2007. Single string completion. Already create program. Routing approval and communicate to LSC.
3) Identified 8 wells in compliance C (same as last month) and 4 wells in compliance E (same as last

II. Steam
- Actual LH 106% slightly over target. Increase in Dec 2022 due to back to normal after NDC shut down.
- December actual injection is achieving injection target
- Additional 1 compliance B and 2 compliance C after NDC shut down
- No additional well down

- Actual latent heat in December 2022 is lower than target by 302 mmbtu (1,096 mmbtu vs 1,398
mmbtu)mainly because of A05 total injection shutdown due to steam hammering at pre-heating process
after major event of Pungut Power Line incident since 9-Dec-22.
- 27 of 58 injectors located in A05 West have re-POI since 26-Dec-22. While remaining 31 injectors
located in A05 East are still shut-in as repair works are in progress. These remaining OFF injectors are
estimated to re-POI early next week.
- RMR recommendation of A05 for steam rate change is in progress of execution since 11-Jan-23.
II. Steam
- Actual LH Dec is 93% of target. The reason
1) Uncertainty LH from 10 injector string witout LH test data
2) Identified 7 Active Injector in OFF status
3) Identified 8 wells in compliance C (same as last month) and 4 wells in compliance E (same as last

A6 Dec
STEAM # # # # # # # Aug-22 Sep-22 Oct-22 Nov-22 Dec-22 Jan-23
Target, mmbtu 2,286 2,286 2,286 2,286 2,286
Allocated, mmbtu 3,245 2,665 2,892 3,047 2,370 2,481
Delta, mmbtu 379 606 761 84
Active Injector, count 64 61 63 63 63 61
Down Injector, count 13 16 15 15 15 17
Injector comp cat A, count 57 44 53 55 58 58
Injector comp cat B, count - - - 2 2 2
Injector comp cat C, count 3 14 5 5 2 2
Injector comp cat D, count - - - - - -
Injector comp cat E, count 4 3 5 1 1 1
Nov 84%

II. Steam
- Actual LH Dec is 92%, 173 MMBTU lower than target (actual is 2,113 MMBTU vs target is 2,286
MMBTU) because of several reasons such as 14 OFF Injectors and A06 total injection shutdown due
to NDC black out following the incident in Pungut Powerline on Dec 6 th.
- Currently there are 12 injectors in OFF condition, 10 Injectors due leakage at corridor line, 3 injector
due replacing regulator to choke bean, and 1 injector due leakage at surface casing.
- No additional well down in Dec 2022.
- 57 injector in ON status in compliance A, and 1 well in compliance C.

II. Steam
Actual LH Jan-23 is 85%, which is 443 MMBTU lower than target (actual is 2,240 MMBTU vs target is
2,683 MMBTU) for several reasons such as :

- Currently there are 15 injectors in OFF condition : 10 Injectors due leakage at corridor line, 1 injector
due broken wing vavle, and 1 injector due leakage at surface casing, and 3 injector due injectivity
problem in A06 Rindu.
- No additional well down in Jan-2022.
- Identified 59 injector in compliance A and 1 well in compliance C.

6" line di corridor leak 6Q26B-U
6" line di corridor leak 6Q26B-U
6" line di corridor leak 6Q26B-U
6" line di corridor leak 6Q26B-U
6" line di corridor leak 6Q26B-U
Injectivity problem
Injectivity problem
Injectivity problem
Need review PE suspect steam can't inject to reservoir
Shut in well due leakage at corridor line near 6S15
Shut in well due leakage at corridor line near 6S15
Shut in well due leakage at corridor line near 6S15
Shut in well due leakages at surface casing
Shut in well due wing valve, master valve, swabvalve repairing
Steam tidak bisa di-inject-kan
Total allocated oil Feb 2023 1597 BOPD (target 1687 bopd), which is -90 BOPD below target. Contributed
by :
'- 6NW , 6NWB test station after install new Micromotion showed increasing WC and 6NWA tested
using semi AWT to 6NWB (-40 bopd)
- Production decline from 6SE confirm water cut increase after proving 6SEB on Dec 29, 2022 (-179
- Reducing LPO +8 bopd (from 191 bopd to 183 bopd)

Actual LH Feb-23 is 89%, which is 272 MMBTU lower than target (actual is 2,441 MMBTU vs target is
2,683 MMBTU) mainly due to 15 injectors are still OFF and 8 injectors shut in temporary due to steam
curtailment following PHJM unplanned shut down.
- 6 injectors are OFF due to leaks in corridor 6Q28 already re-POI since 02/23/2023 and 1 well re-POI
after completed repair wing valve and install choke bean.
- Currently 8 injectors are still OFF condition, 3 Injectors due leakage at corridor line, 4 injector due
injectivity problems, and 1 injector due leakage at surface casing.
- Identified 63 injector in compliance A, 3 well compliance C, and 4 well in compliance E.

III. Workover
'- February 2023 completed execution 30 job. From 16 wells has been tested got oil gain 3 BOPD/Job
from acid bullhead, 3 bopd/job from cyclic, and 4 bopd/job from solvent bullhead.

IV. Surveillance
- Welltest compliance in Feb-2023 is 74% of active wells tested.

V. Focus Item
- Monitoring daily production, follow up job execution.
STEAM # # # # # # # ## Sep-22 Oct-22 Nov-22 Dec-22 Jan-23 Feb-23 Mar-23 Apr-23
Target, mmbtu # 2,286 2,286 2,286 2,286 2,683 2,683 2,683 2,683
Allocated, mmbtu # 1,808 2,050 1,919 2,113 2,378 2,411 2,406 2,465
Delta, mmbtu (478) (236) (367) (173) (305) (272) (277) (218)
Active Injector, count # 61 63 63 63 62 69 68 68
Down Injector, count # 16 15 15 15 15 8 8 8
Injector comp cat A, count # 44 53 55 58 58 59 63 -
Injector comp cat B, count # - - 2 2 2 1 2 -
Injector comp cat C, count 3 14 5 5 2 1 3 3 -
Injector comp cat D, count # - - - - - 2 - -
Injector comp cat E, count 4 3 5 1 1 - 4 - -

Actual LH March-23 is 89%, which is 277 MMBTU lower than target (actual is 2,406 MMBTU vs target is
2,683 MMBTU) for several reasons such as :
- 26 injectors shut in temporary for 4 days due to repair 3/4 SPM on 7R71 and 8" gate valve at 7R87.
- Currently 8 injectors are still OFF condition, 3 wells shut in due leakage at corridor line 6S15, 4 wells
due injectivity problems, and 1 well due leakage at surface casing.
- No additional well down in March-2023.
- Identified 66 injector in compliance A, 3 well compliance B, and 3 well in compliance C, 1 well in
compliance E.

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