Notefile 1 1695449093
Notefile 1 1695449093
Notefile 1 1695449093
(1001CMD303054230031) *1001CMD303054230031*
(Academic Session : 2023-2024) 24-09-2023
: in words
1. Two moving particles 'P' and 'Q' are 10 m apart at a Find velocity at B:-
certain instant. The velocity of P is 8 m/s making an
angle 30° with line joining P and Q and velocity of Q is
6 m/s making an angle 30° with PQ as shown in figure.
Then the angular speed of P with respect to Q is :
16. If momentum of a body changes from p to 1.02 p 23. The length and breadth of a metal sheet are 3.124 m
then find percentage change in kinetic energy. and 3.002 m respectively. The area of this sheet upto
(1) 2 % (2) 1% (3) 4% (4) 6% four correct significant figures is :-
17. If U = x2y + yz + xz2 then find force acting on (1) 9.37 m2 (2) 9.378 m2
the particle at (1,2,1) (3) 9.3782 m2 (4) 9.378248 m2
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 24. The number of circular divisions on the shown
(1) −2i − 5j − 4k (2) −5i − 2j − 4k
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ screw gauge is 100. It moves 0.6 mm on main
(3) −4i − 5j − 2k (4) 5i + 2j + 4k
scale for one complete rotation. Main scale
18. Work done in stretching a spring of spring reading is 2mm. The diameter of the ball is :
constant K from 2X0 to 4X0 will be
(1) 16 KX02 (2) 6 KX02
(3) 8 × 106 J 2 (4) 12 × 106 J 2 36. A flywheel at rest is to reach an angular velocity
S. m S. m
of 24 rad s-1 in 8 s with constant angular
31. A sphere, cube and thin circular plate having same acceleration. The total angle turned through
mass made of same material are heated to same during this interval is
temperature and placed in same surroundings then (1) 24 rad (2) 48 rad
which will cool last. (3) 72 rad (4) 96 rad
(1) sphere 37. A particle moving along a circular path. The
(2) Plate angular velocity, linear velocity, angular
acceleration and centripetal acceleration of the
(3) Cube
→ , →v, →α , →a c.
particle at any instant respectively are ω
(4) All cool at same rate Which of the following relation is/are correct : –
32. When a gas from a big container is shifted in a → ⊥ →v (b) ω
(a) ω → ⊥ →α (c) →v ⊥ →a c (d) ω → ⊥ →a c
small container then pressure increases because (1) a,b,d (2) b,c,d (3) a,b,c (4) a,c,d
(1) The velocity of molecules increases 38. The maximum velocity (in ms – 1) with which a
(2) The energy of molecules increases car driver must traverse a flat curved path of
radius 150 m and coefficient of friction 0.6 to
(3) The number of collisions with the wall increases
avoid skidding is :- (g = 10 m/s2)
(4) The energy of molecules decreases
(1) 60 (2) 30 (3) 15 (4) 25
24-09-2023 1001CMD303054230031
6 English
39. The centre of mass of a system of particles does 45. If L.C. of a vernier callipers is 0.2 mm. If zero of
not depend on : vernier scale lies above 12 mm and 3rd division of
(1) masses of the particles vernier scale coincides with any division of main
scale, find measured value by vernier callipers :
(2) internal forces on the particles
(1) 1.23 cm (2) 1.26 cm
(3) position of the particles
(3) 12.6 cm (4) 12.3 cm
(4) relative distance between the particles
46. If the unit of force is doubled and the unit of
40. Two bodies of mass 1 kg and 3kg have position length is made half, then the unit of energy will be
vectors ^i + 2j^ + k^ and −3i^ − 2j^ + k^ , respectively. 1 1
The centre of mass of this system has a position (1) times (2) times
4 2
vecotor :-
(3) 4 times (4) Unchanged
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
(1) −i + j + k (2) −2i + 2k
47. The rate of heat flow from a metallic rod
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
(3) −2i − j + k (4) 2i − j − 2k maintained at two different temperatures is Q. If
1 th
41. A heavy nucleus at rest breaks into two the rod is melted to form a new rod of of
fragments which fly off with velocities 27 : 1. radius then the rate of heat flow will be
The ratio of radius of fragments :- Q Q Q Q
(1) (2) (3) (4)
(1) 1 : 2 (2) 1 : 4 (3) 1 : 3 (4) 3 : 1 4 16 64 256
Which one of the following is true in an inelastic 48. A cup of tea cools from 60°C to 50°C in 10
collision ? minutes. If room temperature is 25°C then find
Kinetic Total
the temperature after next 10 minutes
energy Energy 100 ∘ 200 ∘
(1) C (2) C
(1) Conserved Conserved Conserved 7 7
300 ∘ 400 ∘
(2) Conserved Not Conserved Conserved (3) C (4) C
7 7
(3) Conserved Not Conserved Not Conserved 49. The pressure, volume and temperature of ideal gas
(4) Not Conserved Not Conserved Conserved are P,V,T respectively. If mass of single molecule
is m and density of gas is d, then temperature is
43. A force F = x2 + 1 displaces a body from x = 0 to
x = 2 find work done. dk Pm P Pm
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Pm dk mdk kT
8 10
(1) Joule (2) Joule 50. The pressure, and temperature of ideal gas
3 3
16 14 enclosed in a container are P and T. If number of
(3) Joule (4) Joule
3 3 molecules in the box is doubled due to which
44. If potential energy of a particle of mass 2kg pressure becomes P' and temperature T' but
depend on position as U = x2 – 10x + 20 and translational kinetic energy remains same, then
kinetic energy of the particle at x = 2 is 7 joule
then find maximum kinetic energy of the particle T
(1) P = P' and T = T' (2) P = P' and T' =
(1) 16 Joule (2) 11 Joule P
(3) P' = 2P and T' = 2T (4) P' = and T' = T
(3) 2 Joule (4) 22 Joule 2 2
1001CMD303054230031 24-09-2023
English 7
58. For which of the following Vant haff factor is 63. The radius of 2nd bohr orbit in terms of the bohr
not correctly matched. radius (a0) in Li2+ is :
Salt α i (1) 4a0
(2) 2a0
(3) 2a0
(4) 4a0
9 9 3 3
(1) K2SO4 50% 2
64. The number of radial nodes in 3s and 2p respectively
(2) K3[Fe(CN)6] 75% 3.25 are :-
(3) [Ag[NH3]2]Cl 80% 1.8 (1) 2 and 0 (2) 0 and 2
(4) Al2(SO4)3 90% 2.8 (3) 1 and 2 (4) 2 and 1
59. 0.5 molal aqueous solution of weak acid (HX) is 65. An orbital with ℓ = 0 is symmetrical about the :-
20% ionised. If Kf of water is 1.86 K kg mol – 1 (1) x-axis only (2) y-axis only
the lowering in freezing point of solution is :
(3) z-axis only (4) The nucleus
(1) 0.56 K (2) 1.12 K
66. The relative abundance of two rubidium isotopes
(3) – 0.56 K (4) – 1.12 K of atomic weights 85 and 87 are 75% and 25%
60. Consider the following cases :- respectively. The average atomic wt. of rubidium
Case I : 2M CH3COOH solution in benzene at is: –
27°C where there is dimer formation to the (1) 75.5 (2) 85.5 (3) 86.5 (4) 87.5
extent of 100%. 67. An element M has 25 protons. The number of
Case II : 0.5 M KCl aq. solution at 27°C, which electron in its M2 – anion will be -
ionises 100% (1) 27 (2) 23 (3) 25 (4) 22
Which is correct ?
68. The orbital angular momentum for an electron
(1) Both are isotonic (2) I is hypertonic
revolving in an orbit is given by ℓ ( ℓ + 1). h .
81. Which of the following is not a organo-metallic 87. Assertion (A) : It is not possible to obtain pure
compound. ethanol by fractional distillation.
Reason (R) : A solution containing 95% by volume
(1) RMgX of ethanol forms an azeotrope composition.
(2) Ti(OC6H5)4 (1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
(3) Ti(CH3) (OC6H5)3 explanation of A.
(4) [Ni(CO)4] (2) A is true but R is false
82. Which of the following conversion is favorable (3) A is false but R is true
in aqueous medium. (4) Both A and R are true and R is NOT the
(1) Cu → Cu+2 correct explanation of A.
(2) Mn+2 → Mn 88. If four gases A, B, C and D have Henry's constant
(KH) values 1.9 × 101, 6.5 × 10 – 4, 7.8 × 10 – 4 and
(3) V+2 → V 6.0 × 103 bar respectively then which of the
(4) Ni → Ni+2 following gas has maximum solubility at same
partial pressure ?
83. Correct order of oxidising nature is :
(1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D
(1) CrO3 < MoO3 < WO3
89. Which of the following aqueous solutions has
(2) CrO3 > MoO3 > WO3 the highest boiling point ?
(3) CrO3 > WO3 > MoO3 (1) 0.1 M KNO3 (2) 0.1 M Na3PO4
(4) CrO3 < WO3 < MoO3 (3) 0.1 M BaCl2 (4) 0.1 M K2SO4
84. Chromyl chloride test given by :- 90. The probability density plots of 1s and 2s orbitals
(1) AsCl3 (2) AgCl are given in Figure :
(3) KCl (4) PbCl2
85. Product formed when acidified K2Cr2O7 react
with H2O2 solution.
(1) CrO3 (2) CrO The density of dots in a region represents the
probability density of finding electrons in the
(3) Cr2(SO4)3 (4) CrO5 region. On the basis of above diagram which of
SECTION-B ( CHEMISTRY ) the following statement is incorrect?
(1) 1s and 2s orbitals are spherical in shape.
86. In an electrochemical cell, during cell reaction,
(2) The probability of finding the electron is
2 moles of Zn metal reacts with 2 moles of
maximum near the nucleus.
Cu+2 ions to form 2 moles of Zn+2 ions and 2 moles
of Cu metal. Find out correct expression for Δ G of (3) The probability of finding the electron at a
reaction. given distance is equal in all directions.
(1) – 2F Ecell (2) – 4F Ecell (4) The probability density of electrons for 2s orbital
decreases uniformly as distance from the nucleus
(3) – 3F Ecell (4) +2F Ecell increases.
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English 11
91. The correct order of wavelength of Hydrogen 97. Match the column :-
(1H1), Deuterium (1H2) and Tritium (1H3) (a) [NiCl4]2 – (i) Paramagnetic
moving with same kinetic energy is (b) [Ni(CO)4] (ii) Diamagnetic
(1) λ H > λ D > λ T (2) λ H = λ D = λ T (c) [Co(C2O4)3]3 – (iii) Tetrahedral
(3) λ H < λ D < λ T (4) λ H < λ D > λ T (d) [Fe(CN)6]3 – (iv) Octahedral
92. The circumference of the 2nd orbit of an atom or (v) Square planer
ion having single electron is 4nm. The de-Broglie
(1) a - (i),(iii) b - (ii),(v) c - (i),(iv) d - (ii),(v)
wavelength of electron (in nm) revolving in this
orbit is (2) a - (i),(iii) b - (ii),(iii) c - (ii),(iv) d - (i),(iv)
(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4 (3) a - (ii),(iii) b - (ii),(iii) c - (i),(iv) d - (ii),(iv)
93. If the ionisation potential of an atom (single e – ) (4) a - (ii),(iii) b - (ii),(v) c - (ii),(iv) d - (i),(iv)
is 20 V. It's first excitation potential will be 98. Match the following and choose correct option
(1) 5V (2) 10 V (3) 15 V (4) 20 V Complex e – configuration
94. The number of photons of light, having wave (P) [CoCl6]3 – (a) t52g eg0
no. 'x' in 10 J of energy is (Q) [Co(OX)3]3 – (b) t62g eg0
hc 10
(1) 10 hcx (2) (3) (4) None (R) [Co(H2O)6]2+ (c) t52g eg2
10x hcx
95. Assertion (A) :- Fe+3 not used in brown ring test (S) [Fe(CN)6]3 – (d) t42g eg2
–1 P Q R S
of NO3 .
Reason (R) :- NO3 – is first converted into NO2. (1) b a c d
(2) d a b c
(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not
(3) d b c a
the correct explanation of (A)
(4) d a c b
(2) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct 99. Which of the following shows geometrical
(3) (A) is incorrect but (R) is correct isomerism ?
(4) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is the (1) [Zn(NH3)2Cl2]
correct explanation of (A) (2) K[PtCl3( η 2 – C2H5)]
96. Assertion (A) : [Ni(CN)4] – 2 complex has dsp2
(3) [Rh(PPh3)3Cl]
Reason (R) : CN – is strong field ligand so pairing (4) [Pd(gly) (Py)Cl]
of e – occur. 100. Number of geometrical, optical and stereo
(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is isomers shown by complex
NOT the correct explanation of (A). K3[Co(OX)3] respectively are :
(2) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct. (1) 2, 2, 2
(4) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the (3) 0, 2, 2
correct explanation of (A) (4) 1, 2, 2
24-09-2023 1001CMD303054230031
12 English
SECTION-A ( BIOLOGY-I ) 105. Identify the correct match from the columns I, II
and III :-
101. Which of the following is incorrect match of its Column-I Column-II Column-III
phylum, coelom, notochord, segmentation ? Offence and
1 Protozoa a Choanocyte i
Phylum Coelom Segmentation Notochord defence
(1) Platyhelminthes Coelomate Absent Absent Developed the
(2) Annelida Coelomate Present Absent 2 Porifera b Bi-nucleated ii
water current
(3) Aschelminthes Pseudocoelomate Absent Absent
Comb Help in
(4) Chordate Coelomate Present Present 3 Coelenterata c iii
plates Locomotion
102. Which one of the following is not the basis of Somatic and
animal classification 4 Ctenophora d Nematocyte iv reproductive
(1) Arrangement of cell & body symmetry.
(2) Nature of coelom & patterns of digestive system (1) 2-c-iii, 3-b-iv, 1-d-i, 4-a-ii
(3) Circulatory system & reproductive system (2) 1-b-iv, 2-d-ii, 3-a-iii, 4-c-i
(4) Nervous system & endocrine system (3) 1-b-iv, 2-a-ii, 3-d-i, 4-c-iii
(1) Dorsal heart (2) Dorsal Nerve cord (1) Presence of scales on hind limbs
(3) Post anal tail (4) Notochord (2) Able to maintain constant body temperature
112. Identify (A), (B) and (C) respectively : (3) Endoskeleton is fully ossified and the long
bones are hollow with fluid cavities
(4) Fore limbs are modified into wings
118. Which of the following is the correct match of
animal with its common name ?
(1) Notochord, Nerve cord, Gill slit (1) Canis - Cat
(2) Notochord, Nerve cord, Post anal part (2) Felis - Flying fox
(3) Nerve cord, Notochord, Post anal part (3) Macropus - Kangaroo
(4) Nerve cord, Notochord, Gill slits (4) Pteropus - Platypus
24-09-2023 1001CMD303054230031
14 English
119. Identify the given animal. Choose its 122. Recognise the figure and find out the correct
characteristic feature with its name : matching.
134. Which of the following structures are correctly paired? 140. Identify false statement(s) :-
(A) Annelids are most abundant group with
(1) Forebrain and medulla oblongata calcareous covering
(B) Aschelminthes includes parasitic as well as
(2) Midbrain and cerebrum non parasitic roundworms
(C) Ctenophores are sessile & bear cnidoblast
(3) Brain stem and anterior pituitary gland (D) Ascaris is a flatworm
(4) Hindbrain and cerebellum (1) B, D, C (2) A, B, D (3) B, D (4) A, C, D
135. The dorsal portion of the midbrain mainly 141. Assertion (A): Aschelminths and Annelids
consists of four round swellings (lobes) called : possess bilateral symmetry.
Reason (R): Both Aschelminths and Annelids are
(1) Corpora quadrigemina coelomates
(2) Corpus callosum (1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the
(3) Cerebral aqueduct correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the
(4) Limbic lobe correct explanation of (A).
SECTION-B ( BIOLOGY-I ) (3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
136. Mesoglea can be observed in :- 142. Complete the analogy Malpighian tubules:
(1) Pleurobrachia (2) Apis Excretion: Radula:________
(3) Unio (4) Trichinella (1) Defence (2) Feeding
137. Which of the following is correct :- (3) Locomotion (4) Chemosensory
(1) Porifera – Sycon – Water Vascular System 143. All vertebrates are chordates but all chordates
are not vertebrates. Why ?
(2) Adamsia – Medusa
(1) All chordates have vertebral column
(3) Pleurobrachia – 8 ciliated comb plates
(2) Nerve cord remains throughout life in some
(4) Aurelia-Polyp chordates.
138. What is true about Nereis, Scorpion, Cockroach (3) Notochord is replaced by vertebral column in
and Silver fish ? adult of some chordates.
(4) All chordates posses notochord throughout
(1) They all belong to the same phylum their life.
(2) They all have paired jointed appendages 144. A marine cartilaginous fish that has poisonous sting is :-
(3) They all possess dorsal heart (1) Pristis (2) Torpedo
(4) None of them is aquatic (3) Trygon (4) Scoliodon
139. Phylum Annelida resembles Mollusca in :- 145. The most advanced character of crocodile and
(1) Level of organisation Gavialis is :-
(2) Metameric segmentation (1) Shelled egg
(2) Polyphyodont dentition
(3) Open type circulation (3) Four chambered heart
(4) Calcareous shell (4) Powerful jaws and large body size.
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English 17
146. Read the following statements and find out the 148. The figure given below shows mode of action of AIDS
incorrect statement :- virus. Identify steps A, B, C, D and E labelled in it.
a. A synapse is formed by the membranes of a
presynaptic neuron and a post-synaptic neuron,
which may be separated by a gap called synaptic cleft
b. At electrical synapses, the membranes of a pre-
and post-synaptic neurons are in very close proximity
c. Electrical current can flow directly from one
neuron into the other across chemical synapses.
d. Impulse transmission across a chemical synapse is
always faster than that across a electric synapse
e. Electrical synapses are rare in our system (1) A-New viral DNA introduced into cell, B-Viral
RNA produced, C-Viral DNA incorporated
(1) a and b (2) b and c into host genome, D-New viral DNA, E-New
(3) c and d (4) d and e viruses produced
(2) A-Viral DNA incorporated into host genome,
147. Given below is a diagram showing sagital B-Viral DNA, C-New viral RNA introduced,
section of the human brain, select the option with D-Viral RNA produced, E-New viruses produced
the structures labelled as A, B, C and D with (3) A-Viral RNA introduced, B-Viral DNA,
their correct functions : - C-Viral DNA incorporated into host genome,
D-New viral RNA produced, E-New viruses
(4) A-Viral DNA introduced, B-Viral RNA, C-Viral
RNA incorporated into host genome, D-New
viral DNA produced, E-New viruses produced
149. Ionic gradients across the resting membrane are
maintained by the active transport of ions by Na – K
pump which transport ____A____ ions outward for
(1) A-Controls the voluntary movements and ____B____ into cell. A and B respectively.
also the site for processing of smell, (1) A → 2K+, B → 3Na+
hearing, vision, speech, thoughts, emotion, (2) A → 2Na+, B → 3K+
biological clock, intelligence and memory (3) A → 3Na+, B → 2K+
B-Connects fore brain to hind brain for
CSF circulation (4) A → 3K+, B → 3Na+
(2) B-blockage could cause hydro cephalus 150. Which of the following statement is false –
C-Acts as major coordinating centre for (1) Neurons can detect, receive and transmit
sensory and motor signalling different kinds of stimuli
(3) C-Centre for regulation of body temperature, (2) The fluid outside the axon contains a high
thirst, hunger and emotional behaviour concentration of K+ and a low concentration of Na+
D-Controls body posture and body balance. (3) Active transport of ions is done by Na+ – K+
(4) A-Left one is prominent in a right handed person pump which transports 3Na+ outwards and 2K+
D-Control centre for respiration, cardiovascular into the cell.
reflex and gastric secretion (4) Myelinated nerve fibres are found in spinal
and cranial nerves.
24-09-2023 1001CMD303054230031
18 English
166. Which organ provide the site for intreraction of (4) Rheumatoid arthritis
lymphocytes with the antigen ? 173. The PH of vagina is acidic due to presence of
(1) Bone marrow (2) Thymus lactic acid which prevent microbial growth, it is
the example of _____?
(3) Peyer's patches (4) Both (1) and (2)
(1) Physiological barrier (2) Physical barrier
167. Which are essential before undertaking any graft
or transplant ? (3) Cytokine barrier (4) Cellular barrier
175. MALT constitutes about ________ of lymphoid 181. Total amount of 'A and T' in DNA is 45%.
tissue in human body- Amount of guanine will be ?
(1) 5 % (2) 15 % (3) 50 % (4) 85 % (1) 22.5% (2) 27.5% (3) 45% (4) 55%
176. The symptoms like internal bleeding, muscular 182. Which one of the following pairs of nitrogenous
pain, fever, anemia and blockage of intestinal bases of nucleic acids, is wrongly matched with
passage are of which disease ? the category mentioned against it ?
(1) Ascariasis (2) Elephantiasis (1) Guanine, Adenine – Purines
(3) Amoebiasis (4) Pneumonia (2) Adenine, Thymine – Purines
177. Which one is the confirmatory test for typhoid ? (3) Thymine, Uracil – Pyrimidines
(1) Western blot test (2) ELISA (4) Uracil, Cytosine – Pyrimidines
(3) Widal test (4) X-Ray 183. Chargaff's rules state that :-
178. Gametocytes of plasmodium are formed in ? G
(1) Salivary gland of mosquito (1) In RNA, A = T (2) =1
(2) Mosquito gut A+T A+G
(3) =1 (4) =1
(3) Human Liver G+C T +C
(4) Human RBC 184. Histone proteins are rich in :-
179. Read the following statements and choose the (1) Glutamic acid and Aspartic acid
option which is true for them -
(2) Lysine and arginine
Statement-I : Two nucleotides are linked through
phosphodiester linked to form a dinucleotide. (3) glutamic and valine
Statement-II : In RNA 5 methyl uracil is found at (4) Lysine and valine
place of uracil.
185. Choose correct one :-
(1) Only Statement I is correct.
(2) Only Statement II is correct
(3) Both the Statements are correct
(4) Both the Statements are incorrect
180. Match the following columns :-
Column-I Column-II
ϕ × 174 48502
a i
bacteriophage base pair (1) a-DNA, b-H1-histone, c-histone octamer,
b Human (haploid) ii 5386 nucleotides d-core of histone
3.3× 109 (2) a-core of histone, b-DNA, c-H1 histone,
c E.Coli iii
base pair d-histone octamer
4.6 × 106 (3) a-Histone octamer, b-core of histone, c-DNA,
d λ -phage iv
base pair d-H1 histone
(1) a-iv, b-iii, c-ii, d-i (2) a-iii, b-iv, c-i, d-ii (4) a-H1 histone, b-histone octamer, c-core of
(3) a-ii, b-iii, c-iv, d-i (4) a-i, b-ii, c-iii, d-iv histone, d-DNA
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English 21
SECTION-B ( BIOLOGY-II ) 189. Match these columns-
Column-I Column-II
186. The Schwann sheath is :-
Acid in stomach Cellular
(1) A non myelinated nerve fibres (A) (i)
and Tears from eye. immunity
(2) Associated with myelin sheath (B) Antibody (ii) Physical barrier
(3) A connective tissue cell Humoral
(C) T-lymphocyte (iii)
(4) Associated with myelinated & non myelinated immunity
nerve fibre Physiological
(D) Mucous coating (iv)
187. barrier
(1) A - iv, B - ii, C - iii, D - i
(2) A - ii, B - iv, C - i, D - iii
(3) A - iv, B - iii, C - i, D - ii
(4) A - iv, B - i, C - ii, D - iii
Which of the following statement is false for the 190. Given below are two statements-
reflex action shown in the given figure :- Statement-I : Salmonella typhi is a pathogenic
(1) Response towards stimulus bacterium which causes thyroid disorder.
Statement-II : Bacteria like Haemophilus influenzae
(2) Poly synaptic reflex
is responsible for the disease pneumonia.
(3) Monosynaptic reflex
(1) Both statement-I and statement-II are correct.
(4) Example of stretch reflex
(2) Both statement-I and statement-II are incorrect.
188. Read the following statements-
(3) Statement-I is correct but statement-II is
(A) Interferons are secreted by viral infected cell incorrect.
and protect non infected cell from further viral (4) Statement-I is incorrect but statement-II is correct.
191. Given below are two statements one is labelled as
(B) Greeks like Hippocrates disproved the good Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R).
humor hypothesis of health. Assertion (A) : AIDS is caused by the HIV.
(C) Humoral immune response is responsible for Reason (R) : HIV is a member of a group of viruses
graft rejection. called retrovirus.
(D) Antibody is represented as H2 L2. Choose the most appropriate answer ?
How many statements are correct ? (1) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the
correct explanation of (A).
(1) One
(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not
(2) Two correct explanation of (A).
(3) Three (3) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct.
(4) Four (4) (A) is not correct but (R) is correct.
24-09-2023 1001CMD303054230031
22 English
192. Given below are pairs of pathogens, diseases and 197. Which of the following disease is not infectious ?
causative agent category. Which of these is (1) Typhoid
incorrectly matched ?
Causative (2) Pneumonia
Disease Pathogen
agent (3) Asthma
(1) Typhoid Salmonella Bacteria (4) Amoebiasis
(2) Filariasis Microsporum Virus 198. Assertion (A) : In DNA two polynucleotide
Ascaris Round chains are complementary to each other.
(3) Ascariasis
Lumbricoides Worm Reason (R) : If one stand of DNA is known then
Common the sequence in other stand can be predicted.
(4) Rhinovirus Virus
clod (1) Both Assertion & Reason are True & the
193. If a female individual is with small round head, Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion.
furrowed tongue, partially open mouth and broad (2) Both Assertion & Reason are True but Reason
palm with characteristic palm crease. Also the is not a correct explanation of the Assertion.
physical, psychomotor and mental development (3) Assertion is True but the Reason is False.
is retarded. It is the-
(4) Both Assertion & Reason are False.
(1) Down's syndrome (2) Patau's syndrome
199. The salient feature of DNA are –
(3) Cat cry syndrome (4) Edward's syndrome
(i) It is made up of two polynucleotide chain
194. Which type of antibody the foetus receive from (ii) Back bone is constituted by sugar and nitrogen
their(mother through the placenta during pregnancy ?
(1) Immunoglobulin - A (iii) Two chain have parallel polarity
(2) Immunoglobulin - G (iv) Bases in two strands are paired through H-bonds
(3) (1) and (2) both (v) The two chain are coiled only in a left handed
(4) Immunoglobulin - M
(1) i, iv, v (2) i, iv
195. Kapil is suffering from appearance of dry scaly
lesions with intense itching on various parts of (3) i, ii, v (4) i, ii, iii, iv, v
the body such of skin, nails and scalp, these 200. The molecule represented is ?
symptoms are of ?
(1) Filariasis (2) Amoebiasis
(3) Ring worm (4) Ascariasis
196. Pneumonia is caused by ?
(1) Streptococcus pheumoniae (1) Uridine and it is a purine
(2) Salmonella typhi (2) Uridylic acid and it is a nucleoside
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