• Columns are vertical members used to carry axial compression
load and due to their slenderness nature, they are prone to
• The behaviour of column will depend on its slenderness as
High Medium
slenderness slenderness
Prone to
to effects
Buckling Imperfection
1. Section properties ( P363)
h = 254.1 mm
b = 254.6 mm
tw = 8.6 mm
tt = 14.2 mm
r = 12.7 mm
A = 9310 mm2
Yield strength, fy = 355 N/mm2 (Table 3.1 of EC3)
2. Cross-section classification (Clause 5.5.2)
c = h − 2t f − 2r = 200.3mm
c / t w = 200.3 / 8.6 = 23.29
Limit for Class 1 web = 33ε = 26.85
26.85 > 23.29 web is Class 1
Overall cross-section classification is therefore Class 2.
3. Cross-section compression resistance (Clause 6.2.4).
Af y
N c , Rd = for Class 1,2 or 3 cross-sections
EC3 recommend
M 0 = 1.0
9310 355
N c , Rd = = 3305kN
• EC3 provides guidance for
Af y Lcr 1
= = For class 1, 2 and 3 cross section
N cr i 1
L is
• Where
= 0.5[1 + ( − 0.2) + ]
Aeff f y
= For symmetric class 4 cross section
N cr
• Ncr is the elastic critical buckling force for the relevant buckling mode
based on gross properties of the cross section
2 EI
N cr = 2
• The buckling mode that governs design will be that with the lowest
critical buckling force Ncr.
• EN1993-1-1 defines five buckling curves, labelled ao,a,b,c and d as
shown in Figure 2 (Figure 6.4 of EC3)
Imperfection factors for buckling curves (Extract from Table 6.1 of EC3)
Buckling Curve a0 a b c d
Material properties;
235 235
= = = 0.92
fy 275
E 210000 Clause
1 = = = 86.8
fy 275
Lcr 1 Lcr / i 3600 / 51.8
z = = = = 0.8
i 1 1 86.8
1 1
z = = = 0.66 1.0
+ − 2 2
0.97 + 0.97 − 0.80
2 2
effective length
Lcr,y = 1.0L = 1.0 X 12000 = 12000mm for buckling about the y-
y axis
Lcr,z= 1.0L = 1.0 X 4000 = 4000mm for buckling about z-z axis.
Non-Dimension slendernesses:
E 210000
1 = = = 88.4
fy 265
y Lcr , y / i y 12000 / 112
y = = = = 1.21
1 1 88.4
z Lcr , z / iz 4000 / 65.5
z = = = = 0.69
1 1 88.4
Buckling curves;
Table 6.2
For major axis buckling, use buckling curve ‘b’
For minor axis buckling, use buckling curve ‘c’
Buckling reduction χ ;
y = 0.5[1 + ( y − 0.2) + y ] = 0.5[1 + 0.34(1.21 − 0.2) + 1.212 = 1.40
1 1
y = = = 0.47 1.0
+ − 2 2
1.40 + 1.40 2 − 1.212
z = 0.5[1 + ( z − 0.2) + z ] = 0.5[1 + 0.49(0.69 − 0.2) + 0.69 2 = 0.86
1 1
z = = = 0.73 1.0
+ 2 −
0.86 + 0.86 − 0.69
2 2
1) Total axial load
2) Classification of cross section
3) Verification
a) Compression resistance
b) Buckling resistance
Design of members in bending and axial
• In high slenderness range, buckling is dominate by elastic behaviour
and failure tending occurs by flexural buckling (pure compression) or
by lateral-torsional buckling (bending)
• This behaviour results from the interaction instability and plasticity
and influence by geometrical and material imperfection.
N Ed M y , Ed M z,E d
+ k yy + k yz 1
y N Rk / M 1 LT M y , Rk / M 1 M z , Rk / M 1
N Ed M y , Ed M z,E d
+ k zy + k zz 1
z N Rk / M 1 LT M y , Rk / M 1 M z , Rk / M 1
• For Class 4 cross section:
N Ed M y , Ed + M y , Ed M z , E d + M z , E d
+ k yy + k yz 1
y N Rk / M 1 LT M y , Rk / M 1 M z , Rk / M 1
N Ed M y , Ed + M y , Ed M z , E d + M z , Ed
+ k zy + k zz 1
z N Rk / M 1 LT M y , Rk / M 1 M z , Rk / M 1
NEd, My,Ed and Mz,Ed are design values of the compression force and
the maximum moments about the y-y and z-z
axis along the member, respectively
My,Ed, Mz,Ed are the moments due to the shift of the
centroidal axis according to clause and
Table 6.7 of EC3
χy and χz are the reduction factors due to flexural buckling
χLT is the reduction factors due to lateral torsional
kyy,kyz,kzy,kzz are the interaction factors (Annex A and Annex B
of EC3-1-1
• Members considered as not susceptible to torsional deformation
• Members with circular hollow section
• Members with rectangular hollow section, only if ℎ/𝑏 ≤ 10/𝜆ҧ𝑧
• Members with open section, provided that they are torsionally
and laterally restrained (Members with open I or H section,
restrained by continuous restraints maybe classified as not
susceptible to tortional deformation if the conditions predicted in
Annex BB.2 are fulfilled)
Table 4.5 :values for NRk=fyAi, Mi,Rk=fyWi and Mi,Ed
(Extract form Table 6.7 of EN1993-1-1)
Class 1 2 3 4
Ai A A A Aeff
Wy W pl,y W pl,y W el,y W eff,y
Wz W pl,z W pl,z W el,z W eff,z
My,Ed 0 0 0 eN,y NEd
Mz,Ed 0 0 0 eN,z NEd
Example 5: Member resistance under combined bi-
axial bending and axial compression
An H section member of length 4.2m is to be designed as a ground floor column in a
multi storey building. The frame is moment resisting in plane and pinned out-of-plane
with diagonal bracing provided in both directions. The column is subjected to major
axis bending due to horizontal forces and minor axis bending due to eccentric loading
from the floor beams. From the structural analysis, the design action effects of Figure
below arise in the column.
Assess the suitability of a hot-rolled 305x305x240H section in grade S275 steel for this
For this example, the interaction factors kij (for member checks under combined
bending and axial compression) will be determined using alternative method 2(Annex
My.Ed=420 kN Mz.Ed=110 kN
Effectively held
in position but
not restrained in
Ultimate Ultimat direction, i.e
reaction from e load LE = pinned
7m due to
Beam A – 200 0.85L
kN self-
Ultimate weight
reaction from 5 kN Effectively
Beam B – 75 held in position
kN and direction,
i.e fixed
Ultimate reaction from beam A, RA = 200 kN
Ultimate reaction from beam B, RB = 75 kN
Self-weight of column = 5 kN
Thus the ultimate axial load, NEd = RA + RB +s/weight = 200 +75 +5 = 280 kN
235 235
𝜀= = = 0.924
𝑓𝑦 275
𝜆1 = 𝜋 = 93.9𝜀 = 93.9 × 0.924 = 86.8
𝐿𝑐𝑟 5950
𝜆𝑧 = = = 115.3
𝑖 51.6
𝜆𝑧 115.3
𝜆ҧ𝑧 = = = 1.33
𝜆1 86.8
ℎ 206.2
= = 1.01 < 2
𝑏 203.9
𝜋 2 𝐸𝐼𝑍 𝐼𝑊 𝐿 2 𝐺𝐼𝑡
Mcr = + 2
𝜋 2 × 210 × 103 × 1770 × 104 166 × 109 5950 2 × 81000 × 320 × 103
Mcr = +
59502 1770 × 104 𝜋 2 × 210 × 103 × 1770 × 104
= 192 × 106 Nmm
For Class 1 and 2 Wy = Wpl = 569 × 103 mm3
1 1 1 1
𝜒𝐿𝑇 = = = 0.76 < 1.0 < 2 =
2 2 0.89 + 0.892 − 0.75 × 0.92 𝜆ҧ𝐿𝑇 0.92
ɸ𝐿𝑇 + ɸ𝐿𝑇 − 𝛽 𝜆ҧ𝐿𝑇
= 1.2 OK
𝜒𝐿𝑇 𝑊𝑦 𝑓𝑦 0.76 × 568 × 103 × 275
𝑀𝑏,𝑅𝑑 = = × 10−6 = 118.7 kNm
𝛾𝑀1 1.0
Half of the storey building floor plan is shown in Figure Design B/1
column. Given:
Roof :
Permanent load = 5.0 kN/m2
Live load = 1.5 kN/m2
Permanent action = 6.0 kN/m2
Live action = 3.0 kN/m2
Brickwall = 6.0kN/m
Column Self weight = 1.5 kN/m
Level 3
R23 R13
3m 6m
2 R33
Level 2
R22 R12
3 4m
Level 1
8m 6m
Assume column have equal size between upper floor and lower
M upper = M 2
L1 + L2
M lower = M 2
L1 + L2
size can be difference at each floor but will involve more work. The used
of similar size for multi storey building is more practical.
However the stiffness of upper column = 1/6 or (0.17) and stiffness of
lower column = 1/4 or 0.25. Since the stiffness proportion is less than
1.5, (0.25/0.17 = 1.47< 1.5) moment can be distribute equally between
upper column and lower column.
My = = 13.56
Nominal moment Mz,Ed
b 205.8
ez = + 100 = + 100 = 202.9mm
2 2
Total moment at 2nd floor for axis-z
M2 = [(81 + 27) – (60.75 + 20.25)] x 202.9 x 10-3 = 5.71 kNm
Mz = = 2.86
Critical length = Lcr,y = Lcr,z = 0.85L = 0.85 x 4000 = 3400 mm
Torsional and flexural torsional buckling
• To check possibility that the torsional or torsional flexural buckling
resistance of a member maybe less than the flexural buckling
• Torsional buckling is pure twisting of a cross section and only occurs in
centrally loaded struts which are point symmetric and have low
torsional stiffness
• e.g cruciform section
• Torsional – flexural buckling is a more general response that occurs for
centrally loaded struts with cross-sections that are singly symmetric
and where the centroid and the shear center do not coincide
• E.g a channel section
• Whatever the mode of buckling of a member, the generic buckling curve
formulation and the method for determining member resistance are
common. T
• Calculation of the non-dimensional slenderness for torsional and
torsional flexural buckling resistance
Table 3: Buckling curve selection table
(Table 6.3 of EN1993-1-3)
Af y
T = For class 1, 2 and 3 cross section
N cr
Aeff f y
T = For class 4 cross section
N cr
• Where
Ncr=Ncr,TF but Ncr ≤ Ncr,T
Ncr,TF is the elastic critical torsional-flexural buckling force
Ncr,T is the elastic critical torsional buckling force
G is the shear modulus
It is the torsional constant of the gross-section
Iw is the warping constant if the gross-section
iy is the radius of gyration of the gross-section about y-y axis
iz is the radius of gyration of the gross-section about x-x axis
lT is the buckling length of the member for torsional buckling
y0 is the distance from the shear centre to the centroid of the
gross cross section along the y axis
z0 is the distance form the shear centre to the centroid of the
gross cross section along z axis
N cr ,T
2 2
N cr , y N cr ,T N
= + − 1 − + 4 y0 cr ,T (Clause 6.35 of EC3-1-3)
2 N cr , y
N cr ,TF 1 i N
cr , y 0 cr , y
= 1 −
Ncr,y is the critical force for flexural buckling about the y-y axis
• Guidance is provided in EN 1993-1-3 on buckling lengths for
components with different degrees of torsional and warping restraint
• It is stated that for practical connections at each end lT/LT ( the
effective buckling length divided by the system length) should be taken
1.0 for connections that provide partial restraint against torsion and
warping (Figure 4a)
0.7 for connections that provide significant restraint against torsion
and warping (Figure 4b)
Figure 4 : a) Partial b) significant torsional and warping
restraint from practical connections (Figure 6.13 of EN
Example 4: Member resistance in compression
(checking flexural, torsional and torsional-flexural
• Calculate the member resistance for a 100 x 50 x 3 plain channel
section column subjected to compression. The column length is 1.5 m,
with pinned end conditions, so the effective length is assumed to equal
to the system length. The steel has a yield strength fy of 280N/mm2 a
Young modulus of 210 000N/mm2 and a shear modulus of 81
000N/mm2. No allowance will be made for coatings in this example.
N cr ,T
2 Clause 6.2.3
N cr , y N cr ,T N
N cr ,TF = 1 + − 1 − + 4 y0 cr ,T of EC3-1-3
2 N cr , y N i N
cr , y 0 cr , y
= 1− = 0.66
787 103 121103 30.1 12110
N cr ,TF = 1+ − 1 − + 4
20.66 787 103 787 10 51.9 787 10
= 114 103 N = 114kN
1 1 Clause
= = = 0.45 1.0
+ 2 − y 1.41 + 1.412 − 1.16 2
Floor Load
Services = 0.30kN/m2
Purlins = 0.10kN/m2
Steelwork = 0.30kN/m2