Analysis of The Implementation of Environmental Costs Case Study at Banjarmasin Islamic Hospital
Analysis of The Implementation of Environmental Costs Case Study at Banjarmasin Islamic Hospital
Analysis of The Implementation of Environmental Costs Case Study at Banjarmasin Islamic Hospital
This study aims to uncover waste management activities and environmental costs of environmental cost reporting at
the Islamic Hospital of Banjarmasin. This researcher uses a qualitative paradigm with a case study design. The
research scope is the Unit of Environmental Health Sanitation with the accounting process of environmental
management, hospital waste management's data focus, and expenditures for waste costs. Primary data were
collected through in-depth interviews and observations; secondary data, through documentation. The results
revealed that environmental management accounting systems in 2019 and 2020 found hidden environmental costs
from waste management cost reports in the Financial Statements. For example, the environmental cost report
applied to the SKL Unit revealed Rp. 677,646,500 and Rp. 459,521,600 not presented as an environmental cost in
2019 and 2020. The implementation of environmental cost accounting through environmental cost reporting at the
Islamic Hospital of Banjarmasin revealed that special reports in environmental management accounting could be
used as information by the management of the Islamic Hospital of Banjarmasin in planning and controlling
environmental responsibility activities. The study results also revealed that the environmental cost report facilitated
the direction of the Islamic Hospital of Banjarmasin in making decisions related to environmental costs and
provided information for stakeholders that the hospital had been responsible for maintaining environmental health.
Environmental management accounting, environmental costs, environmental cost reports.
Table 2
Environmental cost report illustration
Thamus Corporation
Environmental Cost Report
for the Year Ended December 31, 2008
Environmental Costs eof Cost
Prevention costs:
- Employee training $600,000
- Product design 1,800,000
- Equipment selection 400,000 $2,800,000 1.40%
Detection cost:
The Thamus report in the image above hospital is a health service institution
underlines the importance of that provides comprehensive individual
environmental costs by stating them as a health services providing inpatient,
percentage of total operational costs. In outpatient and emergency services" (http
this report, environmental costs are 15 ://, 2019).
percent of total operational costs. This
number seems quite significant. From a According to Law no. 44 of 2009, the
practical standpoint, environmental costs functions of hospitals are:
will receive managerial attention only if 1) Providing treatment and health
they are significant. Hospitals as Health recovery services in accordance with
Service Entities hospital service standards.
2) Maintaining and improving individual
The definition of a hospital based on the health through comprehensive
Regulation of the Minister of Health of second and third level health
the Republic of Indonesia Number 30 of services according to medical
2019 concerning Classification and needs.
Licensing of Hospitals states that: "A
3) Organizing education and training eutrophication and taste from organic
for human resources in order to chemicals.
increase capabilities in providing 2) Property damage can be caused by
health services. dissolved salts (corrosive, rust), muddy
4) Carrying out research and water and so on which can reduce the
development as well as screening of quality of buildings around the hospital.
technology in the health sector in the 3) Disturbance/damage to plants and
context of improving health services animals can be caused by viruses,
by paying attention to the ethics of nitrate compounds, chemicals,
science in the health sector. pesticides, certain nutrient metals and
It can be concluded based on the 4) Disturbances to human health can be
definition above, hospitals provide caused by various types of bacteria,
several types of services including viruses, chemical compounds,
medical services, medical support pesticides, and metals such as Hg, Pb,
services, care services, rehabilitation and Cd which come from dentistry.
services, prevention and improvement of 5) Genetic and reproductive disorders.
health, as places for medical education Although the mechanism of interference
and/or training, as places for research is not fully known with certainty, several
and development of science and compounds
technology in the health sector, general 6) can cause disruption or damage to
administration and finance, as well as to genetics and the human reproductive
avoid risks and health problems as system, for example pesticides,
intended, so it is necessary to organize a radioactive materials.
hospital environmental health in
accordance with health requirements Based on RI Minister of Health Regulation
(, 2009). No. 7 of 2019 also states that waste
management officers must use personal
9. Hospital Waste protective equipment consisting of
According to Government Regulation (PP) hats/helmets, masks, eye protection, long
no. 12 of 1995, waste is leftover material clothing, industrial aprons, boots and special
from an activity and/or production process. gloves. The influence of hospital waste on
Meanwhile, hospital waste according to the environmental quality and health can cause
Republic of Indonesia Minister of Health various problems (Permenkes RI No. 7,
Regulation Number 7 of 2019 concerning 2019:
Hospital Environmental Health is all waste 1) Comfort and aesthetic disturbances, in
produced from hospital activities in solid, the form of colors originating from
liquid and gas form (RI Minister of Health sediments, solutions, phenol odors,
Regulation, 2019). eutrophication and tastes from organic
chemicals, which cause environmental
10. Characteristics of Hospital Waste aesthetics to become unsightly
Hospital waste is all waste produced by 2) Property damage can be caused by
hospital activities and other supporting dissolved salts (corrosive and rust),
activities. When compared with the activities muddy water and so on which can
of other agencies, it can be said that the reduce the quality of buildings around
types of hospital waste can be categorized the hospital.
as complex. In general, hospital waste is 3) Disturbance/damage to plants and
divided into two large groups, namely animals can be caused by viruses,
medical and non-medical waste, both solid nitrate compounds, chemicals,
and liquid (Permenkes RI, 2019). pesticides, certain nutrient metals and
11. The Effect of Hospital Waste on the 4) Disturbances to human health can be
Environment and Health caused by bacteria, viruses, chemical
The influence of hospital waste on compounds, pesticides, and heavy
environmental quality and health can cause metals such as Hg, Pb, and Cd which
various problems such as (Silfa, 2013): come from dentistry.
1) Comfort and aesthetic disturbances, in 5) Genetic and reproductive disorders
the form of color originating from 6) Poor hospital waste management will
sediment, solutions, phenol odor, become a good place for disease
vectors such as flies and mice
7) Work accidents to workers or the public The primary data collection method used in
due to spilled syringes or other sharp this research is:
objects 1) Interview: According to Bungin (2017),
8) The incidence of dengue fever is an interview is often referred to as an
increasing because the disease vector interview, which means obtaining
lives and reproduces in used cans or information for research purposes by
standing water conducting questions and answers face
9) The process of decomposing waste by to face between the interviewer and the
microorganisms will produce certain respondent. In this research, interviews
gases that cause a foul smell as a data collection tool were carried out
10) The presence of flying dust particles will using the in-depth interview method,
interfere with breathing, causing air namely interviews with informants in
pollution which causes disease germs to depth to gather information about data
contaminate medical equipment and related to waste management and costs
hospital food. incurred by the SKL Unit of Banjarmasin
11) If unsanitary hospital waste is burned, Islamic Hospital.
the smoke will disrupt breathing, vision 2) Observation
and reduce air quality. Observation is a data collection method
used to collect research data through
C. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY observation and sensing (Bungin, 2017).
This research is a qualitative descriptive In this research, the researcher used
study. According to Bungin (2017), unstructured observation, that is,
descriptive research is research that observation was carried out without
describes, summarizes various conditions, using an observation guide, that is, there
various situations or various variables that was no need to understand theoretically
arise in society which are problems, then the research object first. Data collected
draws them to the surface as a characteristic using unstructured observation includes
or description of the conditions of certain direct observations related to waste
situations or variables. Qualitative type management at the Banjarmasin Islamic
descriptive research is where data is Hospital.
expressed in the form of words or sentences 3) Documentation
as well as descriptions. Secondary data collection was carried
The research paradigm uses an alternative out by means of manual documentation
approach. The qualitative research design in the SKL Unit environmental cost
used is a case study approach. The expenditure data archive.
qualitative descriptive format of case studies
does not have characteristics like water 2. Research Instrument
(spreading on the surface), but focuses on a According to Bungin (2017) states that the
particular unit of various phenomena. The qualitative research instrument is the
descriptive qualitative case study format is researcher himself so that the reliability,
exploratory research and plays a very validity of measurements and measuring
important role in creating understanding and tools. Reliability and validity are aimed at the
is more appropriate when used to research feasibility and credibility of the researcher.
problems that require in-depth study Measurements and measuring tools in
(Bungin, 2017). qualitative research are respondents and a
list of questions in interviews. Bungin (2017)
1. Method of collecting data also stated that the research instrument is
Data collection is the initial activity carried the researcher himself so he does not need
out by researchers in the field. Researchers a lot of tools. In this research, the researcher
begin conducting research with observations will be the research instrument, namely so
or interviews. According to Bungin (2017), an that the results of the interview can be
important issue in data collection that must recorded properly and the researcher has
be considered is "how it can be ensured or evidence of having conducted interviews
believed that the sample determined is with respondents, supporting instruments are
representative". In collecting data, needed in the form of a recording device and
researchers must be sure that the data photo camera, in this case the researcher
obtained can strengthen the research uses a cellphone.
results. 3. Research subject
The research subjects are informants, that
is, they provide information regarding the
required data. Research information in 2017). In this research, researchers used a
qualitative research is related to the steps purposive procedure technique. According to
taken by researchers so that data or Bungin (2017), purposive procedures are
information can be obtained (Bungin, 2017). one of the most common strategies for
Research subjects consist of parties involved determining informants in qualitative
in the research. research, namely determining the group of
Determining informants can be done by participants who become informants
researchers if the researcher understands according to selected criteria that are
the general research problem and also relevant to a particular research problem. An
understands the anatomy of the community example of using this procedure is using a
where the research is carried out (Bungin, Key Informant.
Table 3
Key Informant
No Name Gender Position Information
1 Novita Dewi P Kanit. SKL Key
2 Bustani L Head of Key
Finance Informant2
3 Siti Adawiah P Inhabitant Key
4 Arum Apriliyanti P Inhabitant Key
5 Halima P Inhabitant Key
Source: Processed by researchers, 2021
The basic key to using this procedure is mastery researchers choose subjects who are involved in
of information from informants and logically, key supporting additional information regarding data
figures in the social process always directly that is considered lacking. The supporting
control the information that occurs in the social informants in this research are:
process. Meanwhile, for Supporting Informants,
Table 4.
Supporting Informant
The owner of the Banjarmasin Islamic Hospital is specialist service facilities. As shown in the
the Regional Leader of Muhammadiyah South following table:
Kalimantan. Built by Drg. Hj. Eva Ariyani Director
of Banjarmasin Islamic Hospital.
a. Surgeon Specialist
b. Internal Medicine Specialist
c. Pediatrician
d. Ob-gyn specialist
e. Radiology Specialist Doctor
f. Anaesthesiologist
g. Clinical Pathology Specialist Doctor
3 Specialist Inpatient
h. Psychiatric Specialist
i. Ophthalmologist
j. ENT Specialist Doctor
k. Skin and Venereology Specialist
l. Cardiology Specialist Doctor
m. Lung Specialist Doctor
n. Neurologist
o. Neurosurgeon Specialist
p. Orthopedic Surgeon Specialist
q. Orology Specialist Doctor
r. Medical Rehabilitation Specialist
Doctor, Anatomical Pathology
Specialist Doctor
Source.Banjarmasin Islamic Hospital in 2021
“…it could also be liquid waste from water According to the Republic of Indonesia
used for washing hands, water from Minister of Health Regulation no. 7 of 2019
bathrooms, water from laundry such as cloth explains that hospital waste is all waste
from the hospital environment such as produced from hospital activities in solid,
curtains, bolster pillowcases, bed sheets liquid and gas form.
and others. "Liquid waste can also damage Results of in-depth interviews with cleaning
the environment because it contains soap staff at the Banjarmasin Islamic Hospital as
and substances that are not good for the supporting informant 8 regarding solid waste
environment" (Key Informant 1). management. The following are excerpts
from the interview:
“…liquid waste needs to be handled "There has never been any special
specifically because it can cause an housekeeping training for hospitals, taught
unpleasant odor and quickly spread only from the SKL unit" (supporting
disease, especially if it is not treated first, it informant 8)
can endanger the surrounding community.
"At the Islamic Hospital there is a Waste “…here we work in 3 shifts, namely morning,
Water Treatment Plant or IPAL facility to afternoon and evening shifts. "For our duties
neutralize liquid waste" (Key Informant 1). here we clean the hospital environment, for
example cleaning patient rooms, rooms,
Based on the results of in-depth interviews gardens, pools and collecting waste"
with the Head of the Environmental Health (supporting informant 8)
Sanitation Unit as Key Informant 1, the
waste generated from operational activities “...the waste location varies according to the
of Banjarmasin Islamic Hospital is: type. Medical waste is yellow and non-
1. Medical and non-medical solid waste. medical waste is black" (supporting
Medical solid waste is waste generated informant 8)
from medical activities. Examples of
medical solid waste are: Results of observations and interviews with
employee staff at Banjarmasin Islamic
Hospital as supporting informants 7. The hope that there will be some kind of banner
following are excerpts from the interview: related to the SOP posted so that it can be
"I have worked as a nurse assistant for 17 seen by many people" (supporting informant
years, my daily job is to maintain patient 4)
hygiene" (supporting informant 7) "This was coordinated by the SKL unit with
"...there is, usually it's pampers waste, used us (supporting informant 4)"
sanitary napkins from patients after giving
birth" (supporting informant 7) "I once took part in training related to liquid
waste such as blood dripping, so I used a
" is differentiated, there are special tool called a skillkit, even though the tool
places, for example the waste used by was complete with procedures for using and
patients after giving birth is placed in the handling it, but at the time of the incident
yellow bag infectious waste area, if there is here, there was blood dripping in the
no blood it is just put in the normal rubbish patient's room, instead the cleaners were
bin" (supporting informant 7) called" (supporting informant 4)
", because it's guaranteed, because the Based on the results of observations,
waste is differentiated according to the type interviews and documentation related to the
of waste" (supporting informant 7) medical solid waste management process at
the Banjarmasin Islamic Hospital, it is in
"...there is, when you want to get accordance with applicable regulations,
accreditation, you are always reminded to namely the Republic of Indonesia Minister of
separate the waste" (supporting informant 7) Health Regulation Number 7 of 2019
concerning hospital environmental health
The results of an in-depth interview with an which explains that every hospital must
official doctor who works at the Banjarmasin manage and supervise medical waste
Islamic Hospital as a supporting informant 3. starting from collection. , transportation and
The following are excerpts from the destruction must undergo certification from
interview: the competent authority
"There is no SOP related to waste
management. I know that yellow bags are However, non-medical solid waste is still not
for medical waste and black bags are for optimal because it is not in accordance with
non-medical waste. It is very important for the Republic of Indonesia Minister of Health
there to be an SOP related to waste Regulation Number 7 of 2019 concerning
management because so far there have hospital environmental health. This is proven
been none" (supporting informant 3). by several findings, namely:
1) For the container stage, there are
This is also in line with the results of an in- several trash cans for non-medical
depth interview with a Head of the Nursing waste containing black bags that don't
Team working at the Banjarmasin Islamic have lids and are left open, even though
Hospital as a supporting informant 4. Here based on Minister of Health Regulation
are some excerpts from the interview: Number 7 of 2019 Chapter III, it is stated
"Regarding waste management, especially that damaged trash cans must be
waste products, both medical solid waste replaced with trash cans that meet the
and non-medical solid waste, it is usually requirements.
communicated to us from the SKL Unit, but 2) For the storage stage at the TPS, it was
the SOP itself has never been seen also found that not all domestic solid
displayed in hospitals or posted. waste was wrapped in black plastic bags
In my opinion, the SOP regarding waste but was scattered at the bottom of the
products from activities in the hospital is TPS floor because based on Minister of
very important, because I have found Health Regulation Number 7
visitors throwing non-medical waste into the 3) In 2019, CHAPTER III explained that
medical waste bin, we often remind them. domestic solid waste that had been
Usually there are also doctors who throw placed in TPS was guaranteed to
away things incorrectly, for example remain wrapped in black plastic bags
throwing away handscoons to brokers. "I
and the contents were prohibited from parameters does not exceed the
being disassembled. specified quality standard thresholds.
4) And for sorting efforts, it was also found 5) The wastewater disposal permit expired
that there were organic solid waste and in 2019 and there has been no
inorganic solid waste that were not extension until now. This is also not in
sorted in accordance with Minister of accordance with the Regulation of the
Health Regulation Number 7 of 2019 Governor of South Kalimantan Number
CHAPTER III which explains that sorting 36 of 2008. Seventh Point concerning
is carried out by separating organic and Amendments to the Regulation of the
inorganic waste types. Governor of South Kalimantan Number
04 of 2007 concerning Liquid Waste
Meanwhile, for liquid waste there are also Quality Standards for industrial, hotel,
several findings such as: restaurant, hospital, domestic and
mining activities, namely stating that the
1) The availability of Waste Water period The waste water disposal permit
Management Installation (IPAL) facilities is valid for 1 year.
is available but does not yet meet the
requirements set by the Indonesian 5. Description of operational cost data for
Ministry of Health in 2011 concerning environmental management at Banjarmasin
Technical Guidelines for Waste Water Islamic Hospital.
Treatment Installations Chapter 1, Based on a preliminary study conducted
namely the technical requirements for previously, operational cost data for
waste water treatment installations with environmental management of the SKL unit
anaerobic aerobic biofilter systems in at Banjarmasin Islamic Hospital is as
health service facilities including follows:
planning. , building layout, operational The results of a manual documentation
and maintenance systems in wastewater study by researchers on archival data on
treatment installations, anaerobic environmental management costs turned out
aerobic biofilter systems in health to be greater than the data during the
service facilities. Meanwhile, what the preliminary study, this is because the
Banjarmasin Islamic Hospital currently payment for workers for environmental
owns is a domestic IPAL, not a medical management such as SKL unit employees
IPAL. and cleaners is included in the salary
2) Lack of coordination between related expense account and for training activities
units, especially waste producers and carried out. has been followed by SKL unit
waste managers. employees into the general administration
3) The unavailability of special personnel to expense account. Revealed environmental
maintain the IPAL means that when cost data from the results of manual
damage occurs to the IPAL, no one can documentation studies is presented in the
repair it except through consultant following table:
services for the IPAL.
4) Laboratory results show that the quality Results of in-depth interviews with Head of
standard value exceeds the Subdivision. Accounting, Budget and
environmental quality standard value Finance of Banjarmasin Islamic Hospital as
threshold. This means that it is not in supporting informant 2. The following is an
accordance with South Kalimantan excerpt from the interview:
Governor Regulation Number 36 of "We include the salaries of environmental
2008. Third Point Concerning management workers, such as the salaries
Amendments to South Kalimantan of SKL unit employees and cleaning officers,
Governor Regulation Number 04 of into the salary expense and cleaning
2007 concerning Liquid Waste Quality expense accounts" (supporting informant 2)
Standards for industrial activities, hotels,
restaurants, hospitals, domestic and "...and the costs incurred by SKL unit
mining which states that water waste employees related to training on
that comes out of the IPAL point for environmental management are included in
the administrative and general expense classified as some that are environmental
account" (supporting informant 2) and some that are not. Among the types of
environmental costs that are potentially
Based on the results of in-depth interviews hidden from managers, such as direct labor
with the Head of Subdivision. Accounting, costs related to the environment and
Budgeting and Finance can be concluded administrative costs, are piled on general
that information on costs related to the and hidden costs, such as monitoring,
environment is often hidden in indirect costs reporting and training costs related to
such as what happened at Banjarmasin environmental management.
Islamic Hospital, namely included in salary
expenses, cleaning expenses and general Identify environmental costs in the
administration expenses. According to operational costs report for the SKL Unit at
Ikhsan (2009), the limitations of conventional Banjarmasin Islamic Hospital
management accounting systems and
practices make it more difficult to effectively Environmental cost report in the
collect and evaluate data related to the environmental cost report at the SKL Unit of
environment. Cost information related to the Banjarmasin Islamic Hospital
environment is often hidden in indirect costs. The results of the interview with the Head of
There are many potentially important Finance as Key Informant 2, below are
examples related to the allocation of excerpts from the interview:
environmental costs. These costs are often
carelessly hidden in accounting records. "The environmental costs incurred by the
SKL unit have so far been included in the
There is careless withholding of information asset maintenance expenses group, in the
regarding environmental costs that is financial reports they are in the SHU report.
misplaced on indirect costs rather than So so far there has never been a special
directly on the processes or products that report for environmental costs" (Key
create the costs. This practice can create Informant 2).
problems if a manager does not know where
to look for the necessary cost information so The environmental cost report applied for
that it can obscure fixed costs that are 2019 and 2020 as an internal report at the
difficult to reduce and variable costs that can SKL Unit of Banjarmasin Islamic Hospital
be reduced or prevented by environmental based on Hansen and Mowen's (2017)
management (Ikhsan, 2009). According to environmental cost theory is expressed as
Ikhsan (2009) also explains that some costs follows:
are included in the gray zone or may be
Table 6
Environmental Cost Report for Banjarmasin Islamic Hospital 2019 SKL Unit
Banjarmasin Islamic Hospital
Environmental Cost Report
for the Year Ended December 31, 2019
Environmental of
Costs Operational
Prevention Costs:
Labor costs for waste management 457,180,000
Costs of purchasing materials for waste 1,322,500
UKL UPL environmental document costs 10,000,000
Cost of purchasing live flowers 150,000
Waste training costs 64,000
Pool cleaning costs 1,024,000
Park cleaning and tree removal costs 390,000
Amount of Prevention Costs 470,130,500 40
Detection Cost:
Wastewater and RO HD sample inspection 7,834,000
Air emission test inspection costs 9,557,000
Cost of hospital eye examination 17,370,000
Amount of Detection Costs 34,761,000 2.
Internal Failure Costs:
Non-medical waste transportation costs 30,250,000
Costs for transporting and destroying 633,189,000
medical waste
Total Internal Failure Costs 663,439,000 56
External Failure Costs:
Total External Failure Costs 0
Total Environmental Costs 1,168,330,500 10
(Data processed by researchers, 2021)
Table 7
Environmental Cost Report for Banjarmasin Islamic Hospital 2020 SKL Unit
Banjarmasin Islamic Hospital
Environmental Cost Report
for the Year Ended December 31, 2020
Environmental of
Costs Operatin
g costs
Prevention Costs:
Labor costs for waste management 459,724,500
Costs of purchasing materials for waste 4,430,000
Waste training costs 96,000
Credential test training costs 300,000
Pool cleaning costs 250,000
Park cleaning fees 490,000
Amount of Prevention Costs 465,290,500 34.77%
Detection Cost:
Wastewater and RO HD sample inspection fees 8,824,000
Costs for laboratory health analysis and 5,330,000
Cost of hospital eye examination 6,838,000
Amount of Detection Costs 20,992,000 1.57%
Internal Failure Costs:
Non-medical waste transportation costs 39,150,000
Costs of purchasing IPS goods for 1,120,000
repair and maintenance
Cost of purchasing goods for the WWTP 2,826,300
Costs for transporting and destroying medical 808,746,600
Total Internal Failure Costs 851,842,900 63.66%
External Failure Costs:
Total External Failure Costs 0
Total Environmental Costs 1,338,125,400 100.00%
(Data processed by researchers, 2021)
In both reports, researchers have grouped increase in costs was due to the
each cost according to its activity. It can Banjarmasin Islamic Hospital receiving
be seen that the total environmental costs Covid patients during the 2020 pandemic
incurred by the Banjarmasin Islamic so that the waste produced from the
Hospital in 2019 amounted to IDR Covid room, whether medical or non-
1,168,330,500,- and in 2020 it amounted medical waste, was treated. as covid
to IDR 1,338,125,400,-. waste. Furthermore, there are costs
The costs with the highest level of incurred for prevention and detection
expenditure are found in internal failure activities. It was recorded that the total
activities. It was recorded that in 2019, the costs incurred for prevention activities
total prevention costs for the Banjarmasi were IDR 470,130,500 in 2019 and IDR
Islamic Hospital were IDR 663,439,000,- 465,290,600 in 2020. Meanwhile,
and in 2020 it was recorded at IDR detection activities amounted to IDR
851,842,900,-. There was an increase in 34,761,000 for 2019 and IDR 20,992,000
internal failure costs of IDR 188,403,900,- for 2020. Finally, the recorded external
in 2020 compared to 2019. failure costs incurred were nil due to the
absence of activities or events that could
Results of interviews with the Head of the be categorized as external failures.
Environmental Health Sanitation Unit as
Key Informant 1 and the Head of Finance Relative Distribution of Environmental
as Key Informant 2, below are excerpts Costs at the Banjarmasin Islamic Hospital
from the interview: Based on Islamic Hospital environmental
"In 2020, during the pandemic, the cost report data
amount of waste increased because our Banjarmasin which researchers have
hospital received Covid patients, previously made, a comparison of the
regulations in state hospitals were relative distribution between the
overloaded so that private hospitals, like it environmental costs of the Banjarmasin
or not, had to provide inpatient care for Islamic Hospital in 2019 and 2020 can be
Covid patients" (Key Informant 1) made.
The definition of relative distribution is a
"If it is in the Covid room, both medical percentage number that explains the
and non-medical waste is still treated as amount of data in a particular group.
Covid waste Comparisons will be made according to
cost activities.
Based on the results of interviews with the The following is a table that presents the
Head of the Environmental Health relative distribution of environmental costs
Sanitation Unit and the Head of Finance at the Banjarmasin Islamic Hospital:
at the Banjarmasin Islamic Hospital, the
Table 8
Relative Distribution of Environmental Costs at Banjarmasin Islamic
Cost Activity % Towards Environmental Costs
2019 2020
Prevention 40.24 34.77
% %
Detection 2.97% 1.57%
Internal Failure 56.79 63.66
% %
External Failure 0% 0%
Total 100% 100%
(Data processed by researchers, 2021)
Relative Distribution of Environmental 1) Theoretically, hospitals as institutions
Costs in 2019 Describes the relative or institutions operating in the health
distribution of environmental costs in 2019 sector have a fairly large and
according to cost activities. The total significant role in protecting the
environmental costs incurred by the environment. If medical waste
Banjarmasin Islamic Hospital in 2019 produced by hospitals is not managed
were IDR 1,168,330,500,- consisting of: properly, it can result in a polluted
1) Prevention costs with a ratio of environment. In its activities, every
40.24% of total environmental costs. hospital produces waste which is
The costs incurred for this prevention classified as hazardous waste,
cost are IDR 470,130,500.-. especially medical waste. It cannot be
2) Detection costs with a relative denied that hospitals really need to
distribution ratio are 2.97% of total implement good environmental
environmental costs. The costs management. Environmental
incurred for detection costs were IDR management accounting is
34,761,000. predominantly related to providing
3) Internal failure costs with a relative information for internal decision
distribution ratio are 56.79% of total making. The application of
environmental costs. The costs environmental costs according to
incurred for internal failure costs were Hansen and Mowen's theory is based
IDR 663,439,000. on 4 categories of activity costs,
4) External failure costs with a relative namely, prevention costs, detection
distribution ratio of 0% of total costs, internal failure costs, external
environmental costs. There are no failure costs, which can be applied in
costs incurred for these two costs. agencies. Hospitals, especially the
5) Internal failure costs with a relative Banjarmasin Islamic Hospital.
distribution ratio are 63.66% of total 2) Practically, the results of this research
environmental costs. The costs are used as input for hospital
incurred for internal failure costs agencies that reporting environmental
amounted to IDR 851,842,900.-. costs can provide an overview of the
6) External failure costs with a relative costs incurred as a result of
distribution ratio of 0% of total environmental management activities
environmental costs. There are no so that the information conveyed,
costs incurred for these two costs. especially expenditures in the SKL
unit of Banjarmasin Islamic Hospital,
Based on this information, it is hoped that can be clearly seen for convenience.
it can reduce the impact of environmental in the managerial decision making
damage (waste). This is in line with the process at Banjarmasin Islamic
application of the expanded theory of Hospital.
ecocentrism in deep ecology which
demands a new ethic that is not centered Research Limitations
on humans, but is centered on the whole This research was carried out in
of life with efforts to overcome accordance with ethical research
environmental problems and the considerations, however, in its
importance of harmony between the implementation there were limitations,
surrounding environment and the namely:
activities of an agency in this research, 1. The financial report for the
namely hospitals. .Implications of Banjarmasin Islamic Hospital cannot
Research Results be presented in this research
because the report is internal and
Based on the results of this research, the confidential. So researchers can only
following theoretical and practical present details of the environmental
implications can be stated: costs at the Banjarmasin Islamic
2. The focus of the research data is only 3. Repair damaged IPAL because the
2019 and 2020, and waste quality standard value has exceeded the
management data in 2021 during the environmental quality standard threshold
Covid-19 pandemic has not been set by the Indonesian Ministry of Health
included. because if it is not immediately repaired
the liquid waste management process
E. CLOSING will be disrupted and could endanger the
Conclusion surrounding environment and change
the system from a domestic IPAL to a
Based on the results of the research and wastewater treatment plant specifically
analysis that researchers have carried out, for B3 waste because It is true that
several conclusions have been drawn as health service facilities, especially
follows: hospitals, must use medical IPAL.
1. Waste management activities as a form 4. Extending the waste water disposal
of environmental responsibility carried permit because by extending the permit,
out by the management of the Islamic Hospital as a business entity has
Banjarmasin Islamic Hospital in the form implemented the principles of obedience
of non-medical solid waste are still not and compliance with environmental
optimally carried out, likewise liquid management.
waste management in terms of Waste 5. Additional SKL unit staff with a minimum
Water Management Installation (IPAL) educational background of DIII
equipment does not meet the Environmental Health and additional
predetermined requirements, namely it staff specifically for environmental
does not have Special medical engineering personnel for maintenance
wastewater treatment plant with an of the IPAL, so that if damage occurs it
anaerobic aerobic biofilter system but can be immediately repaired because
only domestic wastewater treatment the IPAL is a Hospital Asset that must
plant. be maintained.
2. Environmental costs arising from waste
management activities in the financial
reports of the Banjarmasin Islamic
Hospital found that there were
environmental costs hidden from the
actual environmental costs in the
financial reports.
Based on the conclusions that researchers
have summarized, suggestions that
researchers can give:
1. Banjarmasin Islamic Hospital should
apply environmental costs according to
the theory of Hansen and Mowen (2017)
with four categories of activity costs
because it is very easy to apply in
hospital institutions.
2. Management of non-medical solid waste
in terms of containerization, storage and
separation must refer to Minister of
Health Regulation No. 7 of 2019
concerning the health of the Hospital
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