The Leaning Tower of Pisa
The Leaning Tower of Pisa
The Leaning Tower of Pisa
1.The leaning
The most famous feature of the tower is its unintended curvature. The tower
began to tilt during its construction and strangely did not collapse so it became
one of Italy's most important tourist attractions.
3.Cultural symbol
Over the years, the Tower of Pisa has become a cultural symbol. Its distinctive
appearance and historical significance attracts millions of tourists from all over the
world. More than 5 million visitors come to the tower,
take photos and enjoy its unique charm.
4.Symbol of Perseverance
The tower's ability to stand tall despite its lean is often
seen as a symbol of perseverance and resilience. It has
weathered centuries of challenges and continues to
capture the imagination of people worldwide.
The Tower construction is realted with many wonders
We'll see some attempts to make the tower straight and the majority of it will fail
until they decide to leave the tower on what it is because it's the reason for its
real fame.
Mussolini in 1934
There was an attempt to correct the curvature of the tower by order of Mussolini.
In 1934, some 44,000 tons of soil were removed from the base of the tower to try
to correct the inclination. The bottom of the tower was lifted by hydraulic
cylinders in an attempt to lift the inclined part and correct the inclination.
However, this attempt was not very effective and did not fully correct the