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Cell Biology and Micros

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it is believed that every single living organism we see on earth , when dismantled is made of cells.

cells are the smallest unit of life. cells

have membranes. these membranes are important these control substances that enter or leave the cell. The role that they play in ensuring
cells transport or communicate with each other.

microscopy, cells are put under a microscope

when we strip every living thing into its smallest unit we will see a cell. what many people dont know is that cells are very microscopic. you
cant just look into the environment and see a cell, you need to put it under a microscope.

1. light microscope- see some organelles but cant see much as e.m
2. electron microscope- complicated, have to have training, uses electron beam. can see a lot more

light microscope
how does the light microscope work.

the eye piece (ocular) focuses the image from the object lenses(zooming in
or out of an image of the specimen) 10x, 40x, 100x magni cation. eye
pieces are 10x the magni cation. so that means when you observe a
specimen you use 10 x objective lens, the magni cation is
10x10=100. the stage is where you put the slide, you specimen is in the
centre. at the bottom is a condenser, condenser helps light from the light
source. the light travel upward and illuminates, picked up by the objective
lens, size of the image picked up is dependent on the objective lens and
goes up to the eye piece. condense lens focus the light into the specimen.
iris of the condenser is used to control the light you get into your

basic di erences:
• animal cell is a round or spherical shaped cell that
contians alot of organelles. it has a nucleus, nucleolus.
ot has a smaller vaculoe, not often seen under l.m.
• plant cell also has nucleus and also nucleolus but then
it aslso has this biig wide organelle, called the vacuole;
it can be seen uner the microscope most of the time. it
has a large vaculoe usually for storage of waste material
or storage of water/ nutrient.plant cell has a lage central
what do plants and animals have in common?
smooth endoplasmic reticulu
the both have cell membranes. cells regulate what comes in and leaves the rough endoplasmic reticulu
cell.it plays an impt funtion. it also communicates with other cell. They aslo cell surface membrane/ plasma membran
contain nucleus and have cytoplasm (all of the di organelles are oating). Golgi apparatu
they have mitochondria (provide energy) it is the power house of the cell. cytoplas
mitochondria makes atp. they have golgi apparatus, important in nucleus (nuclear pores, nucleolus, nuclear envelope

transportation and folding protein made by the cell

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