St. Teresita's Academy of Aritao, Inc
St. Teresita's Academy of Aritao, Inc
St. Teresita's Academy of Aritao, Inc
Microscope: “micro” - from Greek meaning small “scope” – from Greek meaning to look or see
By definition a microscope is:
1. An optical instrument consisting of a lens or combination of lenses for making enlarged images of minute
2. A non-optical instrument (as one using radiation or using vibrations) for making enlarged images of minute
3. An instrument for viewing objects that are too small to be seen easily by the naked eye.
Eyepiece or Ocular is what you look through at the top of the microscope. Typically, standard eyepieces have
a magnifying power of 10x. Optional eyepieces of varying powers are available, typically from 5x-30x.
Eyepiece Tube holds the eyepieces in place above the objective lens. Binocular microscope heads typically
incorporate a diopter adjustment ring that allows for the possible inconsistencies of our eyesight in one or both
eyes. The monocular (single eye usage) microscope does not need a diopter. Binocular microscopes also swivel
(Interpupillary Adjustment) to allow for different distances between the eyes of different individuals.
Objective Lenses are the primary optical lenses on a microscope. They range from 4x-100x and typically,
include, three, four or five on lens on most microscopes. Objectives can be forward or rear-facing.
Nosepiece houses the objectives. The objectives are exposed and are mounted on a rotating turret so that
different objectives can be conveniently selected. Standard objectives include 4x, 10x, 40x and 100x although
different power objectives are available.
Coarse and Fine Focus knobs are used to focus the microscope. Increasingly, they are coaxial knobs - that is
to say they are built on the same axis with the fine focus knob on the outside. Coaxial focus knobs are more
convenient since the viewer does not have to grope for a different knob.
Stage is where the specimen to be viewed is placed. A mechanical stage is used when working at higher
magnifications where delicate movements of the specimen slide are required.
Stage Clips are used when there is no mechanical stage. The viewer is required to move the slide manually to
view different sections of the specimen.
Aperture is the hole in the stage through which the base (transmitted) light reaches the stage.
Illuminator is the light source for a microscope, typically located in the base of the microscope. Most light
microscopes use low voltage, halogen bulbs with continuous variable lighting control located within the base.
Condenser is used to collect and focus the light from the illuminator on to the specimen. It is located under the
stage often in conjunction with an iris diaphragm.
Iris Diaphragm controls the amount of light reaching the specimen. It is located above the condenser and
below the stage. Most high quality microscopes include an Abbe condenser with an iris diaphragm. Combined,
they control both the focus and quantity of light applied to the specimen.
Condenser Focus Knob moves the condenser up or down to control the lighting focus on the specimen.
Parts of Cell
Organelles - Parts of Cell
Nucleus Regulates all cell activities
Cell Membrane Is made out of phospholipids and proteins
Mitochondrion Site of cellular respiration "power house"
Lysosome Suicide Sacks that contain digestive enzymes
helps in food digestion of the cell
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Contains Ribosomes, transports proteins and other
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Contains no ribosomes, stores proteins
Gogi complex (apparatus) Processes and packages proteins
Nucleuolus Dark spot of chromatin in the nucleous where
ribosomes are produced
Cytoplasm Colloid that contains water and nutrients and supports
the organelles
Organelles The parts of a cell with a particular function
Prokaryotic Cells with no true nucleus and no membrane bound
Eukaryotic Cells that contain a true nucleus and membrane bound
Centrioles Only in animal cells, aid in cell division
Ribosomes Produce Proteins
Chloroplast Found only in plants, site of photosynthesis
Vacuoles Large storage sacks found mainly in plants
Cell Wall Structure in plants made of cellulose that is outside of
the cell membrane
Chromatin Thin strands of DNA and proteins found in the
nucleus of a cell.
Cytoskeleton Long protein filaments in the cytosol that support the
cell. framework of the cell