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Grid Compliance Study-Saudi Grid Code - Part 1

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Grid compliance study of large-scale Solar plant

 We have taken Saudi grid code
 What we are going to talking about is grid code compliance
 What is the grid code
 Why grid code
 Why specific may be grid code give some detailed
objective and scope of these grid code
 How to implement it and how to enforce it
 Grid cannot be implemented without enforcement
1.)Objective of Independent power producer(Renewables):-
 Objective of independent power producer is to increase the
generation so that he can make revenue
 If you are asking independent power producer, to maintain
the harmonics he will not be happy,
 If you want to maintain certain what say fluctuation(Ramp
up/Ramp down) and LVRT, but he will not be happy
because it will increases the cost

pg. 1 subbiahkannan
2.)Then why grid code is needed?
 If you allow all the independent power producer to produce
the power at their will & with whatever the impact, the grid
is not study then grid is not going to be stable
 Like that’s the reason why we made the grid code
 Whenever there is the new source or demand which comes
to the grid & which makes impact on the grid
 We need to study the impact of new addition or
modification these should not add harmful to the existing
grid and operations
 These is the reason why we have the grid code

3.)What are the information given in the Grid code

“How to implement or how to comply the grid code they are
given in the grid code document itself”
Obviously dispute between the Individual power producer &
TRANSCO or Transmission utility or state utility whomever
 How to solve the disputes
 Some unforeseen circumstances is there
 Where we can probably suspense these grid code
 what is like partial invalidity
 Force majeure
pg. 2 subbiahkannan
All these given in the Saudi Arabian-Grid code document

 Generic all these things which is given probably if you

want, which is available and downloadable on the internet
 99% of countries, this grid code is open & you can
 We have taken Saudi grid code & I am also tell how to get
the different countries grid code from the internet

pg. 3 subbiahkannan
4.)What is the grid connection procedure
 It means if you want to connect with the grid, what are the
procedures you need to do
5.)What is the grid connection procedure in US?
 How many of known worked in the US market.
 If you are worked in the US market
 In US, you need a grid connection.
 You need to fill in & submit the application form there will
be mention some details.
 Then these grid connections request is go in queue
 They will be evaluated and give approval these preliminary
these one and ask some additional information for the next

pg. 4 subbiahkannan
 If the project is matured, then they go with some other
additional information or stuffs
 So, what is the procedures for grid connection & what is
the grid impact study which we need to do
Let’s explore what is the grid impact study,

6.)What is TSP?

TSP is the Transmission system provider

pg. 5 subbiahkannan
In Saudi Arabian grid code(Feb 2022), Statement:
“The TSP shall develop and maintain a set of required technical
planning studies for evaluating the impact on the Grid of any
proposed Connection or modification to an existing

 The TSP shall develop and maintain setup required

technical planning studies for evaluating the impact of on
the grid of any proposed connection or modification to the
testing connection
 It is the responsibility of transmission utility to develop and
maintain the required technical planning studies for
evaluating the impact of on the grid of any proposed
connection or modification to the testing connection
 It could be the proposed connection new 500MW solar
plant or 300MW wind farm or already to the existing
connection you are modifying it
 We are purely talking about the wind & solar at this
 But these study Saudi grid code is not exclusively for wind
& solar which is common grid code.
 It means which is applicable for conventional synchronous
machines also
But it gives the very clear information,
It is the responsibility of the transmission system provider
It is the responsibility of the transmission utility

pg. 6 subbiahkannan
It is the responsibility of the regulating authority of
transmission network
“To study the impact of proposed connection or modification
connection on grid”
Which means that these document
 If you are connecting new solar plant, new wind farm, new
thermal plant, even may be connecting the steel industry
 What are the studies which you need to perform it is the
responsibility of transmission system provider, to have the
clear-cut guidelines what needs to be done
 Providing this open document so that person who want to
connect with transmission system should follow all these
transmission protocol that’s why it is very open
7.)Grid code is applicable for which consumers?
 It is applicable for consumer not really your home, but it
will be applicable for large scale consumer
For ex:-
 I am constructing large scale steel industry.
 I am connecting the traction substation
I am connecting to the grid to be need these
 I am not connect the steel industry which has an
arc furnace which injects the heavy harmonics
to the system without grid impact study like I
cannot directly connect the steel industry to the

pg. 7 subbiahkannan
 It is applicable to the consumersyes, it is applicable to
the consumer
 It is applicable to the sourcesyes, it is applicable to the
8.)Question like it is the individual customer like individual
home to obey the Grid code?

 Probably they are not really connect with transmission

 They are connected to the distribution utility what they are
connected, the impact is small
 Probably it is also the responsibility of Transmission
system provider
Consumer who can consume only the “maximum demand of
5kW in householdneed not do any study”

pg. 8 subbiahkannan
Probably the commercial consumer

 Who can consume like 415V,3-phase system & maximum

demand is 50kVA or something like he must maintain the
power factor as these much that is the grid code compliance
 Either you perform the study or maintain that is the
altogether different story, but you do not have these for
your individual homes
 50kW consumers, have the power factor requirement
 So, that’s kind of regulation which is coming from these
grid impact study
 If the power factor of 50kVA consumer is too low(p.f.is
low), then that create the voltage drop in the distribution
system which is not acceptable for the distribution system.

pg. 9 subbiahkannan
9.)Grid code is applicable for islanding?

 Probably try to understand in the different word “it is

applicable for standalone system”
 It means I am not connecting to the grid.
 Obviously, which is not needed
 If you are putting something still for the safety perspective
you have to maintain the country requirement
 But probably from the technical perspective at the end of
dayyou only feel the heat
 So, it is your requirement.
 You need not strictly obey these grid code
 You need not perform the study.
 But you have to do the study, or you have to do the
applicable studies to take care of your system
10.)Grid code compliance or Grid impact study is same?
 The same 500MW I am connected in India, which has
400GW installed capacity
 I am connecting the 500MW solar plant

pg. 10 subbiahkannan
 Probably, the islanded system in Australia2500MW
 Do you think that requirement will same.
Not why?
 Probably these 500MW (or) 0.5GW is added in Indian grid
hardly anything when you compared to the existing 400GW
installed capacity
 But probably means when 2500MW you are adding
500MW solar, then it is 20%
What I mean by that?
 So, your studies varies depend upon
 What is the existing system?
 What is the capacity of proposed equipment?
It is going to remain same. Obsoletely not
By the time 2006, we model the wind turbine generator as
negative load without any inertia without any LVRT studies
& probably all the power evacuation study is done which is
By the time in India, renewable installed capacity is
nothing but in today India has more than 27% of installed
capacity from renewables which is intermediate in nature.
Shall I apply the same Grid code which I have applied
during 2006 to 2022,Definitely not
what I mean Grid code compliance study ever evolving

pg. 11 subbiahkannan
 This is reason why Transmission system operators(TSO)
also upgrade on the daily basis
 LVRT was not the requirement for wind warms before
2006 - 2007 that’s why the wind turbine Type-1 and Wind
Turbine Type-2 is quite popular in India
“But after that LVRT is made mandatory thanks to blackout of
electricity somewhere in the world”
11.)What is LVRT?

LVRT is a short form for “Low voltage Ride-Through”

It describes the requirement that generating power plants
must continue to operate through short periods of low-grid
voltage that does not disconnect from the grid
12.)Why LVRT is needed for wind turbine generators?
LVRT capability, which is a regulation for interconnection
of wind turbines with grid, was established for wind
turbines to mitigate the adverse impacts of loss of
generation due to any disturbance.

pg. 12 subbiahkannan
Loss of generation had not been an issue when the wind
power generation was small, but due to significant growth
of wind power the sudden loss of generation may lead to
the risk of instability in grid.
Since LVRT is one of the most demanding and stringent
grid codes imposed on renewable power generation
It receives a major focus in the field of renewable energy

12.)What are the reasons for need to do Grid impact study

 It’s depend upon what’s the excitation system you have
 What is the element which is added or modified
 What is the comparable percentage of these or what is the
impact make to these existing system
 Like that needs to be discussed or decided by the grid code
& its grid code is ever evolving because my grid is also
ever evolving
 Because we don’t have any power electronics in our grid
maybe before 2006 or less than 0.1% of components power
electronic devices in 2000.
 What is the percentage of power electronic devices in
2015? It is much more
13.)Why Australian Grid is weak grid?
If I am replacing every synchronous machine by inverter-based
equipment’s, then
what will be impact on the short circuit current
what will be impact on inertia
pg. 13 subbiahkannan
Obvious, that’s the reason why weak grid of Australia is
everybody claims that
 Australian energy ask these many questions about the
power system study.
 It’s the tough call nobody can do these
 But they genuinely care about their system, for such weaker
system all the studies are needed
 That’s the reason why they are asking
What I mean by that
 You need to understand not only from your independent
power producer perspective but also from the holistic grid
“What is the impact of the new connection is going to
make Wherever is going to make you need to study
these grid impact study”
 Whether it is impact or connectivity or compliance
whatever you called?
 At the end of day, what is the requirement? Why is that
requirement needed? Rather than terminologies
14.)If the power system studies is varied depend on size of
In Saudi Arabian grid code(Feb 2022), Section:
“TSP shall specify which of the following planning studies
described in (3.3.6) of chapter 3 will be carried out to evaluate
the impact of the proposed user development on the grid”

pg. 14 subbiahkannan
It is the responsibility of TSP which of the planning study
not all the study which is described in 3.3.6 that’s the
reason why I am telling
For example:
 somebody connecting 10MW solarWhat are the studies
 If you are connecting 100MW solarThe studies may
 If you are connecting 1000MW solarThe studies may
List out all the studies
 Based on the capacity
 Based on the voltage level
 Based on the short circuit level
 Based on the strength
 Based on the inertia available
“Based on what is the complication of technology to come”
 Probably specify what are the studies you need to do
 Even today India, 15% of wind farm installed in 2000 are
operating without LVRT
“Thanks to the technology”
 Type-3 and Type-4 wind turbines, recent technology of
wind turbines are come with the LVRT

pg. 15 subbiahkannan
15.)What is Duck curve?

“When you keep adding the solar then there is the famous
word called “Duck Curve”
The Duck Curve refers to a graphical representation of
electricity demand from the grid on days when renewable
energy (especially solar energy) production is high and
demand in the grid is low.
When plotted on a graph the lines and curves form a
distinctly duck-like shape.
Duck curve represents the potential for power system
instability, as the grid attempts to cope with extreme
changes in demand across different parts of the day.
As more solar energy is exported to the grid, usually across
the middle part of the day when the sun is shining, the
curves deepen.
Then, as the sun sets and solar energy is no longer being
generated, the Duck Curve typically shows extreme
changes in demand and the grid needs to ‘kick in’ suddenly
which can be difficult.
These extreme changes in demand can result in the energy
system becoming unstable.

pg. 16 subbiahkannan
16.)Explain the Duck curve with the graph

Morning and Midday Dip:

 The curve starts with a pronounced dip in electricity
demand during the morning and midday hours.
 This dip is primarily a result of the increased generation of
solar power during daylight hours.
Flat Belly:
 The middle part of the curve shows a relatively low and
stable electricity demand during the day, due to the
abundant solar generation.
 This can lead to a surplus of electricity during sunny days.
Evening Ramp:
 As the sun begins to set and solar generation decreases,
electricity demand starts to rise, creating a steep upward
slope in the curve.
 This steep increase in demand is often referred to as the

pg. 17 subbiahkannan
17.)Whether power system study is need for smaller power
 It is not necessary to do all the power system studies which
listed out in section:3.3.6 for the smaller capacity of power
plant or when it is connected to the stronger grid
For Example:-
 300MW solar/wind plant is connected to the stronger grid
of 400kV system which has the short circuit current of 35-
40kA it is completely different.
 The same 300MW solar/wind plant is connected to the
weaker grid of 220kV system which has the short circuit
current of 3kA-4kA is different
18.) When you need to conduct more extensive planning study?
In Saudi Arabian grid code(Feb 2022), Statement:
“Based on the magnitude and complexity of the
proposed user development, the TSP may need to
conduct more extensive planning studies. In such a case,
the TSP will indicate in its offer of connection this
In the above sentence,
The magnitude is obviously important and magnitude alone
important may not be 500MW wind farm,
 type-3 might be completely different of
500MW wind farm
 type-4 with respect to the power quality

pg. 18 subbiahkannan
 Type-4 wind farm have the different harmonics level
 Type-3 wind farm have the different harmonics level
Based on the magnitude
 Capacity of 300MW & 500MW or 750MW
Based on the complexity
 When I say what is the technology what it is used when
proposed development of the user
“TSP may need to conduct more extensive planning studies”
19.)In India, How TSP do the study with Individual power plant
producer(IPP) when construct a new plant(solar/wind)?
TSP will ask your model
Now a days in India quite lot of people will install/sell
Power plant controller(PPC) for solar farm and wind farm
As soon as like they are proposing power plant controller
means POSCO is asking to give me the PSSe model and
need the PSCAD models

The equipment supplier can angry to the POSOCO why?

I am installing my plant and controlling my plant.
Because the equipment supplier not even aware what is
PSSe model/PSCAD model

pg. 19 subbiahkannan
So, why it is needed for TSP?
 Because first IPP are not aware how you are going to
control your system
 But your magnitude is heavy, and the complexity is
important & that’s impact on the grid then obviously TSP
has to get your model
 IPP model their power plant mathematically to
accommodate in its overall system to perform the studies
 So, this extensive planning study is not necessarily the
steady state study it could be the transient stability also
20.)Why IPP shall submit their models to TSP ?
 It’s because this study shall repeat by TSP
 You are studying your end IPP end, concluding that you do
not have impact to the grid and applying for the grid
 But it is just not that Transmission system provider(TSP)
shall evaluate these for many other cases
 That is the real reason why TSP asking the PSSe model or
PSCAD model to performing the dynamic transient study
21.)What Saudi Transmission system provider(TSP) Grid
compliance study talks about these studies?
In Saudi Arabian grid code(Feb 2022),Statement:
“The user shall indicate whether it wishes the TSP to
undertake additional planning studies. The user shall bear
the full cost of the additional planning studies, if carried out
by the TSP”

pg. 20 subbiahkannan
 Probably it is the Saudi policy, but the Indian policy is
different, countries to countries to vary
 In Saudi, they themselves do the study TSP
 In Saudi Arabia, they will be getting everything then
they will do the studies
 So, Saudi TSP will be very clear, and they will be like
studying the impact of their system to what is the
critical for on their system?

pg. 21 subbiahkannan

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