Art 20172846
Art 20172846
Art 20172846
Abstract: Transportation is the most vital part in our day to day life. If it won’t be there life would not be this easy. Transportation
consist of cars, trucks, trains, etc. which requires petrol and diesel as a fuel to run. As we all know that fuel is non-renewable sources of
energy and also the prices of fuel increases day by day. So under the vision of this concept we introduce some new ideas in this paper.
Here we used AIR as a fuel to run the automobiles. As air is free to us and renewable source of energy and most reliable too. In this we
used Air for intake and also we used carbon filter for removing the dust particles. For this we don’t need petrol or diesel, we can directly
run engine by air. This will be very helpful to people. Also it will be most useful for industries. Cost rate of transportation will be less. In
future it will be more advantageous and useful. TATA MOTORS make an agreement with Motor Development International MDI of
France to develop a car that runs on compressed air. Also it will be more economical and pollution free. The cost of refilling the air will
be very less as compared to petrol or diesel.
Compressed air tanks are one of the major part of this car. Figure 4: Structure of Air Engine
This tank holds 90 cubic meters of air compressed to 300
bars. It is similar to the tanks used to carry the liquid gas used 7. Process Description
by buses for public transport. The tanks enjoy the same
technology developed to contain natural gas. They are 1. The first piston takes in ambient air and compresses it to
designed and officially approved to carry an explosive approximately 300 psi and 200 *F in the compression
product: methane gas. chamber during the first cycle of the engine.
In case of major accident, where the tanks are ruptured, they 2. When the piston pause, a small amount of compressed air
would not explode since they are not metal. Instead they from the tanks is released into the expansion chamber to
would crack, as they are made of carbon fiber. An elongated create a low pressure, low temperature volume of about
crack would appear in the tank, without exploding, and the 140psi.
air would simply escape, producing a loud but harmless 3. Shortly before the valve to the exhaust cylinder is opened,
noise. Of course, since this technology is licensed to transport a high speed shutter connects the compression and
an inflammable and explosive gas (Natural gas), it is expansion chambers.
perfectly capable inoffensive and non-flammable air. 4. The sudden pressure and temperature difference between
the low chambers creates pressure waves in the expansion
It is fitting, that MDI has reached an agreement with the chamber, thereby producing work in the exhaust chamber
European Leader in aerospace technology air bus industries that drives the piston to power the engine.
for the manufacture of the compressed air storage tanks. With 5. The air tanks for storing the compressed air are localized
a remote supervision arrangement, Air bus industries underneath the vehicle. They are constructed of reinforced
overseas the making of the storage tanks at each MDI carbon fiber with a thermoplastic liner. Each tank can hold
factory. The coiled carbon fiber technology used in the 3,180 ft3 of air at a pressure of up to 4,300 psi. When
construction of the tanks is complex and requires a connected to a special compressor station, the tanks can be
substantial quality control process which the multinational recharged within 3-4 min. They can also be recharged
company, home of the Airbus aircraft, will provide for our using the onboard compressor 3-4 hours after connecting to
vehicles. a standard power outlet.
The engines work with both air taken from atmosphere and
air pre-compressed in tanks. Air is compressed by the on-
board compressor or at service station equipped with a high
pressure compressor.
Before compression, the air must be filtered to get rid of
any impurities that could damage the engine. Carbon filters
are used to eliminate dirt, dust, humidity and other particles
which unfortunately are found in the air in our cities.
This represents a true revolution in automobiles – it is the
first time that a car has produced minus pollution, i.e. it
eliminates and reduces exciting pollution rather than
emitting dirt and harmful gases. The exhaust pipe on the
car produces clean air which is cold on exit (between -15o
and 0o) and is harmless to human life. With this system the
Figure 4: Compressed Air Engine
Carbon monoxide (a piston) is formed because combustion 12. A Car That Run On Air, In India Soon
is incomplete. Not enough oxygen is available fast enough
to react with all of the carbon available. TATA MOTORS has signed an agreement with MOTOR
Nitrogen oxides – Because of the pressure and temperature DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL of FRANCE to
inside a cylinder, nitrogen and oxygen in the air combine in develop a car that runs on compressed air, thus making it
various ways. very economical to run and be almost totally pollution free.
Unburned hydrocarbons – not all of the hydrocarbons Although there is no official word on when the car will be
participate in the reaction because there is so little time commercially manufactured for INDIA, reports say that it
available during the combustion phase. will be sooner.
As about gasoline is the main source of pollution, if we The car could cost around Rs 350,000 in INDIA and
used compressed air instead of gasoline then we can would have a range of around 300 km between refuels.
improve environment. The cost of a refill would be about Rs 90.
As we know that nitrogen is the main constituent of
environment, in case of air car we extract nitrogen from 13. Conclusion
environment, liquefy it and used as fuel in car, then there
will be nitrogen, only the exhaust gas which is not harmful For the entire disruption made one can say that by using air
to human being and environment. By using liquid nitrogen car there is reduction in air pollution. The emission benefits
(compressed) in car, we can reduce pollution up to 70- of introducing this zero emission technology are obvious.
80%. Also the aim of project is to cut cost, create job locally. Also
air car provides an answer to the shortage of fuel and high
10. Advantages of Air Car price of fuel.
Refueling can be done at home using an air compressor or With petrol and diesel prices going up and the price of oil
at service station. The energy required for compressing air subjects to fluctuation for motorist, this will be shortage
is produced at large centralized plants, making it less costly gasoline (petrol, diesel), in future, engine that runs on
and more effective to manage carbon emission than from compressed air is only the alternative for it.
individual vehicles.
Compressed air engine reduce the cost of vehicle Reference
production by about 20%, because there is no need to build
a cooling system, spark plugs, starter motor, or muffler. [1]
The rate of self-discharge is low opposed to batteries that [2]
depilate their charge slowly over time. Therefore the [3]
vehicle maybe left unused for longer periods of time than [4]
electric cars. [5] IC Engine Book of “V Ganesan”
Compressed-air vehicles emit few pollutants, mostly dust [6] Mathur Sharma “IC Engine” Dhanpat Rai Publication
from brake and tire wear. Refueling can be done at home (1999)
using an air compressor or at service station. The energy
required for compressing air is produced at large
centralized plants, making it less costly and more effective
to manage carbon emission than from individual vehicles.
Compressed air engine reduce the cost of vehicle
production by about 20%, because there is no need to build
a cooling system, spark plugs, starter motor, or muffler.
The rate of self-discharge is low opposed to batteries that
depilate their charge slowly over time. Therefore the
vehicle maybe left unused for longer periods of time than
electric cars.
Compressed-air vehicles
Lighter vehicles would result in less wear on roads.