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(A) Site Selection For Hydroelectric Power Plant

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Model Test Paper-I

Paper Code : PEC-ME-412G

Note : Atempt five questions in al, selecting one question fronm each Section.
Ouestion No. 1 is compulsory. All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1. Explain the following :
(a) Site selection for hydroelectric power plant.
(b) Electrostatic precipitator.
(c) Waste disposal in nuclear power plants.
(d) Fuel cell.
Ans. (a) Site selection for hydroelectric power plant : The following factors should
be given careful consideration while selecting asite for a hydro-electric power plant :
(i) Water Available : To know the available energy from a given stream or river, the
discharge tlowing and its variation with time over a number of years must be known. Preferably,
the estimates of the average quantity of water available should be prepared on the basis ofnumber
measurements of stream or river flow. The recorded observation shouid be taken over a
of yearsto know withn reasonableJimits the maximum and minimum variations from the average
discharge. The river flow data shõuld be based on daily, weekly, monthly and yearly flow over a
number of years. Then the curves or graphs can be plotted between the river flow and time.
These are known as hydrographs and flow duration curves.
The plant capacity and the estimated output as well as the need for storage wil be
governed by the average flow. The primary or dependable power which is available at all times
when energy is needed will depend upon the minimum flow. Such conditions may also fix the
capacity of the standby plant. The maximum offlood flow governs the size of the headwords and
dam to be built with adequate spillway.
(ii) Water -Storage : The output of a hydropower plant is not uniform due to wide
variations of rainfall. To have auniform power output, awater storage is needed so that excess
flow at certain times may be stored to make it available at the times of low flow. To select the
site of the dam, acareful study shouBd be made of the geology and topography of the catchment
area to see if the natural foundations could be found and put to the best use.
(iüü) Head of Water : The level of water in the reservoir for a proposed plant should
always be within limits throughout the year.
(iv) Distunce from Load Centre : Most of the time the electric power generete ina
hydro-electric power plant has to be used some considerable distance from the site of plart. For
this reason, to be economical on transmission of electric power, the routes and the distances
should be carefully considered since the cost of erection of transmission lines and their mairtenaoce
willdepend upon the route selected.
(v) Access to Site : It is always a desirable factor to have a good access to the site of the
plant. This factor is very important ifthe electric power generated is to be utilised at or near the
plant site. The transport facilities must also be given due consideration.
Ans.(b) Electrostatic precipitator : Electrostatic precipitator : An electrostatic
precipitator (ESP) is a perticulate collection device that removes particles from a flowing (such
as air) using the force of an induced clectrostatic charge. Electrostatic precipitators are highly
efficient filtration devices that minimally impede the flowof gases through the device and can
easily removed fine particulate matter such as dust and smoke from the air stream.
25-100 V DC
400 V


Fig.(2) : Electrostatic Precipitator

It essentially consists oftwo sets of electrodes which are completly insulated from each
other and a high voltage electrostatic field is maintained across them. One set. caled the emitting
or discharge electrode, is in the form of thin wires and the other set is called the collecting
electrode. The emmiting or discharge electrodes are placed in the centre ofapipe in the case of
tubular type precipitator and are connected to negative polarity of HVDC source (25 to I00 KV)
while the collecting clectrodes and connccted to the positive polarity of the source and are
earthed. High electrostatic fielt thus set up between the two sets of electrodes creates corona
discharge and ionises the gas molecules as the flue gas flows through the tulbeor in between the
plates. The dust particles in the gas acquire negative charge and are attracted to the electrodes
connected to the positive polarity (collecting electrodes ) and get deposited there. The deposited
dust is made to fall off theelectrodes when rapped machanically.
The electrostatic precipitor may be (i) plate or tubular type (ii) horizontal flow or vertical
flow type (iii)dry or wet type. In case of wet or irrigated precipitator, the-deposited dust is
removed by a water film flowing down on the innerside of the collecting electrodes. Usually, a
dry type electrostatic recipitator is employed.

Ans.(c) Waste disposal in nuclear power plants : Used fuel in a nuclear power
station is highly radioactive and can contaminate air or water, and ifabsorbed by a living organism,
it can cause biological damage. In nuclear power stations, it is very important to take care to
dispose of thewaste which is likely to have radioactivity. Various methods used for tht disposal
of radioactive waste are briefly discribed here.
1. Dilution of liquid and gases : The loss of CO, from a reactor is monitored and
should not exceed 1or 1½ tons aday. The concentration ofthe coolant gas in the atmosphere in
the working areas is checked and precautions are taken against toxic and radiological hazards.
This is particularly required when the blowing down operation of thestation is planned.
B.Tech 8 Semester, Model Test Paper-1 M3
At several nuclear stations, liquid wastes can be discharged following filtration by
adjustment of pH value and by diluting and mixing with the station coolingwater dicharge.
2. Storage in sealed containers : Special care is taken to prevent leakage of liquids
containing radioactives into the ground in the area around the stations. This is effected by stroage
tanks as water retaining structures. Theses sealed containers are then disposed of at sea where
they are quickly and completely covered with mud in the bottom. Radioactiveity can only get into
the sea by slow diffusion through the mud.
Solid wastes such as those arising form discarded control rods, pieces of fuel cans etc.,
stored in ashielded concrete vaults. Combustible waste of low specific radioactivity is burnt in
an incinerator which incorporates ahigh standard of filteration oftheIlue gases. The irradiated
fuel elements comprise the most highly radioactive wastes. These are stored in a water or air
cooled shielded area to allow the activity to decay
3. Underground Burial : Another altermative is the burial of radioactive waste directly
in the ground taking precautions that burid grounds is isolated from the public and under ground
water must not be able to seep through as it may cause radioactive contan1ination of drinking
water supplies.
Ans.(d) Fuel cell : It may be defined as an electro chemical device for the continous
conversion ofthe portion of thefree energy change in achemical reaction to electrical enegy. It
is distinguished from a battery in that it operates with continuous replenishment of the fuel and
,the oxidant at active electrode areas and does not require recharging.
Main components ofa cell are:
(i) afuel electrode
(ii) an oxidant or air electrode, and
(ii) an electrolyte,


(permeable Ni}

Electrolyte (KOH)
Fig (3) : Fuel cell.
Hydrogen as afuel has so far given the most promising results, though cells consuming
coal, oil or natural gas would be economically much more useful for large scale applications.
Some of the fuel cells are : Hydrogen-oxygen (H,, 0,), Hydrazine (N,H,, 0,) Carbon/ coal (C,
0), Methane (CH, 0) ete. Hydrogen-oxygen fuel cels (Hydrox), are efficient and most highly
M4 Pouer Plant Engg.
is illustrated in Fig.(a). Two porous
developed cell. Alow pressure Hydrogen-oxygen cellCatalyste
or nickel electrodes, are immersed in an electrolyte.
is embedded in nickel cabron
The electrolyte is typically 40% KOH because of its high electrical conductivity, and it is less
corrosive than acids.
Cell reactions are:
H, Cadahyst2H*+ 2e
2H* + OH ’ 2H,0
0, 2O
O+ H,0+ 2e ’ 20H
H, is fed to one electrolyte and is absorbed gives free electrons and also reacts with
hydroxyl ions of the electrolyte to form water. The free electrons travel toward oxygen elec.
trode through the external circuit. The two electrons arriving by the external circuit and one
molecule of warter to form 20H ions. These OH ions migrate towards the H, electrode and
are consumed there. The electrolyte remains invarient. It is prime requirement that the compo
sition of electrolyte should not change as the cell operates. the cell operates at or slightly above
atmospheric pressure and at a temperature about 90°C. These type of cells are called loW
. temerature cells. In high pressure cellspressure is upto about 45 atmospheric and temperature
upto 300C.
A single Hydrogen Oxygen cell (Hydrox) can produce an e.m.f. of 1.23 volt at atmo
spheric pressure and 25 C. By connection a number of cells, it is possible to create useful
potential of 100to 1000 volts and power levels ofikW to near 100MW.
Section -A

Q.2.(a) Discuss various investigations to be carried out while selecting the site
for hydropower plant.
Ans. The following factors should be given careful consideration while selecting a site
for a hydro-electric power plant:
i) Water Available : To know the available energy from a given stream or river, the
discharge flowing and its variation with time over a number of years must be known. Preferably,
the estimates of theaverage quantity of water available should be prepared on the basis ofactual
measurements of stream or river flow. The recorded observation should be taken over a number
ofyears to know within reasonable limits the maximum and minimum variations from the average
discharge. The river flow data should be based on daily, weekly, monthly and yearly flow over a
inumber of years. Then the curves or graphs can be plotted between the river flow and time.
These are known as hydrographs and flow duration curves.
The plant capacity and the estimated output as well as the need for storage will be
governed by the average flow. The primary or dependable power which is available at all times
when energy is needed will depend upon the minimum flow. Such conditions may also fix the
capacity of the standby plant. The maximum of flood flow governs the size of the headwords and
dam to be built with adequate spillway.
(ii) Water -Storage : The output of a hydropower plant is not uniform due to wide
variations of rainfall. To have a uniform power output, a water storage is needed so that excess
flow at certain times may be stored to make it available at the times of low flow. To select the
B. Tech 8 Semester, Mfodel Test Paper-! M5

site of the dam, acareful study should be made of the geology and topography of the catchment
area to see if the natural foundations could be found and put to the best use.
(iii) Head of Water: The level of water in the reservoir for a proposed plant should
always be within limits throughout the year.
(iv) Distance from Load Centre : Most of the time the electric power generated in a
hydro-electric power plant has to be used some considerable distance from the site of plant. For
this reason, to be economical on transmission of electric power, the routes and the distances
should be carefully considered since the cost of erection of transmission lines and their maintenance
will depend upon the route selected.
(v) Access to Site : It is always adesirable factor to have agood access to the site of
the plant. This factor is very important if theelectric power generated is to be utilised at or near
the plant site. The transport facilities must also be given due consideration.
Q.2.(b) Write short note on the following
(i) Catchment Area
(i) Storage Reservoir
Ans.(i) Catchment Area : The catchment area of a hydro plant is the whole area
behind the dam, draining into a stream or river across which the dam has been built at asuitable
(i) Reservoir; Whole of the water available from the catchment area is collected in a
reservoir behind the dam, The purpose of the storing of water in the reservoir is to get a uniform
power output throughout the year.A reservoir can be either natural or artificial. Anatural reservoir
is alake in high mountains and ©n artificial reservoir is made by constructing adam across the

Reservoir room Control
Surge room
Dom lant

Congyits Generatc

valve Penstoc7
Furbine Tail race
Intet valve
area Draf

Fig: Flow sheet of hydro-electric power plant.

Q.3.(a) Deseribe the Rankine cycle and show how it differs from Carnot
Ans. Comparison between Rankine Cycle and Carnot Cycle : The following points
are worth noting :

() Between the same temperature limits Rankine cycle provides al

Power Plant Engg.
spccifie work
output than a Carnot cycle, consequently Rankine cycle requires asmaller ahigher
resultingin smaller size plant for a given power output. However, Rankine cycle steam
rates of heat transfer in boiler and condenser.
calls rate forflowhigher
(ii) Since in Rankine cycle only part of the heat is
supplied isothermally at constan.
higher tenmperature T, therefore, its efficiency is lower than that
of the Rankine cycle will approach that of the of Carnot cycle. The eficien
temperature rise is reduced. Carnot cycBe more nearly if the super hea
(ii) The advantage of using pump to feed liquid to the
wet vapour is obvious that the work for hoiler instead to compressine a
Fig.shows the plots between efticiency and
is very large compared to the pump,
pressure for Carnot and ideal Rankine cycles. specific steam consunmption against boiler

70 12
20 Rankins o

50 100150 200 225

Boler prossuro (bar)
50 100 150 200 225
Bolier prSsure (De)

Q.3.(b) Explain run-off river plants and storage plants?
Ans. Run of river plants. As the name suggests,
these plants utilize the flow as it runs
through the year, without any storage and the benefit thereof.
flow is available and it the power plant is not able touse this Duringthe rainy season high water
of water is allowed to flow over dam spillways as large flow of water some quantity
waste. On the other hand during dry season,
the power produced by such plants willbe less, due tolow flow rates of water. Such plants may
be further sub-divided into :
(a) Run ofriver plants without pondage
(b) Run of river plants with pondage.
(a) Run of river plants without pondage : Such plants have
absolutely no pondage
available and use the water only as it comes in the stream. The dam constructed at the site may
be for it may be required just to raise the water level for diverting it
on the bank of simply to maintain a certain being incidental.
into and irrigation. Channel
The flow may be considerable,
through the head available is usually low and subject to the tailwater conditions. The capacity of
the run ofriver plant without pondage is fixed corresponding to the minimum flow available in the
stream. Thus it ispurely a based load plant with a high load factor (90-100%).
Inrun of river plants, the dominant feature is that the normal run or flow of the river is
not materially disturbed due to the construction of the plant. Such plants neither have a large
BTech Sh Semester Model Test Puper-|
reservoir nor do they have a M-7
house is located along the maindiversion of the water away from the
course of the river. main channel. The power



Fig :Run of river hydro plant.
(b) Run of river plants with pondage : Pondage
water behind a dam near the plant, and increases the usually refers to the collection of
means collection of water in reservoirs upstreams of the capacity for short periods, storage
plant and this increases the capacity of
the stream over and extended period of
several months. Storage plants may work satisfactorily
as base load and peak load stations. Some
run of river plants have pondage facility
which enables them to store water during off peak period and available,
use it during the peak hours of the
same day or weck thus the plant has the flexibility to meet the
hourly or daily fluctuations. The
plant discharge may thus be many times more (3 to 8
times) than the
Pondage increases the stream capacity for a short period, hours or minimum stream flow.
week depending upon the
capacity of the pond. This plant can be used as base load or peak load plants.
are nornally base load plants, but with some pondage Run-of-river plants
is peuk loud as wellas base load plants, depending upon
available they may be able to operate both
lot of flow is available in the river, they
the flow available in the river. When a
operate on the base of the load curve. However with
decreased stream flow, they may feasibly operate on the peak of the load
Storage plants(Reservoir plants) : As the name suggest, in such plants, have
of fairly large size, which usually provide reservoirs
sufficient storage to carry over from wet season to dry
season and some times even from one year to
another. They can
constant rate which is substantially higher than the minimum naturaltherefore supply water at a
flow of the stream. The big
dams, creating large lakes, usually provide relatively high
heads for
advantage of this plant is that the power generated by the plant duringthese power plants. The
affected. The storage takes care of fluctuations of the river supply or dry season will not be
that of the load.
Q.4(a) Give the layout of modern stream power
Ans. Layout of modern stream power plant : plant.
M8 Potver Plam b
Atmospheric Air

A Prehegte
Storage 1Steam Turbine
Boiler Flue G
With Generato Transmission
superhcaterFeed Water Ecnomizer Line


HP Feed LP.
Heater Pump Pump

Q.4.(b) Write short note on the foflowing :

() Feeding and burning of pulverized fuel.dig
(ii) Mechanicaldust collectoer.
Ans. (i) Feeding and burning of pulverized fuel : Solid fuel can be used in a powdered
state either alone or mixed with crude oil and burnt like gas or oil. Coal is reduced to a fine
powder in grinding mills or pulverisers and then projected into the combustion chambers by
means of a current of hot air. A further volume of preheated air to make up the necessary
amount for combustion is blown in separately and the resulting turbulence in the high pressure
combustion chamber helps in through combustion ofthe fuel. The amount ofair whichis used to
dry the coal and convey the powered fuel i the furance is known as "Primary air and the
amount ofair which is blown in separately to complete the combustion is known as "Secondary
air", The amount of primary air may range from as litle as 10% to almost thie fullcombustion air
requirements depending on the type of the pulveriser and the load. Primary and secondary aír
system is shown in fig.(1).
There are two systems of prepration and burning of pulverized fuel. One is "unit system"
and the other is "Bin system" or "storage system" _or "central system".
In unit system, a seprate pulverising unit for cach furance and the fuel is fired
into the furance without being stored. Whereas in the central system, the fuel is ground in a
central grinding plant and stored in bins or
huners through separate feeders in bunkers. From the bunkers, it is distributed to various
accondance with the load demands.
Secondary Ar
Air Preheater Prinary Ar
Fue Gas Heater

Air and
Primary Ar Powdered Coal
Tempering A
LForced Draugh Fan

Primary Air Fan

Fig.(l1): Primary and secondary air system.
Unit system This system is illustrate in fig.(2).

Over Hed

Weighing MC


Hot Ar or Aue Gas for Coal

Exht Fan Prohonted Ar
IDryng (Prinery Air) (Seconday A)
Fig.(2) : Unit Syatem
From the overhead bunkers, the raw coal falls by gravity into a feeder
where it is dried
with the help of hot air. From the feeder the coal passes on to the
pulverising mill where it is
crushed into a fine powder. The fine powder is extracted from the mill by means of an
fan via a separator and blown into the furance along with the hot air. In the exhaust
separator, the big
particles of coal are separated from the fine dust and these again fall down into the mill.
Central system : This system is illustrated in fig.(3).
M-10 Power Plunl Engg.


Screw Conveyor

Exhaust Fan

Pnmary A
Duivenser Air Fan

Flue Gas For
Drying Coal
Taxen From
Surabie Pass !
on Boaler Air

Fig.(3) : Central System

From the pulveriser. the crushed coal passes on to aseprator where oversize coal particle
are separated from the fine pow der. The coal laden air tihen flows into acyclone whcre the air is
separated from the coal powder and air is rerurned to the mill circuit by means ofan exhaust fan.
Fron the cyclone, the pulverised coal is fed to the various burners through separate fee iers.
Ans.(i) Mechanical dust collectoer : Mechanical dust collector is defincd which
separates dust in a dry state from gas through the application of in-ertial and gravitional force
Mechanical dust collectors can be further classified as 1vef and dry dust collectors. In
wet type, dust is washed away from the flue gases by spraying water on it. This system is
seldom used since large amounts ofwater are needed. The principle used indust separation in
the case of dry mechanical dust collectors are illustrated in fig(1).
Cleaned Gases Baffles

Flyash Flyash Flyash

Fig.(1): Mechanical dust collectors.
Model Test Paper-!
BTech8h Seihester, M-11
La fe. l(a), the dust area is increased. The gas
dust particles can settle out. In fig.l(b), there is a sudden change will
inthedecrease andof the
direction flowheavier
of the
in the setting out of the
gas resulting heavier particles when
fig. l(c),the dust particles strike baffles placed in the path of thecannot
gases flow
whichamong the gas.
will result In
in the
setting out of the dust particles.
os/)Name the various method of ash handling. Why ash
and dust handling is
more difficult than coal handling?
Ans. Various Systems of Ash Handling : Ageneral outline of
ash handling equipment
is shown in fig.
Some of the systems of ash handling in large steam power plants are :
1. Steam jet system,
2.Pneumatic conveyor system,
3. Hydraulic conveying system,
4. Belt conveyors.
Ash handling is major and difficult problem due to the following di
ficulties encountered
in its handling and disposal :
L.Ash is dusty and so iritating and annoying in handling.
2. It is hot when it comes out of the boiler furnaces.
3. It is abrasive and wears out the containers.
4. Poisonous gases are produced.
5. Corrosive acids are produced in water.
6. It forms clinkers by fusing together in lumps.
0.5.(b) The load duration curve of a system for the whole year of
as shown in Fig. The system is supplied by two stations A 8760 hours is
annual costs :
and B having the following
Station A= Rs (75000 + 80 x &W +0.02 x kWh)
Station B= Rs (50000 + 50 x kW +0.03 x #)
Determine the installed capacity required for each
hours per year peak load station should be operated to give station and for how many
the minimum cost per unit


Station B

Station A

8760 Hours

M-12 Power Plant Engg.
Ans. Fig. shows the annual load duration curve of the system. As station Ahas the
lower operating cost, it should be used as the base load station. On the other hand, station B
should be used as the peak load station. in kW
Let x = Installedcapacity of station BB
y = Hours of operation of station
.:. Installed capacity of station A=(50000 -)
1 8760*x
1 =0.0876 r?
Units generated/'annum by station B-y=;xx* 50000

Units generated/annum by station 4 = 2-x50000 x8760 - 0.0876

= 219x 100.0876 x
Annual cost of station B. C = Rs (50000 + 50 x+ 0.03 x 0.0876
=Rs (50000+ 50 x+0.00262 x)
Annual cost of station A, C, =Rs (75000 +80 (50000 - x) +0.02 (219 x 10-0.0876 r)
= Rs (8.455 x 10- 80 x-0.00175 x*)
Total annual opereting cost of stations Aand B
C= C,+ Cp
= Rs (50000 + 50 x+ 0.00262 x) +(8.455 x 10-80 x-0.00175 x)
= Rs (8505000 - 30 x+0.00087 )

For minimum annualoperating cost, d

=0-30 +2 x0.00087 x
or 0 =-30+ 0.00174x
=17241 kW
Capacity of station B = 17241 kW Ans.
Capacity of station A= 50000 17241= 32758 kW Ans.
No. of hours of operation of station Bis
8760x 8760x17241
-= 3020 hours Ans.
50000 50000
Section -C
Q.6. Draw a neat sketch of CANDUtype reactor and give its advantages and
disadbantages over other types.
Ans. CANDUReactor : A thermal nuclear power reactor in which heavy water (99.8
percentage deuterium oxide D,0) is the moderator and coolant as wellas the neutron reflector.
General Description :
(i) Reactor Vessel and Core : The arrangement of the different components ofCANDU
type reactor is shown in Fig.. The reactor vessel is a steel cylinder with a horizontal
(Length and diameter of atypical cylinder are 6 m x 8mrespectively). The vessel is penetrated
designed to withstand a
by some 380horizontal channels called pressure tubes because they are
high internal pressure.
Model Test Paper-!
BTch 8 Semester: M-13
+To Ste am

gener ator
Feed water
(trom condenser)

inlet render
vessel "1

Heavy woter coolan

ut et hende

Fel ccr ging


tubes Fuel
Hzavy water
bur les

Moderotor hect

Fig: CANDU(Candadian Deuteriumn Uraniun) Reactor.

The channels contain the fuel elements and the pres surized coolant flows along the
channels and around the fuel clements Lo remove the heat generated by tission. Coolant flow is
in the opposite directions in adjacent channels.
The fuel in the CANDUreactor is normal (i.e. unenrichcd) uranium
oxide as small
cylindrical pellets. The pelletes are packed in acorrosion - resistance zirconium alloy (zircaioy)
tube, nearly 0.5 m long and 1.3 cm diameter, to fom a fuel rod. The relativley short rods are
combined in bundles of 37rods, and 12 bundles are placed cnd to end in each pressure lube. The
total mass of fuel in the core to about 97,090 kg.
(i)Control and Protection Sstem:The CANDU reactor has several types of
control clements. They include anumber of strong neutron absorber (i.c. poison) ruds of
which are used mainly for rcactor shutdown and start up. In addition there are other cadmium
strongly, absorbing rods to control power variations during reactor operation and to produce an
approximately uniform heat (power) distributioin throughout the core.
(iii) Steam System:The respective ends of the pressure ubes are all
inlet and outlet headers (manifolds). The high connected into
oul the outlet header to a system to generator ofthetemperature coolant leaving the reactor passes
Water reactor) and is then pumped back to the reactor conventional inverted Utube (as in pressurized
by way of the inlet header. Steam is
generated at a temperature of above 265°.
Advantages :
(i) Enriched fuel is not
(I1) The reactor vessel does not have to withstand a high
bWR. Only the heavy water coolant circuit (fuel tubes) has to be pressure as vessel of PWR and
the reactor core,
therefore, the cost of the vessel is less. pressurized to inhibit boiling in
() The moderator can be kept at low temperature which increases its
slowing down neutrons. effectiveness in
M-14 Power Plunt Engg.
(iv) Heavy water is used as moderator, which has higher multiplicatioin factor and low
fuel consumption.
(v) Site construction requires lesser time as compared with PWR and BWR.
Disadvantages :
(i) Heavy water is very costly.
(i) Leakage problems.
(ii)Very high standard of design, manufacture and maintenance are needed.
(v) The reactor size is extremely large as power density is low as compared with PWR
and BWR.
Q.7.(a) Acentral power station has ann .al factors as follows :
Load factor = 60%; Capacity foctor= 40%; Use factor = 45%
Power station has a maximum demand of 15,000 kilo-watt.
Determine :
(i) Annual energy production.
(ii) Reserve capacity over and above peak load.
(ii) Hours per year not in service.
Ans.Given data :
Load factor =60% =0.60
Capacity foctor = 40%= 0.40
Use factor = 45% = 0.45
Maximum demand/Peak load =15000 kW = 15MW
Average load
Load factor =
Peak load
Average load load factor xpeak load
= 0.60 x 15000
= 9000kW
Annual energy production =9000x 8760
= 78840000k Wh
= 78.84 x 10 kWh Ans.
Average load
(ii) Capacity factor = Plant capacity
Average load
Plant capacity Capacity factor
= 22.SMW
Reverse capacity over and above the peak load
= 22.5-|5 = 7.5 MW Ans.
Energy generated per year
(iü) Use factor
Plant capacity xhours in operation
Energy generated per year 78.84 x10kWh
Hours in operation = Plant capacity x use factor
7786 1Irs.
22.5 x10' kW x0.45
BTech8h Semester, Model Test Paper M-15

Hours not isservice in a year =8760-7786 =974 h Ans.

0.7.(b) What is mean by tariffs? What are various types of tariffs in common
Ans. Tariff : The rate at which electrical energy is supplied to a consumer is known as
tariff. Various types of tariffs are as follows :
()Simple tariff : When there is a fixed rate per unit of energy consumed, it is called a
simple tariff or uniform rate tarif.
Inthis type of tariff, the price charged per unit is constant i.e., it does not vary with
increase or decrease in number of units consumed. The consumption of electrical energy at the
consumer's terminals is recorded by means of an energy meter. This is the simplest of all tariffs
and is readily understood by the consumers.
Disadvantages :
(i) There is no discrimination between different types of consumers since every
has to pay equitably for the fixed charges.
(ii) The cost per unit delivered is high.
(üi) It does not encourage the use of electricity.
(iü) Flat rate tariff:When different types of consumers are charged at different uniform
per unit rates, it is called a flat rate tariff.
In this type of tariff, the consumers are grouped into different classes and each class of
consumersis charged at a different uniform rate. For instance, the flat rate per kWh for lighting
load may be 60'paise, whereas it may be slightly less (say 55 paise per kWh) for power load.
different classes ofconsumers are made taking into account their diversity and load The
advantage ofsuch atariffisthatit is mor fair todifferent fypes of consumers and is quite The
in calculations. simple
Disadvantages :
(i) Since the flat rate tariff varies
meters are required for lighting load, power according
to the way the supply is used,
load etc. This makes the application of suchseparate
a tariff
expensive and complicated.
(ii) A particular class of consumers is
magnitude of energy consumed. However, a big consumer charged at the same rate irrespective of the
in his case the fixed charges per
unit are reduced.
should be charged at a lower rate as
(iii) Block rate
the succeeding block oftariff: When a given block of energyis charged at a
rate tariff.
energy are charged at
progressively reduced rates, itspecified rate and
is called a block
In block rate tariff, the energy
is fixed in each consumption is divided into blocks and the
block. The price per unit in the first block is the price per unit
reduced for the succeeding blocks of energy. For highest and it is
the rate of 60 paise per unit : the next 25 example, the first 30 units may progressively
be charged at
additional units may be charged at the rate of 30 at the rate of$S paise per unit
and the remaining
The advantage of such atariff is paise per unit.
electrical energy. This increases the load that the ofconsumer gets an incentive to consume more
reduced. However, its principal defect factor
the system and hence the cost of generation
that it lacks a measure of the consumer's demand.
Inis type of tariff is being used for
majority of residential and small commercial consumen,
M-16 Pocer Plant Eito
energy is charged on the
(iv) Two-part tariff: When the rate of elcctrical
maximum demand of theconsumer and the units consumed, it is called a two-part tarif
consumer is split
basis of
Intwo-part tariff, the total charge to be made from the into two
components viz., fixed charge andrunning charges. The fixedcharges number
depend uponthe
demand of the consumer whilethe running charges depend upon the offunits
kW of
by the consumer. Thus, the consumer is charged at a certain amount per
demand plus a certainamount per kWh of energy consumed i.e., maximum
Total charge = Rs(bx KW +cx KIWh)
b= charge per kW of maximum defincd
c= charge per kWh of energy consum
This type of tariff is mostly applicable to industrial consumers who have appreciable
maximum demand.
Advantages :
-It is easily understood by the consumers.
-Itrecovers the fixed charges which dependupon the maximum demand ofthe consumer
but are independent of the units consumed.
-The consumer has to pay the fixed charges irrespective of the fact whether he has
consumed or not consumed the electrical energy.
-There is always error in assessing the maximum demand of the consumer.
() Maximum demand tariff : It is similar to two-part tariff with the only difference
that the maximun1 demand is actually measured by installing maximum demand meter in the
premises of the consumer. This removes the objection of two-part tariff where the maximum
demand is assessed merely on the basis ofthe rateable value. This type of tariff is mostly applied
to big consumers. However. it is not suitable for a small consumer (e.g., residential consumer) as
a separate maximum demand meter is required.
(vi) Power factor tariff: The tariff in which power factor of the consumer's load is
taken into consideration is known as power factor tariff.
a ac system, power factor plays an important role. Alow factor increases the
ratng of stationequipment and line losses. Therefore, a consumer having low power factor must
be penalised. The following are the important types of power factor tariff:
klA maximum demand tariffT: It is a modified form of two-part tarif. In this case.
the ixed charges are made on the basis of maximum demand in kVA and not in kW. As kVA is
inversely proportional to power factor, therefore, a consumer having low power factor has to
contribute more towards the fixed charges. This type of tariff has the advantage that it encourages
the consuers to operate their appliances and machinery at improved power factor.
-Sliding scale tariff: This is also know as average power factor tariff. In this case, an
average power factor, say 0-8 lagging, is taken as the reference. If the power factor of the
consumer falls below this factor, suitable additional charges are made. On the other hand, if the
power factor is above the reference, a discount is allowed to the consumer.
- kW and kVAR tariff : In this type, both active power (kW) and reactive power
(kVAR) supplied are charged separately.Aconsumer having low power factor will draw more
reactive power and hence shall have to pay more charge.
BTech 8 Semester. fodel Test Puper-I M-17

(vii) Three-part tariff :When the total charge to be made from the consumer is split
into three parts viz. fixed charge, semi-fixed charge and running charge, it is known as a three
part tarifT. i.e.,
Total charge = Rs (a + b x kIW +c x kWh)
where a = fixed charge made during each billing period. It includes
interest and depreciation on the cost of secondary
distribution and labour cost of collecting revenues.
b = charge per kW of maximum demand.
c = charge per kWh of energy consumed.
Section -D

Q.8.(a) Which are the non-conventional sources of energy and why they are
seriously thought throughout the world?
Ans. The production of electricity and its per capita consumption is regarded as the
indication of the standard of living of people in a nation. Energy is a key input in the economic
growth. The growth of a nation largely depends on the availability of energy. The energy
consumption in the world has been increasing at an alarming rate for the past few decades. The
conventional energy resourcdes such as coal., wood, diesel, petrol, natural gas, etc. are depleting.
It has been estimated that the conventional fuels may last for 5-6 decades only. To meet the
major part of energy demand in future, every nation is making efforts to find non-conventional
energy sources. Energy is defined as the capacity of a substance or a body to do work. Similarly,
energy resources are the main sources of energy from which the energy can be extracted and
utilised for manking. The various non-conventional energy sources are as follows:
(i) Solar energy (ii) Windenergy
(i) Energy from biomass and biogas (iv) Ocean thermal energy conversion
(v) Tidal energy (vi) Geothermal energy
(vii)Hydrogen energy (vii) Fuel cells
(ix) Magneto-hydrodynamics generator (x) Thermionic converter
(xi) Thermo-electric power.
Q.8.(b) What do you understand by MHD? Explain the working principle of
MHD with neat sketches.
Ans. Magnetohydrodynamics(MHD), as the name implies, is concermed with the flow
of a conducting fluid in the presence of magnetic and electric field. The fluid may be gas at
elevated temperature or liquid like sodium or potassium.
MHDgenerator is a device which converts heat energy of a fuel directly into electrical
energy without a conventional electric geñerator. MHD converter systen is a heat engine whose
efficiency, like all heat engine, is increased by supplying the heat at the highest practical temperature
and rejecting it at the lowest practical temperature. MHD generation looks the most
the direct conversion techniques for the large scale production of electric promising of
Principle of MHD power generation: The principal of MHD generation is simply
that discovered by Faraday : When an electric conductor moves across a
magnetic Theld,
voltage is induced in it which produces an electric current. This is the principle of conventional
generator also where the conductors consist of copper strip. In the MHD generator, the solid

conductors are replaced by afluid which is electrically conducting. The

Power Plant Enyp
either aliquid metal or an ionised gas. Therefore, the two basictypes of ! worki ng
MHD generfluidatormay be
I. One involving the use of an ionised gas or plasma.
2.Other involving aliquid metal as aworking fluid.
If the ionisedfluid is passed at avery high velocity through a powerful
current is generated and can be extracted by placing electrodes in a
stream, Fig.. In this manner, direct obtained
current is which suitableintoposimagnettionic infeldhe,
can be converted
aid of an inverter. AC with the
Magnetc Pole Output


Fig. :Principle of MHD generator.
Q.9. Write short note on the following :
(i) Solar energy collector.
(iii)Thermionic power generation
(iv) Tridal power plants.
Ans. (i) Solar energy collector : Since solar encrgy is widely
gainfully it should be made available in concentrated fom. dispersed, to use i
used: For this two types of collectos ae
(I)Flat plate Collectors
(2)Focussing Collectors.




Fig.(a) : Flat Plate Collector.

(1) Flat Plate Collectors : It is a low temperature collector with no
concentration. The
important parts ofatypical flat plate collector are shown in fig(a). The absorber'plate with
Test Paper-l
B. Tech 8 Semester.1Model
parallel tubes is fabricated from copper tube and sheet by soft soldering. The plate is
several The plate is enclosed in a box to insulate
blackened so as to absorb maximum amount of sunlight.thereby attain high temperatures. Also one
it on the sides and bottom so as to prevent losses and
on top of the blackened sheet so as to
or more transparent glass or plastic sheets are placedabsorbing capacity of the black paint is also
avoid heat losses by re-radiation. By this method, theproper inclination to the sun toabsorb solar
preserved. The complete structure is placed at a
or air in contact with it or
radiation. The heat absorbed by plate is removed by circulating water
through the tubes.
a parabolic or a
(2) Focussing Collectors (Concentrators) : In focussing collectors, reflection from
Fresnel mirror is used. Sun rays are focussed on the focal point ofthe mirror circulated though
its surface. Atube may be placed along the focal line ofthe mirror and a fluid
With these collectors, temperatures of 200° C to 300°C
it to absorb the heat, as shown in fig.(b). track the sun seasonally.
or above may be obtained. Some mechanism should be provided to Tilt

Water Sleam Out


Pivot Support
Fig.(b) :Focussing Collector.
Ans.(li) OTEC:Conversion of solar energy stored as heat in the ocean into electrical
encrgy by making use of the temperature differenc belween the warm surface water and
colder deep water is known as Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion. The facilities proposed for
achieving this conversion are commonly referred to as OTEC plants or some times as solar Sea
Power Plants (SSPP), since the ocean water are heated by the sun, they constitute a virtually
inexhaustible source of energy.



Fig. :Conversion ycle for an ocean thermal power plant.

M-20 Pover Plant Engg.
The ocean thermal energy can be converted into mechanical energy and thence to
electrical energy. AProbable conversion cycle resembles arefrigertaion cycle. Avworking luid
like ammonia or propane is vapourised and condensed by warm and cold wvater respectively
anconsist and condenser as shown in fig. Athermal power generating stations would nrokin
of a number of power pack modules each module containing heat exchangers, one
more turbines, genertors and pump to circulate the working fluid and warm and cold water. The
capacity of each module may be about 25 MW or so.
The thernol power plants situated near the shores may privide power directly to Jana
areas nearby.
Ans.(iii)Thermionic power generation : It utilizes the therminoic emission eff.
tnat is, the emission of clectrons from heated metal (and some oxide) surfaces. The ener
required to extract an electron from the metal is an important parameter, known as the wO.
function of the metal.
In principle, athermonic converter consists oftwo metals (or electrodes) with different
work functions sealed into an evacuated vessel. The electrode with the large work function is
maintained at ahigher temperature than the one with the smaller work-function.
System consists oftwo electrodes held in acontainer filled with ionized cesium vapour.
Heating one electrode, electrons are emitted, that travel to the opposite, colder electrode. The
hotter electrode (or enmitter) emits electrons (i.e. negative charges) and so acquires a positive
charge. Whereas the colder electrode (or collector) collects, electrons and becomes negatively
charged. Avoltage (or electromotive force) thus develops between the two electrodes and a
direct electric current will flow in an external cirucit (or load) connecting them. The voltage.
which may be I volt (or so), is determined primarily by the difference in the work function ofthe
electrode materials.


.Cold electrode
Hot electrode
(Emitter) or (collector) or
Cathode Anode

External 0.c.Load
Fig.: Thermionic converter
Ans.(iv) Tidal power plant : The periodic rise and fall of thewater level of sea waich
are carried by the action of thesun and moon on water of the earth is called the tide.
The main feature of the tidal cycle is the difference in water surface elevations at the
high tide and at the low tide. If the differential head could be utilized in operating a hydraulic
turbine, the tidal energy could be converted into electrical energy by means of an aita 3
Semester. 3lode! Test Puper.!
D.Tech8h M-21
The following are the components of atidal power plants:
L.The dan or dyke (low wall) to form the pool or basin.
Sluice ways from the basin to the sea and vice versa.
3. The power house.
Tho dan or dyke : The function of dam or dyke is to form a barrier
andthe basin oe between one basin and the other in case of multiple basins. between the sea
during thelow tide, as per operationalIrequirement. These devices are controlled through gates.
Dwer boUse : A power house houses turbines, electric generators and other
equipment. As far as possible the power house: and sluice ways should be in alignment with the
dain or dyke.

cDem or dyke
High ide

TIdal basin

Turbine goneralor set

(Reversible turbines)
(a) High lde

Dam or dyke

Low tide
dal ban

Turbine generalor o
(Reversble tutbine)
(b) Low ide
Fig.(1) :General arrangement of tidal power plant.
Fig.(1)shows a general arrangement of tidal powcr plant (double cycle system). Such
plants generally use reversible water turbines so that power is generated on low tide as well high
tide. The operations of the plant is as follows :
When the incoming tide sea level and tidal-basin level are cqual, the turbine conduit is
Closed. When the sea level rises, and about halfway to high tide the turbine valves valves are
opened and the sea water flows into the basin through the turbine runner generating power. This
also raises the level of water in the basin. The turbin continous to generate
power until the tide
Passes through its high point and begin to drop. The water headthen quickly diminishes till it is
ot enough to supply the no-load losses. By pass valve then quickly opens to let
basin to gain maximum water level. When sea and basin water level are again equal,watertheinto tne
are closed as well as the turbine conduit. The basin level then stays constant while the tide

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