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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 8,667,881 B1

Hawbaker (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 11, 2014

(54) SELECTABLE DUAL MODE TRIGGER FOR 6,772,548 131* 8/2004 POWGI 1. 42/6901
6,966,138 A1*
B1* 11/2005
7/2009 Fluhret
Deckard a1. ..
2011/0167697 A1* 7/2011 Geissele 42/69.03
(71) Applicant: Peter Jonathan Hawbaker, Fairbanks, OTHER PUBLICATIONS
_ “Trigger that ?res on both pull and release?”. Post #1 by user name
(72) Inventor: Peter Jonathan Hawbaken Falrbanks> “Domino” datedAug. 8, 2009, 12:16AM. <http://WWW.thehighr0ad.
AK (Us) org/archive/index.php/t-467402.html>.*
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this * Cited by examiner
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
Primary Examiner * Gabriel Klein
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
(21) Appl.No.: 13/714,453 One embodiment of a trigger system With an integral selector
(22) Filed: Dec. 14, 2012 for semi-automatic ?rearms. A selector alloWs the user to
choose betWeen tWo modes and rates of ?re. A trigger (1) is
(51) Int, Cl, made to alloW passage of the loWer portion of a selector cam
F41A 19/00 (2006.01) (5) to the exterior of the ?rearm. A selector lever (6) is a?ixed
(52) us. c1. to the loWer end of the selector cam (5) on the exterior of the
USPC 89/139; 42/6901 ?rearms action- Turning the Selector lever (6) rotates the
(58) Field of Classi?cation Search selector cam (5) Which tilts a pivotal disconnector (3) on its
USPC 42/69.01;89/129.01,131,136,139 axis, Varying the amount of disconnector (3) engagement
See application ?le for complete search history. With a hammer (2). The Variance in the disconnector (3)
engagement causes the ?rearm to ?re in one of tWo modes,
(56) References Cited ?ring one round With a trigger pull and resetting With trigger
release, or ?ring one round With trigger pull, and ?ring
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS another round With trigger release. Other embodiments are
5,074,190 A * 12/1991 Troncoso 89/136
6,131,324 A * 10/2000 Jewell 42/6903 6Claims,9DraWing Sheets
US. Patent Mar. 11,2014 Sheet 1 019 US 8,667,881 B1


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JAB. g,
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US. Patent Mar. 11,2014 Sheet 9 019 US 8,667,881 B1

. We‘:
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US 8,667,881 B1
1 2
SELECTABLE DUAL MODE TRIGGER FOR in a rearWard position. The hammer Will folloW the bolt
SEMIAUTOMATIC FIREARMS assembly forWard, resulting in the aforementioned automatic
?re or requiring manually reciprocating the bolt assembly to
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED resume ?ring. This is a serious shortcoming of the device, as
APPLICATIONS it is capable of ?ring more than one round With a single
function of the trigger thus meeting the de?nition of a
This application claims the bene?t of provisional patent machine gun as described in 26 U.S.C. 5845(b), in Which a
machine gun is de?ned as a Weapon Which is able to ?re more
application Ser. No. 61/576,370 ?led 2011 Dec. 16 by the than one shot With a single function of the trigger. Thus this
present inventor. device Would not gain approval by the Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Firearms Technology
Branch for civilian sales.
Thus, the need exists for solutions to the above problems
PriorArt With prior art.
The following is a tabulation of some prior art that pres SUMMARY
ently appears relevant:
The present invention is a selectable trigger for semiauto
matic ?rearms, enabling quick and easy transitions betWeen
tWo modes and rates of ?re. One mode alloWs normal semi
U.S. Pat. No. 20 automatic operation, in Which the ?rearm ?res one round With
Pat. No. Issue Date Patentee
a pull of the trigger and resets trigger With release of trigger,
and another mode Which ?res a round With a pull ofthe trigger
4,344,351 Aug. 17, 1982 McQueen and ?res another round With trigger release, thus doubling
4,514,923 May 07, 1985 Teel rate of ?re.
4,685,379 Aug. 11, 1987 Troncoso In one embodiment the invention comprises of the folloW
4,787,288 Nov. 29, 1988 Miller 25
5,074,190 Dec. 24, 1991 Troncoso ing core components: A trigger, a primary disconnector, a
6,101,918 Aug. 15, 2000 Akins secondary disconnector, a hammer, a selector cam, a selector
6,966,138 Nov. 22, 2005 Deckard lever, a detent spring and detent ball. These components are
connected as folloWs: The selector cam is positioned under
the front of the primary disconnector. The shaft of the selector
Semi-automatic ?rearms have a limited ?ring rate as com 30
cam passes through the trigger. The selector lever is fastened
pared to automatic Weapons. Automatic Weapons are also to the bottom of the selector cam by a cross pin. A spring and
known to be prohibitively expensive and harder to acquire detent ball are located in the selector lever and engage voids
than semi-automatic ?rearms. As a result many devices have in the trigger to keep selector lever in desired position.
been proposed in the past for increasing the ?ring rate of When the selector lever is turned, the selector cam engages
semi-automatic ?rearms. See for example, U.S. Pat. No. 35 the primary disconnector, tilting the primary disconnector on
4,344,351 to McQueen; U.S. Pat. No. 4,787,288 to Miller; its axis, thus varying the amount of engagement of the pri
U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,803,910 and 5,074,190 to Troncoso; U.S. mary disconnector on the hammer.
Pat. No. 6,101,918 to Akins; and Us. Pat. No. 6,966,138 to With the selector in ?rst position, the ?rearm Will function
Deckard. as most semiautomatic ?rearms function, a pull of the trigger
Some of these solutions attempt to make it easier to “bump 40 Will ?re one round, releasing the trigger Will reset the trigger
?re”, or use the ?rearms recoil to alloW user to manipulate for the next shot. In this mode, the primary disconnector
trigger faster, but these solutions fail to meet the needs of the engagement Will not release hammer until the engagement
industry because of complicated non-intuitive operation or surface of trigger or trigger mechanism is in position to retain
undesirable add on devices. Other solutions attempt to use hammer in a cocked position.
mechanical means such as crank or slide devices to manipu 45 With the selector in the second position, the ?rearm Will
late trigger quickly, but these solutions are similarly unable to ?re one round When the trigger is pulled, and ?re one round
meet the needs of the industry because non-intuitive opera When trigger is released, thus doubling rate of ?re. In this
tion With dif?culty maintaining accurate ?re. Still other solu mode, the primary disconnector engagement depth is less
tions, for example U.S. Pat. No. 6,966,138 to Deckard, seekto ened, alloWing the hammer to be released before the engage
convert a standard trigger to ?re a shot on both pull and 50 ment surface of the trigger or trigger mechanism is in place to
release, but these solutions also fail to meet industry needs retain hammer in a cocked position, thus alloWing hammer to
because the device needs to be installed and removed to fall striking ?ring pin, ?ring a round.
sWitch betWeen modes of operation, and are not compatible The secondary disconnector prevents the hammer from
With trigger systems With a forWard hammer engagement folloWing the bolt assembly forWard if the engagement sur
surface such as AR-15 and AR-10 pattern ri?es, one of the 55 face of the trigger or the primary disconnector is not in posi
most popular ri?es in the United States. tion to retain hammer in a cocked rearWard position. If the
Deckard’s device also has no means of eliminating the trigger is either forWard or rearWard the secondary discon
possibility of “hammer folloW” in the double-?re mode. In nector Will not engage the hammer, but if the trigger is in a
the double ?re mode, if the trigger is not manipulated prop central position that Would alloW the hammer to folloW the
erly, the hammer can folloW the bolt assembly forWard as it 60 bolt forWard, the secondary disconnector Will engage ham
reciprocates resulting in either multiple rounds ?red With one mer retaining it in a rearWard position until the trigger is either
function of the trigger or the hammer being in a forWard pulled or released.
(?red) position With a loaded round in the chamber.
In the double ?re mode of Deckard’s device, the primary Advantages
sear surface of the trigger and the disconnector engagement 65
surface are spaced so that if the trigger is improperly manipu The present invention advantageously ?lls the aforemen
lated or held in a central position, the hammer Will not be held tioned de?ciencies by providing a selectable dual mode trig
US 8,667,881 B1
3 4
ger for semiautomatic ?rearms Which provides the user the FIG. 10 shoWs the dual mode trigger returned to the for
ability to quickly and easily transition betWeen tWo modes of Ward position With the hammer in the cocked rearWard posi
operation, one mode doubling the rate of ?re as opposed to a tion and the selector lever in the ?rst position for normal
conventional trigger system. The invention requires no instal semi-automatic operation.
lation or removal of devices to transition betWeen modes of FIG. 11 shoWs the dual mode trigger in the forWard posi
operation, a simple ?ip of a sWitch is all that is required to tion With the hammer in the cocked rearWard position and the
transition betWeen modes of operation. selector lever in the second position to alloW a shot to be ?red
The inventions secondary disconnector is advantageous in both With trigger pull and trigger release.
that the possibility of hammer folloW is eliminated. The sec FIG. 12 shoWs the dual mode trigger in the rearWard posi
ondary disconnector greatly enhances the reliability of the tion With the hammer in the forWard ?red position and the
trigger system, as Well as prevents more than one round being selector lever in the second position to alloW a shot to be ?red
?red per trigger function, thus meeting BATFE restrictions. both With trigger pull and trigger release.
The invention is advantageous in that it is a mechanical FIG. 13 shoWs the dual mode trigger in the rearWard posi
device, and does not depend on the recoil of the Weapon to tion With the hammer in the rearWard position being held
function, as some prior art devices do. It Will function equally rearWard by the primary disconnector and the selector lever in
Well on ?rearms chambered for high or loW recoil rounds. the second position to alloW a shot to be ?red both With trigger
The present invention is advantageous over prior art in that pull and trigger release.
its operation in both modes is intuitive, With no unusual FIG. 14 shoWs the dual mode trigger in the central position
manipulations or motions required to operate. The device With the hammer in the forWard ?red position having been
operates With a pull and a release of the trigger, in the same
released by the primary disconnector and the selector lever in
the second position to alloW a shot to be ?red both With trigger
manner as practically every other ?rearm. The selector lever
pull and trigger release.
is unobtrusive, and does not hinder normal operation, han FIG. 15 shoWs the dual mode trigger returned to the for
dling, or function. Ward position With the hammer in the rearWard cocked posi
The present invention is advantageous in that it is compat 25
tion and the selector lever in the second position to alloW a
ible With trigger systems With a forWard hammer engagement shot to be ?red both With trigger pull and trigger release.
surface, such as the popularAR-15 andAR-lO pattern ri?es or FIG. 16 shoWs the dual mode trigger in the central position
any semi-automatic ?rearm using or able to be adapted to use With the hammer in the rearWard position being held rearWard
such a trigger system. by the secondary disconnector and the selector lever in the
second position to alloW a shot to be ?red both With trigger
DRAWINGS pull and release.
35 Drawings-Reference Numerals
FIG. 1 shoWs the individual components of the invention in
accordance With the ?rst embodiment in a disassembled state. l trigger
FIG. 2 shoWs various aspects and details of the trigger, 2 hammer
3 primary disconnector
selector lever, detent, detent spring and selector cam. 4 secondary disconnector
FIG. 3 shoWs another aspect of the trigger, selector lever, 40 5 selector cam
and selector pin, shoWing the selector lever in the ?rst posi 6 selector lever
tion, alloWing normal semi-automatic operation. 7 selector pin
8 selector detent
FIG. 4 shoWs another aspect of the trigger and selector 9 selector detent spring
lever With the selector lever in the second position, alloWing a 10 secondary disconnector pin
dual mode of ?re With ?rearm ?ring one shot on trigger pull, 45 11 primary disconnector spring
12 secondary disconnector spring
and ?ring one shot on trigger release. 13 selector cam bore
FIG. 5 shoWs various components of the invention in rela 14 hammer engagement surface of trigger
tion to the receiver or trigger housing of a ?rearm, With the l5 trigger engagement surface of hammer
l6 hammer engagement surface of primary disconnector
trigger and selector lever protruding exposed alloWing 17 primary disconnector engagement surface of hammer
manipulation. 50 l8 hammer engagement surface of secondary disconnector
FIG. 6 shoWs another aspect, an underside vieW, of the 19 secondary disconnector engagement surface of hammer
20 raised camming surface of selector cam
trigger shoWing selector cam bore and recesses for detent 21 safety selector (prior art)
engagement. 22 second position selector detent recess
FIG. 7 shoWs the dual mode trigger in the forWard position 23 ?rst position selector detent recess
With the hammer in the cocked rearWard position and the
55 24 hammer pin (prior art)
25 trigger and primary disconnector pin (prior art)
selector lever in the ?rst position for normal semi-automatic 26 selector detent bore
FIG. 8 shoWs the dual mode trigger in rearWard position
With the hammer in the forWard ?red position and the selector 60 DETAILED DESCRIPTION
lever in the ?rst position for normal semi-automatic opera
tion. FIGS. 1-16
FIG. 9 shoWs the dual mode trigger in the rearWard position
With the hammer in rearWard position With the hammer being Before explaining the disclosed embodiment of the present
held rearWard by the primary disconnector and the selector 65 invention in detail it is to be understood that the invention is
lever in the ?rst position to alloW normal semi-automatic not limited in its application to the details of the particular
operation. arrangement shoWn since the invention is capable of other
US 8,667,881 B1
5 6
embodiments. Also, the terminology used herein is for the engagement surface of the hammer 15. This alloWs the ham
purpose of description and not of limitation. mer 2 to pivot forWard, ?ring a round. The selector lever 6 is
The core components of the selectable dual mode trigger in the ?rst position. The selector cam 5 is visible above the
are illustrated in FIG. 1. A trigger 1 is manufactured With a trigger 1. The raised camming surface of the selector cam 20
selector cam bore 13 in Which a selector cam 5 ?ts, With its is positioned beside the primary disconnector 3. The second
shaft protruding from the bottom of the trigger 1. ary disconnector 4 is in contact With the safety selector 21 and
Af?xed to the loWer portion of selector cam 5 by means of is pivoted rearWard.
a selector pin 7 is a selector lever 6. A selector detent 8 and a FIG. 9 shoWs the trigger 1 in a rearward position being held
selector detent spring 9 ?t inside the selector lever 6. The there by the users ?nger immediately after a shot is ?red. The
trigger 1 has a slot in its top portion to ?t a primary discon selector lever 6 is in the ?rst position. The hammer 2 has been
nector 3, a primary disconnector spring 11, a secondary dis returned to a rearWard position by the ?rearms action, and is
connector 4, and a secondary disconnector spring 12. A sec retained in that position by the primary disconnector 3. The
ondary disconnector pin 10 is used to retain the secondary secondary disconnector 4 is in contact With the safety selector
disconnector 4 in the trigger 1. A hammer 2 is equipped With 21 and is in a rearWard position.
engagement surfaces 15, 17, and 19 for the trigger 1, primary FIG. 10 shoWs the trigger 1 released by the operator and
disconnector 3, and the secondary disconnector 4 respec returned to a forWard position. The hammer 2 has been
tively. released by the primary disconnector 3 and is noW being held
Alternative vieWs of the trigger 1, the selector lever 6, and in a cocked rearWard position by the hammer engagement
the selector cam 5 are shoWn in FIG. 2. In this vieW, the top of surface of the trigger 14. The selector lever 6 is in the ?rst
the selector cam bore 13 is visible on the upper surface of the 20 position. The secondary disconnector 4 is in the forWard
trigger 1. This vieW shoWs a selector detent bore 26 in the top position, no longer in contact With the safety selector 21.
surface of the selector lever 6 in Which the selector detent FIGS. 7-10 detail one cycle of the selectable dual mode
spring 9 and selector detent 8 ?t. Three different aspect vieWs trigger With the selector lever 6 in the ?rst position. The
of the selector cam 5 shoW in detail a raised camming surface ?rearm ?red one round When the trigger 1 Was pulled rear
20. The raised camming surface 20 interfaces With the pri 25 Ward by the operator, and the hammer 2 reset in a cocked
mary disconnector 3 When the selector lever 6 is in the second rearWard position When the operator released the trigger 1.
position. This is the normal semi-automatic mode of operation. The
The selector lever 6 is shoWn in the ?rst position in FIG. 3. hammer 2 is in a cocked position ready to ?re another round
In this position, the ?rearm Will function as a normal semi With the pull of the trigger 1.
automatic, ?ring one shot With trigger pull, and resetting 30 FIG. 11 shoWs the dual mode trigger With the trigger 1 in
trigger With trigger release. Also visible in FIG. 3 is the the forWard position. The hammer 2 is in a cocked rearWard
selector pin 7. position retained in that position by the hammer engagement
The selector lever 6 is shoWn in the second position in FIG. surface of the trigger 14. The selector lever 6 has been rotated
4. The selector lever 6 rotates 90 degrees to transition betWeen 90 degrees and is noW in the second position. The selector
the tWo modes of ?re. In the second position, the ?rearm Will 35 cam 5 has likeWise rotated 90 degrees and the raised camming
?re one round With trigger pull, and ?re one round With surface of the selector cam 20 is positioned under the front of
trigger release. This mode of operation doubles the rate of ?re the primary disconnector 3. The raised camming surface of
as compared to normal semi-automatic operation. the selector cam 20 tilts the primary disconnector 3 rearWard
In FIG. 5 various components of the selectable dual mode about 0.030".
trigger are shoWn in relation to the ?rearms receiver or trigger 40 FIG. 12 shoWs the trigger 1 pulled rearWard by the opera
housing. The curved portion of the trigger 1 and the selector tor. The hammer 2 has rotated forWard, ?ring a round. The
lever 6 are exposed alloWing manipulation to ?re the Weapon selector lever 6 is in the second position. The primary discon
and to select betWeen tWo modes of operation. The trigger 1 nector 3 is tilted rearWard about 0.030" in relation to the
and the primary disconnector 3 pivot on a trigger and primary trigger 1. The secondary disconnector 4 is in contact With the
disconnector pin 25. The hammer 2 pivots on a hammer pin 45 safety selector 21 and is tilted rearWard.
24. A safety selector 21 serves as a static contact point for the FIG. 13 shoWs the trigger 1 held in a rearWard position by
secondary disconnector 4 during the ?ring cycle of the select the operator immediately after ?ring a round. The hammer 2
able dual mode trigger. has been returned to a rearWard position by the ?rearms action
The underside of the trigger 1 is shoWn in FIG. 6. Visible and is retained in that rearWard position by the primary dis
from this perspective are the selector cam bore 13, a ?rst 50 connector 3.
position selector detent recess 23, and a second position FIG. 14 shoWs the trigger 1 in a central position having
selector detent recess 22. been released by the operator. The selector lever 6 is in the
second position and the primary disconnector 3 is tilted rear
OPERATIONiFIGS. 7-16 Ward about 0.030" in relation to the trigger 1. As a result of the
55 primary disconnector 3 being tilted rearWard by the raised
FIG. 7 shoWs the selectable dual mode trigger cocked ready camming surface of the selector cam 20, the hammer engage
to ?re. The selector lever 6 is placed in the ?rst position to ment surface of the primary disconnector 1 6 is rearWard about
alloW normal semi-automatic operation. The trigger 1 is in a 0.030" and releases the hammer 2 before the hammer engage
forWard position. The hammer 2 is retained in a cocked rear ment surface of the trigger 14 is in position to retain it in a
Ward position by the hammer engagement surface of the 60 rearWard position. As a result, instead of the hammer 2 reset
trigger 14. The primary disconnector is pushed in a forWard ting as it does When the selector lever 6 is in the ?rst position,
position by the primary disconnector spring 11. The second the hammer 2 rotates forWard ?ring a round. Thus, tWo rounds
ary disconnector 4 is pushed in a forWard position by the are ?red in one rearWard and forWard cycle of the trigger 1
secondary disconnector spring 12. The secondary disconnec accomplishing a rate of ?re double that of standard semi
tor 4 is not contacting the safety selector 21. 65 automatic ?rearms.
FIG. 8 shoWs the trigger 1 pulled rearWard, disengaging the FIG. 15 shoWs the trigger 1 released by the operator in the
hammer engagement surface ofthe trigger 14 from the trigger forWard position. The selector lever 6 is in the second posi
US 8,667,881 B1
7 8
tion. The hammer 2 has been returned to a rearward position tion. The invention can include additional features as desired,
by the action of the ?rearm. It is retained in the rearWard such as but not limited to a checkered, grooved or resilient
cocked position by the hammer engagement surface of the surface on the selector lever.
trigger 14. One rearWard and forWard (pull and release) cycle
of the trigger 1 has noW been completed resulting in the ?ring ADVANTAGES
of tWo rounds, one shot on pull, one shot on release.
FIG. 16 illustrates the essential and novel function of the From the description above, a number of advantages of my
secondary disconnector 4. When the selector lever 6 is in the selectable dual mode trigger for semiautomatic ?rearms
become evident.
second position, the primary disconnector 3 is tilted rearWard
(a) The selector lever is unobtrusive and ?ts close to the
about 0.030" in relation to the trigger 1. In this mode of receiver or trigger housing of the ?rearm.
operation, in Which the ?rearm ?res a round both With pull (b) The selector lever alloWs easy transition betWeen tWo
and release of trigger 1, it is possible that neither the hammer modes and rates of ?re Without the addition or deletion of any
engagement surface of the primary disconnector 16 or the devices or attachments.
hammer engagement surface of the trigger 14 Will be in (c) The selectable dual mode trigger can be installed in
position to retain the hammer 2 When it is returned rearWard many ?rearms, such as AR-l 5 and AR-10 pattern ri?es With
by the ?rearms action. This possibility exists if the trigger 1 is no modi?cation to the receiver or other major components of
in a central position, neither forWard nor rearWard com the ?rearm.
pletely. (d) The secondary disconnector retains the hammer in a
In this scenario, the secondary disconnector 4 Will retain 20 rearWard position if the trigger is in a central position, yet
the hammer 2 in a rearWard position, preventing the hammer releases the hammer if the trigger is either pulled or released
2 from folloWing the action or bolt forWard. If the hammer 2 completely, preventing automatic ?re or hammer folloW mal
is retained in a rearWard position by the secondary discon functions.
nector 4, a complete pull or release of the trigger 1 Will release (e) The selectable dual mode trigger is mechanical and
the hammer 2. If the trigger 1 is pulled to a rearWard position, 25 functions equally Well on high or loW recoil ?rearms, unlike
the secondary disconnector 4 Will contact the safety selector many other devices for increasing rate of ?re Which are
21 Which tilts the secondary disconnector 4 rearWard, causing dependent on a ?rearms recoil to function.
the hammer engagement surface of the secondary disconnec (f) The selectable dual mode trigger is intuitive to use, the
tor 18 to disengage With the hammer 2. The hammer 2 Will operator simply pulls and releases the trigger inboth modes of
then move forWard slightly before being retained in a rear 30 ?re, as in virtually every other ?rearm.
Ward position by the primary disconnector 3 as illustrated in (g) The selectable dual mode trigger functions in both
FIG. 13. modes While the operator has a ?rm, natural grasp of the
If the hammer 2 is retained in a rearWard position by the ?rearm Which increases accuracy and control.
secondary disconnector 4 as illustrated in FIG. 16 and the (h) Although other devices are add on and external, making
trigger 1 is released to a forWard position by the operator, the 35 them susceptible to damage and contamination With debris,
secondary disconnector 4 Will move rearWard in relation to the selectable dual mode trigger’s components are contained
the hammer 2 and the hammer engagement surface of the inside the ?rearm thus increasing reliability and safety.
secondary disconnector 18 Will disengage the hammer 2. The (i) The selectable dual mode trigger increases the rate of
hammer 2 Will then rotate forWard slightly and be retained in ?re of a semiautomatic ?rearm Without being classi?ed as a
a rearWard position by the hammer engagement surface of the 40 machine gun or restricted Weapon.
trigger 14 as illustrated in FIG. 15.
In use, the operator chooses Which mode of operation he CONCLUSION, RAMIFICATIONS, AND SCOPE
desires to ?re the Weapon in and rotates the selector lever 6
accordingly. The operator then pulls and releases the trigger Accordingly, the reader Will see that the selectable dual
1. In the ?rst mode the ?rearm Will discharge one round With 45 mode trigger can be used to quickly and easily transition
each complete pull and release of the trigger 1, in the second betWeen tWo modes and rates of ?re. The selectable dual
mode the ?rearm Will discharge tWo rounds With each com mode trigger alloWs rates of ?re approaching that of fully
plete pull and release of the trigger 1. automatic ?rearms Without the disadvantages of other pro
The trigger 1, hammer 2, selector cam 5, primary discon posed devices. Unlike other devices proposed to increase rate
nector 3, and secondary disconnector 4 are constructed of 50 of ?re, it is unobtrusive and requires no special techniques to
hardened ?rearms grade tool steel. The selector lever 6 can be operate. The selectable dual mode trigger is compatible With
constructed of various materials including but not limited to ?rearms and trigger systems With a forWard hammer engage
aluminum alloys, mild steel, hardened steel, or various com ment surface, such as the popular AR-l 5 type ?rearms.
posites. Although the description above contains many speci?ci
While the invention has been described, disclosed, illus 55 ties, these should not be construed as limiting the scope of the
trated, and shoWn in one embodiment, the scope of the inven embodiments, but providing illustrations of one embodiment.
tion is not intended to be, nor should it be deemed to be, For example, the various components such as the trigger,
limited thereby and such other modi?cations or embodiments hammer, disconnectors, selector lever and cam can have dif
as may be suggested by the teachings herein are particularly ferent shapes, the trigger can have a separate sear, the sec
reserved especially if they fall Within the scope of the claims 60 ondary disconnector can have alternative means of releasing
here appended. Other embodiments could use other means of hammer, etc.
selectively varying the engagement of the primary disconnec Thus the scope of the embodiments should be determined
tor such as a sliding or pivoting selector. The secondary by the appended claims and their legal equivalents, rather
disconnector could use a static point of contact other than the than by the examples given.
safety selector to accomplish disengagement With the ham 65 I claim:
mer. Means other than a detent ball and spring could be 1. An integral device for selecting betWeen tWo modes and
implemented to secure the selector lever in the desired posi rates of ?re of a semi-automatic ?rearm having a pivotal
US 8,667,881 B1
9 10
hammer and a pivotal disconnector, one mode enabling a 2. The trigger of claim 1, Wherein said trigger is manufac
round to be ?red With trigger pull and the hammer to be reset, tured With a ?at surface perpendicular to and surrounding the
Without ?ring another round, With trigger release, another bore, the component attached to the rotatable selector ?tted to
mode enabling a round to be ?red With trigger pull and and bearing on said ?at surface, said ?at surface having tWo
another round to be ?red With trigger release, comprising: indented recesses 90 degrees apart.
3. The movable member of claim 1, Wherein a top surface
a pullable trigger having a bore formed therethrough; of said rotatable selector is manufactured With a raised por
a rotatable selector that acts upon said pivotal disconnector tion to engage and tilt the disconnector on its axis as said
to selectively vary the amount of engagement of said rotatable selector is rotated.
disconnector With said hammer, said rotatable selector 4. The pivotal disconnector of claim 1, Wherein said dis
extending through said bore from the interior of the connector is manufactured to interface With a top surface of
?rearm to the exterior of the ?rearm and rotatable Within said rotatable selector.
said bore to effect selection betWeen said one mode and 5. The component attached to the movable member of
said another mode; and claim 1, Wherein said component comprises a lever that the
user manipulates to rotate said rotatable selector.
a component integral With said rotatable selector, said com
ponent extending to the exterior of the ?rearm and facili 6. The lever of claim 5, Wherein said lever contains a detent
tating manipulation by a user to rotate the rotatable ball and detent spring, said detent ball engaging one of tWo
selector Within said bore to select betWeen said one indented recesses on a ?at surface of the trigger.
mode and said another mode. * * * * *

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