Switches Handout.
Switches Handout.
Switches Handout.
1. You will become familiar with the instructions of laboratory procedure prior to the
initiation of any related activity. Read all directions for the experiment at least two times.
Ask questions if you don't understand any part of the directions. No changes from the
instructions will be allowed without permission from the teacher or instructor.
2. Handle sharp-edged tools with special care.
a) Never carry them unshielded in pockets.
b) Never hand such a tool to a friend with the cutting edge first.
c) Avoid placing your fingers or hands in the path of motion of the cutting tools.
3. Never leave tools on top of a step-ladder or any other place above your head.
4. Never abuse tools. Never use them for purposes other than those for which they are
5. If tools or cords run very hot, report the condition to the instructor. The insulation could
be deteriorating. Never wrap a cloth around a tool to hot to hold. Sparks can ignite the
1.1 Proper Storage of tools: it is useful to increase the service year of the electrical
1. Tools may be stored horizontally or vertically depending on the construction and
safety requirements.
2. Tools must not be exposed to an environment which shortens their service span
(E.g. damp areas).
3. Tools must be stored so that they may be easily accessible and easily noticed when
4. Heavy objects should not be stored overheated where they can easily cause accidents
5. Chemicals and inflammables must be stored in restricted areas.
1.2 Proper usage: These also to prevent Human accident and equipment damage, Increase the
service time of the equipment.
1. All tools must be used for the purpose that that designed for.
2. Sharp-edge or pointed-tip tools should be handled with care. Wear safety glass or face
shield when working with hazardous equipment. e.g.) welding
3. Wear gloves when using any toxic agents.
4. Protected shoes are required when working in the machine shops.
Pliers are made of steel alloys with additives such as Vanadium or Chromium, to improve
strength and prevent corrosion. They have insulation grids to ensure better handling and
prevent electrical conductivity.
i. Lineman’s (Combination) pliers: used for cutting, gripping and the like.
ii. Wire stripping pliers: used for cutting & removing insulation on electrical wire.
iii. Diagonal pliers: wire cutters, side cutting pliers, side cutters.
iv. Needle nose pliers: designed for gripping, but typically incorporate a cutter for
v. Pincers: used to grip something like nail.
vi. Slip joint pliers: similar to combination pliers but whose pivot can be slipped
between two holes when the jaws are fully open to change their size called.
e. Digital Multimeter
f. Jumper wires (connecting wires)
g. Soldering gun (pistol type) or Soldering iron (pencil type) is a tool for soldering metals
using tin-base solder to achieve a highly conductive contact. Soldering guns are used in
a place where more heat is needed.
h. Solder: is a fusible metal alloy with a melting point or melting range of 90 to 450
degree centigrade. They are made from alloys of tin (Sb), lead (Pb) and contain flux.
2. Western Union splice: This kind of splice is the most frequent one in interior wiring
for joining two lengths of solid wires and extending them from place to place. Although
its greatest use is with small wires where the fingers and pliers can be employed
conveniently, it may be used on large wires with the aid of both wire connectors and
a) Remove about 8 cm of insulation from the ends of both wires.
b) Clean wires by scraping with a knife
c) Using pliers make a neck turn. Then using your thumb and forefinger or
pliers. Make five to eight shoulders on each side.
The term wire and cable are used more nor less synonymously in house wiring. Strictly
speaking, single wire, may be bare or covered with insulation is known as a wire and
several wires stranded together is known as a cable. But in practice bare conductors,
whether single or stranded together are termed as wire and conductors covered with
insulation are termed as cables.
The necessary requirements of a cable are that it should conduct electricity
efficiently, cheaply, and safely. This should neither be so small so as to have a large
internal voltage drop nor be too large so as to cost too much. Its insulation should be such
as to prevent leakage of current in unwanted direction and to minimize risk of fire and
A cable consists of three parts:
a. the conductor or core- the metal wire or strand of wires caring current.
b. the insulation or dielectric- a covering of insulation material to avoid leakage
current from the conductor.
c. the protective covering- for protection of insulation from mechanical damage.
Copper and aluminum are the materials used as conductors in power and lighting cables.
1. Copper: though silver is the best conductor, but due to it's higher cost it is hardly used
anywhere. The next best conductor is copper, which is comparatively cheap.
The electrical resistivity of pure copper at 200c is 1.786 x 10-8 ohm .m. It is
mechanically strong, hard, extremely tough, durable and ductile. It is highly
resistive to corrosion, oxidation, and pitting.
2. Aluminum: is frequently used in place of copper for bare electric cables used for long
distance power distribution. The electrical conductivity of aluminum is
about 60% of that of copper. The only application of aluminum cables for
wiring in buildings is for a continuous bus-bar system of distribution, used
sometimes in blocks of flat or office buildings for rising mains and sub-
mains of large sectional area.
Rubber: rubber may be natural or synthetic. Its dielectric strength is 30KV/mm. Though it
posses high insulating qualities, it absorbs moisture readily, softens when heated
to a temperature of 600c to 700c, swells under the action of mineral oils and ages
when exposed to light. Hence pure rubber cannot be used as insulating
Mechanical protection
All the insulating materials used in the manufacturing of cables are mechanically
weak, so they require some form of protection for mechanical injury. Mechanical
protection is usually provided to power cables laid direct in the ground by providing two
layers of steel tape in such away that upper layer covers the lower joint in the lower layer.
3. PVC cables:
• Are available in 250/440 volt and 650/1100 volt grades
• Used in concealed type of wiring system.
• Since PVC cables are harder than rubber, they do not require cotton taping
and braiding over it for mechanical and moisture protection.
4. Weather proof cables:
•Are used for out door wiring and for power supply
• are not affected by heat or sun or rain.
• Are either PVC insulated or vulcanized rubber-insulated conductors being
suitably taped (only incase of vulcanized rubber insulated cable) braided and
then compounded with weather resisting material.
•Are available in 250/440 and 650/1100 volt grades.
Colors of conductors:
Color identification of bare conductors and cable cores are given by EELPA’S regulation
Earthing --------------------------------------------- white
Live of a.c single-phase circuit ------------------- Green
Neutral of ac single or three phase ac circuit ----black
Phase R of three-phase ac circuit ------------------Green
Phase S of three-phase ac circuit ------------------ Yellow
Phase T of three-phase ac circuit ------------------ Red
The commonest method of installing cables is to draw them in to a conduit. The conduit
can be steel or plastic steel conduit is made in both light gauge and heavy gauge of which
heavy gauge is much more frequently used.
In general, conduits can be classified as:
i. Light gauge steel-plain (unscrewed) conduit.
ii. Heavy gauge steel-screwed conduit.
iii. Flexible conduit
iv. PVC conduit.
► Conduit couplers:
- used to join two lengths of conduit
- are threaded on both ends.
► Bends elbows and tees: - are generally called conduit fittings.
Bends are usually used for change in direction of conduit. This should
never be sharp. The minimum allowable radius of curvature is 2.5
times the outside diameter of the conduit.
Solid elbows and tees should be used only at the end of the conduit
run (e.g. close behind a light fitting or accessory.).
► Conduit boxes
- are used in surface conduit wiring as well as concealed conduit wiring.
- are of different designs which serve the following purposes:
i. For providing connections to light, fan, and other points.
The conduit boxes serving the purpose are known as
outlet boxes because conduit terminates at the boxes.
ii. For pulling of cables in to the conduits. The boxes
serving this purpose are known as inspection boxes.
iii. For housing junction of cables. The conduit boxes serving
this purpose are known as junction boxes.
► Lamp Holders
* Are designed for quick removal and replacement of the lamp and yet they must hold
the lamp in firm metallic contact to prevent overheating.
* There are three main sizes of lamp holders: Bayonet-cap (B, C), the medium Edison
screw (E.S) and the Goliath screw (G.E.S).
* For ordinary tungsten filament lamps up to 200W the lamp caps and lamp holders
are B, C, caps, up to 300W the caps are E.S, and above 300W they are G.E.S. In
any case where the lamp is to be installed, the appropriate size and type of holder
must be fitted. Lamp holders may be either the insulated type of Bakelite or the brass
type with porcelain interior.
* Consists of a piece of copper or tin-lead alloy wire, which will melt when carrying a
predetermined current. This element with contacts, carrier and base is called a fuse.
* Is placed in series with the circuit to be protected, and automatically breaks the
circuit when over loaded.
* The time for blowing out of a fuse depends on the magnitude of excess current. i.e.
the larger the fault current the more rapidly the fuse blows.
* Three terms are used in connection with fuses.
Current rating: this is the maximum current that a fuse will carry
indefinitely without undue deterioration of the fuse element.
Fusing current: this is the minimum current that will ‘blow’ the fuse.
Fusing Factor: this is the ratio of minimum fusing current to the current
* There are two main types of fuses: the rewirable and the cartridge (or high
breaking capacity, HBC) fuses; the high breaking is a development of the
cartridge type.
► Rewirable Fuses
* This type of fuse consists of a porcelain (usual material) bridge and base. The
bridge has two sets of contacts, which fit in to other contacts in the base. The fuse
element usually tinned copper wire is connected between the terminals of the
bridge. An asbestos tube or pad is usually fitted to reduce the effects of arcing
when the fuse element melts.
* The rewirable fuse is a simple and relatively cheap type of over current
protective device and is still widely used despite several disadvantages
a. The fact that it is rewirable enables the wrong size of the fuse wire
(element) to be used.
b. Undue deterioration of the fuse element due to oxidation.
c. Lack of discrimination. This means that normal starting surges
(e.g. when motors, etc are switched on) are “seen” by the fuse as an
over load and will therefore break the circuit.
d. Damage, particularly in conditions of severe short circuit.
* The fusing factor for a rewirable fuse is about 2.
The high breaking capacity fuse (HBC) has its fusing characteristics carefully controlled
by the manufacturer. As its name implies it can safely interrupt very large currents. The
fuses are often used to protect large industrial load and main cables. The cartridge barrel
is of high-grade ceramic able to with stand the shock conditions when a heavy fault
current is interrupted. Except for very low ratings, the fuse element is made from pure
silver. The filler is powdered silica, carefully dried before use. An indicator is provided
to show when the fuse has blown.
The cartridge type (HBC) fuse is more expensive than the rewirable. The fusing factor of
HBC fuse is for small loads up to 1.25A, thus a 10 A HBC fuse will blow at 12.5A.
HBC fuses are discriminating; which means that they are able to distinguish between a
starting current taken by a motor (which lasts for a matter of seconds) and a high fault or
overload current (which lasts longer). Motors are normally protected against overloads by
the starter trip; the fuses are required only to give protections against short circuit
currents and overloads outside the capacity of thermal trip.
Is a device designed to open and close a circuit by non- automatic means and to
open the circuit automatically on a predetermined over-current without injury
to itself when properly applied within its rating. So a circuit breaker is a
combination device composed of a manual switch and an over – current device.
A circuit breaker has several advantages over any type of
a. In the event of fault or overload all the poles are simultaneously disconnected
from the supply
B. overload and time-lags are capable of adjustment within limits
C. the circuit can be closed again quickly onto the fault safely
Circuit breakers are rated in amperes just as fuses are rated. Like fuses, breakers are
tested in open air to carry 110% of their rated loads indefinitely without tripping. Most
breakers will carry 150% of their rated load for perhaps a minute, 200% for about 20 sec.
and 300% for about 5 sec, long enough to carry the heavy current required to start most
► Standard ratings: both fuse and circuit breakers are available in standard ratings of 6,
10, 16, 20, 25, 35, 50, 63, 80, 100, 125, 160, 224, 250, 300, and large sizes.
A distribution board is an assemblage of parts, including one or more fuses or circuit breakers,
arranged for the distribution of electrical energy to final circuits or to other sub- distribution
boards. It consists of a case inside which is a frame holding a number of fuse (CB) carriers
behind the frame or something along side or above it, is a bus-bar to which the incoming
sub-main is connected. From the bus-bar there is connection provided to one side of each
fuse way (CB). The installer to the out going terminal of the fuse ways then connects each
final sub-circuit
The standard distribution boards usually have 4, 6, 8, 12, 18 or 24 fuse ways both single phase
and three phases are available. It is not necessary to utilize all the available fuse ways on a
board, and in fact it is very desirable to leave several spare ways on each board for future
Figure 4 shows the general lay out of a distribution board.
Selecting a Switch
Circuit symbol for a
There are three important features to consider when selecting a switch: simple on-off switch
Switch Contacts
For example: the simplest on-off switch has one set of contacts (single pole) and one switching
position which conducts (single throw). The switch mechanism has two positions: open (off) and
closed (on), but it is called 'single throw' because only one position conducts.
Switch contacts are rated with a maximum voltage and current, and there may be different
ratings for AC and DC. The AC values are higher because the current falls to zero many times
each second and an arc is less likely to form across the switch contacts.
For low voltage electronics projects the voltage rating will not matter, but you may need to check
the current rating. The maximum current is less for inductive loads (coils and motors) because
they cause more sparking at the contacts when switched off.
Standard Switches
Push-to-make = SPST Momentary
SPDT Centre Off
A special version of the standard SPDT
switch. It has a third switching position in
the centre which is off. Momentary (ON)-
OFF-(ON) versions are also available
where the switch returns to the central off SPDT rocker switch
position when released.
Double Pole, Single Throw = DPST
Dual ON-ON
Double Pole, Double Throw = DPDT
DPDT Centre Off
A special version of the standard SPDT
switch. It has a third switching position in Wiring for Reversing Switch
the centre which is off. This can be very
useful for motor control because you have
forward, off and reverse positions.
Momentary (ON)-OFF-(ON) versions are
also available where the switch returns to
the central off position when released.
Special Switches
Revers(gang) switch
Push button
Incandescent lamp
Florescent lamp