12 - TPP - Aliphatic Hydrocarbons
12 - TPP - Aliphatic Hydrocarbons
12 - TPP - Aliphatic Hydrocarbons
2. Select the incorrect statement regarding the 8. Which of the following will be acidic?
boiling points of alkanes.
a. 1-butyne
a. Boiling point increases with stronger Vander Waal’s b. Propyne
forces c. Hexane
b. Surface area is the only factor which determines the d. All of the above
boiling point of alkane
c. Boiling point of straight chain alkanes is greater
than that of branched chain alkanes 9. Molozonide is unstable and changes into
d. The boiling point of cycloalkanes is always higher ozonide by:
than that of linear alkanes
a. Reduction
b. Oxidation
3. Reactivity due to pi-electrons is present in c. Hydrolysis
d. Rearrangement
a. Alkane
b. Alkene
c. Alkyne 10. β, β-dichlorodiethyl sulpide is also known as:
d. Both a and b
a. Laughing gas
b. Bio gas
4. Order of ease of halogenation in alkane is: c. Mustard Gas
d. Phosgene gas
a. I2>Cl2>Br2>F2
b. F2>Cl2>I2>Br2
c. F2>Cl2>Br2>I2 11. When 2-butyne is treated with
d. Cl2>F2>Br2>I2 dil.H2SO4/HgSO4, the product formed is
a. Butanol
5. Dehydrohalogenation of ethyl halide gives: b. 2-Butanol
c. 2-Butanone
a. Ethane d. Butanal
b. Ethyne
c. Ethene
d. all of the above are possible 12. An organic compound on treatment with Br2 in
CCl4 gives a bromo derivative of an alkene. The
compound will be
a. CH2 – CH = CH2
b. CH2 – CH = CH – CH2
c. HC ≡ CH
d. CH2 = CH2
a. sp – sp² a. 2- chloropentane
b. sp³ – sp³ b. 2- chloropentyne
c. sp – sp³ c. 3- chloropentane
d. sp² – sp³ d. 2- chloro-2-methyl butane
14. The order of the bond length of (i) ethane, (ii) 20. Sodium propionate on decarboxylation with
ethene, (iii) acetylene and (iv) benzene is: soda-lime gives
15. Alkaline KMnO4 oxidizes acetylene to which of 21. Chlorination of an alkane involves the attack of
the following?
a. A Base
a. Acetic Acid b. A free radical
b. Glyoxal c. A nucleophile
c. Oxalic Acid d. An Electrophile
d. Ethylene Glycol