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Flexural Strength and Modulus of Elasticity of Chemical-Resistant Mortars, Grouts, Monolithic Surfacings, and Polymer Concretes

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Designation: C 580 – 02 (Reapproved 2008)

Standard Test Method for

Flexural Strength and Modulus of Elasticity of Chemical-
Resistant Mortars, Grouts, Monolithic Surfacings, and
Polymer Concretes1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C 580; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

1. Scope C 904 Terminology Relating to Chemical-Resistant Non-

1.1 This test method covers the determination of flexural metallic Materials
strength and modulus of elasticity in flexure of cured chemical- C 1312 Practice for Making and Conditioning Chemical-
resistant materials in the form of molded rectangular beams. Resistant Sulfur Polymer Cement Concrete Test Speci-
These materials include mortars, brick and tile grouts, struc- mens in the Laboratory
tural grouts, machinery grouts, monolithic surfacings (60 mils E 4 Practices for Force Verification of Testing Machines
or greater), and polymer concretes. These materials shall be 3. Terminology
based on resin, silicate, silica, or sulfur binders.
1.2 A bar of rectangular cross section is tested in flexure as 3.1 Definitions—For definitions of terms used in this test
a simple beam in center point loading: the bar rests on two method, see Terminology C 904.
supports and the load is applied by means of a loading nose 4. Significance and Use
midway between supports.
1.3 Method A outlines the testing procedure generally used 4.1 This test method is generally applicable to rigid and
for systems containing aggregate less than 0.2 in. (5 mm) in semirigid materials. Although flexural strength cannot be
size. Method B covers the testing procedure generally used for determined for those materials that do not break, tangent
systems containing aggregate from 0.2 to 0.4 in. (10 mm) in modulus of elasticity can be determined.
size. Method C is used for systems containing aggregate larger 4.2 The results obtained by this test method should serve as
than 0.4 in. a guide in, but not as the sole basis for, selection of a
1.4 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded chemical-resistant material for a particular application. No
as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical attempt has been made to incorporate into this test method all
conversions to SI units that are provided for information only the various factors that may affect the performance of a
and are not considered standard. material when subjected to actual service.
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the 4.3 In addition to the tangent modulus of elasticity, a secant
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the modulus is calculated at the point on the stress-strain (load-
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- deflection) graph where the strain is 50 % of the maximum
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- strain.
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. 5. Apparatus
2. Referenced Documents 5.1 Weighing Equipment, shall be capable of weighing
2.1 ASTM Standards: 2 materials or specimens to 60.3 % accuracy.
5.2 Equipment for Mixing Materials, shall consist of a
container of suitable size, preferably corrosion-resistant, a
spatula, trowel, or mechanical mixer, and a 3⁄8 in. diameter rod
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C03 on with a rounded end, for use in casting specimens.
Chemical-Resistant Nonmetallic Materials and is the direct responsibility of
Subcommittee C03.01 on Mortars and Carbon Brick. 5.3 Specimen Molds:
Current edition approved June 1, 2008. Published July 2008. Originally approved 5.3.1 Method A—Molds to permit the casting of bars 1 6
in 1965. Last previous edition approved in 2002 as C 580 – 02. 1⁄16 in. (25 6 1 mm) square by 10 in. (250 mm) minimum
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on For sulfur mortars, the following additional equip-
the ASTM website. ment is required:

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

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C 580 – 02 (2008)
(1) Cover Plate, of a size sufficient to enclose the open side temperature of the mixing area shall be 73 6 4°F (23 6 2°C),
of the bar mold. The base plate from another similar bar mold unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer. Record the
has been found to be acceptable. actual temperature.
(2) C-Clamp, large enough to fasten the cover plate 6.3.2 Sulfur Mortars—The material shall be maintained at
securely over the bar mold. 275 6 15°F. The temperature of the molds and the ambient
(3) Melting Chamber, of sufficient volume and heat capac- temperature of the mixing area shall be 73 6 4°F (23 6 2°C).
ity to melt the sulfur mortar sample and maintain the tempera- Record the actual temperature.
ture of the melt between 260 and 290°F (127 and 143°C). 6.3.3 For Sulfur Concrete, the material, mold, apparatus,
(4) Laboratory Mixer, of such a type and speed to be and mixing equipment shall be 275 6 15°F (135 6 8°C),
capable of lifting the aggregate without beating air into the unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer. Refer to
melt. Practice C 1312.
(5) Ladle, of sufficient capacity to completely pour one bar. 6.4 Molding Test Specimens:
(6) Masking Tape, 1 in. (25 mm), or an equivalent. 6.4.1 Lubricate the mold by applying a thin film of an
5.3.2 Method B—Molds to permit the casting of bars 2 6 1⁄8 appropriate mold release or lubricant.
in. (50 6 3 mm) square by 12 in. (300 mm) minimum length. 6.4.2 Resin, Silicate, and Silica Materials—Mix a sufficient
5.3.3 Method C—Molds to permit casting of rectangular amount of the components in the proportions and in the manner
beams shall have a minimum cross-sectional dimension of 2 in. specified by the manufacturer of the materials. Fill the molds
and at least three times the nominal maximum size of the one-half full. Remove any entrapped air by using a cutting and
coarse aggregate in the polymer concrete (Note 1). The bar stabbing motion with a spatula or rounded-end rod. Fill the
length shall be at least three times the beam depth plus 2 in. remainder of the mold, working down into the previously
placed portion. Upon completion of the filling operation, the
NOTE 1—The nominal maximum size of coarse aggregate is that size tops of the specimens should extend slightly above the tops of
next larger than the largest sieve on which at least 15 % of the coarse the molds. When the molds have been filled, strike off the
aggregate by weight is retained.
excess material, even with the top of the mold. Permit the
5.4 Testing Machine—The testing machine shall be of any material to remain in the mold until it has set sufficiently to
type sufficient to provide the required load and the rate of allow removal without danger of deformation or breakage.
deflection prescribed. It shall have been verified to have an 6.4.3 Silicate Materials—Some silicates may require cov-
accuracy of 1.0 % or better within twelve months of the time of ering during the curing period. After removal from the molds,
use in accordance with Practices E 4. It shall be equipped with acid-treat the specimens, if required, in accordance with the
an appropriate device to record deflection and produce a graph recommendations given by the manufacturer. No other treat-
of load versus deflection. ment shall be permitted. Record the method of treatment in the
5.5 Loading Nose and Supports—The loading nose and report section under Conditioning Procedure.
supports shall have cylindrical surfaces. To avoid excessive 6.4.4 Sulfur Mortars:
indentation, the radius of the nose and supports shall be at least Assemble the mold described in 5.3.1 for the speci-
1⁄8 in. for Method A specimens, 1⁄4 in. for Method B specimens, mens. Cover the bolt hole in the mold end piece with 1 in. (25
and 1⁄2 in. for Method C specimens. mm) masking tape or other material. Carefully place the cover plate onto the mold,
6. Test Specimens covering only one of the end pieces. Apply a C-clamp around
the mold and cover plate in such a manner as to hold the
6.1 All specimens for a single determination shall be made
longitudinal mold pieces firmly in place with the cover plate.
from a single mix containing sufficient amounts of the com- Remove the uncovered end piece, being careful not
ponents in the proportions and in the manner specified by the
to disturb the side bars.
manufacturer of the materials. If the proportions so specified Stand the mold on end, supporting it in such a
are by volume, the components shall be weighed and the
manner that it will not tip.
corresponding proportions by weight shall be reported. Slowly melt approximately 5 lb (2.3 kg) of sulfur
6.1.1 Number of Specimens—Prepare a minimum of six test
mortar in the melt chamber at a temperature of 275 6 15°F
bar specimens for each material tested. Additional specimens
while stirring gently with the laboratory mixer. (The mixer
may be required to establish the cross head speed in 9.3.2.
speed should be controlled so that it is sufficient to lift the
6.2 Specimen Size: aggregate without beating air into the melt.)
6.2.1 For Method A, the specimen shall be 1 6 1⁄16 in. (25 Using the ladle, fill each mold completely, allowing
6 1 mm) square by 10 to 14 in. (254 to 356 mm) long. the molten material to just reach the upper end of the mold.
6.2.2 For Method B, the specimens shall be 2 6 1⁄8 in. (25 Carefully watch the end of the fresh casting and
6 1 mm) square by 12 to 16 in. (305 to 406 mm) long. continually “top-off” the pour as shrinkage occurs (approxi-
6.2.3 For Method C, the specimens shall be rectangular mately three times).
beams with cross section as in 5.3.3 and with a length equal to 6.4.5 Sulfur Concrete—Refer to Practice C 1312.
the span plus 2 to 12 in. (51 to 305 mm).
6.3 Specimen Preparation Temperature: 7. Conditioning
6.3.1 Resin, Silicate, and Silica Materials—The standard 7.1 Resin, Silica, and Silicate Materials—Age the test
temperature of the materials, molds, apparatus, and the ambient specimens for a period of seven days, including the cure period

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Laurentian University pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
C 580 – 02 (2008)
in the mold, at 73 6 4°F (23 6 2°C) and relative humidity less where:
than 80 % before testing. S = stress in the specimen at midspan, psi (MPa),
7.2 Sulfur Materials—Before testing, condition the speci- P = the maximum load at or prior to the moment of crack
mens at 73 6 4°F. The time between casting the specimens and or break, lbf (or N),
testing the specimens shall be at least 24 h. L = span, in. (mm),
7.3 If longer or shorter conditioning time is used, the b = width of beam tested, in. (mm), and
conditioning time shall be reported. d = depth of beam tested, in. (mm).
9.2 Modulus of Elasticity (Tangent)—The tangent modulus
8. Procedure of elasticity is the ratio, within the elastic limit, of stress to
8.1 Measurement of Specimens—Measure the depth and corresponding strain, and shall be expressed in psi (MPa). It is
width of all test specimens to the nearest 0.001 in. (0.025 mm) calculated by drawing a tangent line to the steepest initial
using a micrometer. Make two measurements for each dimen- portion of the load-deformation curve and calculating as
sion near the middle of the beam’s length and average them. follows:
8.2 The testing machine shall be set up to test the specimens ET 5 L3 M1/4 bd3 (3)
in simple bending with two supports and the load being applied
by means of a loading nose midway between the supports. where:
8.2.1 Method A—The span shall be 9 6 0.1 in. (230 6 2 ET = tangent modulus of elasticity in bending, psi (GPa),
mm). L = span, in. (mm),
b = width of beam tested, in. (mm),
8.2.2 Method B—The span shall be 10 6 0.1 in. (254 6 3
d = depth of beam tested, in. (mm), and
mm). M1 = slope of the tangent to the initial straight-line portion
8.2.3 Method C—The span shall be beam depth times 3 6 of the load-deflection curve, lbf/in. (N/mm) deflec-
2 %. tion.
8.3 Cross Head Speed:
9.3 Modulus of Elasticity (Secant):
8.3.1 In order to achieve a strain rate of 0.01 6 0.001 per
9.3.1 The secant modulus of elasticity is the ratio of stress to
minute at the top and bottom of the beam, set the testing
corresponding strain at any specified point of the stress strain
machine to produce a cross head speed as determined by the
curve. It shall be expressed in psi (GPa).
following formula:
9.3.2 Under this procedure the secant modulus of elasticity
0.00167 3 L2 shall be calculated at the point at which the deflection is 50 %
Speed 5 d (1)
of the maximum deflection. It shall be calculated as follows:
where: ES 5 L3 M2/4 bd3 (4)
speed = the cross head speed, in./min (mm/min),
L = span, in. (mm), and where:
d = depth of beam tested, in. (mm). ES = the secant modulus of elasticity in bending, psi
8.3.2 For sulfur concrete, load the specimen continuously (GPa),
and without shock. The load may be applied rapidly up to L = span, in. (mm),
approximately 50 % of the breaking load. Thereafter, apply the b = width of beam tested, in. (mm),
load at such a rate that constantly increases the extreme fiber d = depth of beam tested, in. (mm), and
M2 = the slope of a line drawn from the origin through the
stress between 125 and 175 psi/min (0.86 and 1.21 MPa/min),
point on the load deflection curve where the deflec-
when calculated in accordance with 9.1, until rupture occurs.
tion = 50 % of the maximum deflection, lbf/in. (N/
8.4 Place the specimen in the testing machine in such a
manner that the faces of the beam that were in contact with the
true plane surfaces of the mold are in contact with the supports
and the center loading nose. Center the beam over the 10. Report
specimen supports. 10.1 Report the following information:
8.5 Apply the load to the specimen at the speed calculated in 10.1.1 Manufacturer, product trade name, generic type, and
8.3.1 (this is the cross head speed of the machine when running lot number;
without load) and record load deflection data. Deflection shall 10.1.2 Method used, bar dimensions, and testing span;
be measured by either a transducer under the specimen and in 10.1.3 Mixing ratio and component weights;
contact with it at the center of the span, or by the measurement 10.1.4 Conditioning procedure and duration in days;
of the motion of the loading nose relative to the supports. 10.1.5 Test conditions (temperature and humidity);
8.5.1 Stop the test when the specimen breaks or the load 10.1.6 Load-deflection curve for each specimen tested; and
drops off 25 % from its highest value. 10.1.7 Individual and average results of flexural strength,
tangent modulus of elasticity, and secant modulus of elasticity.
9. Calculations
9.1 Flexural Strength—The flexural strength is equal to the 11. Precision and Bias
stress calculated at maximum load. It is calculated as follows: 11.1 Precision and bias for this test method have not been
S 5 3 PL/2 bd2 (2) established.

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C 580 – 02 (2008)
11.2 Test specimens that are manifestly faulty should be 12. Keywords
rejected and not considered in determining the flexural strength
12.1 brick mortars; chemical resistant; flexural strength;
and modulus of elasticity.
machinery grouts; modulus of elasticity; monolithic surfac-
11.3 If any strength value differs from the mean by more
ings; polymer concrete; resin materials; silicate materials;
than 15 %, that value shall be rejected and the mean recalcu-
lated. Repeat this process until all test values are within 15 % sulfur materials; tile grouts
of the mean.
11.3.1 If less than two-thirds of the values remain, the test
shall be rerun.


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 In a typical stress-strain curve (Fig. X1.1) there is a B, defined as zero-strain). The secant modulus of elasticity (at
toe region, AC, that does not represent a property of the 50 % of maximum deflection) can be determined by dividing
material. It is a portion of the curve that reflects some the stress at any point along the line BE (or its extension) by
displacement caused by a takeup of slack, misalignment, or the strain at the same point (measured from point B, defined as
improper seating of the specimen. In order to obtain correct zero-strain). The deflection (strain) BG is one-half of the
values of such parameters as modulus and strain, this effect corrected maximum strain BH.
must be compensated for to give the corrected zero point X1.2.1 For the calculation shown in 9.2, M1 will be the
(intersect) on the strain or deflection axis. slope of the line BD. For the calculation shown in 9.3.2, M2
X1.2 In the case of a material exhibiting a region of will be the slope of the line BE.
Hookean (linear) behavior (Fig. X1.1), a continuation of the
linear (CD) region of the curve is constructed through the X1.3 In the case of a material that does not exhibit any
zero-stress axis. This intersection (B) is the corrected zero- linear region (Fig. X1.2), the same kind of toe correction for
strain point from which all deflections or strains must be the zero-strain point can be made by constructing a tangent to
measured. The tangent modulus of elasticity can be determined the maximum slope at the inflection point (C*). This is
by dividing the stress at any point along the line BD (or its extended to intersect the strain axis at point B.
extension) by the strain at the same point (measured from point X1.3.1 The calculations will be the same as in X1.2.1.

FIG. X1.1 Stress-Strain Curve (Hookean (Linear) Region)

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C 580 – 02 (2008)

FIG. X1.2 Stress-Strain Curve (no linear region)

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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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