Unit 1 Rocks Minerals and Their Expolitation
Unit 1 Rocks Minerals and Their Expolitation
Unit 1 Rocks Minerals and Their Expolitation
o Sedimentary rocks:
Formed by the weathering of existing rocks at the Earth’s surface.
Fossils may be present.
Sediments (small particles of rocks) accumulate into layers and get pressurised due to the
newer deposits above them.
The sediments are transported by water and wind (erosion).
Particles like clays, silts, sands, gravels and small boulders are found in sediments.
Examples: limestone, sandstone and shale.
o Metamorphic rocks:
Formed from existing rock when heat and/or pressure causes changes in the rock crystals
without melting it.
The changes can be physical, chemical or both.
Examples: marble and slate.
1.2 Extraction of rocks and minerals from the Earth:
The samples can be taken from stream sediments, soil or rocks (using shallow drilling).
The location of the sample points can be accurately found using the Global Positioning System
o Geophysics: method to identify mineral ores present in rocks using their physical properties.
A series of vibrations (seismic waves) are sent through the Earth’s surface.
Several sensors are placed at different distances from the source of vibrations on the surface.
The vibrations create shock waves that travel down into the rock layers.
They are reflected back to the sensors on the surface.
The shock waves record different patterns depending on the mineral present in the rock layers.
• Methods of extraction