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Character Formation 2

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Character is a psychological notion that refers to all the habitual ways of feeling and reacting that
distinguish one individual from another. Sigmund Freud had a sustained interest in the question of
character formation, since it touches on the major themes that interested him: "anatomo-physiological
destiny," memory traces, and, more generally, the role of acquired traits, as well as the function of
sublimation with regard to the "remains" of the pregenital libido.
In The Interpretation of Dreams (1900a), Freud defined character in relationship to the unconscious:
"What we describe as our 'character' is based on the memory-traces of our impressions; and, moreover,
the impressions which have had the greatest effect on us-those of our earliest youth are precisely the
ones which scarcely ever become conscious" (pp. 539-540). This definition posits character as a sort of
memory, a collection of traces. Five years later, in Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality (1905d),
Freud emphasized individual psychic activity: "

A. What is Character Formation?

It is derived from greek word "charassein" referring to an engraving instrument; originally used of a
marked impressed upon a coin or the mark cut by it. Then it was applied to a distinctive mark of a
personality; and gradually, to the sum total of such mark, each individual one is being called
characteristics. It is a trademark of being a person.

Character Building
It is the process by which the individual, through interaction of biologically transmitted predispositions
with the environment, develops stable pattern of functioning, thinking and feeling.

B. What are the different Contributing Factors of Character Formation? The following are different
contributing factors of character formation:
1. Parental Influence- is the most important of all the factors responsible for personality development.
2. Home Environment- home as cradle of human character and personality largely contribute to the
character formation of a child.
3. School Environment- to perfect the total development of a child's character and attitude, besides the
home environment, a child's school environment too plays a major role in shaping the child's
personality. everyone has different character and values because of the different cultures where
everyone is exposed
4. Culture- Everyone has different character and values because of the different cultures where
everyone is exposed.

C. What are the five (5) Factors that determine the Character Personality Traits?
Five Factors that Determine Character or Personality Traits
1. Openness Openness to experience describes a person's degree of intellectual curiosity,
creativity, and preference for novelty and variety. Some disagreement remains about how to
interpret this factor, which is sometimes called intellect
2. Conscientiousness - Conscientiousness is a tendency to show self-discipline, act dutifully, and
aim for achievement. Conscientiousness also refers to planning, organization, and dependability.
3. Extraversion- Extraversion describes energy, positive emotions,assertiveness, sociability,
talkativeness, and the tendency to seek stimulation in the company of others.
4. Agreeableness - Agreeableness is the tendency to be compassionate and cooperative towards
others rather than suspicious and antagonistic.
5. Neuroticism - Neuroticism describes vulnerability to unpleasant emotions like anger, anxiety,
depression, or vulnerability. Neuroticism also refers to an individual's level of emotional stability
and impulse control and is sometimes referred to as emotional stability.

What are the different General Types of Character Formation?

General Types of Characters:
1. Positive Character
2. Negative Character
3. Neutral Character
1. Positive Character- Positive character traits are those things that draw us to other people.
When someone is generous, kind, energetic, or optimistic they exude energy that attracts
others. Of course, who wouldn't want to spend time with a warm, open, and loving person?
Now, when we turn the mirror back on ourselves, many times we notice not-so-positive
character traits... things like jealousy, selfishness, immaturity, or greed. These can all be
changed. If you are not getting the results you want in life, the first place to look is at how
you are interacting with the world. Positive character traits can be developed in ourselves.
There is a simple, three step process to integrate a new positive trait into your life.
2. Negative Character- The majority of people would consider the character traits described
below to be "bad" or "negative". However, "bad" or "negative" is defined by the culture in
which one lives. For example, for a priest "aggressive" might be a negative trait while for a
soccer player or salesman, it is usually a desirable trait.
Negative personality adjectives
 angry
 bewildered
 clumsy
 defeated
 embarrassed
 fierce
 grumpy

3. Neutral Character - A neutral character does what seems to be a good idea. She doesn't feel strongly
one way or the other when it comes to good vs. evil or law vs. chaos. Most neutral characters exhibit a
lack of conviction or bias rather than a commitment to neutrality. Such a character thinks of good as
better than evil-after all, she would rather have good neighbors and rulers than evil ones. Still, she's not
personally committed to upholding good in any abstract or universal way. Some neutral characters, on
the other hand, commit themselves philosophically to neutrality. They see good, evil, law, and chaos as
prejudices and dangerous extremes. They advocate the middle way of neutrality as the best, most
balanced road in the long run. Neutral is the best alignment you can be because it means you act
naturally, without prejudice or compulsion. Neutral can be a dangerous alignment when it represents
apathy, indifference, and a lack of conviction.

D. What are different Pillars of Good Character?

TRUSTWORTHINESS- Be honest in communications and actions don't deceive, cheat or steal, Be reliable
- do what you say you'll do, Have the courage to do the right thing Build a good reputation Be loyal
stand by your family, friends, and country. Keep your promises
RESPECT- Treat others with respect and follow the Golden Rule; Be tolerant and accepting of
differences. Use good manners, not bad language; Be considerate of the feelings of others. Don't
threaten, hit or hurt anyone. Deal peacefully with anger, insults, and disagreements
RESPONSIBILITY- Do what you are supposed to do. Plan ahead. Be diligent Persevere. Do your best. Use
self-control. Be self-disciplined. Think before you act • Be accountable for your words, actions and
attitudes. Set a good example for others. Choose a positive attitude. Make healthy choices
FAIRNESS- Play by the rules. Take turns and share. Be open-minded; listen to others • Don't take
advantage of others. Don't blame others carelessly. Treat all people fairly
CARING- Be kind, Be compassionate and show you care; Show Empathy. Express gratitude, Forgive
others and show mercy Help people in need. Be charitable and altruistic
CITIZENSHIP- Do your share to make your home, school, community and greater world better.
Cooperate. Get involved in community affairs. Stay informed; vote, Be a good neighbor, Obey laws and
rules. Respect authority; Protect the environment and Volunteer

E. What are the different Characters?

1. Self-realized character- a person with this type of character is ever enthusiastic for he knows his
potentialities and limitations.
2. Covetous Personality- This refer to a jealous or acquisitive character
3. Superstitious Character- in a way that all are superstitious but when were over superstitious then
problem starts.
4. Egoistic Character- the person thinks that world runs due to him and everything and everybody should
respect him as such.
5. Anti-social Character-a person who neither cares for the norms set by the society nor cares for the
moral or ethical values is an anti-social character.
6. Insincere Character-a person who neither cares for the norms set by the society nor cares for the
moral or ethical values is an anti-social character.when a person does something good for us, we express
our sincere thanks and go extra mile in being sincere to that person in whatever way it is possible for us.
Contrarily, a person who thinks others is there for serving him and is without any warmth feelings for
7. Complacent Character-when a person doesn't feel nervous or scared, doesn't want to learn, doesn't
challenge him/herself, lives in a constant routine everyday not wanting to get out of his/her comfort
zone, rejects change and therefore is stacked and stagnant, doesn't want to try anything new making
him/her very predictable and is a mediocre that lacks ambition and therefore stops growing, he or she is
considered to be a person of complacent character.

F. What are the different good character traits?

1. Alertness -being aware of what is taking place around.
2. Attentiveness -showing the worth of a person or task but giving undivided concentration.
3. Availability -making own schedule on priorities second to the wishes of those being served.
4. Benevolence -giving to others basic needs without the motivation for acquiring personal rewards.
5. Boldness -confidence that what is say or do is true, right and just.
6. Cautiousness - knowing how important right timing is in accomplishing right actions
7. Compassion - investing whatever is necessary to heal the hurts of others.
8. Contentment -realizing that true happiness does not depend on material conditions.
9. Creativity - approaching a need, a task, or an idea from a new perspective.
10. Decisiveness - the ability to recognize key factors and finalize difficult decisions.
11. Deference -limiting freedom so not to offend the tastes of others
12. Dependability - fulfilling what is consented to do, even if it means unexpected sacrifice.
13. Determination- purposing to accomplish right goals at the right time, regardless of the opposition.
14. Diligence- investing time and energy to complete each task assigned
15. Discernment- understanding the deeper reasons why things happen.
16. Discretion -recognizing and avoiding words, actions, and attitudes that could bring undesirable
17. Endurance- the inward strenght to withstand stress and do the best.
18. Enthusiasm - expressing joy in doing and accomplishing each tasks. confidence that actions rooted in
19. Faith- character will yield the best outcome, even when it's not personally observed.
20. Flexibility - willingness to change plans or ideas according to the direction of the authorities.
21. Forgiveness - clearing the records of those who have wronged and not holding a grudge.
22. Generosity -carefully managing resources to be capable of freely giving to those in need.
23. Gentleness -showing consideration and personal concern for others.
24. Gratefulness -letting others know by ones words and actions how they have benefited ones life.
25. Honor -respecting those in leadership because of the higher authorities they represent.
26. Hospitality -Cheerfully sharing food, shelter, or conversation to benefit others.
27. Humility- acknowledging that achievement results from the investment of others in one's life.
recognizing and doing what needs to be done
28. Initiative -before being asked to do it. maintaining a good attitude, even when
29. Joyfulness- placed with unpleasant condition. taking personal responsibility to uphold what is pure,
right and true.
30. Justice -taking personal responsibility to uphold what is pure, right and true.
31. Loyalty- using difficult times to demonstrate commitment to those being served.
32. Meekness -yielding personal rights and expectations with a desire to serve.
33. Obedience -quickly and cheerfully carrying out the direction of the superior.
34. Orderliness- arranging self and surroundings to achieve greater efficiency.
35. Patience -accepting a difficult situation without giving a deadline to remove it.
36. Persuasiveness- guiding vital truths around anothers mental roadblock.
37. Punctuality -showing esteem for others by doing the right thing at the right time.
38. Resourcefulness - finding practical uses or that which others would overlook or discard.
39. Responsibility -knowing and doing what is expected.
40. Security -structuring one's life around that which cannot be destroyed or taken away.
41. Self-control- rejecting wrong desires and doing what is right.
42. Sensitivity -perceiving the true attitudes and emotions of others.
43. Sincerity -eagerness to do what is right with transparent motives.
44. Thoroughness -knowing what factors will diminish the effectiveness of ones work or words if
45. Thriftiness- allowing oneself and others to spend only what is necessary

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