Abidin - 2024 - Teacher Strategies in Creating Fun Learning For Class Iv Students of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
Abidin - 2024 - Teacher Strategies in Creating Fun Learning For Class Iv Students of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
Abidin - 2024 - Teacher Strategies in Creating Fun Learning For Class Iv Students of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
This article is the result of field research, qualitative with a study approach on
class IV students of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al Fithrah Balongpanggang Gresik.
The data was collected from interviews, observations, and document tracing.
The results show that: the teacher's strategy in creating fun learning is to
involve children directly in teaching, emphasizing increasing learning
motivation, using interesting and varied learning methods, using play
strategies while learning or ice breaking.
Keywords: Teacher Strategy, Fun Learning, Class IV Students
Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the teacher presentation that will then be
National Education System (Wulandari, enjoyed by students. Although student-
2016). centered learning, the learning
The government to realize this presentation is still a "design" for the
through the Ministry of Education and teacher, it cannot be allowed to run
Culture formulates and establishes the according to the wishes of students.
2013 Curriculum for primary to This understanding can be affirmed
secondary education levels. The 2013 that the role of a teacher is what makes
curriculum emphasizes meaningful and learning offerings become student-
enjoyable learning. More specifically at centered.
the elementary school level, besides Teachers as one of the elements of
being meaningful and fun, it also success of the implementation of the
emphasizes the content of learning 2013 Curriculum must always prepare
materials that are lighter than the themselves, develop and improve their
content of learning materials in the competencies, understand various
previous curriculum (Widodo, 2016). concepts and learning strategies in
The 2013 curriculum emerged as order to carry out their duties as
thematic-integrative, bringing together educators well. One of the learning
various subjects that had previously strategies applied is a fun learning
stood alone. The government in the strategy, creative and interesting
2013 Curriculum wants to produce a learning, in order to foster students'
productive, affective, and creative interests, talents, and abilities in
Indonesian nation. The 2013 understanding the subject matter
curriculum is formed so that children taught.
have knowledge, skills, and attitudes as Article 1 of the Law on Teachers
well as creative thinking using themes. Number 74 of 2008 explains that
It can be emphasized that thematic "teachers are professional educators
learning is carried out with the with the main task of educating,
intention of an effort to improve and teaching, guiding, directing, training,
improve the quality of education, assessing, and evaluating students in
especially to compensate for the dense early childhood education through
curriculum material. In addition, formal education, primary education,
thematic learning will provide and secondary education" This study
integrated learning opportunities that focused on basic education where the
emphasize student participation or characteristics of students in
involvement in learning. elementary schools with an age range of
The process of implementing the 6 or 7 to 12 or 13 years are the period
2013 Curriculum in Elementary Schools when Playing is still a staple of his
if examined will bring up the fact that psychology. Any activity done by them
actually every learning is a form of must be based on interesting activities
that not only do not support the Also as explained and mandated
creation of a quality learning process, in Law of the Republic of Indonesia
but can damage learning. The visible Number 20 of 2003 concerning the
reaction of each individual usually National Education System or
appears stress, boredom, drowsiness, abbreviated as (SISDIKNAS) and
loss of motivation, frequent permission Government Regulation Number 19
to leave class, chat with friends, and concerning national education
others. Even what is dangerous is that standards. Law Number 20 Article 40
displeasure is vented by disturbing paragraph 2 states that "teachers and
classmates and it is not uncommon for education staff must make an
resistance to teachers to teach. This educational atmosphere that is
means that displeasure will have a meaningful, fun, creative, dynamic, and
negative impact on the achievement of dialogical" While in Government
the quality of the process and student Regulation Number 19 Article 19
learning outcomes. In addition to this paragraph 1 reads "the learning process
problem needs to be avoided, teachers in educational units is held in an
must also be able to find the best inspirational, interactive, challenging,
solution so that students do not fun manner, motivating students to
experience excessive boredom. We can participate in learning actively,
imagine what if our generation does not creatively, independently according to
want to go to school because school is talent, interests, physical development,
no longer fun. School becomes a place and psychology of students".
that makes people stressed, frustrated, Fun here does not mean having
and crazy, not only students but also fun or requiring students to laugh out
parents (Mulyono, 2011). loud, but fun learning means learning in
Therefore, the learning process which there is strong cohesion between
must be made easy and fun at the same teachers and students in an atmosphere
time so that students are not that is completely no pressure, there is
psychologically depressed and feel only communication that supports each
bored with the atmosphere in class and other. Fun here means a learning
what is taught by the teacher. As said by process that takes place in a fun,
an observer of child problems, Seto impressive atmosphere and attracts
Mulyadi in Mulyono stated that "a students to be actively involved, so that
professional teacher in carrying out his learning objectives will be maximally
duties at school must be able to please achieved (Hermansyah, 2009: 3).
his students. If a pleasant atmosphere It can be concluded that learning
has been created, then the children will will be effective if students are in a state
be more enthusiastic in receiving the of joy and joy. As one of the elements of
lessons delivered by the teacher". success of the implementation of the
2013 Curriculum, class teachers must
prepare, develop and improve will produce data for further analysis to
competencies, understand various produce theories. The data obtained
concepts and learning strategies that from the study used two sources,
will be applied in order to carry out namely: Primary Data, which is data
their duties well. It requires an active obtained directly from the research site
and innovative learning strategy. The through observation, interviews, and
intended learning can be realized if the documentation from the principal, class
learning atmosphere is created teachers, and students. And secondary
pleasantly (Mintasih, 2016). data, namely sources that support
Based on a preliminary study primary sources, namely data that has
conducted by the author at MI Al been processed into written form or
Fithrah Balong panggang Gresik, in the documents, such as a brief history of the
teaching and learning process teachers school, vision and mission, facilities and
seem to be able to create fun learning. infrastructure, MI Al Fithrah
Characterized by students learning in Balongpanggang Gresik curriculum. To
comfortable conditions such as obtain the data needed in this study,
students have a close relationship with researchers used several techniques,
the teacher and all their friends, including: observation techniques, to
students are active in learning activities determine the conditions that occur in
such as asking and answering various the field. This technique is used by
questions, doing assignments, and researchers to determine the situation,
discussing, also when going to recess or as well as observe the implementation
after school no students whine to take a of the learning process in the classroom
break or go home. Then the question to obtain data on the role of class
arises, how can grade IV teachers be teachers in implementing fun learning.
able to create fun thematic learning. Interview Technique, in this study
researchers used semi-structured
RESEARCH METHODS interview techniques. The interviewer
In this study, researchers use a makes the outlines of the talking point,
type of qualitative research, qualitative but in the execution the interviewer can
research is a study that seeks to reveal ask questions freely. Documentation
phenomena holistically by describing Techniques. Documentation is
them in words or non-numerically in collecting data by creating or recording
natural or real contexts and paradigms a report that is already available.
(Natalina, 2017: 177-181). This Burhan Bungin, explained the definition
research uses a case study design which of a document is "an event that is closer
is in-depth research about an to a conversation, involves personal
individual, one group, or one activity issues, and requires interpretation that
program. The goal is to obtain a is very closely related to the context of
complete and in-depth description that the recording of the event (Bungin,
2003: 143) Data analysis used by that learning saturation is one of the
researchers is a way of qualitative data problems that occur in every student,
analysis of Miles and Huberman. therefore a teacher in this case plays a
Broadly speaking, Miles and very important role in educating
Huberman's method analysis activity students to interact with their
consists of three stages, namely data educational environment, So that they
codification, data presentation and do not experience boredom in learning.
conclusion drawing / verification. At After the learning process, a
the stage of presenting data, looking teacher definitely needs a learning
back at the overall picture, from this strategy, because with this strategy a
activity data mining can be done again if teacher can manage the course of the
deemed necessary to explore the learning process. However, the learning
problem. strategy chosen by a teacher must be in
accordance with the situation,
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION conditions, and environment he faces.
Fun Learning Strategies in the Every strategy used by a teacher should
Classroom be one that makes students feel happy
There are many things that a and comfortable in the learning
teacher can do in order to improve the process. According to the Head of the
quality of learning in the classroom, madrassa explained as follows.
including using fun learning strategies Sangant learning strategies play
with humor. Humor is a refresher for an important role in determining the
teachers and students in the learning success or failure of a learning process,
process, because without humor because transferring knowledge to
learning will feel stiff. students is like pouring water into a
Fun learning strategies are ways bottle. If poured all at once, more will be
done by a teacher to collaborate concentrated than what is left in it
methods that are in accordance with the (W.01-KM, 20-10-2023).
material to be taught to students, so Based on the interview above, the
that students can understand the author can conclude that in the learning
learning material easily and students process a teacher must teach with fun
feel comfortable in the classroom. The learning strategies, so that students feel
following is an explanation from the comfortable and not tense in receiving
Head of Madrasah MI Al Fithrah lessons. Thus the material delivered by
Balongpanggang. the teacher will reach the students.
Teacher strategies are closely A fun learning process can be felt
related to students in experiencing by students when a teacher always
learning difficulties, especially in inserts humor in learning. Humor can
students who experience saturation in also cause good communication
learning, it is not excessive if it is said between teachers and students,
often go in and out of class and often containing lies, not containing
chat with their friends, after contempt, triviality, and not degrading
implementing teaching strategies using the honor of others.
humor students are more active in
class, almost no one goes in and out Implications of Fun Learning in the
anymore (W.04-G, 25-10-2023). Classroom
An interview from one of the Based on observations,
students at Class IV he said that: documentation and interviews, it is
Teachers who teach using humor explained that teacher strategies in
are more interesting, make comfortable creating fun learning can be used to
in the classroom, and do not make their achieve various objectives of providing
students bored in learning. Unlike a subject matter at various levels, for
teacher who teaches too seriously, different students, in different contexts.
especially by using a monotonous style Gerlach & Ely, said that learning
will make students feel overwhelmed in strategies are ways chosen to deliver
the classroom. So I prefer a humorous subject matter in a particular learning
teacher to an overly serious teacher. I environment, including the nature,
prefer teachers who use humor inserts scope, and sequence of activities that
in their material when teaching than can provide learning experiences to
teachers who are too serious, because students.
humorous teachers make us younger to Based on research findings at MI
communicate inside and outside the Al Fithrah Balongpanggang Gresik, the
classroom. So if there is a lesson that is teacher's strategy as an educator is very
not understood by us, we do not instrumental in creating fun learning
hesitate to ask questions (W.06-S,23- for grade IV students at MI Alfithrah
10-2023). Balongpanggang Gresik for the
Based on the interview above, the 2023/2024 academic year.
author can conclude that student The steps taken by teachers in
learning saturation can be overcome improving the discipline of students in
with fun learning strategies by using MI Al Fithrah Balongpanggang Gresik
humor inserts in it. Because students for the 2023/2024 academic year are
feel happy when a teacher in the with the teacher's strategy as
learning process uses humor inserts in educators, namely by developing
every material taught. humor during learning
Humor does need to be done in This finding is relevant to the
the learning process in order to create a theory put forward, according to
pleasant atmosphere and make Hernowo, fun or making a learning
students not feel bored in the learning atmosphere in a happy state does not
process. However, a teacher must pay mean creating a learning atmosphere in
attention to ethics in humor. Such as not a happy state does not mean creating a