3-4 Media Culture and Society Notes
3-4 Media Culture and Society Notes
3-4 Media Culture and Society Notes
Types of Culture:
The culture can be divided into three different types; they are;
● High Culture: High Culture is linked with the elite,
upper class society are families and individuals with a
recognized status. It is often associated with the arts
such as opera, ballet and classical music, sports such
as polo and race and leisure hobbies such as hunting
and shooting. High culture is associated with a small
elite in society not allowing entry to ‘outsiders’ by
maintaining its elite and exclusive position.
● SubCulture: Subculture is a culture enjoyed by a small
group within society. In this sense it is a minority part
of majority culture. They have distinct norms and
values which make them a sub-section of society.
● Popular Culture: Popular Culture suggests that it
borrows the idea from high culture and popularized it
by making it available for the masses. Therefore, it is
portrayed to be a product of the media dominated
world; that it is a positive force because it brings
people of different backgrounds together in a common
● Global Culture: Globalization is the process by which
events in one part of the world come to in luence what
happens elsewhere in the world. They have become
interconnected; socially, politically and economically. A
global culture is a key feature of globalization; they
emerged due to patterns of migration, trends in
international travel and the spread of the media,
exposing people to the same images of the same
dominant world.
Cultural texts are those objects, actions and behaviors that reveal
cultural meanings. A photo is an image, but is also a cultural
text, a picture with cultural information beyond just the picture
itself. Food and clothing also suggest cultural information and it
doesn’t stop there. The entire place and space, all of the people
and interaction, all of the rituals and rules and the various forms
in which they manifest themselves, are ‘readable’ texts, suitable
for observation and analysis.
Popular Discrimination:
People’s Culture
A culture is a way of life of a group of people--the behaviors,
beliefs, values, and symbols that they accept, generally without
thinking about them, and that are passed along by
communication and imitation from one generation to the next.
Culture is symbolic communication.
Indian ilm musicals are full of song and dance and Indian ilm
dancing is very popular among girls in India who are keen to
learn this art more than any classical dance. In India, movie
actors have fans that form clubs in their honor, imitate their
looks and style, and are not shy to loosen their purse to buy
products their favorite star endorses.
India has the habit of idolizing people. This comes from the
ancient times which made common people into ‘devas’ or gods,
be it Rama or Krishna. Since childhood, Indians were taught
about Rama, Krishna and then about Gandhiji, Nehru and then
we saw Sachin, Salman khan, etc. and now have Modi. The
festivals, the actions, the habits are all woven around a set of
Children are compared with heroes like ‘you look like Shahrukh’,
‘you catch the bat like Sachin’, etc. Even the children are asked to
de ine their future in terms of heroes. Indians have a habit of
living life through stories be it the two great epics or the latest
movies. Thus Indians are indirectly socialized to worship the
heroes. Though this habit is found in all societies to some
degree, the Indians try to overdo it.
Question Bank
Popular Culture
Part A:
1. Culture
2. Ethnic Culture
Part B
3. Social Culture
4. Group Culture
5. High Culture
6. Subculture
9. Celebrity Culture
7. Global Culture 10. Hero worship
8. Cultural Imperialism 11. Fans Club
12. Celebrity endorsement
Psychoanalysis- de inition & concept; psychoanalytic techniques;
Psychoanalytic process; Feminism- de inition & concept; historical
& Characteristics of Feminism; Modernism- de inition & concept;
Modern & Modernity; Historical & Characteristics of Modernism;
Modernism Vs Postmodernism; Marxism- de inition & concept;
history of Marx’s theory; Criticisms of Marx’s Theory; Marx’s
Understanding of Globalization.
Media Text:
Media Interpretation:
Here, the use of the term ‘text’, as distinct from ‘artifact’ and
‘commodity’, displays the debt owed by the ield of media
studies to English literature. In literary studies, texts are books,
poems or plays, which are read and analyzed in terms of the
meanings derived from the selection and deployment of words
alone. Typeface, cover images, quality of paper, publisher and
price are rarely, if ever, invoked as having any pertinence to the
thrust of a narrative, meter or structure in the act of
Making sense of textual meaning appears to be a very simple
matter to understand the meaning of media output as text.
Psychoanalytic Techniques:
Psychoanalytic Process:
The term ‘feminism’ has many different uses and its meanings
are repeatedly challenged. For example, few writers use the term
‘feminism’ as a political movement in the US and Europe; others
refer to injustices against women, where there is no exact record
of these injustices.
In the mid of 1800’s the term ‘feminism’ was used to refer ‘the
qualities of females’, until the First International Women’s
Conference held at Paris in 1892. Feminism is a French term
féministe, used to support equal rights for women based on the
idea of equality among the sexes.
Characteristics of Feminism:
History of Modernity:
Characteristics of Modernism:
Modernism Vs Postmodernism:
The big corporations and banks have much more freedom than
before to go where they wish and trade, invest and develop as
they wish. Previously there were many laws and regulations
restricting the entry of foreign investors, the
capacity of corporations to trade and the right of inancial
institutions to lend and move money around.
Question Bank
Part A:
10. Anamnesis
1. Media Text 11. Free Associations Method
3. Media Interpretation 12. Freudian Slips & Mistakes
4. Psychoanalysis 13. Interpretation of Dreams
5. Sociology 14. Interpretation of Symbols
6. Feminism 15. Modern
7. Marxism 16. Modernity
8. Modernism
9. Aesthetics
Part B