Chapter 1-5 The Increasing Use of Digital Shopping Assessing The Factors ABM Students Preference For E-Commerce
Chapter 1-5 The Increasing Use of Digital Shopping Assessing The Factors ABM Students Preference For E-Commerce
Chapter 1-5 The Increasing Use of Digital Shopping Assessing The Factors ABM Students Preference For E-Commerce
In today's world, online shopping has become an integral part of daily life. Among
the diverse consumer groups, students stand out as a highly promising market for online
shopping. As the number of online shopping providers continues to grow, the competition
within the industry has become extremely fierce. In light of this, it is primary for these
providers to implement effective, market-oriented strategies that will entice potential
buyers. One of these strategies involves a deep understanding of the online shopping
behavior of students.
This study seeks to unveil the pivotal factors that influence the online shopping
behavior of students, specifically, the role of enjoyment, perceived risk, and social
influence. Consequently, online shopping providers should place significant emphasis on
these aspects. The design of online shopping websites should prioritize simplicity,
enabling customers to derive enjoyment from their product searches. Highlighting the
security of online transactions conducted through the platform is also essential.
Furthermore, business strategies should be devised to tap into the networks of buyers,
especially through popular channels like social media, which hold great sway among
With this context in mind, the objective of this study is to explore the factors that
influence consumer perception and their subsequent purchasing behavior in the realm of
online shopping. This investigation will focus on students from Mataas Na Paaralang Juan
C. Laya to understand their perceptions of online shopping and how these perceptions
shape their buying decisions.
This paper represents a further exploration of online shopping behavior and the
factors influencing it at the Mataas Na Paaralang Juan C. Laya. Kuswanto, et al. (2020)
note that students constitute the largest potential market for online shopping in Indonesia.
This research is poised to make a substantial contribution by providing insights into
student behavior in online shopping. Its primary goal is to comprehend the segmentation
of the online shopping market in Indonesia, offering fundamental information for product
and service providers in the online shopping sector. E-marketplace providers can utilize
the data on factors influencing shopping behavior as a reference for enhancing their
business strategies to capture a broader market.
Statement of the Problem
Definition of Terms
This section defines the terms that are found in the title to give readers a better
understanding of how digital shopping is leased. The terms are defined operationally as
Digital Shopping: a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers to directly buy
goods and services from a seller over the internet using a web browser or a mobile app.
ABM Students: the accountancy business and management (ABM) strands provides
students with the skills and knowledge they need to work in the corporate world. This
senior high school strand is for students who want to become business leaders and
E-commerce: the buying and selling of goods and services, or the transmitting of funds
ordata, over an electronic network, primarily the internet. These business transactions
occur either as business-to-business (B2B), business-to-consumer (B2C), consumer-to-
This study will be conducted to determine the rising popularity of online purchasing.
The status or the respondents of the study will be focused on the grade 11 ABM students
in the first semester of the school year 2023-2024, that are currently studying in Mataas
Na Paaralang Juan C. Malaya, who uses e-commerce platforms.
This study assesses the benefits influencing their decision to shift towards digital
shopping. The result of this study will be beneficial in the following:
E-commerce site owner: It attempts to provide e-commerce site owners with ideas on
how to market their products to attract customers and encourage internet users to make
purchases online, as well as how to strategically plan their business and cultivate
customer loyalty. By assisting e-commerce site owners in determining which factors have
the greatest impact on consumers, we can help them make informed decisions about
which aspects of their businesses to concentrate on to achieve their profit-making
Future Researchers: Since this study will be employing the first-hand data collected and
was generated through reading and as well as analyzing a sizable amount of written
literature and written studies with the assistance of specialists, future researchers will
profit from it.
Chapter II
Foreign literature
Since the 1990s, online shopping has witnessed a significant surge in popularity,
with an increasing number of consumers turning to the Internet to purchase various
products Zhou et al., (2017). Researchers like Rohm and Swaminathan (2014) highlight
that online shopping has become an infrastructure that simplifies the process of
searching, comparing, and accessing relevant information, making it an integral part of
people's daily lives (Noort, et al., 2014).
Oentario et al. (2017) demonstrated that ease of use has a significant direct impact
on consumers' attitudes, and researchers have consistently found a positive relationship
between perceived ease of use and the willingness to make online purchases.
Technology ease of use and satisfaction with the online shopping experience are pivotal
in predicting online user behavior (Ramayah and Ignatius, 2015). The study findings
carried out by Oentario et al., 2017 and the connection with convenience and consumer
attitudes toward electronic shopping coupled with the affirmative association between
perceived ease of use and intention to purchase items through electronic shopping
system is consistent with technology acceptance theory and theory of planned behavior.
In addition to this, the fact that there is a correlation between the convenience of using e-
commerce and one’s intention to purchase products through internet strengthens the idea
that providing easy access to online stores increases the likelihood that customers will
take a particular decision. This is consistent with the general view that if a user’s
experience is friendly and convenient, the customers will be satisfied and loyal towards
them. Such research may be done for selective attributes relating to ease of use, including
design aspects, navigational features, or transaction related parameters that positively
impact on customers’ feelings regarding the same. Additionally, examining how these
factors vary across different demographic groups or cultural contexts could provide further
insights into the nuances of online consumer behavior.
Foreign Studies
Li and Zhang (2012) delved into the prevailing state of research concerning online
shopping attitudes and behaviors.
Sinha and Kim (2012) explored factors influencing Indian consumers' perceptions
of risk in online shopping. Their research included previously identified factors as well as
Indian-specific elements. Key factors encompassed product delivery, social factors, and
perceived behavioral control. The study also highlighted gender-specific distinctions, with
perceived risks and technology-specific innovativeness being significant for males, while
convenience risks and attitudes toward online shopping were significant for females. It
provides valuable insights into the factors influencing Indian consumers' perceptions of
risk in online shopping. By incorporating both previously identified factors and elements
specific to the Indian context, the study recognizes the importance of considering cultural
nuances in understanding online consumer behavior.
A study by Nazir et al. (2012) identified various factors directly affecting consumer
behavior in online shopping The findings revealed that psychological, social, emotional,
and privacy factors impacted consumers' attitudes toward online purchases. Factors such
as pricing and insecurity during online payment acted as barriers to online
purchasing.Cheema et al. (2013) developed a model of technology acceptance to
uncover additional factors influencing online shopping intentions Popli and Mishra (2015)
examined the variables influencing purchase decisions during online shopping. They
identified an array of factors, including financial, privacy, time, performance, product,
online transaction, health, quality, delivery, after-sale, and social risks, which played a
role in consumers' decision-making processes.In a related manner, Ray and Chaudhary
(2015) explored both external and internal influences on customers' decision-making
processes. The findings highlighted psychographics as the most significant market
segmentation factor, with factors such as occupation, lifestyle, and values forming the
critical combination behind people's buying intentions.
With the advent of technology and the shift toward online business trends, studying
consumer behavior has gained prominence. In the era of information technology, the
internet has opened new opportunities for people worldwide to engage in online product
purchasing, where physical presence is no longer a necessity. Nazir et al. (2012)
emphasized the need to analyze and comprehend consumer behaviors. The connection
between the online sale of products and marketing strategies is tightly interwoven, as
demonstrated by numerous previous research studies.
Local studies
Online shopping has gained widespread popularity over time, primarily due to its
convenience and the ability to find great deals from the comfort of one's home or office.
It's especially appealing during the holiday season when it eliminates the need to endure
long lines or visit numerous physical stores to find specific items (Daud and Verma, 2014).
In the Philippines, the Shopee PH: Sell & Shop Online app stands out as one of
the most popular platforms for online shopping. Shopee is a prominent online shopping
hub in Southeast Asia and Taiwan, providing users with a convenient and seamless
shopping experience that can be accessed at any time and from any location. With robust
payment and logistical support, Shopee ensures a straightforward, secure, and rapid
online shopping experience for all users (Chukwuemeka, 2021).
According to Creencia (2022), found out that a variety of factors influence people's
decision to shop online, and that there are several benefits and drawbacks to e-commerce
for Filipino customers. The study also found that even if internet shopping has drawbacks,
Filipino customers should keep using it because it offers them many benefits.
People's consumption patterns have changed substantially. The demand for
physical interaction services has decreased sharply, while online consumption and
services are continuously increasing (Watanabe & Omori, 2020). Moreover, the transition
from physical stores to an online store is one of the covid-19 effects. Consequently, many
sellers are emerging in the market hence an increase in competition. The first six months
of the current financial year witnessed a surge of 57 percent in Filippino’s online buying
over the same period in 2019 as per a release by One News and hence, regarded to be
the largest in Southeast Asia region.
Shopping has become a part of the normal Filipino's daily routine, as they explore
for new products to try. Such purchasing habits have been ingrained in their daily lives
(Castillo, 2016). The Filipino consumer behavior is one of the most important and valuable
today. To satisfy them, their needs, wants, wishes, and desires must always be
addressed and understood. Filipinos are becoming more involved in social media and
have been subjected to multiple social interactions that occur in the cyber world. The E-
Word of Mouth has the potential to influence both purchasing intentions and post-
purchase habits. More specifically, the findings of one study indicate that only positive
valence E-Word of Mouth consumer purchases has a significant impact on consumer
intentions to purchase product in a social commerce environment. (Catedrilla, 2017).
Chapter III
Research Design
The sampling method that will be used was purposive sampling which intends to
study a purposively selected respondent. Purposive sampling technique is a type of non-
probability sampling that is effective when one needs to study a certain issue. According
to Crossman (2017), A purposive sampling is a non-probability sampling that is based on
characteristics of a population and the objective of the study.
Research Instrument
The researchers will be using an interview questionnaire to determine the results
of. The increasing use of digital shopping: Assessing the factor ABM student’s preference
on e–commerce. The interview questionnaire will be applied because it contains a
formulated question that will be answered based on the experience of the respondents.
This part of the research findings shows the answers of the study and the
researchers analyzed the answers and coded it already in order to find answers for the
study. The answer of the respondents about the topics are listed on the table below.
This chapter discusses the summary of the entire previous chapter, conclusions,
and recommendation of the study.
This research study entitled “The Increasing Use of Digital Shopping Assessing
the Factors ABM Students Preference for E-commerce” was conducted to investigate the
increasing use of digital shopping and their preferred e-commerce.
The study aimed to determine the importance of digital shopping, the effects of
digital shopping on ABM students, their preferences, and its advantages. The findings of
the study revealed that:
1. The summary points out the positive attitudes towards digital shopping reflected in
convenience, cost savings and safety. To solve the above problems, suggestions
are made such as educational programs to promote online platform accessibility
and safe practices.
2. In general, the results emphasize the importance of online shopping in ABM
students’ lives and highlight strategies for improving their digital purchase
This study was all about the increasing use of digital shopping assessing the
factors ABM Students preference for e-commerce, and the following conclusion which
obtained from the summary of the study:
Cost advantages, affordability and the ability to compare prices easily come from
online shopping.
Benefits are divisional efficiency, various options and remote shopping.
Online shopping is seen by ABM students as a safer alternative owing to its ease
of use and possible minimization of the risk for accidents or thefts.
Online store plays an important role for providing ABM student’s physical
requirements particularly to the need of clothing, school materials and other basic
The convenience, time-saving advantages, and relative cost efficiency are
essential to online shopping in the lives of ABM students.
Based on the findings of the research study, the following recommendations can be
Conduct programs that will help educate ABM students on the advantages and
safety precautions associated with online shopping.
Include sessions on how to find effective online sites, ways in which secure
transactions can be detected and what should not be purchased.
Work with leading online shopping channels to make them more accessible and
Offer workshops or tutorials for ABM students on how to use online shopping
applications competently, ensuring effective and effortless transactions.
Set standards for proper online purchase, involving product quality verifications, a
clear understanding of refund rules and personal information protection.
Promote awareness among students of the potential hazards and support secure
practices during online shopping to promote confidence in digital transactions.
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