I hereby declare that this project work is the result of my own original work and that no
part of it has been presented for award of certificate in the institute of education or
Candidate's Name:
…………………………………………............................. ..................................
Date: ………………………………………………………
I hereby declare that the preparation and presentation of the project work was supervised
in accordance with the guidelines on supervision of project work laid down by the institute
Date: …………………………………………………….......................
Absenteeism is one of the most practiced ways of life in the country in all fields of work.
However, this practice has fundamental effects on the people who practice it and others at large.
In this project work, the writer tries to find out the effects of absenteeism on the academic
performance of pupils of KALADAN E/P J.H.S Form One(1). The writer identified that lack of
knowledge of its effects and others are the causes of this problem in the school. Also, the writer
identified some of the effects as poor performance in class which leads to demotion and causes a
lot of social vices. A lot of discussions have been held and a number of suggestions have been
made to help address the problem. The methodology employed in obtaining the data for the study
entails the research design, the research instruments, the data collection procedures and analysis
of the data collected. After diagnosing the problem the researcher advanced some intervention
measures to solve the problem. These intervention measures included the organization of parent-
My profound gratitude goes to Allah for the life and health given to me. I am also grateful to Mr.
Abdulai Salifu Izudeen of Bagabaga College of Education for his efforts in guiding me with his
rich experience through the various steps involved in this research work. To the teachers and
pupils of KALADAN E/P J.H.S, I owe you mountains of gratitude for your co-operation.
Research Questions 4
Limitations 5
Definition of Absenteeism 7
Causes of Absenteeism 8
Research Design 13
Research instruments 14
Observation 14
Interview 15
Questionnaires 15
Intervention process 16
Pre-intervention stage 16
Intervention stage 17
Post- intervention stage 18
Summary 26
Conclusion 27
Recommendation 28
Table 1: An Intervention Plan
Representing the causes of pupil’s absenteeism 20
Over the years, educationists have embarked on ways to improving the educational
educational system with emphasis on how teachers can address the attendance of pupils to
school whilst also paying attention to whatever is going on in the teaching and learning
process. Parents are urged by educationists to play a key role in the character formation of
their children.
In view of this, parents must be interested in everything that concerns their children
including their attendance to school. Salaga Islamic primary school is one of the basic
schools in the East Gonja District and it is situated at the Central part of Tamale. The
people of Salaga where the school is situated belong to different ethnic groups, many of
which are of the northern ethnic groups. Some of these people are; Gonjas, Mamprusi,
Though, the school is in Salaga, interactions between the researcher and some of the
students' parents revealed that children from different places within the Metropolis also
attend this institution. These include pupils from Ngomallam,Mimpeasam, kapeter, and
other places.
The most widely spoken language in Salaga and its environment is Gonja, though other
languages like Twi, English, Dagare, Mamprusi and others are also spoken. Pupils from
Salaga and its surrounding areas predominantly speak Hausa at home, whiles in school the
only means of communication is the use of English Language. In view of this, parents are
encouraged to introduce English language to their wards at the early stage, so as to help
Teaching cannot be limited only to impacting of knowledge, but also it must include the
total development of the child personality to enable him or her live a full, meaningful and
resourceful life as to contribute his or her quota towards societal growth and development.
As teacher trainee, there are numerous problems that are encountered in the classroom
when exercising one’s professional duties. There has been a public outcry about the ever
According to the advance learner English Dictionary absenteeism “is the act or habit of
Absenteeism according to Will Kenton (17 February, 2022) refers to the habitual non-
beyond what is deemed to be within an acceptable realm of days away from the office or
school for legitimate causes such as scheduled vacations, occasional illness, and family
This situation usually leads to the poor performance of pupils. This is a source of constant
worry to all concerned people including the researcher of this project work.
The issue of absenteeism was identified at Salaga Islamic primary school during out-
programme when the researcher went on Supported Teaching in Schools. This problem
was observed during the first four weeks when the researcher was tasked to handle Basic
The situation of absenteeism in Salaga Islamic primary school was noted when a
number of students of Basic five (5) class were always absent from class. Even though
absenteeism occurs in School sometime, the situation in Salaga Islamic Basic five (5)
class is rather serious. During intervention and enquiries as well as personal contacts the
researcher speculated the following factors which may account for such absenteeism
(iv) Illiteracy
During the researcher’s Supported Teaching in Schools at Salaga Islamic primary school,
it was observed that some basic five (5) pupils in the school constantly absented
themselves from school. As a result of this, the academic performance of such pupils in
the school was seriously declining. This problem therefore prompted the researcher to
investigate into the causes of absenteeism of the pupils in Basic five (5) and to find
appropriate ways and methods of solving the problem. The researcher observed that in
order for this problem to be effectively dealt with, there is the need to adopt the action
This research aims at restoring the interest of pupils as the cause of this problem
1.3 Purpose of the study
Observation based on pupils’ attendance to school during the recent Supported Teaching
in Schools at Salaga Islamic primary School revealed that pupils have no interest in
coming to school regularly. Many attempts have been made by the school head teachers to
Also, the issue of absenteeism has been discussed generally in the media of late indicating
how this problem affects School children and the ways of solving it. It is against this
background that the study is designed to assist in investigating the causes and effects of
absenteeism on pupils’ class achievement in education. It is also the wish of the researcher
to provide information that will help solve the problem identified in the study.
Research Questions
(i) What are the possible causes of absenteeism of Basic five (5) pupils of Salaga
The issue of absenteeism has gained much attention in most Ghanaian basic educational
institutions and it adds up to causes of low interest and performance of pupils in the
various Schools in the country. The result of this study will be of great benefit in the
following ways:
(a) Finding possible solutions to the causes of absenteeism of Basic five (5) pupils of
(b) Complement the diverse ways made by educational stakeholders to improve upon
(c) It will be of immense Significance to students and researchers who are eager to
1.5 Limitations
The potential weaknesses that may affect the progress or the successful completion of this
(i) Pupils may not give correct information or good reasons why they keep
(ii) The researcher may find it difficult to do individual home visit due to the
(iii) Parents Teacher Association meeting are not regular enough to create awareness
on the causes and effects of absenteeism on their wards education and the role
The scope of the study in the case of absenteeism will cover only Basic five (5) pupils of
Salaga Islamic primary School. The finding may not wholly represent causes and effects
1.7 Organization of the study
It is obvious that no research work can be successful without designing a laid down
procedure as to how it should be carried out. The researcher has therefore organized the
Chapter one forms the introductory part of the research and discusses the background to
the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, research questions, significance
of the study, limitations of the study, delimitations of the study and organization of the
Chapter two which is the review of related literature intends to provide support to the
study by reviewing both primary and secondary information and summarizes major
Chapter three which forms the methodology provides the research design, population and
sample selection, research instrument, intervention process and data analysis plan.
In chapter four, the researcher provides results and findings of the research. Here the
Finally, the last chapter which is chapter five deals with the summary, conclusions and
2.1 Introduction
This aspect of the study brings to light the good work done by previous researchers on
student absenteeism. Under this chapter, the researcher wishes to break the discussion
Many educational reforms failed to achieve their stated objectives due to the numerous
Northern Region.
Absenteeism according to Will Kenton (17 February, 2022) refers to the habitual non-
beyond what is deemed to be within an acceptable realm of days away from the office or
school for legitimate causes such as scheduled vacations, occasional illness, and family
In our school situation the phenomenon may be explained as a situation where pupils stay
away from school or the classroom without permission from school authorities.
Dondieu (2003) is of the view that inadequate transport arrangement to take pupils to and
from school results in absenteeism of pupils to school. He also opines that girls are
absenteeism of pupils.
Absenteeism is negative attitude and Adjei (2001) highlighted that peer pressure makes it
difficult for pupils to change their negative attitudes. Most pupils tend to their peers in
everything they do. They may attend to other activities which are not important instead of
going to school. It may be difficult for them to change since they readily succumb to their
peers always.
Gyekye Kwame (2003) is of the view that, character development is an important aspect
of a child upbringing. He says that constant effort should be made to teach children the
values of society. He buttresses his point with a maxim that “absenteeism” does not bring
up a child from the above, it has been seen that a child absent from school can be caused
by parents. This is because parents fail to inculcate the values of the school in children in
order to help them live a satisfactory life. The child may resort to practice that goes
For the teachers, Kwaku Annah (1995) made some contributions to the causes and effects
only when they are not motivated. He cited that parents and guardians as well as teachers
should motivate pupils both physically and emotionally if possible so as to enable them
In addition, he noted that teacher absenteeism also promotes pupils absenteeism and for
that matter teachers in schools should desist from absenting themselves from class, so as
to solve the problem of absenteeism and rather serve as role models for pupil to emulate,
he lamented that most teachers in our schools in this country report to school late or even
absent themselves from school without any tangible reason. That is, if pupils who are yet
to come to the realization of the importance of education, come to the school regularly
only to find out that their teachers come to school late, pupils could absent themselves
from school as they see and copy this bad habit of their teachers which will go rather to
Another cause of pupil’s absenteeism is health. He stated that health is one of the major
causes of the problem of absenteeism. He had it that some pupils may absent themselves
from school for no other reason than health related issues such as malaria. As he has
identified health as a problem, he suggested that health education in our various Ghanaian
concludes by saying that parents and guardians should take the education of their wards as
Finally Dosoo (1998) contributed to the problem of pupil’s absenteeism maintained that
children perform better when parents show interest in their education. She asserts that
pupils absenteeism mainly come about when parents neglect their responsibilities. She
claims that if a child realizes that his or her parents do not show any interest on him/her
education, the interest of child education will be affected. This trend goes a long way to
Research finding shows that, absenteeism of pupils to school has so many devastating
First and foremost, pupil’s absenteeism to school has led to their poor academic
performance and low achievement in other subjects. Gyekye (2003) in his book also says
pupil’s absenteeism to school has serious effects on their cumulative records and
attendance. This is because pupils who come to school late and sometimes absent
themselves from classroom do not do regular exercises. These children lateness to school
automatically affect their academic performance for instance if they are tested on what
Pupils will not be able to acquire the best of teaching if they practice absenteeism and will
therefore lack the required requisite knowledge or qualification needed for future
According to Helley and Micheal Dikot (1972), pupils’ absenteeism brings about the
occurrence of deviant acts in our society. Pupils who practice the behavior have the
smoking, robbery etc. They also stated that pupils’ absenteeism may result in parent-child
conflict. This is where parents will see their wards as complete deviants and will have to
treat them badly. When that happens, the children will see their parents to be their enemies
Siayiri Charlotte (2005) explains that pupil’s absenteeism result in mass illiteracy in the
country. According to her, if pupils become victims of the phenomenon, there is the
likelyhood that they will stop schooling along the line and become school dropouts and
According to Delaka J.T (2006) teachers who practice absenteeism for pupils to emulate
should be advised by school heads and circuit supervisors to live up to expectation. She
also explained that teachers should be in a position to vary their teaching methods and
In the opinion of Macharia and Wario (1979) keeping of records of daily attendance of
pupils is one of the intervention activities that help to solve the problem of pupils’
absenteeism. They assert that the keeping of records of the daily attendance of pupils in
every school is one of the regulations laid down by the ministries of education in countries
where education is compulsory. An attendance register helps the class teacher or the head
teacher to trace to the attendance records of each child. School authorities can obtain
information which they need to assist in solving the child attendance register. The head
teacher can know which parent he/she would talk to concerning the poor attendance of any
particular pupil. The suggestion made by these scholars should be taken seriously by the
Also, Dosoo (1998) said that parents and guardians should have interest in their children
education by visiting the school in order to know their children performance as well as
attending parents teacher association meeting (P.T.A) to be aware of their wards attitudes.
Dondieu (2003) advocates that transport arrangements should be made to take pupils to
and from school, it can help address the problem of absenteeism of pupils to school. Also
he spell out that when girls are not overburdened with household chores they will have
Lastly, Gyekye Kwame (2003) spells out that when parents make constant effort to instill
in children the values of society, it can help address the negative attitudes in children.
Hence when parents instruct children to leave for school and even do follow ups,
3.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the procedures employed in obtaining data for the study. The
chapter therefore entails the research design, the research instruments, the data collection
There are many research designs such as the survey, pure research and action research,
among others. However, this study was conducted using the action research design.
The action research design was considered because it aims at solving problem that
Also, the focus of the design is to find solutions to Absenteeism in order to bring about a
positive change.
Moreover, action research improves the professional status of research and promotes their
personal development and professional practices. The action research design has some
Action research helps the teacher to be familiar with what actually goes on in teaching and
learning situations.
Secondly, it helps the teacher to evaluate his / her teaching effectiveness by equipping him
/ her with various methods or approaches that best suit the pupils.
Moreover, findings from this design provides opportunity for teachers to acquire a better
understanding of all aspects of their own practice, be it relation to the subject, content and
The participants in this study are entire students of Kaladan E/P Junior High School basic
seven (7). However, due to the restriction of factors such as time and resources, the
researcher grouped those who come to school regularly and those absent themselves from
The researcher then selected pupils who absent themselves from school quiet often. The
researcher sampled pupils in order to conduct this study. This was to ensure that he/she
worked within his or her limited time and resource and also gather valid and accurate
The researcher used three research tools in collecting data on the problem under this study.
3.5 Observation
The observation method of collecting data employs vision as its main means of data
collection. The strength of this instrument is that; it requires less complicated and less time
consuming procedures in administering. It offers data when respondents are unable and
However, this tool cannot opinion our attitudes directly, it cannot provide information
about past, further or unpredictable events cannot be used when large groups are studied.
The observation was used to identify the problem and was used to bring to light the
actions and attitudes of pupils under the study. The researcher observes that during
lessons, some particular group of students are often absent. When the researcher cross
check the class attendance register, it confirmed that these group of students are perpetual
absentees. As a result of this behavior, these students also perform poorly in class. This
negative impact as a result of absenteeism has prompted the researcher to undertake this
3.6 Interview
This tool requires a face to face encounter of the interviewer and the interviewee. The
interview is easy since it does not require respondents to read and offer an opportunity for
On the other hand, the limitation of interview is that, it is mostly costly and time
consuming. It is also more inconvenient than other methods such as questionnaire and it is
also less effective than other methods when sensitive issues are discussed. The researcher
responses from them so as to identify the cause of pupils' absenteeism to school with
3.7 Questionnaires
Questionnaire consists of a list of questions or statements relating to the aims of the study.
coverage of respondents than the other tools and ensures uniformity in question.
On the contrary, this tool is limited to literate population since it cannot be administered
on those who cannot read or write. It lacks the opportunity to collect additional
information from respondents and it does not offer opportunity for motivating the
respondents to participate in the survey. The questionnaires for this research were
It is a set of strategies that the researcher planned and implemented to solve the problem.
It involves a step by step procedure which was constantly monitored over a certain period
of time and through usage of a variety of mechanisms. The process includes pre-
3.Pre-intervention stage
The researcher identified absenteeism in Kaladan E/P Junior High School when he arrived
at the school to fulfill the obligation of Supported Teaching in Schools. It was identified
through observation that most pupils were always absent from school. Also a test
conducted revealed that pupils who absent themselves from school failed to understand
what was taught when they were absent. The table below shows an intervention plan that
Table 1: An Intervention Plan
1 Observation The observation that was made revealed that pupils who
After diagnosing the problem, the researcher advanced some intervention measures to
solve the problem. These intervention measures included the organization of parent-
Pupils, parents as well as their class teachers were interviewed and were also made to
complete questionnaires. The researcher identified some factors as the main problem of
pupil’s behavior in order to effect a positive change in their behavior towards attendance
to school.
After parents adhered to the recommendations by the researcher, the researcher also
counselled pupils and made a close monitoring of their behaviors. The observation after
the intervention revealed that pupils were now very punctual to school. This new attitude
The data was analyzed using tables, simple frequencies and percentages. This is to be
4.1 Introduction
This chapter deals with the results/findings and discussions based on the outcome of the
The information gathered from the observation conducted brought to light that the
subject for the study (Basic seven (7) pupils in Kaladan E/P Junior High school) were
always absent from school. Also the researcher conducted interviews with pupils, their
parents and teachers in order to gather information about the reason of absenteeism of
The study sought to gather data on the cause of absenteeism by pupils and the
Child labour 38 76
Health related 40 92
Total 50 100
From Table 2 above, it is observed that peer group influence scored the highest
frequency on the graph which is 50 responses for “yes” and O scored for “No” from the
Again, 46 was the second highest frequency on the graph against 4 responses for
It was therefore agreed that most of the victims were always influenced by their peers. 46
respondents were of the view that inadequate motivation also causes absenteeism and 4
responses disagreed to the fact. 38 respondents revealed that the pupils’ absenteeism to
school was caused by child labour while 12 respondents disagreed to that assertion.
From the above analysis, the causes of pupil’s absenteeism are largely due to peer
group influence, than health related problems, inadequate motivation and child labour.
The results are further displayed in the bar graph below labeled as figure 1.
Fig. 1
r e s n
bou enc lem atio
la flu ob oti
ild in pr m
Ch up ed te
gro le at ua
er r eq
Pe alt In
KEY Child labour Peer group influence
In view of the above bar graph, 38 respondents agreed that child labour is a cause
of pupil’s absenteeism from school and 12 respondents said no to the question. 46 of them
agreed that inadequate motivation is also a cause of pupil’s absenteeism from school. All
the respondents agreed to the fact that peer group influence is a cause of pupils’
Also, 40 of them agreed that health related problems also result in absenteeism in
The researcher through face to face interview with twenty –five parents and twenty five
teachers also gathered information on the effects of absenteeism on pupils. The results are
presented in Table 3.
Total 50 100
From the table above in relation to the interview conducted, 45 (90%) mentioned
that pupils academic performance can be low as a result of their absenteeism from school.
40 (80%) agreed that instructional time will be wastage as a result of pupils’ absenteeism
from school while 35 (70%) people agreed that students may commit crime if they do not
regularly attend school. Based on the results from the table, it is quite clear that low
The results are further displayed in the pie-chart below, labeled as figure 2.
Poor academic performance = x 3600 = 1350
Child crime delinquency = × 3600 = 1050
Wastage of instruction time = × 3600 = 1200
Fig. 2
Child crime
105 Poor academic
29% performance
Wastage of in-
structional time
In view of fig. 2 above, 135 is the highest degree which shows that, poor academic
performance has high impact on pupils as a result of absenteeism than any other effect.
The researcher after finding out effects of absenteeism, decided to find out strategies to
solve the problem of absenteeism. He involved the teachers, some parents and also some
Table 4
Total 50 100
From the table above 15 respondents supported constant marking of register which was
solve absenteeism which is 30% as shown from the table. Finally, 10 said teaching of
moral subjects (RME) constantly can curb the problem of absenteeism which is 20%. The
researcher finally concluded that when all these strategies are put together simultaneously,
The results are further displayed in the line graph below, labeled as figure 3.
A line graph representing strategies to solve absenteeism in schools
Fig. 3
er nt
s n
gist re atio ta
re a t
f p or ns
go an
nsp co
s tra jec
ar ch bl
m a a
nt te r t al
sta m fo or
n fro om
Co ve gc g
Lo in n
id hi
register can solve the problem of absenteeism, 10 respondents supported love from
absenteeism. And finally 10 respondents said teaching of moral subjects (RME) constantly
This chapter deals with the summary, conclusions and recommendations of the study.
5.2 Summary
This study was guided by the hypothesis that pupils absenteeism contributed to low
achievement in education. Its practice does not improve pupil’s performance as far as
education is concerned.
Most schools today have varying degrees of children whose rate of absenteeism is
significant enough to have a measurable effect on their learning achievements. The reason
Most stakeholders of education and local authorities have made arrangements to keep such
children in touch with education. This study also look at children whose attendance
records were scanty and revealed long absence from school. It can largely be felt that
So this study makes a modest contribution in order to complement the diverse effort made
order to bring about some solution to the problem. These interventional activities are
1. The study revealed that the causes of pupils’ absenteeism are: child labour, illness,
2. The study also revealed that checking pupil’s attendance is part of the teacher’s
each child’s attendance and to refer appropriate authorities any worrying cases.
Finally, the study renewed the contributions made by various scholars of educations on the
issue of absenteeism. Most of these scholars maintained that the cause of pupil’s
absenteeism stem from issues ranging from illness, parental neglect, child labour and
5.3 Conclusions
The researcher identified this problem at his school of attachment and uses the following
strategies to arrive at a final solution. These strategies included the identification of the
problem, finding the causes of the problem and effects of the problem on the pupils under
The research instruments used were questionnaires, interviews, test and observation. The
problem the researcher observes is that pupils' attendance to school in their register
The researcher addressed the problem by finding out the causes and effect of the problem
and made some possible recommendations to help address the issue as it affected the
pupils concerned.
5.4 Recommendations
It is a fact that society is dynamic. Things keep on changing day in and day out, and the
fact that this study will be expected to face future challenges; the researcher provides the
following recommendations:
i. Apart from the interventions activities used by the researcher in the study,
in education.
ii. Future researchers could organize public campaigns to sensitize parents and
iii. Also, the researcher recommends the need for head teachers to organize
absenteeism on their wards, so that they (parents and guardians) will desist
iv. Then also, the school authorities must be noted that an unexplained
v. absence from school that goes on long than or three days should be
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Questionnaire for parents on causes and effect of Absenteeism from school of Kaladan
E/P Junior High School 1. Any information obtained will be kept secret and confidential.
Tick like this ( ) where appropriate and responses in the spaces provided.
(ii) If yes, state the measures you have taken to curb the situation.
2. (i) Have you been engaging your child during school hours?
(ii) If yes then state what you engage him/her during school hours
3. (i) Does your ward have any illness that prevents him / her from attending school
(ii) If yes, what illness?
5. (i) Are there any marital problems you encounter that impede your ward’s regular
attendance to school?
Questionnaire for pupils on causes and effects of Absenteeism from school of Kaladan E/P
Junior High School 1. Any information obtained will be kept secret and confidential. Tick
2. (i) Do you roam with colleagues when you are absent from school?
3. Do you have any reason about your teacher that prevents you from going regularly?
4. (i) Do you have any illness that prevent you from attending school regularly?