Ametek Land Portable Flue Gas Application Note Rev 1 en
Ametek Land Portable Flue Gas Application Note Rev 1 en
Ametek Land Portable Flue Gas Application Note Rev 1 en
Measuring flue gases – the exhaust gases produced when fuel or other materials are burned in industrial
plants or power stations – is important for process control, efficiency and emissions monitoring.
As the most accurate, robust and flexible portable flue gas analyser available today, AMETEK Land’s
Lancom 4 provides an ideal solution for industries burning coal, natural gas, oil or biomass, including
power generation, steel, glass and cement manufacturing.
A compact, portable multi-gas analyser, It can be configured for a wide range Powered by a long-life, eight-hour
AMETEK Land’s Lancom 4 is capable of applications to ensure full optimum battery charge, the Lancom 4 can be
of measuring up to eight flue gases combustion conditions and compliance started up and ready to measure within
simultaneously, with nine separate with emissions requirements. minutes. It is supported by automatic
sensors, in a range of combustion and zero calibration and continuous system
Easy to maintain and service, the
emission processes. diagnostics to maintain excellent
analyser is customisable to specific
analytical performance throughout its
All the major flue gases are monitored, measurements and process stream
using a combination of sensor types conditions. A resilient stainless steel
– electrochemical (for O2, CO, SO2, NO, probe extracts the gas sample while Robust and lightweight, the Lancom 4
NO2 and H2S), infrared (for CO2) and real-time processing techniques is easy to transport and use, and can
pellistor/catalytic (for hydrocarbon). produce highly accurate combustion be upgraded in the field with a simple
and emissions calculations. configuration file installation.
The Lancom 4 is simple to set up
within minutes and is easy to operate, The standard probe is suitable for most
providing highly accurate spot and applications and is available in lengths
semi-continuous gas testing. ranging from 0.3m (1 ft) to 3m (10 ft).
Monitors up to 17 combustion parameters One instrument meets all measurement requirements
High-quality colour display Easy to carry around and operate
USB communications support Multiple menu languages available
Robust, lightweight portable design Configurable to ideally match application needs
Large data-log memory Add features and options when required
Hydrocarbons (CxHy)
The Lancom 4 supports combustion efficiency measurements for flue gases in the stack or duct for a wide range of
applications, including:
Many industrial sites are required to demonstrate compliance One example is reciprocating engines, which are often used
with air pollution regulations. For smaller processes, it is to power electricity generators in remote locations and as
often uneconomic and unnecessary to use a continuous back-up power generators for small communities. Engines
emissions monitoring system (CEMS). in the 100 kW to 6 MW range may be subject to emissions
regulations, but usually do not require a CEMS.
The Lancom 4 analyser is ideally suited to the periodic testing
of emissions. Being portable, a single analyser can be used Emissions measurements are also needed in the glass
to measure emissions at different points in a process, or from industry. This monitoring often has to be performed at
different processes altogether. several different measurement points, so a portable solution
is cost-effective.
It meets a number of test protocols, including ASTM D6522
for nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide and oxygen A special high-temperature probe is available for such
concentrations. It can also monitor species not commonly applications, and an ultrafine external filter removes
measured by CEMS, such as hydrocarbons and selenium fumes which can cause a blockage within
hydrogen sulphide. the analyser.
Using the Lancom 4 is not a substitute for CEMS; however, The range of sample probes available enhance the
it offers a flexible solution for processes that do not require flexibility of the Lancom 4 by increasing its suitability for
continuous monitoring but must still comply with measurements in different processes and environments.
emissions regulations.
On power utility boilers, fixed flue gas analysers are and service providers since it allows a quick check of the
used to monitor gases for combustion efficiency and measurements from a fixed system.
emissions. The portable Lancom 4 analyser is a useful tool In some regions, a portable analyser can be used as
for checking the performance of fixed flue gas analysers a back-up in case the CEMS installation fails. The
used to monitor gases on power utility boilers. This semi-continuous “wake-and-sleep” function is essential in
makes it an ideal maintenance tool for CEMS operators these applications.
Oil and gas pumping plants are essential to ensure fuel flow over long distances.
While these plants are typically small and remotely located, regular emissions
checks are required. A portable solution such as the Lancom 4 is ideal for these
periodic checks.
To provide steam, paper mills have large boiler houses, with emissions
monitoring often required on a shift basis. The Lancom 4 provides an economic
solution to this, and allows the opportunity to trim boiler controls for maximum
efficiency and lower fuel costs.
Melting materials for glass production requires a large refractory tank with
regenerator burner arrangement. Lancom 4 analysers are widely used to monitor
emissions to optimise combustion efficiency and reduce emissions of pollution.
Because of the extreme temperatures involved, thermal NOx production is an
important consideration for glass processes.
A Lancom 4 with high temperature probe can check NOx levels in rotary kiln
exhaust gases. Cement production can also generate high CO levels which, are
an indication of poor combustion conditions. In addition, stack emissions can be
monitored and fixed installations verified by the Lancom 4.
Our in-house service centres provide after-sales services to ensure you get the
best performance from your system. This includes technical support, certification,
calibration, commissioning, repairs, servicing, preventative maintenance and
training. Our highly trained technicians can also attend your site to cover planned
maintenance schedules and repair emergency breakdowns.
Lancom 4
A portable flue gas
analyser featuring up to
nine sensors for emissions
measurement and
combustion optimisation.
W W W. L A N C O M 4 . C O M
MARCOM0530 Portable Flue Gas Applications Rev 1 Copyright © 2008-19 LAND Instruments International. Continuous product development may make it necessary to change these details without notice.