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General Specifications: IR200 Ndir Type Infrared Gas Analyzer

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General IR200

GS 11G02M01-01E

The IR200 Infrared gas analyzer is capable of measuring

the concentrations of CO2, CO, CH4, SO2 and O2 compo-
nents in sample gas.
CO2, CO, CH4 and SO2 are measured by non-dispersion
infrared method (NDIR), while O2 is measured by
paramagnetic or zirconia method. A maximum of 4
components including O2 (max. 3 components except for
O2 measurement) are simultaneously measurable.
A high-sensitivity mass flow sensor is adopted in the
detection block for the infrared method. Due to use of
single beam system for measurement, maintenance is
easy and an excellent stability is ensured for a long
period of time. In addition, a microprocessor is built in
and a large-size liquid crystal display is equipped for • Besides, a rich variety of functions are provided
easier operation, higher accuracy and more functions. including remote range input, range discrimination
signal output, output signal holding and upper/lower
This analyzer is thus optimum for combustion control of
limit alarm.
various industrial furnaces, botanical study and global
atmospheric research.
■ FEATURES Standard Specifications
1. Simultaneous measurement of 4 components including Principle of measurement:
O2 CO2, CO, CH4 and SO2;
A maximum of 4 components are simultaneously Non-dispersion infrared-ray absorption
measurable; method
O2 and three components selected from among CO2, Single light source and single beam (single
CO, CH4 and SO2. beam system)
Measured values can be indicated through signal input O2 ; Paramagnetic method (O2 sensor built in)
from an externally installed O2 analyzer. or zirconia sensor method (O2 sensor
2. Excellent in long-term stability externally installed)
The original optics (measurement block) minimizes drift Measurable gas components and measuring range:
particularly due to contamination of a measuring cell, so
an excellent stability is ensured for a long period of Minimum range Maximam range
time. CO2 0 – 500 ppm 0 – 100 vol%
3. Subdued interference from other gas components CO 0 – 200 ppm 0 – 100 vol%
Interference from other gas components is insignificant, CH4 0 – 1000 ppm 0 – 100 vol%
because the detector is a serial dual-layer type SO2 0 – 1000 ppm 0 – 5000 ppm
transmission detector. O2
0 – 5 vol% 0 – 100 vol%
4. Easy maintenance (built in)
Because of single-beam system the measurement O2
0 – 5 vol% 0 – 25 vol%
block is simple with no need for optical balance (External Zirconia)
adjustment. T01.EPS

Therefore, maintenance is easy.

• Max. 4 components measurement including O2.
5. Easy to operate
• 1 or 2 measuring range per component.
Operation can be carried out smoothly in an interactive
• Measuring range ratio  1:5 (O2 except built in O2)
way through a large-size liquid crystal display.
 1:20 (built in O2, infrared gas
6. Abundant functions
• Zero point and span can be accurately calibrated just
Max.4 components and 2 ranges are
by pressing the calibration keys.
selectable including an O2 measurement.
Further, the analyzer is settable so as to carry out
For measurable components and possible
automatic calibration periodically.
combinations of measuring ranges, refer to
• An error will be detected by self-diagnostic function
Tables 1 to 6.
and indicated by error message.

Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 11G02M01-01E

2-9-32, Nakacho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo, 180-8750 Japan ©Copyright June 2002
Tel.: 81-422-52-6339 Fax.: 81-422-52-6316 1st Edition June 2002
3rd Edition Nov. 2004
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 2
Measured value indication: condensing
Digital indication in 4 digits (LCD with CFL Storage conditions:
back light) Ambient temperature; –20°C to 60°C
• Instantaneous value of each component Ambient humidity; 90% RH max.noncondensing
• Instantaneous value after O2 correction Dimensions (H  W  D):
(only in CO, SO2 measurement with O2) 19-inch rack mounting type;
• Average value after O2 correction (only in 177  483  493 mm
CO, SO2 measurement with O2) Weight: Approx. 10 kg
• O2 average value Finish color: Front panel; Off-white (Munsell 10Y7.5/
Analog output signals: 0.5 or equivalent)
4 to 20 mA DC or 0 to 1 V DC, non- Casing; Steel-blue
isolated output. Enclosure: Steel casing, for indoor use
Analog output corresponds to measured Material of gas-contacting parts:
value indication in 1:1. Gas inlet/outlet; SUS304
Permissible load; Sample cell; SUS304/neoprene rubber
550 max. for 4 to 20 mA DC Infrared-ray transmitting window; CaF2
100k min. for 0 to 1 V DC Internal tubing; Toaron tube
* Refer to Table 7, for the channel No. of Gas inlet/outlet: Rc1/4 or 1/4NPT internal thread
displayed values pand analog output Purge gas flow rate:
signals. 1 L/min (when required)
Analog input signal: Installation Altitude: 2000 m or less
For signal input from externally installed O2 Safety and EMC confirming standards:
sensor. Safety; EN61010-1: 2001
Signal requirement; Pollution degree 2
(1) Signal from YOKOGAWA’s Zirconia O2 Installation category II
sensor (Model: ZX8D Style C) EMC; EN61326: 1997 +A1: 1998
(2) 0 to 1V DC from an O2 sensor +A2: 2001 Class A
Input section is not isolated. This feature EN61000-3-2: 2000
is effective when an O2 sensor is not EN61000-3-3: 1995 +A1: 2001
built in.
* Externally installed O2 sensor should be Standard Functions
purchased separately. Output signal holding:
Relay contact output: Output signals are held during manual and
1a contact (250 V AC/2 A, resistive load) auto calibrations by activation of holding
Instrument error, calibration error, range (turning on its setting).
discrimination, auto calibration status, The values to be held are the ones just
solenoid valve drive for auto calibration, before start calibration mode.
pump ON/FF. Indication values will not be held.
1c contact (250 V AC/2 A, resistive load) Remote output holding:
Upper/lower alarm contact output. Output signal is held at the latest value by
Peak count alarm contact output. short-circuiting the remote output holding
* All relay contacts are isolated mutually input terminals.
and from the internal circuit. Holding is maintained while the terminals
are short-circuited. Indication values will
Contact input: Non-voltage contact (ON/0 V, OFF/5 V
not be held.
DC, 5 mA flowing at ON)
Remote range changeover:
Remote range changeover, auto
Measuring range can be changed
calibration remote start, remote holding,
according to an external signal when
average value resetting
remote range changeover input is
Isolated from the internal circuit with a
photocoupler. Contact inputs are not
Changeover is effective only when remote
isolated from one another.
range setting is turned on. In this case,
* Only M3.5 screw terminals are used for all signal inputs
measuring range cannot be changed
and outputs.
Power supply: Voltage rating ;100 V AC to 240 V AC
When the contact input terminals for each
Allowable range; 85 to 264 V AC
component are short-circuited, the first
Frequency ; 50 Hz / 60 Hz
range is selected, and it is changed over to
Power consumption; 70 VA max.
the second range when the terminals are
Inlet ; Conform to EN60320
Protection Class 1
Range identification signal:
Operating conditions:
The present measuring range is identified
Ambient temperature; –5°C to 45°C
by a contact signal.
Ambient humidity; 90% RH max, non-

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2002, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 11G02M01-01E 3rd Edition Nov.25, 2004-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 3
The contact output terminals for each isreached.
component are short-circuited when the Contacts close when the instantaneous
first range is selected, and when the value of each component becomes larger
second range is selected, the terminals are than the upper alarm limit value or smaller
open. than the lower alarm limit value.
Auto calibration: Instrument error contact output:
Auto calibration is carried out periodically Contacts close at occurrence of analyzer
at the preset cycle. error No. 1, 3 or 10.
When a standard gas cylinder for calibra- Calibration error contact output:
tion and a solenoid valve for opening / Contacts close at occurrence of manual or
closing the gas flow line are prepared auto calibration error (any of errors No.4 to
externally by the customer, calibration will 9).
be-carried out with the solenoid valve drive Auto calibration status contact outputs:
contacts for zero calibration and each span Contacts close during auto calibration
calibration turned on/off sequentially at the Pump ON/OFF contact output:
set auto calibration timing. During measurement, this contact close.
Auto calibration cycle setting: While calibration gas is flowing, this
Auto calibration cycle is set. contact open. This contact is connected in
Setting is variable within 1 to 99 hours power supply of pump, and stop the
(in increments of 1 hour) or 1 to 40 days sample gas while calibration gas flowing.
(in increments of 1 day).
Gas flow time setting: Optional Functions
The time for flowing each calibration gas in O2 correction: Conversion of measured CO and SO2
auto calibration is set. gasconcentrations into values at standard
Settable within 60 to 599 seconds (in O2 concentration
increments of 1 second)
21 – On
Auto calibration remote start: Correction formula: C =  Cs
Auto calibration is carried out only once 21 – Os
according to an external input signal.
Calibration sequence is settable in the C : Sample gas concentration after O2
same way as the cyclic auto calibration. correction
Calibration starts by opening the auto Cs: Measured concentration of sample gas
calibration remote start input terminals Os: Measured O2 concentration
after short-circuiting for 1.5 seconds or On:Standard O2 concentration (value
longer. Auto calibration is started when the changeable by setting)
contacts open. * The upper limit value of the fractional part
Auto zero calibration: in this calculation is 4.
Auto zero caliblation is carried out The result of calculation is indicated and
periodically at the preset cycle. output in an analog output signal.
This cycle is independent on “Auto Average value after O2 correction and O2 average value
calibration” cycle. calculation:
When zero calibration gas and solenoid The result of O2 correction or instanta-
valve for opening/closing the calibration neous O2 value can be output as an
gas flow line are prepared externally by the average value in the determined period of
customer, zero calibration will be carried time.
out with the solenoid valve drive contact sed for averaging is the moving average
for zero caliblation turned on/off at the set method in which sampling is carried out at
auto zero calibration timing. intervals of 30 seconds.
Auto zero calibration cycle setting: (Output is updated every 30 seconds. It is
Auto zero calibration cycle is set. the average value in the determined period
Setting is variable within 1 to 99 hours (in of time just before the latest updating.)
increments of 1 hour) or setting is variable Averaging time is settable within 1 to 59
within 1 to 40 days (in increments of 1 minutes (in increments of 1 minute) or 1 to
day). 4 hours (in increments of 1 hour).
Gas flow time setting: Average value resetting:
The timing for flowing zero gas in auto The above-mentioned output of average
zero calibration it set. value is started from the initial state by
Settable 60 to 599 seconds (in increments opening the average value resetting input
of 1 second) terminals after short-circuiting for 1.5
Upper/lower limit alarm: seconds or longer.
Alarm contact output turns on when the Output is reset by short-circuiting and
preset upper or lower limit alarm value restarted by opening.

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2002, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 11G02M01-01E 3rd Edition Nov.25, 2004-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 4
CO concentration peak count alarm: Standard Requirements for Sample Gas
(added only for CO/O2 measurement) Flow rate: 1 L / min ± 0.5 L / min
Alarm output turns on according to the Temperature: 0 to 50°C
preset concentration and count. Pressure: 10 kPa or less (Gas outlet side should
Whenever the instantaneous value of CO beopen to the atmospheric air.)
exceeds the preset concentration value, Dust: 100 µg/Nm3 or less in particle size of 0.3
count increments. If the count exceeds the µm or less
preset value in one hour, the alarm Mist: Unallowable
contacts close. Moisture: Below a level where saturation occurs at
Communication function: room temperature (condensation
RS-232C (9pins D-sub) unallowable).
Half-duplex bit serial Below a level to cause saturation at 2°C
Start-stop synchronization for CO measurement with 0 to 200 ppm
ModbusTM protocol range and SO2 measurement.
Contents: Read/Write parameters Corrosive component:
Read measurement HCl 1 ppm or less
concentration and instrument Standard gas for calibration:
status Zero gas; Dry N2
Remark: When connecting via RS-485 Span gas; Each sample gas having
interface, a RS-232C ÷ RS-485 concentration 90 to 100% of its
converter should be used. measuring range
Gas beyond concentration
Characteristics 100% is unusable.
Repeatability : ±0.5% of full scale In case a zirconia O2 analyzer is installed
Linearity : ±1% of full scale externally and calibration is carried out on
Zero drift : ±2% of full scale/week the same calibration gas line:
Span drift : ±2% of full scale/week Zero gas; Dry air or atmospheric air
Response time: (provided without CO2 sensor)
(for 90% FS response) Span gas; For other than O2 measurement,
1 or 2 component measurement; each sample gas having
Within 15 seconds including replacement concentration 90 to 100% of its
time of sample gas measuring range
More than 3 components measurement; For O2 measurement, O2 gas of
Within 30 seconds including replacement 1 to 2 vol%
time of sample gas It is understood to influence the calibration model of
the infrared gas analyzer when a lot of H2, He, and
Ar are included in the measurement gas (pressure
Interference from other gases: broadening). The span gas must use a gas near the
composition of the measurement gas when you
Interference CO2 CO CH4 SO2 O2 measure the gas like the above-mentioned.
component analyzer analyzer analyzer analyzer analyzer (*1)
CO 1000 ppm  1%FS ——  1%FS  1%FS ——
 1%FS Installation Requirements
CO2 15% for 200 ppm  1%FS  1%FS  2% FS
—— • Indoor use (Select a place where the equipment does
 2.5%FS not receive direct sunlight, draft/rain or radiation from hot
 1%FS substances. If such a place cannot be found, a roof or
H2O saturation for 500 ppm cover should be prepared for protection.)
at 20ßC  1%FS  1%FS —— ——
analyzer, • Avoide a place where receives heavy vibration
• Select a place where atmospheric air is clean
H2O saturation  2.5%FS
at 2ßC —— for 200 ppm ——  5%FS ——
CH4 1000 ppm  1%FS  1%FS ——  5%FS ——
(*1) Built-in paramagnetic O2 Analyzer.

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2002, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 11G02M01-01E 3rd Edition Nov.25, 2004-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 5
Principle diagram of NDIR type measurement (For CO2, CO, CH4, SO2)

Front expansion chamber

Gas inlet Gas outlet

light source
Rear expansion


Mass flow
Motor Measuring cell sensor

Chopper Preamplifier

Indication processing
and calculation
Output F01.EPS

Principle diagram of paramagnetic type measurement (For O2)


Gas inlet Measuring

Magnetic field

Gas outlet




Signal processing
and calculation block


All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2002, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 11G02M01-01E 3rd Edition Nov.25, 2004-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 6
Example configuration of sampling system including analyzer

10 Secondary
filter Gas External Exhaust
1 Primary filter analyzer (atmospheric
Sample O2 analyzer
7 4-way selector (IR200) pressure)
gas inlet 3 Aspirator cock

9 Flowmeter * A dehumidifier must always be used for a 0 to

* * 4 Peltier 200 ppm CO analyzer and SO2 analyzer (to
gas cooler prevent saturation at 2°C).
2 Safety For measurement of other gases, a drain pot
drain anddehumidifier should be installed if moisture
trap 5 Drain 8 content in gas is much or condensation may
pot occur.
Standard gas Standard gas for
Drain 6 Ball valve for zero calibration span calibration F03.EPS

(The above figure shows a general configuration example. Details may vary with sample gas. So contact YOKOGAWA.)

List of sampling devices

No. Device name Description

1 Primary filter (mist filter) Dust and mist in the sample gas are removed
2 Safety drain trap The separation and the exhaust operation of the drain in the sample gas are done
3 Aspirator For aspiration of sample gas
4 Peltier gas cooler Dries the moisture in sample gas
5 Drain pot The moisture dehumidified from the electronic dehumidification machine is straightened
6 Ball valve For drain exhaust
7 4-way selector cock For the calibration gas introduction
Standard gas for calibration zero and span of analyzer
8 Standard gas for calibration
Should be used according to the measurement components
9 Flowmeter The flowing quantity of the sample gas is adjusted, and observed
10 Secondary filter (membrane filter) Minute dust is removed with the filter

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2002, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 11G02M01-01E 3rd Edition Nov.25, 2004-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 7

[Style: S2]
Model Suffix code Option code Description
IR200 Infrared Gas Analyzer 19-inch rack mounting type with slide rail
Measurable -A SO2
component -B CO
-C CO2
-D CH4
-F CO2 + CO
-G CH4 + CO
-H CO2 + CH4
-J CO2 + CO + CH4
O2 Analyzer N Not Available
1 External zirconia type O2 sensor
(Separately order: ZX8D Style C) (note 7)
2 External O2 Analyzer (note 1)
3 Built-in paramagnetic type O2 Sensor
A 0—200 ppm (note 3)
1st Component
B 0—500 ppm (note 4)
1st Range
C 0—1000 ppm
(note 2)
D 0—2000 ppm
E 0—2500 ppm
F 0—5000 ppm
G 0—1%
H 0—2%
J 0—3%
K 0—5%
L 0—10%
M 0—20%
P 0—25%
Q 0—40%
R 0—50%
S 0—70%
T 0—100%

1st Component B 0—500 ppm

2nd Range C 0—1000 ppm
(note 2) D 0—2000 ppm
E 0—2500 ppm
F 0—5000 ppm
G 0—1%
H 0—2%
K 0—5%
L 0—10%
M 0—20%
P 0—25%
R 0—50%
T 0—100%
N Not Available
2nd Component B 0—500 ppm
1st Range C 0—1000 ppm
(note 2) D 0—2000 ppm
E 0—2500 ppm
F 0—5000 ppm
G 0—1%
H 0—2%
J 0—3%
K 0—5%
L 0—10%
M 0—20%
P 0—25%
Q 0—40%
R 0—50%
S 0—70%
T 0—100%
N Not Available

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2002, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 11G02M01-01E 3rd Edition Nov.25, 2004-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 8

2nd Component C 0—1000 ppm

2nd Range D 0—2000 ppm
(note 2) E 0—2500 ppm
F 0—5000 ppm
G 0—1%
H 0—2%
K 0—5%
L 0—10%
M 0—20%
P 0—25%
R 0—50%
T 0—100%
N Not Available
3rd Component B 0—500 ppm
1st Range C 0—1000 ppm
(note 2) D 0—2000 ppm
E 0—2500 ppm
F 0—5000 ppm
G 0—1%
H 0—2%
J 0—3%
K 0—5%
L 0—10%
M 0—20%
P 0—25%
Q 0—40%
R 0—50%
S 0—70%
T 0—100%
N Not Available
3rd Component C 0—1000 ppm
2nd Range D 0—2000 ppm
(note 2) E 0—2500 ppm
F 0—5000 ppm
G 0—1%
H 0—2%
K 0—5%
L 0—10%
M 0—20%
P 0—25%
R 0—50%
T 0—100%
N Not Available

O2 Analyzer 1 0—5%
1st Range 2 0—10%
(note 2) 3 0—25%
4 0—50%
5 0—100%
N Not Available
O2 Analyzer 2 0—10%
2nd Range 3 0—25%
(note 2) 4 0—50%
5 0—100%
N Not Available
Output -4 4—20 mA DC non-isolation
-1 0—1 V DC non-isolation
Piping R Rc 1/4
T 1/4 NPT
Indication, Power Cable (note 6) J Japanese, Power Cable; rated voltage 125 V AC
E English, Power Cable; rated voltage 125 V AC (UL)
U English, Power Cable; rated voltage 250 V AC (CEE)

Option O2 Correction and O2 Avarage /K With O2 correction and O2 average value

(note5) /A With peak count alarm (CO gas Only)
Communication /C RS232C (note 8)
Internal Purge /P Analyzer internal purging
(note 1) External O2 sensor signal should be 0-1 V DC linear of full scale.
(note 2) Allowable combinations of ranges are specified in the table (1) to (6).

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2002, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 11G02M01-01E 3rd Edition Nov.25, 2004-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 9
(note 3) Allowed only for CO analyzer (sigle component analyzer only).
(note 4) Allowed only for CO and CO2 analyzers.
(note 5) O2 correction is carried out for CO and SO2. At the same time, average value output after O2 correction and O2
average value are added. -Peak count alarm is carried out for CO.
(note 6) “E“ and “U“ means in English indication, but differ in attached power supply cable (rating and plug type).
Select according to operating power supply voltage.
The plug type of cable is “North American type“ when “E“ is specified, “European type“ when “U“ is specified.
(note 7) CE Marking (pending)
(note 8) Used with ModbusTM communication. Select “/C”.

Measurable component and range - availability check table -

Table 1: Single-component analyzer (CO2, CO, CH4 or SO2)

2nd range B C D E F G H K L M R T
1st range 0 to 500ppm 0 to 1000ppm 0 to 2000ppm 0 to 2500ppm 0 to 5000ppm 0 to 1% 0 to 2% 0 to 5% 0 to 10% 0 to 20% 0 to 50% 0 to 100%
A 0 to 200ppm ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– –––
B 0 to 500ppm ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– –––
C 0 to 1000ppm ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– –––
D 0 to 2000ppm ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– –––
E 0 to 2500ppm ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– –––
F 0 to 5000ppm ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– –––
G 0 to 1% ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– –––
H 0 to 2% ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– –––
J 0 to 3% ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– –––
K 0 to 5% ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– –––
L 0 to 10% ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– –––
M 0 to 20% ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– –––
Q 0 to 40% ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– –––
R 0 to 50% ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– –––
S 0 to 70% ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– –––
T 0 to 100% ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– –––
: CO2 analyzer measurable range : CO analyzer measurable range
: CH4 analyzer measurable range : SO2 analyzer measurable range
*Note) Single range is also available.

Table 2: Double-component analyzer (CO2 and CO)

2nd component (CO), 1st range CO

1st component B C D E F G H K L M P R T
(CO2), 1st range 0 to 500ppm 0 to 1000ppm 0 to 2000ppm 0 to 2500ppm 0 to 5000ppm 0 to 1% 0 to 2% 0 to 5% 0 to 10% 0 to 20% 0 to 25% 0 to 50% 0 to 100%
F 0 to 5000ppm –––
G 0 to 1%
H 0 to 2%
K 0 to 5%
L 0 to 10%
M 0 to 20%
R 0 to 50% –––
T 0 to 100% –––
: Available as single range, : 2 ranges of 2 and 2.5 times each range available

Table 3: Double-component analyzer (CH4 and CO)

2nd component (CO), 1st range CO

1st component B C D E F G H K L M P R T
(CH4),1st range 0 to 500ppm 0 to 1000ppm 0 to 2000ppm 0 to 2500ppm 0 to 5000ppm 0 to 1% 0 to 2% 0 to 5% 0 to 10% 0 to 20% 0 to 25% 0 to 50% 0 to 100%
F 0 to 5000ppm ––– ––– –––
G 0 to 1% –––
H 0 to 2%
K 0 to 5%
L 0 to 10%
M 0 to 20% ––– –––
R 0 to 50% ––– ––– ––– –––
T 0 to 100% ––– ––– ––– ––– –––
: Available as single range, : 2 ranges of 2 and 2.5 times each range available

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2002, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 11G02M01-01E 3rd Edition Nov.25, 2004-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 10
Table 4: Double-component analyzer (CO2 and CH4)

2nd component (CH4), 1st range CH4

1st component C D E F G H K L M P R T
(CO2),1st range 0 to 1000ppm 0 to 2000ppm 0 to 2500ppm 0 to 5000ppm 0 to 1% 0 to 2% 0 to 5% 0 to 10% 0 to 20% 0 to 25% 0 to 50% 0 to 100%
D 0 to 2000ppm ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– –––
E 0 to 2500ppm ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– –––
F 0 to 5000ppm ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– –––
G 0 to 1% ––– –––
CO2 H 0 to 2% –––
K 0 to 5%
L 0 to 10%
M 0 to 20%
R 0 to 50% –––
T 0 to 100% –––
: Available as single range, : 2 ranges of 2 and 2.5 times each range available

Table 5: Triple-component analyzer (CO2, CO and CH4) .......... Covered table 2, table 3 and table 4.

Table 6: O2 analyzer

2nd range 2 3 4 5
1st range 0 to 10% 0 to 25% 0 to 50% 0 to 100%
1 0 to 5% –––
2 0 to 10% –––
3 0 to 25% ––– –––
4 0 to 50% ––– ––– –––
5 0 to 100% ––– ––– –––
: Built-in O2 analyzer measurable range,
: External zirconia type O2 analyzer measurable range
*O2 analyzer is selectable indifferently to combination with
other components.
External zirconia type O2 analyzer is assumed to be YOKOGAWA’s model ZX8D Style C.

Table 7: Channel No. – Indication, output component correspondence

 $)(# ''
 " "- 
."" #
& '(# 

 "     * + ,

)" " "#$% 





   !   !
   !   !
   !   !
   !   !
   !   !
* Study of table
When CH1 shows SO2, it means that the display and output of CH1 correspond to the component of SO2.
The “correct” means O2 corretion.
The “av.” means average value.

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2002, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 11G02M01-01E 3rd Edition Nov.25, 2004-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 11


500 max


M4 (for slide rail)

Power Switch







Switch for Back Light

Purge gas inlet Rc1/4 or 1/4NPT

429 Sample gas outlet Rc1/4 or 1/4NPT

Sample gas inlet Rc1/4 or 1/4NPT


RS232C Terminal Terminal Terminal AC inlet (100 V to 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz)
connector block 1 block 3 block 5 F04.EPS

Terminal Terminal
block 2 block 4

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2002, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 11G02M01-01E 3rd Edition Nov.25, 2004-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 12
Model : 305A-20/Accuride International Inc.


Cabinet member 530±3

The same or less
(22.7) (9.5) Open
Drawer member
1.27t 15.9±0.5


12.7±0.3 4.5  5.3 4.5  5.3


19.1±0.3 505.0±0.8 F05.EPS

Reinforcement plate

19-inch rack mounting method:

The mass of the instrument should be supported at the bottom of the unit (or the side of the unit when mounted with the
slide rails).
Also, for facilitate maintenance, a structure which allows extraction of the main unit by using the slide rail is recommended.

Slide rail mounted type Guide rail mounted type

Rack size Rack size



450 or more 450 or more

465 465

Mounting diagram Mounting diagram

Slide rails Guide rails

Guide rails
For the guide rail mounted type, a maintenance
space (200mm or more) should be provided on
the main unit.

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2002, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 11G02M01-01E 3rd Edition Nov.25, 2004-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 13
Terminal block 1 Terminal block 2
<TN1> <TN2>
CH5 output – 1 11 * O2 sensor input – 1 11
Unassigned Unassigned
(CH5_OUT) + 2 12 (O2_IN) + 2 12

CH4 output – 3 13 3 13 CH4 remote range

Unassigned Unassigned changeover input
(CH4_OUT) + 4 14 4 14 (R_RNG_CH4)

CH3 output – 5 15 – CH8 output 5 15 CH3 remote range

Unassigned changeover input
(CH3_OUT) + 6 16
+ (CH8_OUT)
6 16 (R_RNG_CH3)
7 17 7 17 CH2 remote range
CH2 output – – CH7 output Unassigned changeover input
(CH2_OUT) + 8 18
+ (CH7_OUT)
8 18 (R_RNG_CH2)

CH1 output – 9 19 9 19 CH1 remote range

– CH6 output Unassigned changeover input
(CH1_OUT) + 10 20
+ (CH6_OUT)
10 20 (R_RNG_CH1)
(M3.5 screw) (M3.5 screw)

Terminal block 3 Terminal block 4

<TN3> <TN4>
1 11 Contact output for CH4 1 11
Unassigned Instrument error span calibration Unassigned
2 12 (FAULT) (SPAN_CH4) 2 12
3 13 Contact output for CH3 3 13
Unassigned CH4 range identification Auto calibration status contact
span calibration
4 14 signal output (RNG_IDCH4) (SPAN_CH3) 4 14 output (ACAL)

5 15 Contact output for CH2 5 15 Calibration error

Remote hold input CH3 range identification span calibration contact output
(R_HOLD) 6 16 signal output (RNG_IDCH3) (SPAN_CH2) 6 16 (CAL_ALM)
7 17 Contact output for CH1 7 17
Average value reset CH2 range identification span calibration Pump ON/OFF contact
input (RESET) signal output (RNG_IDCH2) output (PUMP)
8 18 (SPAN_CH1) 8 18
Auto calibration 9 19 Contact output for 9 19
CH1 range identification zero calibration Unassigned
remote start
input (R_CAL) 10 20 signal output (RNG_IDCH1) (ZERO) 10 20
(M3.5 screw) (M3.5 screw)

Terminal block 5
Unassigned 1 11
*O2 sensor input is used when an external O2 analyzer is selected.
2 12
CH3 alarm output Unassigned Note) Unassigned terminals are used for internal connection.
(ALM_CH3) 3 13 So they should not be used as repeating terminals either.
4 14
5 15
CH2 alarm output Peak count alarm
(ALM_CH2) 6 16 output (PEAK_ALM)
7 17
8 18
CH1 alarm output CH4 alarm output
(ALM_CH1) 9 19 (ALM_CH4)
10 20
(M3.5 screw)


No. Name PARTS No. Qty Description

1 Power cable K9218RA 1 standard inlet type 2 m
replacement fuse 250 V, (note) Content of specifications is content of one part. That is, if
2 Fuse K9218RB 2 K9218RC is ordered, it becomes one rail.
1 A AC, delay type
Two K9218RC attaches as a standard accessory. That is, two
3 Slide rail K9218RC 2 slide rail rails are attached.

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2002, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 11G02M01-01E 3rd Edition Nov.25, 2004-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 14
Exclusive Zirconia O2 Sensor (to be purchased Gas inlet/outlet size:
separately) Rc1/4
For O2 correction, the gas analyzer IR200 can accept Power supply: 90 to 126 V AC or 200 to 240 V AC, 50/
linealized 0 to 1 V DC signal coming from analyzer 60 Hz
calibrated 0 to 25% O2 full scale. If the analyzer is not Enclosure: Steel casing, for indoor application
available, YOKOGAWA can supply exclusive Zirconia O2 Indication: Temperature indication (LED)
sensor Model ZX8D. Temperature alarm output:
Measuring method: Zirconia system Contact output 1a contact,
Measurable component and measuring range: Contact capacity 220 V AC, 1 A (resistive
Measurable compoment Minimum range Maximum range Dimensions (H x W x D):
O2 Oxygen 0 to 5 vol% 0 to 25 vol% 140  170  190 mm
Weight: Approx. 3 kg
Finish color: Munsell 5Y 7/1
Repeatability: Within ±0.5% of full scale
Linearity: Within ±1% of full scale
Zero drift: Within ±1% of full scale/week Exclusive Zirconia O2 Sensor
Span drift: Within ±2% of full scale/week
Model Suffix code Option code Description
Response time: Approx. 20 seconds (for 90% response)
ZX8D Excllusive Zirconia O2 Sensor
Measured gas flow rate: 0.5 ±0.25 L / min
Remark: The Zirconia system, due to its Power —5 90 to 126 V AC, 50/60 Hz
supply —3 200 to 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz
principle, may produce a
measuring error due to relative Style code *C Style C (IR200, IR400)
concentration versus the CE Marking (pending) T13.EPS

combustible O2 gas concentra-

tion. Also, a corrosive gas (SO2 of
250 ppm or more, etc.) may affect
the life of the sensor.









POWER FUSE3A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

OFF + -

17 Gas inlet 172.3 Gas outlet



1 2 3 4 5 6 7

+ -

AC power supply E Output Temperature

50/60Hz to IR200 alarm

Caution on Safety
* Before using this product, be sure to read its instruction manual in advance.

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2002, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 11G02M01-01E 3rd Edition Nov.25, 2004-00
Inquiry Sheet for IR200 Infrared Gas Analyzer

Place a checkmark ✔ in the appropriate box and fill in the specific information in the blanks for your reference.
1. General Information
Company : Delivery destination :
Responsible person : Section : (Phone No. )
Plant name : Measurement location :
Purpose :  Indication reading,  Recording,  Telemeter transmission,  Alarm,  Control,  Other

2. Requirements
Measurable component: O2 Analyzer:
 SO2  Not available
 CO  External zirconia type sensor (use ZX8D Style C)
 CO2  External O2 Analyzer
 CH4  Built-in paramagnetic type O2 Sensor
 CO2 + CO
 CH4 + CO
 CO2 + CH4
 CO2 + CO + CH4

1st component, 1st range 1st component, 2nd range 2nd component, 1st range 2nd component, 2nd range
 0 – 200 ppm  0 – 500 ppm  0 – 500ppm  0 – 1000 ppm
 0 – 500 ppm  0 – 1000 ppm  0 – 1000 ppm  0 – 2000 ppm
 0 – 1000 ppm  0 – 2000 ppm  0 – 2000 ppm  0 – 2500 ppm
 0 – 2000 ppm  0 – 2500 ppm  0 – 2500 ppm  0 – 5000 ppm
 0 – 2500 ppm  0 – 5000 ppm  0 – 5000 ppm  0 – 1%
 0 – 5000 ppm  0 – 1%  0 – 1%  0 – 2%
 0 – 1%  0 – 2%  0 – 2%  0 – 5%
 0 – 2%  0 – 5%  0 – 3%  0 – 10%
 0 – 3%  0 – 10%  0 – 5%  0 – 20%
 0 – 5%  0 – 20%  0 – 10%  0 – 25%
 0 – 10%  0 – 25%  0 – 20%  0 – 50%
 0 – 20%  0 – 50%  0 – 25%  0 – 100%
 0 – 25%  0 – 100%  0 – 40%  Not available
 0 – 40%  Not available  0 – 50%
 0 – 50%  0 – 70%
 0 – 70%  0 – 100%
 0 – 100%  Not available

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2002, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 11G02M01-01E 3rd Edition Nov.25, 2004-00
3rd component, 1st range 3rd component, 2nd range O2 Analyzer, 1st range O2 Analyzer, 2nd range
 0 – 500 ppm  0 – 1000 ppm  0 – 5%  0 – 10%
 0 – 1000 ppm  0 – 2000 ppm  0 – 10%  0 – 25%
 0 – 2000 ppm  0 – 2500 ppm  0 – 25%  0 – 50%
 0 – 2500 ppm  0 – 5000 ppm  0 – 50%  0 – 100%
 0 – 5000 ppm  0 – 1%  0 – 100%  Not available
 0 – 1%  0 – 2%  Not available
 0 – 2%  0 – 5%
 0 – 3%  0 – 10%
 0 – 5%  0 – 20%
 0 – 10%  0 – 25%
 0 – 20%  0 – 50%
 0 – 25%  0 – 100%
 0 – 40%  Not available
 0 – 50%
 0 – 70%
 0 – 100%
 Not available

Output :  4 – 20 m A DC  DC 0 – 1 V  RS-232C
O2 Correction and O2 Average :  Yes  No
Peak count alarm :  Yes  No

3. Sample gas
Fuel :  Gas,  Oil,  Coal,  Refuse,  Other fuel
(1) Temperature : to , Normal temperature [°C]
(2) Pressure : to , Normal pressure [MPa]
(3) Humidity : [vol%]
(4) Dust : [mg/Nm3]
(5) Corrosive gas :  Yes  No

Composition (It is important, and fill in a detailed composition from the meaning which knows the influence of the
interference gas, please.)
Contents Concentration range
CO : to %  ppm
CO2 : to %  ppm
CH4 : to %  ppm
H2 : to %  ppm
O2 : to %  ppm
N2 : to %  ppm
SO2 : to %  ppm
H2O : to %  ppm
: to %  ppm
: to %  ppm

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2002, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 11G02M01-01E 3rd Edition Nov.25, 2004-00
Subject to change without notice.

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